Young Love At Its Most TERRIFYING! | Doki Doki Literature Club

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and it sounds like you already know Monica is that right that's right it's great to see you again snake it's like it's not enough to stick your chest out you also have to go for the booty yuck waste you got to hoist the booty more Monica smiles sweetly and does Pilates and does a weird yoga stretch and adopts warrior 4 [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to the hot box it's another hot day me GT live everyone without talking about the continent today's game we're talking about literally we are in a box of pure hellish fire right now so sorry a chi double hockey stick ik fire right now so this is game like I said a lot of you asked us to play um apparently I had Jason look into it Jason says it's worth our time playing that it has a slow start but he gets there right yeah yeah is that accurate to what you said yeah there you'll notice when you first start it there is a parental warning yeah we're not suitable for all that is not due to the fact that there's a technical stuff no it's not like a typical dating sim warning it's for other reasons great we get to discover what those fun other reasons are together yeah there this game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed oh wow children are not just easily disturbed children but easily disturbed everyone everyone yeah all right individuals suffering from anxiety or depression like I may not have a safe experience playing this game for content warnings please visit did you these are these trigger warnings geez Jason did you check the warnings are we clear is clear but your stream sure okay great I've been feeling kind of sad since Matthew finished all the El Pollo Loco this weekend by playing glee club is that gonna be a problem playing okay yeah literature club you agree that you are at least 13 years of age and you consent to your exposure to your exposure of highly disturbing content does that mean 30 years of age mentally or physically physically you've got it all over today this mentally I agree let's do it agree okay hey oh that's that was a girl's voice that's fine wow thanks I see an annoying girl an annoying girl Wow running toward me from the distance waving her arms in the air like she totally don't care oh like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself that girl is se or e co t say alright that's right maybe my neighbor and good friend since we were children oh my gosh how the annoying little even anime girl apologies headphone users just saying right now did I I'm sure it's possible that I did and one of our many conversations where I disagree go along with whatever she is going on about Wow daddy patty Lee Wow Wow I disown this person sharing my name I know you're happy now but I die at the thought of you becoming an eat in a few years meat meat is it native Jason's like I know what it need is what does it need so dance for yes I looked up to see what it's done yeah so it actually stands for not in education employment or training it's pretty much a term for somebody that so she's saying if I don't join the doki-doki literature club that I'm gonna become a bum on the streets who doesn't have a job and is not being educated well you can come to my club say Orry yeah there is no way I'm going to York there [Music] yeah I let out alongside fine they'll stop by for a cupcake yay and thus today marks the day I sold my soul for a cupcake everyone here I told you don't call me a new member I glanced around the room welcome to the literature club it's a pleasure meeting you thank you have to start high so you can go to correction there's four of us together I know you're gonna have to tear them out say are you a sense nice things about you you got a new one come on I'm like as Etsy Ori it looks like seriously you brought a boy she's I'm trying to different you I can't start too high way to kill the atmosphere just me too Cara let's rock paper scissors okay ready okay hi Maddie Patti what a nice surprise that's that's fine all right welcome to the club I have nothing to say to this all words escape me of the situation this club is full of incredibly cute girls what about one doing she's like she's trying to do like them what she's like the what what what is she trying to do stat the chest protrusion tactic she's like maybe she's hello maybe she says cracking her back maybe a crack at your back of the pie you know right I like how everyone in the room right now your chest looks nicely augmented for your ears do it fine and it sounds like you already know Monica is that right that's right it's great snake it's like no it's not enough to stick your chest out you also have to go for the booty yuck waste you got to hoist the booty more Monica smiles really and does Pilates and does a weird yoga stretch and the top the warrior for so what made you consider the literature Club I was afraid there are two reasons they're in front of me right now [Laughter] tea and and cupcakes exactly what else would I be taught and the two reasons right tea and cupcakes but you know I I like a lot of things stories with deep psychological elements usually immerse me as well great you've been an amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop [Music] great ah I read a horrible one ha ha ha I just really grabbed something I can't really do this right Yuri might as well be having a conversation with a rock you are so he sidles up behind netsuke and puts her hands on her shoulders oh man I'm not cute Sookie you write your own poems uh well I guess sometimes why do you care let's all go home and write a poem Errol the next time we meet we'll share them with each other that way everyone is even it's time you write a poem pick words you think your favorite club member will like something good might happen with whoever likes your fall in the most oh why isn't monitor here I'm not good enough for Monica I can lead her over with my poetry she's out of our league okay what are these words okay so she's so cute is going to be Natsuki no Sookie the two cameras gonna be URI and stuff it's bizarro he's gonna be furious hmm and if Monica's not an option I don't want that suit because she's kind of obnoxious oh I have one mother to the game ladies and gentlemen there's one other feature about her too that I feel like is she's the youngest okay you want us to go with URI in this moment but we want to go there if you want us to go with C or E if I have if I have to choose between the three and I kind of want to go with my childhood friend okay let's do that right I think that's fun all right let's do uh OOP I think it's boom okay go with boom no shoot fine fine it's too cutesy Oh dream treachery no shoot we're one up we're one on all of them okay spread the love no peaceful pink dark sunny sunny sunny sunny there it is yeah she's like that like generally nice yeah okay hi again Maddie patty hello Monica glad see you didn't run away on us ha ha ha say Ari I think we should just interpret any ellipses pompous any ellipses that doesn't have words on either side as usual so your receives oblivious the third situation you just put me into oh you're even writing something today you know oh man oh wait see how are you what is it never mind they only made me it made it sound like a big deal it's really not I didn't want you if you left it's a literature Club so I've picked out a book that I thought you might enjoy it's a short read it should keep your attention even if you don't usually what what could we do Yuri it has to mean ellipses without it without why could we do no I'm just Yuri I'm completing the sentence in my mind clothed or unclothed I guess I could always read some of the book he gave me but a little too tired to read men clap and a half - Mattie Patti protagonist of the year ladies and gentlemen surrounded by a four beautiful women unable to do anything just useless across the board just gonna fall asleep I could probably fall asleep right now I can't help but wonder what it would be like to see the world through her eyes I open my eyes to find say arias face filling my vision and in not quite a higher resolution a picture just zoomed it zoomed right on it didn't use vector graphics in that one I nearly fall out of my chair which is a tad to my desk which makes it super awkward sorry you look out for me better than you look out for yourself you're still over sleeping everyday aren't you it's not very convincing how many days this past week have you gotten up on time I knew it come on I can't even do that look sorry it's written all over you we were like a seer in anime you have a future in anime voiceovers Oh what I've always dreamed I know so he glances around in herself you were clearly in a rush this morning how I get it look your hair is taking out all LD piggledy looks fine huh I've run my fingertips down the side of oh geez whoa oh I run my fingertips down the side it's a Orbeez hair yeah trying to straighten it out fingers smell like man you really need a brush for this my hair is just really hard to get right I won't fall for that there's more than just your head wow wow what a jerk there's more than just your hair look your bow isn't even F n straight either plan to be a bow tie and you don't even keep your blazer buttoned up it's it's I don't you got my rear degrees in here seriously C or E why do you think you don't have a oh my gosh why do you think you don't have a boyfriend yet you keep your effing blazer buttoned up and you wipe that tooth face off your collar woman straighten your hair Maddie Patti what it was sure holy wow I don't know real but I hope it's that like he's he seems more aggressive and mean than other dating right I hope he's got something comin oh I start to button her bleep what the heck is wrong with patty patty is a sociopath once you see how much better it looks you'll change your mind oh whoa whoa that's it look this is okay right Jason mm-hmm okay yep what is Wow just thinking how weird it must have a friend who does these kinds of things yeah don't say that you'll make me feel weird about it stupid if you ever buttoned it you would have noticed sooner that it doesn't fit you anymore what are you smiling about he better be he better get so much payback at the end of this game I'm not even kidding you guys who should I show my poem to first I should probably be sorry yeah she said she's her girl man I'm definitely most comfortable sharing it with sorority first she's my good friend after all / me oh there she is yeah that's what I feel about my column - I had no idea you were such a good writer yeah say Ori must be seriously overreacting I'm not a good writer at all I honestly have no idea what I'm doing well maybe that's why because I have no idea what I like either that's Sookie well it's about what I expected from someone like you that's a little blunt well excuse me it's not like I said it was bad just didn't evoke any emotions so like basically it's not cute enough for your tastes do you want to get smacked see it fits the boy Spitzer well anyway I guess I need to show you mine show me mine oh yeah nothing nothing you'll like it okay Eagles can fly okay Eagles can fly monkeys can climb crickets can leap horses can race Oh cheetahs can run Eagles can fly people can try but that's about it Wow yes ladies and gentlemen yes yes yes yes clap and a half for that one this is your first time ready to go home yeah why do you ask I'm sure no I guess that it might be after reading through this hey I'll have you know everyone else loved it okay [Music] no did I just raise my voice let me play with my overly long hair Yuri buries her face in her hands and her it like hair oh I didn't realize you were so invested in trying to impress our new member Yuri I thought you had a back issue or just we're trying out a new bra or something maybe you're jealous to see all these new larger boobs you think about that cuz see worries that bigger you know it's a thing she and I talked about it she told me she just shrunk okay well you know what I wasn't the one whose boobs is the one whose boobs magically grew in size bigger as soon as Matty patty started showing up Natsuki that's the little this doesn't involve you suddenly both girls turn towards me as if they just noticed I was standing there Matty patty she is she's trying to make me look bad that's not true she started it if she could get over herself and learn to appreciate that simple writing is more effective that this wouldn't have happened in the first place there's a reason we have so many deep and expressive words in our language it's the only way to convey complex feelings meanings the most effectively avoiding them is not only unnecessarily limiting yourself it's also a waste you understand that your boobs do look larger today Gary I'm backing bits by your argument ha ha ha hi Oh two of your arguments very convincing Yuri yes I see what you're saying [Laughter] I knew enough about writing to use the proper use of whoever but never I agree with the probably think we're highly of me so of course that's going to be ok I gotta save it here I'm sure it's our first decision that we've made in this entire game by the way we've been making decisions the whole times are we gonna cop out and say so yeah I think we go to say one cuz we don't want to choose one or the other no yeah help me say Lori NAT Suki Suki glares that means drying up any words I had my mouth go ahead I turn Yuri Yuri look but Yuri vomits over the side of the dam but his expression is so defenseless that I can't bring myself to say and your vomiting is so perfect oh I vomit out of sheer nervousness say Lori oh yeah everyone's fighting is making say re uncomfortable how can the two of you keep fighting when you know you're making your friend feel like this well that's her problem this isn't about her I agree it's unfair for others to interject their own feelings into our conflict yeah let's say or he wants to tell Yuri what chock up jerk she's being she would never it's your immaturity that made her upset in the first place I just want everyone to get along and be happy please fines are wonderful people and I love them because of their differences there are amazing because they pictures in your head every day it's going to be so much fun ah looks like I like that I sigh in response to it's gonna be fun it looks like say Orie still hasn't caught on to the kind of situation I'm in sure being friends with everyone is nice bah jeez I'm just gross horny dog just the words but does it really need to stop there little little poetry session on the side little homework you know what I'm saying well got two dangling participles that I'm looking to explore you talking about I don't even know what body part your lips everybody I said it I'm like okey dokey dokey thank you guys so much for watching this episode of GT live if you want to see the full uncut live stream it's a good one it's worth watching the full length to the left and if you want to see us play another dating sim because we've played a few over here click on the Box to the right and as always make sure you subscribe to Qt live to see how this crazy story ends
Channel: GTLive
Views: 2,981,724
Rating: 4.9364352 out of 5
Keywords: doki doki literature club, doki doki, doki doki literature club ost, doki doki literature club ending, doki doki literature club game, doki doki literature club song, doki doki song, doki doki monika, doki doki yuri, dating sim, visual novel, doki doki game, walkthrough, lets play, playthrough, doki doki literature club gtlive, gtlive, gt live, matpat, doki doki matpat
Id: HvB-2JHqGqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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