What's the Maximum Effective Range of 12 Gauge Buckshot?

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hey guys i'm chris from lucky gun or calm here with john johnson from citizens defense research we're doing something a little different today it is a little thing we like to call stuff John and Chris want to know so John won't you tell us what do we want to know today well we were talking about it and what we wanted to know was how far out can we take buckshot and have it still past the FBI have a clothing terminal ballistic standards so that's what we did right so we're looking for 12 to 18 inches of penetration in ballistic gelatin so we set up a couple blocks shot it at 10 feet it's kind of our control but we do with our handgun ammo then we took it out to 25 and then 50 and then a hundred yards we use two different loads federal flight control number one and federal flight control double-aught eight pellet we chose those because well we like them first of all but they they hold a really tight pattern and really it's it's not feasible to do this at 50 100 yards if you've got the the pellets going all over the place so it's interesting to see the difference between the number one and the double I know that it penetrates a little bit more at ten feet at the standard test sure and for us we verified that it was about you know fourteen ish inches on the number one and around 18 on the double odds then at like 50 the double lot was penetrating about where the number one was at 25 right so afraid anyone watching the reason why that is is the double lot pellets have a little bit more mass behind them so they're going to penetrate a little bit deeper if they're moving about the same velocity which those loads are pretty close if I remember correctly I think there's only like 75 feet yeah there are around 1100 ish right feet per second um so that was that was kind of interesting I thought what was really sort of fun was when does a shotgun become okay I can I can hit stuff reliably maybe not with the entire load but like enough to huh how many rounds are we going to fire to get pellets into this block I don't know if you guys know about the number one flight control it's kind of a hard load to get a hold of so we have a whole lot of it on hand so we didn't actually test that one at a hundred but we had plenty of the double lot so it took us what like eleven twelve shells to get three pellets and the gelatin at that distance well and the other thing too so to keep in mind like the the forward facing area of those is like what five by six I want to say something like that yeah I think that gel blocks are six by six okay and a hundred we put two of them side by side so we have like a twelve by six area we're trying to hit with I think buckshots red there's only eight pellets right would you still be hitting stuff at that distance yeah but we were more interested in what are the rounds actually doing at that distance and the number one was starting to fail the FBI test was starting to be underneath the 12 inches appendages but 50 so still potentially lethal absolutely absolutely but not not passing the FBI Sanders double lot still was and then when we got out to 100 was about where the devil out was doing what the number one was doing at 50 which was kind of interesting to me yeah yes I I think like if there's any big takeaway here it's that in most cases and every shotgun is different but your pattern is gonna become pretty much useless before the pellets are no longer doing what you wanted to do right so you know if that's what you got you got something out there and in the it's a contextually appropriate shot only I we could come up with some scenario where it makes sense to do that but it's gonna be pretty rare so like for me I guess the big takeaway was that inside of 25 the shotgun is devastating so the the the pattern is you're accountable for every single round in that pattern onto a man-sized target easily like easily and it's either either is hitting the FBI standards out to 50 you are you're you're still lethal you're still getting the majority of the pellets on to someone if that's if that's what you're shooting at but you're starting to lose ones off of the target which depending on what you've got going on as a problem if I were interested in like animal control or something like that would I take a shot at 15 on something absolutely and I'd expect to hit it at least with enough to probably put it down past 50 is about red go I don't know about this and that's with your gun - yeah I'm gonna need to mention you're using your van comp barrel it's optimized for flight all right and I know with you know I've got a Beretta 1301 that actually patterns with number one at 25 about like what your barrel is doing so probably about the same thing for that particular gun but you know I've got other shotguns that don't pattern like well they don't pattern with anything and that's the thing and I kind of wonder if most of people's opinion on shotguns are they're based off of one shotgun they had that they did this one thing with and then you know never did anything else at this point you and I are both shotgun nerds like for me it's still probably my go-to inside of anything where you know I can reasonably expect a 50-yard shot or in past that then I don't know I guess the big thing is context is just really important and shotguns can do a lot of different things depending on what hardware you're using what ammo yeah I mean and the whole point of what what did we want to know was just flat-out not not is it appropriate to shoot at this distance not anything other then what are these what do they do yeah buckshot I'll kill you at 100 yards don't think that's pretty safe to say yeah yeah well wait wait wait will or can can okay it will if it hits you in the right place I'd say right yeah kind of like a meter right kind of like a meteorite John that's right [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lucky Gunner Ammo
Views: 741,648
Rating: 4.8443155 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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