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well then let's get started today we're making labyrinths like a labyrinth building competition yep i'm gonna build my own labyrinth then try to clear my keys while mikey builds his own labyrinth then tries to clear mine my labyrinth is gonna be so fun i'll build it over here let's go okay that's your spot yep all right in that case i'm gonna build mine further away i'll need a lot of space for my labyrinth i'll be over here if you need me mikey okay let's get to work no slacking this will be fun i can't wait to find out what kind of labyrinth he's gonna build cause i'm gonna give it my all my material of choice will be iron there awesome i want my labyrinth to look something like what i have here what shape should i make it it won't be a labyrinth unless it's really tough to get through i want mikey to get lost in it i'll start by branching it out there we go this side is a dead end this side is the way to go if you walk in and turn left you'll be on your way to the end okay labyrinth building isn't easy but it's still worth doing i want to make it interesting how should i do it perfect this is what i've built so far if you walk in and turn right you'll bump into a dead end if you go left which is the correct way it'll lead you to the first trap i wonder what kind of trap i should build [Music] first i need to make the labyrinth narrower around here there we go it's one block narrower than in the beginning you might be wondering why i'm making it narrower well that's because of my trap i'll use these for my trap sticky pistons you'll see why these are important the main thing i'm trying to do with this trap is to seal him off once he gets past this point there's no turning back he'll be stuck wandering in the labyrinth until he solves it [Music] okay one minute i need to hook up the sticky pistons from this side looking good now i need to place the pressure plates first there has to be a redstone circuit underground almost done i'm bringing the redstone circuit out to here oh i messed up i don't need sticky pistons just regular ones that does it for this side now to do the other side i need to set up the trap over there first things first i have to connect the redstone circuit all the way across the walls [Music] this should be redstone will that work i'm hooking it all together okay perfect now that the circuit is covered it's time to place the pressure plates as soon as mikey steps on top of one hill huh maybe that was the wrong one let's try this pressure plate instead finally now it's working these updated pressure plates will activate the pistons when you walk over them last but not least i should cover up the pistons with iron blocks so they blend in let's test them out really quickly it works the first trap is complete this one will make mikey really nervous once he sets it off before i move on i should adjust this wall so that it's symmetrical with the other one there we go that looks a lot better now then what's next [Music] okay [Music] i have an idea the next trap will be a little room that mikey gets stuck inside it's up to him to get out of there [Music] that's big enough [Music] [Applause] okay time to do the floor [Music] wonderful i'm ready to go the second trap will be a monster spawn pit in order to build that i'm going to place a trap chest in the center of the room i'll leave mikey with some decent equipment to fend for himself maybe a full set of iron armor will do plus a few enchanted golden apples to top it all off there we go i'll throw in some regular apples too it's important to give mikey some goodies so that the monsters i spawn don't completely annihilate him as soon as he opens this chest he'll be in big trouble maybe it should go on the side that's better the chest will go up against the wall that way i can do this now when he opens huh it's not working um there we go it worked when the trap chest opens the circuit will activate just a minute [Music] that should do it i need to set up a comparator what comes next i know i'll hook up a dispenser then fill the dispenser with husk spawn eggs it's genius [Music] i should rewire this [Music] as soon as mikey opens this trapped chest he'll have a whole horde of husks after him let's test it three two one open huh oh right the positioning's off i can fix this i have to move the husks out of the way there that's better as you can see i moved the dispenser a little bit to the left now when it opens the room will fill up with husks oh i might have got a little overboard we don't want infinite husks i should limit it to five that should be enough once mikey enters the walls will close behind him so he can't leave then when he opens the chest he'll get some solid equipment but he'll have to fight a horde of husks eventually once he defeats five husks a door will appear okay i need the walls to be a bit higher [Music] there perfect next i'll build the secret door i'm using more pistons this is the layout i want [Music] i'll put a platform here some redstone [Music] that should do it perfect the secret door is complete i think i'll add a secret button up here the door will open when the husks are defeated and the button is pushed the last thing i need to do is cover it up with iron blocks mikey should have no problem defeating the husks and finding the button once he does that he'll be able to move on to the next part of the labyrinth now what should i do next [Music] let's see mikey will have been stuck in that room for a while so i think the next challenge should be parkour oh it looks like mikey's come a long way on his labyrinth i bet he's building something exciting i can't wait to see what it is i don't want to ruin the surprise so i'll do my best to ignore him besides i'm still busy working on my own labyrinth i just had an awesome idea i'll do a tnt parkour course mikey will have to sprint across a pathway of falling tnt i'll start by using a command to make a giant pit one sec from here whoa yes pick complete there's still a long way to go though [Music] like that all right i did it this room will set the stage for tnt parkour [Music] i'll make a platform here for mikey to stand on [Music] now to prep the command blocks let's see one four eight two six one six i'm going all the way over here there yes now i'll input a command into the command block let's see all done one more the next layer is sand okay on the top layer i'll put stone pressure plates to activate the trap there finally i'll cover it and throw a reset button on top it's probably a good idea to test it out one step anywhere and the ground will fall out from under you go you gotta keep jumping otherwise you'll fall down into the void beneath the pressure plates whoa that was fun if you fail you can just hit the button to reset it and try again this is the ultimate tnt course i'm just making one quick adjustment so you can see the void better there we go i'm feeling good about this one i'd say that the tnt parkour section is complete if mikey makes it through here i'll have him pick between three doors it's less of a labyrinth scenario and more of a crossroad scenario he'll need to decide which way he wants to go to escape the labyrinth i'll start by clearing out the floor what next [Music] i'll extend this section a bit more [Music] now then what kind of door should i use for these crossroads i want to design three unique doors for this section how about this i'll have a mix of dirt gold and diamond these look great now to place them first the dirt door then the gold door and then the diamond door whoa check it out cool huh i should border the dirt door with dirt [Music] that's way better there we go dirt gold and diamonds but only one of them will be the correct path it's up to me to decide which one is which i'll make the dirt the correct option because it seems the most unlikely compared to the others that means the gold and diamond doors will have to be booby trapped i better get started i'll take care of the gold door first this one's going to be pretty simple [Music] the gold room i'll keep it small as you can see there's not a lot going on here yet i'm placing a command block in the center it'll be the main tool for this trap [Music] the goal is to drop anvils from the sky onto mikey i'll drop the anvils from 50 blocks up in the sky that should work let's see the anvils are good to go all i need to do is place a pressure plate and it's done mikey will walk through the front door to look around and then bam anvils will fall from the sky and smash down on his head it's simple but effective that does it for the gold room it's time to see what we can do with the diamond room for this one i want to make a villager transformation trap that means i'll need to carve out a small room where mikey will come across a villager i'd like to have a nice wide room to set the stage okay as for the floor i'm probably gonna use cobblestone i think that would look nice i want mikey to feel at home there now that the floor is done i'm gonna make it look like a typical interior of a villager's house let's get moving so far so good [Music] at first glance it looks like a real villager's house doesn't it i'll have a proper window on each of the walls here's the twist though it won't be a villager in here it'll be a werewolf he'll look like a regular villager when mikey first arrives i can't wait to see the look on mikey's face when he finds out this villager is actually a werewolf but first i need to finish building the trap for that i need to build a special mechanism i'll build a hole underground where i can spawn a werewolf perfect now then the villager will be standing right above it i'll put a forbidden button up against the wall over here done okay the button has a do not push sign to make it stand out i'll put a barrier block inside of an item frame i want this button to seem forbidden alright i still need to set up the rest of the trap starting with this [Music] how should i do this that should work i've implemented a command that will replace this villager with a werewolf all mikey needs to do is push this button then the villager will transform and take mikey down mikey might have a chance at beating the werewolf with the equipment i gave him earlier [Music] now that the golden diamond doors are finished i need to get started on the correct choice the dirt door what should come next in this labyrinth since this path is the only way to go i want to lead them away from this section [Music] i'll need a wall [Music] okay i'm rolling out the red carpet so he knows he made the right choice this way [Music] now for the next area i want this one to be a dash straight to the goal this will be the final obstacle why don't i start with this [Music] there much better now for the rest i'm clearing out the floor this is going to be a one-way trip to the void almost done check it out i made an ice skating rink i'll leave a chest here and fill it up with boats you can grab a boat then hop inside to slide across it's an ice skating obstacle course the only thing that's missing are the obstacles i don't want to make it too easy for mikey to slide across i wonder how he feels about lasers i'm putting up a wall of lasers halfway through the ice wrap [Music] one on this side perfect now you have to slide across without hitting anything you wouldn't want to fall off into the void either all i need is one more obstacle what should it be i'm making a platform along the side then fencing it off with iron bars there we go it's a guardrail i'm gonna make a matching guard rail along the top too [Music] okay next i'm spawning an army of skeletons on the platform mikey will need to dodge their arrows while he slides across oh they're catching fire that's not good i don't want to burn them up [Music] oh well the skeleton obstacle is finished there are still plenty of skeletons left now i need to make an opening for the goal it'll be right at the end but before i do there's one final obstacle i want to build [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you cross over to find a pool of lava then after that [Music] yes check it out whoa that's amazing once you make it past the obstacle course you arrive at this giant iron tower i should wall it off to keep it inside the labyrinth i can't have mikey escaping so close to the end yes all right it's done these walls are good to go [Music] you'll have to jump across there's the entrance perfect that isn't too hard time to take a quick trip up the ladder to the next floor [Music] and at the top of the ladder a heavy door whoa that's impressive [Music] now this side you just climb the ladder then open the hatch [Music] next i'm going to build something super special check this out [Music] epic almost there [Music] now it's time to fill it with water [Music] i'm putting a redstone circuit on top [Music] last but not least the button let's try it out [Music] whoa 78 nice built a tnt cannon that launches you all the way up to this ledge i'm gonna pad the landing with some slime blocks to prevent fall damage [Music] there the landing platform's ready now i'll make a ladder from here to the roof [Music] yes the top of the tower i'll put a heavy door up here too [Applause] [Music] there all good i think i'll spawn something crazy up here one sec ta-da a giant zombie that mikey has to slay i'm gonna name um giant it's not the most creative name in the world but oh well once mikey defeats giant i'll reward him with an extra special treasure i'll put the chest by the edge of the roof next i need to figure out what i'm going to put inside there now for the special prize how about a gotcha machine mikey's reward will be one big gotcha [Music] just a minute [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that's the gotcha machine just pull the lever [Music] [Music] [Music] there everything's almost ready [Music] all right that should do it as soon as mikey pulls the lever all the rewards will come spilling out what should i fill it with why not diamonds they are mikey's favorite not only will it have diamonds but it'll have diamond blocks too they'll be lumped together just like a real gotcha machine alright i'm done my labyrinth is finally finished i wonder if mikey's finished his labyrinth too let's go [Music] it looks like mikey's wrapped up his labyrinth great that means it's my turn to see if i can get through it sorry but you'll lose it's extremely difficult be careful is that so i can't wait to see it i'm going in good luck it's so straight yep what's this why did they all say stop careful maybe you should stop i did stop how come there's a hint right in front of you do you see it it might help you out this lever that's right why don't you give it a pull i guess i could three two one hmm i caught you you're trapped jj wait is this a pitfall trap mikey yep game over really in minecraft you can only jump one block high i'm stuck yep the stop signs were a clever trick hold that thought mikey i think i've discovered a way out that's impossible watch this if i pull this lever while i'm jumping i can get back up huh no way the pistons stick out i can use them to climb up you escaped what phew for a second there i thought it was game over that was close oh oh well you broke out of the trap wow let's move on oh a chest what's in here look there's an iron sword an iron helmet and bread i'll put the helmet on nice hmm i have an iron sword too keep going i'm on my way what's waiting behind these doors huh whoa this place is epic what is it hmm you'll see interesting take a look oh what i need a lever to reach the other side there must be one nearby maybe i'll check in these chests they all look like they're trapped though that's right i'll open them in order [Music] wow that's scary jack-in-the-box got it that one was a dud hopefully there's something better in here not another jack in the box [Music] really fast slow down which one is it come on wow hang on i just realized something this one's not a trap chest seriously it's this one nice i'm opening it ready open oh a lever wow good job and i guess it was easy i've got the lever i'll put it in here and open time to move on whoa cool good luck this place is awesome it's a lava parkour course right [Music] this one is super tough i can tell careful one slip and i'm a goner yikes keep going almost there look out yes no way i did it that was a lot of fun good parkour course mikey what now i have to choose pumpkin or diamond huh one is right and one is wrong that's how it works which door looks better to you choose one i feel like it's pumpkin who knows yep yep yep your pick mikey's standing next to the diamond door i'll pick that great three two one open whoa wrong choice zombies how are you doing well they're not holding back hang on there's a treasure chest back there maybe if i slay all the zombies and then open the chest i'll find a big reward try it i'll slay them with my iron sword just like that victory impressive time to open the chest three two one open huh after all that effort all i got was rotten flesh no way you picked the wrong door jj turn around i'm heading back after all those zombies all i got was rotten flesh time for the pumpkin door go for it what's behind here let's find out three two one open wow yikes surprise oh it's full of snow golems yep that really caught me off guard the path doesn't end here three two one open what's up there's an enormous ladder out here you got it but what else is up there one step at a time before i climb up i should check out this chest oh sweet finally some good loot wow you loaded it up with everything boots a chest plate a helmet and leggings plus there's a diamond sword and golden apples awesome does this mean there's something dangerous up there wouldn't you like to know climb up okay you're almost done hey i'm going up in the world yep what could be up there i mean besides the goal maybe mikey gave me this diamond armor for a reason who knows there's only one way to find out come on you got this all right ouch hang on how do i get up huh i'll try again wither skeletons oh no that was a close one i would have been toast if i didn't have this ladder to grab on to you're doing great jj keep going they're so strong though how am i supposed to climb up there no oh one more try sure i have to attack from here seriously this is super tough hey i got one another golden apple there we go i got this you haven't won yet gg don't worry i can knock them off whoa nice whoa i did it great work i'll need a quick golden apple to recover my health is this the treasure mikey yep i'm looking forward to this three two one open whoa diamonds that's an epic prize you earned them the end was pretty difficult but i managed to reach the goal now it's time for mikey to take a stab at my labyrinth let's go [Music] okay next up mikey's gonna tackle my creation whenever you're ready you did a great job jj but now it's my turn oh it splits pick a direction there's not that much of a choice there's nothing over here this is easy nice a treasure chest oh there's no turning back now mikey seriously that's intense you're stuck inside this room why don't you check out the treasure good idea go ahead mikey ready i bet it's full of goodies be careful get away from me there's still more treasure mikey i can't reach it grab the golden apples hang in there how'd that get in there [Music] nice work did i get them all i'm still trapped yep huh if you look around you might find a way to escape i'm sure you'll find it soon nice that looks out of place can i push it go ahead i'm doing it three two one what just happened huh you found it oh cool yeah wait welcome to the next area you're doing great what's this it's a test of speed got it like this whoa awesome you're doing it nice if you look back you'll see the floor is covered in pressure plates every time you step on one it falls into the void i can't believe you beat it in one try yay that was fun okay three doors dirt yep gold diamond yep that's it yep which door should i choose any of them i'm not sure choose wisely maybe it's the gold one i'll take the middle path not diamond and not dirt either so you've decided on gold that's right whatever you want hopefully you're right about it three two one oven saved me what was that wow i didn't think you would survive the anvils they're falling from the sky yeah algae as soon as you enter the anvils dropped down they broke your helmet oh yeah it's gone oh well all right mikey what's your next choice dirt or diamond can i peek no way i'll use x-ray vision good luck that's impossible make up your mind i choose the dining door oh i got a good feeling about this one nice if i move fast enough i'll be fine no matter what happens i can handle anything wait a second there's nothing in here just a villager yep it's a totally normal villager relaxing in his own home why isn't he trading with me who knows i feel like the villager has a clue [Applause] i knew i'd find something oh you found the button do not push strange i really want to push it there's nothing stopping me well it is up to you okay [Music] going um wow my werewolf trap was way stronger than i thought now you know to avoid the diamond door yeah that was a mistake freaky he's still trapped in there right when you push the button that said do not push it turned the villager into a werewolf i see does that mean it's dirt yep the correct door was the dirt door three two one open oh what's this you rolled out the red carpet for me thank you wow yep the red carpet whoa hey mikey why don't you take a look in that chest that's a good idea oh oh climb in and try not to hit any obstacles whoa have fun oh no this is harder than it looks you fell off no way try your best not to fall off the sides good advice you got this all right i'm doing it nice work one more here i go great yes huh how did you do that you passed right through the lasers i have no idea how that worked i feel like the laser should have hit you but they didn't i know careful with the lava you're almost there [Music] whoa climb to the top what's this [Music] wow you're almost there what's this for look up is that the ghoul i'm so close yep good luck here goes nothing i'm scared [Music] no way i fell one more ready all right wait here we go i got it this time whoa i'm alive this is it yeah i'm gonna make it yes congrats you did it yay in one sec okay [Music] that's hard yeah okay mikey the goal is right there awesome i wonder what i'll find more treasure maybe i can't wait you're in for something really awesome [Music] no what whoa it's the boss [Music] you beat the boss so easily he was kind of weak that was epic it's time to collect your prize for feeding the labyrinth mikey the gotcha machine has your prize all right i'm gonna pull the lever three two one no way so much treasure those diamonds are your prize mikey this is incredible let's wrap things up we had a labyrinth competition we both managed to defeat each other's labyrinths if you enjoyed today's video make sure to like and subscribe bye-bye thanks bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 47,227,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: A59WgEEl57k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 17sec (2417 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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