BEST Powerbait Rig/Setup - TROUT Fishing Ponds/Lakes

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yep I knew got a fish what's up everybody fish Hulk here today we're gonna do some trout fishing I met this park that I fished a couple weeks ago but today we're gonna be using power bait I'm going to show you my setup this is the ultimate power bait setup this is what I found works the best and hopefully we can catch some fish stay tuned all right so for this rig I like to have at least about 2 foot leader so I'm just gonna cut about 2 feet off my main line and that'll be my leader all right so I got a 2 foot leader and I got my main line I can go ahead and tie my barrel swivel on to my leader don't matter what end I've got my barrel swivel title my leader you know you need a bullet sinker and the reason you need a bullet sinker is so that the line can move freely through the sinker so you take your mainline you just go ahead and put the bullet sinker on your mainline like that and then you can tie your main line to your barrel swivel and your leader that parts done got my main line up here then a bullet sinker then a barrel swivel and I got Oh about a foot and a half two foot of leader we're gonna use circle hooks you can use whatever hook you want but these tend to hook them in the corner of the mouth if you're practicing catch and release you don't want to hook the fish deep if you do hook the fish deep make sure you keep the trout take it home eat it or give it to someone don't throw it back because it's gonna die and then it'll go to waste we got our rig tied up there's the bullet sinker the barrel swivel about a foot and a half two foot of leader line and the hook that's all you want you know what nothing fancy one is little hardware as possible to try to have very good eyesight and you don't want to do anything spooky this right here is the best power bait that I found it works the best for me I've used all kinds of different power bait and this one just seems to work the best I think for one it's very bright they can see it easily and for two it's corn flavor it smells like corn so we all know trial of corn so this is the best power bait that I've found and that's what we're going to use here I want to get a little small of a piece as I can to cover the hook you don't want a super big piece you want to you want them to be able to get it in their mouth but you want enough to cover the hook and you want enough to keep it floating don't want your bait on the bottom so I'm just gonna need it you want to need it into a nice round ball you want to stay on your hook so put a little pressure on it need it kind of squeeze it a little bit and form it I'll just take my hook and what you want to do I just press it down into the center of the bait and want this down in there just want to squeeze I just like to squeeze it around the hook and form it around that hook a little bit kind of cover up the shank if you can and that's that's basically the perfect chopped bait right there it's a perfect little ball covering the hook and it's not too big but it's enough to keep it floating and that's pretty much all there is to it so we're gonna going to get tossed out here and see if we can catch some trout say Sean boys throw down there go fish oh I think I might have a fish - I just thought a bike yep I do got a fish they're coming through stupid me there he is alright so he's hooked just a little deep I'm gonna see if these guys don't see if these guys want a trout he's bleeding a little bit all right we're gonna have to keep this fish cuz he's hooked just a little too deep and I don't want to waste him it's a beautiful fish if you don't have a strainer just take a piece of wood y-shape put put this put this stick up through the gill and hold it on there then if I would have made this a little longer I could have stuck it in the ground so he couldn't swim wait alright we gotta get get baited back up and get out there you know what I might do I might reel this rod in and just set it here on this tree beside me and I might pick up my other rod with a spinner on it and just make a few casts before I cast this one back out just see you know if I could pick one up real quick I think that's what I might do it's gonna reel this one in hopefully my baits still want it I won't have to even rebate by golly it's still one there alright I'm gonna make maybe two two or three more cast with the spinner and then I'm gonna throw the old power bait back out alright last cast with the spinner Oh fishel one haha got him with the spinner I won the last cast he drilled that thing he is a little fart you want it I got another one down there too I'll be done for the day type give me sickness man it gave me three I caught one oh you want the other one okay yeah awesome found a feller to take this trout yeah yeah absolutely thank you for your service that's my pleasure so you take me to all right awesome awesome Hey what we got going on here well we got going on here some messing with it got some messing with it I think mines kind of moving a little bit I can't tell it's just the wind or a fish it's a fish I got it official fish on boys oh oh good sized fish good size a little stock trout there looking looking looky looky what I got alright yeah oh he's good to go he is good to go you ready buddy there he goes awesome got a good healthy release on that fish got the hook out without doing any damage it's number three two on the power bait one on the spinner to me the most important part of this power bait setup is this barrel swivel and the bullet sinker without the bullet sinker your line could not move freely a lot of people like to use split shot for their power bait rigs but when the fish grabs ahold of that bait they can feel the weight of this split shot with this your line passes through it thinking they can grab the power bait and they can swim with it and there's no resistance you know until the slack of your line runs out and then you feel it on the rod so that's definitely one of the most important parts of this setup stealing palav 801 Russia jokes better but I just cast loose effects later I found then did anybody that's gonna do it for today had a pretty good day caught three trout met some cool people I caught two one PowerBait one with spinner I was able to show you guys my power bait setup and how to tie it and kind of how it works so hopefully you guys can use that in the future to catch some fish I hope you all enjoyed this video don't forget to give me a thumbs up if you have any questions or comments drop them in the comments section and don't forget to hit the subscribe button as always thank you so much for watching fish y'all go [Music]
Channel: Fish Hawk
Views: 1,880,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best powerbait rig, best powerbait setup, trout fishing with powerbait, powerbait fishing, powerbait trout fishing, best powerbait for trout fishing, trout fishing rig setup, trout fishing ponds lakes, how to fish powerbait, powerbait trout fishing rig setup, trout fishing with powerbait pond lake, how to catch trout with powerbait, powerbait rainbow trout fishing, best trout fishing rig setup, powerbait setup for trout, best powerbait setup for trout fishing, best powerbait
Id: 1yFhH2lbNow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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