NOOB vs PRO: FAMILY BUS HOUSE Build Challenge In Minecraft!

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our families are lost in the desert and need to go home before the mutant skeletons come out at night we'll need to build buses before we're in real trouble look at my bus guys it's going to be way cooler than yours yours looks so cheap and dirty wudo it won't be better than my bus because I'm going to use SL slash paste to summon an empty bus I can decorate this bus looks way better than woodles no it doesn't there's nothing inside of it we'll need to build an interior to make sure my family has everything they need to stay inside of here this bus looks so bad it's all red I have to change it to be green hey voo that's so ugly now my family won't stay inside of this bus I need to change it back no the families love the color green don't make them upset what are you guys talking about this bus should be pain no guys we're going to leave it red and woodo you need to go back to your bus and continue working on that because and to make sure you stay out of my bus what I'm going to do is add a super secure door super secure it can't be that secure I know I can get past it like this and uh hello can I get in no you can't wudo only I can open this door and wo the inside of this bus is so huge ax we can build all sorts of different things but I think we should start out by building the kids room because our little brothers are really going to need it you're right as soon as that weird guy over there goes away we can get started hey buo get out of here right now we're going to build the kids room which is going to have all sorts of different colored beds hey manga I know that whatever room you build is never going to be as good as the rooms inside of my bus our room is already starting to look really good because I'm going to make the floor out of rainbow neon blocks rainbow neon that sounds awesome exactly voodo now the floor is going to change colors and what we're also going to do is have a mini jumping castle inside wo I want to live here forever I want a mini jumping castle I'm going to copy that idea M you can't copy it this is for our little siblings I need them to love this bus because it's going to be a long journey home they're going to love my bus more mango you know why why is that wudo because I'm going to be adding a giant trampoline something that you do not have inside your bus because it's for brokies um actually does he not see the trampoline right here yeah woodo literally placed it down right before you said that exactly and actually added a bunch of cool different decorations around the bus now the kids are going to love our bus more than yours wudo that's not fair he literally just looked at my side and copied me guys unbelievable wo no one looked at your bus there's nothing to look at it's just long and green yeah wood what you have to tell yourself to sleep at night no you'll understand very soon look over here axie I'm adding all sorts of different banners to really decorate this room and make it look even better that's so cool I'm going to add some shelves with plushies on them so that our siblings can play all day long no way that's so awesome axie you know what we should make this back area of the bus into what we should make it into a snowball fight area because kids love to play with snowballs that does sound really cool all I need to do is just get some snow blocks and I can replace the entire floor to be snow y I bet your snow is fake snow you can't actually get real snow because we're in the desert well guess what woodo it is real snow and I'm going to add fans to make sure the snow never melts unlike your bus which is going to melt and get destroyed hey how did you get real snow I bought it with some money rudo and this snow room is going to be super awesome it's going to have a bunch of snow golems everywhere and best of all it's going to have a bunch of different chests with a bunch of different snowballs inside ooh is that so I think I might need to borrow that idea woodo you copycat yeah you're copying all of our ideas woodo this is why you suck at building I don't suck at a building I just think 10,000 times ahead of you guys look over here axie we can have a snowball fight hi got take this hey you know what I'm going to summon to beat you in this fight a snow golem oh it died um axi that snow golem literally died in 2 seconds you really don't have anyone to help you do you oh yeah then how about this what in the world is that that thing looks so scary this is my friend Jeffrey and he's going to punch you in the face if you guys think Jeffrey is scary hit that subscribe button right now is that a mutant snow golem yes it is ax we need to remove this thing because our little siblings are going to be super scared of it how about we take it over to woodo side instead hey woodo we have a gift for you what is that you're going to have to deal with that until we're done with the the bill challenge okay no actually to make this area even more fun what I'm going to do is spawn in some penguins yay they're so cute oh my gosh these penguins look so awesome unlike wudo who's super ugly what did you just call me everyone comment cute right now if you think this penguin looks better than wudo I'm commenting cute hey I think penguins are cute but why doesn't have to be against me why can't we both be cute well you can't be cuter than Penguins wo and look we're already done with the first floor of our bus what are you doing bro well I'm making the control area for my bus something that you can't figure out because you're so stupid wait a second axi he's right we don't even have a control area for our bus right now it's completely empty so how about we make the control area over here oh I kind of just thought the bus would go by itself no axi if we're going to drive our family out of this desert and save them from the mutant skeletons we're going to need an entire control room okay okay whatever you say let me just add some glass so we can actually see where we're going on the road oh my gosh this desert is so big we're going to be in for a very long ride that's true but we'll make it unlike that loser guy woodo yeah wudo you're not going to make it past the first area of the desert hey you guys need to stop being mean to me I don't like that well what are you going to do cry about it wudo you know what maybe I will and I'm going to tell my mommy on you guys oh my gosh this guy is such a crybaby you know what axi it doesn't matter cuz we're going to leave him in the desert look I have my amazing wheel to control the bus then I have all of the different controls and stuff to make sure the bus runs for a while this reminds me of my favorite song from my childhood wait what what's your favorite song it goes the AEL on us go round and round round and round round and round okay axie I've heard enough of that song axie that song sounds terrible wait what that's my favorite song you meanie this guy rudo is so messed up we need to get him back for that I'm going to go punch him in the face wait actually you can't punch him that's way too messed up and violent we're not going to resort to violence instead we're going to prank him a little bit let's just go invisible and let's grab this axe do you know what I'm doing with this are you going to chop down some trees no axie check it out what I'm going to do is copy wo's bus just like this then I'm going to put it up in the sky um guys where did my bus just go oh my gosh P so confused but what is this bus doing up here ax what we're going to do is give voodoo's bus Wings check it out it's going to be flying around like a little birdie W I'll make the other side there you go M's probably so confused as to where it went oh xie is your guys's bus still there yeah it's still there voodo it seems like you're going to be trapped in a desert forever though what oh my gosh axi he still doesn't realize that his bus is in the air so we should take this opportunity to put a whole bunch of toilets inside oh my gosh I love toilets but doesn't woodo like toilets too wait why would you like toilets they're super stinky no they're not they're so fun I live sitting on them for 2 hours while I read books oh my gosh axi that is horrible that does not sound like something a normal person would do but it's okay look over here I'm going to steal wo's camera system and I'm going to set up cameras inside of his bus that way we can check out what's going on inside even without going into it wa you're a genius I know but does woodo realize his bus is in the air yet um guys I really need help maybe we can find some way to get his attention up here you're right axie how about we drop some anvils on his head so he thinks that there's raining anvils oh gosh what's happening there's anvils and wait what this is my bus why is it flying wo are you okay what's going on no my bus is flying in the air and for some reason there are toilets in here who dare do this to me well you're going to have to fix that woodo come on axie while wo's fixing that we can continue working on our bus okay I think a flying bus is actually pretty cool though let's make ours in the sky too we can't do that we need to drive past the desert and look this second floor is completely empty right now axie what else can we add to this bus well right now it's super boring the kids are going to be really bored on the long way home so we need more entertainment entertainment wait a second that's a really good idea we don't want our little brothers and sisters to be bored come on I'm going to add a huge TV that way they can constantly watch our videos yay yay I love Minecraft videos yay no one asked you woodo yeah no one cares about you woodo oh okay sorry don't say sorry you're the one that try to make my bus screen well yeah because it's supposed to be better that way no woodo it's not better does your bus have rainbow sofas where you can watch TV with rainbow sofas that's right mudo our bus has all sorts of different things that your one doesn't oh man that sounds so cool well guess what woodo you're going to miss out because this room is going to have a bunch of decorations along with a bunch of of popcorn popcorn come on axie add them all over the tables over here yay I Love Popcorn maybe I'll just take a break and eat all of this hey axie those are for our little brothers and sisters you can't just eat all the popcorn why not I'm just a little Exel okay fine you can eat the popcorn but since you ate all the popcorn from this side do you know what we we can have here instead toilets wait what not toilet painting tools oh I do like painting I'm really good at it I know and all the little kids in our family are going to like painting too come on we should quickly Draw Something what I'm going to do is draw a woodo but this isn't going to be a simple woodo painting it's going to be very sophisticated first I need to draw the sky wow that does sound very sophisticated what exactly are you doing with me I'm trying you wudo look I just drew in the grass and then what I'm going to do is draw in the trees as well what in the world are you guys talking about right now it doesn't sound very nice well it may not sound nice but it is super nice wudo I just drew in the background and now I just need to draw in you you have a very big head just like this and then your body is super tiny wait what that is not true what are you saying right now yes it is wudo you're just denying it are you serious if you make fun of me then I can make fun of you too oh yeah how are you going to do that wudo just you wait and see my bus will have a whole section dedicated to losers like you a look over here I just drew in wudo and his head looks like a big apple oh yeah I'm drawing woodo the way he should look oh my gosh are you making woodo into an axel yes because Turtles are lame and he should be an axel you're a genius axie this part of the bus is so cool what I need to do is add some ladders so our little siblings can actually climb up here just like that and then let me just add some to this area as well and wait a second this area is still empty axi what do we do to fill it up Papa oh no we can't let a whole area be empty I'm coming to help right now well what are you going to help me with axi we don't have any idea on what we're going to build here well kids really like pets right maybe we can have some cute animals oh yeah they do love pets what if I add one little area here for cats and the other area for dogs and then the middle area can be for General animals yay that sounds so fun hey woodo does your bus have a pets area of course it has a pets area why wouldn't it pets are awesome well I bet you added it after listening to us talking about it well no why would I do that look axi we have a bunch of baby kittens everywhere they're so cute oh they're adorable oh gosh we also need to have a bunch of doggies as well so let me just place these down and oh my goodness those baby dogs are literally the most adorable things in the world liquid I sponging wait is that a huge tortoise yes that is wo's better cousin no way look I'm going to add wo's uncle and it's a hippopotamus oh my gosh this hippo looks so silly I bet it looks like you no wood I can definitely say with 100% confidence that it looks like you yep and guess what all the viewers think it looks like you too because everyone is going to comment wudo if they think this hippo looks like you everyone comment woodo comment it right now hey no one's commenting that yes they are wodo you know everyone watching the video definitely believes that we'll see what they say well guess what woodo we're already done with the first half of our bus which means we can work on the second area wao really but we might have to expand this bus up a bit yeah this bus is a little bit too small it kind of reminds me of voodoo's bus right now so come on axi what if we make this bus even taller just like this wao no this is a cool bus exactly all I need to do is just remove these areas just like this and check it out we have access to the bottom floor now cool we should add some more windows in though yeah you're right axie right now it looks super duper Bland kind of reminds me of voodoo's bus oh gosh don't say that hey stop comparing my amazingly good bus to your guys' trash one there's a big difference no there isn't wudo you're just delusional and mad that our bus is better look at this we're even going to have a kitchen area so our families can have unlimited food wao really that sounds cool yeah so you should just admit your bus is is worse and come live with us yeah exactly woodo I think I'll pass for now sorry guys are you serious you're going to pass mudo that's so messed up you know what axi we need to build the world's greatest kitchen so this guy never passes up on us again okay I'm going to come help you and I'm going to make all of it cake okay look over here axi I added some giant tables that we can put a bunch of food on come on what sort of food should our families eat our family shy cake wait cake does sound really good but we need actual food too axie oh do we really yes look this will be the cake section and then this middle area will be the actual food section and then over here to the left we can have the drink section okay hey axie I'll let you build whatever you want on my side really actually don't listen to that guy he's so dumb you don't want to build with him you're right wood you can't convince me yeah plus our kitchen is going to have burgers and pizza burgers and pizza oh you're making me hungry yep that's right wudo I would be hungry if I were you too and I'm not done there our families are going to have a giant party table to Feast on hey how about we have a little fun and we have a cake baking competition a cake baking competition what does that even mean that means we both bake a cake and whoever's cake turns out better wins okay well I don't even need to bake a cake I'm just going to go into the creative menu and wo look at this creative Blaze cake it looks so awesome this one will definitely make me win the competition oh no I forgot I don't know how to use the oven wait what a there's a fire what are you doing it's okay I'm just going to go use the sink and we don't have a sink wait are you serious we don't have a sink that's so important let me just add these golden ones over here just like this and then we're also going to have these fans inside of the kitchen so you can't cause a fire again there's water floing everywhere see what are you doing you're destroying the build oh well guys it looks like your bus is turning into a terrible terrible bus are you serious woodo you better take that back before we get payback on you oh yeah I bet you'll do nothing you guys are harmless hey I finished my cake what do you say we put something funny in it and make woodo eat it wait that already looks super trash axie we should just feed him how it is wait what it's not that bad okay it's not that bad but I bet it's going to do something funny to wudo so come on let's go over to him him and feed it hey voodo we have a gift for you oh a gift it's about time you guys be nice to me what's this it's a cake that I bake just for you woodo exactly you have to eat it because we said so okay I guess I can take a trying oh gosh guys what's happening to me W axi your cake made voodo giant oh my God ha good look building like that roodo yep you won't be able to build anything now you won't even fit in the driver's seats of your bus of course I can let me go take a seat and oh gosh I can't you won't even be able to sit on a toilet you're going to have to poop everywhere help me that's right wo you're going to have to deal with that Goodbye Oh yeah well I'm going to stomp on you guys boom boom boom gosh wait leave us alone my head is going to be crushed get off my bus you ants our prank is backfiring just come back over here axi let that guy continue being giant we need to finish this area remember we have food and stuff now but our parents don't have anywhere to sleep oh yeah that's really bad mongle we have to build them a room right away okay let me just get some pink beds some green bed and also some lime beds what I'm going to do is build three different giant beds for our parents check it out wo that's such a nice bed maybe I'll just live here instead hey axie what are you doing are you sleeping on your parents bed maybe well you can't do that okay these beds are not for us look what I'm also going to do is add some giant sofas that way our parents have a little area where they can have a meeting and talk about how stinky woodo is oh that is very important I think for our parents area we should change the color of the bus axi I don't know if they're going to like the color red yeah the color red is really yucky and gross hey no it isn't what I'm going to do is replace the red wool to be quartz blocks because quartz looks a lot more sophisticated okay wongo I'm making some wardrobes for our family too so that we can give them all sorts of cool clothing oh my gosh that sounds awesome our parents are definitely going to love this bus let me just add some armor and what we can do is add some clothing for them already all I need to do is put some of this diamond armor down then I'm also going to have some gold armor as well and to finish it off I'm going to add some Samurai armor as well what are you doing obviously our parents want to wear what I'm putting in this wardrobe wait a second are those bikinis and sunglasses oh gosh axi are you sure our parents want to wear that yes I'm absolutely positive okay axie but guess what the top of the bus is still empty now it looks like our bus has a huge brain what do we do to fix that well I have a huge brain but I still need to use the bathroom all the time and we don't have anywhere to poop oh gosh you're right the bathroom situation is looking really bad so how about I just add some ladders that we can climb up with to the next floor just like this and check it out axi we can add the bathroom on this floor let me just get some toilets with some showers as well wo no way this is going to be the coolest bathroom ever of course it is because it belongs to me no it doesn't ax this bathroom belongs to us no it belongs to me oh gosh who invited this guy no one exactly woodo you better leave us alone I'm okay I'm sorry look cry are ready come on axi what I'm going to do is add a bunch of soap so we can grab those and take a shower whenever we want then I'm also going to add toilet paper because it is important to stay clean and to finish it off I'm going to add some sinks as well because we need to wash our hands um mango what's a shower oh my gosh are you serious axie you've never taken a shower before what is that is that a kind of animal how do you stay clean if you don't take showers axi oh I'm just naturally clean and I smell like roses oh no axie they're super dirty wo I might have to trade ax for you wait what why the sudden change I don't want to build with your stinky butt anyways are you serious you know what I'm going to build in this bus alone without any turtles or any dirty people I'm not dirty yes you are axi and that's exactly why I'm creating this dying bathtub over here so you can stay clean but I don't want to take a bath that sounds boring hey bats aren't boring okay you need to take them at least once a day to stay clean once a day can't I just take them like once every 2 months what axi you can't go that long without showering or taking a bath check it out over here this bath is super duper steamy so the temperature is super nice I feel like I'm boiling live wait what if you are boiling alive what does cooked Axel taste like oh my gosh I have to get out of here wait axi if you're going to leave the bathroom you should come over here aka the final area of our bus check it out wo what is this area for well actually what I'm thinking is we make the roof of our bus into a giant absorbit area W what are we going to absorb in the absorbit well we're going to be able to see all of the different views around us let me just do this command real quick and now we have fences so our families don't accidentally fall off and what I'm going to do now is get some chairs so we can sit down and relax and look at the night sky whenever we're on our super long trip that sounds pretty cool I'm going to put some sand down so we can make a mini beach up here wo that's awesome a see what I'm going to do is add a little section over here with weapons that way if our parents are weak see any monsters in the distance we can attack them and the first weapon I'm going to have is a bazooka a bazooka yep look the Bazooka caused a huge explosion so it's the perfect weapon to use okay give me that bazooka I'm going to fire it everywhere oh gosh axi you don't have to do that I have a minigun for you this minigun will make it so we can shoot at any single mob and look I can use the minigun to destroy wo's bus over there hey what's happening help woodo are you okay it sounds like you're not doing too good no someone is firing weapons at me and I'm scared oh gosh you're scared of anything so it doesn't even matter oh yeah we'll see about that let me just add these beacons to the corners and wo ay our bus is looking really really complete I know but to finish it all off I'm going to add some turtles so that if woodo tries to threaten us again we can hold them hostage oh gosh that's an amazing idea but ax I challenge you to a sand castle building competition that's easy I'm going to destroy you in 2 seconds oh yeah ready 3 2 1 go let me just place these down just like this and I'm done I'm done too hey I won no I won you clearly copied me yours is the exact same as mine okay fine whatever ax you might have won but guess what what we won the entire Build Challenge because we are done with our bus and it looks better than whatever woodo buildt hey how dare you say that without coming over and admiring how amazing it actually is okay W hurry up and show us those skeletons are going to come here any second and we need to move our families in well guys why don't you come inside so I can close the doors you're currently entering the green cabin which contains the captain's area wait what this area looks absolutely horrible what do you mean it looks horrible I am the captain of this bus and you're not allowed to say mean things anyways come back over here into the main cabin as you can see customers who like the color green get access to their own private Suite along with a tray table and VIP dining of whatever look luxurious food and drinks they want woodo for the customers that like the color pink where do we get this set woodo are you saying your family are customers well no but they will be sitting here because they love luxury anyways I guess pink customers will have to follow me over here and we'll get locked away in this next section wo I would love to be locked away here with all this cake yeah but it's so small you can barely move in here well actually lles are 50% of our size so that's okay for them I guess I got them a little nice chair over here along with some cakes and just one stove it's not the greatest in the world but it gets worse for people who like the color red wait what what are you talking about and oh gosh what is this area get inside this is where you're going to be sitting along with your family in the back of the bus I'll see you later bucko are you serious wudo you really trapped Us in this bus you know what I've had enough axi let's blow it up no what happened to my amazing bus it's gone woodo which means you need to come over to our bus which is literally 10 times better look over here buddy this is the world's biggest greatest bus and it's going to fit all of our families inside come on inside this is the driving area with a huge wheel and then we can come over over here to the kids section ooh this is so fun hey it's not for you you're a grown old Turtle this is for our little baby brothers and sisters oh okay sorry there's a bunch of different toys they can play with and ax show him the snowball fighting area okay this is where we throw snow in your face woodo and we have cute penguins yeah take this woodo no you take this in your face oh gosh it's so cold can we just move on to the next area wo what's this up here this is the entertainment area because we didn't want our little siblings to be bored they have a giant TV to watch and woodo videos while eating popcorn and oh they can go painting over here wao is this a turtle lottle yeah it's what you should look like if you were less ugly a it's so cute and look this is a taple which is a turtle Apple oh I hate this bye hey you can't hate that oh my gosh well if you hate that you're going to love this look we have a bunch of wolves oh gosh the baby wolves are already grown up let me just quickly go over here to do this and boom we have a bunch of baby werewolves with a bunch of baby kittens a that's so cute but what are you doing here wo this is your cousin who's a tortoise and then this is your uncle who's a hippopotamus what in the world worlds these are not my cousins and uncles these are yours no woodo they're yours exactly come over here where actually will show you off our kitchen this is our amazing kitchen we have cake and we have pizza and we have soda and we have everything M yummy soda hey that's for our families Yum Yum Yum wo don't make me tell your parents that you ate all the food look this is our parents area they have beds where they can sleep and then they can sit down and have a talk about why you're a bad Son bro the parents area is so boring show me something more exciting W look they even have a closet what do you mean oh my gosh my favorite outfit axi look bikinis and sunglasses I told you it was stylish of course he likes it oh my gosh rudo come over here to our next section where you're going to have to clean yourself because cuz you're super stinky I don't stink axi stinks she's never taken a shower in her life that is true hey you guys are both stinky so I need to put you in the super duper boiling hot tub oh my gosh it's getting hot in here okay guys how about we just forget that and go to the final area of our bus Which is the rooftop yay the rooftop looks so beautiful look over here here we have a bunch of Min guns and also Bazookas that we can use to take down the enemies oh my gosh a bazooka that's right wudo you better not mess with us and over here in the final section we have an absorbit deck where we can watch for all the mobs and also look at the sky and wait a second it's night time already guys oh no you know what that means what does it mean the mobs they're going to come here so come on you guys move the family is in and what I'm going to do is drive this bus out of here thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed watch another video on the screen and don't forget to subscribe byebye
Channel: Mongo
Views: 614,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mongo, Minecraft, Wudo, Wudo and Mongo, MongoTV, Maizen, Noob Vs Pro, Milo and Chip, Family Build Challenge, Security House Build Challenge, maizen, wudo, mongotv, noobs vs pro vs hacker, NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: GOLEM STATUE HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft, NOOB vs PRO: TRANSFORMER STATUE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!, NOOB vs PRO: SECRET BED HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!, NOOB vs PRO: FAMILY BUS HOUSE Build Challenge In Minecraft!
Id: KxxvB3diDvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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