Two .60 cal Ball... The Multi-ball Round Enigma gets SOLVED!

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[Music] [Music] well hey there folks and welcome to another edition of the bro reloading bench uh welcome if you guys haven't uh haven't visited this channel before my name is wade rush i host the bubble round tray outdoors channel we do all kinds of stuff here from deer hunting fishing shooting reloading all kinds of fun stuff it is fun to be an american anyway one of the biggest enigmas that i have dealt with here over the last few years is trying to figure out a multi-ball round uh well we're talking about like pumpkin ball and it's known as pumpkin ball round ball anyway it's a it's big caliber large caliber ball ranging from 70 cal down to 50 caliber then you start getting into uh normal what we call normal size buckshot type rounds but today we're dealing with the 60 caliber ball you can get a fine mold from marty's molds to mold up these 60 cal ball right here i do not have one yet this is out of the lee mold i did have a lee 60 caliber two cavity ball mold and i molded up a bunch of these things anyway it has taken a long time to try to get this figured out and i think we're finally on the right track y'all stand by okay wade we thought you were the buckshot loading guru what is uh what is the enigma about the multiball round ball well it's best i can explain what the enigma would be of of big caliber ball sizes and i'm talking 50 50 cal and up to 70 cal which is about as big as you can go in a 12 gauge you're going bore size you're going 72 cal and that is with just a cylinder bore choke or no choke at all in the in the shotgun at 72 cal i haven't loaded anything bigger than 70 cowball but when you get up that size 68 69 70 cow ball we've got one projectile in the round when you get small enough and the 50 caliber 53 cowball 575 cowball 60 cow ball 64 cow ball you can get multiple projectiles in one round the enigma example we're shooting number one buckshot out of an extended range load we've got 18 pellets in a three inch magnum round we're shooting at a 28 inch wide target at 50 meters we've got 18 pellets going down range and it and it a range of 50 meters getting all of those pellets inside of a 17 or 18 inch circle is considered ideal because you've got 18 pellets spread out from side to side and all other pel you've got pellets all across the center of the pattern now the enigma with round ball we only have two projectiles in there and you spread your two projectiles out 12 to 14 inches at 50 meters that ain't they ain't worth a cuss so now what we've got to do now is tighten that stuff up get those multiple projectiles at this case two or sometimes 3 and get them right on top of each other at 50 meters ideally because you're going to be aiming it like a rifle anyway and now multiple projectiles does increase your hit probability but we still want those multi-ball rounds the those ball to be real close to one another even out to 50 meters i think i have come up with something that is going to work and work well for you guys all right the uh the rw 123 red wide from precision is one of the toughest wads we have ever tested here on this channel or that i have ever used or have ever fired and i have fired a lot of them the uh precision is not a sponsor they don't send me anything for free or anything like that the uh the rw123 wide is outstanding it is the best performer in this load the white lightning wide from ballistic products did good but it came in second behind the rw 123 the uh the precision wide is thicker and that 60 cal ball really fits in there perfect in that wide there's a little wiggle room in the white lightning y the white lightning wide is one of my favorite buckshot wads and it did you'll see in the video it performed well with these multiball rounds but it uh in most cases it came in second to the uh to the rw123 all right enough talking about that let's put uh let's put the first round together that we finally around i finally put together that worked consistently whenever we would shoot it over and over getting one to work good ain't worth a toot if if two three and four don't work good and then number five may show some promise and then you know six seven eight don't perform good here all of these have consistently performed well that's what's impressive and that's why i'm sharing it with you guys right now all right the first round that did so well let me go ahead and get the hornady lock and load set up here to throw me three 33 grains of imr blue don't have a camera set up on it today guys most all of y'all have seen that multiple times i can get boring sitting here watching the machine so uh we're dispensing 33 grains of imr blue let me put my hands on there i hope you can still find some of these holes have been almost impossible to find ballistic products sells out of them almost as soon as they get them then it gets harder and harder to find them anywhere but a few a month or six weeks ago they had some some new primed chadite holes in stock i was able to pick up a few bags of these so we got 33 grains of imr blue coming off the machine here all right the precision rw123 i just cut it short it's got a lot more letters and all that in front of it but basically rw i'm sure it stands for red wide one two 12 gauge three inch one two three i'm assuming that's how they coded or how they named this wide rw that for me is easy for me to remember red wide 12 gauge three inch from precision that's what this is okay i love how you can see through these clear hulls now this is a 20 gauge fc 20 20 gauge fiber cushion wide right here ballistic products has plenty of these if if they have some in stock now half inch we need to push this down into the base of this wide now this isn't see this this isn't a cinch i can push it in there about that far easily with my hand then we're gonna have to get something that's just an old marker that i use a lot and press it down into the base of this wide there it stopped feel it when it stops we're trying to get the ball height right we need that top ball right there even is even with the top of this wide as we can get it now 260 cowball not treated anything else you can't i'm gonna be powder coating a bunch of these i made up a bunch of them today why powder coat it why treat them at all do you have to no the powder coating puts a jacket on it puts a real smooth nice jacket on all of the ball some of these will have anomalies on them a lot of these spheres some of these two almost are perfect but several of them will have little small anomalies on them and the jacket kind of takes that out it really smooths it out you can treat them with a locks and graphite yes yes you can if you're going to be loading these in a 20 gauge then you're only you're not going to be able to put these in a wide they would have to go directly in the uh in a round for 20 gauge about the closest thing you could do would be my law rapid that is for a different video two 60 cowball now to get efficiently to get the the ballistic products original buffer in here on this we've used both the precision spherical buffer from precision and we've used ballistic products original with equal equal results they you can't tell one from the other they both work equally well we've shot a few without the buffer they don't tend to hold as tight together without the buffer my my guess is the ball are deforming more in the rounds where we do not put buffer in even around these big ball rounds so i've got one ball dropped in here i'll get just a little bit scoop up just a little bit of ballistic products original and sprinkle it in here and shape the ball around and see it is just barely covered okay now we'll drop the other ball in on top of it you see what i'm talking about it's just about perfectly level with the top of this rw 123 wide now we sprinkle a little bit more buffer in there and we just keep shaking it around the ball doesn't fit in there tight it doesn't fit in there tight at all that's why we're putting the buffer in keep shaking it around see the buffer keeps selling in and when all the buffer that's going to go in there it settles right there and we have a buffered two ball round i use clear over shot card bingo card works equally well but right now up under the bench i've got the clear segmented overshot cards from ballistic products precision has them as as well if ballistic products doesn't have it in stock precision might have it push the card right down on top of the wide okay the crimp tool i have in here is the gup yes the guide finishing tool bn3 is the one i have in my machine uh wade you mean to tell me you can roll cramp with that thing you better believe it boys watch this take a little petroleum jelly and make sure i had just put this bit back in there i figured y'all might be able to see this a lot better coming from this thing than me trying to set up extra stuff clamp it in the hole of ice yeah that's the finishing tool for the crimp finisher look at what a job not only does it do an excellent job roll crimping around look at the taper it puts a beautiful taper on the end of that roll crimped around so that it feeds really efficiently and effectively in your autoloaders and your pump guns yeah and there's your round 33 imr blue rw123 red wide a one half inch 20 gauge fiber cushion wide pressed into the bottom two 60 cow ball anyway not only does it look good let me take you to the range and show you how this performed okay folks i finally got we got 260 cow ball in here and you see that's the rw 123 red wide from precision now god these things are tough they're some of the toughest ones some of the toughest wads i've ever shot and uh we've got these 260 cal ball weigh 1.5 ounces folks and we're pushing this whole set up here with 33 grains of imr blue and we've got it covered in precision spherical buffer around here i've got let me see what have i got for a cushion i got half inch 20 gauge paper wide pressed in the bottom of this rw 123 to get the ball at the right height in these holes to roll crump them with a clear over segmented overshot card and we continue to be at 55 yards or 50 meters dove shoot going on in the field right here next to the farm all right i can make that work there we go all right i'm gonna go ahead and shoot a two-shot group with these 260 cowball boy that's got some punch ah six two eight that ain't right is that look at that boys i'll have to uh y'all see it before i did but all four balls are right here and and the size of my hand at 55 yards or 50 meters i think we i think we found a winner right there look at that hammer all 460 cal balls are right there in the size of my hand see that's what people want me to take a deer with multiple multi-ball rounds as well well i think you can shoot that one with confidence right there yeah i was impressed too we uh like i said i had tried several different configurations for you guys because components are hard to find almost impossible to find at times so um anyway one of the next great performers that we had is the uh was out of a brand new federal brand new federal primed hull i got mine from ballistic products back in february or march right before this crunch started happening ballistic products ran out of some of the regular stuff that i bought these were a good bit more expensive but i picked up several hundred of the federal primed just because they were out of everything else i'm glad i picked them up now but i'll tell you what also will work if you have a brand or if you had a once fired federal premium now okay let me rewind a little bit but let's kind of get a little off topic here we can't video everything we do if we did i would be videoing constantly but we try a lot of things off camera because we just got to run out of do it fast shoot through a session without setting up it takes 45 minutes just to set up yes 45 minutes just to set up in a shooting session that may only take 45 minutes so we can't video everything once fired three inch magnum federal premium hulls loaded in this same configuration you won't have to roll crimp it you can start cramping if you wanted to well we quote roll crimp these because they're brand new yeah could i start crump them i could but i roll crimp them because i like being able to see what is in the round and the roll crimping is cool and really looks pretty anyway we uh the next few shots that we uh shot were out of the new federal hall and the um the chadite with the 33 grains of imr blue was pushing these two ball around a thousand foot per second or just over okay that's a little bit light it's only an ounce and a half of lead payload weight okay so we could push it a little bit harder federal has got more room in the hull than the chidai halt does just a little bit more but more has more room and so in this and they're also primed with the federal 209a which is almost a magnum strength primer right so we're using 34 grains of imr blue 34 grains of blue dot work equally well same with the previous 33 grains of imr blue in the previous round with the chadiate 33 grains of blue dot work equally well you're just not gonna be pushing it as fast it's going to be just a hair slower than the imr blue virtually every time new primed federal hall we're looking for 34 grains of imr blue in this round we also tried the ballistic products white lightning in this configuration also it did well rw123 red wide fiber cushion half inch 20 gauge fiber cushion wide half inch 260 cowball when we get down to the range i had forgotten to mention to tell you guys that i had two rounds one round had original buffer in it one round head the um the precision buffer in it okay original and precision buffer clear over shot card see that pretty taper that is a beautiful round not only does it look good let's go down to range and show you how it performed well folks i got pretty excited the other day you know we've been working a long time on trying to get some consistency out of multi-ball rounds and we got what looked like is going to be a dang good performer um y'all should have already seen that shot here before we get to this is a different day later date we've got some other ones loaded up that we're checking i've got a brand new federal primed hull from ballistic products that you may never see again we've got 34 grains of imr blue in this one we have the rw 123 red wide from precision with a half inch fiber 20 gauge nitro card with a half inch fiber cushion wide pressed into the bottom of the rw123y to get the correct height for the ball and we did cover this in original buffer and roll crimped it with a clear segmented overshot card we are at 50 meters or 55 yards we're going to shoot a two-shot group of this then we're going to shoot the exact same data using the ballistic products white lightning wide and and see how what kind of grouping we get with the 260 cal ball which is one and a half ounces of lead payload weight and folks we got the buck kicker choke installed standard full butt kicker choke which is 695 constriction if you got to adjust that that bowel or that thing again hoss you can go ahead and do it but it just ain't dead center 11 26. and 11 51. you folks will have already seen the configuration of how to hit but anyway that doesn't matter we are totally tickled with that setup look at that and that's a that's a different hole and same wide i'm i'm curious how the ballistic products wide the white lightning wide will do and so let's try that one with the same federal brand new federal hall with the white lightning wide and see what kind of grouping we get with that folks just reiterating exact same first shot 34 grains of imr blue we've got two 60 cal ball that are three quarters ounce each in here except the only thing only difference is we have these in the white lightning ballistic products white lightning wide with a half inch 20 gauge fiber cushion wide pressed into the bottom this one is covered in ballistic products original [Applause] yes 60 caliber buck shot 260 cow ball oh the ball 260 cowboy best buck shot you said is it bug shot yes it is it's 260 cow ball they weigh three quarters of an ounce a piece go no that's not bad at all we got two ball two strikes right here now like i said y'all have already seen it before we do but still yeah two separate shots two ball set uh 60 cal ball that's eight nine inches from one to the other with all four ball we've got some once fired holes that i loaded some in my and i think we got uh trying some with the uh with the same rw 123y but in a once fired remington express and we'll see how that holds up once fired remington express y'all finally ran mr bill cal was out of halls i never thought i'd see it happen i've known mr kyle was for years i found him on gun broker years ago been uh he was my primary source of three-inch once-fired hulls in both 20 and 12-gauge anything you wanted he had it well as the crunch settle in this year you guys completely ran him out of hulls but uh anyway once fired remington express one of my favorite halls to reload we're gonna install a cci standard cci primer and 28 and a half grains of long shot like i said this is 1.5 ounces of lead payload weight each one of these projectors weighs three quarters of an ounce a piece my lead powder measure here is set up to throw 28.5 grains of long shot that's one of my favorite buckshot charges for 1.5 to 1.65 um lead payload weight all right and i said we also tried the uh the white lightning wad in these and it worked good rw 123 red 20 gauge fiber cushion half inch quad i'm way hit before i push it down in the hole get it started here and we kind of push it all in here together bottom all that out wad is just below the crimp the white lightning wad will come right up to the the current white light and on wad is just a hair longer than the precision wide 260 cal ball like i said a drop if i'm using the ballistic products buffer the original i drop it in there and put a little bit of buffer i'm just hitting with my finger knocking the uh knocking the buffer around until i see that it is completely covered the ball then i'll drop the other one in on top of it and finish covering it in the buffer just like that and maybe y'all can see the 650 okay and there he is say when the crimp is that good you really don't need to put the finishing grip on it but you can [Applause] you wouldn't think it'd get any prettier but it can that is awesome all right let's go to the range and show you how these did hi boys this is one i was telling you about once fired remington express hull we got a cci primer in here 28 and a half grains a long shot because like i said we got one and a half ounces of total lead payload weight with the 260 cal ball we've got the precision rw 123 red wide with a half inch uh 20 gauge fiber cushion wide pressed into the bottom of the rw 123 red wide and we have them covered in original buffer and these are just regularly star cramped all right here we go 1304 [Applause] 1177. i used these two shoes [Music] i didn't uncover my grandfather oh yeah i used to them two shooters he wouldn't come back up with it but she was already shot damn boys i would have to say i'm happy with that too y'all have seen the strikes before i have but uh but but anyway you look at it whether that was a strike and that was another one or it was this and this didn't make any difference see like i said if you're aiming for the vitals if that one would have missed him then any of the other um 60 caliber ball would have got him and that 160 cal ball heck 128 caliber buck shot's enough to kill one uh a 60 cow ball i'm knocking off his feet all right that's awesome well there you go folks i appreciate y'all hanging out with me this evening this morning or late in the middle of the night whenever you guys get a chance to to sneak in a video or two appreciate you hanging out with me this long guys if uh if you learned anything and you would like to become a patron and help support this channel i guarantee you youtube is not gonna allow me to make any money on this video whatsoever because it has firearms related content so if you'd like to go over to patreon and sign up to become a patron to help support this channel just head on over the link will be in the description and uh we've got some really good patrons that are already with us so if you guys would like to help support the channel you can do that for as little as a dollar a month to help support the channel and we appreciate all the support that we can get guys so until next time this is wade host of the bubble round tree outdoors channel hope you all enjoyed this episode of the bro reloading bench we'll be back with a lot more very soon bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Bubba Rountree Outdoors
Views: 8,147
Rating: 4.9904075 out of 5
Id: KERolhlK3K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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