November 9th 2021 Club Cubase Live Stream

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hello welcome to the november 9th 2021 club cubase live stream my name is uh greg undo i'm going to do a quick audio test and then we'll get started in just a couple moments bear with me just for a second hello and welcome to the november night okay so as i said my name is gregando i'll be the host for the live stream today i'm presenting from uh the united states outside of washington dc area in alexandria virginia if you have not attended a club cubase live stream before how it works is you could ask questions in the live chat field or submit questions in advance to club cubase at steinberg dot d so especially if it's a little more involved so that's always appreciated uh when asking questions realize that my ability to answer questions in a real-time manner i'll try to catch up to like the live stream but often the discussion will be well ahead i'll try to go through each of the questions chronologically uh and answer them as completely and succinctly as possible but uh if you don't get an immediate response to your question you know please wait and if we could refrain and try not to ask the same question repeatedly that would be helpful just that could kind of slow down the whole process a couple people want to thank um who help out with the club cubase community so we have two people that serve as moderators so we have jazz dude and agent k so they're not steinberg employees they're not official uh you know they just kind of do this uh you know they're not official steinberg employees they just kind of help out the community so kudos to them also if you wanted to find the topics that are covered in today's live stream you could go to the uh the comments field and pinned to the top with time stamps will be all the topics covered in today's live stream so you could look there but if you wanted to look through uh topics have been covered in previous live streams i think we're past 14 000 questions at this point since the pandemic started uh you could go to cubase and yan from stockholm has been kind enough to set that up it's a wonderful resource and another wonderful resource of information in addition to all of the steinberg official channels is going to be the cubase nation discord so uh and jazz do does a lot of work compiling information there so so with that um so i may be interrupted at some point you may hear my wife who's working directly above me as she's doing her work and my son may be getting home from school the last 30 minutes of the live stream i'll try to avoid any uh interruptions and keep those two minimal but let's go ahead and get started so we have a lot of people already online okay so the first question from joe kay i left the feature on to delete overlaps by accident and grouped my drum tracks for recording i didn't realize that it was losing all of my previous takes in the lanes uh can i restore those takes so let's go ahead and just take a look and so if we have delete overlaps sometimes when people are doing editing and this is a preference if you're not familiar with it if you go to the preferences and go to editing that you could enable delete overlaps so if we were doing editing let's say where we had a lot of different overlap so let's say okay if i come here and i've selected different takes and at this point i want to at this point to say as we do this that when we have no information or when audio is overlapping that it would get rid of the the unused area so we don't see it visually but i think that once you do this you know all that data even if it's not really visible is still there so depending on the situation you may be able to just kind of restore it so even if i wanted to come to the very top here we could just kind of restore uh you know different sections kind of just like this so you know if i just said okay let's just take this and while we don't have the overlaps there we can just kind of uh come over here and still restore and this was all kind of recorded in one contiguous take but if you wanted to even just kind of come over here all of the audio i believe will be uh on the particular system still so you may just if you're unable to kind of restore the individual parts so even if i just wanted to come here we could restore these different components uh but if you go to the audio to the pool window so let's go uh i'm sorry to the media and go to our pool window at this point we could choose and you could see all of the different takes and you could drag these out but these will be the full audio file so while it deletes those it doesn't delete that from the audio that audio is on the computer and probably referenced in the audio pool until you physically come into the pool and remove unused files so if you haven't done that then all the information should be directly in the pool that you could drag out as well okay so to see um right so we see matt elliston matthew elston from london kind of got his new pc install working without any problems that's great um and we have a question um says please want to use this from matthew elston as well when i use howling in sonic i get stems from the midi drums is kick snare etc in my mixer and when i export i have started using groove agent as you recommended is it possible so let's say if we wanted to come over here to groove agent um and i'll just have this play a particular pattern so let's say i have this pattern going right now we see that all the different sounds are being mixed together out of a stereo output so if i go to the mixer and this could change depending on if you're using an acoustic agent or a beat agent so with an acoustic agent the groove agent will have up to 32 stereo outputs i could say let's take the kick out of output two and i can see my kick and let's say okay i want the snare out of output three my hi-hat output four let's put the overheads on output five and output six so now we could have all of our drums kind of bust out appropriately here so uh and as soon as we do this now we could you know see all this now some people ask where do i see the outputs like for do drawing in automation on a project window if you click on the little uh show hide automation we'll now see all the different outputs automatically uh accommodated for so when we do an export all those will match now if we're the output routing so that's where an acoustic agent if we were doing uh like a beat agent it's gonna be slightly different so let's say okay if i'm just looking at a quick beat agent kit so we'll come over here and as we'll come to so now these will all be going to mix21 stereo output but again each instance a groove agent se or groove agent will have 32 stereo outs but i could now come over here and say okay this and we'll see it go to kit mix so at this point i could say let's send this to output 2 and i want the snare going to output three and the rim shot let's say that's going to output three as well and i want the hi-hat going to output four so now as i come here we could see the outputs kind of automatically uh changing to the different outputs so here we would go to the instrument select edit and then we could choose our outputs directly here so so two different approaches depending on what kit you're starting with all right so you see kerwin young on the live stream it's gonna pop out my chat onto its own window here sorry about that all right i think when i popped out my chat i may have lost a couple of questions um so i think uh i apologize for that let me see if i pop the chat back if i could um let me just show live chat okay um so i think i may have lost a couple questions but i think one that i had saw um i just was reading kerwin's saying that he liked uh he's been playing with the sample editor in pad shop and enjoying that so i may have lost a couple but i think there was a question from uh marcos about if using a usb mixer would be considered kind of a hybrid workflow so you know generally a hybrid workflow you know most people i don't think when people think of hybrid workflows as if you're kind of looking for you know an analog sound that you know while you could get that you know most usb mixers kind of just output like the one i'm using for this particular live stream just takes you know the stereo out and mimics the stereo out to the computer so while it's analog and i'm getting you know like i could adjust eq and i have a one knob compressor on this mixer um you know i wouldn't really consider that kind of a hybrid workflow what i would consider a hybrid workflow is when you have the choice of you know utilizing processing in the box or outside of the box um so that would kind of be what my perception and i think what clients perceptions and what most engineers perceptions would be so that if you had you know um you know a lexicon 960 l reverb that you had the ability to use that in conjunction with your other plugins and software and kind of using a combination of software and hardware so um i'm sorry if i lost a couple questions so if you asked a question um we're gonna kind of start off with um i said the time stamp i'm starting is like 12 56 so sorry if i lost a couple questions okay so we see cedric on all right and we see jay from connecticut all right so we have a question please could we have dorco as the score editor in cubase pretty please um so i know that there's you know been a lot of you know desires for people wanting the doricos core editor in cubase i know that both development teams are aware of that desire so who knows what we'll see in the future so but i'll make sure that it gets passed along to both development teams but i'm sure that a lot of those people are kind of already working on it you know and they they want the same thing to kind of have more integration between the two programs all right so i think most of us are learning that uh in india they have half hours for time zones so that's good all right we see graham richer on the live stream so thanks for joining us all right we see tim from mission viejo i have nick as well soren from sweden all right we have johnny ray from the bay area [Music] and we have israel all right so we have a question from dallas larue uh i have a song an old laptop in cubase 7. is there a way to get it into a cubase 11 project not just the file but where i could edit the tracks so the actual files between um you know cubase 7 and cubase 11 as long as you have that uh you know on a drive or something like that so i think i have even a cubase 6 project so let's say if i come over here to this project and i'll just select the comping like this one was originally created in uh cubase six but i could just still open up the project that was created in cubase six and be able to play it um directly inside of uh cubase 11 so the project you know the project file format hasn't changed between then so you could actually open up a cubase sx1 from 2002 directly into you know so it's the same exact project file format there's been no changes with that all right so john costigan wants people to remember to give a thumbs up all right we have michael pierce on the live stream as well thanks for joining us he's from outside of london all right so one of the questions that i remember that someone had asked that may have gotten lost um i'll just kind of jump back to this was that i'd read before the live stream started was how to have um the actual like to look at a part in the midi editor and the score editor simultaneously so let's say if i double click and i go to uh my midi editor for this particular part so let's say i'll just solo this and i'll make this a little louder so everyone could [Music] all right so we wanted so the question was how to see this uh part in both the uh midi editor and the score editor simultaneously so let's say if i wanted to and there's a little preference to be aware of where we could uh once you go to editors where you could say editor content follows event selection so try to uncheck that particular preference so again preferences to editors editor content follows event selection so now at this point i could play this and say okay i want it and i think the question was how to have the key editor on top and maybe the score editor on the bottom so as i play i could now just come over here to the window and then we could see kind of the score editor and the key editor simultaneously [Music] so that's how you could do that so the little preference to be aware of again is preferences to editors and unchecking editor content follows event selection and then you could see and if you wanted to toggle those you could do that as well so that's how you could see a midi part in both the key editor and score editor simultaneously okay so we have a question from soren uh is there any way to get drum editor styled options and really anything else possible to multiple note grid length within the key editor it saved me repeated midi drags it'd be amazing um all right so just kind of reading this um so one thing that you can do sorry that a lot of people don't realize is let's say if i look at this in the drum editor okay so we could look at this you know maybe like okay i wanted to look at this in my drum grid and a lot of people may not do editing in the drum editor here because it may not show the length of particular notes so i think if i let's say if i filter this and there is a little option let me see if i could find it here so let's say um so if we look at this little icon here we can say show the note length so at this point we could just change the length of different notes so you know if you wanted to do more of kind of like a hybrid approach for this you could say okay i wanted to just see the actual like drum grid with the little diamonds that you know indicate where the note starts which is really critical for drums but if you're doing kind of more programming i always i remember one time talking with uh the great session leon russell you know he's a cubase user and you know he's like why doesn't the drum part start right here is that the diamond you know uh but if you wanted to see the length of these particular notes for different editing tasks you could click on this little icon here and that will show the note length and then you could adjust the length of different notes and still kind of have it all within kind of the drum editing environment so try just that little icon right there soren and see if that works okay and um so and we have a second question says uh sorry to raise an ni question uh but it's related is there a way to use agent to narrow ni contact libraries to narrow key editor to keys library preset utilizes um so you know a lot of times you know it's kind of you know even if a instrument is only being utilized here we could actually um so you you know you could actually just kind of set the particular you know so it's gonna generally the midi editor here will show kind of you know the entire range of midi notes available so let's say even if it was a sample library and it stopped at c1 you may have notes be you know or let's say e1 you may have load notes below that are set up for different key switches so i don't know a way to automatically uh you know filter notes that aren't available within the particular instrument and that could change you know if you switched instruments at any particular time uh one thing that people will often do within the key editor is you know just say show pitches with events and that will only show you that way but it doesn't have a way of you know filtering out um you know notes that aren't playable on a particular instrument because it shows you know as per the midi specification um it'll kind of show all available midi uh notes um but i can see where it might be an option to maybe just drag up to have the notes within the specific range but then again you know even if notes are within uh you know playable notes or within range they're often different notes that are set up for midi key switches to switch articulations like in sample instruments like strings and wins all right so we have peter from montreal checking in um so we see hey greg uh so question is there a gain volume tool plug-in in cubase like other daws have i set the pre-gain volume in the mixer minus 18 db but walks to 0 db in no time it's hard to handle the volume uh after boosting so any time that you go to a particular instrument here so let's say if i go to this audio there is a once you go to the particular instrument let's say we go to the eq window there is a pre section uh and here you could have gain and you could adjust you know i think it's 48 db up or 48 db down so you could adjust the gain uh like pre-gain directly there so give that a try and then this will have no effect you know so if i needed to add less gain and not affect the gain structure of the mix console i could adjust this independently on each track and if you're doing it in the large screen mixer you would just go to the racks and make sure that pre is activated and then you could adjust the pre-gain level directly there so so let me know if that works for you okay so we have a question uh hello greg i'd like to know if there's a way to change bpm of an entire project with all audio tracks at once so yeah once the tracks or the files themselves are in musical mode so say if i wanted to go to this famous project now courtesy of fred corey who's on the last live stream so let's say i want to take this project which is at a tempo of 100 bpm okay and i want it to adjust my chair and i wanted to change all the tempo so i'm going to select all the events and place them into musical mode and we'll see this little music note uh indicating that these tracks are in musical mode so now we're at 100 beats per minute and all i have to do is now that all the tracks are in musical mode i could just place this and say okay i want to be 140. i want to be 88 or 108 so now whatever tempo i kind of type in uh so you know if the audio is time stamped or tempo stamped which most audio if you record the audio into cubase it will be automatically based on the tempo then place into musical mode and change it to tempo globally and all the tracks that are set to musical mode will now play back at the new tempo okay so we have a question from robbie bowling from dallas i just my chatfield just jumped on me okay what is the best and most efficient way to share effects uh and affects the channel or question mark uh and how do you alter the amounts to each track all right so let's say if i wanted to i'm gonna so if you wanted to share effects we could come directly over here and we could just say let's add an effects channel so let's say i wanted to add a reverb so i will come directly here let's add just a quick revelation reverb okay so now that this is done uh so some people will put you know multiple reverbs as inserts like across all the different drum tracks and adjust the amount and that's probably not the wisest thing because what you could do now is just come over here let's say i want to take the snare and now i could send activate the revelation bus here and i want to take this snare and as we do this i'm going to turn it on so we can make it more dry and then we could send more to the reverb and blend that reverb in so let's say if i go to the kick i may want just a touch of reverb here and then we could just come over here and say as a kick and let's say okay if i go to the guitars [Music] [Music] so and that way you could take one reverb and just kind of share it across uh multiple tracks now if you wanted to do this quickly for multiple tracks one easy way of doing this is let's say i wanted to add a second reverb i could select all these tracks like all my drums and i could say let's add an effects channel to the selected track so let's say i'll now add a reverence and now we could add those across all of our tracks and as we go to activate you know we could now just come over here and you know just have that uh you know that effects end available just like that so just use an effects channel and then use the sends and if you're looking at the full channel view you would just see this sends here now you know as you move it to the right that blends more of the effect in with the original dry signal so that's how you could do it robbie hope you're doing well thanks for joining the live stream and if you learned something new in the live stream throughout the live stream make sure that you do actually hit the like button and that allows us to continue to do these live streams all right and we have jarlath from the uk joining so thanks for being there okay so i just see a question from greg mccarty i think greg was on our very first live stream from uh portland area in oregon uh so it says once i create tweak my sampler track how do i get it into my project so you know if we kind of start off with a sampler track so if we add a sample track here um we could add kind of an empty sampler track and we'll see that once that is selected we can just see this little empty area here i could take any audio file and just kind of drag it in so let's say if we've tweaked it really then all you have to do to open it in other projects you know so if we've done this and we saved the project this will be saved in this particular project but if we go wow this is a really great drum sample that i did or base sample and i want to utilize it in other projects we could just go to the preset management and we could save a track preset so let's come over here okay so and now i will just come over here and then when we go to the media bay you could just say okay i wanted to go to user presets track presets sampler and we'll say okay this is my greg mccarty preset and then i could just drag it in and all the settings i've done will automatically be saved so just save it as a track preset and then you could call it up in any other project but as soon as you create the sample track and you save the project that will be saved within the particular project as well alright great to see the cube from melbourne florida joining us glad you got your cord pad sorted out okay so we see a question um any ideas how to get rid of short instance of white noise coming through my m audio interface very short but a very loud instance of white noise so a lot of times when you hear white noise that could be indicative like of a plug-in that's maybe in trial version so sometimes while it's in trial version the plug-in may just send out a burst of white noise um so that it's not kind of being used in the projects like every 30 seconds it may just send a you know kind of a white noise burst so make sure that you don't have uh any projects with maybe a a trial version like any tracks with the trial version plug-in but that's often what could cause white noise like you described all right so we see jazz dudes just saying hey all new viewers hit the like button all right and we have alexander checking in from moscow okay so we see a question from greg mccarty how can i even the volume between regular playback and using the speaker icon okay so let's say if i'm here and i use kind of the speaker icon so generally when we utilize this this might be going through the control room so if i adjust the volume down here we'll see that you know this bus often gets sent through the control room when we use the speaker icon so like while we're playing um and i have my and this could depend on your routing so if you go to your audio connections uh if you have your outputs kind of set here to not connected and go to the control room in the audio connections and where you're going out to your monitoring source have these set to like your audio interface outputs so now when we play and i solo because everything is now going through the control room so you know try adjusting the control room volume because you realize that this is kind of going through two different uh signal path areas so if you have compression and stuff like that you may not if you have a lot of dynamics processing it may actually just kind of do the listen and you could also choose to activate kind of so you know depending also on your listen dim and you could check out the uh after fader level so you could try that so do a couple of things to give a try okay so you see um a question uh i i did a template detection in measure 43 the music had a pause interpreted as an extra beat i tried to move the time signature but couldn't so measure 44 it is a beat behind any help all right so what you could do is after we do a tempo detection um see if it's here all right okay so i'm going to do a tempo detection so after a tempo detection is done it will automatically put you into the uh you know so as we do our tempo detection so i'll just come over here it's going to place you into the time warp mode and why it does this is as you can check you know at this point you could say okay um you know measure 43 was off so at this point what you could do is since you're in the tempo detect what you could do now is instead of the pause just adjust measure 43. it kind of places you in the particular tool you know right there to make these corrections so let's say measure 43 instead of starting right here let's say this pause is going on should start right here so i would adjust the tempo right there and we can see that at this point it would automatically go through and do a re-analysis from that point on so once it's done in tempo detection kind of leave the window open and then just move the measure 43 to where it should be and then it will kind of do its analysis from that point onward and be able to fix it for you so you know just do the move measure 43 exactly where it should be after that template detection uh and that's why it kind of puts you into that particular tool automatically to make little fine adjustments if needed all right so we have yash checking in from west sussex in the uk okay so i have a question uh how much ram do i need to create music for the films uh seems like many composers use around 128 or is it okay if i have 96 gigabytes or should i upgrade to 128 so it really depends on you know how many instruments you're running uh if you're running instruments are hosted you know externally a lot of people i know like um i a lot of my composer friends will run 128 gigs of ram and seem to have no problem some people will run 64 gigs of ram some people i know have 384 gigs of ram so that you know more can be present so it could really depend on like how many tracks how large your template is and you know your the streaming settings that you have in your particular sample playbacks but you know if you notice that you know 96 is you know you're not able to if you feel it's kind of a workflow hindrance with your current template then you know by you know by all means uh you know you'll never really if you're a film composer you know it will never be a bad thing to add more memory to your computer system all right we have benny checking in from stockholm as well all right so we have a sergo kasmir just says about cubase 11 elements or cubase elements 11 initially then cubase pro 11 can i run them on on different computers separately so it really depends on if you bought the cubase pro license separately so if you bought the cubase pro license separately then you could run them on different computers if you upgraded your cubase elements license to cubase pro that would give you kind of a single license and at that point you could uh you know you have one license that you could uh run on one computer at a time with the usb e licenser all right so we have uh nazad checking in from kurdistan thanks for joining the live stream okay so it says i have a question um cubase has automatic quantize when recording instruments does that also include for recording vocals or live instruments so the quantize is going to be just for midi parts um so most people necessarily you know wouldn't want to quantize your audio as you're recording i know it could seem really tempting with some musicians that i've worked with uh but it's always best to kind of capture the actual audio recording and then kind of edit it so it's not really intended to uh work with uh audio but you know it's that function is for midi midi information okay we have a question um from scambot terminator says uh i'm using cubase pro 10.5 and am having trouble with cpu issues uh what and how can i lessen the problem does cubase 11 eliminate the problem so it could really depend on what's causing the cpu uh you know the cpu usage so you know sometimes it could be just one plug-in um you know that could be causing that if you're running a lot of virtual instruments depending on the instrument itself you may want to run more instances of the instrument um with fewer instruments loaded so let's say if you're running eight howling in sounds or eight contact sounds instead of running one instance of contact and running eight instances eight different sounds within one instance um at that point that may only utilize one cpu core uh whereas if you have eight instances spread across you know with one instrument loaded that would utilize your cpu cores better you could also come over here let's go to the studio setup you know try selecting your audio interface and raising the buffer size if you haven't done that already that's kind of the first thing to do but you know if you let us know if you're using a lot of like effects like reverbs or lots of instruments that could give us some more information so you know every cubase version will have some more cpu optimizations um but it could be you know how the plug-ins are being utilized and the plug-ins themselves not having the capability of scaling across multiple cpus and that could be the problem okay so we just see please can i ask how can i tell what is free and what is paid for content in the steinberg download manager you know just because you see it in the steinberg download manager doesn't you know don't assume that it's available to use so you know when you actually enter in your digital access code your download access code your dac you know once you enter in your download access code it's going to automatically take you to that particular area that you have so let's say if i have a cubase pro 11 license just look in the cubase pro 11 and then everything that is in this group is free to use now occasionally there will be like an instrument set uh like just recently the novel or novell piano uh i'm not 100 sure on the pronunciation but if we wanted to come over here this was a free download so but for the most part assume that whatever you have a license for just kind of select that product and all the content that is included with that license will be in that group for you to download so just because you have access to everything doesn't mean that you know oh nuendo is here so it must be able to get nuendo free that's not how it's going to work so it's going to be based on whatever you select we'll show all the license and assume that the other things for the most part and there's an exception like the novel piano will be you know added you know additional purchases and you could you know if you're unsure just kind of check and take a look and see if that particular thing if it's not in like if you have cubase pro 11 you don't see it there look it up and see if it costs something and if you haven't paid for that license it's not going to show up for you all right so we see conrad on the live stream we also see uh captenergy music thanks for being on okay so um so just see uh hi greg uh thanks for all the work you do for us i have the following question why do the plugins not run in sync with the tracks so you know it could really depend um so i'm not sure like which plug-in but a lot of the plug-ins will have tempo sync capability so let's say if i wanted to jump back to this project and i'll just revert it so you know sometimes if something isn't recorded to the click track you know then the you know the the effects can follow the click track so you could do a tempo detection like we just showed a couple minutes ago but let's say if i wanted to add a delay plug-in um so i will come over here let's add an effects track and i just wanted a delay so i will come over here i'm just going to add an effect channel and let's do a simple mono delay so generally you'll see like a little thing here for sync so right now i could have my delay time set to 50 milliseconds so let's say we're playing along and i go to my sends here so you can say okay here's our delay and i want to put a delay on my two guitar parts but if i just adjust the time we may not see there's delays may not make sense but if i click on sync now i could adjust the values here so let's say okay i just want it to be quarter note so now as we do this we could just have that delay kind of be synced so make sure one that you have like the the audio is synchronized to the project click track then you could you know some plugins will automatically have a sync and that could you know sync your delayed values so let's say if i wanted to take this uh i'll turn this off and let's say on my master section i wanted to put a flanger so i'll come over here let's get the modulations let's say okay i have our flanger so i could have this set to a a whole note and every four beats that would be the speed of the flange or if i say okay i want this to be half notes [Music] or quarter notes eighth notes etcetera so make sure that your audio again has its own um you know that it's the audio's matching a tempo grid if not select the tempo go to your project and do a tempo detection and then at that point once you have like if your tempo is fluctuating at that point you could just choose to add your delay accordingly and have that delay set to sync and you could do the same with different instruments as well and arpeggios so if you could just give us a little more information that would be helpful okay so we have a question um from tomtom make sure you pronounce that right um greg please can you show us how to sync an external sequencer using midi clock so this would actually be done uh from the transport menu so all we have to do is get to the project synchronization setup so here we could say okay i want to send uh we could activate external sync right here and go to the destinations and we'll say midi clock and wherever the sequencer is connected to uh you know midi port wise you could just have that set up and now that will automatically um you know just hit play and it'll send midi clock directly out um and also if you come over here you could see kind of the synchronization let's see if it's active on the transport bar so we can say activate external sync um and then you could just kind of click directly there and turn that on and off and you could activate it again from the transport uh under metronome setup so you could say you could just activate the external sync right there or i'm sorry the not the metronome setup but let's go to the project synchronization so and you could just turn that on right there all right so we have brian sawyer checking in from uh beulahville in north carolina thanks for joining us um all right so we see from the cube how do you step input chords in the key editor if you don't have a midi keyboard i mean besides chord pads okay so let's come over here and let's go to our uh we'll just add an instrument track okay so if you don't have a midi controller one of the cool things is if you hit alt or option plus k you can get a a software midi controller so you could use the uh computer keys so and that that could be your software controller if you don't have one so let's say if i wanted to input chords in step mode i'll activate step input here then we'll say okay let's put in whole note chords [Music] and we could just have our chords just kind of laid out for us right there so alt or option plus k and you could use your kind of computer keyboard to actually input chords and it will just kind of follow very similar to kind of a piano keyboard so give that a try uh so jesse a question any updates from yamaha regarding studio manager in cubase 11 pro so yeah i think it still works um so here if i wanted to go to um i have a studio manager let's say for yamaha 01 v 96 so i don't have it actually configured but it's still you know it still functions the same way as it did in previous versions but it's you know it will show up under the studio menu to more options and that's where you could see the different studio manager components right there all right so we see from sergo just says our steinberg manager is going to create an environment where cubase users can upload their work for review so i think that there are some um you know a lot of times uh [Music] you know i don't know if there's you know if there's one already on the steinberg forums or not so a lot of times um it could get tricky sometimes with copyright issues uh you know posting different things so a lot of people don't want to necessarily post that but i know some of the uh like facebook facebook groups i think cubase users they allow like you know the first friday of the month or something like that where you could share music so you know it's probably not the highest priority to come up with an area to share content because there's you know companies that are really dedicated to that particular function so you know we're trying to just focus on you know providing great tools but i'll pass it along as kind of user feedback regardless all right just lost my spout in my spot sorry about that all right so we see uh real raven 2000 checking in from ireland thanks for being back on the live streams great to have you on the live stream thanks for joining and checking in all right and we have laura burton's saying hello from north yorkshire thanks for being a part of the community and we see jeff sabelski from chico california okay uh so we have a question from jay from connecticut uh so it says when opening groove agent and its patches its own patterns come up is there a way to create and save my own patterns in groove agent with the patch or will it overwrite so i think let's just come over here all right so say if i have um let me just check re-read it one more time so i think if you come over here let me just load up a different kit that might have patterns here okay so when we look at um our instrument here so if we go to our pattern [Music] so you know you could just come over here and cut the pad and let's say if i copy this and paste it over here so let's say and now when i come over here i could save the kit as and we'll just call this all right and let's see if we can find it easily over here so if i go right here we see here's the original kit with patterns [Music] so this will be we see main two and we have main four here but if i just right click um then we could load the kit with patterns so let's say okay this is the one we saved say we just added j at the end so we should see main main two in main two so the same patterns here so if you've now kind of changed those you could do that as well and just simply save it as a different as you know under a different name if you wanted to okay so we see uh from real ravens as uh after uh after upgrading to 1104 unfortunately some of my tracks crash cubase windows vanishes no crash log i can still open them in 10.5 how could i open them raw to export stems from 11. uh what i would try to do in this kind of you know just to come over here and say import in 10.5 you could do this as well but just say import tracks from project and see if you could now you know just so as soon as we come over here you could see kind of all the different tracks that are going to be utilized in that project and see you know i think that that will should allow you to um so and you know sometimes even within 11 you could try opening up a few tracks at a time into a new project and see if that makes a difference or see if you just import all of the tracks if you know if we just do a select all and see if you can do that in 11 as well and see if that will allow you to do it but just try the import tracks from uh project function okay so we just see uh from a question from sheldon uh what's the best way to get a headphone mix for five separate members uh four cues and one headphone okay so really all you have to do is let's say just find so let's say in this group i wanted to have um like five headphone mixes so we could utilize the control room for this so let's say if we have um like drums bass guitars vocals [Music] and we'll say maybe two guitars so let's say i want to come in here uh let's go to my audio connections i want to go to my control room and i'm just going to um remove my references here or some of my cues quickly okay so i'm going to right click and okay so i want to add a cue so we'll make this drums and we have four cues let's say okay this will be bass guitars and we'll add vocals so okay so now we have we can see our four cue mixes here so drums bass guitars voices so what i want to do is go into my full mixer view and make sure in the racks that you have cues actually uh active and now what we could do is i'm going to select all of my tracks all right so we have all of our tracks selected here i'm going to right click and the first thing i wanted to do and we'll get this little window we will see this all cues window so i'm going to say we're going to activate all of the q sends and i wanted to quickly do like a more me headphone mix so i'm going to start with the mix that we're hearing in a control room and that could be its own separate cue mix but i want to use the current mix levels and this will kind of mimic the faders here uh across all of the cue sends and i want to right click and let's use the current pan settings as well all right so now that we have that set up uh i so now when we go between the different cues um we could you know have all of the cues set up here so right now they're all doing the same thing but now what i want to do is to select let's say my drums and i want to add more of the drums into the drum cue level so at this point we're going to activate quick link and i'll say okay the drums are louder in the drummer's headphone mix we're going to slide over to our bass player he's going to be louder in his headphone mix and we'll say our guitars are going to be set up to uh be louder in their headphone mixes so as soon as we come right over here so we could adjust those so i could listen to like my cue mix here and let's say qmix one is the drummer's headphone mix so that's what the drummer is hearing more hip of himself and you want to go to the bass players q mix now let's say the bass bar is like i need more kick in my headphone mix [Music] so this way we could send more drum of the bass drum and let's listen to the guitars q mix so at this point we're going to send more guitar [Music] so we and we get out the vocalist be on their own kind of q mix so so as we say okay let's listen to our bass players mix our drummers mix and the drummer's like okay i want to hear more bass to get the rhythm section love so say let's send more bass to the drummer's mix and this is the mix that's going out of out of the headphones plus drummers mix bass players guitars and you can do the same thing for the vocalist so that's how you get set up kind of four plus one uh headphone mixes directly here and then once you have that all set up you know the beauty of it is it's saved directly within the project as well okay so uh all right so we have turmoil nuclear war from serbia joining thanks for being part of the live stream um all right so we see it's going back to an earlier question uh thanks for the answer and the gain tool plug-in question i use that pre-gain in the mixer minus 18 db but after some effects it's almost at 0 db so i mean a gain volume plug-in tool for insert tracks um so a lot of times you could even just come up to [Music] let's say if we just go to you know if you want to do it as an insert you know you could just you know do a compressor without any settings and you could have makeup gain here of 24 db without any uh dynamics being applied to it so if you have to run it as an insert you could use like a compressor or you know there's other tools you know if you wanted to use an eq you could go to you know the frequency eq and you could have output here without instantiating the plug-in so you could you know add gain stages with you know eq plug-ins or compressor plug-ins without compressing as well so if you need to do it at the insert level okay so we see a question um it says uh while pitch correcting and audio in very audio does not allow to split a note by hovering cursor over the note to get an x tool uh but it does not um it does allow i'm sorry it does allow to split a note by hovering the cursor over the node to get an x tool but it does not allow to split the note at its very beginning and end um all right so let's just take a look um so if you need to split a note at the beginning or end so let's say if i come here and go to very audio all right so you know if we let's say if we go to kind of our smart control let's say you know if i i'll just make this a little larger all right and i'm going to switch over to show all smart controls all right so as we hover as you notice that we can see um you know we could split um all right so let's say if we wanted to split i think if we hold down we just all right so when we go to the bottom we could do our shift all right so it looks like we could do it to there um so i thought that was all the way through but let me just see if it's the same on every note let me kind of over here all right so i thought that holding down one of the modifier keys would automatically split um it looks like it's only like as soon as it gets to there it's going to to glue let me see if there's yes i thought it i thought it would split all the way through um but it doesn't look like it's doing it so i it might be just depending on how it's kind of segmented but let me just yes i don't know of a way off top i'm trying some different variations but if you want to email me i could play around with it some more and do some reading up on it but sorry about that it's it's not how i thought it worked so but if you want to email me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e i'll be i'll do some more research on it all right so we see thiago checking in from brazil thanks for joining all right so we see uh how do you use the step filter plugin in cubase so let me just do a new project here thanks for all the great questions if you learned something new make sure that you do hit the like button and if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that as well and that enables us to continue to do these live streams new project here quick [Music] okay so let me see if it's [Music] okay i've worked with this particular plugin in a long time let's see if we can get it figured out if it's okay so i think what this is going to allow us to do is let's say if i all right let me just get a little kind of sequence thing going on here so this is our patch here without the step filter so if i wanted to [Music] so this would allow us to kind of have different filter sweeps that are just going to be kind of um so let's say okay we'll just so this will allow us to have kind of different filters that will be tempo synced so [Music] [Music] so that will allow you to kind of just have different filter types uh so you could adjust a cutoff and resonance kind of on a musical grid and that's what that's going to allow you to do okay so we just see um from your real raven 2000 um i want to upload the multitracks drive for my fellow member at the uh produce like a pro academy for remixing uh would prefer 11 because it's awesome but it crashes uh might be waves 13 fault so um you know you could definitely you know try saving you know maybe just try saving a particular uh version of that particular uh of the particular project without waves plugins and kind of see if you can narrow it down but you know often stuff like that will be kind of third party related all right and we have sabo winters is on the live stream thanks for joining says greetings greg and cubase family it's exciting to see new faces here today that's a great point so welcome to so many new people they're on the live stream okay so we have from tiago a feature request uh free warp in multiple events so uh i know we've passed that feature request on to the development and product planning team so we'll see what happens in the future but it'll be passed on once again so thanks for passing on the feedback okay so we see a question um how do i uh duplicate midi notes relative to the ones i copied uh control d just duplicates okay so let's say at this point if i have um a midi note range so let's say just create a one measure part and within this one measure part i wanted to have a number of all right so let's say this one part doesn't include you know it has rests at the beginning and at the end so if i come over here and duplicate events um i could so if we just hit control or command d that would duplicate but it doesn't take into account the rest at the beginning or the end so we're just duplicating the particular events so we could go to what's called the in place editor and we do that by hitting control or command plus shift plus the letter i and then you know we could also have this as an icon here so uh that you could load up for the edit in place now once we're in the in place editor i could grab the uh just the range tool so i'm going to grab the range tool here and i'm going to select the range and then i could duplicate the range and that would automatically duplicate the of the events out as well so that's so once they kind of elongate this part we could see that all those events would be duplicate so you could duplicate not only the midi notes but the the range of the events from before or after so do it within the in place editor i know it's kind of work around so but that will get the trick done for you okay so we have um just says i do have one more question what's the best way to audition and affect solo um so let's say since sables on the live stream we'll go back to [Music] as long as he's going to make famous soon the beatles and stone so let's say if we're um [Music] we want to only hear the particular effect so let's say if i'm listening to this track [Music] and i want to only hear the reverb but not the other source so when i go to like my effects return channel here [Music] and the effect itself now if we only wanted to hear the effect itself soloed all we have to do is click here instead of hitting s we can click on the l so now we're only hearing the effect soloed so when we click on solo of the effects channel we hear the sources that are feeding it as well [Music] but now when i come here i just click on l so and we could just take that dim level down so now i'm only hearing the effect so here i'm hearing the effect blended with the source when i sell when you click on l you only hear the effect isolated [Music] so give that a try robbie okay so we have a question uh from sergo what are the advantages between the hallian six and the standard hallian that comes with the eleven pro box um so you know we could think of the hallian sonic sc as kind of more of the playback engine when we work with the full version of hallian um [Music] i'll just go ahead and load up an instance of hallie and you know so if you want it to play back sound so how young will give you additional sound feature sets so it's going to have you know more content so it's going to have you know like different types of um you know wave table synthesis so if you wanted to you know just come here and kind of circulate through you know wave forms we could do that and but the most important thing is that you know with hallian is really set up to create your own instruments so if you wanted to uh sample directly into hallian you could do that very easily and and you could you know basically create your own vst instruments directly from here so if you wanted to you know if i had to give a difference in one sentence it might be you know with um you know if you just want to play back you know sounds that other people have done and tweak it you could use howling in sonic and hallie and sonic s e but if you really wanted to create your own sounds that's when you know working with hallie and sixx can you know make a world of difference you know so even you know we have lots of people now that you know are creating their own instruments you know uh chris st aubin you know who's one of the moderators on the cubase users group he does you know he's created his own instrument simple that you could run in howie and so we could think of hallian as an instrument design environment as well you know danny lux uh created his company sample fuel and danny's you know a incredibly popular tv composer has done grey's anatomy for 18 or 19 years now i believe but you know he sells his own instruments through sample fuel so if you wanted to create your own instruments you could just come over here and that's what what howie could do so it's going to be more involved but you know if you want to just kind of play back great sounds howie and sonic is perfect for that if you wanted to create and really do sound design hallion is a perfect tool for that all right so we see taylor checking in from pine grove pennsylvania thanks for joining the live stream all right so we see from mark matson just saying hi greg thanks for the info so you're welcome okay so we see from jay uh does nuendo slash cubase have a leslie style spinning speaker plug-in um all right so i think there's a rotary plug-in so let's say if i just wanted to come here let's say if we have um so let's say if we come over here to the inserts i think that we could just yeah under modulation look for a rotary plug-in so now at this point you want to add distortion as well [Music] um and so as another question uh are there compilation reaver convolution reverbs with short and long space to place within leslie within spatial differences so generally the convolution reverb you know you could have you know one convolution loaded but you could run multiple convolution reverbs so if you wanted one to be room you want to be kind of a short and one to be a big room so so you could definitely just run two instances all right so we see a question uh is it necessary to dither from 32-bit floating point to 24-bit so it's often ideal um you know so but it could really you know any but you may not notice it if unless you're you know the playback system that you're working with can actually play back you know 32-bit files but um so but you know so a lot of you know if you're using kind of like a media player may not be able to load up a 32-bit file also okay we have a question is there a way to change the scaling in supervision spectrum curve let's take a look i'll just do a new instance here [Music] [Music] so usually there's kind of like a set up but i think really kind of the um the concept is to kind of show all of the frequencies that are and let me just check to make sure i'm understanding a question right yeah so i don't think that there's um so we could just kind of say i think the scaling might be fixed but [Music] so i think that that particular scaling that we see here is kind of fixed on kind of normal industry standards okay it's okay so we see um in super uh in the supervision spectrum curve settings what does the multi mean and what do your settings do when i click on multi mean let's take a look and since we have this up just jump back to beginning a project so i mean to see if i could unders finder make sure i'm in the right area so spectrum curve and we see okay so it's this area here so let's say when we go to our fft views if we wanted to see like fewer points so we can see like 256 points versus we can see more increased resolution as we do this so this if you have kind of a slower computer this kind of gives you like you know 20 2048 points of reference or so if i wanted to quadruple that we can see kind of the frequency range that we're looking here that's kind of being represented is what we see so the higher um the resolution the more information that it's actually kind of indicating to us the frequencies so that's what it's kind of showing you so if we go to 256 we'll see get more kind of course with its resolution it was only looking at 256 points versus 16 384 so that that's what it is it's kind of how many frequency points that it's looking at so okay uh as we see from jeff sabelsky says hi greg uh i've got three mics and guitar and three tracks recording five recorded lanes on all three and comp edits on one uh needs to be transferred to other two tracks how to copy the comp edits and apply uh to other tracks so let's go ahead and let's just set up a quick project to do this really quick okay so we have three tracks let's say five recorded lanes okay so all right so just do a couple of passes here okay so let's say we'll now come over here and we could look at the lanes of all the tracks i'll just make these all a little smaller okay so um okay yeah i said it did comp edits so let's just come over here and we'll grab our comp tool all right uh and it needs to be transferred to two other tracks how to copy the comp edits and copy uh and apply to two other tracks so let's come over here let's add two tracks okay so if i wanted to take uh let's just just take a lane here and let me just one tool one trick that you could do is let's say if i take just these two let's say i have these particular ones that are set up so i'm going to hold down uh control and click um you could right click and choose create tracks from lanes and now at that point you could just copy those particular new tracks to lanes if you wanted to so that may be kind of a good approach sometimes with multi-tracks working with track versions is also a good approach as well okay so we see from real raven 2000 i just realized i can run cubase by disabling third party plugins i am able to open the project there then i should be able to print stems so yeah you should be able to so uh that way you know it's kind of a third-party plug-in that's causing the issue all right so we see the cube is liking away from melbourne florida so thanks for joining us on the live stream okay so we just see um so from another question from jay so so sorry it should be my final question today so you could ask as many questions as you want um if there weren't questions there wouldn't be live streams so please don't ever hesitate to ask questions so the question is is there a simple way workflow to shift stereo channels to mono for phasing and frequency masking checks uh prior to mix so you know if you did have a stereo [Music] you know so let's say if you just wanted to you know often looking at meters will give you kind of a good indication so but let's say if we're here and i just want to take like the guitar parts let's say i want to take a stereo guitar here i'll activate this project you know if you just kind of let's say okay this is stereotrack which is panned you know and this is what's great about supervision is you could just kind of come over here and just check out the phase so if you say okay let's just go to kind of like you know different phase scopes you could look there but if you wanted to uh just split you know another thing that you could do is just come over here go to the project and you'll see um or i think it's under project and you'll see convert tracks and we can say multi-channel to mono and then you could have like the two tracks here and be able to and at this point if you select one we could just also just kind of even flip the phase and hear if that's better or not just directly from the info line right up here so that's out it's an easy way to kind of you know just check for phase anomalies in a particular track as well okay uh so we see a question um how do you use the logical editor to go about quantizing midi lengths to end and beginning so it's not necessarily a logical editor preset but let's just kind of jump back i think i might have something okay so let's say if i wanted to take this um all right and i just wanted to [Music] let's take my snap off so let's say i will randomly i'm just going to create a condition in the logical editor here so let's say i want to take notes and i want to take position and set random values let's say all right so these are all kind of slightly off time so say they start at 15 it starts at 10 uh and then i wanted to adjust the length and let's set the random values between minus 30 and 30 for length all right so say i'll just have this and i'm just gonna go in here and randomly adjust length so let's say you know this is quarter notes i wanted all these to be quarter notes in length and start at quarter notes but when we look at them okay so let's say i want these all to be quantized so i'm just going to set up uh like my quantized value here to quarter notes and then we could set up just a macros and i'll just go to my key commands um so and i could say [Music] we'll do new let's say quantize start and end all right so just find the so i'm going to just say quantize so let's say i want it to be set to quarter notes all right so we'll say fourth so i'm going to add that let's quantize the event add and let's quantize the event uh ends or lengths to quarter notes so we'll just now come right over here and that so we're going to say quantize start and end and we'll just rename this to quarter okay so now all these notes that are slightly off uh we'll just come over here to our macro and if i did everything right um quantize start and end to one quarter so i will just select everything here and then everything will be the same length and start and so you could do it just kind of like that with a macro so once again to do that and you could choose to do it for quarter notes eighth notes whatever you want um so we'll just say you know quantize start and end to quarter notes so we set the quantize values edit quantize and quantize midi lengths so generally like the logical editor will allow you to select and manipulate stuff but it doesn't quantize from within the logical editor i think the original atari version would allow you to do it and i also see just other comments like if you wanted to monitor a source in mono how to do it you know so let's say if we are in a particular project here and we wanted to monitor in mono this could be done from inside of the control room so let's say we're so if i go to the down mix presets we can go to stereo and listen to it in mono or stereo right there [Applause] so if you're looking for uh you know just for checking phase anomalies you could do that directly in the control room okay so we see uh greg uh's question i i added eight mono tracks at once in nuendo and i can't use pan on them uh and as empty pan window if i had one mono audio track at a time japan works fine what am i missing thanks all right so we'll do a new project all right so i'm going to add one mono track and i'm just going to check the audio outputs that it's going to be set to stereo so i do that we look at our mix console and i have my panning so let's say if i go to add mono tracks so make sure that the um you know the configuration here like isn't set to like a mono output so if i do that then i don't have mono capabilities but just make sure that when you go to add the audio track that the audio outputs are set to stereo because if not then you won't get painting because it's being routed to a mono output so that would be the first thing i would check jeff all right okay so we see a question uh hi greg in pro 11 is there a way to use q-link to adjust the faders in a project including those with automation um so if you wanted to let's just come over here i'm just going to draw in some automation on a couple of tracks all right so let's say if i select a number of these channels then activate the q link we could adjust but your eyes at the uh q link value you know we we could adjust all of those down but realize that you know if the track is tied to automation that you could just simply um you know it will go back to its particular value but if you just want to you know write new automation um that that will maintain kind of the new position but realize that as you adjust these tracks you know if there is automation it will jump so but you know you could adjust there or if you're in kind of the larger mix console some people will go to [Music] the pre section and then just be able to adjust or if you have you know adjust down or if you wanted to just select all of the automation points um you know another method of doing this um you know is to if we have all these tracks sent to a vca so i could now come right over here uh and we could add a vca to the selected channels so now that as i i could now just adjust the vca and that will allow you to maintain the automation so while i adjust the vca down you can still see the automation going so if you have existing automation it may make more sense to utilize a vca fader and then your vca will accommodate existing tracks automation that's kind of the one of the big intents and purposes in that lewis all right so we see ted springman got to go to dweasel's new room so in la so yeah i've passed on uh kind of a technical contact in l.a since we're kind of still under travel restrictions but i'll make sure that he reaches out to weasel i saw some of the pictures of it looks great i know he's been kind of planning it for years and years maybe like 10 years so i'm glad you got to see it ted dweezil is a wonderful guy all right wonderful to see jvi on the live stream okay so we see uh carmen just saying hi from australia so thanks for joining a live stream guys it's really late there it's one of my favorite countries i've ever visited um it just says i have a problem with the download assistant not working so you know if you want it to you know depending on your product you could probably download it directly from the steinberg website so let's say if i come right over here we could say um like cubase pro 11 download so we'll go to cubase 11 download steinberg so just first thing comes up in google and then once you're here you know so you could download it without the steinberg download assistant so a lot of it you could just download directly here from a web interface if the download assistant isn't working for you so give that a try so again just i just googled cubase pro 11 download and then just go to the steinberg site and then you should be all set thanks for staying up very late or very early in australia to join us all right wonderful that michael teams could make the live stream i think everyone will now be getting virtual ice cream all right so we see uh um a question is there a way to remove the ownership lock on projects shared via vst transit i know i can duplicate the tracks and edit them but we have duplicates of everything it's uh starting to annoy my cpu um so i think probably what a lot of people might do you know is just to uh i haven't run into that i don't have it kind of configured on my new system but um you know you might be able if you know you're seeing duplicate tracks you know is just kind of come over here and just choose to you know disable the duplicate tracks just right click when they're selected so you know give that try and that should free up its cpu usage and then you could hide those particular tracks as well see jeff sebowski saying he's like number 69 today so it's great all right we have jason styx joining the live stream okay so we just see uh hi greg if i put a channel strip this question um if i put a channel strip on all my tracks i go from track one to track four the plugins i see does not change okay so let's say if i'm here let me just enable these tracks on this project okay so let's say if i look at my channel strip here okay so let's say i have this channel strip and now when i come here and this could be contingent on a so when i go to channel one i have these settings i go to channel four it goes to those settings but let's go ahead and just take a look because this could be contingent on a preference um maybe the select channel track on edit settings so let's see if we turn that off and i hit apply that still seems to work let me just and maybe it's this one sync selection and project window and mixed mix console yeah so check this preference here um sync as i go to editing project and mix console and make sure that sync selection in project window and mix console is checked and then that should whatever you have selected you should see the open channel kind of automatically reflect and select there okay so we just see a question uh what about the envelope shaper so if you haven't really kind of played around with um the envelope shaper this is kind of a gem for plugins but let's say if i wanted to jump back over to this project so i like to think of this as kind of like the magic compressor that people often kind of seek out um so i'm going to create just a quick uh like a drum buss here for all my drum takes and let me revert this project so it doesn't sound ridiculous so you know we could think of this as kind of like um yeah a transient designer type of deal but i want to take all of my drums and route it to a group and i'll just put a envelope shaper on the group and this is part of the channel strip as well so add a group channel to the selected and we're going to make this a stereo group so now i'll just raise the volume up here so we hear it a little better all right so i just want to take the drums and i'll just do it as a plug in here under dynamics so if i wanted more attack on the drums and i wanted them to last longer [Music] so we're just or if i want my drums to be like steely dan or i just want like the transients to kind of sneak through like more disco but if i want to like to adjust the length and the release to make them sound like bigger [Music] or even if you want to adjust the attack down interesting sound design work you could do there it's kind of an extreme example but give you an idea what you do with the envelope shaper [Music] so uh and you could get more gain out of it as well so think of it as a magic compressor uh and i consider the anti-suck drum uh the anti-drum suck plug-in so all right wonderful see glenn from suffolk virginia glad you could join us a fellow virginian you see cedric is getting michael team's ice cream all right my chat just moved i maybe i may have lost a couple of questions so i apologize all right so we see uh um it's a question um i think i may have missed a couple minutes of questions i apologize for that it's a lot lots of questions today um so it says i only write uh record rock and roll cubase should be handled should uh handle guitar bass drums keys vocals pretty easily am i correct thanks yeah so you shouldn't have any problems even with a very modest computer these days to do that okay with no question uh hi greg's greetings from columbia again when is cubase 11.5 a reality so um we'll just have nothing has been announced yet so we'll just have to wait for some announcements and find out okay um so we just see from p zone 36 it says uh question uh we need to be able to search by date created for presets kits etc so let's go ahead and take a quick look in media bay let's see if like i get to user content and let's go to track presets or sampler so we did this one today and let's see if there is so if you really wanted to do that we could probably just come and let's see if there's a date created function okay or you could just do date created here all right and let's see if we get to the setup here so you can see that you can search um you may have to just come over here so we can see 11 9 21 that's the uh sampler track preset that we did today so just click here in the media bay and go to media and just make sure that you check date created and then once you have that you can you know place it right here if you wanted to be able to search uh by that so you could see that metadata right there so give that a try okay so we just see from jeff sabowski just asking uh with loads of estis and effects going on and there's that hovering a cursor near the volume slider on the track the audio breaks up a little but like it thinks i'm editing new windows an audio issue you know sometimes it might be related to you know it could be related to a graphics card driver so i'm not sure if you um if you did go up to windows 11 but you know check your graphics driver and make sure you had the latest or maybe that's where i would kind of look first for something like that so all right so we see from pete franco can we audio warp multiple tracks in a folder or do we need to cut and move them so currently the audio warp you know we could do it for like you know drum quantizing um but we can't really it's really intended for drum quantizing and i know that you know the development team is aware that people want to be able to you know warp on the main project window so all right so we just see a question uh excuse me uh been been trying to find out what cubase was for a minute now happy it's in my recommendation so it's just a wonderful tool for you know composing and recording music uh and you know think of it as like you know the probably the most comprehensive program for enabling you to do that all right so michael teams has granted me four scoops of scoopy's black diamond ice cream that's good i like that flavor last week too so thank you michael it's very generous okay so we just say hi uh how can i remap midi notes from digital drum kit logical editor thanks so a lot of times depending on the source it's usually up to the instrument if it was going to be utilizing groove agent you could click on this little icon right here and now like as you click on particular uh you know a particular pad you could just say edit learn trigger note and now as you would just play it it would automatically just set the triggered note accordingly there so you could just but you don't really see that option to right click to assign the trigger note until you're in this mode here so make sure that's active now if you have an existing kit you may want to first just try uh an e-drum controller which you know may uh be a roland compatible my guess or a yamaha dtx so that there may be presets already done for popular mappings but once this is enabled you could right click and just edit learn midi notes so once you have that turned on just hit a midi note and it will just trigger that particular and that note will be assigned to that pad all right so you see fred robinson on the live stream thanks for joining all right so tim weinheimer saying we need more people to punch the like button all right so we see a question uh hello greg can i extract chords from wav files so currently the chord extraction is only for midi information and not from wav files okay uh so we just see hi uh question um maybe for another live stream but how to sync some kind of video to score thanks uh is from question from brazil all right so let's go take a look at it so as soon as you have you know if it's going to be a video that's going to reside in cubase which is probably the most common way used to be where we would have video decks that would have simply time code built in let me just open up a project to show this all right so you know you can import a video track so you can add a video track so once we have a video track added we can you know just do that and we could import video so we can have the video track here and you can hit the f8 button and that will open up kind of like the video display so as we kind of play [Music] you can just kind of come right over here we could you know update the video and one of the cool things is um you know you could just go to the transport and there's this little mode called use video follows edit mode and now what i'm going to be able to do is as i move a midi event here you know we could move as we move an event like a midi note or audio we could just see that the video will update frame by frame as we work with that so there's all sorts of uh great video capabilities and why cubase is probably the most popular tool for scoring to picture uh for you know film and tv all right all right and we have uh malone malin joining us so thanks for joining the live stream okay so we have a question hey greg if i uh group the background vocals then add a new take how do i add um how do i add or remove an audio track from the group okay so let's say if i have i have all of my drums now going [Music] to this particular group so when we look at our channels here and we look at our outputs we'll see that these are all being routed to group one so and that's just when i selected all these and i added a particular you know i went to add track and then i added a group channel to selected tracks but if i wanted to add another audio track this will now default to um to the stereo out but i can now just send this directly to the group or take these instead of sending it to the group and the outputs send that to the stereo out here so that's how we could reassign you know tracks to an existing group or take tracks that are routed to an existing group and route it elsewhere just in the bottom here okay so we just see hey greg is there a way to map various parts of uh beat agent kit to different outputs like we can with an acoustic agent all right so this is a beat agent kit here so let's say um i'll just okay so i'm here all right so if i wanted to these are all going out of one stereo output here so we can see on channel 17 here so let me just move this out of the way so if i wanted to so as soon as you select the pad you can see right here you want to be on the instrument tab go to edit to main and you'll see kit mix and then you could just route these to so if i wanted this to be output three i'll just kind of scroll the mixer over here so now my snare is out of its own output the kick is out of its own output and that could be not going to the kit mix but now too so if we just look as i hit the kick we'll see that channel light up snare different channel to china crash and other chant other sources that haven't been designed so again just select a pad instrument to edit to main and then you'll see the outputs there so you can assign it to 32 stereo outs uh so we just see a question hi is a mastering possible with cubase or should people buy wavelab for it you know it really depends on you know people's definition of mastering could be much different uh so you know while cubase can take a you know stereo audio file and process it and run it through different plugins you know like most daws can do that you know wavelab is really kind of a dedicated mastering tool which has kind of a different perspective and different workflows are very unique to mastering so i mean you could have built-in reference tracks you can do stem mastering if you need it you know additional metering options cd burning additional metadata so you know if you just wanted to process audio files and run it through you know some you know plug-ins you could do that in cubase but if you're you know like a professional mastering engineer you know uh that needs to deliver you know multiple formats multiple metadata for different you know delivery systems and you know you need to listen to the different encoders as you're making the mastering decisions wavelab is a better tool for that all right so we see mandy lanes on the live stream thanks for joining okay so let me just um so i just see a question here how do you solo a track within a group without having the whole song come back in when i unsolo that individual track example working within the drum folders and um wanting to solo one and unsolo it all right so let's say we have all of our drums in a group here okay so let's say um okay so i'm gonna assign a grouped channel to the selected channels here so all right um okay so it says how do you solo track within a group without having the whole song come back in when i unsolo the individual track so in uh working within the drums holder and wanting to solo one and then unsolo it so let's say you know we're playing along here and i solo the kick drum here okay so it says uh so working within the drums holder and wanting to solo one and unsolo it so if i'm here i could just you know when you solo an unsolo you could do that if you wanted to [Music] i think if you hold down you know if if you want to hold down control or command you know you could solo one track and then that would you know place only that track in solo so if i go to the base and now i'll say i want to come to the kick so holding down control can just allow you to solo only the event without having to unsolo everything else and let's say if we have just a group soloed you know i could come here and if we wanted to unsolo you know we could and unsoloing will mute but charlie if you want to do kind of like an absolute solo try holding down you know control or command and then click onto solo and then everything else will get muted so let me know if that will help okay so we have a question uh is there a way to link or group audio events so that when i warp cut or edit one track any linked tracks follow i'd like to correct timing of recording and use multiple mics so currently you know if we are you know if i have these like in a folder i could come over here and just kind of cut you know all within you know i could cut different elements within the folder if you want it to so you know and even if i have like this part selected in the folder and i go to let's say the range tools let's say i hit the letter p i select that event i could just come right over here and choose to you know delete time so if you want to do that but it's not going to do warping but you know other edits you could apply globally if it's in within a folder just to or you know if we just wanted to select multiple events together and group these so if i hit command or control g then when i cut one you know all of the events will be kind of treated and edited together like that but it doesn't apply for warping at this point but for other edits it will okay reading through comments okay so just see from c notes uh it says indie piano roll uh legato and delete overlapping notes uh hasn't worked since 11 came out and i have to use other daws for midi because because of it will there be an update to fix this soon so let me just check it out again uh i know i've kind of passed it on in the past and we'll do it again if it needs it but we'll just take a quick look just to make sure i'll just drag some cord pads here so it looks like that is an 11041 the legato seems to be kind of functioning um so let me know if you've tried 11041 and if that is helping i know in previous versions that was behaving differently okay uh so we see uh question what is the purpose of cubase pro 11 plugins in the network tab uh vst connect qmix vst connect uh monitor vst connect uh se so what those allow you to do is when you go to the vst cloud is you could actually once you go to create abst connect um at this point um i don't have kind of q channel set up so but those plugins are used when we do the remote recording of other people so when we go to you know just create a vst connect se and i kind of changed my setup so let me just repair the setup so at this point we could record people remotely and those are plugins that allow the audio to be routed through the control room so that the person could hear the project that they're recording directly into so those are what those particular plugins are for all right great to see randy lee in the live stream okay reading three more comments excuse me all right so it's just seeing uh some uh discussion about iconica you know and you know steinberg did do that in conjunction with uh orchestral tools um and there's some speculation if iconic is an excerpt from some of the other orchestral tools libraries so it's actually a completely different sampling session that's unique to iconica so all right um so we see from jay says uh would you question uh would you be so kind as to feature request midi key editor add same snap quantize choices uh drums do so uh virtual instruments have more movement options you know so if you're in the editor here we could just use kind of the uh you know for the grid um so i think like if we just kind of come over here you know we so let's say if we set kind of our grid it's going to be based on the quantize value so let's say you know if i just come here um and you know so right now we're we have our quantize set to quarter notes but let's say you know if you change the quantized value to 16th notes which you could do um you know it's you know you should be able to just kind of so i'm not sure if you know once you change the quantized value um that at that point you know the grid can automatically just follow the quantize you know as we move different elements so say okay i want this to be you know quarter note triplets as i move this and i want it to be and you could set up keyboard shortcuts for all the different values i want eighth notes for this as i move it so let me know if that kind of works for ej you know just being able to kind of you know while it's not independent you could just kind of switch it and then move the notes based on the particular grid that you want and change it okay so i have a question uh from alice uh just saying how do i set up the sampler so it doesn't react like tape and only focuses on pitch change without slowing down or speeding up the original sample so we could activate audio warp so let me just show you how to do that all right so if i wanted to um let's say if i just come here to like this vocal file no time to hesitate it's all been um and let's say if i play it at a lower like one octave lower [Music] so and but normally when you do this you know like it'll be time to hesitate it's all been if i play an octave higher it'll play twice as fast or an octave lower half is half as fast so if you wanted the same speed regardless of what pitch just turn on audio warp [Music] and then no regardless of what pitch you play it'll play back no time to happen no time to it'll play back at the same speed so that's all you have to do so just make sure that you enable audio warp as opposed to normal here and then the samples will play back at the original speed okay so we see is it possible to convert cc to note on values uh for example recording velocity using a fader perhaps uh in a recording situation uh using the cc fader to record velocities or use logical editor okay so let's say if i um [Music] okay so let's see if we could do this we might be able to do this in the input transformer but let's take a look all right so i'm just gonna make a bunch of notes here okay so let's take a look at our i just want to check make sure what message this fader is sending out so i'm just going to put on my midi monitor here okay so let's say i grab 32 so let's see if we go to our input transformer [Music] so i want to take our target is we'll say our type is equal to [Music] um let's say type is going to be equal to midi controller change midi controller and value one is going to be equal to 32 because that's what i'm spitting out okay and i want this to be set for value two so let's say [Applause] sorry about that it's annoying all right okay so i'm not sure if let me just go to my midi inserts here quickly all right so let's see if we can do it through a logical editor and i think there's a a preset that's similar to this okay and it's gonna all right so we you know it's not gonna necessarily convert to cc to note on values but we can take like our notes so let's say if we wanted to okay so let's see if we could backward engineer this quickly if not i could take it offline all right so we're going to say type is equal let's say to [Music] controller and let's say it's going to be controller one i may have to take this a little bit offline if you want to email me and i could see if i could get to excuse me play around with it a little more for next time you know because generally you know the velocity is tied to the note message um so it's not like you know like remapping a controller to a different controller i think i can make it happen but i may have to spend probably a little more time than people want to watch me uh have brain cramps on so but i'll see if i'll make a note to see if we can do that for friday's live stream okay reading three more comments here um so i see hey greg i use uh audio movers when working with customers remotely uh is it possible that i run the plug-in through a queue so i have a separate volume for the customer so i imagine that you could so if you just come over here if you wanted to run um the plug-in through through a qmix uh what you could do is just come over here to the control room and i think i may have uh i may have it installed for a quick remote thing i was doing for someone uh but if we wanted to go to inserts and then we could go to the queue we can then just kind of add i think it shows up here is listen to that you might be able to just run the uh you know run it directly there as in insert on the main i don't work with it much i just kind of used it once and still have it on my system but you know try just uh selecting the queue mix that you want it on and then click on inserts and then you could have eight inserts per cue as well see sable winters is saying hit the like button if you haven't already all right so i just see um i'm not sure if it's a question or just comment it says innuendo exporting uh file blue screen and computer restart um so i would check to see if you're doing that so some usually blue screens are kind of indicative of something uh hardware related so you know generally most of the time i think blue screens are going to be hardware related uh try you know when you do the export audio mix down you know out of curiosity um you know see if it makes a difference if you if you have the effects on if you don't have effects and if you bypass third-party plug-ins and also just out of curiosity try saving it to a different location like a different drive or a different path and see if that makes a difference okay my timeline jumped on me okay so i don't think i lost any questions this time all right all right so you're seeing graham which you're saying never used an envelope shaper before you must really try that out so yeah all right so i just see uh from vincent vincent uh vince music so sync video maybe in another streaming you know so if you're syncing video you know really all you ha if you're like sinking to a video deck or if you're syncing to a video file but if you're syncing to a video deck you need to take you know whatever time code is coming in and you need to [Music] come directly over to uh you know first thing is to make sure that you have the when you go to your audio interface that it's going to be externally clocked you're going to need an audio like a sync box that not only has like simply time code or an ltc input and we'll spit out uh you know time code you know via midi time code as well as clock and we would need to tell your audio interface to synchronize to the clock and you need to tell cubase to once you go to the transport to go to the project synchronization setup and you need to say okay our midi time code source you would say i just wanted to come right here is coming directly from this particular input port and that's all you'd have to do to sync up to external video but if you could just uh let us know if you wanted to do video in the box which we showed a little earlier i know there's a long delay by time the questions are asked um but you know if or if you need to sync to like a video deck but you know cubase could do both um so you see something like army digi check for steinberg interfaces available in the future um so i'm not i haven't run an rme interface in 20 years so if you could let me know what what functions in digicheck that you want then we may be able to kind of do something equivalent but just let me know all right so we have a question uh does logic pro audio engine offer any advantage over cubase pro or they sound the same so you know many people have told us that you know i think by time you get into theoretically they should all be the same but there's you know could be a lot of uh different variations on what's going in so i'm not sure if they're doing 64-bit floating point but many people have come from logic because they like the sound of the steinberg engine better so we hear that pretty consistently so all right so we see from john pinyon uh what additional features improvements are being considered for future versions of cubase i almost can't imagine it having something it doesn't already so you know they're already mapping out you know cubase versions well in advance and features that will come in a long time sometimes its features are integrated um you know it may be part of like you know one part of a feature may be part of a broader palette of functionality that's coming so but usually we don't you know talk about you know stuff that's coming out in the future until it's released so we'll avoid we'll avoid the antis appointment factor so okay reading through questions and comments thanks for all the great questions okay so i'm just saying from real raven 2000 says uh cubase uh in the crash is caused by pad shop sound angelic pad it used a built-in sample hold uh which is gone in 10.5 sample and hold filter which is gone in 10.5 something shut down by the upgrade um so i'll just try it really quick here in my 11 and see if i could recreate it on my system okay let me just see if i get name right so i'm not sure if that's a factory preset or maybe it's a preset that's being uh that was done by a third party company but i don't think i have that particular preset so let's say so in just kind of looking at all the presets i see i see angels choir angelic ether but i don't see angelic pad um but let me know you know maybe it's a i don't have all of the pad shop expansions but if you could figure out which expansion it's in that would be helpful okay so just saying kind of uh probably a further comment but i need to map another sample kit question is to transform the fixed midi notes in real time to other notes so probably uh it sounds like maybe uh discussing our drum editor so let's take a quick look at that i'll just so once we have the drum editor open um this is what you could try so let's say i'll assign this to just a generic drum map so if we have a drum map that's set up open up the drum editor and if you slide this over you can have what we call i note and oh note so if you're playing like one sound so say this is a kick in one in the on this on the original set but it's not playing back uh the correct sound so once you have it mapped to a drum note you'll get these options in the drum editor and now we could just kind of take these different sounds and say every c1 play an e1 every d1 play and f sharp one and we could remap these particular pitches and once that's all set up in uh the drum editor we could do this in the bottom zone here we could select the track and you go to the map go to the drum map setup and just save it as you know this is this drum set to this drum set and that will save all the routing for you so let me know if that works all right and we see gareth has made the live stream thanks for joining we just need pablo for the hot mess reunion all right all right so we just see a question uh hey greg an edm track where's the best place to put a drop for the kick when the leads come in um i i don't listen to a lot of edm music so i mean i could probably be like not the best person to ask but let's see uh all right so let's say um said the best place to put a drop so you know i mean it it's kind of hard to say i mean i don't listen to edm all the time when the league so where is the best place you know i think if it's like more of a musical solution you know it could vary um you know but obviously people kind of want that little bit you know that build up and attention and maybe like you know like after the rise um and the drop and then just to have something you know to kind of after creating tension you know i often think of music and you know different genres or it's classical jazz or rock or edm you know you kind of have tension and release so you know i think if as long as you have the release and maybe you bring the kick in after that but you know i'm not if you send me a link to a track i may be able to give you kind of a an idea but you know i think you know having tension and release is always a good thing to keep in mind in just about any musical genre all right so we just see uh from real raven says one thing i'm missing uh in export is the ability to export instruments as midi tracks you know so the export is primarily for audio for delivery but you know you could always just come over here and export um you know you could choose to export the midi file and import the midi file so it's not part of the channel export but you can export the midi file uh one thing you know if you wanted to um it says i could open it 10.5 remove the offending track and then reopen in 11. uh i could surely export the midi somehow and rebuild somehow you know and something that you might be able to do also if you're having one particular preset that's causing problems is you know come over here and you know maybe save it as just to disable the track and save it and then you know copy even though the track is disabled you could still copy the parts to another track and then just simply replace it with a different sound and you know take all the parts and just move it to the new track and then just disable that particular track all right so we have music all day checking in from michigan thanks for joining the live stream all right so we see when's 11.5 coming out uncle greg so you know most people know that i can't really talk about stuff until it's actually out so or i'll have a bunch of german people really mad at me and they'll just come back right to this live stream as evidence so we see when is cubase 17 coming out uh so you know when it's ready soon all right okay so we see greg can nuendo use a reference track for eq so really all you'd have to do um you know if you set up um a reference track so you know there is just a plug-in that you could use that's included like it this is kind of like an eq matching plug-in so if i wanted to come over here to inserts you'll see the voxengo curve eq so if you wonder why that's in there it's specifically for this function so if we go to um the mode here we want to set this to average uh and then you'll see kind of like static and match so if you play one audio file we can click on take and then you do another audio file and then click on take again and then you say this is the reference and apply it to this other file so this way then you could match the eqs so you could do that innuendo as well right there let's see how we're doing on time all right so about where we or i thought we'd be so thanks for all the wonderful questions to see kind of an interesting question why are there british trendsetters in popular music spaniards italians even germans where are the musical people all right so we see pablo has made the live stream so we have the whole hot mess ensemble here so glad you could join us pablo from galicia espana okay uh so you see from graham uh it says hi greg can i have the eq transferred from individual tracks of the mixer from the groove agent so i'll show you a trick so let's say if i have a groove agent track and we can do this with the acoustic agent so let's say if i i'll just i'll do it on a new project so it could be more obvious all right so let's say i come into the mixer here and i've adjusted eqs my levels okay so so we have everything kind of playing through one uh one groove agent pattern here so let's say i take the snare [Music] and i just wanted to add more highs so if you actually click on if i wanted to copy all these settings let's say you know with you know compression so i will come over here um activate the compressor so let's say okay as we're playing along so and if you just right click on the agent itself we could export mixer and effects to cubase and what this will do is take all the mixer settings directly from there and automatically export it directly into cubase so we could think of like the the plugins within groove agent the eqs the you know the envelope shape or compressor [Music] you know all those functions are kind of subset of the cubase plugin so it'll just automatically marry those over and create them into right into the cubase mixer gram see pablo saying he needs a big coffee you can't say you need a coffee when i still have an hour to go pablo you should know that come on thanks jaz dude for doing some moderation for us here appreciate that all right so we just see um from a question uh i haven't managed to run cubase 11 and cubase 10.5 connecting to two different steinberg heart uh audio two different steinberg hardwares you are e24 and urc44 at the same time the azure driver can only handle uh one hardware at a time so um i i could try it out if you want to email me i could try it out on my system on my personal studio system i have uh two different ur interfaces connected on there i think the urs um they might have kind of like a shared driver architecture so um i so that you may have to do like a little bit of you know defining which interface but i could give it a i i'd be happy to try it out on my end on my studio pc um i just have one interface connected here uh one of the ur interfaces but if you want to email me realraven2000 at clubcubase at i'd be happy to kind of get it set up as well on my end and see if there's a trick okay so just see a question uh when editing midi uh when i deleted a note all the other notes shifted back it took me a minute to realize it i had to hit the snap button to turn something off what is that about so okay here's my cool drum beat that gareth is going to steal now all right so let's say when i delete a note here um so i have snap turned on so you know it could depend let's i'll undo that so let's say if i delete i'll make this note longer here so when i delete i'm just hitting the delete key or the backspace key if i erase the other notes stay intact um you know i wonder if if we come over here and say you know just delete that doesn't seem to do it i know like if we had like the range that we could let's see if it was you know like on the project window we could do you know if we do let's say just an edit in place i mean this kind of sounds like what's going on so let's say if we come here and if i delete it notes let's say if i go to the range tool and i go to the selected range and say you know cut time that those notes get shifted back but i can't necessarily so in the normal key editor there isn't a range tool for that to happen so i'm not sure what could be causing that you know usually just will automatically you know leave the other notes in place but let me know if i'm doing something differently all right so we have a question uh what is this and when we need this activate steinberg audio power scheme so this is something that we see on a windows platform uh so i don't have it but when you get to the audio system you'll see the uh activate uh steinberg audio power scheme so what happens is a lot of time we have you know tons of people that are running cubase on laptops and the biggest one huge criteria for laptop metrics is battery life so what a lot of laptops end up doing is as you're working is they will throttle the cpu so that the computer isn't working as hard and that makes the battery last longer because the processor isn't working um isn't working as hard so you know that could extend the life of your battery so that's great on a battery uh you know battery life metric but it's not necessarily good for real-time audio processing because basically you're using you know 60 40 of your computer's power so while in cubase if you activate use the steinberg audio power scheme that will make sure that your laptop cpu isn't slowed down to you know for to be green or eco or to make the battery last longer so that's what that function is so that makes sure that your cpu is being fully utilized and your cpu doesn't get slowed down uh for power management reasons so see a question greg can you sync two daws uh on the same computer so yeah you know some people would use in the old days would run rewire to do that um you know some people still use midi time code to go between different daws on the same computer uh so you can you know it doesn't often get you much you know used to be some people would use to kind of split up resources on one computer and realize that running two different daws took more resources than having everything within one one program so it's not often used but you could definitely do it and you could synchronize you know via rewire or using midi time code as well okay so we just have a question uh two questions uh when copying when copying multiple audio files to a track project is there a way to have all the wav files populate the lanes of a track for example a vocal comp um all right so let's uh let me just go over here real quick let's go to this project okay so let's say uh if i copy this over you know that will you know preserve uh let me just so say i have this over and i want to copy those events and now when i go to my lanes so it could depend how it's recorded but let's say if i just want to copy those um you know because in essence this was all recorded in kind of a cycle so this could be one let me just set up a new project here i'll just do a couple quick recordings all right so let's say if i copied all of these so it looks like you may have to manually copy and if you are doing you know if you wanted to copy you just kind of you know into lanes you may have to just kind of start let's say i don't think there's an automated way of doing this but you could say okay take this and drag it into let's see if we could drag it to different lanes or the sea if you [Music] can if you just drag it on top so let's see if we're so i'll just do some brand new project just to make sure [Music] and let me just could be my preference that we had from our very first question that's causing this behavior let me just choose to not do delete overlaps [Music] so it looks like you could just kind of you may have to manually drag it into lanes but it looks like that all kind of works as expected but make sure you don't have delete overlaps and make the operator error that i did all right uh so we had another question how can i add my own midi pattern files to the midi media bay all right so let's say if i have an instrument track so we need to do this with an instrument track so let's say we'll come over here okay so at that point all you have to do and then you select it and then you could choose to export a midi loop and then this midi loop could automatically show up and then you could just open it from media bay and drag and drop so just uh export as midi loop okay um it says uh we have question i work mostly with groove agent as my drum but most of the presets slash kits lack of samples i use each pad only has one sample on it instead of five so drums options are narrower can i know where to look for this rich of samples kits before loading the kit there are many libraries you know so you know if you're looking for kits with lots of sample layers i would probably look in uh like the kit in that library and if also if you look in um probably some of the early ones let's come over here to groove agent se i would when i go to load a kit with patterns i would probably choose um like you know like this studio se kit uh would be a great place to go and also the kit so let's say if i go to the kit we can come right over here we can load this up and now that we have this you know we can this will have many different velocity layers you may not see it but the acoustic agent kits can have you know i think they have up to 32 velocity layers so as you kind of work with it so look for those um you know probably the older ones may you know if we look at probably like groove agent kits while someone may still sound great they may not be as velocity rich as others so like one of the ones i use for this is like maple kit cd and we'll take a look here and we can see that we have two velocity layers three velocity layers for the snare so you could see how many velocity layers there are as you said the hi-hat you know can have eight velocity layers so you have i think 32 velocity layers but you know as soon as you kind of click on like an acoustic a beat agent kit you could see how many layers there are there but check out like the kit or the studio sc samples uh the acoustic agents and they generally will have more velocity layers okay so we see the um tyro pirate just says um who's not smashed the thumb let's get it over to 100 likes except that's always a great place to be um so so i just see vst connect pro does not do the same as listen to um so i think you could you know basically uh someone has vst connect performer you could send a mix to them uh just like listen to except it's free uh with cubase so i think you can i'm not a listen to expert but if you wanted to share your mix someone could just uh download vst connect performer and listen to it all right so we just see a question uh hey greg is uh m1 native support coming in cubase 12. so again i generally can't talk about features until the program is released so um but it would be nice so i think you know it's a significant amount of work so i'm sure someone has thought of it okay uh so we just see uh high greg versions um to cubase sx allowed a stop command to be placed in the timeline playback would automatically stop where the stop command was placed is there any alternative for the same function um so i know you can do kind of like a a lot of people will do a i think if we go to the transport that you could do like a play project range and you could play you know have it play the selection range so what a lot of people do is you know in a project you may just say um i didn't like my vst connect setup see if i sometimes my i.t stuff at my company makes it a little let's just see if i get this back i'm gonna have to reboot my system real quick try one thing here i'm gonna just reboot my computer real quick everyone just hang on for a minute or two sorry about this all right so i may just uh do a quick reboot and i have a kind of a long boot time with our it security stuff so i'm just going to reboot so just hang on and we'll get right to that question all right i'm gonna do a quick test to see if we're back here sorry about that i'm going to do just a quick audio test again make sure everything is okay i'm gonna do just a okay so audio so sorry about that so once again we can just come over here and you know just play the selection range so if i just have my you know left and right locators set like around the particular range i could just you know say uh you know range and then you could just say play to uh you know like just play the particular range um or it's under the transport menu sorry so say let's play project range and then it will just when we get to the very end it will just automatically uh you know play until the selections are played play to end and you can have keyboard shortcuts for all of that okay just um reading through more comments sorry about the interruption there okay so we see that the preset was dreaming gates so let's see if we all right let's just check my audio connections here quickly [Music] okay so i'll just [Music] all right and i'll just try a quick export audio mix down see if it's behaving the same on my system i'll just export just a section it has audio in it so all right so no problems there but one thing to try real raven 2000 is maybe if you go to media bay um just out of curiosity and if you go to factory content then go to or vst sound and then maybe look under pad shop yeah you know and then just at this point try just you know rescanning the disk and see if that makes any difference maybe it's not finding the file and in cubase 11 it was in 10.5 okay so we just see a question uh is there a way to export audio mix down window to export audio as different file types at the same time so if i wanted to do this so we could in version 11 they added the capability of doing uh export cues so if i want i could take this and when i do an export audio mix down uh we could say okay i want this as a wav file um and then we'll see export queue and i'll say add to queue and then i wanted this as a 24 bit wav file add to queue i want this as a 16 bit wav file or a 16 bit aif file add to queue so now at this point i could start to queue export it will go through and export multiple files and different sample rates file formats bit depths uh all all at once uh and then also with that it's uh can i export stereo and interleaved so let's go ahead and take a look so yes we could do that as well so let's remove these three tracks and let's say do my export audio mix down i have these cues and now i wanted to do uh a wave 16-bit 48k split channels add to q and i wanted to do a wave 32 64-bit floats you know interleaved and then once again add to queue come right over here we'll export and so we can see our are interleaved as well as our split files all could be done simultaneously um all right so i just say hey greg if i open a new project without closing what i have open before does that project bypass um so when you open a project so let's say if i come here and i open uh a project so let's say i'll get to bicycle here we'll often get this little message so when i go to open a project it says do you want to activate the project so if i choose um if i choose no this project is still active but this project will open up if i say activate the project this project becomes activated and the previous one is inactive but it doesn't close the project all right so we see that we're at 126 likes at this point in the discussion so that's great thank you so much and we see nice comment from uh from alice and quality livestream deserves all the likes thank you for the kind words all right uh so we see from gareth uh could you demonstrate uh situations where you would need to use the direct routing tab okay so let's say um let's say i have like all of my effects ends like it's a complicated mix and i have all of my uh effect sends going on and they're being used and i need to send perhaps um let's say i'm gonna add two group channels here all right and i have you know chorusing and reverb and i can't really utilize the group channels for effect send so i want to select all of my drum tracks and i want to do parallel processing so at this point what i could do is and we have this concept of direct routing so we could go to the racks and make sure that direct routing is enabled and we're going to activate it here and when we go to this little drop down menu this is a critical step we want to make sure that direct routing summing mode is on so you want to make sure that that is checked so now we could route all of my drum channels to so all my sends are being used let's say for side chaining for effects so now at this point i want to route these all to group one and i'll do just a quick link so that it'll make sense this time so all my drum channels can now be routed to group one and to group two and i'm gonna activate both these destinations so when i go to [Music] play the project all the drums we'll now go through [Music] all right so say we have uh group two so let's say i'll activate group one now all right and let me select all the channels here and i want to once again activate these on group one as well so now as we play i can now send to both destinations and let's say i'm going to do like a parallel compression but i really want this only two all right so this one is like really parallel but what's kind of cool about this is i could now come over here and automate so let's say right at this point i wanted to select all my drums and one point i don't want it to go through the parallel bus so i'll just automate those changes so at this point you could use the kind of direct routing you could automate the changes to direct routing or you know when again your sends are being used so this just allows you kind of more kind of parallel routing options all right so we have chris hallam checking in from um directly from uh columbia south carolina watching while he's working we won't tell your boss but we're happy you're here okay uh so we just see um hello greg question how to uh after rendered in place and put all tracks in one folder and unload uh vstis at the same time a macro so you know if we come over here let's just do this quickly um and you can do this for multiple tracks as well so okay so i'll do my 21st century composition here [Music] all right so if i have the track selected not the events but the track uh and we go to edit to render and place we go to render settings and when the track is selected we get some uh the source track settings so here i could choose to uh remove the selected track or if i wanted to [Music] just come over here and disable it so let me just um i'm just going to reread and unload the vst so i'm going to say just disable the source tracks so if i do that then it's going to render the file and the source tracks get disabled and unloaded if you really wanted to commit to it we could also just you know like to make it really we'll call it homer simpson proof that when we go to the edit menu we can go to our range and we do a render in place that we could remove the source tracks and then the midi information is kind of gone forever and it just migrates directly into just an audio file all right so i know we had a couple of questions not many that were sent in advance so let's make sure we get to those thanks for all the wonderful uh questions and discussions um all right so first question we had um is it possible to have multiple tempo tracks within a project so we have one active tempo track at a time so let's say if i'm here and i have this tempo track and we see this often kind of with composers and they may want to try out different tempo ideas so if you're doing this and oh maybe i if i speed it up or slow it down here and let me start fresh but the trick is we could just go to the tempo track and we could say we could have track versions so i could just have different tempo tracks and try out different ideas and different variations of different tempos and then you could of course combine those so you could say okay let's go to tempo track one say i like that or i just wanted to go to tempo track version two or tempo track version three and this would allow you to kind of toggle back and forth between the different ones okay another question that was sent in um it says if i have a project with 10 tracks with two or three plug-ins each the system performance meter goes a 100 percent with buffer size set at 1024 and azio guard activated i freeze all tracks but system uh performance meter is still at 100 shouldn't it decrease um how do i release the plug-ins how is it possible that all track freezes it doesn't reduce the cpu load i have a ryzen 5 with 16 gigs of ram and a pc so you know depending on you know what instruments are being used that could be kind of the issue um you know like you might be just kind of at the edge like you know if you're running you know italian patch with 16 sounds that make up one sound you know you might be kind of pushing your memory but you know i'm not sure if you're choosing to you know i would try to you know render in place just like we just showed um so i'm not sure if you're freezing the track um but you could also one other thing that you could do is let's say if we do have your instruments in your rack um you know i tend to work more of utilizing render and place and disabling automatically but one of the things that you could do here is try also just to freeze the instrument and see you know so let's say if i'm here and i have a lot of you know now we could just freeze the instrument and see if that makes a difference but you know it could be um you know you generally freezing would you know take away the cpu usage and you should see it but if it's you know if maybe one plug-in has a memory leak and your memory is totally shot you know that might cause some of the some you know performance issues after freezing or maybe it just doesn't release the particular plugin all right so that was our questions we have a couple more minutes let's see we get a couple quick questions in i see staples calling me a living legend and i'm pablo is calling me la leche so thank you it's very kind and jazz dude saying and we have great questions that what makes these live streams really great it's all the wonderful questions and people learning from other people's questions see mark raven just uh saying hope you had a great birthday so he did i kind of spent you know most of the actual birthday on the live stream and doing uh the index late that night but i got an old base kind of setup that i've been wanting to get worked on so i feel like i got a new base for my setup cost for kind of an old esp fretless it was like my high school graduation gift so it's great to have that instrument back and playing in top form it's a great quote from table this is the most productive unproductive four hours of my day but i'm hooked so that's good thanks abel it's always better when sable is on the live stream um so you see uh from yan uh the global mutant solo is there a way to undo so i think it's just going to be um the so let's say if i have like these tracks and let me just add some audio tracks here all right so let's say i have some of these soloed um so there may be in the project logical editor when we come over here so we can say um container type is equal to track and [Music] um i could it's will say property is uh let's say track operation uh mute and let's try toggle so with this we could come over here and maybe i think sometimes people are um so let's say if i come here and undo the time let's say i toggle the behavior and let's say if i undo [Music] let's see if i come here let's toggle and let's see if i undo yeah so it doesn't seem let me just try one more thing here so let's say i untoggle or unmute apply that and let me try alt z so it doesn't seem like it's in the undo or mix console undo history but i'll i could play around with it a little more all right let's see how we're doing on time so i think we're just about out of time thank you for all the great questions it's wonderful to see new faces on um on the live stream we hope to see more people and again we do this on tuesdays and fridays starting at 1 pm us eastern i think the european and american clocks are kind of in sync again this week so uh thanks again for all the wonderful questions and we'll see uh see everyone back on friday hopefully and you can send questions to club cubase at steinberg i want everyone to stay safe and healthy and look forward to seeing everyone on friday afternoon thank you very much
Channel: Cubase
Views: 24,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: ZOrNhs9v7Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 34sec (14254 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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