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oh my my my that was a long day my I just enjoy being alone sometimes and having my privacy Oh sexy kept girls on [ __ ] you whoa whoa and that brings us to today's sponsor Express the pair do you like being hacked do you like being ddosed nobody does especially me I know I'm talking about so you need a VPN you don't know what a VPN is let me tell you VPNs or virtual private networks that encrypt your data why on internet making you look don't need a friend look I'm using VPN you didn't even know it was me hey without a VPN you're putting your Internet privacy to some deep danger and trust me I know what I'm talking about I got myself expressvpn on my phone and my desktop lately for the sole reason no one can hack or ddos me anymore you're not gonna get me that easy boy expressvpn is available across all your devices whether it's on your phone PC Mac tablet TV Rooter Game Boy Color it doesn't matter but Tommy what this has caused me to save my privacy on the Internet where I spent most of my time in the answer simple it's less than seven dollars a month and you also get a 30 day money back guarantee on expressvpn what so guys be clever and get back in that privacy just like I did by clicking the link down below and you can find out how to get three months for free by using the link expressvpn comm slash Tommy Kay be clever it's not that hard I'll finally alone again good thing I have expressed VPN now the first thing that's different array it's on my own air controller I think that's like kind of numeric was a few so [ __ ] we're gonna try that [ __ ] out today mass smoke UK so I can focus very hardcore on Navy and planes UK is kind of same as Italy card to category yeah being my own air controller it's kind of math but it's better than to give it to you Canada I've never played it before yes I'm gonna play very different today I want to try you [ __ ] man I'm tired of always playing the same I know it's tiresome for you guys to I want to flavor like this I want to try that [ __ ] so now I need to bring my fleet together and buy two oils so I have benefitted fuel and train my feet forever we're obviously I think what we really learned about the meta is that you can only build screens capital ships take way too long even though for nations like use a Japan and maybe also UK it makes sense to build a full carrier to squad or force carriers makes it to you actually okay I realize need to train that [ __ ] so you can actually design look how fast it goes away [Music] so I have no fuel like 0.000 you know what let it go to zero see what happens let it go to zero 1.2 let it go to zero let's see what happens zero fuel and now I'm still making zero point one except we're fittin yet don't have no - good mathematics on that is it worth it it seems worth it man r actually getting it looks good we get actually it's growing it's not that bad now so I'm gonna have strikes I think guys we haven't oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I have 18 days for two more support I mean in a way oxide the meta here shall be don't rush home defense that is very wrong you just don't take early mode that is the matter that how that's how you should do is smart cause like just go through the strikes for 90 days are we changing meta I'm changing the matter what's wrong with you my first thought would be how does pretty days I can that's okay hey I can live with that hey it's okay hundred it's okay it's okay that's this go away but I had fifty more support that'll be the same we're testing [ __ ] okay we're testing [ __ ] it would go away if that is true I just changed the meta then shut up it that was amazing amazing that was so good this way I now have six mils of research sloth I didn't lose it I didn't lose early mo I didn't lose at them so good [Music] okay my Army's kind of done mesmo blah blah blah China's dying Japan looks good TV blaring 1-seed oh that was a big miss play giving a lot of giant weights on us very very early Italy seems very trashy let's see maybe we can find a finished game today and the best ROI for PC man he is this PC my Matt the 20/80 man and [ __ ] it look it look the sick animations in this game the hard core graphics man I'm putting on TX on look at the graphic heinous [ __ ] the [ __ ] I'm gonna do this arm main fleet all submarines bum [Music] main it might be too big I don't know yet let's bring them all out I'm running out of fuel in like milliseconds dude we have to we might have to buy oil or do you say actually has to send us oil to be dead on that's really wow that's a lot dad you're a child I'm gonna call everyone ends and all airplanes to the UK please especially if these Raiders are available like this DLC the the the Raiders are so much stronger now just for the [ __ ] reason that now they help you catch and they have surface surface detection everything this is a complete heavy tank game man if they ever come to Africa were dead if I let them come to Africa it's over don't forget anyone in here there's any submarines especially Norway put them up in the Mediterranean don't let German tanks come for me joint polish British training exercise you're dissin bow it's [ __ ] insane that's [ __ ] mad a dude holy [ __ ] because of Poland I break my [ __ ] now they're gonna break France that's we can't change that that we've renewed this will happen we're killing access area we already have freak a more than hungry if you trying to make very good some beats you know obviously I need this focus to have amazing carriers I shall drew the man dude I should rule the man I I can't see a scenario where I lose the Matt but whenever I say that I actually lose the man the UK name is completely ready man I prepared it so [ __ ] hard to win the man here we go okay naval battles inside if you'll send me fuel I don't know what the [ __ ] happening I like how Frances winning but why would you fight him there when you're winning but your weekly him this is a very good play by France but you should never fight him to Iranian seekers you have read in there it's kind of stupid by the France also but also he's weakening him very much they have 500 Hungarian name of Amish men these are my hardcore stops I want to send them in the met no [ __ ] given these are hardcore subs these are fully upgraded stronger boys yes you attack first so this is what I'm doing because of my naval success Italy's is a trishing to death does he have real divisions he has real divisions make shoot encircle Italy if you can because this our wheel divisions this guy didn't do [ __ ] for nevis or something you see that side sorry let's meet let me talk if we want to talk about meta you see this this is what happened before DLC some shitty Italy makes naval number two's totally broken gives them two shitty Hungary and take birthday pump your whole fleet to [ __ ] but today it's not really working he's trying but he's done doing any damage is it nerfed I think I read 50% attack nor for something naval battle main naval battle is happening in middle chain Ian the promise they have six on naval bombs I don't know how to stop that here we go chat here we go my previous over already tweeting we're actually not even fight yeah 600 new moms I don't know why we're not [Applause] [Applause] oh [ __ ] man he got [ __ ] destroy man what's a compete oh yeah Hank it was cuz you had 7600 torpedoes I feel like a [ __ ] off submarines in just one shot [ __ ] man that was insane and I feel bad for him like what the [ __ ] is here to him guys put your mindset still on Singapore ninya guys yeah we [ __ ] rule the mat good I don't want to brag too much because this was really good Italy I mean they tried to hook the neighbor before tactic and that makes me very happy seeing that the overpowered naval Palmer tactic doesn't work anymore beautiful I mean Cammy Cassie still works that's for sure but it seems like a bombers are not overpowering are beautiful [ __ ] love that [ __ ] waiter plane without Russia the whole time why don't you give me cancer to you let's be [ __ ] honest man I'm not gonna do this one last time I learned that you're just gonna get camee Kazakh then okay let's spread a bit here against Japan possibility that the axe on a very hard so we need to prepare d-day see [ __ ] weapons for the French Resistance we give them some guns and then the partisans [ __ ] up Germany more way what so I have more resistance afraid well they pile make games British air Commonwealth where'd you get air experience what the [ __ ] is this written what this focus is completely insane you get what you have a lot of things oh yeah I know thank you dude here we go here we go guys there's losing Borneo [ __ ] hell oh no nothing's reading oh no nothing they may also was bad leader I should have told people to today and not I Japan has no Conroy's but hehe still it's not really attrition are you ready for d-day it's not ever gonna be DNA man there's no name I can actually go to Europe go I'm ready to go this DNA well Romania is coming back so I'm gonna go get some ice oh we have to wait for 2000 years later first life now this game's over it's too late no I just lost like he can't just bring his but as I said this game is over already it has been over one hour ago at the moment Russia broke Russia's fault it's just the winners prepared for d-day [ __ ] happens but still there was there was a fun I learned a lot yeah I'm starting to get my feeling back man I'm feeling good I'm feeling like a good player again that was a good UK that was good you obviously should have a candidate claiming air controllers so I have much more times research other stuff but I'm kinda becoming a fan of a mass mob you came in we completely wrecked Navy wise I completely ruled everything I [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of the Japanese convoys but still there's still room to be better let's go but it's true like you know Germany will just send everything let's go please - Jesus please - it's not gonna work need to Jesus Lord this is too late that is the most pathetic d-day I've ever seen that's the most pathetic dude ever okay guys I gotta gotta I gotta go to sleep thank you guys very much man that was a big stream anyway boys Tommy K is going to his little bad thank you guys I'm gonna dream of you thanks for watching means the [ __ ] world to me check out the new video and see you in two days man [Music]
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 277,031
Rating: 4.9264975 out of 5
Keywords: HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4, Hearts of Iron IV, HOI IV, HOI4 Multiplayer, TommyKay, TommyKay HOI4, HOi4 Tommy, HOI4 MP, hoi4 mp in a nutshell, uk meta, hoi4 uk meta, tommy kay, hoi4 mtg multiplayer, hoi4 man the guns, hoi4 man the guns multiplayer, hoi4 mtg, hoi4 UK multiplayer, how to play hoi4, how to play UK hoi4, man the guns, hearts, of, iron, 1 SHOT FLEET! THIS NAVY 1 SHOTS EVERYONE! THE BEST NAVY IN HOI4! - HOI4 Man the Guns Multiplayer, man, 1 shot fleet, best navy hoi4, guide
Id: RRGjVazTAts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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