How To Make VEGAN SOUL FOOD (Tasty AF!) πŸ˜‹

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hi yeah so today i am uber excited because we're about to throw down y'all we're about to make a feast fit for a king or a queen you know i'm talking about vegan soul food i don't have this all the time but when i do oh when i do it's like the best thing ever and i want to show you guys just how easy it is to get all the flavor all the comforty food goodness on a plant-based diet it's super super easy and i've shown a bit of this because i did soulful sunday on my food instagram so deliciously vegan but for those of you that haven't seen it or if you want just you know more in depth of the steps and the processes and the recipes this is the video for you what's on the menu you ask let me run down everything we're making in this video we're gonna be having garlic mashed potatoes we're gonna have some really nicely seasoned greens macaroni and cheese my take on vegan fried chicken on the side we're gonna have some cornbread gotta have the cornbread and then for dessert we're gonna make a classic apple pie just like grandma used to make it or even might be a little better than grandma used to make it i'm just saying so this video is brought to you by thrive market placed an order from thrive to get some essentials for my recipes for today let me show you guys what i got real quick for the apple pie i got this vegetable shortening this unbleached all-purpose organic flour organic light brown sugar got some organic cornmeal for my cornbread also needed some baking powder apple cider vinegar organic applesauce to make the mac and cheese i'm using these 100 whole grain shells the cheesy sauce will be made with raw cashews vegetable broth nutritional yeast i got this garlic gold oil infused with toasted garlic and i thought it would be so perfect for my vegan fried chicken i got this cajun seasoning of course we gotta have some hot sauce so i got that as always you guys know thrive is one of my all-time favorite online grocery stores product selection is amazing quality off the charts and as a company they're committed to making healthy living healthy eating affordable and accessible to everyone when you shop on their site you can order your food items like i did today you can order your household items like cleaning supplies all that good stuff you can order beauty items and it comes straight to your door and for the items that they carry their prices are fantastic so if you head on over to the chic natural and sign up you can save 25 off your first order and you'll get a free gift i'll have the link below in my description box thanks to thrive for sponsoring this video and let's get cooking okay so now we're gonna make the greens now initially i wanted to do either color greens or mustard greens but for some reason when i went to the market yesterday they didn't have any and i don't know what's going on with that but i got some kale kale is fun kale is good we're gonna saute these up super simple this bag says it's been triple washed but no we have to wash our greens this is very important all produce but especially greens they can just really harbor some nastiness and so you want to make sure before you make your greens before you cook them they're as clean as possible and for my greens especially i like to do a vinegar and soap wash i use a plant-based soap to really get any type of dirt past anything that might still be on these greens put these into a large pot add some apple cider vinegar add some soap we're gonna just give it a good wash so i like to let that sit for a few minutes to really get a good soak and then drain it and give it a power [Music] wash just went and chopped up half a white onion and half of a red bell pepper so now that my kale is washed and clean and my extra veggies are chopped we can go ahead and put it together all right so i'm using this garlic gold oil for this i'm gonna pour some in then i'm gonna add my onion and red bell pepper once the onion starts to brown i'm gonna add some minced garlic and red pepper flakes then i'm going to pour in some vegetable broth and now i can add in my kale start to mix and incorporate everything together i'm going to cover it up for a few minutes and let this really cook down and then i'm just going to add a few more seasonings at the end give it another toss and that's pretty much it garlic powder pepper salt also gonna add a little cajun seasoning to this it's gonna bring it all together and that is it for the greens the cornbread is very straightforward to make so i'm taking some almond milk i'm going to add some apple cider vinegar [Music] whisk it together let it sit for five minutes it's gonna curdle and that's gonna make the buttermilk then in this bowl i'm gonna mix my dry ingredients so i have my cornmeal flour sugar salt baking powder whisk it together then pour in that wet mixture some apple sauce and melted vegan butter and mix everything together that's going to make the cornbread better transfer that into this greased baking pan then pop this in the oven absolutely perfect and i brushed it with a little melted vegan butter right on top mashed potato time so i have these russet potatoes i'm going to go ahead and wash them i'm going to peel them dice them up throw them into a pot and boil [Music] all right so i'm going to take a little bit of vegan butter i'm going to add some finely minced garlic to that i like my potatoes very garlicky but you know you can add as much or as little as you want to get it nice and fragrant just going to saute this for about a minute or two potatoes are tender i've already gone ahead and drained them and then return them to the pot so now i'm going to add some almond milk to this this is going to help them make them super creamy i don't really measure i just kind of put as much as i think it'll take to get these nice and whipped i'm gonna add in this garlic butter then i'm gonna season it further with some seasoning salt onion powder black pepper and a tiny bit of pink salt take my hand mixer and give it a whip not looking as creamy as i want it to so i'm going to add some more almond milk to that then you just give it a taste so you need to add any more seasoning i'm going to add some more seasoning salt now it's perfect parsley on top i really like seeing that green on there and that's it okay mac and cheese time so i'm gonna take these shells and boil them while the noodles are boiling i'm gonna make the sauce so into my blender i'm gonna add raw cashews one medium size carrot's worth of baby carrot this has been boiled and softened nutritional yeast vegan butter some vinegar salt pepper whoa put a little more than i should have but it'll be okay onion powder garlic powder little nutmeg vegetable broth and water blend all this together and that'll be the sauce for the mac and cheese look at how smooth and creamy this is yum drained my noodles just pour that right in there mix it all together let it heat up and that is basically it probably my favorite part of the meal vegan fried chicken i'm using portobello mushroom caps and for each cap i'm going to get three pieces so what i do is i just take my mushroom cut it into thirds and then i like to cut off this bottom part this like gilly part so i just take it and trim that off well you know the majority of it and then i'll have this i'm gonna throw all of them into this apple cider vinegar bath and then give it a good wash i towel dried these so i could remove the excess water and now i'm going gonna make the batter so i can fry these puppies up okay i'm gonna have a wet batter and a dry batter for the wet batter i'm gonna put some flour some cajun seasoning onion powder some garlic powder some cumin and almond milk [Applause] and then for the dry batter i have flour bread crumbs and salt and pepper dip each piece into the wet batter first and then into the dry batter like that got some vegetable oil drain the oil on a paper towel and it comes out golden and crispy and delicious [Music] look at this plate guys doesn't this look so yummy definitely got to have my hot sauce on my fried mushrooms and that my dears is it i don't even have to taste this to to know that it's good because i've made this so many times it tastes as good as it looks do you hear that crunch that is perfection right there and then of course we can't have all this good food and not have dessert so we're gonna make a classic apple pie from scratch it's the best i love this pie it's all ready for it so let me show you how to make that okay for the pie we gotta start by making the crust so in my large mixing bowl i'm gonna add flour i'm going to add some sugar and some salt then give that a mix then i'm going to add some vegan butter and vegetable shortening and then here's where it's going to get a little messy you have to like knead this with your hands until you have combined the flour and the butter and shortening together until it's like a coarse meal make sure your hands are clean and start combining this like that so then you want to add some ice cold water to this starting out with four tablespoons and then i'm gonna see how this mixture holds up and if i need to add more moisture to it then i will but you just want to continue mixing this together until it starts to form a dough that holds together like this still a bit dry so it needs some more water so i'm going to add in a little at a time and keep kneading that looks really good like that so now i'm going to take this dough and divide it in half and each half is going to make one crust so i'm going to get the top and the bottom crust from this dough all right so i'm going to sprinkle some flour onto my surface i've lined it with some parchment paper so that the dough doesn't stick to my counter also going to put some flour onto my rolling pin just like to give it a light coat then i'm going to take one of my dough balls and roll it out you want to roll it out until it's about 12 inches in diameter and try to get it in as good of a circle shape as you can so it'll fit the pan so you see here kind of comes down i don't need this extra i'm going to cut that off and add it where i need here's my pie pan what i like to do is place it on top of the dough to make sure that it'll fit and that i have enough room on the edges to get it in there how i want looks like i have some extra right here that i can cut off and move to that so you just want to kind of cut and patch wherever you need more dough and then once you have your bottom crust good put the pie pan on top and again that's why it's a good idea to have this parchment paper because it makes it easy all you have to do is flip it over and then take the paper out pinch that in and now on to the filling so to this pan i'm adding vegan butter let it melt add some flour that's some sugar got some brown sugar and some water till you get this syrupy sauce like this i have six granny smith apples and i have gone ahead and diced those up just throw them into a bowl and pour that sauce right over the apples then give it a mix so all the apples are coated with that syrup we just made or the apples right inside i'm gonna sprinkle some cinnamon right on top and then we're gonna cover it with the top crust i like to make a little well around the edge and then with the fork i'm going to pinch together the top and the bottom crust around the edge and trim off the excess put a few slits in it to vent and we can toss this in the oven and it's ready to bake apple pie fresh out of the oven look at this beauty i'm gonna top this with some non-dairy ice cream absolute best dessert scrumptious all right so i hope you guys enjoyed it definitely try these recipes out for yourself and if you haven't already shameless plug check out my cookbook deliciously vegan so many tasty dishes in here and for this video i do have the apple pie recipe i do have the mac and cheese the vegan fried chicken is in here the cornbread is in here tons of good stuff if you haven't gotten it you might want to get it it comes in handy i actually use this all the time myself and i used it today while i was making all this stuff so yeah thanks again to thrive market for sponsoring this and i will catch you all on my next one peace
Channel: TheChicNatural
Views: 697,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what I eat in a day, vegan, soul food, healthy, organic, non gmo, thrive market, thechicnatural, new, plant based, food, meals, dishes, fried chicken, easy, fast, quick, beginner, transition, transitioning, vegetarian, comfort food, macaroni and cheese, faux, no, fake, how to, step by step, recipes, cookbook, snacks, dessert, desserts, lunch, dinner, thanksgiving, meal ideas, african american, southern, guilt, cheat, transform, sustainable, market, accessible, affordable, cheap, easiest, gluten free, taste, feast
Id: aPfOK2tVmfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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