Not all #00 Buckshot is Created Equally!

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while there folks and welcome to the BRR reloading bench um I know a lot of you have already seen the video where captain buster was still hunting the other day and shot a really nice big fat doe at one of the new properties up near watery lake that we have the gracious permission of the landowners the hunt up there he took this doe with one of my reloads at fifty yards a 12 pellet 12 pellet double alt on nickel-plated from ballistic products well a lot of people ask are really confused about the lead payload weight thing let's just focus on double-aught buckshot here for just a few minutes [Music] a lot of folks are just relying on the Buckshot reload data let's just take one of the many sizes that are out there available now and that's the very popular 33 calibre double-aught buck there's a lot of load data out there that gives you just for example I'm gonna just pull this out of the air 200 quarter inch reload using nine pellets of double-aught buck using a two hundred quarter inch brand new Fiocchi whole X 12 X seal FC 12 fiber cushion wad nine pellets of double-book very common hunting home defense whatever type load powder measure is irrelevant at this point because there's just so many different combinations you can use we're just using this as an example well how many what is the difference and are you different types of double-aught buck double-aught buck is double all bug right well hang on just a minute and watch this little segment rock quick okay I got this little digital scale off of ebay for probably about 20 bucks it's been several years ago but you can still see them although we for anywhere from 10 to 20 bucks if you want to make sure your little scale is accurate I've got a 10 gram and a 50 gram test weight that came with my Hornet in Lock and Load powder dispenser so I set the scale on grams and we set our test weights in there just to make sure everything is kosher good we're right on the money so we know that we are good with those numbers this is the ballistic products nickel plated double-aught buck now the point that I'm making with all of this is to just because it says it's double-aught buck these are a few things you need to check guys checking the diameter of these nickel plated pellets you see that they are closer to 34 caliber than they are to 33 caliber I checked I have actually checked probably close to 100 pellets they will vary in size from 33 and a half all the way to 34 one I think was the biggest I got was just over 34 caliber but you're gonna see just about every one of these at least the batch that I got I got like 11 pounds of these and they vary from 33 and a half up to over 34 caliber now let's weigh these things I'm gonna drop nine in here which would be a typical two or three quarter inch standard load and we got 1.2 1 ounces we're gonna add up three more pellets to get 12 to be a 2 in 3/4 inch of mag size load or an extended range 3-inch 1 6 1 and we're gonna drop the next three in here to make a full 15 pellet look at that we are at a full two ounces now let's just move right on to another ballistic products product the double super bug you see the I had a picture up there let's drop nine pellets of the double alt super buck from ballistic products in here and see what kind of weight we get actually just over one ounce with 912 pellets under one and a half ounces and a full 15 that would be in a three inch load just under one point eight ounces of lead payload weight same company same buckshot listing as a double all but you can see that's a pretty big difference between the two let's check the diameter of the double all super bulkier there's one this this 32 and a half is just under 33 caliber now I'm just gonna check a bunch of them right here and just see what we come up with 32 and a half thirty two point three thirty two eight and then let's move right on to some quantity double opt this is their Hornady's hard cast double all now with this buckshot folks I don't think I ever got a pellet over point three two one two three one eight one three one seven and what you're seeing is going to be pretty much consistent with what with the results that I get measuring out the Hornady double oo okay let's see how much the horny de buckshot weighs eight nine just over one ounce then twelve for a two and three-quarter inch mag type load under 1.4 go to a full 15 pellets which would be a full three inch Magnum load 1.7 ounces of lead payload weight the next ones we're going to check our my hard cast out of the lis mold they suggest coated in our and a locks and Li a locks grease as what they're coated in let's check nine pellets here got 1.1 ounces with nine pellets twelve just rot about one and a half ounces in 15 is 184 you see that's a pretty big swing so it's important you know because we're going by lead payload weight with most of our reloads and you can see that this is a true 33 caliber out of the lead double log mold these are compression dents this is the only pellet Kevin Buster's ever recover from that Dodi killed the other day and you see the two compression dance from where this thing accelerated it about 10,000 G's it struck a rib bone on the outside and that's what caught it in the hide the other nine passed completely through these pellets were pulled from the three point the captain buster killed last day last season these were all from my cast reloads let's pull a few of these out look out ballistic products nickel plated because they're the 33 Cal double all but it actually exclosure to 34 caliber now these are all of my hard cast water dropped 32 caliber single off the captain Buster shot this was uh all three shots that he used on this book were all 32 caliber single oh it's one of his favorite rounds to shoot you see that the powder coating the Harbor Freight red held up really nicely but you can see the compression dump on these come on focused on baby the compression dimples on these are almost non-existent folks see that compression dimple right there is compared to this one that means the alloy that ballistic products uses here is pretty good bit softer then my water dropped of wheel weight alloy that I used to make my book shot the this stuff stays around or now of course this one you can see it struck bone but these pellets are still almost pristine perfect you could drop on the right back in another round see the compression dimples here almost non-existent you as you can see the just because the box says double-aught buckshot 33 caliber double-aught buckshot does not mean that that's what it is it can be it can be anywhere from thirty one and a half to thirty-four caliber just with the buckshot that I demonstrated in that video segment that you just watched okay anyway back to that round the captain buster smacked that big ol doe with the other day was a 12 pellet the nickel-plated ballistic products double-aught buck which you saw might doubt closer to 34 caliber than it did to 33 n was a good bit heavier than a lot of the other buckshot al ilysm so anyway but we're using that to our advantage we're only putting together a 12 pellet extended range load old-school type load i've been loading for years using 12 pellets instead of 14 but when you're talking 34 caliber utah that's a heavy hit and load especially getting out there 12 13 hundred foot per second and I'm gonna show you how I'll put them together here and then I want to take you down to the range and show you how they performed at the range okay our best performers that we got down there at the range and we'll put those together for you here right quick we got 800 X and the Hornaday Lock and Load here and we need 28 grains to 8 0 to get past our decimal we're going to hit enter that locks it in and then we're gonna want to dispense it usually this big flake powder dispenses really well without me having to adjust the speed let's see what happens [Music] it's coming over charged it I bet I didn't really see it but big ol big old hunk must've fell out all right let's hit enter let's see what we actually got well once it settled down it's not an overcharge that's 28.1 is an acceptable charge it actually was not an overcharge there's no wind stirring around in here anything else but that's that happens 28.1 is well within specs so I'm gonna go ahead and use that charge we we also were used to once fired Remington Nitro Hall Winchester Winchester western primer installed twenty-eight grains of 800 X double a 12 red wide or the clay buster CB 1138 as the part number that you'll want to enter at ballistic products CB 1138 is the clay buster copy of the old double a 12 red wide we're gonna grab 12 of these nickel-plated double often ballistic products that actually came out more towards 34 caliber than 33 cow it won't stack 12 of these in here by twos and they stack in there right up to the base of the crown and we're going to cover it and BP original that's the buffer in the blue Canyon and I think I'm just using the was looking best for me and got my regular glasses on looks like D 3.1 Lee Dipper 3.1 see Seelye dipper that's what I use it's perfect for this load right here to cover it in the buffer beautiful round hit it with a little miracle nail to your dollar store nail hardener we put a dog a vet here on the top of that crimp it dries almost instantly and it keeps the buffer from coming out of your round brand-new Fiocchi hall 3-inch all ballistic products works just as good three inch tonight brand new tonight hall from ballistic products works equally well with this combination this load that I showed you right here okay once fired Remington nitro whole Winchester Western primer 28 grains of 800 X this has got the double a 12 red wide or the it's got the clay buster equivalent and we have 12 pellets of the double out and a half 34 caliber nickel plated shot this is an old-style reload here with a bigger pellet alright here we go 1264 excellent can definitely be loaded again sometimes you just can't beat old-school stuff this is just can't beat it and these are bigger these are 34 caliber pillows these are between a double wall and their triple all for 34 yes 33 caliber most double also 32 and a half now they're not even a full 33 well these may I might put the mic on these and he's a 34 caliber he's big nickel-plated double out and a half from ballista products look at what a pattern out there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 1234 caliber pillows 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 that's a double hit right there that's 2 of them 8 9 10 11 Wow yeah that's 2 pellets right there definitely a go right there I bet you another would like that one yeah it always did like that one alrighty folks so how good that old-school load did bit where this is a standard factory type load we got 15 pellets in here 28 a long shot BP operator 12 gas cyl and the half of uh no it's not half it is a full yeah 28 a long shot obturator 12 seal FX 12 which is half waxed of your fiber wide half-inch 15 34 cow pellets nickel-plated 34 cow pellets in here covered and ballistic products original buffer 11:36 flat kick that one way out holy cow there's nowhere in this paper if the animal was anywhere in here that's 34 caliber pellets and I said no that that's two hits right there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 of 15 11 34 caliber pellets look at that right across the senator paper right here from side to side consistent that is a great pattern with pellets that bead that's awesome I say that beer definitely a go right there folks you can actually see the clay Buster which is the old Winchester western red equivalent I'll post a number right here we got 27 800 X and a brand new she'd it-- primed hole 27 800 X it's got the double-a 12 are the armed clay buster equivalent 12 of these big 34 caliber pellets in here nickel-plated pellet pellets and ballistic products covered in original buffer I'm going to shoot it out of the 870 with a 26 inch barrel who is it just about patterns anything all right she already 12:47 okay all up straight can be definitely loaded again fill them a little right but I mean when I'm talking a little right we're at 54 yards so at 50 meters one two three four five six seven eight nine ten of twelve when we got one two three four five six seven thirty full caliber did I can cover with my hand eight depending on how I rotate it right there I think that's eight pellets here five six seven eight eight thirty four caliber pellets in a nine inch circle right there that is quite satisfying okay folks hope y'all enjoy the video it goes to show you that not all double-aught buck is created equal and but even when they're not created equal just by going by elated payload weight we can make our adjustments on powder a lot easier then we can just by going by buckshot data on pellet size lead payload weight is way more important whether it is a number 9 shot or whether it's quad buckshot or slugs lead payload weight is what is most important I hope you all enjoy the video this is Wade rush hosted the Bubba Roundtree outdoors Channel and we'll be back with a lots more very soon bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bubba Rountree Outdoors
Views: 22,307
Rating: 4.9261994 out of 5
Keywords: #00, Buck, Buckshot, round ball
Id: cddz11QDngw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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