Afterbirth Challenge: BRAINS!

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morning what's going on YouTube we are here doing a challenge yes three balls it was that was complete guess in my part we're doing brains so it's triple Bob's brain which sucks and they only go one at a time yes don't be as well they only go one at a time this is so bad this is so bad Wow ready are we racing let's do a survive whoever can survive this [ __ ] okay alright holy [ __ ] okay so it's goes so slow we're walking slow as well at least I shoot quite fast after each other though oh yeah but when they're all gone well then you have to wait oh my god oh my god oh oh that is just painful BAM ouch I'm hurting myself already did you I haven't yet I'm on the boss I got a big speed upgrade though which is really good so I can get away from my brains yeah exactly oh Lord okay bye her blue baby as well so we have no health oh wow I got a damage up Phantogram doesn't even do anything on bowstrings in the item room no in tub boss there are no items Rose I don't think I don't think damage bonuses apply there are no idea rose by the way oh well good thing I skipped with then okay we have stompy so I need to really worry about walking over bomb rocks yeah whew crawlspace though you could do the crawlspace glitch [ __ ] the cross basically Anarchist Cookbook sadly that's gonna be a little bit better than the [ __ ] anything is better than this [ __ ] really subscribe to me Wow shameless shameless self-advertising er yeah advertisement advertisement so that sounds the chairman for some reason we face sounds German shut up hey at least we get better at bombs raining go after this run maybe come on man let me how dank is your mean with a scale from 450 to 500 but [ __ ] 400 oh wait that was a little skill about lemonade bottom eight to do it oh my god I got large look at the thing where you get big one makes you larger yeah watch bill what benefice does that [ __ ] have yep I mean oh I already hit myself the [ __ ] can drop like hearts and stuff yeah I mean it's very rare it could be money most likely money but it could be a so hard yes so art or like bet five open and like a life like Charlie begins life truly begins [ __ ] oh yeah when I get hit I'm like oh oh why do I [ __ ] spam that right away I was stupid of me I didn't know it was gonna be haunt we got one of them I guess all is not lost oh that [ __ ] hits come on my health back come on Bob's brain you're killing me right now you're killing me smalls I have thunder thighs yes and balls ring three times [ __ ] I'm one heart to you ah 304 pentagram nope pentagram was in my deal with the devil okay I got that one for love balls I'm gonna pass on that black handle would be so good okay so what else did you start with I started with a thunder thighs Bob Springs and Boop yep cursive [ __ ] darkness right when I'm like oh I should get blood candle shoot the bus rides don't look hallway I got such a big grin on my face did I get that or do you have to do ah the grin on my face no bigger mile no I don't have a smile I catch is like crazy smile I think the scales thing that I picked up you got chaos yeah that changed all the yeah how'd you get that sure here's a shot Bible I'm already old therefore [ __ ] cuz you only have to do bosses and I got like a teleport random teleport telophase you're really close to the boss ah cheater look balls of steel balls of steel [ __ ] how hard now so roomful red arts what do you unlock foolish stupid challenge Oh Lord more Bob's brains probably that be such garbage all right I got the tentacle dick guy I don't know his real name is though sorry he's gonna have to go by technical big guy tells pretty good ok mister technical big guys you subscribed what is this PJ's that's like the best item I could possibly get right now lotta hell yeah yes I'm so your and a half so hard yeah guess how many hearts I have plus 6 10 10 10 10 Jesus mate [ __ ] him still Eliza called away for room editor there gonna be anything seriously I mean I'm a smoke someone probably would make a mod for that but if it didn't exist sounds like a good idea well do PJs go gives you like 4 or something yeah it's like rosary but better oh [ __ ] me I'm funny fish Allah right now it's not really advisable very nice can't believe I need to ask you this huh huh mama so credit pretty smart people boom I'm not finding any tinderbox either stop he should open stone chest would that be nice oh goodness his name is actually tentacle dick guy wow what a guess just like I'm gonna guess it was gonna three Bob's brains everyone that happened I honestly did not know remember when that happened yes about six minutes ago yeah [ __ ] hey maybe somebody paused the video came back to it four days later and I'm like oh that's right I almost forgot shoot the rube thing I hate that you can't shoot it right when you wanted to yeah I know I just kind of wait for a while and then aim it right when I know I can shoot it yeah even though it probably is not the most efficient way but as long as long as I don't miss right keep my accuracy well and then I miss my name is again [ __ ] second hot fight I've had to do though come on yeah like weird ones as well right now that just spawns skeletons and is a strange engine I can't play after birth until patch is released why is that probably crashes but like why is it crash for some people not brothers it hasn't cut for me ever is it a regional thing hello there was already a patch that went through in mind so maybe it's need to recheck what the skeletons name how much is the steam coming till probably like 24 hours there was no there was a room editor for rebirth so that will leave you alone for after birth after any bids okay I got booked a secret thick has a chance to spawn secret horse race so arts no no book a sin does book a secrets shows you um compass map or blue map [ __ ] but I still had all the hearts what a skill home yeah sorry I skipped it I'm dead Oh [ __ ] for bonis in one room hello you missed five in a row thanks Josh there's a d8 you get it from completing the pride day challenge a d8 what does a d8 do it so then go I'll [ __ ] stomp be shed for my own right now comes - okay I'm on la thanks much one he died yeah alright cuz there were four ponies in one room that didn't make me happy yeah suck you suck bro shut up that's not nice Oh ring gilliland this could give me a sell hard I guess a bomb Matt oh Jesus I hate that when you get in the secret room now [ __ ] there can sometimes be enemies now yeah well expect them get [ __ ] again expecting save [ __ ] next blow do you stupid spider holy [ __ ] so skipping the god damn that seems yeah I know come on come on I can't [ __ ] shoot him there we go this is rough bro yeah why do we have to do the [ __ ] most difficult you stupid switch yet always they never want you to have a good time who's blaming twitch chat now wow it's true though they were like well they wanted to see a sufferer I knew I loved Bob's brain oh it suffer all right we gotta go have dinner guys be back later all right I don't think it whoops thank you for joining good ceiling another balls of steel it's good this is good that's crazy it's gonna be better mostly but no foam there - go ahead and go to bed don't worry oh my god get rekt who fighting the Holland's first boss see if I can playing this correctly there we go no too lazy these guys move really slowly they nerfed these dudes oh the floaty guys that just randomly spit tears the [ __ ] ponies are still as annoying as always yeah but they shoot slower today yeah I think a little my screen roll card kind of want to just pop it but I kind of don't oh goodness I'm gonna have to finish this run in YouTube because I have two essays to write tomorrow you got to want it dude I'm kidding I'm kidding here good homework is definitely more important oh my god stompy is like crucial here yeah [ __ ] rocks some tinted [ __ ] rocks like the rocks are [ __ ] good they would ah pay to play I'll take it I can use a keys or I can use one penny to get into it locked doors now super good nice yeah all right let's get rid of these [ __ ] rocks the rocks [ __ ] yep [ __ ] stupid exactly myself I hate this who said the show is gonna be good please notice me said oh man man if we got pyro with this pyromaniac yeah then you have a good time but right now you just want to kill yourself Oh baby I just doubled used Anarchist Cookbook and I just owned face not even a challenge this is the easiest challenge I've ever done I feel so embarrassed if I lost on this challenge Oh [ __ ] use the world card why ball gag then maybe wouldn't scream so much what how what is that is that a sex toy what the [ __ ] oh man that's good I'm doing so well I just took a deal the devil king regen King regen donated $1 go to your file select and press import data and all your ebert save data will be on after birth that is correct oh I agree with this information and that's what I did and I did that do Tammy's head Tammy's head I actually I get Tammy's head tears that's that's really good Bulls race I wanted that I wanted like that thing they should have thought about that one it would have been [ __ ] awesome oh hello there's up useless Oh like I think I can also take a devil you look ceremonial robes kiss Matt's swag yeah here you go gives you better health back get hey stop skipping bought boss cutscenes well I'm gonna go keel over while trying to do the lost on greed I know right holy [ __ ] mmm scoper says please notice me let me I'm not seeing anybody that says please notice me yeah actually I have time those people out normally tell you yeah um I hate that were so slow as well I open a chest and there's troll a troll rock in there and I got hit watch all Bob will talk [ __ ] hmm oh my god [ __ ] this but I haven't buck I am putting the rules down below say don't say notice me it doesn't doesn't it say that it does on my twitch yeah I also got it into command that I use normally oh my god hate myself so much I hate this yeah this is hard alright clump up everybody gather round pretend like you like each other lately I see me get on the habit of doing it yeah I don't do it cuz I normally want to be fast normally I already know all the bosses you know yes sort o just wanna get pyro whoa there's Bob's brain work with like sad bombs and [ __ ] I think so cuz I need some of that right now yeah that'd be [ __ ] awesome sad moans will be the best thing with the tow yeah definitely have to fight the dark one and it's stupid challenge room why did I do this everybody oh Jesus do we have to go to the dark room challenger I'm sorry what I say how far do we have to go for the shells look it says a Polaroid I think on the left alright yeah I don't know maybe we have to go to the Cathedral n yeah [ __ ] watch me how's your health doing seven and a half yeah I'm three little better got him the most frustrating thing is that you hit yourself yeah I got a lot of speed bail so I don't really have to worry about that I have no speed at all I got uh steroids or whatever it was oh yeah am I gonna walk you penny let me look at the icons under your key counter yeah I can see that that's why I said that's why I asked well where do we have to go economy oh geez [ __ ] there's no way for me to explode this guy cuz he's so fast he's ministry on my tail Wow boom [ __ ] get out the way yes I'll take mom's purse and I'll take blue map I can stomp skulls you right Nega one art rough life man you take a deal to devil what sorry you take a deal to devil I [ __ ] got hit cuz I literally wasn't in a thin room and I couldn't actually escape the damage yeah they were too fast right now I'm in the post it's also a one room okay I'm dead I'm dead the thin room dude ah Tammy's head is like super nice I don't want to do this challenge anymore haha it's the easiest challenge I've ever done it's hard as [ __ ] everyone's yelling at me he's my world card I don't want to use yet I want to save him for the cathedral yeah guys shop don't work sick sick sick sick oh oh I want to do something with [ __ ] tears at least I keep getting a top secret room that has the blue poop in it the blue poop yeah that doesn't do anything beam in the black the dark one yeah yeah that if you use that one there's enemies around to get like stunts that also the the metal in your head does the thing that you get here do you know yeah but like in a top secret room there's no enemies yeah I guess so so there's nothing perthro taking that I think I'm gonna do another challenge is that a good dad go ahead do down here oh Jesus okay okay either well you know what I mean like I'm not gonna stop you from having fun no do the same challenge again dick how's this even oh this is a fun one blue barber is fun what is it you get well you got pyromaniac you get mr. mega and you get a kamikaze but you can't you tears hmm but you don't have red health you're the blue baby as well so you have to walk up to enemies and explode yourself on them uh-huh you have to go to the dark room if you can actually like heal yourself you know hmm it's [ __ ] difficult as well it's just gonna take a million years through this [ __ ] challenge it sounds like all right Scott flight that's helpful sort of of course I get the only [ __ ] balls where he connects me if I'm kill me in a thin room again I hate this hey I have this game okay I killed him Oh [ __ ] hitbox in that guy Joker card oh I've got a perthro and I have a joker but I can't take them both [ __ ] um I think I gotta go / throw here so I could just use the Joker card right now Oh what happened oh no I picked up mom's knife but it didn't give me the mom's knife it so I was like oh I just get to cheat because I got mom's knife what didn't [ __ ] give it to me well what happened though it just it just disappeared it's just gone Oh instinct that's been a nightmare Oh and now my Tammy's head doesn't work because the knife isn't real Tammy's head does not work because I picked up mom's knife I'm gonna I'm gonna lose I like have no health left I have zero health left oh no oh my god that's right this challenge is stupid just do it another challenge this challenge was [ __ ] locked down in the bag oh yeah look up yeah like a Bill Clark Benny [ __ ] I'm dead I'm [ __ ] dead what the [ __ ] game are you [ __ ] kidding me you okay it's like fine don't give me mom's knife but don't [ __ ] take away my Tammy's head dick the [ __ ] dick Rick every rock let me do you see what I'm doing right now you are the worst game you're the literal worst oh it's a so stupid everybody I can't believe it did that to me completely screwed yeah see Tammy's head doesn't do [ __ ] anymore so weird [ __ ] it's because they just made the knife's disappear yeah because they used to be able to just cheat yourself out of the challenges that's how I did the suicide King challenge waited til I got like mom's knife or something such [ __ ] rip BOTS do the mega Excel challenge next maybe I'm probably just gonna do the uh I'm Park I'm just gonna end it after this actually to be honest I'm getting super tired yeah whoo what's gonna make all the thumbnail isn't it for you again it's a 5:30 11:30 here which isn't that late you know compared to out late you're staying up but yeah but I'm a little [ __ ] like you soon no no second I'm getting a bit tired too [ __ ] I'm playing I'm playing worse well it is time to prepare nothing well imagine doing like a 24 hour stream you'd be dead yeah I'll stream tomorrow morning though that's a still plan shinto works perfect timing dude what if I change my squeeze lights what I can't take anything Thole how you like it after bear Oh have to be elf is like the best thing I've ever seen in my life it's difficult I didn't think it's it's nice but it's not as easy yeah it's not as easy as mummys mom Wow okay I'm gonna find your house now kill your entire family well whoa that escalated quickly I'm so scared Wow let's er Qasim I'm so scared got a throw but where do I use a per throw Oh blow savage sis boy you [ __ ] go to [ __ ] blew myself up goddammit so what I do every second in this challenge put a bomb no trying to lay a trap for greed and then I try to shove it and I panicked and then you can give me all the blank rooms that you want game I'm totally fine with that tinted rocks maybe that's what punch you up in a fight dude I'll probably ruin it he's got it he's got a beer do what beers are always good fighters do you know that I made a deviantART page no yeah I was doing some Photoshop stuff throughout there you'll have to lick me that [ __ ] then check it out yeah hot start devianart calm I think like that putz gaming what is it what do you draw them um I only put a couple Photoshop things in there of like doing you know my Twitter picture yeah bad bad stuff that's [ __ ] pictures fanciest [ __ ] though I was like holy [ __ ] he got some artsy person to do that [ __ ] for him no I did that myself Wow yeah I been learning a lot about Photoshop so that was like a pixelated thing like I was like falling apart yeah it's really cool you're [ __ ] go to bed Leary first after missing this run is actually really calming one run run at anyone react this suicide yourself yeah I don't know why it's the thing though - later butts I'm really happy i caught for this awesome stream i'm a bit tired see you see you dude night everybody that's going is that like these are people in your channel right now that have been there from the start uh apparently bronze arrow well zero Yap senior mirror - you left me though cos he's an [ __ ] just just kidding dude thank you for the follow again [ __ ] it good hit Ethan has been in my channel like all the time focus I'm almost all of us understand yeah throw throw one with me see if I care little dolly that was so clutch I got so hard from that little brimstone does he work I don't know if I want to [ __ ] try it I'm gonna per thrown here I think you owe me yeah that's what I want to ride that jet he probably works I got a bead on Oh even better yeah not that I need like the damage from it but the Blackhearts is gonna keep me alive Oh dad deviantART page though I think I have like two things on there damn I got hungry BRB don't break the game I might not be here when you get back honestly but I'm not doing challenge rooms you can't make me I can't believe that I spent 3 soul hearts to get mom's knife to just break mine Jamie's head so says I spent 3 hearts to not use Tammy's head anymore wouldn't you be well I guess so yeah this stain is this guy's name iris look poopy guy I'd kill myself by running old creepy family and I didn't see so much for calling [ __ ] if nothing is calming in the [ __ ] biding of issac afterbirth especially if you've been playing for I've been playing for six hundred and thirty three minutes that is that that is ten hours damn girl that's ten hours in it wait what no yes I divide by 60 yeah what huh that is ten hours isn't it 600 divided by 600 minutes is one with playing divided by 60 would be ten yeah look guys I only been streaming for five hours look here 634 a minutes girls session surprised that you have enough computer space for that [ __ ] I'll go I'm not recording for that long I've been lied for 545 yeah me too I have weak blend laugh at the same second - yeah yeah yeah all right so that's not ten hours I mean I've been playing the game for 10 hours though I haven't got streaming remember I was playing the game before I was dreaming that's right proudly for five hours I'm gonna go I'm gonna go Keaton that's 11 V player who's here Joaquin is talking tank Meister oh you've been here cool I've been here from run one me too I'm gonna do I was here from the start hey that's vineyard notes make up by man yeah I don't know [ __ ] you I'm the Goliath and that's Jeff Rallo he's gonna be live like 21 minutes or something yeah not very much longer okay well that was a very good dude thank you for uh stream and [ __ ] yeah thanks for joining that was fun yeah all right talk to you later night dude good night where the [ __ ] is my Skype there laters see you all right everyone I should I should really wait to go into the rooms and tell my Bob's brain spawn back that would be rats knots transfer speed running this [ __ ] though you probably have more followers on there than I do karate can't you streamer how do you feel about having to restart restart this I'm not restarting can't make me oh this bad this is gonna hurt [ __ ] hurt him why isn't damaged oh oh oh my god if I just hide behind the poops might be Lu me is hosting me thank you Oh made it through that [ __ ] without taking damage oh wow how do I handle this I'll handle this Oh Blackheart apparently I can't [ __ ] touch him there we go cheese oh goodness goodness I didn't get the [ __ ] push on it it's brutal you guys screw ttle oh no not this guy oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] ass bombs away [ __ ] bombs away oh wow oh that's a perfect devil deal thank you for that what the [ __ ] is happening oh I didn't even see there was an enemy in here I was like the door shut I'm locked in oh my god I just asked him to marry me he said yes congratulations Wow I can't believe I need to fight this - please do not let me lose game I really don't want to have to do this challenge again I need to win here I need to save my bombs though is the thing for the freaking Issac fight Isaac's fight might be easier though than the mom fight oddly enough volume change due to ended Skype call like my volume is a lot lower all right let me see if I can figure that out because I do see it on my end here it is Lua testing testing testing testing testing fixed it I think something weird happens with pod farm I'm sorry about that you guys volume is messed up pot see I fixed it it was weird but it's good now Oh what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] me in the face I think I know the answer to that Wow Wow game [ __ ] Wow are you kidding me oh my god never go into secret rooms ever again why did that happen to me what did I do to deserve this pain and misery the [ __ ] was that everybody what was that that was some bogus [ __ ] dude all right just shake it off I can [ __ ] do this curse room I want to go inside of it but I don't because it'll be two soul hearts about one considering I've got flight but still probably not worth shouldn't really risk it at this point because this is the end this is the finish line I don't care how many people tell me to do it oh man if I got BBF or BFF I mean and I had double size bombs oh my goodness you can walk out of that room Hutt's I can the door is open was it was it actually open I looked I honestly did look I did not see an open door but maybe I was not paying attention how its first time watching a twitch stream welcome just tons of first-timers which is awesome I was hoping that I'd get a lot of first-timers to that we're gonna discover me because doing a awesome after birth stream but this is just insanity if I die in this and the door actually was open I'm gonna be pretty mad top center for Isaac's room is safe from Isaac's light but I've gotten hit there I've literally I've gotten hit there because somebody told me that before and I was like oh okay and then I got hit and don't do that anymore I don't know if I have a video saved at that I don't know I remember it's probably somewhere oh so hard nosed a-bomb rock I couldn't [ __ ] see behind my face god [ __ ] ass [ __ ] game you've kidding me what are the odds that there's gonna be a bomb rock underneath my head oh my god I'm gonna get an aneurysm hmm keep your cool call me tits I can do this this is stupid I said the wait for these thing to spawn spiders go go go go go go go go go go nope [ __ ] give me Samson's chain or something that'd be super good for someone here awesome to see you playing Isaac new favorite streamer thanks dude appreciate the kind words always do are we there oh we're [ __ ] there but I got a fight monstro I hate this guy he's the [ __ ] worst he ended one of my afterbirth runs already oh [ __ ] me oh God get save a bomb for the there we go save a bottom for the flies gonna be smart about this here oh we're [ __ ] doing it oh goodness Oh all right wish me luck have you gotten brand Plus bounce not yet but do I have seen the pictures of the crazy [ __ ] okay this is gonna take a long time here oh I'm barely dodging these [ __ ] bullets Oh bullets tears what do you want to call him I don't [ __ ] know okay I didn't dodge that one I think I like the other side better oh [ __ ] low Moll up thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you get him on to a second phase bro second phase oh no [ __ ] [ __ ] mmm Oh No second phase the second phase though get away from me get away Oh if I could just get the Bob's brains back faster that would be great oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] [ __ ] barely [ __ ] squeeze by there hmm wow wow wow wow wow he's gonna pinch me and he's gonna [ __ ] pinch me in you who [ __ ] did it oh did it on my first try so easy this is the easiest challenge I've ever done in my entire life you guys haven't beaten this what what's wrong with you oh my god that was stressful if I got into the chest I'm gonna throw my computer know are you [ __ ] me seriously I'm done I'm gonna quit I'm exiting I'm done it's not finished it's not [ __ ] finished and none of these help me well how to jump I guess is okay but no I can't I literally cannot make it through this it won't happen it cannot happen oh my [ __ ] me this is such a [ __ ] such [ __ ] would we kill laughs I don't really know if it matters but this guy could give me health oh no not that kind of health all right how to jump can actually give me a little frame of an invulnerability here if I need it oh [ __ ] me I shouldn't use it though because I could easily jump onto a tier that ends up killing me Oh baby subscriber oh I can't leave that room [ __ ] dude damn it so I probably didn't need to go through that monstro room it's embarrassing tentacle dick guy seriously if I could just get some chests maybe this would be possible so I could get like health and [ __ ] from those chests or bomb items that'd be so [ __ ] helpful there's no way I could beat blue baby with this because all the flies and stuff it's no way all right give me soul hearts or less than three crackas AK donated $5 you deserve this thank you I'm trying I'm really trying appreciate the donation this is so stressful you guys [ __ ] [ __ ] would you just die oh thank god first time watching stream I love it thanks dude no not spiders not [ __ ] spiders bro wasted a bomb just trying to stay alive the worst part about the spiders is that you still take a full heart of damage so if you can take mega Satan's dick directly to the eye hole and take a full heart of damage or you can get like you could stumble over a [ __ ] spider and take a stick same amount damage that doesn't make any sense whatsoever oh this guy scares me they both kind of scare me right now I don't really know what to expect from either of them I could just hurt myself yeah I'm done I'm [ __ ] done right now this is it rip riperoni yep rip a [ __ ] Rooney oh my god I cannot believe he [ __ ] fell doc I cannot believe that we have to do that whole thing again I cannot believe it
Channel: Hutts
Views: 80,417
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, Lilith, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, epicac, brimstone, mom's heart, mom battle, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, brains, challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2015
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