NO BUTTERS AND OILS for Natural Hair?? My Thoughts | Deep Condition with me πŸ§–πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ

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hey guys it's laila welcome back to the channel and today i thought you could deep condition along with me while we do a little chili chatty chit chat um so yeah basically before we jump in my hair is a day for wash and go this is the wash and go that i got done at the curl bar and much to my surprise it still looks basically the same it hasn't expanded which usually my wash and go's do um but then again it does have a really like firm hold it looks it still looks really really good in fact it still pretty much looks like it did on day one um it just has slightly more volume if not i think probably the same i don't know but it still looks really really good um and for this wash and go they did use the almond avocado defining the cream gel from design essentials a product that i've never used before so anyway i um i want some straight hair but i don't want to straighten my own hair so i got myself a wig so i just need to wash my hair so that i can um braid it down and put my wig on for this weekend i've got a whole bunch of family things happening and i just want to look a bit different you know i'm a bit tired so a little switch up if that's okay with y'all and i'll definitely come back and show you what that looks like so the topic of today's dc with me sorry thirsty it's hot so many people have asked me to share my thoughts on the no oils no butters um revolution that is currently happening all over the world um especially online i mean not especially online but of course it's been echoed those sentiments are being echoed quite loudly um online and that also could be because obviously we all live in an echo chamber when it comes to social media so it could just be loud where i am and where y'all are but on the wider sphere it might not be as loud so yeah let's jump into it first and foremost um i had absolutely no idea i hadn't heard about the no butters no oils i hadn't heard about the 30 day detox my plant just um splashed me with a bit of water i hadn't heard about the detox that was happening i hadn't heard any information regarding the world of washing goals when i personally decided that i was going to do a summer of wash and gos so yeah i can't remember what month that was and so yeah i embarked on the journey i shared it with you guys and it was at that point that people started bringing up um black girl curl bringing up the 30 day detox um so and i'm funny enough you know how it works like literally i start hearing about these things and then all of a sudden youtube is suggesting all these videos and so i started watching them and i was just like oh okay so there's another thing happening at the moment anyway people were asking me if i was partaking in the 30-day detox because of course when i did speak about my wash and go um process there was no mention of like the use of oils and butters and you guys know i'm the queen of oils and butters i am i'm a ghanaian woman i'm an african woman i grew up around the use of butters and oils in my hair my grandparents their grandparents their great grapes just all the way down my lineage it has always been oils and butters to care for our hair so i have no intention whatsoever of being the one to drop the ball and not pass on all of that to my children so in that sense it's definitely not happening but anyway let's i wanted to give you guys that degree of background before i jump into like my thoughts and everything else and so i have looked into black girl curl in fact it's not just them like a few other um like people who preach a similar um rhetoric have come up as well so i am aware that i mean obviously it's just it's not just them so it's really interesting um what i will say is that so far there was nothing that i heard or saw that was in that was incredibly like profound and new um yeah so then i was really surprised that so many people literally um not feel like i don't know how somebody feels but as it looks like to me that a lot of people seem to be um taken taken aback not taken aback but it seems to be like really profound for some and for me i i just didn't understand why it's so profound for people because i've been on youtube for a really long time and my thing is i've seen apart from myself like and this is something i always preach on my channel but essentially all these people are talking about not these people i mean you know you know what i mean when i say these people it i'm just speaking generally but i personally feel like the main other key things that i took away from this um method of hair care is essentially to keep your hair and scalp clean um to me that's not nothing new that's something that i have been literally preaching on this channel non-stop um and you can fight me like literally i have videos back to back um that i can pull out that essentially i literally go on and on about the importance of having like very clean hair thoroughly cleansing your hair ensuring that your scalp is thoroughly clean um and i feel like other people do that too i mean not everybody but there are people who do that so in that sense i feel like that revelation of you know the the the cleanliness of your hair being the best foundation for any hairstyle is nothing new or profound in that sense um also like conditioning your hair ensuring that your hair is like thoroughly conditioned and stuff like that i feel like that too is is nothing new in that sense um it's i mean i don't feel like that's anything new in that sense i also don't feel like the concept of your wash day being the basis of retaining moisture throughout the week it's also anything new once again i feel like that's something that i speak about like quite a lot my whole thing is that you know by the end of my wash day my hair is set i don't necessarily need to like re-moisturize my hair and moisturize my hair every day because my wash day is set up in the way where it ensures that my hair is like do you know what i mean so once again i personally didn't find that to be like overly profound and what i did find interesting and what i did find that would be like helpful to other people is of course that they are professional so you do get like the professional tips and tricks and techniques that they offer so i feel like in that sense that part of it is like wonderful um but i just don't see this being something new and i'm not saying that they think it's something new or they're marketing it as something new but i do feel like a lot of the buzz around it makes it seem like there's something so profound and like you know revelation or happening sorry i'm just turning my steamer on um happening which i don't feel like is the case i mean i feel like we're behaving that way but it's not necessarily the case do you know what i mean okay also one thing that i would say kind of really grated me is this one okay was the idea or the tagline of taking the stupid out of hair care um that i would say i was just like i feel like maybe that could have been worded slightly better or there's a better way for their point to be put across or that particular but not even their point the particular point that is being made can be put across i don't necessarily think that the use of oils and butters is stupid i believe that there's a means to an end in everything in every situation so for example if wash and go is the means or is the end product then there is a way for you to achieve your best wash and go or the best wash and go so if using their methods or that particular method right is what is going to give you the best wash and go then that's perfectly fine but for you to assume that actually or for us to make statements that the use of oils and butters inherently is stupid quote-unquote um it doesn't make sense to me because it's something that especially as an african woman i have come to know and understand it to be something that we have used for centuries um to grow to maintain and to protect our hair i think the idea of wearing your hair in its naturally coat on curly coily kinky curly coily right states i.e holding that curl in position it's a very western thing um it is a very western thing i i don't i don't think that my my grandparents would wake up or wash their hair and be concerned with defining a curl it's more about protecting it from the heat protecting it from the sun protecting it from the elements so in that sense i think i i want to rebut for that concept of the stupidity and even if that's not the word even if they take the word back or even we take the stupid out i think the idea that this way is wrong and this way is right is actually wrong um because like i said there's a means to an end it just depends on what outcome you're personally looking for right so for somebody who does like twist braids and blah blah blah maybe actually the use of oils and butters is more helpful to them than the use of of gels does that make sense i hope i'm making santiagh um i should have probably made notes because i i have so many opinions and thoughts in my head and i was going to make notes but i didn't necessarily do that so we're just hoping that the holy spirit will impart wisdom as i speak um on this topic so yeah in that sense i just wanted to quickly say that and we will go back to the whole you know ancestral use of oils and butters um and the fact that i feel like this concept of a wash and go or wearing your hair in this particular style is very much a modern western view or natural hair right okay so another point i wanted to make what's the point please god bring the points bring the point to my mind um i also feel like when it comes to common sense and science right we can all use science believe it or not to prove or disprove the exact same point okay so for example i don't have a good example i should have thought of an example but i didn't think of one beforehand but my point stands my point is that the use of common sense and science can actually be amalgamated together to prove or disprove the exact same point a lot of the time so the whole concept of we shouldn't use otters waters we shouldn't use oils let me move this closer the whole concept that we shouldn't use oils and butters because they form an exclusive layer um on the hair strands and that layer essentially stops it from absorbing water water being the most moisturizing thing that you can apply to your hair that's not something that is new to me and i hope that all of these years that you guys have been on my channel that's not something that's new to you either do you know what i mean like i can't even think about that the amount of times that i've spoken about water being the most moisturizing thing that you can literally put on your hair cool so the use of oils or oils forming an occlusive layer on the hair it's not new we know that we know that's what happens when you apply a oil or a butter however that is on a varying degree so different oils and different butters all have different molecular weights so the degree in which that exclusive layer is formed varies across board right also that um that that layer that's formed on the hair it's not impermeable if it was impermeable then you couldn't necessarily you could apply an oil to your hair to your straightened hair stand underneath the shower and your hair would literally remain the same right so to a degree it it does form a semi permeable layer right and actually as much we can we can use science essentially to say that oh that layer um that semi-permeable layer stops the absorption or minimizes or lessens um or slows down the absorption of water into the hair cuticle right that's that's scientifically that's just the fact if you have a semi-permeable membrane or a semi-permeable layer on something it means that it's only partially permeable so the degree at which girl this thing is steaming my glasses the degree at which water will enter the hair strand and the rate at which it does it will vary from oil to butter um but it but across board it will permeate that layer at some point at some degree at some rate now we can use that and stand on it and say okay well if water is the most important thing and you put oils and butters on your hair and it slows down your hair's ability to absorb that water at a faster rate then it's bad right like why would you do that at the same time there's also studies that prove and show that actually by forming that exclusive layer on the hair is actually healthier for the hair when the rate at which water is entering the strand is slowed down because it slows down the the rate at which the hair swells to absorb the water i'm going to try and see if i can find some of these studies but um i don't know if i want to waste my time because i feel like sometimes sometimes it's actually good for guy for you guys and myself to do your own research and that's what i mean by you can use science to and common sense to prove and disproves this exact same point so there are studies that actually say that um so i think i've got a video on like over moisturizing your hair and i talk about high growth hydro fatigue and what hydro fatigue is and that's essentially when you um your hair's over moisturized the strands are contracting and retracting so much to absorb so much water that actually it starts to affect the integrity of the hair strand so there are um there's so much research especially let's look looking at coconut oil for example is a good one because there's a lot of research around coconut oil and basically how it helps to slow down the absorption of water into the strand and why that is in the why that is a positive thing for the hair rather than a negative thing but those two points those two opposing points both of them make sense so it makes sense that you would have as a semi-permeable layer on the hair which will reduce right the rate at which your hair absorbs water so that it's not contracting too quickly at the same time it also makes sense that why would you apply uh an oil to your hair if the oil is going to stop the rate at which water absorbs absorbs into your hair if water is the thing that you want do you get it so that's what i mean and i think sometimes as a group of people we prefer to have information regurgitated to us rather than going out and like researching it ourselves i hope i'm even making sense so i think that's that's one thing that we all have to keep in mind is that is it's good to look things up for yourself and to have an understanding for yourself so i'm not knocking the the hair detox i haven't i am here for a detox i talk about detox in your hair all the time so pardon me i definitely think it's important to detox your hair from oils and butters and toxins and all of those things the same way you detox your skin the same way you detox internally you should detox your hair right and so if you if you find that certain oils and butters actually are too heavy for your hair type for your curl type for whatever you stop using it you can stop using it you can stop using it or you can find ones that work for you um you can take that particular approach which i'm not against um in fact when i looked at it i realized that a lot of the things that i'm doing on my wash day is essentially or on my wash and go wash day is essentially what they talk about um and it works i mean for achieving my wash and go's how i've been doing it has been working so what i realized is the reason why i i always had an issue with my wash and go's is that they always used to take so long so so long to dry um and a lot of the time i was using a leave-in i'd use a leave-in like i usually do and then i would follow it up with my gel but what i actually realized is that some parts of my hair where it's more dense where it's more tightly coiled when i would apply the leave-in and then i'd apply the gel it would essentially emulsify and create like a cream a cream gel creamy gel consistency which parts of my hair could absorb and other parts wouldn't so i would always have especially in this kinky part of my hair i'd have like loads of like thick white bits that would just never dry it would take so long to dry or it would dry and you would still see the residue build up from that thick emulsion on my hair strands so i actually found that by just using the gels on their own following the actual instructions on the product my wash and gos don't take a lifetime to dry um and they just they look better do you know what i mean so i don't know guys i'm just all i'm saying is everybody is you do do whatever you need to do as a means to whatever end it is that you're looking for i would not and i am not about to stop using oils and butters on my hair i've i've done it my whole life um i've been able to grow my hair to my butt multiple times i have cut my hair multiple times and it has grown back i have been able to maintain and preserve my hair using ancient principles that i learn from those that came before me where i come from and for me um you know like culturally it's really important to me that i'm able to pass on certain things to the generations to come and i feel like culturally these are just as important so my legacy my inheritance that i leave my children it doesn't only look like uh monetary wealth for me wealth is so many things wealth is me being able to teach my children how to speak tree me being able to share with them like the joys of sheer butter and everything that i learned from my grandparents about it the same way that indians pass on the rituals of like head massages with oils and this and that all of those things i want to be able to pass those on as well so for me i'm i feel like i'm not gonna be made to feel like i'm an idiot or i'm stupid for still using oils and butters but i have a very good understanding of ensuring that your hair is clean which is very important that your hair's moisturized that wash day is essentially the basis of or the foundation the cornerstone okay of of healthy hair it's all about it's all in your wash day and a lot of the time it's more about the things that you're doing to your hair on wash day rather than the products um the products help it helps to have a good a good selection of products and that work for you and you don't need a million products i mean if you go back and look at some of my older videos and i talk about staple products my staple products have stayed the same in the last decade the majority of them that every now and then i might add sorry i'm just filling up my reservoir every now and then i might add a new product or a product range to my actual staples but my staples have remained the same for years so i feel like commitment and understanding makes more of a difference than anything else and i think it's really important that we all go out there and we do our own research and not allow things to seem so revolutionary and profound when essentially that's not the case um i think you we also need to be open to learning new things new skills um and new methods that might serve us and serve our end goal so yeah you know i think those are my thoughts on it i'm not even trying to make this video too long i'm supposed to be applying deep conditioner but the passion got the passion to cover um so i haven't really been doing that but yeah that's what i wanted to say i'm trying to think if there was anything else that was in my mind on my spirit that i wanted to add um yeah i mean in this life we have to do we have you have to do what's right for you so if you come across something and you try it and it works for you like 100 go ahead and do it but i think you would be remiss to then um be of the impression or be of the mindset that everybody else that does something different to you is essentially wrong um because like i said you know we can we can all sit here and we can be doing a back and forth of science we could do a back and forth of science do you know what i mean um to prove or disprove each other's points uh and that doesn't really get us anywhere but yeah i just i mean you guys have asked for my thoughts on this whole situation so i thought why not come and give it to you um i'm not an expert in washing goals i'm not an expert in cal definition or anything like that i am and i'm not even an expert full stop but what i do know is that over the last literal decade um i have been sharing with you guys the things that i have learned about hair care the things that i have done that have worked the things that i have done that haven't worked and it's been helpful to so many of you so the same way that you know you might head over and adopt this new not new but adopt this like you know concept of hair care and that would work for you do you know what i mean so i'm not saying that you know we shouldn't try new things and we shouldn't go for it but yeah anyway i think that's it i think that's it um guys look this is not even the edges update but look at my edges have they not grown back they grew back they've been growing back um so my summer wash and goes just leaving my edges alone has really been it's really been doing the job so we praise god but yeah anyway i hope i'd love to hear everybody's thoughts on this by the way like if you're here doing it like you know what are your thoughts i definitely think if you're if you want to do a detox on your hair go ahead like i'm here for a hundred percent is very necessary i mean essentially i've been detoxing my hair um not with the intention of detoxing my hair but essentially i've detoxed my hair from oils and butters for like a duration of time based on the hairstyle that i was doing you know what i mean um so i definitely didn't give it a go if it works for you it works for you if it's something that you then want to incorporate maybe every other month you detox or i don't know once every six months you do a one month detox whatever the case is that you want to do for yourself but i do think that it's it's quite sad um i think it's quite sad for anyone to now adopt the mindset that if someone does something different to you they're stupid because like i said we can both come and do science battle you know what i mean we can both come and pull out the scientific facts about uh hair and hair preservation and hair growth and all this stuff um there's so many journals that talk about the benefits of oils and butters on hair do you know what i mean um and i yes i'm speaking as an african woman but if we look culturally at so many other diverse ethnic groups of people they too use oils and butters yeah so we're not the only ones you know what i mean like we're not the only ones who understand the use and benefits of oils i am not somebody who champions the overuse of oils on our hair um on this channel and i mean i feel like if you're part of the this this family then you should have a better understanding of things like that because we do talk about it quite a lot on hair i talk about the fact that i don't like to apply oils on my scalp with the intention of leaving them on there for a prolonged period of time i don't i believe that the scalp does what it needs to do and doesn't need your help in that regard what it does need from you is to keep it clean so that it can continue to produce a sebum do its thing and then you clear it out then a new batch comes in so in that do you know in that respect yes you know what i mean so i don't know man but i mean i do know i know where i stand on it and i shared it so i want to hear what y'all think i want to know what your views are um and all that good stuff but yeah anyway love you guys and i will catch you i'm going to go ahead and finish my deep condition so that i can jump in the bath in the bath and and thingy but yeah i want to hear your views i want to hear your thoughts um is this something that you do that's been working for you if it has that's fantastic like i said i mean i think is it but yeah i mean i love you guys i appreciate you guys i value your opinions i value your thoughts i value what we've built here i value um the opinions of professionals as well and i feel like a healthy nice dialogue can be had without making fun of people that do things differently to you so yeah anyway chili chatty be chatting i'm looking at myself guys sorry i'm just trying to make sure that i'm getting the steam all over but anyway for the 10th time hasta la vista hasta la fuego mumbai
Channel: Laila Washington- FusionofCultures
Views: 29,680
Rating: 4.9142499 out of 5
Keywords: fusionofcultures, no oils or butters on natural hair, 30 day hair detox wash and go, 30 day natural hair detox, no butters no oils, 30 day detox natural hair, no oils no butters, natural hair community rant, curly chemistry, no oils or butters, black girl curls, type 4 wash and go, wash and go, wash and go with only gel, no oils on natural hair, 3 step method, no oils or butters yes ok, 30 day hair detox 4c, no oils or butters on naturual hair, no butter no oil challenge
Id: RxP4n-DU6A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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