LIL BRIMSTONE CHALLENGE - Custom Afterbirth+ Challenge

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have you ever said something stupid and been called out on it now me never happened that is why I will win the little brim challenge we can't let him talk trash without backing it up you have said many times you could win a run with just little brim it's time to walk the walk I'm walking I'm walking and here we are me and little brim sitting in a tree they can sweet love hi yes hello I am very aware that the sound is super [ __ ] up this happens every single time I switch from my switch because the god switch is so [ __ ] quiet just thought I'd let you know okay bye wants me to kill the lamb which is not the same not the same way I didn't I didn't say that I could kill the lamb I just said beat the game technically technically I could take the polaroid and go to the dark or go to Sheol and be done that's tech that's beating the game hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa well that's been in the game probably gopher deals of the angel for potential health upgrades am I gonna go into my item rooms just to see what's up in there I got extra keys I guess yeah now what I really meant when I said that you could win a game using nothing but little brim what I really meant was not having another damage upgrade so like still taking you know blood bags books transformation he feeds you know I made little brim is your only damage upgrade but we're gonna need to get all of our tinted rocks oh [ __ ] man you know how hard this is to leave small rocks do you have any idea what kind of pain I'm in right now let's let's calm the rules again start with Isaac and little brimstone you cannot pick up any items or trinkets at all I think that's you know including books I don't know why you had to write that because that's included within items no reroll on your character kill the lamb good luck yeah okay oh hey t then well what's gonna have to happen here is that we're just gonna have to get a lot of help no items at all I mean I kinda sort of said that going down I can't pick up he'll hook grades come on man come on I think shops are gonna be pretty important here uh it's gonna allow me to buy help so hard some black cards is that's all to get eternal hearts I guess hey Edie can you stop placing janky secret room like nobody likes that that doesn't even make sense do I really need the tinted rocks cuz it's like well you can't get deals with devil anyways you can't buy anything I need the help oh my god why Chop Shop give me my shop it's not a shop it's a bookstore man would that be nice okay but let's say I wasted what I'm like trying to get into my shop and it was books can I have a book then little brim is a lot of power the only thing that's gonna stop me is getting tough rooms and not have enough health no items but that means pills are still on the table I mean pills are like never not on the table you know I mean do you even know what I mean though little horn odd decided we didn't have Ragman but not that bad there we go we go into our deal the devil try to find some black hearts now we go for and room for those sweet soul hearts and the eternal hearts can I take that if it's just money can I give myself like pay to play or like free keys just so that I can see what is in the item room like come on like we all we all want to know what I'm missing out on so this isn't I'm not giving myself a good thing here okay you didn't really do it you do know you're not really doing it if you're giving yourself dad's key I won't use dad's key if it if it's gonna open up a different room cuz but you know I think we all want to know what I'm gonna be missing out on [ __ ] mm-hmm top secret room probably best room for the three black arts not the same but you know I think I'm gonna play that best-case scenario here we get a shop with a reroll machine and grab a bunch of soul arts catacombs XL that sucks we're missing a shop then that's that's that's really bad for me a soul heart from the pool I want to get to that item room but like I don't want to [ __ ] with that room and I'm guessing that's the secret room to you know nope alright now I can comfortably go antigrav you know I ever since I learned that antigrav was a tear to lay down a - two tiered lay down aunty crotch is cancer key so I can get into my shop use your dad's key swear to God if someone jumps forward in the video and they don't even understand why I gave myself dad's key and then like what the hell man or they're telling me to use it banned well there's my key got 99 problems and the key is no longer one of them yep and yeah I'm excited and yep okay extra fast biters that's that's fun I enjoyed that very much 10 cents to the donation machine and you get a better chance of an angel room plus 25% baby how much dps does little brim do is I feel like it's got to be pretty similar to like my 3.5 damage brimstone like if I just started with brimstone it's gotta be like almost the same thing right gotta know what's in my autumn room effect that is like really good and stuff that would kill the lamp big-time that would definitely murder the lamps face off no trinkets right the no trinkets part so it's a little overkill don't you think you're just getting petty at this point poly sacrifice of people poly ibuprofen that's pretty good to rag mega happy about having something with piercing here yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah bud little bud stone more like little hot-diggity-dog stone f is for friends who do things together U is for you and me and it's for no items well you're playing the challenge of a petty person to these rooms blow I should have just reverted back to rebirth a lot easier see I'm all nervous now that I'm gonna use dad's key it's gonna open up a secret room everyone's gonna be mad cuz I'm gonna want to go into the secret room okay it can't be there could it be right here next time on Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball hey totally could be there totally was there but this room blows though U is for you and me I like how in the comment section of the challenge someone's like his BFF allowed no items bro what about an item Greta's no chill no chill top secret yeah buddy ah so hurts maybe and some cards sweet bro one just honestly boils down to don't lock at this point okay I mean it's it's it's skill right not taking any damage but pretty comfortable in my eyes and abilities so I could at this point myself get lucky or unlucky there's my angel there's my angel ah darlin final should I go for the statute or the the key piece nah that's unnecessarily risky no Bret what's really gonna stump us here is having to fight boss after boss in Sheol and the dark room maybe if I can get an emperor card we really honestly should go for an emperor card I want that trinket Iwata I really should not be yoloing the pills cuz the tears down pill would just end the game strength card yeah strength card does not count hell a super secret tinted rock of doom okay okay okay yeah what's in my dumb room super-good mom fight are we ready yeah maybe possible red stop me Mom good no not good just for the eyeballs that shoot very predictable no enemies right and let me turn that easiest part though this is this predictable is it like four and then an eyeball shot let's let's test this theory no no pie eater stop down in this this bomb Rock the lamb the lamb the lamb the lamb I almost forgot already negative it is and you know what while we're here let's definitely remove dads key I don't need that anymore no more shops to buy healthy guys saw angel rooms and top-secret rums it is yeah this is my stress going downhill fast I mean this is just a tough room in general so boiling down to that whole luck thing likes hikes oh my god stops you Little Britain from judging you should you should tentacle bitch-slap knee and stop my little brooms from charging that's how that should work that's how that should work that's a good room this is good room design 101 you guys this is what peak room design looks like you may not like it literally just [ __ ] over my chance of anything ever [ __ ] that room luck man yeah dude [Music] Wow okay cold and heat just Emperor card the weed doesn't cut because you took the day and hit shut up I need to say this algae's if I even can for the lamb fight holy [ __ ] these rooms brought more things I can't use yay don't forget that I've got to speed down right now speed down pillow point eight eight speed actually does make a difference for a rooms like this just like this the games like o speed down oh but you wouldn't like to see room like this then though it's like any room that you like you migh have to run away from something would just be like that right let's beat down right ha I think we'd have to do those holy nuts man I'm just dreaming about all dreaming about all the health that the tentacle stole from me should give me something here goes nothing putting the eyeball on top of me you should be able to do that hack hack all you want a call you need I'm only human that has feelings take what you like I'd love to fight little chef in this climate shut down booyah I was super super smart I'd go up and finish the game early no no no no no let's let's go with your definition of winning the game let's go with your definition of winning the game sure don't let me take the polaroid which I would think would be completely normal and fine in order to win the game with little brim no no take the negative which is really really bad spend all the bombs on potential life instead I have to wish me luck [Music] [ __ ] kidding me oh good tinted rock I'd love to use my bombs in order to go get that tinted rock the [ __ ] was that I don't even know what that was a gradable hell are you [ __ ] what the word mushroom luck Satan time no bombs good though just how I like it with a speed down Rumpel arts can you spike run six times one two three four five six wish me luck [Music] Fox man double adversary I'm gonna end it all cut your [ __ ] dude double death rooms pretty bad too though mega ultra speed slow down good side what hit me what hit me what is Cochrane she's up ah cuz he's let ya know ah no wait wait wait wait wait welcome I'm ready I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm not ready nice landing very fair very random Rob [Music] No did I survive with nothing but little brim no but did I prove beyond reasonable doubt that it is possible to win the game with nothing but little brim absolutely I win no I wouldn't yes oh I won that one yes I'm so glad that I won that one whoa winner right here this guy proved my point ah it just feels good to be a winner [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 320,248
Rating: 4.9239559 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: a-vErGA1J0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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