NOOB vs HACKER: NICO & ZOEY Kissing Build Challenge

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day went to begin Nico and Zoe building competition but I'm gonna be cheating using slash slash paste and that lets me small this massive massive they even have a love heart an ugly feeling the most super duper traps like this Dragon this gorilla and this wildfire and whoever builds the best base wins okay let me see what Gracie's building somehow beats them and my buildings gonna win a hundred Robux I need to go now because we only have 15 minutes whoa guys I need to win that 100 000 Robux but I had to build I only have 15 minutes and I'm gonna eat the secret entrance right here so I'm gonna make a wall out of these ghost blocks which look like real blocks but you could actually walk straight through them but just to make it a little bit easier for Grace to find this entrance I'm gonna add a secret chest right here and it's looking like a normal dirt block but in fact it's a chest and inside I'll give it goes with true Vision which when you wear them we'll let you see where the ghost blocks are and when Gracie comes in I'll make these command blocks remove that from her eventually and then in here I'm gonna put some super OB mobs like these Endo Golems which will kill Gracie in literally one hit so instead of making her fight them I'm gonna put a password protected chest which requires a password to enter and I'm gonna make that four five six seven and I'm gonna hide the code all the way over here she probably won't know is that for ages but inside I'm gonna put in this mob capture device which one news probably allows you to pick up these marbles without fighting them okay now that my first trap is done I'm gonna go troll crazy let's go okay let me go invisible so I can sneak into crazy space there we go whoa guys look at her Nico and Zoe okay where's the entrance oh Grace is right there I had to be super careful I cannot let her notice me even though I'm invisible whoa look at this pink maze okay let me prank Gracie she loves the color pink but hates orange so I'm gonna start off by making everything orange what just happened definitely for the edge oh guys I think she might have noticed James it has to be to be the turn everything orange okay while she's fixing that I can do some more trolling what are these targets oh I had to shoot them with a bow and arrow okay I have an idea I'm gonna move all the targets away closer like this so I'll put a ton of targets right here I'll do two layers of them and then I'll get rid of all the targets over here and there we go that should be a lot easier there's no way I can miss now man all the targets just move or am I hallucinating oh I think she might notice guys definitely not this close if I put them this close then James he will easily beat them I want the Roblox so I can't make it too easy for him oh no she's fixing it guys dang oh okay I guess I got to do something else wait guys look at this lava parkour this is gonna be super tricky to get over I'm gonna have to do some crazy parkour but I can make this a lot more simple oh guys she's looking for me oh if you don't find me any second okay in this chest I'm gonna put an ender pearl which then I could use just to end up all straight over this lava I'm a genius James he has to be around here somewhere wait was there always a chest here oh no she's found it wait there's an Ender bro here what no she's ruined all of my trolls these are supposed to waste their time but she's figured it all out you know I can you're right wait my visibility is ran out no Jamesy I've already told you this before but if you want that Roblox you need all the time you can get and just right now oh okay I have to hurry up I have to get out of here and start building more traps bye bye okay for this next room I'm gonna put in a ton of command blocks and inside I'm gonna give Gracie the levitation effect so if she stands on this sugar flying into the sky and I'll copy this and there we go there's a bunch of pressure plates which I'm gonna send Gracie into the moon ah and then for the proof I'm gonna put a ton of lasers and there we go and then finally I put down a roof that is amazing so if Gracie accidentally stands on the wrong pressure plate she gets set up into the laser that burned to death so if she could somehow get through all these pleasure plates without stepping on a command block to this other side then I guess you survived this trap okay fine to get to the next room I'm gonna hide a fan so I've placed one down right there and I'll put a ghost block over the top of it so she won't know where it is unless she stands onto this amazing okay for this next room I'm gonna make Gracie answer what she think is more powerful so I'm gonna put two doors like this and then of course some pressure plates here and some command blocks and then I'm gonna put aside but first in these item frames I either put two op weapons so I'm gonna pick this one and I'll pick this one and I'm gonna make Gracie guess which she thinks does more damage uh to be honest this one looks way more powerful but it's absolutely this one so if she picks this one then it's gonna kill her of course any person sign asking the question all right let me made you the same again but with some armor I'm gonna do this ladies Diamond t-shirt and this wrought helmet as well as guys the helmet looks way more strong but this thing is rubbish so if she picks this then she'll die again amazing this room is done so if she completes that she'll be going to the next room okay for crazy to get to the next room she's gonna have to find this hidden ladder and climb all the way up okay for this next trap I've made this massive Redstone box wait why have I got a dress on let me take this off and I'm gonna film this Redstone box with lasers oh my gosh look how powerful these are if basically touches this then she is Gonna Get Zapped and I'm Gonna Fill this box up with as many lasers as I can look how cool this looks and the exit's gonna be over here Gracie's gonna try it trying to get through his lasers but she's gonna keep on dying but there's gonna be a way for her to do it without going through them but in actuality I'm gonna hide the command block over here wait what has happened why did all my orange world just turn red no no no I mean Zoe not cash wait a second who did this maybe it was Gracie where is she Gypsy wait Gracie what are you doing in my base you're supposed to be building no that wasn't me do you know what just happened what just happened so base oh cash is jealous that Nico's kissing her where is he where is he I don't know okay I'm gonna have a look around this Nico cash are you anywhere around here I can't find cash anywhere okay I'm coming back where is Gracie I need to speak to her again oh Gracie um Jamesy wait a second we're on the pressure place oh of them no no no they were here a second ago only you have been here what's happened I don't know and then also came back to here I I think I saw him actually why is this command giving you 34 gold apples you've changed it haven't you scared what no no no Gracie this is totally you isn't it it's my promise it's not you're lying stop trolling me get out of my build fine but I just wanted good and apples okay let me put this back to normal we only have eight minutes by the way just letting you know oh my gosh she's wasted so much of my time I have to fix all of this now oh okay anyway like I was saying this command block here which is going to be hidden has a button which is gonna replace all of this Redstone with red well meaning the lasers were turned off okay and when she finds that button she'll be able to get through this maze so I'm gonna set it to the next track okay for this next trap I'm gonna make Gracie answers first question or Subs cash or Nico I wish everyone crazy picks if she picks the wrong one then she'll die guys which one do you think has more subs cash or Nico leave a comment down below and if you said Nico you would be incorrect cash has way more subs like 200k although they're both amazing YouTubers okay and for the next question I'm gonna ask does Zoe have a YouTube yes or no and guys the answer is no she doesn't have a YouTube there are some fake channels but that's not the real Zoe okay for the next trap welcome in Zoe's body let's go I'm gonna give Gracie a chest with some loot there we go amazing and then here I'm gonna make a fight two frostmores which is super Opie Yeti monsters okay but before I build the next trap I'm gonna go troll crazy okay the troll Gracie I'm gonna morph into a bald eagle just like that look at me go I'm so small and I can fly okay but how am I gonna troll Gracie I'm not sure wait what do these signs say starting live fly to the other secret entrance oh let me find what that secret entrance is so it's probably through these Rings all the way over here wow it's a whole course oh here's the secret entrance okay I got idea instead of having to do all that I'll just make a little Bridge from over here to over here me to jump into boom I just skipped the whole parkour course okay how can I troll Gracie next whoa look at Nico's goggles that's so awesome and Zoe's hair is so pretty wait I have an idea ah there it is oh my gosh though is now bold okay how can I troll Gracie next happened to my soul guys I think she might have noticed that Zoe's bold are you scared oh wait I can't believe the God she could see me I'm flying for the eagle I can I get its wings aren't even big papa I don't know guys you might be on too many to go faster I need to fly faster ah I know you're here I know that's you no no no I have to hide I have to hide I have to hide but can I be here and I hide on his lips from wait a second oh James he must have made this so he could make it to the finish line doing my my boom no this is not worked wait there you are James uh this isn't me this is a bird that's not the not this big they go like okay you got me I'm morphing back into Jamesy it's me finally I want you to fix bald Zoe's head right now no you're gonna have to rebuild it I'm sorry you got to waste your time you there's only four minutes left and you're making me do this yep sorry bye bye okay guys that should buy me some time so I can do some more traps okay and when she kills those two yetis that I spawned in here I'm gonna put a hidden ladder over here it Blends in super well you could barely see it but when she does find it she can climb up and into the next room in here I'm gonna put a ton of these Sentry turrets which will shoot Gracie as soon as they see her and Gracie has to dodge them as much as she can so I'll put some walls in here just to make it a little bit easier okay there we go she's getting Dodge the turrets a little bit but not too much when she makes it through although she can get all the way over to here where I'm gonna put a fan which she can use to blow herself to the next room and then here I'm gonna make crazy fight the final boss which is a never right monstrosity all right guys with that said let me go see crazy side oh Gracie where are you oh hello hi so this is your Nico and Zoe I know do you want to fly up and look at them whoa crazy are these their lips yeah look they're about to kiss each other and that's why there's a heart up here oh my gosh yeah I can see that you think they have a crush yeah I feel like I feel like you could definitely crush on Zoe like come she is so pretty you're prettier though hehehe oh that's so funny where's the entrance to these people well I'll tell you that the first part is in Zoe but I'm not gonna tell you where okay guys I'm gonna look for the entrance to Gracie Zoe because remember Whoever has the best inside and outside wins a hundred thousand Robux yes I can't wait I got a door yes wait that's not helpful I can't enter yeah but this store does have special powers yeah I can see through the door isn't that so cool do you see anything that could be an entrance though but it's lasers I know but don't look at the lasers that's not important right now oh wait Gracie look there's a hole right there let me go to that what it's a hole and then I come over here and there's no hole it's a thin block like a secret door what okay I'm inside now let's go okay Jamesy before you step you step mad blocks and pressure plates okay I want you to know that some of them are dangerous of course except for just one brilliant so I have to pick which of these five different ways I want to go and definitely don't be going into the lasers okay so I think I've got an idea Gracie yeah I'm gonna test them out using a steak that's not allowed a lot so if I just throw some steak I ship it to know if it's deadly or not ready that's against the rule go the steak isn't heavy enough to push down the pressure plate because these are Stone pressure plates okay I guess I've just gotta guess which one should I pick all right well considering I tested this one out I'm gonna pick the middle one first ready okay go right ahead okay wait what it's poison I could die get off of it I am okay well I'm definitely not going to the middle again um this time I'll do the first one are you ready yep go right ahead what it was just a kill command okay well I guess I picked this one next okay yep go right ahead wait what's it even doing it hasn't done anything crazy maybe you should jump on it again let's see if it is wait a second what is this guy is a crocodile get me off get me off ah no okay well I guess I'll pick this one next okay go go wait what's happening why am I floating the latest no no no no no no oh my gosh Gracie I'm on heart the heart okay well they all killed me apart from this last one I'll try this now but hopefully that's the right one or you're not making it across it is I didn't die yay all right should I choose the next room I guess it's through here huh well I mean it's quite obvious isn't it wait a second is this a man that made any help I'm up right here there's a dead end right there and then I've done it over here what it's too dead straight away I know there must be something you're missing wait this is dirt oh my gosh it's a dog race yes yes how'd you know well it's dirt everything else isn't dirt so it's kind of obvious oh yeah so smart okay I'm gonna go through this maze see if I can find anything else wait more dirt yes there was a door I'm gonna go through and whoa what is this oh it's a keypad door okay well what's in this next room some more mazes yeah this is all dead ends again what I know what wait there's another dirt piece here these are probably another door aren't they are you sure yep it is a door oh and there's some armor here let me pick that up and put that straight on yes a helmet it looks so cool oh James is so cool right where should we go next well now you have to find yourself I don't even have a weapon what am I supposed to fight it with my brain well maybe you should look around there might be something else that could help you uh okay I don't see anything and he's killing me through the wall keep looking James here oh no there must be a weapon somewhere oh wait there's one right there okay I've got ice dragon bone sword perfect all right I'm gonna kill this zombie man come here buddy I'm gonna freeze you he's Frozen ah he's coming for me oh no close the door close the door don't worry he can't through these one by one blocks yippie he's hitting me through the walls okay I'm gonna keep fighting him Gracie there we go come on come on come on you got Tipsy don't get fired oh I knocked him down oh I didn't heal up I need to heal up come on yes he's getting so low please please please I didn't kill him yes I like kitten but no we'll just open it what's the password crazy just tell me please please please please please please please I'm not telling you anything sorry hmm okay it must be hidden somewhere where would Gracie hide it ah wait over here there's a cold and also there's some armor perfect now you have a chest plate too wow two three four three okay let me put that in two three four three done yes oh Gracie there's some pants yes oh and some boots as well that's amazing that was amazing but now that you have a full set of armor and swords we need to test it out on a mutant skeleton why okay let me just kill him this should be oh wait I got to the top of maze no no you're not allowed to do that okay I need to kill him come on come on come on oh I'm getting super low I'm back to over here come on Jamesy yes I killed him let's go you made that look so easy oh Gracie there's another door there but I need a cold maybe there's something else that could help you find a code wait there's some more dirt do you think this will be another door I don't know let's try it yep it was let's go you're so you're so smart eight six five seven let me try that right now eight six five seven perfect okay Gracie what's that wait what is this a special edema no no no sir you don't get to kill me for free oh no yes I killed him well I think you found his friends wait are they trying to shoot me what are they doing yeah they are okay I'm just gonna run through get me through ah there's so many of them yeah that should have shoot me with those Bulls oh no no no guys oh God edible wait I can get past the door no that's what you get for trying to cheat okay let me just kill them the normal way come on come on come on perfect well done now let's go let's go all right let me open this door and there we go amazing oh there's a chest yeah and you have to get up to this iron trapdoor here but you need a lever to open it oh no it's a locked oh okay I guess at the final level bun okay well let me open this chest and see what's inside oh or slimes what am I supposed to do with that I don't know do you want a pet slime I sure do wait what's this ladder for can I get on top of this chest oh I can Jamesy Gracie I could just end the pull over let me throw this wait I hit you what perfect well if I don't have an animal how am I supposed to get over there yep you have to get onto this side and I will tell you how but I've given you what you need already oh I know I full slimes I can place them there and then jump on top of them to bounce over I don't think that's how it works wait you can't bounce on slimes oh let me put them down and then kill them yep that's exactly what you need to do there we go let me get some slime balls okay okay my need I need Q okay let me let me slide slime perfect nine slime balls to make one slime block amazing amazing get over to this side so I'll place down the slime block right there climb up this ladder and make the jump are you ready yes yes honey I'm so excited I didn't make it yes finally I did it okay I guess that counts but now we need a password again oh no I don't know the password wait Gracie come over here look well I've already there's a sign what does it say that probably has to password on it oh I'm not gonna wait there's a honey block oh I see what I have to do I have to come over here look through the hoodie and see what it says move out the way but what if I don't move out the way three four three foot for this oh my well maybe two three four one yes I'm through and I have the leather let's go amazing all right I'm gonna go up this fan and open this with the leather we made it JFC okay Gracie what's this next trap oh this is the end of my bill Jamesy uh no it's not it would definitely not be the end this is a trap how do I get out of it look there's even a door over here yeah I'll give you the button for it if you figure out how to beat this room okay so there's a stage and some chairs hmm oh there's a chest how did I see that yeah what if I just want you to play me some music I'll be your favorite fan at the front row it's electric guitar but wait what am I supposed to play this music isn't gonna help me um I don't know maybe I want you to play a specific set of keys oh well what keys you want me to play notes in here you just need to find them over here Grace the sign yes it says e c d f is that why I had to play yeah can you find those on your guitar yes yes I'm gonna come over here and play them e c d and f is that it thank you thank you I'm such an expert well here's your button that you deserve okay let me go open the door with this button thank you so much of course I love you so much all right wait what oh I remember there used to be an Ender pool here and then someone chucked it away Jamesy did you really think I was just gonna let you end April across my whole trap no I'm trying to win Robux here okay well I'm gonna win the Roblox and I'm gonna do this jump wow okay that was pretty good and then this one no no no no let me swim to the other side let me swim swim hold it over that was tough watching block how am I supposed to get over there I don't know Jared it can't be that hard let me have a look around detective mode wait guys look there's some outlines here this is a fake block like you can't jump from where you are to here there's no way but I can from this stair let me jump to over here oh that's a hard jump ah I'm On Top oh yeah yeah all right and then I should have to jump onto this barrier block are you ready yeah because I made it oh my gosh that was pretty easy wasn't it or am I supposed to go now there's no way I can make that jump well I mean if you just get a little bit of your feet with lava you'll be fine right just be fat come on oh oh I made it just over that hurt a lot but I'm for safe don't worry I'll help you out here so where am I supposed to go now there's just a ton of blocks hang on I went through that block did you yeah wait a second this is a ladder I'm going up the ladder yes okay wait what's in this room there's a bit more targets than expected because I thought you're better than this but maybe you're not I want you to hit all of the Targets in 20 seconds can you do that for me what doesn't love targets but I'll try are you ready okay one two three four I'm doing so good I haven't missed come on no I haven't hit them all oh Jamesy since you didn't make it you don't get the prize at the end what no no no I'm gonna get that prize where do I go you still have a chance of getting that prize if you can figure out how to get to the next room wait I think I see it over there what do you see is this a ladder yep oh well I saw it because of the Shadows that's so cool I'm gonna go a bit oh my camouflage ladder wasn't working as well as I wanted it to is this a fake Block it's a fake block I figured that out you're way too smart for me okay Jamesy if you manage to survive this round I'll give you a prize wait what am I supposed to do well just look at the side you have to pick three of these and each one of them has a really really powerful potion okay Gracie I'm gonna pick eeny meeny miny moe catch a badger buy it so if it squeals Let It Go Eeny Meeny money mo oh the first one are you ready wait can I press it all the way over here no you you had for you oh okay wish me luck you're not bleeding oh you're bleeding oh my gosh okay let's just get this over with I'm gonna do the middle one next okay three two one go what's that do weakness now I can't even do any damage yes try to hit me Jamesy oh wait you can I'll do this one last okay three two one go this one was good it gave me jump boost yeah I'm like a bunny well it looks like you survive Jamesy which is really good and now you get the prize wait really no way okay Gracie oh it'll worn off and I have this totem event dying that is awesome you're so clever okay where am I going now okay Jamesy come to come oh let's go through the hole oh wait what's this okay I'm on my way I'm on Zoe's head wow hey Bill clutch wait that was amazing Jamesy I took no damage well nice work let's look at these signs I made them just for you start line fly to the secret entrance oh I've done this I've done this I remember now you tried to make a secret path from here to there oh I can't remove I need to win this Roblox guys come on let's do this what's this for well if you wanted an X boost you can start from up here oh yes that's awesome that way I don't even need to use the Rockets okay I'm gonna do that so I'm gonna take off my chest plate and put on this elytra well guys well guys like he's got Wings if you guys didn't know what a light show lets you fly okay Gracie are you ready let's go let's go three two one flying a flyer fly like I'm going oh I made it you made it past the Finish good work Jamesy thank you Gracie okay where do I go now now you go to the naked whoa Nico Nico Nico wait this sign says mob fight yeah cause you cause you're scariest moms in the game ah they're coming for me oh my gosh they're so scary oh no no no get away from me please oh my gosh there's a baby chasing after me wait the arrows bounce off they're immune to arrows oh no no I did my toes when I need my totem I need my toe term okay let me try my sword come on stop running it fight back yeah I'm using my sword that way I can freeze them that should make it a little bit easier if you guys don't know these are mobs from some of the scariest horror movies come on come on wait I got Splash with weakness oh John oh I killed one I killed one I killed Candyman I killed Candyman okay baby face is down as well yes finally I did it and I even got caddy man's hoop guys I'm so proud of you James you're really the best boyfriend ever thank you where do we go now but there's only one way to go and it's down so it's a way down but where I can't tell you sorry hmm if it's down then the entrance must be on the floor so I'm just gonna go around left clicking and right clicking everything wait what is this oh my gosh it's trap doors careful Jamesy wait Gracie why is our love and water down there well okay guys that is your next trap you have to jump into the right one and some of them are very deadly hmm I don't know Gracie so we have two waters and two lavas but guys Gracie's definitely put down some fake love and fake water to trick me oh this is tricky yep how'd you know okay well my logic would be you'd think that I'd go for on these front ones because it's closer so I'm gonna go for this back left lava I think that'll be the safest one if you say so go right ahead I'm going yay poison I'm burning let me jump into the water [Music] yes I did and what is this room it's time for him what is Nico's favorite color oh well considering he's completely bluish surely that's the answer well I am with that so we have green orange red and pink wait blue isn't any of the options oh I guess not well I ready for a baby blue so I guess uh blue is maybe his second favorite color okay which one should I pick I don't think it would be pink that's probably Zoe's red orange and green are the most likely well red is caches so I wouldn't say red either okay I know oh and just the best color in the world right guys so it must be orange okay I'm gonna pick that one yeah it's not orange then what could it be I don't know but it's not orange because orange is an ugly color oh I know Minecraft is green the game is green the brand is green green is his favorite color because he loves Minecraft okay Gracie I'm just gonna press it are you ready wait oh my gosh I can't see anything oh it ran out already okay that wasn't that bad but it's not the answer sorry Jamesy well if that's not the answer either I don't think any of these the answer you've been pranking me haven't you yeah maybe it's not in right answers wait look at look at block it looks way different to all the other ones what do you mean oh it looks completely different because it was taking all the ads as stupid like pink who likes pink the most oh um me I like it the most well guys that's in the comments who you think is better James you're Gracie because I think orange is the best me me all right where to next down here oh dirt okay what is this I guess you just have just have to go through uh that looks like a recipe for disaster if I go through the fans are gonna blow me no no no these are actually fake fans surely you've seen them before uh do I trust my girlfriend on this I don't think so come on guys I would I would never lie it's about it's a fun it's a fan you're lying you're lying okay well if that's not the way then what is hmm that's probably a fake door fake sign fake button something somewhere wait is this a barrier block no way you found my barrier blog yes I found the barrier stairs to go up here awesome okay where now well we go on to the next room Jamesy oh that's my favorite color isn't it here where is it is it why would I put your favorite color here that's the worst color ever there is a keypad door here though oh you love passwords don't you you don't tell me any of your passwords and you put passwords on everything ah yep I don't like to give away my secrets okay well where is the code for the door but to get to the next roomy crazy this whole room is box and then there's just a big random box over here what could that mean I don't know I will for the wall no way you figured it out so quickly green one pink free red six oh so wait is the password one three six let me try this out no it didn't work you're so you're so dumby oh one three six nine okay you hit it that's not my fault one three six nine but it doesn't work either James oh my gosh is that the order okay okay green red pink blue red green no pink blue green red okay so the answer is three nine one six three nine one six three nine seven six shut up no wait you actually did it Gracie was trying to make it hard for me you're about to fight the hardest mob of your life let's go oh my gosh an Opie Blaze oh my God this Boss music playing oh I'm gonna kill him though ice beats fire right guys uh I don't think so I think it's the other way around oh no no no no is this weapon stronger no it does full damage okay I'm gonna shoot him oh no he is a shield he's Stampy let go of me sir are you blind there's literally a chest right here for you what oh my gosh I didn't see that oh I had to get past him somehow what are you supposed to shoot me oh bro I'll Dodge this bullets don't the bullets come on James and you've got this oh my gosh got apples I didn't eat these I'm healing up okay I'm gonna start attacking him now the tides have turned some strength would be super useful right now Jay polishing him right now he turned into Nico's favorite color you are Nico's side you better not be okay crazy he's getting really extremely duper Lupa Looper super duper low I don't know no he still has like a Brazilian Cotillion Health left come on he's about to die yes I'm so proud Jamesy let me give you a hug let's go see my Zoe and Nico let's go let's go let's go okay crazy remember whoever's base is better inside and out wins all right are you ready to see my Zoe and uh Nicole yeah yeah yes look at this get into creative mode and fly up here wait this is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen so they're holding hands like a really cute couple they're about to kiss and they have an awesome love heart above them wait away kiss I'll go in the middle right here no stop it stop it I'm supposed to kiss you okay well I can't wait to see who wins the Roblox I want to buy so many skins with that I think it's safe to say my outside is way better than yours but let's see the inside all right y okay Gracie you have to figure out how to get inside of my Zoe well I'm not sure there isn't really anything strange except for this block right here yeah these are Goggles of true vision and they let me see blocks that are fake or not what they appear yeah let's go find them Gracie can you see me yes right all of these blocks right here are absolutely fake look whoa let's go through wait a second what are these pressure plates for uh oh you lost your goggles they've been removed wait how do I want my car goes back I want my God my dog's back sorry Gracie well I recommend you pick up that stick and start standing on the pressure plates oh there are three go kill you so do you want to fight them or do you want to see if you can kill them I want to try them oh oh good luck Gracie go kill them trust me there has something oh no Gracie you're dead Okay Gracie you have to do this away smarter as soon as you come out these fences they attack you okay let me look around first there's a chest over here here but it's password protected yep so you need a password but there is a sign over there on that side look what does it say it says let me zoom in four five six seven yeah so what you're gonna use that for do you know do you know Scott what did you just get Gracie I got mob captured devices which means if I throw them let's say at you no don't throw them on me to catch you because you're but I can throw it at them look whoa look you'd have to fight them anymore perfect signed my little Pokeball yes as long as I don't spawn them back down here okay there you go please don't do that all right Gracie well done you managed to beat them without fighting them that's awesome but now where are you gonna go well obviously of these ladders yep let's go to the next room I want to see if you can beat all these traps wait a second that's a lot of pressure please yeah but I mean what they gonna do well I could see the ones that don't have any command blocks on them okay well be a careful Gracie we won't want you to die would we wait a second oh you said the one wrong oh no Gracie you're dying in a laser all right Gracie I just did this way smarter you have to get over without in any of the pressure plates that have command blocks next to them wait done this one it didn't have a command block but it was close to one so that's why it made me levitate yeah you have to jump over here okay I'm gonna jump overhead boom oh well done okay be careful where you step yeah Gracie you messed up sorry okay let me try this go go go yes awesome that was way too risky all right so I'm gonna go over here yep oh and over here and yep jump crazy go go go okay yeah she made it over my trap well done that was really difficult but where are you gonna go now I don't know not really a way for me to go wait a second why is there an orange block here I wonder oh wow you're flying up wait how do it's a fan block that's awesome okay let's go in here now it's more powerful this one looks way cooler look you sure that one's gonna do more damage Gracie yeah yeah ignis which is the most powerful mob ever nope you are wrong well Gracie in actuality this one did a tiny more damage than that one okay well I'm gonna go in here all right now which piece of armor does more protection but left or the right so on this one we have the helmet of the roads naught and on the right we have a girl's t-shirt well I think the right now is a very scary mob and it's just a t-shirt over there so it can't be that strong right true uh oh you're wrong again I've been getting all of these questions wrong how is a t-shirt stronger I don't know I guess it's because it's made of diamonds oh it is I thought it was just blue where are we going next Gracie wait tell me this I'm not silly it's right right here I'm totally gonna witness Roblox I'm doing so well I know I know but I want to win too all right Gracie look at this room look at me lasers are wait there's literally no way I can make it across stop stop stop oh yeah you're gonna die all right Gracie I don't think there's any way for you to run through here without dying there's gonna be a different way if I can count it then I'll turn off all of these lasers I wonder what could turn off all these lasers whoa all the lasers turn off because they're no longer powered by Redstone yes is amazing I'm really happy let's go to the next room oh my gosh more questions yeah more questions Gracie so this one who has more subscribers cash or Nico well I actually watch them a lot so I actually know who I'm pretty sure it's Nico because Nico my friend Zoe well I wouldn't say their girlfriend boyfriend but I mean you know well the most the more girls that like you I guess that's not true girls aren't everything in life guys never Subs you're right Jamesy although I would appreciate a few more girls and a few more subscribers I I mean I'm joking if the girls one um James yeah I'm just gonna pretend you didn't say that and go on to cash yeah that's very good we should do that so we have a YouTube yeah this this is an interesting question does Zoe have a YouTube channel oh AMC I saw on cash and Nico's Community post that there is no actual Zoe channel so I know it's not the truth yeah there's no real Zoe Charles let's go through okay okay yes we will Butch leave a comment if you guys want us to make his merch yeah yeah use the armor to kill him uh you're Frozen right now though oh wow you're doing a lot of damage that's so super cool you're lucky this guy hasn't woken up let me just start yeah I think he might have awoken just wake him up yeah I did I'm sorry Gracie I can fail ing well now there's two of them let's go well this wasn't any dead Grace just a few more hits oh no but I but I'm Jamesy okay grace they're both super low come on there's a few more hits on you okay come on yeah so close come on guys well done Gracie he's still got a tiny bit more health no way is he really still alive how yeah there we go you finally killed him you celebrated a little bit too early then that was fun that person yeah I froze you oh what was it Daisy all right Gracie how are you gonna get to the next room I don't know to be a way up yeah there's a few holes there's holes where I wonder where is the hole to get up wait there's a Fisher but I can't there on my own that's not the way Gracie I'll give you a clue it's somewhere over here maybe there's a ladder or a parkour or a what how did you just miss that did I just miss the secret ladder I was right okay Gracie good luck with this room trees oh my gosh they're shooting at me I need to hide they're everywhere you're not hiding against anything right now you'll be open you're in the open you're in the open go go go go let me go oh my gosh Casey you're not hiding Davey I'm not good at hiding I'll hide over here now I know that's the previous room uh oh God do all again are you serious yeah let's try this again and I'll be a little bit smarter this time no you definitely could not freeze a turret Gracie that's not how this works Gracie stop going on the edges silly okay so I'm gonna go over here this time in oh wow you're safe right there yeah and I'm gonna make it past this one really quick no go go wait this is bad but where does it go there's no box up here up here up here go go go they keep pushing pushing me come on Gracie you can do it yes I missed yes well done but look behind you oh no there just keeps coming more and more dangers all right Gracie you've got to kill this never right monster day okay I'll do my very best get away from the edge get away from the edge oh oh that was close the thing I told you huh but he would have been dying he would have pushed me up again let me freeze him man whoa he's so cool looking almost as cool looking as you Gracie you can't freeze him he's a lava monster you think ice is gonna do anything to a lava monster that's not how this works I wish I was as strong as a lava monster oh wait Gracie you've almost killed him I guess you are almost as strong as him but you're right you're right wait he sets you on fire though I know I'm literally burning at the at this moment one more hands yes wonderful that's amazing I'm so Roblox wait who what though I'm not Jamesy maybe we should let the comments decide I think it was a jewel but I got a good way to decide who won the video how about whoever died the least times one which means you guys let us know who died the least go re-watch the whole video and count how many times we both died and leave a comment thank you bye bye I hope I win bye no I bet I won
Channel: Jamesy
Views: 730,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamsey, Gracie, Jamesy and Gracie, Jamesey, Jamesie, Jamesy Minecraft, Jamesy, Minecraft roleplay, Minecraft building, Build battle, Minecraft mutant mobs, Minecrafft theme park, Nico and cash, Cash, Nico, maizen, maizen build battle, Wiederdude, MongoTv, Smirky, JJ and Mikey, House Build challange, Maize, Aphmau, Jamey, James C, Gracey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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