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these are the world's most dangerous homemade inventions from a $5 mini blender to a $5,000 underwater jetpack that can go up to $3 mph and even a $50,000 car that can glide on water and at the end we will be testing the most dangerous invention that costs over half a million let's see if they are worth what they cost starting with the $5 inventions $5 inventions this is a Bob Ross toaster here we go now we wait it smells like it's burning this thing might catch on fire Bob was a famous artist so he's painting something on our toast as we speak in the toaster that's crazy oh that's burnt that what is Bob Ross this is kind of worth $5 ooh sorry Bob Bob girl bacon toothpaste e that sounds disgusting this is nasty 3 2 1 oh oh my God I show oh my God oh my God grass flip-flop I like the feeling of walking on grass like Barefoot oh These are nice I actually love them shut now I'm walking on grass I blend in you have no shoes on right now I literally blend in don't look as cool as you think you look dude I feel cool that's all that matters so this invention is a mini blender this is so stupid look how cute this is I just feel like it's kind of pointless we're going to put some blueberries in there so you can fit like five blueberries in here okay we're going to put a little bit of juice in there just like that all right we're going to blend it bro bro yeah it doesn't really taste like much for $5 it's not bad now moving on to the $20 products we're starting with mini hydraulic prep this thing can crush anything in literally seconds so what you're saying is I shouldn't put my fingers in there unless you want to lose a hand I'm good so first we're going to try it with a can okay here we go oh oh my gosh oh my it's still going that's got to hurt I mean that did pretty good that did really good oh my gosh oh now we're going to try toothpaste the fact that this is only $20 is so cool this is such a steal all right so this next $20 invention is the Chinese cupping therapy that's what it's supposed to look like it looks painful it might be painful who wants a try take your shirt off lay on this thing and Pearson's going to do the work all right yo this thing looks scary look at that dude am I authorized to have something like this I don't know oh I feel it my God look at his skin how much you go oh my God look at that oh my god it feels so weird it feels so weird is going on oh you cannot move that thing oh bro look at the Mark D you're going to have a circle on you for the rest of your life St is that what it looks like that's disgusting does it feel good no dude this is so gross E bro it looks like a big wart ew this looks so gross I can't all right take them off all right should we go get lunch now God we'll see you later Drew stop get so this is a paper airplane but what this next invention does is it motorize it so that you can control it from your phone and fly it wherever you want that's 19% too you can go even faster no way oh oh my God wasting oh shoot get it get it get it drew it's in the middle of the street dude secured definitely worth it all right so this next invention is a puppy umbrella all you have to do is extend it all right extending now we're going to attach it to the dog so you just attach it like that and it acts as his leash look at him oh my God all right we're going to make sure this thing works here we go and he's not getting wet perfect it's literally perfect for him look I don't think he likes it though I think he actually hates it this is cool but it doesn't really work all right so this next invention is the pet backpack you just go ahead and put any pet in here and you can carry him on your back oh there we go he enjoying life look at him yo he loves it can't even see him imagine showing up to school like this Drew who needs binders when you can bring your dog so this is the last $2 invention it is a champagne gun what so you hook it up to a bottle and you can spray people with your champagne all right let's pop this champagne here we go oh my God bro what all right this is cool wait does it work shooting it into people's mouths ah oh my God yo if $20 can buy you an invention like this imagine what $500,000 can buy you dude I cannot even believe it that's going to be at the end of this video all right so now we're moving on to the $50 product so this is a car glass breaker and this thing will break a car glass in literally second all right let's try it on your car my car no no no I bought a car door for this guys bring it in you just get a car door BR I honestly have no idea 3 2 1 oh my God oh my God okay so this is another invention that could possibly save your life this is a fire extinguisher ball so all you have to do is throw it where the fire is and it will put it out just like that that sounds like way easier hey it's like magic all right let's try it let's light this baby up so the fire is burning right now throw that thing in oh my God I'm nervous oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh bro and forget the fire no that works next invention the next $50 invention are acupressure slippers dude what is this okay so basically it reduces tension and helps the circulation okay I mean that sounds good oh my God what dude I feel like I'm not going to like that oh my ow oh my God I like feeling in my whole body you should jump jump with them okay ready yeah oh my god dude I can't even describe how that feels let's see what they look like oh my God this hurts so so bad yeah right it feels weird let's see what the damage is oh my god dude it like indents into your feet ow Spider-Man web shooters I'm so excited for this you can get this for $50 how do I not already have this dude this is like a whole Contraption bro it looks like Spider-Man actually built this I need to get dressed for this I feel like I need to get in the park dressed in what one sec one sec guys all right guys I am ready for this what why give me my web shooter so basically you just press this button in order to shoot the web and then you press this button to retract it so watch this 3 2 1 dude that is crazy yo BR pearon ta you wait what oh my God no wait she wants to get dinner tonight let's go all right next invention all right so the next invention is a Tesla coil which produces vibrant arcs of high voltage electricity okay bro can we just try it yeah sure whatever 3 two 1 oh oh my God yo is like a little lightning Bol holy cra cra so sick oh my God my TR oh my God all right so now we're going to try it with a strawberry let's put it on the needle turn it on now all right here we go oh my God it's coming out of the leaves that is so sick why why does that work so this light bulb is not going to be plugged in or anything and we're going to put it over the testic coil and we're going to watch it light up oh my God are you kidding look at this nothing is plugged in bro that is so sick what oh my it gets brighter all right so this next invention is the Puffin V so basically if your dog is wet you can easily dry him wherever and whenever so I brought Charlie here and we're going to put her in the water and then dry her off oh oh get the Puffin fluff on ew dude she's soaking wet dude she looks already so ridiculous at least it's going to keep her dry we tighten it right here perfect now we put the blow dryer in the vent no it's p it up it's filling up with air Charlie you're going to be dry in no time I promise a few moments later in like 3 minutes all right let's see if she's dry oh my God wait that actually kind of work that did did you like that I think Charlie loved that one so now we're going to move on to the $1100 products first up is a potato launcher so this is the barrel and we basically put the barrel on here we take our potato stff it into the barrel now we take the pipe and we stuff the potato as far as we can D I'm like scared to try this y is actually so scary so the directions say you have to spray hairspray into the barrel for about 5 seconds 1 2 3 4 5 cover it up three 2 one launch dude that was powerful I did not expect that at all okay that was insane but we're going to try it one more time if you can hit it in the bullseye I'll give you $500 Bullseye yeah three 2 1 oh it hit right here that was close where did the potato even go the potato is literally in a million pieces right now all right so this next invention is something I'm really excited about what is it cookie fries bro they look like normal french fries these were $100 for what it literally looks like a french fry but it's not look at this so it comes with a variety of flavors including chocolate chip double chocolate chip and and mint chocolate chip but how does it taste smells good it's a really good cookie oh my God I like it a lot actually so this next invention is a two-way translator these go for about $120 you press this button for one language and then you press this button for the other language let's try it out noas I haven't pooped in 3 days should I be concerned This Thing Really Works though yeah it works proximo inventor next invention let's go so this next invention is for a mom dog to hold her baby puppy so we have a puppy right here and we're going to put this puppy on Charlie it's basically like a little backpack for a dog you ready okay so we're going to attach the dog to the Mama this is the weirdest thing ever now that is adorable dude what this is literally the cutest thing I've ever seen before Charlie you oh and everyone's okay I don't think Charlie likes the backpack but let's go to the next invention that was the cutest thing I've ever seen this is a fire shooter for your hands and I'm currently wearing B oh my God I'm a human flamethrower is a superhero in 3 2 1 oh oh my God oh my god dude these things are powerful oh okay so this next $100 invention is the most powerful laser in the entire world this thing looks insane oh my it looks like a lightsaber apparently it's powerful enough to actually pop balloons is it hot when you put your hand over this would burn your hand for sure holy crap what oh my god oh it literally popped all of those balloons except for that one so now we're moving on to $500 invention starting with a real life Harry Potter wand all right so in order for this to work I think we need to change into some proper attire you know what okay this thing has so much power I'm actually scared of this it looks legit and so do we okay here we go so we're going to press the button on three okay 3 2 1 exp oh this is the end of the line for you drew don't do it on this I'm having a need too much fun with this all right here we go oh no no no all right so this next invention are hover shoes so you put one foot on each of these and apparently you can hover wherever you want oh my God they're like moving yo wait what boom there's one oh my God H dude why is he good at it what this is actually sick oh oh my god dude you're going so fast oh my God oh my God all right these are cool but the next invention is cooler what's the next invention follow me all right so this next invention are Spider-Man wall climbers these things are so powerful you can just climb up any wall really hope so cuz I'm basically trusting my life with it holy crap Drew I told you these are going to work okay you know what oh wait Drew I don't know if this is safe it is feeling super hyp Bren I'm scared what do I do now we'll see you later I guess bye so this next $500 invention is something I've never seen before it is a shoe bike why why and who made this you go faster or no I can go fast you can go fast oh my bro you want to race he's going oh my God it's oh my God oh my God moving on to the $1,000 inventions we're starting with the electric scooter suitcase okay so we're at the airport right now and this looks like a normal suitcase it does I don't see why it's $1,000 watch this so you turn it on just like that extend oo no way this is sick and then it looks like you rais the handlebars it's a full-on scooter an electric scooter Drew let's just say like I'm really late for my flight and I need to get to the gate fast watch this bro this is the best ,000 I've ever spent all right here we go extend it boom and then we ride off see you drew so the next ,000 invention is a segue Orbeez Blaster what the heck is that it's this thing right here so it's like a little go-kart red buttons shoot Orbeez out of these cannons oh what in the world yo look at this thing how do you shoot it you just press the come here oh my God oh my this thing's quick you this is awesome if you run out of ammo you can just reload the Orbeez right here in this little thing get him away no more no more we're done with this thing all right so this next invention is the $5,000 invention this is an underwater jetpack this jetpack can reach speeds of up to 14 m per hour let's do it okay so I actually got this idea from Preston goh so everyone go subscribe to him turn around Drew what so basically there's six underwater Jets attached to this pack so they're all controlled by these triggers you ready yeah all right let's do it yo oh what look how fast he's going holy crap Drew is literally doing flips inside the pool right now with the jetpack bro ho there's no way you were going 20 mph my face was like this underwater so now we're going to see how this jetpack compares to a normal swimmer this is a bit unfair in my opinion 3 2 1 go there they go they're off they're off oh and Drew goes ahead Drew is in the lead holy crap where is he he didn't even SP a chance you have a jet back on all right it's time for the next invention nothing's going to be this this is a robotic dog and this is a normal dog I can't even tell the difference oh oh my such a good boy so basically this Robo dog calls on your command Robo dog roll over w wait what no way oh my God it goes up the steps that's crazy Robo dog is a little clumsy Robo dog show us your best trick oh wait what oh look at his shake his butt dude that's sick yo could freaking doggy Charlie do that no here we go let's see if it goes up the stairs oh oh it's go keep going Rob come on you got bro no no pause up oh my God yo what this is like the most talented dog ever are you ready to run oh my God he's chasing oh my God Robo B Chase Aston this invention is $5,000 imagine what the $500,000 invention is going to be freaking robo dinosaur I don't know wait till the end of the video to find out moving on to the $50,000 inventions this next item has four wheels and Glides on of water so this next invention is not a car not a boat it's a jet car this thing can go up to 65 mph and it costs about $62,000 to buy bro it's literally a sports car for the water I'm driving first well no I want to drive first no too bad you got shotgun W this crazy this is the steering wheel we got a lot of cool buttons right here this controls the lights and this one controls the windshield wipers check this out that is so Random why windshield wipers and then there's also a stereo right here so you can listen to music while speeding at 65 mph mhm it basically has everything a car does on the water all Brent please don't kill us I won't I promise W let's go W yo that got like my heart pumping that was fast that's faster than my car on land all right so guys I feel like everyone is staring at us and now that Drew is driving I am scared for my life no seat belts and no brakes my God oh my God this is probably the most dangerous thing I've ever done I've dreamed of this as a kid driving a car on the water and now we're doing it this is my favorite one so far for sure so too okay so this next invention costs over $100,000 and there's only a few of them in the entire world what is it a sea breacher it's a submarine dolphin looking boat thing what you're driving it too I'm driving it dude I can barely drive a car these are the sea breachers it's like a fighter jet but like costumed as a dolphin yeah it's a little snug in the back but you're a little guy we'll we'll cram you in there is bro this is good to go underwater it just Dives like a normal dolphin yep see that up here up on the fin that's the air intake or the snorkel and and then when we're ready to do barrel rolls we can actually fold that snorkel all the way down this thing's going to be doing barrel rolls bro dude I would be scared if I I'm terrified so Drew can barely drive a car I can't even imagine him driving a submarine it actually looks like a dolphin out there oh oh I cannot believe Drew actually learned how to drive this thing Drew just don't die yo he's actually really good at this there's no way you did that you saw that D I did barrel rolls I literally jumped it I did a back F do you think the invention was worth $100,000 oh my God if I yes I would drop a $100,000 on it right now oh my God this next invention costs over $250,000 to develop and it looks like it's from a different planet it's an apterra car are you sure it's not a spaceship it looks like it came from outer space it uses solar panel so you technically never have to charge or put gas in it ever look at this on the top this is the solar panel right here it's constantly charging you never have to plug it in that is like the most convenient thing I think a car could do all you have to do to open the door is you just knock on this thing two times you're kidding what the butterfly doors too are you kidding me isn't that crazy look how sick the back looks first of all so all you have to do to open the trunk is you do the same thing knock twice W I'm like mind blown dude oh my God it's a full-blown bed all right good night Drew this thing is nice say if you want to go a little bit farther all you have to do is charge it right here like hit him behind the license plate and all right and we're off see you damn oh my God bro what okay so the rearview mirror is actually a camera the mirrors on the side of your cars are cameras too so you can see exactly what is beside you and this screen is crazy oh wo you just opened my door oh my god dude it open y should open the trun open the trun all right so right now we're going to hit the McDonald's drive-thru cuz I'm a little hungry can I get a a small french fry thank you thank you everyone's looking at us so funny they're like what are they driving hey guys what's going on oh my God yo literally everyone is looking at us in this car but I think it's time for the next invention I don't know what's going to top them and now finally for the $500,000 invention let's surprise Drew and Lexi I searched all over the world to find the craziest invention for half a million dollars and I found it open your eyes in 3 2 one oh my god dude this seems badass what is this this is a res body it is a fully armored military approved car this thing has some features that you've never seen before on a vehicle like what this out yo hey wait what are the gas mask for dude I have no clue this for when brenards what oh that that makes sense they actually say that you can survive a zombie apocalypse if you had this car well they even give you a bulletproof vest these are a bunch of the safety features that come in this car pepper spray there's pepper spray built in so if an intruder was trying to break into your car watch this okay so right now we have someone trying to break into our car we don't know him pepper spray pepper spray oh it where did it come from oh my God I'm like soaking wet from it this is what sprays the pepper spray out I'm not messing with Lexi ever again no don't mess with this car ever again no it's mostly Lexi let's see what other safety features this thing has okay the next feature is shocking doors there's no way if you press this button all the door handles on the car turn into basically tasers and if someone tries to grab the handle they're going to get shot so turn it on okay okay perfect try and open the door three 2 2 1 oh my god dude bro what okay so I'm an intruder I'm trying to get it ow oh my God bro this car even comes with a PA system watch this Drew has a smelly butt testing why am I getting attacked and this red bun is the siren oh sh this is insane all right so if the shock candles or the pepper spray wasn't enough there is bulletproof glass windows on this car so literally nothing can get through what are magnetic dead bolts press it it basically dead bolts the car so again no one is coming in let's deadbolt it against Brent all right Brent yeah get out no no no wait what wait you can't just deadbolt the car bro get away from the car Drew let me in I'm sorry dude I'm not going to let you in actually you know what I take that back try to get in you're just going to pepper spray me no I W like genuinely try to get in the car ah oh my God dude dude you're lucky it wasn't the freaking shock CLE that's on too you pepper sprayed me Drew so are you guys ready to take this thing for a spin now we are wait why are you guys all dressed like that I meanz you're driving yeah sorry Brent I feel like one of the safest cars on the road right now for sure Drew how you liking it up there dude I feel so powerful in this car okay so now Drew has the gas mask on just in case is it really necessary right now Drew I think you farted so yes so this is one of the coolest features I think this car comes with a smoke screen so if someone's following you you can just press this button right here and the car releases a bunch of smoke from the back all right here we go smoke screen oh oh my God this is so great oh my God so apparently there's a million dooll invention but we have to fly to that so if this video gets $320,000 likes then we'll do the million dooll invention I want to know what it is do you have any guesses uh a plane a freaking car a flying car maybe this week's shout out goes to RIT thick and we'll see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 10,623,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JQ2gtKZ_tUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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