#0000 Buckshot Reloading & Range Testing!

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hey there folks welcome back to Bubba Roundtree outdoors I'm your host Wade rush we're back down at the Rush family range I'm gonna be talking about a subject that I've hear from a lot of you guys about a lot of folks are really interested in the bigger bigger end of the Buckshot so we're gonna be talking about the big quads for all today 375 cal be specific out of one of Marty's molds from Marty's arms y'all stand by its party with Marty's arms you're washing Bubba Roundtree outdoors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you hey there folks and welcome to the BRR overloading bench I hear from a lot of folks really interested in the big shot in the big buckshot and the quad alt is about as big as we can stack in a 12-gauge round it can be a little bit tricky but we can get it done and make some really really effective rounds so well let's get after one of the first things that I discovered working with the bigger pellets and I'm talking about like triple off and uh and quad buck triple out being 36 caliber quad being 380 caliber are real close to 380 caliber is the slower you push them like I'm talking 1,100 foot and the parameters of 1,100 foot to 1300 foot seems to be the sweet spot for for these bigger pellets you get up I pushed them all the way up to over 1,400 put per second and it has a tendency to scatter them just a little bit so we're not wanting to put that kind of pressure on you want to keep them between oh god well we'll call it a thousand foot per second really between a thousand foot per second and 1300 foot per second seems to be the sweet spot for triple alt and quad buck in my experience alright let's get our first round put together folks the first thing we're going to need is we're going to need 32 grains of IMR blue and I'm gonna tell you right off the bat whenever I say 32 grains of rmr blue match it right up 32 grains of alliant blue diet will work equally well if it happens to be 30 grains 31 32 33 you see what I'm saying no matter what the weight is on the IMR blue equal weight of the alliant blue dot work equally well and I'll tell you right now that the IMR blue is a little has a little bit a little bit more pop so what what I'm saying is the same weights are gonna work fine in your gun but your Alliant blue diet is not going to be quite as fast as the IMR blue but it will work equally well just gonna tell you that right out the gate when I'm talking about these two blue powders I just happen to have the IMR blue in the machine right now so we go with that they work equally well for me I love both of these powders all right that being said let's get the lock and load programmed up to drop 32 greens 32 and a0 and an enter to lock it into the lock and load dispense okay but first we've got Remington Express three-inch once fired Remington Express 3-inch holes I put the Winchester Western primers are installed in all of the American hulls today boys Winchester Western promised all of them well let's say first one gave us an overcharge now just because it says that overcharged it don't mean it did sometimes it'll throw it out a little bit fast and the scales won't be able to catch up with the auger so let's hit enter right here let's see what it really is so what I'm saying it is it is 32 grains it was dumping it out quick and sometimes I found that scales a little bit slow catching up with the auger and it'll think that it overcharged but you just hit enter and it'll sit here and weigh it whenever you hit enter it's like it'll take another reading or several more readings and it shows you what it actually is so it actually is 32 grains it didn't overcharge all right let's get that dropped in and it should zero and start up on the next one all right we're going to need on this first load we're going to need ballistic products a flex seal I just cut this off the bag I get them by the bunches and I dump them in this little tote right here but that's what it is that's the ballistic products flex seal I love these things man I tell you great in buckshot loads great in slow glows anyway flex seal and that's all the seal we need I don't need anything else I'm gonna see I'm gonna use the 650 over here see that why'd I put about 20 pounds of pressure on it okay and when I talk about it being a little bit tricky with the quads think about it this way a 38 caliber 38 caliber side by side put those together that's seventy six point seven six inches wide when the bore on a 12-gauge is seven point three seven two nine seven point three so whenever in my experience in these rounds you want to let these pellets find their own weight you don't want to put them into a hole and pack them down in here you're gonna dump lit out so bad that it's not going to load into your shotgun so we need eight pellets I'm using on the 375 cal out of Marty's molds that's some big boys right there and these are just a lox and graphite coated what I mean by finding their own way I hope y'all can see down there pretty good these lights I got trying to get plenty of light so you guys can see good but they are hot okay we're going to take our first two drop them in here like that and if you look they don't stack down in there all the way not all the time sometimes they will look what I do I just shake them around a little bit just feel around and check make sure it's not dimple in the hole and all that here and it looks like those are just about all the way down next to those are like they're trying to fall in there pretty good let's see we're not packing them in there next to about six there's eight you see where they landed they're not in there exactly some symmetrical that's okay that's okay now these rounds buffer is extremely important extremely important you can also take this and just shake them around a little bit and help them to seat to find their way then I cover this and in ballistic products original and this is a great day almost set the camera a little bit too high these are big pellets with pretty big spaces in between them so the powder this is like a 10.5 ounce load one four five one five ounce load you want to make sure your buffer we're putting plenty of buffer in here covers your pellets okay very important because we're taking up all this space here in between these great big pellets here all right we're just star crimping this one I'm in here all funky there we go all right this miracle nail you get from the dollar store I love this stuff I try to count take this miracle nail and put a dab right here on the end of all these crimps it seals that round up and won't let that buffer come out on you okay and just with my experience there is slight very slight dimpling I can tell by looking at that that that's going to load fine I test every one of them several times with these big quads I'll get my Stoeger drop them in and lock it in the battery and make sure that that bolt goes in rotates locks in play every time before I put these in my belt but but anyway I can already tell through experience this one is going to be just fine so I'm gonna note this let me take you down to the range and show you how this round performs folks in today's episode we are shooting the black done the Stoeger em 3028 inch barrel kicks butt kicker choke in standard full configuration topped with the true blue Triton 3 color dot system and I love it ok folks our first shot is a once fired remington whole remington three-inch hole winchester western primer 32 grains of IMR blue a fleck sealed a ballistic products flex seal and over that we have 8 375 cal quad buckshot out of Marty's molds treated with just a lox and graphite we are at 50 yards just over 45 meters standoff with shot all right everything rolling babe - okay deer and hog hunters check that stuff out there's only eight pellets in there but they're thirty-eight cow of 375 to be exact out of all Marty's moulds let's see we got one two three one in the bull four five six seven seven of eight and I guess I'm guessing that's gonna be one of these that could be yet right there number eight probably flew a little bit high brand-new Fiocchi 3-inch prime which is got the fuel q61 632 grams of iron marble ooh all right holistic products x12 ex-seal excellent one of the best seals I have ever used these things are built like a tank and with the new stuff it's real easy X 12 X seal top that with the ballistic products FC 12 FC 4 fiber cushion 1/2 inch and fiber cushion wine on top of X 12 X seal just an old marker used to make sure its tamp down on top of our powder you don't hear it rattling you ought to be good to go same scenario same thing we're going to get 8 or 375 counter quads out of that on moulded item artis molds now the Fiocchi holes are a little thinner than the Remington holes so you've got more room in here okay you want to notice they're going to stack better drop those two in there and I think they just about fell right into place two four six eight okay now I'll show you what I'm talking about see how high up these came here so what I like to do is I take them I discovered my farm I just kind of tell right in my hand see how they settled in let's like do this again in slow motion I pinch it between my middle finger and my thumb like this and just take it and hammered it right on my palm just like this right here hit that hit it on my palm two or three times the hole is not dumping at all and you see they settled in now we're gonna roll crimp this in some instances whenever you do a regular star crimp it will dump all the whole lot too bad and I have notice now in my research that roll crimping works equally well especially with these great big pellets so we're going to cover this in buffer very important very important get a clear overshot card when outers gun all light give us a little sheen right there just a little bit of gun oil and over to the old Roman rule granted you'll get a feel for it you just roll it till it feels like it stops on if you're not sure just take it out and check it looks good all right alright boys let me run you down there to the range and show you how this one worked out one note on that round that we just put together guys the some of your guns that roll crap might be a little bit high for some of your guns it's not for my Stoeger but for some guns it may be I have also what you can do is take this half inch fiber cushion wide tear it in half tear it in half and make two like I'm a quarter inch put that on top of your x12 ex-seal and then do your roll crimp and that'll make sure that you've got enough room in that you can crimp that hole low enough to where it'll work in your gun if that round won't work all you've got to do like I sneeze quarter inch instead of a half inch and you'll have plenty of room to roll crimp that round okay folks shot number two brand new three-inch Fiocchi hole 32 grains of IMR blue we have an X 12 X seal from ballistic products with an FC 12 half inch fiber wide from ballistic products under 8 pellets of 375 quad and we roll crimped this one with a clear overshot card covered in ballistic products original buffer alright babe here we go 1081 all right oh we got it looks like we've got looks like we got six eight one two three four five six of eight but looking here this is what's important one two three four 38 cal pellets that I can cover with my handwriting senator paper and two more that probably would have struck the animal yeah you get you get struck with six quads that's gonna ruin your day all right guys our next really good performer is also a brand-new prime to Fiocchi three inch hole and once again we're gonna need 32 grains of IMR Blue 32 grains of alliant blue dot work well you can also bump the Alliant blue dot up to 33 grains and this load if you want to in this quad load here but let's get our 32 grains of iron marble ballistic products ballistic products flex seal I love the flex seal because that's all you need in these quiet loads flex seal down make sure we got eight pellets eight pellets squad and once again we're gonna do the same thing six seven eight and that don't look too bad we're out of the gate anyway that looks pretty good remember just like this right here a little bit darker they're sitting they find their place they sell right in already complete coverage of ballistic products original buffer it may seem like a lot but it's really not clearly shot card and we already hit it with the gun all and now we're gonna work I'll get stock right there that's because it did absolutely beautiful round alrighty and take you all down at the range and show you how this one did as I might have told you guys I've heard from a lot of folks that just do a lot of roll crimp and are mostly only roll crimp in their buckshot I'm showing you just how effective these can be got another one here we've got a brand new Fiocchi primed hole it's priming with the 606 Fiocchi primer 32 of IMR blue a ballistic products flex seal and over that we got once again eight pellets hard cast out of Marty's mold 375 cal all covered in ballistic products original buffer and a beautiful roll crimp wood mile 100 year old alignment tool all right this shoot this all righty babes here we go 11:34 oh yeah okay we got there's a big fat double strike one two three four five six again six of eight and we got a double strike right here and one two three four right there across the top center of the paper out there pretty dang consistent folks free to consistently all right boys and girls our last load requires thirty-one grains of I'm all blue thirty-two would work okay but like I said we're trying to keep the velocities down a little bit here so which we do here on the Horner do you hit the bat council hold it down clears out the program we'll dump this back into the hopper now we want 31 31 and zero to get past or decimal enter it target weight is entered at 31 and these spins all over three years with the Hornady Lock and Load I have no complaints it's been a good one it really has it's gonna think it over charged again but I don't think you did 31.1 is well within parameters alrighty then grab our once fired remington whole winchester western primer 31 grains i'm our Bluth obturator 12 obturator 12 a little bit different design great seal' a little bit different design it'll sit a little bit lower down into your your hole and we need as much room in here as we can get CS it's cut out depth on both sides so it will sink lower into your powder charge all right we need this yep c12 all right we got it I'm gonna put them on 650 obturator 12 seal SC 12 fiber cushion what what about 20 pounds of person one grab eight quads and once again here we go one two three four five six seven eight they don't fit in there bad see how they settle they found their place all right well I'm out up here all right all nicely covered in buffer and once again we're gonna Starcraft this see if we get a little bit over crown that's where this really comes in good - I don't think there's anything going to leak out of it but whenever I hit it with this nail hardened from the dollar store no nothing's gonna leak out of it all right take you down to the range and show you how this one did and this is gonna wrap it up all right folks we're gonna wrap this one up this is once fired Remington 3-inch Remington Express 3-inch Winchester Western primer 31 grains of IMR blue we have an operator 12 gas seal from ballistic products topped with the FC 12 fiber cushion wide half-inch fiber cushion wad all covered in original buffer and we just crimped this one quad buck treated with a lox and graphite all right here we go just under eleven hundred foot per second there was some dang big pellets all right we got Wow let me see if we got one two three four and there's another big fat double strike five six seven we got seven eight that time that is an outstanding hog and deer load therefore Oh outstanding okay folks appreciate you joining me and Rachel at the range today it was a it's a lot of fun when the temperatures are in the 70s and we're not getting completely eaten alive by the bugs and mosquitoes and all that stuff to get down to the Rush family range and show you how that big buckshot really works well appreciate y'all riding along with us this is waiting Rachel saying we'll see y'all again on another one very very soon bye-bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bubba Rountree Outdoors
Views: 16,803
Rating: 4.9551401 out of 5
Id: YCgY3msx-Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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