Formula DRIFT Japan - Ebisu Qualifying

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oh [Music] motifs [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] the brightness call brilliant valenti [Music] hello everybody welcome to the g-shock presents formula drift japan 2021 round two here in the fukushima prefecture ebisu circuit west course i will be your host kenny harris and alongside me will be judge translator and commentator robbie nishida how you guys doing and welcome back to the second round of the 2021 former japan season um compared to the last round we had the sky is beautiful it's sunny it's it's like perfect weather to go out night day i'm just kind of mad that we can't have spectators because of the whole covid i ain't gonna lie though i was scared yesterday we had rain all day i'm talking torrential downpour all day long and we were like please get it over with so we can have beautiful skies and then look what we got yeah i mean yesterday was practice day but most of the drivers didn't even practice because they knew that the weather was going to be nice today and tomorrow so they got enough practice this morning it looks like everybody's shaping up exciting uh driving yes so uh let's not forget the other two at the other end we also have tom saba and yochi mamura hosting commentators on the japanese side so hey go give them some love on their live stream hit them up you know give them a little shout out and stuff and see how they're doing over there there they are right there so let's go ahead and get back to the pits we also have somebody um out in the pits oh but before i go to that let me go ahead and introduce you to me of course i'm one of the judges yoichi mumuru is the other judge and we also have ryan lontane all the way on the other side of the world completely on the other side there he is hey buddy we miss you um hopefully we can see you soon enough um so you're back here judging with us and also yep we love you too and also uh shout out to the fd usa guys too kevin sage um everybody out there that's usually out here for the fd japan series um all the way up to 2019 we had the u.s crew come out here exactly and we almost sound like a broken record with it you know as much as we want to see you all come out here and everything but with everything going on in the world you know everybody's just got to be safe and make sure things are good for the world yeah exactly so um early i wanted to go ahead and introduce you to somebody else that are in the pits um she is going to be our uh pit reporter for the year um she's going to be giving us some information on what's going on behind the scenes out in the pits hello guys it's me marina hosho and guys look at this beautiful weather today you know the previous place was lots of raining but today is not so i feel like it's going to be differently like more powerful and like more active you guys cannot wait to see this race right me too and so the qualified session is about to start so i will interview one of the drivers his name is uel he got second place in last race and he said i'm gonna be winner in this place so i want to ask him how he's feeling right now let's go today uel gave us a little bit of his excitement and thank you marina for doing the interview um yes uel just shook his car down last event and he was second place and he said the mechanics worked on the car and did all kinds of things to it so he can try to come and take this because he was telling uh marina out there right now saying that he wants to win this really bad so let's see how far he's going to make it on this weekend but before we go and start the qualify let us go ahead and explain to you about how the track is uh here at the ebisu west course as you can see there's a track right there i think this position oh there you go um so there's a start um the straightaway you got to go down the straightaway go in or you have to start drifting initiate as hard as you can try to flick the car um the rate to angle is going to count big time for style you have outside zone one to the left i think that is a 10 point each for a style and line after that you have the end clip and you have outside outside zone two on the picture is missing downside zone three but you have to make a switchback after the outside zone two pass through outside zone three and after the outside zone three you're gonna go through the n-clip two so you have two end clips and three outside zones the first one is uh you're going to be going from really high speed to a very lower speed but you're going to have to kick a lot of angle through there and what we recommend the drivers to do is to throw a lot of angle and try to slow the car down with angle instead of using e-brake and handbrake and you know whatever they have to exactly so those are you fd japan followers out there and everything this truck setup is is exactly the same as last year and the year prior so definitely nothing new to a lot of these drivers and they had a lot of practice time granted yesterday we did talk about not having practice time but there was a few out here practicing before then so definitely going to be a very exciting day a lot more smoke getting thrown this round a lot more uh crazy entries for sure as all the stuff we saw during practice but yeah that's going to be exciting and you know what this is something that we didn't get to see uh last time is smoke i'm really excited to see that i think that was the number one complaint too so now um at the start line the first qualifier of the day is going to be car number 56 now naga he's from um he's with ling long tire drift with team kazama with power vehicles he is a veteran he drives at d1 he's uh competed in fd japan previously too so um very exciting driver but this is his season opener event for him so exactly it's going to be exciting to see and i heard that he's going to try to finish off the rest of the season too probably driving this car built by kazama auto very beautiful car right here this sessions [Music] nice entry to the outer zone one coming inside clip one sweeping around to the outer zone two to outer zone three nice transition there and finishing off very nicely right there inside clip one man you can't ask to get any closer than that without destroying that pylon so let's check out the replay that was a very fluid run um by suinaga and it was his first run but it looks like he put everything uh he put the car where he wanted it to go very smooth not jerky at all it would have been better if he was uh on gas a little bit earlier after he was going to inside clip one but very beautiful run um yeah i mean for him not to show up to round one and come out here in round two and just show us what's how he what he's what he's bringing this year is definitely awesome to see see what the scores the judges have for him for his first qualifying run opening us up to this round two of qualifying for the 2021 series and another nice thing is we have our drone crew out here this time they can actually operate so we're definitely going to get some amazing views yeah because last time it was raining and we couldn't fly the drones and um oh well i'm talking about the power vehicles team um because of the whole um covid deal yes i think uh andrew gray is not gonna be here for this weekend because um the whole covid stuff so very unfortunate i mean he did an amazing job last year here i mean he took home you know number one last year here yeah so very unfortunate yeah so that was a very clean run by um suinaga driving the 2jz15 i think a few years back he actually flipped his car over here oh really on the first yeah when it was raining and he went really hard we actually almost had one of those yesterday it was very uh yeah in the rain it's it's really tricky here at ebisu west course going down the straightaway you have to kind of make sure that you're going in it there we go starting us off strong with an 85 right there there you go 85 is a pretty solid uh solid score to put down especially the struggles we had last time oh yeah we had uh we actually have 42 drivers this time so that means 10 cars are going to be going home and i think 85 is actually going to put him in a very good spot where he's probably definitely going to be around for tomorrow's tandem exactly so next we have uh anagui right here so he used to be yeah he's gonna be driving in fd japan before exactly he's part of team orange junior with the s14 [Music] here comes the inside clip one nice push into outer zone two to outer zone three with the transition trying to come close to this inside clip two right here pretty solid finish right there by him but yes he was actually the one that ran up that hill yesterday and gave everybody a scare but luckily his car didn't flip or anything and uh he was able to control that but from the looks of it his uh his car is running good for him he comes into outer zone one inside clip one to outer zone two and a very skillful driver looks like he's on a car he's in a car that has a lot less power uh than what he usually or what he used to previously um compete in i think this is his own car this time but there's a score 77 points 77 for him so this is uh this is like the the the pack right here where it's like the team kazama and the team orange and the nbc circuit crew because here we go this is car number 55. toshiharu kazama he's the owner of kazama auto service he's with team kazama with power vehicles and like i said earlier andrew gray from power vehicles isn't going to be here so he's going to actually fill his shoes someone's going to represent exactly and he is [Music] nice little transition from two to three finishing right there a little outside of the inside clip there at the finish here he is right here we go he was being a little hesitant right there at the end clip but after that very smooth through the outside zone two and three he looks like he fills the zone pretty good i would like to see a little bit more angle out of his runs but uh let's see what his score is going to be turning out to be like yeah unfortunately they didn't make it to round one over at a suzuka twin so definitely good to see them out here see more cars out here on this beautiful day let's see what the judges have for him yeah so that looks like a replica of uh andy's champion card because the color looks really reasonable there yeah but i think the car is not as built as that car there you go 76 right there yeah like i said his angle he needs to throw a little bit more angle than i think the score would you know throw that angle give that commitment and push through exactly so next we have atsushiwachi right here in the team professor auto s15 powered by 2j very beautiful build i mean this car i can't compliment it enough between the amazing paint job they put on it but his engine bay immaculate beautiful and that comes from him having a low rider background because he's like really really big into lowrider before so low riders [Music] had a little stutter step there and outer inside hook coming out counters on two or three [Music] see this replay right here all right so it looks like he made a major mistake after the inclip won he looks like he came a little short after he uh reached outside zone one he was a little off online he had almost a tire off and right here at the end clip made it around and it looks like he didn't straighten up completely but he had to make a major correction uh going to outside zone two so let's see how much that's going to hurt his score but he was able to put a score down speaking of scores we talked about our judges and everything but i don't think we told who was doing what so right now we've got robbie nasheed is going to be doing style we got yoichi mura at the other end over there doing angle and then ryan back in the states doing line and i have 40 points uh ryan lontaine and imamura they both have 30 points each so that's a total of 100 points and for the style score i will be giving 20 points for fluidity and 20 points for commitment which has up to 40 points and with my score on with my score on top of that uh with the other judges with 30 line and 30 angle will be 100 points the man that can multitask and right now i'm talking inputting and writing and then translating on the side translating what i'm trying to say that's what you're doing everybody thinks we just sit up here but all this talking and writing and all the stuff nice view of the pits right there yeah so that was a beautiful car but he looked like he made a mistake um that's probably what affected him right there with a 74 yeah kind of a sloppy run but man if he could pull that through it looked exciting you know it looked really exciting so uh next is number 408 shoya saito so many of y'all probably remember him he was in an s15 last year about the same color but more obviously all blue pretty much s15 but now this year he's in this clean 180 but it looks familiar [Music] so more power coming out with some heat so let's see what he's gonna do right here coming into outer zone one oh can he can he collect it right here coming into outer zone two to outer zone three and he looks like he's handling that car pretty well right there i know he had a little bit of struggles going through a practice earlier today but right there he actually hit the lines that he he probably wanted to hit because earlier he was hitting real shallow in a lot of his runs shallow to the zone that is yes right here watching the replay um i think they kind of want the car not to wash out when they're approaching the end clip and it looks like they're hesitant to get back on gas what we would like to see the car throw more angle leaving outside zone one going around inside clip one it would be nice to see full lock and a lot of uh a lot of gas you have a lot of throttle going around there so we would like to see a smoke trail from inside or outside clip one all the way through you know and that'll be really nice to see and right now no telling probably later on in the season he'll get more and more used to the vehicle and everything because i mean he's got a pretty big power plant underneath there yeah definitely because he's fresh out of high school too so anyway but there you go 79 for a score so not too bad for a first run but you know what coming up is number 328 shinichu saito which is going to be his dad and what is he driving i can't tell fight yet [Music] it's a car it's a car it looks almost the same same color scheme but here we go right here a sweet clean a a90 supra it's a brand new build so i think this i think thursday was the first time he drove it wow i think yeah so this is a brand new build really exciting looking car strong car powered by 2j right here big old single under the hood so let's see what he's going to do for us so that's saito driving the car [Music] here he comes coming in a 3 2 1. sorry i was a little lost with words because during practice he was throwing a lot harder he was throttling a lot more so i don't know if he had an issue going through uh this run of qualifying yeah i could i could smell burning oil or something up here but uh this looks like a very low energy lap for saito right there namoj angle not much right to angle washes out in clip one almost straightens out going to outside zone two very low angle going through outside zone two and three and we finally see tire smoke right there towards the end so yeah it doesn't look like there's a whole lot of commitment there um and the car looked choppy but i'm i'm guessing it's a brand new car so it's probably very hard to adapt to too exactly so uh the father-son duo they weren't able to make round one also and they luckily were able to make it here but i think it was like a 13-hour trek for them coming from hiroshima so man it's a heck of a drive right there and they arrived this morning right yeah they arrived this morning there you go 61 so like you were saying all those those areas that he needs to work on hopefully he could come back out here and you know push his car to the limits yeah a little bit more out a little bit more angle i don't know if he has car issues something because like i said i could smell burning smoke or britney smoke i'm starting burning oil up here so see i make mistakes too i meant this team coming up team droopy right here they actually came from hiroshima which was 13 hours i was talking about the saito family but now close to the area yeah yeah but not as far so damn so yes coming up it's gonna be uh [Music] right there had to hold off and hit the outer zone two swinging around the outer zone three losing some of his rear bumper and then taking out the pylon for inside clip one practice he was definitely uh destroying those pylons and i think his uh bumper at this point is just barely hanging on all right looks like his initiation was uh really exciting to see but a little after that he looked a little hesitant to get back on gas but he does fill the zones pretty much there you go outside zone two and three kind of runs a little short online on the end clip see what the judges have for him but yeah like i was saying they came all the way from hiroshima they're with a hiroshima toyota team droopy and they're nobody new we saw them last year he definitely podium a few times or yes he was up there powered with that one gr twin turbo yeah looks like a fun car to drive too because a lot of people put two j's into eight sixes oh there you go 85 points i think he's tied right now right with the first place he is he is he's tied with uh naga up there next is gonna be uh the other car that traveled 13 hours exactly his teammate somewhere around there yep hiroshima so teammate kazia matsukawa in the uh a85 right here so many of y'all remember the ae85 last year also power buy one gr so this car has been around for a while they've been driving this campaign for many years zero space here he comes a little late entry coming into outer zone one coming inside clip one but trying to throw that excitement into outer zone two to three ripping off his bumper right there in that transition hidden inside this one just barely skimming through on inside clip two [Music] wasn't expecting that late uh initiation out of that three two one because usually he's usually quick on it yeah that was really close um passing the one cone and not as exciting when they flick the car and yeah a lot of the guys here um i think they come in i'm not sure if they have the right rate of angle and how deep they're going on outside zone one they are very hesitant on getting back on gas as soon as possible after they pass outside zl1 they wait till they they almost wait till they kind of clear the inside clip one but what we want to see is we kind of want to see the car on gas as long and as much as possible around in clip one going all the way to outside zone two and you know throwing a lot of angle too so so there you all saw it was a 80 right there but definitely during practice we've seen a few cars that'll do that coming up so hopefully those cars will show us exactly how it needs to be laid out yeah i think i think these guys are just kind of taking it easy putting uh first round first uh qualifying run so they're just like you know what let's just get a score on the books and then we'll come out and bring out the the true a game but here we go uh next car up is going to be number 23 yuji saito which this is actually a new car for the series and uh this is their first first round for uh the 2021 season it's a s15 powered by a vr 38 yes that mean machine under the hood a vr 38 team next stream with total car shop glitter yes it's uh sounds amazing it looks really exciting [Music] finishing off [Music] see that's the throttle i want to see right there yeah everybody everybody everybody throttles hard there we kind of want to see that throughout the whole track exactly um so i i translated that's exciting jogging but right here he kind of drags the e-brake through the outside zone one gets back on gas and stops right there then tries to look for traction to get out to outside zone two kind of uh becomes a little bit shallow there too so definitely a lot of room to get some improvement on his score therefore but then he he does have a score exactly that so that's another thing though last round yes it was raining out it was you know crappy weather but i'll just say our location was like prime we were right where the throttle was at all you heard was exhaust and engine here it's kind of like you know i mean it's not the same yeah i'm glad that i'm glad that we weren't um we weren't listening to like a bunch of v8s because we would have been deaf at suzuka so that's true there you go 81 for a score so about in the middle of the pack right now definitely want to be in the 80s for the first run unfortunately to give you confidence to maybe even go and go and drive harder for the second run for sure right there so we got number 720 masafuni watanabe right here in the lofka team tcs boon factory 23 jzx 110 mark ii right here yeah he debuted over at suzuka round one it was actually his first time driving it but right there totally missing outer on one and huge correction coming from outer zone one her inside clip one to outer zone two and then almost losing it right there for inside clip two but uh like we were talking about last round that was his first time driving the car pretty much at the track so yeah so let me go ahead and check out the replay one more time and i would have to say that this may be an incomplete for watanabe and the reasoning behind that is because right here after the in clip one he was looking to keep the car drifting and he completely corrected the car and uh looks like he had to straighten up once and re-initiate um to drive through outside zone two and three that's a big boy yeah it is um definitely not one not something you want to do for your first qualifying run but uh unfortunately watanabe got an incomplete first first one but better luck on his second run you have two runs you're gonna get uh to move through qualify going to top 32 of tomorrow with the better score of the two qualifying runs you have exactly and last week it was what 94 i think was our highest qualifying run so let's see who's going to hit the 90s first but next coming up is going to be number 330 and the team m2 racing jzx100 chaser yes the sasayama has been in the jzx chassis for a little while too then i believe he does compete in d1 and also d1 lights so i think he previously joined fd japan for a couple rounds before this is the first year i think he is going to be doing the full season this is a monster build too this is a crazy jay-z you're going to see right here coming into the 3-2-1 initiation coming really hot into outer zone one missing kind of little far out on oh huge correction right there in outer zone two but yeah inside clip definitely came a little outside of that but we talk about it every single time every round we talk about is that that line that you push if you if you're a little bit off or better yet major off like we just saw it's definitely going to affect the rest of these zones that you're hitting it looks like he came in hot a little too hot he was way almost three tires but two tires off outside zone one then there was a huge correction after outside zone two and outside zone three and definitely is straightening and we will have to give him a incomplete for that run what we are looking for in a qualified run is the run that you could actually follow so you have to be a chaseable lead run and if you're straightening out or going off course or you know throwing too much angle like a backwards entry those are runs that you can't tandem a car behind you cannot get right next to your door um and especially if the car is going straight so we had to give them an increment exactly and you have to keep that constant what are we here for we're here for drifting so you got to keep that constant drift going i don't want to see cars driving straight i want to see cars driving sideways driving sliding sideways you know so there you all saw it right there is incomplete with a zero right there but hopefully you'll come out and obviously you saw the heat that he's bringing into this outer zone one so hopefully he'll get that collect that together and give us a solid run next go exactly i don't want to see zeros and i don't want to see drivers going home with two zeros i want to see them at least get one scored run so better lock better luck for the second run for sasayama and right now we are waiting for the next driver to come up to the line arriving right now coming up to line is number 37 katsuhiro negro right here in the jzx100 mark ii this is actually going to be his first full season that's a new he's a newcomer i know but he has over yeah he has been drifting for a long time yeah he was saying he had over 20 plus years of competitive drifting so i mean that's a lot yeah that's back in the days when i was in my 20s would that be your prime or no i never had a prime you were just mediocre i was always just there yeah i was just there so um i believe this is also a 2jz it kind of has a street car look to it it does it does well the headlights are pretty gnarly so yeah let's see here he comes into three two one just missed uh outer zone one a little bit there same with the inside clip one but throttling all the way through coming to outer zone two and three and finishing off an inside clip three right there definitely was kind of playing it safe away from those zones i don't know if it'd be considered safe though all right here so initiation he does it quickly but the rate to angle isn't so high but uh he kind of misses outside the one right there looks like the car was looking for traction very quick uh transition which i liked overall um it looks like he was a little shallow on the line everywhere um so if he can shape that up maybe it'll help him out on the second run but let's go ahead and see what his score is going to be like it usually happens that way they wait you know like we're talking like waits to the second run and then they put it all out on the line so let's see what i guess that's tactics tact ticks right i mean uh you don't want to go out in your first run blow it have to be nervous for your second run and you know true but at the same time we do want to see exciting driving we want somebody to just come out and just like just blow everybody's doors off by doing some crazy and they're pro drivers so yes they do strategize but at the same time these guys know what they're doing and behind the wheel so here we are 72 right there i hope they know what they're doing they're on the track we're high up so we're i think we're safe you're high up high up in the ground well then again earlier during practice i think you got a rock you know yeah they they actually shot a rock out so next we have number 283 uh tsubasa takazawa right here in the zek nova japan and superstar channel so he has a youtube channel he has a youtube channel called superstar channel go check that out yes he got new livery change this year so got this sweet little champagne goal going on hitting that outer zone one controlling it the inside clip one to outer zone two transitioning to outer zone three and finishing off right here strong into inside clip one well i would have to say it wasn't a crazy run but very smooth it's very yeah it was on point right there so let's see what he has to yeah like we were talking about the youtube channel i always see someone following him with recording so there we go finishing off to inside clip two right there so if you all haven't been here before that last inside clip 2 is actually where the fans would be if we had fans out here so definitely a zone of throttle and smoke yeah so his run stylified very smooth i liked it a lot he looked like he had a slight wobble coming into outside zone two it looks like everybody struggles there that might be like one of the hardest parts of the track coming from inside clip one to outside zone two but definitely a good enough uh score for now but it looks like there's a lot of guys that are in the early 80s late 70s so we're gonna have to see where he's gonna uh that's gonna place him for now but yes he does have a second run and the next driver is car number 41 with team hirano tire uemura ias driving the jcx100 chaser and we're early we're early in our cars too we're only like a third of the ways or not even a third of the way yeah so we still got a lot of drifting going too so don't forget to tune in with us tomorrow as well because today we're doing qualifying right now [Music] here we go to the 3-2-1 initiative coming into taking out both pylons in the outer zone one to inside clip one shifting over to outer zone two and outer zone three right here [Music] and finishing off strong right there i might have to stop saying finishing off strong there because i mean it's a given right there we've seen it ahead of all cars then pushing through throttling through inside clip two and right here he looks like he washes out a little too much after outside zone right there there's a mistake that he made um going from there's a that's a mistake he made going from outside zone two to three so definitely looked a lot smoother than we thought but and you were talking about that earlier too that that inside clip right there is throwing them off because they're coming in hot into outer zone one and then they have to try to control themselves because that inside clip one right there isn't as early on as they think it is so it's a little later and then connects right to outer zone two yeah so it's just like all the tracks that we have designed here for ft japan it really matters where you set yourself up from the first outside zone or the first inner clip that you go into like here if you wash out way too much you have to find your way to go back to the inside clip then you're gonna have to make your way out to the outside zone too but if you make it or if you drive if you leave out outside zone one perfectly with good angle it's a smooth line going from there to inside clip one to outside zone two there we go we got a 76 on the board for him so next up at the line we got number five tomoki tanaka right here in the v style good ride with tetsujin in his jzx100 i know last event he had some transmission issues but i think he's been doing pretty solid during practice and everything but then again they were working on the car yesterday but not quite sure what they were doing yeah this is a brand new build from last year let's see how he's gonna do today coming into outer zone one a little shallow there getting a little thrown off the throttling right out of outer zone all right so that's uh it's a smooth run but like i say these guys has a hard time leaving outside someone where they're supposed to driving uh throughout inside clip one inside clip one isn't supposed to be somewhere you're driving to you have to actually drive through it and the front end of the car should be there um right now tanaka's run was very smooth but at the same time he was definitely looking for a way to dig himself out of um going from inside clip one to outside zone two so it looks like it's a similar problem for a lot of the drivers yeah that's what we're seeing right now so see what these next half have to do for uh right there it's the inside of the pits right there the sideways experience car driven by yukio fausto oh here we go tomoki tanaka get to 82. so i guess the early 80s is probably the mediocre score that you get right now but yeah definitely different from the last track we were at we had all outer zones and this time we have two inside clips there you go there's yukio fausto clipping up getting ready this is his home turf too so nope that is a 2j powered s15 that's a pretty exciting driver right there oh right there oh they're gonna see for sure he told me he's gonna bring some heat today and what is going on it looks like somebody is stuck in the burnout box looks like monkey ito in the number 93. let's see what they're gonna come up with uh so i think they're gonna have to tow that call hey actually oh oh there you go this looks like he might be good to go i don't know maybe it's stalled and maybe it was fuel fouled or something like that maybe he was able to get it started or something but but like i said this is going to be number 93 monkey ito here in uh hidano tires jzx100 chaser and let me go ahead and explain he almost had to call the competition timeout you have only one competition timeout which allows you to work on your car for five minutes you have to get the car fixed within that five minutes so if you don't you're gonna lose that qualifying run or if it's tandem you're actually going to be on the disadvantage um for not being able to drive that uh run but you only get one for the weekend you definitely don't want to use it for qualifying exactly first run up you don't want that for sure they got them up at the line so that's a good good sight to see right here [Music] flip right there to outer zone [Music] that was a pretty smooth run um by ito right here with the flick looks like he does a pretty good job on outside zone one right here it doesn't look like he bobbles or tries to dig himself out of leaving outside or i'm sorry inside clip one to outside zone two very smooth run and definitely gonna give him a score so much better than not being able to drive your lap exactly the car that's the struggle though right now is during practice a lot of these cars were just destroying the zones and right now it just seems like they're being real shallow and you know i think it happens also because when you're practicing you're just practicing or you're testing the car out so here we go 85 right there for a score so it looks like we have like a tie of 85s we do we have a trio going right there but coming up uh is going to be number 963 daichi mizutani and the mizutani jidosha racing in his uh s15 sr powered what is it 2.2 right [Music] so the run he just made right now it looked like it looks like there's a lot of grip in this car right here initiation not so much angle tries to slide the car out but after that it looks like the car wants to straighten as much as possible here we go kind of shallow doesn't make it all the way out to the outside zone two feels outside zone three pretty good finishes off the track really exciting but the first half of the track uh doesn't look like it's completely what he would want to do and that seems like he's in it's been the trickiest part for a lot of these drivers of that first half getting that wrong line into outer zone one hitting inside clip one which we've seen a lot of hesitation coming out of inside clip 1 to outer zone 2. so let's see what they got for mizutani right here yeah it looked as if it was going to be exciting but um it was a little bit um there you go we got an 81 form on the board definitely a crazy blend of uh engines we have out here but like you said we're missing that v8 so next up the line is going to be number 61. kazuki hayashi right here in the good ride works s15 [Music] looks like he's ready to go yeah and uh i think this is a different s15 with the 2j in it because he drove one last event at zuka yes exactly here he comes right here nice coming into outer zone one right there into inside clip one playing with the throttle a little right there in the outer zone two to three finishing off real well right there from inside clip two so that was a very smooth and nice run by hayashi and right there right before he went into initiation it looked like um something i don't know if it was him or the car slowed down or something but definitely feels outside zone two really well not as hard of a flick going to outside zone three but for sure a very smooth clean run by hayashi and this is uh going to give him a good score looks like yeah came for his first run came pretty aggressive there coming into outer zone uh one right there there you go you got a view of the spotters spotter stand right there they're just chilling up there man this breeze is nice oh man the sun's not out but it's not super cloudy it's okay it was going to be hitting me if it was out so i'm okay with that so it feels good i think we got a new leader here boom 87 breaking that uh breaking that 85 bar that everybody is struggling on there you go you can see uh next drivers getting those tires warmed up scrubbing them got a lot of fausto fans out here in the chat are they saying nice things or you just can't read it though they're saying a lot of fausto and brazilian flags so i can definitely understand that he definitely does appreciate y'all he does stress that to us that hey give a shout out to my people in brazil and my fans but coming up to the line now we have number seven yamamoto junji right here or junji yamamoto in his 5x2j powered fd so there you go he already said it's a 2j powered fd he debuted it last time at suzuka for all you rotary fans you guys are probably mad but but he was a rotary guy you know 2019 he was running this car with a with a two road another this is here he comes right here getting wild coming into outer zone one pushing it through to inside clip one throwing some of that paint color out there for autozone two dollars on three it definitely gave a lot of flair from outer zone two to three wow that was a pretty exciting run by yamamoto it looks like he throws a good amount of angle and entry let's go and check that out he initiates very smooth fills out or tries to fill outside zone one good amount of angle fills outside zone two i'll give you this though you know he's pretty wild right off the jump usually and when i say wild he gets a little jerky whenever he throws it so for doing this it was a pretty good run on his part i was i was pretty impressed yeah i believe so because last event in the rain i mean his practice he was just you know throwing the car spinning it out and since the car was a brand new build i think he was trying to get a feel for the car and definitely looks like he's getting a lot more comfortable in that car so i think the score is going to um definitely let you know how well he feels in the car right now everybody thinks he's in the 90s so we'll see there you go the pits ayashi's pit right there oh 84. 85. so earlier he would have been tied with the three other uh leading drivers so now he's tied for second with the three other drivers but definitely an exciting run let's see what he's going to do so next is the second run exactly so next we have number 13 yasuhiro takaki right here in the t squares with dgr goodride he's in this 180sx powered by an sr 2.1 sr [Music] if the transition between two to three just barely graze it inside clip two right there you know what definitely a very smooth exciting run by takaki he is driving his sr power 180 to the max right there good amount of flick going into outside zone one looks like he drives right through inside clip one to outside zone two smoothly transition looks pretty smooth very promising run by takaki it is it is very clean yup see what the score they got for him but man it's got to be intimidating coming out here with an sr and you got all these guys with these high horsepower you know 2js or 1grs or even these the soon to be you'll see this crazy rotary there you go bam our new leader right here with an 89 obviously it doesn't scare him yeah it doesn't scare him but you know what we're intimidating them i should say honestly i think it's not just about having a thousand horsepower car or you know the grippiest tires out there it's all about a good uh amount of balance good amount of grip good amount of power the weight of the car where you put the weight on the car how much steering angle you have so it's a really really balanced uh balance is bigger exactly and who's operating it so coming up right here is going to be number 168. masayo minoa right here in the hayman tm labo jzx100 chaser she's actually our uh one of our only females for this uh round so far i think we had a couple of female drivers from until last year yeah so we have we're down to one female driver so she's holding it down for him yes she is she had some good practices but let's see what she has for us for her first qualifying run right here initiating a little late there out of out [Applause] of zone one it's spinning out right there so [Music] i guess you could say it actually dips in right there and the asphalt ends and it goes a little bit on the inside of the flat part so yeah it's like a reverse or it's kind of like a bank almost so not a strong flick by minoa here tries to fail outside zone one but when she was approaching inside clip one looks like she over rotated and had to spin out so that's gonna be a uh incomplete for her first run but we would like to see her finish a run for the second one so she can get a score out there on the board yeah she was doing pretty solid over at uh suzuka twin i mean definitely performed in the rain so hopefully she'll throw a solid good run for her second run all right so it looks like we are almost through half of the cars in the field but we will go ahead and take a short break and we will be right back [Music] [Music] is [Music] yokohama [Music] casio [Music] [Music] uh so [Music] made in japan breed what's up guys it's freddie gospel and i use rsr suspension on all my drift cars i love rso eo rsr ichiban oh [Music] motifs [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the brightness called brilliant [Music] [Music] [Music] yokohama [Music] casio [Music] [Music] uh so [Music] made in japan breed what's up guys it's freddie gospel and i use rsr suspension on all my drift cars i love rso eo rsr ichiban oh oh [Music] motifs [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the brightness call brilliant validity [Music] welcome back everybody to the g-shock prevents formula drift japan 2021 round two here in the fukushima prefecture at ebisu circuit west course if you're just now joining us i'm going to be your host kenny harris and beside me is going to be the judge translator and commentator robbie nashida hey guys and we are here at mbc circuit this is like the dreamland for any drifter um i know a couple months back there was a disaster there was a earthquake that there was a you know that affected this this track rat there was a huge landslide i'll talk a little bit about it later but let us go ahead and move along on our qualify so we're going to roll into number 73 so we're halfway through right now so let's leave you at number 73 [Music] [Music] coming into outer zone two and three with a solid finish right there into inside clip one all right so we have to look at the replay carefully again but looks like he was really um on it very exciting when he initiated but after that it kind of fell apart let me go and explain that to you right here he misses outside zone one pretty bad barely makes a round inside clip one right there a huge correction a bobble almost straightening at the transition now we want good rate to angle when you're transitioning or initiating so this might hurt him on the style side as well exactly many of you that have already been watching and staying tuned to us from the start you've seen that that's been the issue right there the outer zone one coming into inside clip one if you're not hitting the right line you're gonna definitely come in either too hot too wide or whatever into inside clip one causing you to kind of have a bobble up into getting into outer zone two and three but two and three to inside clip two i mean these drivers have been knocking those out the park it's just a matter of getting this first half of this course there you go 65 for them yeah the line judge and the angle judge actually he was lacking an angle and uh very shallow on the lines wasn't making it all the way to the outside where he was supposed to be but let's see what he can do for a second run and the next driver right here is car number ninety shinji man um hey man tm labo silent tire jzx 90 mark ii now [Music] yeah so this is actually party's taken to the us last year but uh you went ahead and brushed the dust off and brought it up but this is not the new one this is what he was competing in before the 100 so man definitely destroying some pylons there and hitting those zones but this is nothing this car is nothing new to him so he should be showing out yeah so that looked like a very smooth run i wouldn't say it was as exciting as it should be so the commitment level didn't look as high but very smooth safe very safe but he does also feel the outside zone one does a good job around here looks like he feels outside zone two and three maybe almost one tire off but um definitely a smooth run by uh minoa if there's more flare in it um i would say that he could that was a that was a pretty good put together well put together run with the line and everything he had but yes that's husband of uh masayo right there so he got an 87 in the books they're pretty big drift family though so yeah so i think the big difference between this car and the 100 that he has the hundreds lighter and it's a rear radiator and it's balanced more where this 90 is a lot more basic it has like a stock fuel tank and the front radiator so maybe uh this is like a comfort comfortable car man i'm not sure who's on the screen right now i mean i'm pretty sure the fans do though but it's a number triple five five five five yukio fausto in the sydex japan with sideways experience very exciting driver very very exciting this is his home turf he told me he's gonna show out today and show them what this course is really about so let's see what he's got for us coming into this one right here let's see what kind of excitement he's going to give us there you go the throttle that's smoke non-stop coming through to outer zone two to outer zone three and then finishing off right here with inside foot two for just smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke so that was a very exciting driving that's exactly what we would want to see we want to see a lot of angle thrown to outside zone one he looks like he was a little late uh going into drift after the reverse flick initiation but look at that angle on gas the whole time going through inside clip one outside zone two and outside zone three very exciting driving by yukio fausto this is nothing new though he's all about giving that flare giving that crazy throttle controlled run and just producing as much smoke as he can so yeah i mean he was on the gas he threw the car into outside zone one and after that he was on gas the whole time it's still clearing up so definitely a lot of smoke definitely gonna be rough to follow yeah it's going to be uh very hard to follow we'll see here what the judges have for him there you go our first break in the plateau and hitting in the 90s there you go so the first car that made the 90s is yukio fausto's first run in his sighted sidex japan with sideways experience s15 he's nothing new to you know qualifying first for uh his for the runs so let's see what he could do for his next run and see if he can break that and get up in the high 90s to 100. yeah there's a couple of points that he could pick up actually along the way so we would see him back for the second run but before we go to that we will go ahead and finish up the first run for these drivers next is number 64. yoshimimori you just saw him on the screen and he's with team mori and his s15 powered by a 2j and yes 64. so our oldest driver coming in right here [Music] like i said that second half right there is not any trouble for most these drivers but both inside clips it looks like he came a little bit too hot for him and uh yeah it looks like he washes out he has a correction at in clip one right here initiation average initiation then right here looks like he kind of glides out to inside clip one then uh he kind of gets stuck with trying to look for uh traction after in clip one as well and it looks like he misses the enclips too so definitely going to hurt his score but a fairly smooth run by mori let's see what kind of score he's got i think he's used to the last track with all the outer zones he's not used to these inside clips getting the scores in there you go another view of the pits looks like they're giving a oh let's see 83 right there not bad not bad next coming up to line right now is number 19. uichi i'm a guy right here in the perfect style with good ride s15 he actually had that uh pretty gnarly green s15 it was like a army r olive green darker green but he said he did this for uh more of a sponsor shout out type thing matching his sponsor's colors so yes uh this is another exciting driver to watch let's see what he's got for us right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] man that would have been a pretty sweet run um the last corner at the end clip the second in clip it looks like he almost had to come to a total correction but it was a big mistake but right here nice flick nice flick bomber guy approaches in clip one fills outside zone two and three fairly well and throws a little bit too much angle there and almost does a half spin at the end clip so definitely going to hurt his fluidity portion of the score looks like yukio is pretty happy with his first run team looks pretty happy too judges are getting their scores in a lot of excitement in the pitch right there he's got one more run so i wonder what he's going to you know cook up for us there we go an 85 for amma guy yeah just imagine if he didn't make that mistake at the inclip 2 because that hurt his score a lot on the style side of it so um excited to see what he's going to get for a second run for sure for sure so coming up right here that the line is going to be triple four four four four takatoshi himamaida in his 5x tire navigate pinsky krc sylvia s14 triple four four four four that's four fours i know that he's a triple i broke it down you have to say just triple four period four four four so then you know fill in the void before the engine roar comes flying past me for autozone yeah you could obviously tell we're right above the three between the three two one and outer zone one [Music] throttle here goes right here outer zone one took a different pass there [Applause] inside this one outer zone two taking out all kind of yeah so he did uh fill the outside zone one fairly nicely uh the initiation was nice as well but he did make a major mistake where he did come a little short approaching inside clip one now let's go ahead and check out this replay right here nice flick try to fill up fill outside zone one then right here and now he is offline and he had to find his way to get back on the proper line so that's definitely going to hurt him on the style side of the uh the scoring see what these scores are right here for him yeah i bobbled a little i almost said s15 because i'm just so used to saying s15 no that was a koki s14 right there that but was powered by a 2j yes yeah so um as i said earlier it's really important to leave outside zone one the way you should going into inside clip one you need that smooth line going from outside zone one through inside clip one to outside zone two so let's see what he's gonna do for a second run but next up is obviously you can see on the screen right now is number 770 yusuke kusaba in the team cusco racing a90 supra so he he debuted this last year and we've seen the progression through his uh driving and understanding of this vehicle and how aggressive he slowly is pushing this car into so yeah because he was driving 86 a while back that was his own car and now he's a driver of this cusco a90 supra [Music] can't wait to see what he's going to do out here here he comes right here coming in [Music] a little too hot in the inside clip too right there man he had a really he had a pretty long pause there you'll see right here in this replay all right so right here it looks like he makes the car go sideways but doesn't look like he is running the ankle he wants to and it took him forever to get back on gas because he was looking the perfect spot to get back on the gas after inside clip one or around inside clip one but after that it looks like it was everything went well for the outside zone in the inside clip but the first half of the track is going to hurt his score on the style side of it a tad bit because of the lack of commitment he had going to the inside clip one yeah definitely gonna have to clean that up for his next run but i mean like we were talking about earlier getting a score in the books the main key then yeah you don't come in with too much pressure for your second run yeah so what we want to see we want to we want to see the cars to drift throw a lot of angle on outside zone one we want you to wrap the car around inside clip one hanging it out to outside zone two not driving up to inside clip one then finding your way to outside zone two so that's something that we do not want to see and there you saw it kusaba with a 79 just like imida with a 79 prior two so definitely has a lot of work not a lot of work but he has a lot of tweaking to do for uh his next run rolling up to the line right now is going to be number 125. yoshichika tamagawa here in the car guy racing with kazama auto service jza 80 supra yes it is a supra he is slowly driving to the start line and now this driver is uh kind of a veteran at the japan now and i've seen the supra many times we were talking about i think last time he got that for what free right he said i don't know it was like 500 bucks almost or something like that free or something that was close i mean shoot eat it up everybody 500 somebody's gonna give me an a90 i'm sorry a80 i don't care if it's na auto you know i don't care if it doesn't have a motor i'll take it for 500 bucks so there you go very tough looking car very very colorful colorful uh ramp on this car but like you said he's been in the seat of this car for a while so he definitely knows what he needs to do to make this car perform this breeze feels amazing [Music] coming into the three two one [Music] definitely uh definitely gonna see the replay on that and see what all went on here yeah so right here not a huge flick uh initiation right there a little shy on the angle tries to feel outside zone one but he's outside the one pretty fairly early and right around here does a great job around outside zone two and three and the transition but it looked like he had to um i don't know he didn't maybe is that gonna affect him with that long e break right there out of outer zone three to inside clip two oh yeah definitely i think uh what happened was the car didn't hang out on outside zone or outside zone one as long as he was expecting it to so he had to find his way to wrap the car around in cyclic one and there was definitely a hesitation there going from outside zone one area to inside clip one so i was definitely expecting more out of him i mean he was during practice he was throwing some solid runs so you know coming through qualifying that's when the pressure kicks in so i don't know if it's affecting any of these guys or not but definitely during practice we've seen a lot more out of these drivers there we are with a 76 and he has room to build for that second run yeah definitely he's not a driver that's going to settle with the 76 excited to see a second run and now we are going to car for car number 448 yoshiya isaki with origin level racing s15 sylvia he used to have 360 horsepower at suzuka but i heard that he got or found 60 more horsepower somewhere hey he had three weeks to find it and he obviously found it so he's rolling with 420 horsepower now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] not the cleanest finish you can ask for all right so we're gonna have to check out the replay one more time but i think he made a major major mistake at the end of the track right here um a fairly well initiation going to outside zone one wraps around inside clip one but hesitates and tries to dig himself out of um stalling but right here after in clip one tire goes straight and he just kind of drives right through and you've said it multiple times you have to roll through the finish line exactly whether you spin out right at the finish line or whatever it's still going to affect your overall run with either like this incomplete or not so yeah so he got it incomplete for his first run if he could have finished that um the last corner where the second clip was he definitely would have had a score but not after that hopefully he can get a score down for his second run and better luck then control that extra 60 horsepower yep so next coming up to the lie or at the line right now is number 18. tetsuya right here with the cartess okinawa with noir 200 series crown powered by 2j and you know like i talked about last round his biggest improvement off this car was weight reduction this thing is amazing he was able to plus the doors made and get this thing modified [Music] man he's swinging this thing right here just throttling into outer zone three and inside clip one right there that was a very smooth run by but there's a lot of weight i mean this thing's a lot this thing's a boat it is it looks like it's a long wheel based chassis definitely a lot heavier than some of these cars but look at this very smooth smooth um initiation leaves outside zone one a little early but around inside clip one makes it look very very smooth and fluid through outside zone two and three and then hugging right around for inside clip two man beautiful maneuvering of that car but like i said like this car right here you don't see a 200 series crown on the drift track i don't think ever so it's it's got a lot of modifications done to it and then like i said there's no aftermarket doors or anything for it to help reduce some of the heavy weight that this car has so his team went out his mechanic went out and customized these doors to get them where he needed to be and there you go in 84. yeah that was a very smooth run by iha definitely a lot of room to improve but a very good enough score for the first run um excited to see what he's going to do for a second run rolling out of the the box is coming up is going to be number 17 gin horino right here and his good ride team tops racing with project mu s15 so yes harino is a veteran in fd japan too and i believe he's seen podium before as well it's nothing new to him for sure and i think he's been campaigning this s15 for a couple years now so he should probably know this car like it's the back of his head know this car like the back of his head hand head hand back of his head don't you say that you don't say that i'm wrong it's okay my jab angrish it'll let you know if you're wrong on the chat so you know please correct us we don't know what we're talking about so here we go coming through up to the 3-2-1 right here [Music] pretty clean all the way through yeah it's very smooth run by harino like you said um it doesn't look like he was throwing crazy angle around the car but or around the track but definitely looks good enough and uh i think it's just not he's on throttle it's just not smoking as much so definitely hard to tell but i can see that he is trying so very clean run good transition good fluidity but like we said before he's podiumed he knows what he needs to do and that could that was a good solid lead run if he was leading so points on the board for sure 88 right there boom high 80s is pretty solid it seems like a pretty safe number but let's see if he can get higher up in the in the runnings so getting his tires warm scrubbing them up coming out is gonna be triple eight yes eight 888 kenji yamada with the ladada club racing vl s15 and it is sr powered it's a 2.1 liter and it's uh we asked them what the ladada club was and it's actually a shop a racing shop right it's a shop i guess uh they do aftermarket car part sale normal uh stock um oem car part sales etc so he's actually the driver for the car so well and that's probably a lot of y'all's like question we're naming these sponsors in like these some of them are smaller shops bigger shops that you you familiar with but and his name his nickname is exactly here he comes into outer zone one pulling with the throttle to inside flip one the outer's on two rolling into outer zone three and finishing off right here inside click one nice tuck through inside quick right there i said inside clip one but i meant two but he squeezed right around it all right so there's a couple of things that uh kenji yamada did right here initiation not as hard as a flick makes his way out to outside zone one and around here looks like he shallows up a lot maybe because of the power and the way the track layout is um definitely not the smoothest run that he made um from before but he does have a score that's the biggest thing getting a score in the books so he was our we got nine more up coming up after this but so yeah all these drivers today they didn't get yesterday a lot of them took off yesterday and you know didn't want to waste their time with the rain it was just a torrential downpour they go 83 in the books for them but yeah we had a torrential downpour yesterday and it was just miserable not only for uh the drivers but for us also you know yeah we definitely had our boots on and raincoat and it was very miserable just sitting in the rain and not much cars were running so there was not much action going on we were just doing like you know things that we had to prep for today exactly so next up is going to be number 38 tarahiro in the tanabe ssr team dunlop weld jzx100 mark ii been at every fd japan event he's an og since they started and one of the tallest drivers [Music] here he goes right here [Music] definitely took a different approach there coming out of zone one very fluid smooth run but um let's see i'm gonna have to check that out because of the commitment level like we would like to see a harder flick going into drift when he was initiating he does feel outside zone one very well washes out a little bit here too so he had to definitely find his way back online um going to outside zone two then three not as a hard flick as you said uh going from outside zone two to three but a very clean smooth run by and it's funny because we said that last round is he just does simple clean runs puts his puts himself in the top 32 category and then he pushes on and then he shows what's up during what we're here for hey that's a strategy you know it's like you're you're all these guys yeah everybody wants a call got 82 though so he's in for sure for now but um yes everybody wants to qualify high but you have to also think about trying too hard and ending up going back home with the incomplete or getting a good score or you know getting a mediocre score and not pushing it as hard as you want to or it is and you all can hear the rotary in the background just but next up is triple six six six six shimano in his charri boy style with victor tire um and his s13 one via right here so new livery on his car so let's see what he's got to do in this 2j powered one via so this is one of those uh young upcoming drivers in the series let's see what he's got [Music] [Applause] [Music] outer zone three right there all right so not an aggressive flick at the initiation let's go ahead and check out the replay don't get distracted by the rotary [Music] right here it doesn't look like a high energy entry and he kind of waits to get back on gas as soon as possible but everything else after that looks very smooth oh it feels outside zone two three fairly well and inside clip two and finishes the track so there you go it's crazy the setup of that car is actually what the states would see as a 240sx yeah it's a one via so it's got the 180 sx front end on the silvia and y'all probably already know the silvius cam came with a different front end on the in japan as a coupe then the two 40s i keep forgetting to push the send button on this uh so that's so that's the long delays we're having so 76 right there for him in the books yeah we like to see a little bit more flare in his driving um definitely has a lot more in him so exactly so next up at the line right now is going to be number 80 utah komatsu with komatsu racing in his is350 powered by a 2j it sound like a broken record powered by a 2j hey man but if you say anything the 2j guard is going to definitely come back after you watch what you're 2j power right here coming in through the 3-2-1 a little light on that initiation right there coming in the outer zone or it's like one right there [Music] gonna have to look back at that coming in a little too strong in the inside quick too all right so it looked like the car sputtered right when he was initiating and that kind of threw the car off um the way it was supposed to go um let's go ahead and check this out so not as a strong uh initiation that we were we want to right there almost like a hesitation yeah then kind of leaves outside zone one kind of early but over here makes it look very smooth a little bit of bobble there in front of the outside zone two knocks over the cones but fills outside zone three misses out uh inside clip one so there is a score there but um it looks like he has a lot more in him he threw a run down but yes definitely gonna have to pick it up for his next one next time around for qual his second qualifying run clean car different look don't see too many is 350s there you go 71. don't see too many of those running but pretty much has the same wheel bait will base as a 100 right yeah let me talk about the scores a little bit more too as you saw right now he did get a fairly low score but now the line score was very low he was supposed to get 30 out of uh or he got only 18 out of 30. so i would see because he missed outside zone one and he totally missed inside clip two too so that's five points right there and you can actually lose all of it so if you think about it you have to make sure you know your strong points and weak points try to fill as much zones and try to fill the zones with a lot of angle as much as possible with a lot of flare or it's going to getting you or it's going to get you end up a slightly lower score so essentially just make sure you uh strategize the right way yeah because you don't want to just go hard and miss everything so exactly so next at the line right now is going to be number 36 kazumi takahashi here in the tms racing team cylon tires bmw e39 powered by a one gr e39 it's the e92 bike um [Music] all right this car is exciting to see let's see this [Applause] [Music] that was very beautiful look at the flare that you saw the car spitting out from um initiation let's go ahead and check that out i like that how he was very exciting carl was sideways from initiation check this out a fairly nice flick right there boom a lot of angle good rate to angle fields outside zone one gets close enough for inside zone inside clip one gains angle going outside zone two flicks it pretty hard definitely a very very exciting run very nice from outer zone two to inside clip two right there or outer zone three to inside clip two right there like you said he flicked super hard but he was still able to catch it yeah which we've seen a lot of these guys come too hot and they just kind of wash out we don't want to see we don't want to see somebody drive easy we want to we want to see the drivers drive it hard so if they got to flick the car throw the car to angle there you go points leader right there boom 94. but but then again let's let's roll back to 2020. this isn't anything new to him i mean he podiumed here last year so yeah he did and he was uh the runner-up from last year he was for the series for the series he was with 274 points but here we go right here another crazy loud exciting looking car right here it's gonna be number four tetsuya hibino right here in the lb racing s15 four rotor twin turbo insane car number one uh qualifier last round so let's see what he's gonna do this guy came out in the rain never or didn't practice in the rain at suzuka but the first one he made he got top qualifier explorer in this car at the first event here he comes right here [Applause] [Music] man he came short on outside zone one he made it around and he um he made it work but let's go ahead and check this out right here nice flick exciting but definitely loses a lot of momentum here comes super short and in clip one everything else looks perfect that would have been a very immaculate run but there was a huge mistake leaving outside zone one two inside clip one so man that liberty walk body kit insane awesome car crazy build and trust me he's gonna come back out with you know revenge he's gonna make it happen next time i know they were working on their car so he didn't get probably as much practice as he wanted so that took a lot of his practice time today let's see yeah we were talking about last time there you go 78 yeah i think that's the only but i mean you have to see the potential in that oh yeah it makes it through the outside zone one to the inside clip one a lot cleaner you can only imagine exactly there's no favoritism here it's just we know the potential of not only the car the driver too because we saw it last round taking on uh taking home the number one call qualifier last week or not last week three weeks ago yes i'm pretty sure hubino is a very very um a smart and uh advanced driver he's gonna know what he's have to do for a second run you're definitely right so next up is number 53. um mitsunori yoshimura here in the team mori s15 sr it's another sr powered actually this is uh he ended up let's see what he's gonna do for us for qualifying here coming into outer zone one trying to get over there to inside click one and then get back on the throttle right there seemed a little bobbly throughout the whole run with the throttle yeah definitely not the cleanest run by yoshimura looks like he was having a lot of trouble driving around the track now right here not a huge flurry flick and initiation very safe kind of misses outside zone 1 the last half then around here he struggles to get the car into um drifting motion there not a lot of angle either and just kind of makes it makes his way through the track so not super exciting and not a high energy run but he does get a score and right now our top score is 94 with takahashi so let's see uh we're coming down to after this one we're coming down to our last three drivers see this score coming in there you go 74 4 yoshimura we've been talking about it the whole time if you're in the with the guys in the 70s they definitely have a lot of room to improve and uh definitely got a show out um so next up is going to be number 808 manaba or manabu fujinaka which is the rotary car you were hearing earlier while we were talking with a tcp magic awa tire good ride west [Music] [Music] now they were working on this car and i don't know if that is uh has anything to do with trouble but it looks like it's smoking is that from the exhaust i'm not sure but he is going to get unfortunately a incomplete on this run looks like there was a lot of excitement until he got to right here outside zone two right before he reached outside zone two it looked like he could not get back into drift motion that was our number three finisher last uh at suzuka twin so see if he could collect it together a lot but like you said yesterday all day during the rain his his pit crew was in there just working on the car they were underneath it the whole time so not sure what exactly was wrong yeah yesterday they were talking about the wastegate or they they had the exhaust manifold and then also had to do something with the clutch um so it might be a number of problems and gremlins that are attacking them right now but hopefully they can get everything back together to give them a solid score for or at least a score on the point on the board for next run for his next qualifying run so coming up next is gonna be our number two finisher at uh round one suzuka twin circuit it's gonna be number 15 katsuhiro aguero with vellino tires and his uh 180 sx powered by a vr 38. all right so yeah i guess that was a big trouble for fujinaka right there because he rolled off the track where we can see it with camera but back there in the mountains behind where we can't see i guess he's uh the car had stopped and it cannot drive back to the pits under its own power looks like from here the pits are getting ready oh there you go there's takahashi who qualified first there it is i guess 94. yeah that's another younger driver upcoming driver in japan i guess he's not upcoming because i mean he was already second place last year in the series so he's definitely a contender for this year's series but right there you see katsuhiro uel he said he will win this event he did say that and we all saw the interview too he said he's going to show out and he's ready i'm going to take it but you know what yeah all these drivers are capable of doing that so this car is a beast too i mean vr 38 i mean monster car it's very loud it's very exciting it's very smoky [Music] [Music] [Applause] definitely a different [Music] ooh approach huge correction like we said you got to finish all the way through that finish line but man from the start it didn't seem like a normal run that he usually ran yeah um initiation there was no flare there was no flick he kind of just went into it right there very shallow not much uh throttle right there kind of missed outside zone one misses out inside uh clip one gets back on gas from here but right over here after he does cook his tires it looks like he over rotates and the car is opposite drift going through the finish line so we have to definitely give him a complete man that's like last events second and third place drivers got a zero or an incomplete for their first qualifying run what is going on here in ebisu is this is this andrew gray's way of is he haunting everybody because he's not here or exactly he's probably out there watching though and probably very upset that he's not here you know in his car showing out this is his home turf so yeah and the other drivers that we will always talk about because last year they couldn't make it out here because of the whole kovit too man mike uh neon benjamin uh matthew hill and i heard that there was supposed to be more other drivers trying to make their way into ft japan from foreign countries too but this whole clova thing needs to just hurry up and chill i know it's very unfortunate last year was a scrub for them and it was a scrub kind of for us because we only uh we had to cut short last year yeah we couldn't do the last event which was this guy right here this guy right here you know he last three weeks ago he was our winner of suzuka twin circuit and he's also the champion from last year and i think he was happy because if we did suzuka last year he would have won the event i mean you know it would have technically speaking he won the event so so the scores last year here it is he got a 280. [Music] [Music] taking out both pylons right there coming in inside quick nice sweep through inside clip one rolling into outer zone two to three and just owning every bit of that zone that it could offer to him so right there our number one or our champ last year and the number one for round one right there so that was uh yeah very aggressive driving um he drives aggressively but today it looks a lot aggressive because he was like knocking over all the cones and stuff but style point-wise it was pretty good nice flare and nice flick initiation and it looks very nice where he was uh made the car flick really hard from outside zone two to three very exciting and on gas most of the time and we didn't even get to talk about his car but yeah so last round if you weren't here for our last uh round his car is new i mean they pretty much stripped it all the way down built it back up and they put a brand new team weld body kit wide body kit on there that car looks beautiful amazing build amazing car and an awesome look at that night two points he is following takahashi by two points last year's champion shows up and says hey you know what i'm not going to make qualifying easier for you guys came in got a 92 point on his first run let's see if he's gonna up that from a 92 and maybe higher for the second run now let's go ahead and go so yamasha actually finished last year second place here at ebisu circuit west course so we'll see what he's gonna do this time especially with the number two qualifying run yeah these guys definitely know what they're doing um this might be one of a lot of drivers favorite tracks here at evie west since this isn't a track that you can readily always use it's not um there's not a whole lot of advantage to some drivers especially the team droopy they're all the way down south 13 hours away so yeah you're definitely right on that yeah they look like they did a fairly good job for the qualify too but i'm not having them with sea time here hey hey marina you got something for us not sure if she can hear or not this home [Music] [Music] noise [Music] all right that was marina over there giving us an interview with yukio fausto the part that i did understand was he uh was going for the top qualifying spot but he ended up getting a 90 for his first run definitely wants to go higher um on his second run and he said he is going to be gunning for a 95 point run for a second run and after that you guys knew what he said they challenged you there exactly i could translate english and japanese but not portuguese but he definitely had a shout out for his fans and if you guys want to tell us what he was saying hey we're watching you right here yeah maybe he was saying you know the judges don't know what they're doing or you know something but uh before we get to more detail what he was talking about let's go ahead and take a short break and we will be right back for the second run of the qualifying [Music] [Music] is [Music] and [Music] yokohama [Music] casio [Music] [Music] okay [Music] made in japan breed what's up guys it's freddie gospel and i use rsr suspension on all my drift cars i love rso eo rsr ichiban then toto coxins oh [Music] [Music] motifs [Music] [Music] my [Music] um the brightness call brilliant [Music] is [Music] you [Music] yokohama [Music] casio [Music] [Music] uh [Music] made in japan breed what's up guys it's freddie gospel and i use rsr suspension on all my drift cars i love rsr eo rsr ichiban [Music] oh [Music] malty [Music] uh [Music] [Music] um the brightness call brilliant validity [Music] all right we're back here oh he's taking lead there you go no we're back here but before we get back to the qualify we just wanted to fill you guys in what happened here at ibiza circuit couple months ago there was a huge earthquake in northern japan ebisu west course right here where we're at there was a big landslide and i'm pretty sure you've seen videos and stuff like that we have to thank all the people that actually joined and helped out and donated and every circuit would like to thank everybody very much for coming together there you go right there look at that at the top right there that's where driftland is and that's where it pretty much started from and it came down and took out a good portion of west horse or nishi course took out buildings took out the access road even oh yeah the the the little room that we used to chill at that's all gone exactly um there's a mangled uh ambulance back there too but they moved 30 000 tons of dirt they just pushed it back they pushed it back so this track is not fully functional just our area um where we can drift where we can do the burnout blocks and everything they moved it so that we can actually have this event right here yeah that's four months of progress but you got to realize ibisu is located in the mountain area so it's not like right there next to like a giant city or anything so they had to bring machinery out here all that stuff just to move all the dirt and material that was left over from that landslide but that was what a 7.3 i believe yeah or something like that magnitude earthquake and it was about six here because it happened off the coast of fukushima they definitely wanted to shout out and say thank you to everybody who joined the gofundme and the fundraisers that they had and the donations thank you thank you thank you and right here the next runner up is going to be car number 56 naoto suenara which is a veteran driver in drifting and he's also an employee here so there you go coming in with his s15 powered by a 2j we're actually back at the top of the qualifying list this is everybody's second front he's coming around the outer zone two taking that island all the way over with a ride for him to the finish right here through yeah so it looked like he came a little short online at the end clip but let's go ahead and check out the replay again his flair and excitement right here at the flick at the beginning is very nice tries to feel outside zone two and right here looks like he comes a little short on line and he drags the inside clip he doesn't reach outside zone two all the way to the outside feels outside zone three fairly well and in clip 2 and finishes off so he finished off with an 85 his first qualifying run so let's see if uh he gained a little bit off of that but he was our our leader for a good portion of these uh drivers and 85 is a solid run at the end of it all yeah so i don't know if it's going to be as good as his earlier run because of um i'm not sure how much the line judge is going to ding him for that and definitely um had to come short and he had to uh dig himself out of his situation where he was a little too close on the inside clip one area so he did lose a lot of momentum but he's still got 85. 85 being consistent boom 85 right there next is going to be number 57. kanta yanaguida which i messed that up last time i didn't say yana you did it yeah perfect right now he's also an employee here he's an employee here with team orange junior um in his s14 sylvia powered by an sr he's not really new to the drift scene or anything he's very young 21 years old up and coming and everything but he's not new to the scene he does like d1 lights i think and some other series he competed in fd uh japan several years ago in a different team [Music] yeah we're gonna have to check that out one more time it looks like his initiation was slightly late too feels outside zone one and right here he struggles to get the car going very shallow throws too much angle here then he almost comes to a half spin he doesn't look like it's going to be an incomplete but definitely going to hurt him on his angle and style score from the major mistake that he made definitely saved himself there at the end but he got a 77 on his first score i don't know that end part right there hopefully it didn't you know affect and he can get a little bit of point improvement off of that last score he had but like we were saying he is an employee here out in ibizu so this course is nothing new to him 75 so definitely got affected there let's see coming up next is going to be number 55 yeah uh what's i wonder what the bubble is right now because i think 10 since we have 42 drivers only 32 are going to be uh making it due for tomorrow's qualif uh tomorrow's tandem so i think 10 drivers are going to actually be going home low 70s are definitely on that uh that edge of that bubble but next coming up is going to be number 55. toshiharu kazumar here with team kazumo with power vehicles owner of kazuma um and driving this jzx100 chaser yep and once again looks exactly uh like the power vehicles andrew gray jzx100 which he's not here because he was in close contact with the kovitz [Music] [Applause] [Music] but it looked like a little stutter there at the end yeah so the initiation wasn't as sharp it should be um right here he kind of gets into um actually misses outside zone one and he has to dig himself out of that inside clip one here very shallow then throws a lot of angle towards the end but misses outside zone two big bobble right there at the inside zone two so not the cleanest run that we've seen him do so he got a 76 on his first run probably going to get affected by some of those corrections he was making see what the judge had to see before his score comes out we got number 22 at the line atsushi right here in the team professor auto s15 there you go 71 for his score so a little drop in his score see if 76 can hold him through the top 32 but yeah like i was talking about watchy's car right here man if if we could just get the camera closer to it and see the insane paint job that he has like his all his canards and everything have like candy paint candy green flake paint to it he's all about the green very beautiful exciting driver let's see this improvement right here for this second qualifying run [Music] definitely kind of missed out on a lot of fluidity there throughout his run and was kind of back and forth yeah it ended up being slightly sloppier um than i'm pretty sure he was expecting but here we go right here nicely going over there uh going out to the outside zone one looks like he leaves the zone a little early shallows up right there but makes his way to the outside zone two and right there there's a slight bobble going to inside clip 2 as well so definitely not a cleanest run by him i think i think those are his first pylons he's hit all day let's see what the judges have for him like i said he got a 74 on his initial uh first qualifying run 74 is kind of on that outer bubble to make it to the top 32 so it's gonna really be coming down to some of these individuals that got zero runs zero on their uh first qualifying run or an incomplete scores are getting put in right [Music] now yeah so it looks like um coming out with a 72 so a little a little less than what he initially got so 74 is what he's banking on so not sure if it'll get them there but let's hope and uh next coming up to the line is going to be number 408 shoya saito with the car guy racing 180sx talking about it earlier this is actually his dad's was his dad's car handed it down to him has a 2j in it before he was rocking an s15 powered by an sr so now he's got a little bit more oomph under the pedal and uh let's see what he's going to do for us got a 79 on his initial qualifying running driving here [Applause] [Music] that's gonna have to uh get a second look for that yeah we're gonna have to go ahead and check out that replay but i don't know um let's see i don't know what happened there it looked like his rev isn't high enough where the car just corrected and it gripped up a little bit too much after in clip here this is where the rpm drops so if you kind of there you go you have to cut in um to get the car kicked out again so definitely going to be an incomplete but that's one area that's really tricky for some of these drivers where um there's a big difference in um there's a big difference in how the car is coming into the in-clip going to the outside zone 2 and the momentum there there's a big difference there it drops the momentum of the car coming in hot to outside zone one so somewhere you got to watch out for and i know these drivers are careful but um yeah the car did correct and he did get an incomplete so he's gonna have to hold on to that 79 point run yeah so let's see uh up next is going to be his dad number 328 chinichu saito in his car guy racing brand new a90 supra powered by 2j clean build clean car upgrade he got a 61 on his first run it looked like something was going on with it very [Applause] [Music] and loud of washing out on out inside clip two but it just kind of reflected his first run a little bit yeah it looks so the car looks like it's a little twitchy and it doesn't look like he does or the car doesn't seem like it wants to throw a lot of angle right here initiation as you said very low energy initiation not much angle going through outside zone one misses inside clip one and right here too just kind of powers over it gets on gas and tries to make it out to outside zone two or three but does not make it all the way out definitely definitely looks like he's trying to get the kinks out of the car and really understanding it yeah then the whole time the car doesn't look like it's stable so i think he's just fighting something right now or trying to get used to the car as quickly as possible but i have to say right now is probably not the time to try to get used to the car because i mean all these other guys are going for it so exactly transitioning from you know outer zone one to that inside clip losing that kind of that momentum that he has well he scored a little bit higher he got a 63 so initial one was 61. yeah i think um most definitely if he can um make the car reach outside zone two and three and um tighten up inside clip and throw a little bit more angle i mean there will be a huge progress in his score but 63 might be yeah 63 might not make that cut but we'll see here but coming up next is going to be number 33 junia ishikawa in the hiroshima toyota team droopy 86 powered by one gr right here [Music] trying to get some of that flare that he pushes out yeah it looks like the initiation on this one was a lot better there's a lot of adjustments going from outside zone one to in clip one let's go ahead and check this out nice flick there tries to make it all the way out and tries to hang out at outside zone one and um doesn't get right back on gas um approaching inside clip one so he's kind of waiting to probably look for grip so he can mash on the gas and make the car flow through outside zone two and three but definitely a clean run by ishikawa um looking forward to seeing what he's gonna get for this run having an initial 85 point run for his first qualify let's see what they're gonna give him for the second right there definitely heard him staying high on his rpms there that's a cool logo the fd logo and it's the fd japan logo it's like the japanese uh flag oh yeah the yeah the rising sun dot yeah the rising sun dot let's see what we got for the school but you can see the transition i was talking about that's inside clip one see how it dips that's where uh what is it masayo minoa she spun out right there yeah that is an area 86 one point higher there you go moving in the right direction mid-80s seems pretty safe so definitely uh excited to see what he has for his lead runs hey i think that's uh inside clip two no that's that was inside clip too they didn't know that yeah that was that was inside clip one for sure well at the line now is gonna be number 99 matsukawa yeah let's talk about something else now kenny i know yeah and everybody's favorite drift car and another droopy member right here with the 85 but um came short to the end clip and didn't feel outside stone one at all and don't get it twisted he does that every time he comes wild every time if he could extend it a little bit more on outside zone one that would have been a really cool or that would have been cool angle going through inside clip one and i just heard the japanese uh commentators they were talking about too his practice runs it looked like he was um driving harder actually he looked like he would he was able to pull off something like that actually make it all the way all the way through so most definitely most definitely definitely pushing the car to limit at one point i think his exhaust was falling off yeah but you know what he literally drives it like he stole it you can do that a hundred times at practice but you have to do it so yeah show up to qualifying with that good run so look at all those flags look at the pits nbc west course i gotta thank everything circuit for tightening this place up so we can actually have this event they were working like around the clock i wish we had footage of how bad the storm was yesterday and you could have seen the mud river coming down and they made sure that they prevented it from getting on the track getting anything wrong with the track during that time so awesome job by then but up at the line right now is number 23 yuji saito it is with toyota or a total car shop littered here in his vr 38 s15 [Music] all of outer zone ones inside clip one had of correction coming into outer zone two right there it looks like a little bobble and then hugging around and finishing off strong there all right it was a very exciting run up until after inside clip one let's go ahead and check out the replay has an 81 right now for his first qualifying right here nice flick and he actually hits the outside clip cone then washes out a little bit after on inside clip one right there then it was almost like that was almost like a straight straightening um a big big correction for him in front of the outside zone too so we will have to take that in consideration of um but i don't think you could say it enough right there if he would have came in the right a or right i don't know if he would say right line for uh inside clip one he would have been set up perfect and it wouldn't have had that little hesitation coming out of it into outer zone two so most definitely he showed aggression but maybe too much progression yeah but looks like he does have it in him where he can uh definitely do a very immaculate run uh just not this time though so he's gonna hang on to his 81 point where that should uh get him through for tomorrow for tomorrow's uh top 32 yeah top 32 yeah like i was saying this is his first round of the season so new car new everything and this driver right here car number 720 masafumi watanabe with lavka team tcs boone factory 23 jzx 110 mark ii as we were talking earlier this is the only mark ii jzx110 mark ii that is in our series right now and this was a brand new building [Music] let's see let's see they'll show us it something different here so missed outer zone one right there trying to come around don't like that part right there i don't like that inside clip on to outer zone 2 but man it's definitely uh destroying some of these people's run so he had an incomplete for his first run and i'm not sure if this is looking too hot for him right now yeah it looks like he's gonna have to get a little bit more comfortable in his car let's go ahead and check him out from the initiation right there okay flick but totally misses outside zone one and right here just cannot grab a gear or cannot get keep the car in drift motion where the car corrects really hard in front of outside zone two definitely is going to be an incomplete because we have to see the driver do a chasable lead run and if it's an unchasable he run it's going to be an incomplete very unfortunate so yeah watanabe is definitely not going to be pushing on the top 32 beautiful car beautiful build um but it's just a matter of time you know improvement over time getting some more seat time in is definitely what he needs to do to make sure he can understand that big beast he's driving yeah well this is the only or this is only around two out of six he has four more rounds to show everybody what he's got definitely somebody to watch out for in the near future for sure for sure there you go that's the pits of yukio fausto everybody's on their phones yes that's 20 21 for you everybody's on their phone exactly i i'm not because i can't right now because i'm too busy talking writing and watching you say that and i'm on my phone well you're watching comments thanks for all the comments guys uh we are definitely looking through it we cannot get back to all of them but let's enjoy this run by satayama or number 330 with team m2 racing in this chaser right [Music] [Applause] here something sound right there i don't know it popped out of gear couldn't find the gear definitely was bringing some heat and that's unfortunate because he had an incomplete run for his initial run yeah so he had an exciting run or a few exciting runs at practice but it looks like he was having transmission issues right now looks like a mechanical issue so he is going to be bowing out from um this round two i think he didn't make it into um the tandem and i know this driver is an animal behind the wheel at tandem so we definitely want to see him go against other cars um for the main day but once again today he got two incompletes in a row his weekend is over for now so i hope to see him at round three and better look next time that's the thing he literally risks it like right there he could he didn't he had an incomplete run he could have totally just played it safe but he's here for the fans he wants to show out very unfortunate but uh like you said he'll be hopefully here for round three and show us what he's got so next coming up is gonna be number 37. katsuhiro meguro in his issan goodride kyushu jzx100 mark ii scored a 72 in his initial qualifying run this is gonna be his first full season but he definitely has a lot of experience behind the wheel very experienced driver behind a very comfortable car i mean jzx chassis s15s they are very very popular among drifters and this is the car to have especially when you want to pop a 2j in it get a lot of steering angle i mean even factory it's like jump in it and go yeah even my man right here kenny has a gtx 100 mark exactly [Music] washed out a little bit [Music] just touching a little bit into the inside clip too yeah i saw a major mistake by meguro right here let's go ahead and see he is he did a nice flick but he does totally miss outside zone one right there then right here it the camera changed but he definitely had a huge correction um we are not gonna incomplete that but uh that's gonna that's gonna affect his score a lot because that was not a smooth run he got a 72 so let's see if he can get something get a little bit more out of it we'll see everybody's trying to throw a shout out so where there where's everybody uh watching from i'm right here i mean i see a lot of brazil flags but let's see what i got that was coming indonesia came in 69 for 69. he's going to hang on to the 72 point run here for the first run oh okay 69 yep there you go i'm watching this oh let me get back to you here we go coming up next at the line is going to be number 283 tsubasa takizawa in the zeknova japan superstar channel like we said before he has a youtube channel called superstar channel go check it out and his jzx100 mark two [Music] almost hitting that one clip knocking that bumper off right there on the cyclip don't run it over that was a very smooth run yeah and i was about to say whoa expecting high scores right here but man i mean uh that was a very smooth entry by takizawa where is his bumper hangs a lot of angle fills outside 01 fairly well gets too close to inside clip one which knocks his bumper off and right here right at transition the bumper gets eaten under the car and that basically washed him out that's the thing that's the biggest fun amount for yeah that's your biggest nightmare is when it just washes under you and you're coming into a transition and then you hit a you're grinding on a bumper i did that before and after i did that i definitely started to mount my bumper better but i mean there's i don't see any pieces of it anymore literally yeah like he just like totally it looked like the car like literally yeah it consumed the bumper very unfortunate but hey he got an 80 on his first run so he's probably going to be pushing on top 32 because 80 seems like a solid score for right now oh never mind he took most of the bumper i see him over here behind the judging stand but half of the bumper keeps lodged inside yeah yeah i would not want to be that bumper right now seeing all this love from all over the world and let's go ahead and give car number 41 sheen to him some love two right here in the team hirono tire uemura sangio ias jcx100 chaser got a 76 on his initial qualifying ride but let's see what he's going to do for us i mean 76 isn't quite a solidified run right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that the danger zone i guess you can call it i mean that's it sounds like i don't know if it's man clutch is bad it didn't sound like the car was trying to it didn't sound like the car was trying to go yeah it was barely spinning the tires and it was trying to launch forward it sounded really weird and like even right here i don't know if it's an axle um oh no well i mean both the tires spinning too so i don't know i don't know what i'm talking about but but then again that's that area that'll some of these drivers not all of them but some of these drivers are struggling on coming from inside clip one to outer zone two it's like that hesitative correction that they're getting i don't know if it's because of that you know that drop down that we were just talking about well i think it's i think it's um how you place your car and how much angle you have and how deep you go into outside zone one that really counts a lot because that basically sets you up for running a good line through inside clip one and outside zone two so not what you want not not exactly what he wanted to do but he's gonna have to settle with his one no you got a zero on that one yeah he got a 76 on his initial one yeah sorry we're moving on to number five uh tomoki tanaka here in the v style good flight with tetsujin and his jzx100 chaser [Music] finding that throttle right there in the outer zone two to three and then into inside clip one right there had a little hesitation coming out outer zone but definitely when he found that gas pedal he definitely didn't let go yeah so it looks like a very wild ride um driven by a wild driver tanaka right here initiation not a huge rate to angle leaves outside the one a little early nice angle through inside clip one and right here it looks like the car was hesitant and he was trying to dig himself out of that situation misses outside zone two but the rest of the track fairly uh well so let's see what he will get so we got an 82 initially let's see uh if that was enough to push him a little bit higher there's another view where we're at there's me there's all of us with our hands up there's me yeah you're on the screen oh there you go it's an 80. boom 80. so uh dropped a little bit so he'll have to stick with an 82 on his qualifying for this round at the line right now is number 93 monkey ito in the hirano tire jzx100 chaser got an 85 for his initial qualifying run yeah i remember it was a really smooth run it was it was so let's see if he's gonna make it [Music] oh [Music] he brought some heat coming into outer zone one for sure but he definitely lost rpm there and had to dig himself out of that situation again it does happen a lot but then he looked like he was throwing a lot of angle going after outside zone one check this out he fills outside zone one very nice well hits the cone with the rear tire then right here if there was a lot of angle then i could hear him you know clutch kicking trying to get his rvm open he couldn't make it so no momentum through there the inside clip but he does he is sitting on an 85 so pretty solid with an 85 uh should be definitely good to move on to top 32. see that's the thing that's probably my hatred toward inside clips is right there is that drop in like rpms and everything and like the last course we were the track it was a nice i'm not personally i'm not um a fan of inside clips because it's you can kind of just close the line even when you're tandeming you're basically closing the line um and you're cutting off the car that's chasing you too so that's where the gap happens as well so um yes but let's talk about good stuff because he's gonna give us some good stuff right here number 963 daichi mizutani right here in the mizutani jirosha s15 sr20 all you sr fans out there boom cheer him on because he is going to look at this [Music] here he comes coming in at three two [Applause] [Music] zone two and one closing it in to the finish right there out of uh the inside clip two right there i would have to say that's a lot more exciting than his first run let's go ahead and check out this replay i like the flare and the excitement that he had high energy run uh made by mizutani let's go and see this nice flick right here doesn't feel outside zone one as much as he should but right here throws good angle drives around outside inside clip one knocks up one of the cones fills outside zone three well and cuts in for outside our inside clip two so very um not as fluid but very exciting driving and then had a 81 for his initial qualifying run so let's see if the tweaks that he made are enough giving a little bit more flair but sacrificing a little bit of his uh what is his line 81 it is oh so he must have lost something because honestly i gave him three more points in style than his first run so he must have lost three points so right there he went for the flare and lost something so probably the line yes yeah you just said it right there so it's a it's an equation you gotta really figure out so next up is number 61. kazuki hayashi here and the good ride works s15 powered by 2j that's that's very interesting to see how this works because us as judges [Music] [Music] almost went a little too deep into inside clip two definitely an exciting uh run but not as clean as um it should be got an 87 though so he definitely was just putting it out there like you said he had the excitement but maybe got too exciting so right there nice flick but he actually dips the tire out from the track uh tried to fill out inside outside zone one right here it's kind of wobbly there was a bobble there going to outside zone two and it looks like that area caught him as well so not as fluid as he should be there you go a nice look at the pits right there so pretty much everything after that building was knocked out there was more continuous building and i think four more pits after that yeah and they got taken out so 79 so definitely gonna have to stick with his first score of a 87. so coming out of the scrubbing his tires we got number seven yamamoto or junji yamamoto in the 5x 2j powered fd fd3s project and yes this is not a rotary this guy was driving a two-rotor orange fd up until 2019 sat out for a whole year to build this car last year and he is back for the 2021 season with the 2jz fd and this is the second round he is driving it at so talk about the comfort maybe it is the same car but definitely a different response so a lot of things might be different so you got an 85 on his first run so he's probably gonna come out and show out so let's see what he's going to do right here coming into outer zone one definitely showing a lot more flare right here [Music] not getting caught up in that danger zone rolling into another zone three and finishing off in the inside quick one right here see this replay let's go and check out this replay [Music] right here a very exciting drive very exciting driving by yamamoto right here he looks like he tries to throw he has to shallow up at the in clip a little bit more and a lot some correction there when he gets closer to the end clip but definitely an exciting um definitely exciting run by yamamoto in a brand new build car yep you know and i'm pretty sure there's not much data out there because i don't think there's too many uh i know there are but there's not too many drifting fds with two j's in them so so we got an 84 he's going to stick with his initial qualifying run with an 85 which seems pretty solid at this point let's see coming up to the line now is going to be number 13. uh it's going to be yasuhiro takaki right here and the t squares with dgr good ride t-square origin lava 180 sx powered by an sr 2.1 liter got an 89 on his initial run so i think he doesn't really have much to lose here to just put it all out on the line so let's see what he's gonna do for us yeah i'm pretty sure what he is gunning for is to get his score up so he can be in the 90s he's probably gonna give he's gonna he's probably gonna give it his all [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little bit too [Music] a much mistake made by takaki but he is sitting on a 89 point run for his first qualifying run so that was a challenge that he did want to do to try to up the score right there a little bit of a rotation if that didn't happen it could have been a very exciting high angle run so luckily he's on an 89 so he's going to be pushing on to top 32 and moving on here shortly still in the in the tires warmed up here but yeah it's insane the amount of work they got done out here but luckily you know with the earthquake and everything the tohoku safari park which is if you've been here before is pretty much in the center of you know the drift park itself none of the animals got hurt or anything like that they were good but this was the only area that got damaged in ebisu i think there was some damage at other areas but not this big yeah not the uh i'm pretty sure they had like cracked ass balls tree fall here or something and stuff like that but man i just couldn't believe when that happened uh everybody was worried about you know what's going to happen and make sure that nobody got hurt anymore the outpour of concern was insane and then people were quick to be like hey what can we do to help what do we donations whatever whatever but you know everything was calm collective and then uh they figured everything out what they needed to make everything happen yeah look at us now four months later to be honest i mean i was getting a little worried because it was like hey you know what it's getting close i thought they're gonna have to push back this round um and give it more time to get everything situated but nope mr circus said you know what we're still gonna hold this event we're gonna make it happen yeah we'll make sure that you guys are well taken care of and yes we are taken care of right here and now we're sitting here watching car number 168 masayo minoa making her second run completed [Music] [Applause] [Music] just like her previous run that inside clip definitely affected her but but you'll see right here on that initiation it just wasn't aggressive even through practice two and her first run it just doesn't look like everything is lined up for her because right here late initiation not aggressive um kind of misses outside zone one and right after here i don't know if she's in the wrong gear or couldn't get her rpm up car corrected and lost drift so definitely gonna be an incomplete for her second run as well sad to see um people not being able to compete for the tandem tomorrow it caught us off guard one of the drones just kind of like it's hit passes oh did it did it is it no it's in the grass it sits past us and dipped straight into the grass oh man i thought i was getting attacked by aliens right now for a second luckily i hope that's not expensive okay so let's go in and see what happens with the drone but let me go ahead and show you guys a few commercials before we get back to it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yokohama [Music] casio [Music] [Music] um [Music] made in japan breed what's up guys it's freddie gospel and i use rsr suspension on all my drift cars i love rso eo oh so [Music] mortise [Music] [Music] [Music] the brightness called brilliant validity [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yokohama [Music] casio [Music] [Music] [Music] made in japan breed what's up guys it's freddie gospel and i use rsr suspension on all my drift cars i love rso eo rsr ichiban oh [Music] motifs [Music] [Music] [Music] the brightness call brilliant valenti [Music] and we are back here at the g-shock presents formula drift japan 2021 round two here in fukushima prefecture at ebisu circuit west course or also known as nishi course yes this place has been through so much and now it's back on his feet we're back here doing an event beautiful spectators but beautiful weather i cannot ask for any more it's nice and cool nice for the cars exactly gave a little overcast to us so beautiful skies we're halfway through the second portion of qualifying so qualifying we already went through one round of it now we're second round halfway through the list so got about 21 more drivers up and co at the line right now waiting is number 73 ikuo saito in his west auto with good ride jzx100 chaser and this this man right here he wasn't he took a year off but he's back and he's ready to perform got a unfortunate 65 for his first run so let's see if he's really uh true to his word about performing yeah and there you can see he is waiting to have the starter mr kuroda which is our starter saw him laid him off so now he is on his way for his second qualify run oh man coming in hot all right so i have not seen that yet i've seen hoods pop open but i've never seen the whole hood jump off right there look at that that thing flew up like what i thought i was watching 20 feet i thought i was watching like a nascar race there for a second there you go you can see his 2j really well right now but man unfortunate because number one he did not finish his run number two there's a rule in fd where you cannot have anything that's latchable open such as hoods trunks doors hatches anything that's latchable needs to be closed and unfortunately saito's car the hood opened and not sure how that happened but yeah it is crazy because usually or all these cars out here have a hood clip so it's kind of weird yeah so maybe he didn't close it all the way but i think i think the starter usually tries to check yeah um but you know obviously it's not some of these can be hard to see yeah and you know maintenance and stuff like that isn't you know the track workers um responsibility either so car needs to be sent off in a safe um form uh to be able to finish the run and you know latches and things opening up is definitely an incomplete so so let's see if let's see if shinji manoa number 90 can start us off right here in his heyman tm lavo cylon tires jzx90 so he is in a jzx100 previously but he had engine issues and he and he uh ahead and rushed off the bus off with jzx90 which surprisingly this car actually got shipped out last year to fd in the us but unfortunately because of kobet he was unable to make any of the events and it actually just got shipped back not too long ago so very familiar car he competed in 2019 in it previous other year so podium plenty of podiums a few times so very clean smooth run by minoa right here um the car looks very fluid and the the pace of the car kind of keeps going he does hit that uh he does clip that second cone on the third outside zone but definitely a very smooth run got an 87 on his initial run so we'll see if uh he boosted his score up a little bit that was a very smooth run but a style judge point of view there isn't that flare yeah it's very clean very clean and professional run speaking of flair next driver larry driver right here there is his crew right there you saw them cheering him on but before we go into there you go 88 so point higher moved in the right direction so we were talking about a flurry exciting driver right here this is the second run fausto yukio in his side x japan with sideways experience s15 sylvia packed with the 2jz got a 90 on his initial qualifying run and i'm sure he's shooting for the moon on this one yeah earlier at the interview he said he was going for a 95 maybe even higher this guy has a heavy heavy right foot so let's go ahead and check him out [Music] [Music] finishing off [Music] outer zone two to three transitioning into inside clip two right there all right exciting driving but i think it was a little bit more sloppier than his first run right here he doesn't feel outside zone one as well a lot of good angle but he washes out in between inside clip one and knocks over the first cone for the outside zone two fills outside zone three very well misses inside clip two um by a bunch right there too so um a lot of uh throttle throughout the track but he did get stuck out there getting washed out after the inside clip one so not so fluid um as a style judge 10 man look at the look at that still a lot of smoke though still isn't cleared up but man this chat is blowing up for him i'm pretty sure he's going to see this later so see he got a 90 initially let's see if uh he could move in the right direction toward that 95 he wanted or granted 90 is good enough he's still going to move on top 32 but gotta take take more yeah that was uh this driver has very good showmanship he does all he wants oh yeah lion judge too um he did not do so well as good as his first run but he always said you know he's like oh shout out to his brazilian fans too so he says go brazil exactly what he told me to say last event too so so he will be moving on to top 32 for sure and hopefully he'll show out whenever it comes to the tandem battle tomorrow so keep that in mind to stay tuned to us top 32 top 16 tomorrow and let's go ahead and see if this guy is going to make it in car number 64 age 64. team ori yoshimi mori right here and it's s15 powered by a monster pj here he comes coming into the three two one got an 83 on his initial qualifying run [Music] all right there's a lot of commitment right there um the way he was driving he looked like he was uh driving the car very aggressive let's go ahead and check this out not a huge flick at initiation kind of misses outside zone one kind of misses the inside clip but a lot of throttle throughout here looks like he does the transition a little bit too early so he doesn't feel the outside zone three two but definitely a lot of effort right there um a lot of commitment by jimmy 64. i hopefully my body is decent enough to either just drive a car or get into a car i think you could drive a car when you're 64. i don't know i think i think 64. come on all right so those of you out there that are in the 60s watching this i don't know how you feel about kenny's piano can't drive a car where you go 74. hey so 83 he'll keep that and run with it hey with the amount of albentos and everything you know if you've been to japan you've had some good food here usually it's carb based but still yeah i could probably roll into a car then at 64. no you go to the gym though i know where it's at i just what sorry about silence guys but i think kenny's really really thinking about his diet right now let's push on and forget about my diet too but it looks like it looks like the 83 should be good enough to put morty in oh yes most definitely tandem so we'll see him tomorrow and see who he's going to go against but let's go ahead and see who uh or where uh omar guy is going to end up after this run right here for a second qualifying initial was an 85 let's see what he's gonna do he always comes out with some flair so let's see what he's going to finish off right here and see if we can get through [Music] telling you inside clip to outer zone two that was a see the replay here i'm not a judge i just say what i see right here nice flick feels outside zone one gets really close to inside clip one gets near outside zone two and three doesn't look like he goes all the way out but looks close enough a lot of throttle throughout um the track but as a style judge definitely would like to see a little bit more uh throttle going from outside zone one through outside zone two um especially because a lot of yeah a lot of guys want to lift a little bit because they're waiting for the car to gain traction yeah um 84 right there we want to see a lot of throttle with a lot of angle too so they shallow up and kind of wait a little but very nice job yeah 84 solid run eight he'll push with an 85 and uh get it from there get it get it so the next car is going to be four four four triple four takatoshi in his 5x tire navigate pesky krc s14 silvia that's 14 silvia that's 14. guys it's not kooky it's cookie cookie just like bread and bread like these sweet ones we're sitting in these colorful ones we've got the colorful ones this time if you notice yeah here he comes into 3-2-1 got a 79 on his initial qualifying run [Music] definitely [Music] he was coming in for a good finish but right there it probably came a little too hot into uh inside clip one and we're gonna have to go ahead and check out this replay but um a nice flick from imam maida leaves outside zone one a little early gets close to inside clip one then kind of washes out misses outside zone two flicks it really hard through outside zone three then right there so it looks like he does looks like he does uh past the finish line and doesn't straighten completely but definitely not gonna look good on his style score and angle score at the end of the track so we'll see if he'll uh it'll give him a better score than the 79 he produced for his first qualifying run yeah as a style judge i'm not sure because that major mistake that he made towards the end and also in between include one and outside zone two is really going to hurt his score um but he has a 79 that's a high 70 so should be safe but you know i don't know i don't even know where the bubble's at right now 73 so yeah he'll roll with a 79 into uh whether or not he'll slide or take a slot for top 32 but like you said i saw earlier on the screen is next is gonna be 770 yusuke kusaba in the team cusco racing a90 supra and yes like these comments say it is a supra powered by a 2j though and uh he's actually improving a lot every round and he's getting used to the car and the development of the cars um it's there cusco cusco's really working on this car but here we go [Applause] [Music] also his initial run he definitely wants a lot more you can tell the way he's controlling this track in that car all right so it looks like he has a lot of angle um but it does not look like he makes the car it doesn't go all the way to outside zone two and three let's go ahead and check this out phil's outside zone one he is right there for inside clip one and he misses outside zone two and a little further away from outside zone three but he does throw a good enough angle and the car looks smooth and steady uh through the track so trying to balance out get that right equation to get what he needs to uh break that 79 score he had initially we'll see here so yeah yesterday with that storm it actually tore the canopy that we were originally under our formula drift japan canopy so it was pretty bad storm all those uh no bories right there were all lowered all the way down so definitely saw the forecast but didn't expect all the wind no and we are under a different tent because our other tent blew away the first time yeah there you go 85 so definitely good score for him to push on so he moves on with an 85 he will be in for tomorrow's and at this line now is going to be number 125. yoshichika tamagawa in his car guy racing with kazama auto service jza 80 supra and many of you probably think this is more of a super than the last supra here we go how is he going to perform from the last one there he is in the outer zone coming into inside quick one right there now can you feel that outer zone two and three right here wow very clean run by the older yeah you got a 76 so i mean he definitely needed to step up because 76 isn't always safe or isn't even safe right now because no telling what the bottom number all right check this out look at this he flicks it out um not super exciting at the initiation but glaze is the first cone at the outside zone one really close on the end clip nice angle and a lot of throttle through our outside zone two to three not as quick at uh on the transition from two to three but definitely an exciting run by tomagawa very clean and fluid and we are expecting to see yeah they're throwing some shout outs for benjamin because he's not here so that's yeah he's the other uh a80 supra driver he's got that crazy uh gt car looking body kit um and you know that's his baby i'm pretty sure oh there you go 90 points went from 76 to 90 talk about an upgrade boom he uh that's true looking at the scores and everything looks like he tied yukio fausto on that one so let's see uh coming up to the line right now is going to be 448 yoshi in the origin level racing s15 this is the one that we just talked about sr got found 60 horsepower on his way from to what is it ebisu here yeah but no he went from 360 horsepower to 420 so huge increase and he unfortunately got an incomplete on his first run so let's see if he can collect himself figure out where he needs to put this car and make it happen so here he comes in the 3-2-1 right here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you want to put something on the board and it definitely looked like he tried to get something out there so here's the replay right here right there misses outside zone one by a bit misses inside clip one as well shallows up really really close to an incomplete but he will get a score for that but yes not a clean run from esaki so we'll see if uh he can sustain a score to get in the top 32 like i said stay tuned to top 32 top 16 tomorrow it's gonna be uh hopefully a beautiful day like it is today there we are 73 on the lower end of the 70s i don't know if it's going to be yeah yeah it's a very uh tough score for asaki but hopefully he makes it in for tomorrow's tandem man this is a part i would hate to be in his shoes um having to wait for this wait for all the drivers to finish let's see and find out if you made it or not yeah because there's a couple drivers that are sitting on zeros coming up yeah yesterday's yeah or not yesterday the last event we had at suzuka second and third place drivers were zero exactly here we come with number 18 eha in the cardis okinawa with more but you had a solid 84 so you probably just wanted to throw something he's definitely performing a lot better in this car than last year i know last year he took a bad hit at okuyabuki against the wall and smashed his whole rear end up so definitely building up some confidence in this pretty big car i guess and also one of um very luxurious cars in japan turning into a full-on drift race car you know big car we know for sure but no big points for him this time but he did um get a higher score on his first run so 84 so he should should be solid for top 32 but next coming up is going to be still getting his tires warmed up scrubbing them up and uh going to be coming to the line but it's going to be number 17 gin horino in his good ride team tops racing with project mu tops s15 got an 88 on his initial score so i'm expecting some an insane entry and just gonna put it all on the line yeah he did a very smooth run for his first run and got 88 so if you put a flare into that run i mean the sky is the limit so we'll see what he's going to do for a second run should be something to be very excited to see looks like the sun's coming out for us and wrap us up yeah i'm just happy that the sun didn't come out earlier because it would have been super hot nice and cool day today how are you complaining you're not even on you're you're like my i'm in your shadow right now i'm glad that kenny's bigger than me he's protecting me from uv rays in the sunlight all right looks like he's ready and at the line to increase this 88 to somewhere in the 90s or maybe 100. so here he goes you got that start sign ready to go let's see what mourinho is going to do number 17 with his good ride tops racing with project new [Applause] [Music] [Applause] had a fairly high score for the first one is going for it for the second run and they probably wanted to do you know a crazy amount of angle full throttle all the way through outside zone one to inside one inside clip one they gotta beat that 94. yes and serena made a major mistake and he gets an incomplete for this one but he got an 88 for his first run so he's definitely in there you go so now we're coming down to our last 10 drivers here and in this 10 drivers we actually got two incompletes so it's gonna be very it's it's a lot of pressure for the guys with incompletes but then again these guys with pressure ain't nothing new because they were podium holders so yeah and we are also missing uh 2019 four-time uh ft japan champion andrew gray this was his home track and unfortunately because of coming in close contact with i know he solidified first place last year here at this track so and our first place winner of last year is actually not even here yeah that's yeah that sucks i mean i know he feels it but hey shout out to you we do appreciate you we do love your driving and i know the crowd and the spectators love it too so we'll see you round three yeah be there be there or i think he lives near here so he could probably yell maybe he'll hear us he'll hear us yeah yep but um he's lurking in the bushes he's probably in the crowd somewhere no but yes this is kenji yamada in the laudata club racing vl s15 silvia rockin sr 20. staying true with the sr20 in his triple eight s15 there you go he's got the green light got an 83 on his initial qualifying run let's see what he's gonna do he's gonna throw some prayer here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] at the finish i think that was a very clean run let's go ahead and check out the replay but it was very smooth and also he had a lot of throttle um after outside zone one two let's go ahead and check that out flicks the car gets on gas as soon as possible then right here he rotates the car around inside clip one and that's exactly what we would like to see and does a nice flick from outside zone two to three looks like he just came a little hot into that inside uh inside clip two so we got an 83 on his initial qualifying run let's see if this is going to be enough to push him a little bit closer to that um 90 where he'd like to be 83 is still a solid run though so any any more points than that will help see there you go 83 definitely yeah but that was a that was a really nice style um as me being the style judge i really like how he was able to maneuver the car around inside clip he rotated the car as he was going he wasn't driving with the shallow angle and trying to turn around then clip he actually used that use the clip as a pendulum piece or whatever you call those it's kind of cool it was nice but next coming up is number 38 tarahiro here in the tanaba ssr dunlop with weld jzx100 mark ii his wise motors wacos [Music] [Music] very nice right at that finish so like i was like we said before about him he's og been here since day one yeah right there the he feels the outside zone one the initiation wasn't as exciting but right here he does what he has to do looks like he's filling the zones on throttle throughout the whole uh second half of the track so definitely a very smooth run um a very fucata looking run exactly if i can say that well that's the thing though he lays it down it's a good for tandem good lead run so consistency is everything but let's see if he could get that score a little harder from 82. there you go we got some good drone footage right here coming in and there in the background you can see the damage that uh that occurred back in uh february 13th scores coming in look at all those flags look at all those pits 86 so moved up a little bit higher right there 86 is a solid score solid next we have triple six at the line six six six shui chimano in his chari boy style with victor tires or also some would know it as a 240 yes no 240s or left hand drive here he goes you got a 76 on his official run he definitely needs [Music] and he saved himself from kissing the dirt but like i said 76 man that's gonna be really close he might be on the bubble too i'm not sure but it looks like steering locked or something he could not get out of it um he had a very late initiation as well so definitely did not wasn't gonna be the hottest run but good save yeah nice save so got an incomplete right there and he's going to be hoping that his 76 he's gonna get him where he needs to be scrubbing his tires right now getting them ready to go is going to be number 80 utah komatsu with komatsu racing and his is350 that's official where mano just got his incomplete so eight more cars seven more cars i'm sorry you're right seven i can can i count you can it's seven you were right seven yes seven more cars left to do their second qualify run here at the first day of the event ebc west fd japan and rolling up to the line is gonna be utah komatsu in his lexus is350 so which you don't see these too many on the track either no we don't and it's a very beautiful car if you can see that brown thing on the back oh yeah this is rabbit he has a rabbit called that's right gotta remind it off of mugicha but it's movie tree is a type of tea if you guys want to know more about it you can look it up google it so here we go [Music] other than andrew gray's is another one coming in right here you've got a 71 on the initial roll [Music] it looks a little similar to his first one yeah his first one he got a 71 but man that coming out of outer zone two yeah the initiation was slightly late as well kind of washes out right here and digs his way through doesn't no change in angle but stays on gas and tries to make it all the way to the finish line so let's see you can hear in the background [Music] definitely a rotary in the background yeah fujinaka getting his car uh ready for his run so 83 right there huge improvement off of his 71. definitely a lot better than the first run way better so next coming up still getting his tires warmed up scrubbing them up is number 36 kazumi takahashi which is our qualifying leader right now qualified with a 94 in his bmw e92 powered by one gr with tms racing team cylon tires then we've got a speed ladder to speak over the exhaust tone of the i know i'm revving uh rotary i might just turn my mic off since you have this clear plexi-ass wall it'll kind of muffle some of the sound yeah so next time we position the pitch for the rotaries they have to be on the other side yeah or at least the exhaust facing the other direction but here he is right here takahashi coming up to the line man this is another beautiful car right here and another awesome driver like he just comes out and gives you everything he's got so he got a 94 so we know for a fact he's gonna come in and and throw some angle throw some smoke and give us what the crowd wants or the spectators online want to see i'm getting super excited right now and yes that rotary does sound good i ain't gonna lie but it's not gonna lie it sounds good it hits another tone in your ear though it sounds good it's just that we have to speak over it that's that's the only problem other than that it's great it's motor sports game so that's what you're doing here here he comes coming in it's a 3-2-1 he's throwing that angle right there [Applause] hit that inside clip right there to outer [Music] [Music] all right so i think um i saw one very minor mistake i would say maybe it affected him but when he initiated right here looks very nice snappy but he runs over that first outer cone then it makes the car bobble a little bit so he looks like it was affected because the tire ran it over or something but he left the outside zone one a little bit early but overall very beautiful run still solid run overall i mean 94 let's see if it'll give him a little bit more improvement off of that but he still has five other drivers that are going to be competing for that number one 94 point slot but two of them right now still are struggling with an incomplete so look at that still trying to clear the track there you go 95 right there i can't see our new points leader but yeah so right there he was affected because as a style judge i gave him one point less but um he gained two points somewhere else so definitely um if he didn't have that um small bobble there at outside zone one so next up at the line yes another rotary right here a beast of a rotary number four tetsuya hibino here in the lb racing s15 that's powered by a four rotor twin turbo sick liberty walk kit on it 1000 horsepower very very fun and experienced driver behind the wheel took first in qualifying at round one at suzuka twin circuit so definitely [Music] [Music] is exciting run he shoved the last uh inner clip he's got that long long lip um on the body kit but let's go ahead and check out the replay very fun uh run by hibino let's go and check this out i love his flare right there look at that flick he hits the um first outside zone cone with this rear tire but right here carries on his angle throws a lot more angle after the second or after the third outside zone very exciting so got a 78 on his first initial run but definitely came out with a vengeance right here and he wanted to make it happen and i didn't even have to talk through that whole thing i just let his engine and his driving do the work there's takahashi right there getting congratulated with his 95 point run but let's see if hibino gave him a little challenge there but guaranteed takahashi's thrilled that he got he's moving in the right direction i'm ready for this score though it's definitely better than his first run well most definitely 78 going from a 78 to a 92 huge improvement right there definitely going to be a scary car to chase after tomorrow so congratulations to hibino he's right now solidifying let's see i think the number two slot right now yep number two he's tied with the number two slot with uh koichi yamashita and kochi omasha still has one more chance so now before we go and see koichi amash's run we got three more of the drivers car number 53. he came in fourth with the sr-20 driving to f15 [Music] yoshimura there he is coming into outer zone one got a 74 for his initial qualifying run getting inside click one right there [Music] came a little bit too much in on a outer zone or inside clip 2 right there yeah so i would say i mean throughout the uh throughout the run not high angle not not so much flare there you know and it might be because he's lacking in power and stuff he's just trying to get around the track as much as possible but obviously at the end of the track when he was passing through the end clip he came too short on the inside went over it and spun out through the finish line so that's definitely going to be a incomplete very unfortunate especially since he got a 74 on his initial run and let's just hope that he's within that bubble and not falling short because that's going to be close because we were talking about early 70s or the the point's going to be early 70s or low seventies i'm sorry there you go you gotta keep in the in the pitch just got his news that he got a 92 on his uh second run so definitely huge improvement on his run but is it gonna be enough to keep that tight spot for number two there's kato congratulating him he's the team owner for the lb racing liberty walk 92 points beautiful and i remember um hibino qualified at 94. so now that's two events in a row that he's qualifying with the 90 points for 90 90 plus he's definitely putting justice on that car and that build that he got that he gets to uh maneuver through this track but here we are at the start line with number 808 manabu fuji in his tcp magic awa tire good ride west rx-7 fd3s three rotor here we go whatever problem he had earlier hope it's all gone and let's go ahead and see his runes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] definitely going to be getting a score in the books like like robbie was saying he unfortunately suffered from an incomplete his first qualifying run so good to see him get something in he finished number three at round one suzuka twin circuit so let's see what he's gonna get yeah this car is nothing new to him i mean like he was telling us he's he's built it up through the years owned it over ten years now so yeah i don't even like i think i've owned a car as long as like four or five years i think that's longer oh actually my tow truck i've owned that thing for like five six years there you go there you go so yes that's my favorite car my top truck there you go at 80. so that should be safe enough to keep them in yes uh the top 32. you're tow truck it's true guys he actually drives it like a car sometimes well my tow truck i know when i don't have any other car he just tries because i'm in and out of cars all the time and sometimes i don't have a car that's registered so the only thing i have is my tow truck so i have to go to like the store with it or taking air taking your dogs yeah i gotta take it for the trimmers and the vet in my tow truck here we go at the line right now is gonna be number fifteen katsuhiro man this guy is on the line right now because he got an incomplete first first run he has to get a score for the second run i mean because he is gunning to win this event this weekend that's what he said so incomplete is a bad way to start but you know what i think this man likes the pressure because he likes to be on podium and he wants to be on top so let's go he ain't being safe at all he's coming out here with flare going around to outer zone two into outer zone three and finishing off right there very exciting driving but i can kind of tell that he didn't want to flick it too hard he seemed like he took it easy maybe because he is sitting on an incomplete but let's go ahead and check this out usually you see him throw the car like crazy to angle but he kind of took it easy here he did fill the zone very well got really pretty close to the inside clip and right here he's on gas but he doesn't throw the car right here he does a transition but not as quick as usual but definitely a very clean and subtle run by whale and he is going to get a score and i'm pretty sure that it's not going to be a low score either good to see that good to see him uh finish that off and get a score into the into the books so he could push himself into top 32 and hopefully live by his word that he told us by taking home the the podium well looking at the qualify today is going to be very hard because there's a lot of guys that are really relating it down we're actually going to fill a 32 yes that's right because suzuka we had too many zeros or i'm sorry too many incompletes where we only have 27 drivers so we're going to have 32 cars we're going to have 16 battles there you go 85 85 whales in as well so now we have for sure um gonna be an exciting top 32 tomorrow but before we go to that we're gonna see where this guy is going to end up in the ladder it's all up to what he wants to do i'm pretty sure he's going for the top spot but this is last year's champion car number eight team weld koichi yamashita driving as jay-z x mark two and he's tied right now at 92 that's the second highest run so let's see if he can uh solidify uh something higher there hey the uh fujinaka turned his car off and i can hear everything now yeah his car's gonna go all right here he comes right here coming out of chicane into the three two one [Music] [Music] he's making a statement right now he wants that number one spot man that was a clean run yes that was that was very clean talk about putting the car where you want it to be sliding through those zones right there and fulfilling them right here man and having one more run look at that glazing the outside zones super clean on the inside and then there you go finishing strong right there in the last inside clip i mean he does his own uh justice right there so he got a 92 so let's see if he could progress himself higher up so the highest score right now is going to be number 90 is going to be 95 with uh takahashi in his bmw e92 and then right there hanging with him is hibino so what's amazing about yamashita is he does a run like that that's very exciting but he also does it it seems like with class so it's very clean oh yeah you know very clean and subtle but also um how can i say it it's not just super aggressive it's exciting but very very gentle and clean i don't even know how to explain it there you go but see that's all because of experience like this guy has been he took number one last year he took number one at suzuka twin circuit round one and look at him now there you go that's ito from team world with his fist right there he must be happy because they are taking home the top qualifier spot for tomorrow and this weekend like that we didn't have to do much talking for his runners amazing run amazing driver and he's definitely the one to shoot for because this man is coming in this year with some heat beautiful car beautiful build brand new wide body yeah then i remember talking to him because last year the season got cut short by one round so he said he wants to come and earn it so this year he's going for the chase too and you know what without andrew grave being here this year i mean this is one step closer for you yeah all this is you know i mean i guess you just gotta say it's bad luck right exactly but hey this is uh this is the end of qualifying for uh round two here at bisu west course so it's it's definitely good to see we got a full 32 slots filled this time like we said before we were short last time with incompletes and only was able to solidify 27 cars moving on so forecast is looking good i'm knocking on wood right now and we're looking for some crazy driving tomorrow with tandeming and look at him pulling in right there probably smiling ear to ear and uh he's definitely going to give a ueo a push for his uh money whenever he said he's he's he's gonna go for the he's gonna go for the top spot and it looks like himacha is in a good position right now um because i mean think about both of his runs were in the 90s you got a 92 then he got a 97 right [Music] yeah so you're gonna have to you're gonna have to match his lead bro you have to beat him in the tandem too that's gonna be really really hard but you know what you never know what's going to happen because it's different you're out there with a different car and you're out with another opponent so it only takes one small mistake or big mistake to end it all so that's why you know but like i said earlier this is nothing new for him so hey so congratulations to him and his team for taking number one on qualifying you know thank you for the ibisu crew for getting this set up and cleaned up for us i mean four months is crazy to get knocked out especially what 30 tons of material 30 000 tons oh 30 000 tons 30 tons is important that's a lot of tons there you go oh takahashi and yamasha shaking hands because takahashi thought he had the top spot for a minute but yamashi came and said nope yep can't sleep on him that's for sure and i think yamashi is like 51-52 so he's like a super veteran he is and he's like hey young young i'm not the right time yet yeah i'm not ready to step aside so so like we were saying if you're you know just tuning in and everything he took uh first last year um at 280 points followed by takahashi who just congratulated him at 274. so definitely amazing he's gonna be taking that number one slot for this top 32 tomorrow all right so let's listen to how happy this guy is in the pits right now yamashita is over there we have an interview with him real quick let's see what he had to say [Music] uh foreign foreign [Music] please winner the best score 97 points 10 pia master thank you so much back to you guys all right thank you for the interview i know uh the cars are loud and stuff like that so it's really hard to hear and i was able to be i was able to pick up bits and pieces but the interview with yamashita he said he was definitely nervous but he thinks that he did the best run he did um throughout the whole weekend or today and uh he's looking into or he's looking forward to a sunny uh round tomorrow so he said definitely he's gonna try his best he's gonna enjoy it and he's really happy about what just happened and he said he's going to take everybody out so i do believe that he is going to be a threat for tomorrow's event we have 32 drivers that are going to be competing to get to the top spot here we go there's a replay of his super clean one look at that super close to the outside zone super tight on the end clip a lot of angle a lot of throttle throughout the track fills both of the zones and i believe he got a perfect score for the line line score and i believe it because that was a super clean run oh yeah tomorrow's going to be a very exciting day with these tandems going on all these drivers i mean the dry weather the amazing weather and everything biggest thing is is for the people watching to tune in tomorrow for yes make sure you come back and watch us tomorrow we'll be here we're going to show you some crazy drifting you guys please come back to watch us tomorrow exactly you'll enjoy it for sure we're going to have a sunny day here in episode circuit and i would like to thank everybody here and the staff that made it happen and also to kenny right here and you guys out there watching this show make sure you're back in front of the screen tomorrow um i think it's from 9 40 tomorrow morning top 32 is gonna start top 16 will be after that too so thank you very much and i'd like to thank you thank you for being you bye guys take care [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] yokohama [Music] casio [Music] [Music] um [Music] made in japan breed what's up guys it's freddie gospel and i use rsr suspension on all my drift cars i love rso eo rsr ichiban oh [Music] motifs [Music] yes [Music] [Music] um the brightness called brilliant [Music] [Music] [Music] yokohama [Music] casio [Music] [Music] so [Music] made in japan breed what's up guys it's freddie
Channel: Formula DRIFT
Views: 913,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: formula drift, drifting, formula d, fd, motorsport, drift cars, tandem battle, qualifying, drift championship, drift
Id: hgz54V3O0m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 24sec (14184 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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