Noita Randomizer Run 1

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hey what's going on everyone it's fury and it's also two in the morning and i felt like doing annoyed to run but not just any noise to run we're gonna do a randomizer run with random starting loadouts randomized alchemy which is going to be completely insane i hope and biome randomizer which is also pretty crazy because we could get like the frozen vault or hell as the first biome which is going to be a lot of fun let's do this boom it's been a little while since we had some actual noita gameplay on the main channel i've been doing a series on my second channel fury squared and on stream but uh but like doing a run a summoner on the main channel let's see anything interesting gonna happen up here all right so far i'm upset summoners probably uh the worst we got a bad spot to be in things are creating teleportation we only have 65 hp right in the beginning here it's amazing blow them up thank you come on get get we got infinite rocks i'm just gonna yeah get out of here fool i'm gonna bury you what do you think you're doing killing me plop yes the double tap you know what i'm gonna take this come on go stop uh we can't go i don't care all right perfect we what is that making we have 54 hp here i don't want these eggs get out of here ow jeez go away all right all my babies where's your gold it's all in here all right yes get that suck that's right you do that kill things for me what is this this is acid okay got invisiblium thank you i'm gonna use that right now things are going crazy pretty pretty active in here can i have that nugget what oh yeah um invisibly um toxic sludge okay i'm hoping for this to be a fairly quick run but also victorious would be amazing well so much for that we have i thought that was uh precursor all right get correct thank you uh six hp direct get out of here get on my face blow that up blow up over there not over here come on oh we made look at that we just made some whoops some void liquid i've no see this is lame frog i swear if i get killed by a frog i need your your monies yes come right here perfect give me that nugget 195. stop it hey don't drop me all right good i'm gonna use rocks for now i probably uh let's not mess with frog all right we're at i don't see anything else interesting right here so let's just go i said i wanted it to be a short run so it just might be uh rocks let's put this on here i need a weapon though dude let's go melee yes shield more hp and you know what let's until i know what okay we're just in cold pets that's fine it's fairly normal all right let's see what do we have over here all right uh i'm just gonna spray this stuff everywhere see look at this we could just rain rocks down from above get trick kills on everything you get lots of gold and i got to remember not to do that not don't just fall what is that acceleration don't just fall into liquids when you're playing with random alchemy got ambrosia oh that's nice who has that oh my god you know what you're getting murdered i don't get i don't care get underneath me get underneath me yes that's right love seeing that popcorn all right for 2 a.m i'm a little hyped been working on stuff all day had a really good day with a lot of interesting things we lost all that gold it's fine as long as we don't die here oh my god i mean all right uh make some what are we making whiskey too all right let's just hang out here for a second i'm gonna think about things uh so few spells per cast no spread let's put this we got black holes at the end right there this i'm probably gonna dump capacity three yeah i don't want those don't want them all right we're gonna be careful with this but but uh why not don't do it so this is all ambrosia and some gold nice 832 gold this is insane i mean it's not the most amazing wand of course but just to find this wand on floor 2. good stuff i would say let's go over to the uh fungal cavern except for the fact that there's it's most likely not gonna be the fungal cavern let's uh restore some of our levitation juice so yeah we got acceleration over here i will drink that thank you thank you very much 12 seconds all right kill it kill it kill it look at all that lava wow yes they're making a lot of lava 938 where did i get all this gold we didn't we missed most of the uh the gold from the wand ghost here let's see if we can blow a hole in this we got void liquid being made nope uh but i have black holes don't do that oh we do have fun with so even though we're using biome randomizer we're getting a pretty look at that yes look at all that that's amazing so pretty yeah let's just make void liquid everywhere perfect and molten glass okay good to know is it gonna hurt me let's just walk into the molten glass something about playing with the randomizer mod makes me makes me forget if certain things i love this wand hurt me wow okay it's starting to get a little minkus very minkus let's get out of here please this is not good at all we had a good run going we're gonna fall down get drop kicked in the face out of here i'm gonna go for this because i like to live dangerously we're gonna do this hopefully not get trapped oh my god are you serious i have no more black holes do that good go oh my god go go recover go all right yeah 2 a.m craziness now let's get out of here because i don't want to die uh sure all right whoops didn't mean to pick up that second one let's see here wow 380. we got we got enough for that let's get all these black holes those up there and to think we started with a summon mage now we got this i'm gonna keep this on there or oh yeah and then this is what was on here i don't even know here with this oh yeah the black hole all right so we got summons we got black hole at the end uh any really nice wand we want that's not bad it's got a two degree spread yeah i mean we're gonna find better wands anyway let's get more water thank you let's stain ourselves with that a little bit and let's get ready to rumble all right stainless armor okay and uh since we have stainless armor that all right let's just go i'm gonna kind of run ow made it right through my shield buddy good job i'm gonna drink all this and get rid of this we're past that point look at all this blood that's perfectly safe blood i'm gonna drink some perfectly safe worm blood thank you and check this give me that trigger sure let's go i don't want to deal with the gang squad that we just saw over there put it up out it's totally get hit by our own saw blades uh check this can you like perhaps thank you no this is our uh explosive bounce i don't want to get rid of anything let's just go we have 680 well i'll check the bottom over here try to spew disc projectiles in the faces of our foes oh my god yes i will take that looks like we're getting rid of this because yes we shall we don't need it it's fine however keep that up there do i want them to be on fire we have what do we have permanent shield stainless armor all right fuel up we got chainsaw boom we got that too i can teleport to the end if i want but we're not gonna do that no speed run strat i will use that chainsaw though uh oh my god yes if we could get homing on this this is gonna be fantastic fantastic so three spells per cast we don't want these glitter bombs no mana 32 degree spread uh what's my fastest wand not that 68 32 and 50. crap let's see we're not going to use this might use this but these over here but all this formation stuff over here we have a trigger so do we have a non shuffle we do not what perk do we have i'm just gonna grab that uh yeah we have like no real nice perks so i'm going to use the last of my money and we're going to hmm i don't know if i want to bleed slime because i don't know what slime is gonna turn into let's get gold we'll get gold play it safe so we still have shuffle um however wand is a three recaster for here so we're gonna do this oh but it has 32 degrees spread that's lame lame [Music] all right well i might get rid of this wand i'm gonna keep all this stuff with the crits and stuff in the beginning we might be able to make a if i could find homing imagine in a quick run making a homing blood mist that'd be nice that would be real nice uh the chainsaw we're just going gonna keep up here because these two wands i'm probably gonna drop or we could just here this will probably proc the majority of the time the three per cast i'm gonna drop this will be fine get that out of here all right now or i mean we could even do ah no this will be fine for now let's go i know i have stainless armor but let's use this thank you what do we have the mines oh ah look at that water that was hey what's going on come here please i need you molten glass can you maybe not run away from your fate i would rather you not anger the gods you're going that direction europe punk all right what a punk why are you gonna go in that direction oh you're going up again maybe oh you died good i'm gonna explode yes i am but it's fine no it's not fine what did that bounce off of [Laughter] okay let's jeez they bounced off your corpse this stuff's pretty oh my god what is all that is that ambrosia it is all right you know what i don't know what's making this ambrosia buh okay we got to take care of you first where are you oh your mural give me that ambrosia i'm gonna hang out in it real quick all right thank you thank you come again all right was i'm making wax interesting and we have 39 gold now i don't want any of that stuff anyway what else do we have okay i still have this let's try this out real quick i don't know if i just heard another worm why am i slow oh from overeating all that water there we go see this is a good wand for now for now all right oh that's nice uh boom give me that don't turn into acid thank you all right 31 hp i think we're just gonna get out of here i thought like for a split second like i fell and i thought that the teleportation we fell into was just more this molten glass all right you know what but it is not now we're just gonna go so who knows what we have next acid uh we have no money that's what we have next nothing i don't want more blood we'll get extra perk let's just go look you died where did you come from all right i'm just going to try to invisible invisible widget oh this is fantastic glad i did this although there's gonna be a lot of oops i gotta spray with f i've got some in different keybinds i use so uh i like kicking a lot and i like to kick with the right mouse button but i also like spraying with the right mouse button so oh my god i can't believe i'm stuck on a all right so i have ow a a spray and kick and i have a just spray all right well speaking of let's drink this good eat up everything that's in there hopefully not all right break that oh look how nice ping-pong path and bombs i'll take it for now what's the wand look like it's a no shuffle we have eggs 17-33 that's all we need we could go we'll try to look at that i wonder if it's a mimic oh boy uh zero and hang on here i mean the wand we just got i don't want this recoil on here we could make a flying wand but it's all right we have everything we want for now all right let's just get out of here i love that everything's making void liquid it's nice straight into he see base we have 140 54 154 hp it's fine how many black holes we have tons of black holes we have a nice attack wand and an even nicer okay so i'm not getting rid of this i want that chainsaw we're gonna get rid of this because i want this too all right and we can just get out of here we have a lot of hp we're not a lot but we have plenty of hp for what we need to do here uh might use that might not all right so i think there was another one that was looking at i confused lava to blood you know what you know what rng in my i'm doing uh i'm streaming a noita everything run where we do all of the secrets i'm almost finished now we're in new game plus three i think but it took me the entire like we were looking for lava to blood throughout a regular run and then we went to eastworld or eastworld east east world westworld west west world and then yeah and we eventually found it it was crazy uh no more shuffle i need that melee immunity especially yeah we got this we don't need anything else let's go all right slimy egg break it perfect we don't have to worry about you i'm glad that as soon as i got melee immunity we have the jungle i love when rng just works out like that you know i do want to check what this wand is oh never mind i don't i don't you can have it it's probably nothing too great but just in case i would rather not get exploded all right we've got plenty and we have melee immunity too so we could use these uh oops tentacles without any problem at all it's not going to bother us it's nice getting shot in the face with poison will bother us though who are you look at that's all your blood yeah shoot it try shooting that thing yeah collect a little bit more gold uh we're gonna go up and fight the dragon because well it should be here i don't know though this mod the biome randomizer does randomize side biomes so we'll see it might not be here uh i need a better wand for this wow yes just don't kill yourself all right a little spoiler come on you can dig help me out here no okay i just you saw what i did that was fantastic let's go time to go time to go how many i have three four five six seven more here let's just never mind let's not do that uh if i can i would like to on use this last one over there all right i'm just gonna spray and pray thank you let's stay yeah let's probably get out of here i'm trying to all right there we go see if we can grab this without getting set on fire we got damage on there i don't need it we're going for just a boss kill we're not going for anything crazy we don't have any orbs we're not going to get any orbs don't need that damage we already have everything we need take care of good old three eyes all right blow up yes get it all right what are you doing over here you're scared look at him shaking sorry lucky you got you're lucky you got lucky today i might not i'm every time i start smack talking in this game in any game no do we hmm all right i'm not going up see ya let's get out of here because we don't know what's gonna happen all right yeah i'm gonna check this wand we're safe from you guys all right don't worry about it grab this stuff and please don't blow up anything all right let's just go oh get punched into the victory lane 1000 oh well 1013 look at all that that would have been fun okay so do i want always cast let's try for [Music] always cast wow is it gonna blow me yep it's gonna blow up we just ruined this wand ah it's fantastic okay so i think the bombs are just going to explode automatically let's throw these off and test that out we still have some hp left switch to another wand and then do it yeah i think the bombs are just gonna explode immediately that sucks oops wrong one oh no it's not they were exploding because of that okay so i mean i still can't really put anything on that it's always cast bomb if i had any kind of repulsion field to get rid of them quick i mean we're gonna kill the boss with here i'm gonna toss that it's fine we got black holes we have melee immunity let's do this gonna check what this is since i have some room now nope it's all right haha yeah you don't see anything neither do you let's just i'm basically just heading to the end right now maybe the end of my life nah this is he's about to say this is easy-peasy we'll see if there's anything down here down here at the bottom it's at the end yeah all right i'm just going all right so mana oh well one thousand we don't can't buy anything but it's fine it's just fine i'm not even gonna use anything uh let's see can we get lucky yes uh i don't know what do we want here oh let's reroll perfect uh we're not gonna be messing with wands so let's get that repelling cape so we have stainless armor and that's it stainless armor that's nice we don't need invisibility or anything so don't need any of this we have repelling cape and also melee immunity so uh as long as its blood doesn't turn into acid and kill us immediately we got this in the bag you're dead see dancing i would have laughed if this whole area was filled with lava or acid but it was not let's shoot a black hole down here and then die and we were successful in anoita randomizer run starting with a summoner and then we didn't get any crazy alchemy there was nothing too crazy it could be you could get shot and blood could mix with the air and turn into acid or lava or acceleration or midas you know crazy things could happen so we're gonna do more of these i think i think we'll do more of these let me know what you think down below this felt like doing one you know but like uploading a gameplay an actual run not a speed run not a long streamed run but just a normal size little 33 minutes 34 minute run anyway guys thank you very much for watching i hope you're having a fantastic day i'll see you next time you
Channel: FuryForged
Views: 78,740
Rating: 4.953125 out of 5
Keywords: FuryForged, FuryForge, Noita, Lets Play, Noita Gameplay, Noita Mods, Modded Noita, Noita Randomizer, Noita Random Starting Loadout, Noita Random Biomes, Noita Randomized Alchemy, Noita Alchemy, Noita Tips
Id: 8XBblYg4mnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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