How To Season A Stainless Steel Pan Advanced Version

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okay so I'm going to show you the fast we had a season of stainless steel skillet it's better if you have this is a really nice expensive one is better if you have one if you can see there's like already built in kind of little grooves here if you can get one with a completely smooth surface completely smooth that's going to work better and it's going to last longer on that next thing you're going to need is some something with a high burn factor if you don't know what that means Google cooking oils with high burn factors because you wanted to have a high smoke point and I use lard it's real cheap you don't have to cook with it just keep it in the bottom refrigerator it works the best unless I'm doing cast-iron then I do a flaxseed oil flaxseed oil doesn't work on this because this is a non-porous surfaces with cast iron it is a little bit porous surface so what you're going to want to do is we're going to heat up the stove and this time I'm putting stead of putting on low we're going to put it on high because this is the way that I used to do it in a restaurant and I'm going to show you how to do it if you're in a restaurant or if you just have no patience so while we're waiting for that to eat up it take a little longer than a normal cheap Teflon pan for all the lazy people out there I noticed that men are getting more into the cast-iron skillet and stainless steel skillets I don't have a lot of women viewing these videos and the funny part is is that's where everybody learn this stuff from their grandmothers but um you know I'm going to stop with that right there before there's all my female viewers so go ahead and I use a bikinis bounty or something with this real absorbent or you know just would use whatever paper towels you have then you're just going to smear it around the inside of your pan real quick just real quick like that all right on high instead of waiting for it to do it if you do it on low and you do it slower and longer the season is going to last longer so bla bla bla let's let's get started with that so we're going to wait for it to start smoking and as soon as it starts smoking we're going to turn it off the eye okay and see how it's starting to smoke I don't know if you can see that or not B it's smoking so we're going to turn off the burner we're going to set it back like that we're going to let that a completely cool off as long as it takes until it's cold at the bottom okay now that it's completely cooled off it's really thick on the bottom that's why you want to hang these up because it gets scratched up so you're going to take it just like you put it on there you're going to wipe it off as much as you can shouldn't be too much to wipe if you did it right there'll be nothing the wire all right so that's on there really good it's really nothing too white but if you put too much you'll just wipe it off okay so we're going to heat it up again go ahead and put that on high then we're going to put the lard in it and then we'll go from there that's good and get some in there doesn't take much all right so once you get this thing seasoned it'll be just like cooking on your Teflon skillet without the chemicals that's going to be a lot so will will grease this up a lot with this I put a little bit too much on there that's all right so we've got it on there real good I'm gonna just wipe it off real good like that like say when you're in a restaurant you ain't got time you got to do this real quick and then you wait for it to smoke and on a side note when you get these seasoned in your cooking on them you don't want to use soap on them after that just like a cast-iron skillet you're not going to stick so basically you're just going to wipe them out with you know an oily paper towel and we're just paper towel depending on what you're cooking okay everybody I have seasoned the stainless steel skillet for six times I buy as I did earlier placing it on lightly and and cooking it on high and not cooking on slow and this is the results you can see how shiny it is and that's how you seasoned a stainless steel skillet quick and easy way like in the restaurant if you want to do it slower and make it last longer watch my other seasoned Stan's coat skillet video thanks now an awesome day
Channel: Cast Iron Cooking
Views: 1,331,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stainless steel pan, how to season a stainless steel skillet, how to season a stainless steel pan, stainless steel pots, how to season, how to season a stainless steel pot, stainless steel, frying pan, stainless steel cookware, season a stainless steel skillet, fry pan seasoning, How To Season A Stainless Steel Pan Professional, How To Season A Stainless Steel Pan Advanced, how to cure, how to cure a stainless steel pan, non stick stainless steel pan
Id: dEMSQI31mvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2015
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