Nintendo Switch: Two Years In - Scott The Woz

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The Switch's second year sucked because they didn't port Madden 08, of course

👍︎︎ 171 👤︎︎ u/ImADickAndILoveIt 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/iLoveBacon9 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Literally cannot think of any other guy when someone's post beggings with "Hey y'all!"

👍︎︎ 97 👤︎︎ u/Meme-ic 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

This review was spot on.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Mootsy101 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

If the Nintendo Switch doesn't get Halo Master chief collection, this is becoming a Scott the Woz subreddit

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

wait am I in r/jontron?

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/TheShyLime 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Love all the obvious people who didn't bother to watch the video before downvoting this.

He was critical but the Switch severly deserved it after how piss poor the 2nd year of the Switch and how many features it still unacceptably lacks.

Like he said its important to be critical becuase we all know the Switch and Nintendo can do better becuase we all regard them highly and that's not a bad thing.

👍︎︎ 143 👤︎︎ u/TRTGNZ 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Finally a "2 year anniversary" video I want to watch.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/ThreeDarkMoons 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

I can't believed I watched the whole thing but I agreed with most criticisms. The Switch's faults are painfully obvious to everyone but Nintendo. I understand there are things they can't fix quickly but stuff like the online membership, the lack of video apps, UI, eshop, etc are just them being lazy

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/braulio09 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Hey y'all, Scott here. Ooh, look at me, I'm the Nintendo Switch, I sold over 32 million units. Yeah, big whoop. How many units did the human race sell, try 7 billion units. That's right (beep) you Nintendo. Oh hey, it's been two years. The Nintendo Switch is two years old, only 23 years until it can rent a car. Now, three days after the Switch officially released, I talked about my opinions on the system at that point in time, one year after the Switch officially released, I talked about my opinions on the system at that point in time and I think we all know where I'm going with this. I'm gonna complain about Mario Tennis Aces and talk about a year two of the Nintendo Switch. While we take a look back at the Switch's second full year on the market month by month from March 2018 to February 2019. I'll be talking about the main games that released each month and the news that came out. As with last year I'll primarily be focusing on the games, I played and or the more notable games on the system. So buckle up, let's see how long it takes me to start whining. Kirby Star Allies wasn't what I wanted. March was a pretty busy month all things considered, the only first party Nintendo title that shut onto store shelves was Kirby Star Allies and oh, boy. Kirby Star Allies was Kirby's first traditional, mainline game in HD. So I guess they wanted this one to be as basic Kirby as basic Kirby can be. Star Allies isn't a bad game but even when it was originally revealed E3 2017, I championed the opinion that it looked too basic, fast forward to March, 2018 and oh man, do I have an opinion for you? Star Allies is focused on co-op multiplayer and because of that level designs, are incredibly simplistic to accommodate for it. Now, Kirby games are generally pretty simple but this one took things too far in my opinion, he's levels really have anything of note in them, no fun stage gimmicks or ideas or themes, nothing. And calling the puzzles in this game, puzzles, is an insult to puzzles everywhere. Sure, this makes the game more accessible for multiplayer, complex 2D platform levels can be a nightmare for co-op but even then playing in multiplayer doesn't make the game that much more interesting. Now I love a good Kirby game, I've enjoyed every game before Star Allies, they use the same gameplay style. This one just did not do it for me, I'm sorry. Like I said, it isn't bad. I know tons of people who had a good time with it but it seems like even the people who enjoyed it say this definitely isn't Kirby's finest outing, not worth the $60 price tag that's for sure at least that launch. Star Allies received a handful of free updates throughout the year, adding new playable characters from previous Kirby games and a bunch of new things like an extra mode. Yeah, that's cool but I'd rather these things be in the game from the start simply because by the time they were added, I was long past the point of caring about Star Allies. The game already kind of burned me with it's like a content and overall gameplay, plus guys, yeah, they added a ton of characters and some of them awesome callbacks to old school Kirby games but the lack of playable characters wasn't my problem with Star Allies. So while I guess they give the game more worth it's nothing that's really going to change my opinion. In terms of other games from March, Scribble Nauts Showdown came out and it was a triumphant return of the Scribble Naut franchise. Nevermind, I was somebody intrigued by this game when it was first announced Scribble Nauts party game sounds pretty fun but after seeing one trailer and reading reviews, I kinda automatically ran away. The original punch-out arcade game, finally got a re-release through the arcade archive series, which was cool to see. A lot of people were talking about that indie game Mulaka, I didn't play my eyes were mainly on bingo for Nintendo Switch. Fear Facts Sedna, Shantay and the Pirate's curse, Toki Tori, yeah, there was definitely stuff to play but the greatest overall month in terms of games. What made March worth it, was the Nintendo Direct on March 8th. Honestly, one of the better directs in recent memory so much was shown, Okami HD, Sushi Striker was announced for Switch, Project Dr. Pev Traveler was renamed to get this, Octopath Traveler, Dark Souls got an amoeba and was confirmed for a May 25th release day, can't wait for that. Captain Toad Treasure Tracker was re-released, Crash Bandicoot N.sane Trilogy, Splatoon 2 got paid DLC and holy shit. Smash brothers was announced for the Switch, I wasn't expecting that to happen, during this Direct but right when we saw both Koizumi and the Splatoon producers standing together, I gave off a hardy, "Oh yeah Smash Brothers is about to be announced "with inklings as playable characters." What do you look at that. Later in March, Nindies Showcase premiered, it detailed a bunch of indie games but it was only 10 minutes long so I was pretty disappointed. Some solid stuff in there, definitely though. Luminous remastered and Mark Of The Ninja just the name too. March was a mark, the first time the My Nintendo rewards program actually meant something. Starting this month if you're a My Nintendo member, you could build up gold points by spending money on E Shop and then redeem those points for a certain amount of cash you could use on digital games. Yeah, I'm happy this is here, sometimes I'll be buying a game digitally and go home. Man I can use some of my gold points to pay for this. You have to spend a lot of money to get even a little bit of cash back, through the gold points. A $60 game will then you have $3 back that's not a ton, again, I'm happy it's here but Nintendo sure ain't running a charity. April was another month in terms of games, again, there are definitely things to play but just, nothing huge came out. This was the month of Nintendo Labo, it was initially revealed earlier in January and I thought this concept was absolutely brilliant. Giving you cardboard and instructing you on how to make your own Switch accessories to play mini games, using the joy con to help make these things function. One of the most creative things Nintendo's come up with in recent memory. It's obviously aimed towards kids, specifically those with an interest in creativity, or engineering. But I think plenty of us looked at it and said, yeah, this is pretty cool in general. The first two kits released on April 20th, Toy-Con one, the Variety kit and Toy-Con two, the Robot kit. I just picked up the Variety kit and almost a full year later and I still haven't touched these things since. I didn't dislike Labo but there just wasn't much to it if you weren't looking to customize and make your own Labo creations. The build process was a ton of fun, I liked that but afterwards there was just nothing to do with these things. The games offered in Labo are beyond shallow, there's just nothing to them. You play around with them for 10 minutes and that's about it. I wasn't expecting anything, I'd be playing for hours but more so expecting something along the lines of a mini game and Wii player or something. Like, sure, those aren't massive games but they're quick short bursts of fun, they're enjoyable to replay for a high score. I wish they just added a time attack or arcade mode to these games. They have promise they just weren't presented in ways that made them fun or re-playable. I already took a look at the Labo Variety kit before, my opinions haven't really changed, it's a really awesome concept and it's more about the journey than the destination. Building these things is 1/2 the enjoyment and the most memorable experience I had with Labo. And if that doesn't interest you for God's sake stay away. After I built them all, there's nothing to do, I didn't have any interest in going into the toy con garage to program own Labo toys, all the games I was done with after 30 minutes. Nintendo Labo in its initial state, was made for a very specific kind of kit, one they wanted to make their own machines, one that was gonna get a lot of use, out of the toy con garage feature but it could have been for so many more people if they made the games more re-playable and fun. As it stands, these are overpriced and take up too much room, considering how much use I got out of them. The Robot kit doesn't seem much better at all, you get one robot suit, which sounds kind of cool in the game portion of it, seems more in depth than anything in the Variety kit but it's $10 more and there's less you can do with the robot. The Variety kit offers a lot more and lands itself to customization. What the hell are you gonna do with this thing? Other than Labo, Don't Starve, South Park and Shelter Generations came out. Am I the only one who can't tell if this game's visual style, is kind of cool looking or kind of ugly. SEGA confirmed, they were bringing over their classic games to Nintendo Switch via the SEGA Ages label and Dark Souls remastered got delayed to summer 2018, while the other platforms would get it in May as originally promised. Yes, the platforms, where they actually had to upraise Dark Souls, were getting the game first, while the platform that's more in line with the original consoles Dark Souls released on, was getting it later that made sense. May was a fantasy big month for regurgitation and they re-released two Wii U games for the Switch Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and Hyrule warriors. Only the first day my opinion on Wii U ports of games, many are for them, many are against them I'm in the middle. I love it that they happen because people who didn't play these games originally, can finally play them and I love that they allow me to play good Wii U games on a platform that isn't the Wii U, however, it annoys me when Nintendo overprices Wii U ports when they try to pass them off as new games, when they're the only thing Nintendo releases for like two months, we'll get to you later. Ports aren't fun for everybody, they have some merit but they can be annoying but hey, at least Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, is one of the greatest platforms up crafted and that's one point in its favor. This game is god like, it is so good, why is it $60? Tropical Freeze released in 2014 for $50 and then in 2016 was permanently reduced to $20 via Nintendo Select. So please explain to me why this version with one new character added four years later is $60. I'm not saying that if Tropical Freeze, was a brand new game in 2018, it wouldn't be worth $60 but it's four years old. And Nintendo officially valued the game at $20, up until the Switch Port was announced. So I don't think there's much of an excuse here, they were pulling a fast one on us with this game's press. I kind of think Nintendo forgot, they originally priced Tropical Freeze at $50 on the Wii U because Captain Toad originally retail for $40 and low and behold, they retail for that on the Switch too. Tropical Freeze is great and definitely worth it if you never played it but I picked it up on sale a few months later, I already bid it on Wii U, I didn't need it right away and I usually do that with the Wii U ports, wait for a sale at a later date, which is exactly what I did with Hyrule Warriors definitive edition. Now this was also $60 but I'm personally more okay with this price point than I was with Donkey Kong. This game includes all the DLC from the Wii U version, all the characters and gameplay changes from the 3DS version and all the DLC from that version as well. Plus extra little bonuses like breath of the wild costumes. This truly is the definitive edition and is quite a good deal all things considered. I've never been a huge Hyrule Warriors guy, I enjoy my time with it on the Wii U but didn't play for hundreds of hours like others did. However, I still think it's a fun shut your brain off, kind of game. Just mow down enemies with tons of Zelda fan service. The timing of this port was weird to me though, The Fire Emblem Warriors just came out in October and that game kind of came and went. So instead of trying to give that game more exposure, Nintendo just revealed Hyrule Warriors for Switch, which I'm sorry, Fire Emblem fans, is way more appealing and interesting to most people than Fire Emblem Warriors, even if it is a four year old game. Well, the original Mega Man Legacy collections released, I love that these games are on Switch but I would've preferred if they combine them into a Mega Man Ultimate Legacy Collection, rather than sell both of them separately. Another Capcom collection released, the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection and oh my God, this thing includes so many Street Fighters, and in retail for the same price as Ultra Street Fighter 2 retail for a year ago, well, what's going on here? This has 12 games on including five Street Fighter 2s and Ultra Street Fighter 2 has one Street Fighter 2, please explain that $40 price point. Well, some of the biggest releases in May, were just older games, the month still had some solid original titles. Bloodstain Curse Of The Moon was a surprise release, it was developed by NT Creates and was a precursor to the upcoming Bloodstain Ritual Of The Night. Oh, well that game plays like a Metriedvania style, Castlevania game. Curse Of The Moon plays, just like the classic Castlevania titles on the NES and kind of be honest Curse Of The Moon, looked way more appealing to me, I did pick this one up. Yoku's Island Express though I haven't yet, this was a big one for a lot of people, being a pinball adventure game. I'm definitely still interested in trying this one out. Runner 3 finally released too but I have to say this visual style, it just does not do anything for me. I do have Runner 3, I got it on sale but haven't played any of these games yet. I did play Ekaruga though, which is one of the greatest 2D shooter 'em ups of all time. It's harder than hard but it's so good but we can't forget the biggest game, Capcom announced for the Switch, Resident Evil 7, what? Cloud edition, what? Capcom randomly announced and released Resident Evil 7. This game came out in 2017 for PS4 and Xbox one and I personally never imagined it would run on Switch. Well, it was sorta right because this game requires an internet connection at all times, it's streamed to the console, this way they can just run the game on much more powerful hardware, stream it to the Switch and bada boom, you have yourself the worst possible way to play Resident Evil 7. I have to admit though, this was a fairly creative way to get a crazy demanding game like this, running on the system, without redoing everything and putting a lot of development time into a port. Now there's only released in Japan and we have yet to get a fully cloud-based, multi-platform game in this style here in North America. It's just really weird this even happened. Well. I said, yeah this was a creative solution to get the game on Switch, I don't want to see this happen all too much. Having an internet connection required for single player games is really annoying and it makes it almost impossible to play these things on the go, which is what the Switch is best known for. Nintendo also started to offer a Switch bundle without the dock in Japan, coming in at $50 cheaper than the regular bundle, well that's (beep) stupid. Dock retailed for $90, plus you don't even get the charging cable with this bundle. I get, this is a Japan exclusive thing but now why would you buy this? Sure, plenty of people play their Switch, predominantly in handheld mode but you are literally getting ripped off by buying a dockless bundle. Pokemon company also finally gave everybody, what they wanted, the official announcement for Pokemon on the Switch, the first traditional Pokemon title on a console and what they announced were games that gave a lot of people, a case of the what the hells, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee were full remakes of Pokemon Yellow on the Game Boy with a lot of elements from Pokemon go present. This was definitely a bit surprising and not what a lot of Pokemon fans have wanted. They wanted a full on new game on the den look this simpler, one that wasn't so focused on the first generation of Pokemon or one that didn't look like a console version of Pokemon Go. This game was primarily meant for different people, lapse Pokemon fans, people who loved it before but fell out of it, people who liked Pokemon Go but never really played a real Pokemon game or people who just never played Pokemon. Hey, it's me, Scott. I think this was a smart game for them to make and they did confirm that a true mainline traditional Pokemon game, would come in 2019. So really it wasn't a huge deal, fans were still getting a main title. They also announced and released Pokemon Quest for the E Shop. A free title that literally just felt like a garbage mobile game, they shoe horned onto the Switch. That's exactly what it is. I downloaded this and played it for two minutes and said, yeah, I'm not into this. Nintendo finally disclosed more details on their upcoming paid online service for the Switch, Nintendo Switch Online, this thing kept on getting delayed and delayed but they finally were able to shed some light on it. Nintendo revealed that their online service would not only force people to pay for online multiplayer but offer cloud saves for certain games and a selection of 20 NES games to play online with more added every month. And if so was initially met with relative positivity, people were excited to have cloud saves, old Nintendo games on the Switch and just actual details on the service in general. But after thinking about the service more and more, things got more critical. Cloud saves are locked behind the online service, NES games have no virtual console that smartphone voice chat app isn't going away. It wouldn't launch until September but people were already critiquing the service, before it even came out. The great month of E3, Nintendo was ready to let it all out with the E3, 2018 Nintendo direct on June 12th and for all you non Smash Brothers fans, I am so sorry. Yeah, that wasn't that great, Smash Brothers ended the Direct as in the last 30 minutes of a 45 minute presentation were dedicated to it. Smash Brothers Switch was revealed to be Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, including every character from Smash Brothers History and a wealth of gameplay changes. I freaked out, this was amazing but outside of Smash Brothers, which looked great, this presentation blew. They started things off with the reveal of Daemon X Machina, a game everybody in 2019 refers to as, oh yeah, the game exists. This has got to be one of the most forgettable games Nintendo has ever revealed, it doesn't look bad but they presented so poorly, every time they show it off. Like why start E3 off with this mech game with a title most people don't know how to pronounce. I always say, I guess it looks good but I don't really know what this game is gonna play like. I don't really know exactly, what I'm looking at most of the time. And then they went on to show off, the Stand-Alone Xenoblade 2 expansion, like why cold open showing these two games first, these aren't like a media crowd pleasers, these are fine games and all but they're pretty niche. You think throwing them in the middle of the presentation would work better. Moving on Super Mario Party was officially unveiled in the presentation. Mario party isn't a crazy amazing E3 announcement but it looked like classic Mario Party, which is what the series needed, after it did a bunch of stupid (beep) (beep). Fire Emblem Three Houses was shown on. We knew a Fire Emblem Switch game was in the works for about 1 1/2 years now. So it was nice to finally see it in action and that's all I have to say because once again I don't care for Fire Emblem either. Jesus, I probably don't even like video games, right guys? Fortnite released immediately after the presentation, which was pretty big. I mean, it was the hot game. So to have it on Switch was a big deal, I just didn't really care. I've said this before but Fortnite runs on smartphone, should the Switch release really be that amazing. Over Cooked 2, Hollow Knight, Killer Queen Black, all really cool indie games and then 30 minutes of Smash Brothers, that was it. Yeah, that was a very underwhelming lame Nintendo Direct. It was a pretty good Smash Brothers Direct but a general Nintendo Direct, yeah, that wasn't that great. Switch third-party wise, wasn't the most amazing at E3 either. You'd assume we'd see more support for the console this year but there wasn't a ton. Fallout Shelter came to the platform, it's a mobile game, who cares. Trials, Starlink reveal Starfox collaboration, which was pretty cool but other than that, there wasn't much Switch content at E3 surprisingly. Splatoon 2's Octo expansion released during E3 though, I still haven't played it or bought it. Splatoon 2 based single-player campaign, was pretty lackluster in my opinion but from what I've seen Octo Expansion fixes that and offers a media experience that looks way better. Arcade archives Donkey Kong came out during E3 too, which was one of the first times the original arcade realm of Donkey Kong was re-released, which was pretty cool. They also announced that the ultra rare, Nintendo arcade games, Sky Skipper would be released, VR kit archives in July. Outside of E3, Nintendo actually released, some games this month. So it was a pretty busy time all things considered. Mario Tennis Aces pulled a Kirby Star Allies for me, it wasn't a bad game, the core gameplay I'd show here is absolutely phenomenal. Building of the meter in the top left means, you can slow down time, use a zone shot, special shot. It makes Mario Tennis way more skill-based than ever before, which is a huge improvement from when Nintendo released body odor on a disc with the last game. However, while Aces, gameplay and visuals are great, everything else falters, which is weird to say, how can a game have great gameplay but not be great overall? Well, there's barely anything to do with that great gameplay. You can plow through the adventure mode, which Nintendo were really pushing this against marketing and it's nothing special, it just feels like a four hour long time waster and not much else. But that's it with this game, there's no other modes to play, other than just playing tennis or playing tennis online. Again it's weird to say that because it's Mario Tennis, you might ask, what else was I expecting? And just look at all the other Mario Tennis games, these things were packed with fun, little, extra modes, awesome gimmicky courts, mini games, you could play with Mario cart items but in Aces it's just tennis. And now those game is obviously built off of Ultra Smash from the Wii U and that game was literally just tennis too, no crazy Mario spin, just tennis on one type of court. It was if you had to pay Nintendo 50 bucks for the right to go to hell. At least with Aces the gameplay is pretty damn solid and it at least has multiple themed courts. I will say though, these courts are pretty lame, like if they even have gimmicks, they're usually kind of annoying or just straight up boring. Look, I'm on a pirate ship, there's a giant route in the middle that can sometimes interfere with the ball, yeah, my favorite court. If all you want from a Mario Tennis game is a tennis game Mario Tennis Aces delivers. But in my opinion, it doesn't have nearly enough to it, while I really appreciate the smart changes, the gameplay that really improved the core game, I don't know, I kind of prioritize wacky multi-player fun in a Mario sports game, compared to how smart the gameplay loop is. I'm not necessarily looking for a game with the deepest mechanics, when picking up a Mario sports game. Through a free updates Mario Tennis Aces, primarily has been adding new characters. And again, like I say, with Kirby Star Allies, this games problems, had nothing to do with the lack of playable characters, these updates really don't do much for me. Here's a quote, you can smack on the back of the box Nintendo. The gameplay's good but the game is not and most people will say, the game they played the most in June was Mario Tennis but the Nintendo publish game I played the most in June was non other than, - [Man] Sushi Striker The Way Of Sushido. - Well, this game happened, didn't it? Sushi Striker was originally announced as a 3DS game at E3 2017 but was later revealed to also be coming to Switch, day and date with the 3DS version. This is a puzzle game, where you just have to link up similar sushi plates, moving on the belt, eat the sushi and then throw the empty plates at your opponent. I always kept an eye on this game, I thought it would be a fun little puzzle game that looked like it had a lot of heart put into it and I was kind of right. I was addicted to this game for a few hours linking up the sushi plates, adds such a satisfying feel to it, specifically while playing with the controller. Well, I think using a touchscreen, is how it was intended to be played. I really preferred using the analog stick, automatically snapping to a plate, it made it crazy fun to link up a ton of them and the sound effects just made everything crazy, enjoyable. And I thought it was really cool how the game featured loads, a tongue-in-cheek cut scenes and dialogue despite being just a puzzle game. It really felt like the developers cared immensely. Oh, that's kind of where my praises end because the game just goes on and on and on and doesn't really switch things up. The story mode just feels like you're doing the same thing over and over again. You constantly fight against the same enemies, these guards or whatever appear nonstop. And the visual is barely changed at all, it just feels like you're doing the same thing for 10 hours. Sure, some random power-ups are thrown into the mix but it doesn't help things on much in my opinion, most of the time each stage feels the same to the last. Also while I said I appreciated the cut scenes and the humor at a certain point, I stopped caring, the story wasn't interesting, really. It was more so charming that the game story didn't take itself seriously and the fact that this game even had a story. Well that didn't mean I cared enough to see it through, it just slowed everything down and honestly, I just started skipping most of the cut scenes. This thing, retail for $50 and oh God, it is not worth even half of that. The 3DS version at least started at $40 but still download the demo for it and play that 30 times in a row and you get the exact same experiences as playing the full game in my opinion. It's a lot of fun for a bit but it's just the same thing over and over again. Outside of those games, Fortnite and Hollow Knight, were some big releases alongside Inside and Limbo, Shaq Fu a Legend Reborn happened, Blaze Blue Cross Tag Battle, Crash Bandicoot N.Sane trilogy and Wolfenstein 2 came out on the same day, don't want to get them confused. Both of the really impressive Ports on the Switch, I have Crash and it ran perfectly fine. Of course it didn't look as good as the other consoles but by and large, this is the N.Sane Trilogy, it's still looks great and being able to play the original Crash Bandicoot games, remastered on a Nintendo platform is really cool. Now I haven't played this one yet but Wolfenstein 2 is more so impressive with just how well they were able to make it work on Switch. This is far from the definitive version of the game but it's definitely more than playable and it looks pretty good all things considered. Now the Octo Expansion wasn't the only thing to cop DLC. Mario plus Rabbids actually got a full-blown expansion as well, entitled Donkey Kong Adventure. And from what I've seen, it looks like so much love and care was crammed into something that should have just been a simple expansion, it's really admirable. But whatever, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe got Labo support, I thought, wow this actually makes my Labo creations useful and then I realized, nevermind, why the hell would I wanna do this? July is usually a dead month for new game releases but Nintendo decided to break conventions as this was the month many's most anticipated, Switch titles released. Octopath Traveler finally came out, do you really think I played it? Yeah, I don't really play RPGs if you don't already know, it's not that I'm heavily opposed to them or don't get them, It's simply just far from my favorite genre. I'll still play a game that intrigues me if it's an RPG, it just doesn't happen that much. I will say though that Octapath looks beautiful and so unique, I love to see Square Enix make a sequel, just because I've seen how so many people adored this game. I mean, it, in a way better than I think anybody thought it would, there were shortages of it in Japan, it did that well. I'd love to see them put on more of the series or just continue with this art style. On the same day as that game, Nintendo published the re-release of Captain Toad Treasure Tracker. And it actually came out on 3DS as well at the same time. Treasure Tracker was a good Wii U game and that's basically all I have to say about it. It's just a fun little concept, a game where you have to traverse these 3D puzzle boxes and you can't jump. I didn't pick the Switch version of it just yet, mainly because it's not a game, I'm particularly dying to replay but I will eventually if I see it for a good price, however I'm tempted to say that this isn't the definitive version of Captain Toad. I played the Switch demo and I've seen a good amount of footage, it plays perfectly fine on the platform, don't get me wrong but man, was it way more tailor made Wii U than I remember. So many things in Captain Toad need to be touched via the touchscreen. So playing in TV mode, means is pretty annoying cursor, is on screen all the time. This isn't a problem in handheld mode but if you're looking to play on the TV, the original way you version feels a bit more natural. Treasure Tracker feels kind of shoe horned under the Switch to me, it's a bit odd they ported this game to the Switch so early on and its life, I feel sequel would have been a better fit just because they wouldn't have had to work around all the touchscreen requirements for TV mode. Nintendo also publish Go Vacation, a port of some, Wii Bandai Namco made. To the potential person that predicted Nintendo would port Go Vacation to the Switch, when the system was first revealed, you have my respect. I think this was an effective nail in the coffin to a potential we sports follow up by Nintendo on the Switch. It seems like they're more interested in just publishing games from other companies that appeal to that more casual demographic, rather than making the game themselves. Mega Man X Legacy Collection one and two. Oh yeah, it's great to have some of these games on Switch but it is incredibly annoying that they're separated via two volumes. I got it with the original Mega Man Legacy Collections, those were created years apart. So while it was irritating that they didn't combine them for the Switch release, it still kind of made sense. The X Legacy Collections need to go lay down, they have no excuse to be this way, they released the exact same day and are literally the same collection with these same extras just with different games. Plus X Legacy Collection 2, is undoubtedly the worst collection. It includes the latter half of the X series, which (beep) stinks. Well, Nintendo announced a new Labo kit, the vehicle kit and everybody was kind of like, ooh but it was also kind of like, eh, we already knew what to expect from Labo at this point. So it wasn't suckered into this one as much. Warframe was announced, a port being done by Panic Button, they brought over Doom, Rocket League, Wolfenstein 2, these guys are wizards. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe randomly got a new update, where Link can wear his breath of the wild attire, nice but why? 2K announced the WWE 2K19, wouldn't be on the Switch this year. Definitely because WWE two 2K18 was (beep) garbage on the Switch. Like yeah, no wonder the series doesn't sell well on the platform. Nintendo also made a statement that they like to release, 20 to 30 indie games every week on the E Shop. All right guys, the Nintendo Switch E Shop, has officially become a breeding ground for pure garbage. Literally anybody can release a game on the Switch E Shop, it's so bad. Releasing that many games a week, isn't a good thing Nintendo, I haven't been playing as many indie games on the Switch as it was back in 2017 because there's like a dozen that release every day, I can't keep up with them. And for every good one, there's four (beep) calculation castle games. Now August was automatically great because we got a Smash Brothers Ultimate Direct on August 8th. This was way better than E3, the reveals of Simon and Rickter Belmont, all the stages King K ruled, there were no negatives with this Direct in my opinion. It was just pure Smash Brothers for 30 minutes, just like E3 but at least with this Direct, it was completely warranted to be just Smash Brothers. Dead Cells was the hot indie game of the month on Switch. It was apparently so good, it's worth losing your job over. I didn't pick this one up just yet but I did buy Okami HD and it's so beautiful, it's such a good game, but hell yeah. Picross S 2, more Picross, man, it's so good, it's so Picross. Monster Hunter generations Ultimate over cooked to a pretty quiet yet solid month for games, not a ton of stuff overall but a good amount of great titles and Knight Trap. There is another Nindies presentation, a bit longer than the last one but nothing really stood out to me, outside of untitled goose game. They revealed into the breech at the end, which I know is made by the same guys behind FTL but it didn't really excite me at all to be honest. Diablo 3 was officially announced, after being rumored for months. I mean, that's cool that Blizzard is back, publishing games on Nintendo platforms but Overwatch would have been such a better fit and would have been so much cooler to see. Doom eternal's game play was shown off and it was announced the game would be coming simultaneously to everything, including Nintendo Switch that was awesome. It was great to see a modern game, get announced for Switch, day in date with the other versions and they didn't make a huge deal about it, it was like, it was just one of the other consoles but brace herself folks because development on Steep for Nintendo Switch was officially halted. No, was shown off in the original January 2017 presentation and then they never really said anything about it for 1 1/2 years and now they'll really never say anything about it. September 2018 was my favorite month to hate Nintendo Switch online but first a Nintendo Direct premiered on September 13th, after being delayed from a September 6th date, after a tragic earthquake in Japan. I was perfectly fine waiting, especially considering the circumstances and it was well worth the wait. This was a pretty decent Direct, Luigi's Mansion 3 was revealed right off the bat and it looked okay. One of the things that makes Luigi's Mansion so memorable for people is the atmosphere and overall aesthetic. People mega dig the family-friendly, yet still a little creepy unnerving haunted house look. And the original nailed that but when Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon in 3, it doesn't look dark enough and the aesthetic feels more like, haunted house clip art to me, I don't know. Not saying it looks bad, it just looks okay so far, I need to see more. New Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe was announced and somebody was probably happy. This was a port I would've never guessed, they would do a year ago. It just didn't make any sense, why not just barf out a new new Super Mario Brothers game, come on, they can't take that many resources. But they have getting a port of the Wii U's, new Super Mario means we aren't getting a brand new one and Nintendo's teams can work on way better games, I'm okay with it. Civilization 6 was supposed to be announced in the Direct but due to the delay was revealed beforehand and the Direct acted like it was a big surprise. I guess this was supposed to be the big third-party game we weren't expecting for 2018, like how doom was for 2017 but I don't know, it's cool that it was announced but I wasn't a jaw-dropping or anything. The Yoshi title from last year E3 got a final name, Yoshi's Crafted World and was slated for spring. The game freak showed off a new RPG called Town a remake of the original Katamari Damacy and nonstop Final Fantasy games. Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD, a port of a mobile version of Final Fantasy 15. That's all we're getting Final Fantasy 15 related, isn't it? I mean, look at 15, You really think they could make that work on Switch immediately. It would have to be a substantial project to port that original game over. And the original consoles also got Pocket Edition HD so it doesn't feel that lame, like they got it too, it wasn't like they just did this for Switch. But no, this wasn't the greatest news, this was the lamest possible outcome of getting Final Fantasy 15 on Switch. But hey, at least they announced Crystal Chronicles HD, Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon, Final Fantasy 12, 10, 10 two, nine and seven. They're actually bringing seven to the Switch, they came famous for not being an Nintendo game that is pretty historic. Smash Brothers Ultimate got a bundle, I thought the doc looked pretty good but those Joy con man, right? Joy con fans, I'm sorry. It came out a month before the game officially did and it came with a code for Smash Brothers, which unlocked on December 7th and the November release was a bit odd, I guess they wanted to get it out before Black Friday. Then they announced Isabelle for Smash Brothers and that led into a tease for Animal Crossing on the Switch in 2019, it didn't show anything but hey what are you gonna do? Xenoblade 2 Torna The Golden Country, was the main Nintendo title published this month. Well, it was DLC for the original Xenoblade 2. You could purchase a physical copy by itself for 40 bucks. It had a new battle system and basically it could be considered a new game, which is pretty cool. Yeah, I didn't buy it, I didn't play a fair amount of the Capcom Beat 'em Up Bundle but Beat 'em Ups aren't nearly as fun on console because you can just infinitely play a game. You don't need to keep pumping quarters into an arcade machine. So I flew through final fight in an hour by just smashing buttons and not thinking at all. these games are way more fun in the arcade environment but it was still nice to have a good amount of Capcom's Legacy Playable on Switch. SEGA Ages Games finally released, starting things off with Sonic 1 and Lightning Force, Quest For The Dark Star. Right after the SEGA Genesis classics collection, was announced for Switch. SEGA, what the hell were you thinking, right before you try to sell a copy of Sonic 1 for $8, you went into collection of like 53 Genesis games including Sonic one for only 30 bucks. Yeah, I did pick up Lightening Force because it wasn't in that collection and it ran pretty well. There's a lot of options in these Sega Ages releases, they're structurally pretty great but I am not paying $8 for Sonic 1 when I can just get that collection. Labo Vehicle K release in what didn't, you know, barely anybody talked about it, I think we might be in for one more Labo kit, maybe two but I don't think it's gone too far past that, unfortunately. Scribble Nauts redeem themselves after Showdown by releasing the mega pack featuring, Scribbled Nauts Unlimited and Unmask. Dragon Ball Fighter Z finally came out for the platform, Undertale, Valkyrie, Chronicles 4, South Park The Stick Of Truth, Wonder Song, NBA 2K19. This was a really good month for third-party and indie games. But hey, you look like you wanna play, Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cloud Version on your Switch. So they're really evolved that vibe. Yep, same deal as Resident Evil 4, it would launch the other consoles in Japan only, nice. But we gotta get down to what September, was really known for. Nintendo Switch online, officially launched and people who are not happy. It basically felt like I did was push a button and made us pay for online multiplayer, nothing really improved, it was the same old thing we were getting for free since launch. The cloud saves were nice but titles like Splatoon 2 and Pokemon didn't work with them to stop cheating, who cares? These are games that people would actually want, cloud saves for, games people spend hundreds of hours in, they don't want to lose their progress. Nintendo entertainment system, Nintendo Switch online, rolls right off the tongue. This is a service offered free to the online members where you can play selection of any NES titles. 20 games are available at launch, two to three added each month after that, this was the replacement for virtual console with that, you just buy whatever old games you want, here it's at a more like a subscription service, where you can just open up the app and pick any game you wanna play. Now, this whole setup, is kind of what a lot of people suggested for the virtual console to evolve but for this to work well, there needs to be more than a couple dozen games. Why is this thing like behind the online membership? Do you really think 1/2 the people, who play Splatoon two online, give a about baseball on NES? Game selection at launch was rough. Sure, I was happy to see they offered, some third-party NES games and we got games like Mario 3 but this library was what I feared the NES classic edition, would have. When that thing was announced to have 30 NES games, I was like, oh great I can't wait to play Urban Champion and Tennis but no they did a legitimately great job, piecing together 30 of the greatest, most iconic NES games of all time. For Nintendo Switch online, Nintendo had no problem throwing pro wrestling and soccer onto the service. Seriously, these garbage early Black box NES games, make up a good chunk of the games offered, it's gross. You play these games for five minutes and you'd never have to play them again. Now in terms of playing the games, they run and look pretty great. Hopping from game to game is instantaneous, online, multiplayer offered across all games and it works all right but it is annoying that you can't remap any buttons or turn off this control layout or turn off or change this border or if only was blue or just purchase any of these games separately, outside of the app. If you wanna play Kirby's Adventure on your Switch, you have to subscribe to the online service. I can't, I just buy it for five bucks on the E Shop, Nintendo would make more money that way. This is a fine way to play NES games they load crazy fast and there's a decent selection now. But man, is it hard to get excited about NES games nowadays. Nintendo's been drip feeding us NES games over the years on other platforms and now they're doing again with the Switch. It had a bunch of filler here too, with these special releases of games, where it's literally just a safe state later in the title. I'm sure since this is basically a subscription service and that makes adding new games so much lower than it would be to just offer them all separately on the E Shop. Like instead of just asking Capcom if they could put Mega Man 2 out through the virtual console on the E Shop, Nintendo definitely has to pay them something upfront or Capcom will get a certain percentage of money from the online membership subscriptions or whatever. I think throwing a game on the E Shop is way easier to do for most companies, even Nintendo. This is just making things more complicated for everybody and because of that, we get less NES games than we ever did on older virtual console services. Seriously Nintendo 2 NES games per month, you wouldn't release to NES games per week on the Wii U sometimes. But hey, at least with this service if we'd pay for Nintendo Switch online, Nintendo gives us the right to buy NES controllers for the Switch $60 that is a little high for NES controllers, I must admit. I'd rather be able to buy the NES games, I want to own on the E Shop and have this service as an option, outside of Nintendo Switch online. The service is only 20 bucks a year, which is totally manageable by most people but instead of making a great service for 60 bucks a year, Nintendo opted to make a mediocre one for 20. It was just so annoying that this was what we got, after waiting a year for Nintendo Switch Online. They always kept saying, we'll have more to reveal about the service later. If Nintendo delayed the service, just to get the online multiplayer for NES games working right, oh God. If a billion dollar company had problems, getting NES games to run online, we're (beep) as a society. Dark Souls remastered finally released in summer of 2018. If you can't act over a summer but the game I was more intrigued by this month, was Super Mario Party. Super Mario Party proved that NDQ, knew what people wanted from Mario Party but really didn't know what people wanted for Mario Party. Compared to reason Mario party titles that were just the definition of not very, very good, Super Mario Party reverts to the formula of the first eight titles and that definitely makes things super tolerable. This is a fun multiplayer game but it is nowhere near as good as the height of the N64 and Game Cube Mario Parties. It feels like they went for quantity over quality, when it came to the modes in this game. There are a ton of things to do here but each and every one of them is gimped, there's just not enough to 'em. There are only four boards in the standard Mario Party mode, I'm sorry, but that is unacceptable. Even worse the is fact that each board is grid-based, they just don't have the most interest layouts, plus they're really small. There aren't enough different pathways for you to go on and most of the time there's a path that is undeniably the best one to go on. So really in the end, each board, just kind of feels like you and your friends are constantly going around in circles with how small, simple and undeveloped the boards are. Also, this game just has so many things that are unbalanced about it. Now have the fun of Mario Parties, is the fact that a lot of things are luck based. I'm not talking about that, the main goal in the standard Mario Party game, is to get as many stars as possible, which you primarily get by collecting and spending the coins you earn from playing mini games in landing on good spaces. But you get so many in this game but they lose so much value. Stars are so cheap to buy, like who cares if you lose coins and that's a major problem, there needs to be weight to the things going on. Now, the mini games are perfectly fine and well the boards are a step in the right direction, compared to Mario Party nine and 10, they definitely needed more of them and the boards themselves need to be of higher quality. The other modes in Super Mario Party are kind of cool, only the first time around. River survival is fun, you have to travel down a stream with your friends, cooperating to win mini games to gain more time on the clock. It's actually a really fun idea but there's only 10 different mini games that can appear in this mode. Kind of repeat fairly often, also it's way too easy, maybe if they started you off with less time, it would be better but overall, this was just a mode that was a good idea but kind of ruined with the execution. They got so much right with the concepts in Super Mario Party but in the end they just needed more game boards and better ones at that or they just needed to put more effort into all the modes. Every single one of them is lacking in some way, it's still definitely a fun time with friends but honestly after I've seen everything, this one has to offer, I'd rather just play the Game Cube games from now on with my friends. Oh, I know not everybody has access to the older Mario party so for them Super Mario Party is perfectly fine. It does the job as supplying a fun enough new Mario Party. It just could have been so much better, I'm really hoping for a super Mario Party 2 with better and more boards or more of a focus on quality over quantity with modes. The World Ends With You Final Remix, a remaster of the DS title for 50 bucks. That was a little steep and from what I've heard, this really isn't one of the best consoles to play World Ends With You on. Playing in handheld mode seems okay but playing on the TV hit really doesn't work well. This game definitely requires a touch screen which makes me think this remaster, would have worked a lot better if it was released a few years ago on the Wii U. Dark Souls remastered finally came out and after playing it, I don't think I'm a Dark Souls guy, all those delays for nothing. It didn't grab me immediately, I'll definitely try it again for sure but I don't think it's the game for me. But really though, it's great to see this game on Switch but all those delays were kind of ridiculous. Starlink released in reception was a bit mixed, I wasn't really interested but it seemed like people either loved the game or found it really boring. Regardless, the Switch version was the only the one that did somewhat okay, definitely due to the Starfox content. This game really didn't end so well overall, it was put on sale almost immediately after releasing. Mega Man 11 though did fairly well and I really enjoyed it, it controlled like a dream and has a great look to it. The music was pretty lame by Mega Man standards and I wish there were more checkpoints. These stages are long and dying somewhat far into one and having to traverse five minutes of the stage again, isn't fun. Other than that, this was a solid return to form for Mega Man and the new double gear mechanic, where you can slow down time or power Mega Man up for a brief moment was awesome. I hope for future games, they get a little riskier and try more new things like this with the series. 11 did feel pretty vanilla Mega Man, overall, still really good though. Guacamele, Child Of Light, the original Valkyrie Chronicles, Windjammers, October was pretty decent overall, definitely something for everybody here and how November's big title was Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee. The first main Pokemon game I ever owned and played and I'm sorry but this came was kind of boring. It was obviously made for people like me or people who fell out of Pokemon or Pokemon Go fans but it was just too simple. There was nothing that kept me engaged, I wasn't like, oh man, I got to keep playing. It felt too basic, probably due to the fact that it was a pretty faithful remake of a Game Boy game. I've seen a lot of people praise Let's Go for trimming the fat of the newer Pokemon game and keeping things simple. And I don't know, man, I think they took it a little too far and I really lost interest quickly. I think for a Pokemon game to really grab me, it has to be more in depth than Let's Go but simpler than the newer games, I'm in Pokemon purgatory. Also can we talk about how this game, requires you to use one joy con and motion controls in TV mode. There's no reason for doing this, you can play with a standard button layout with no motion controls in handheld mode. Why can't. I choose to use a broken driller on the TV. November was a big month for the third parties, we got Diablo 3, Sieve 6, Warframe and Ark, nice port guys. I was surprised to see Missplosion Man release on Switch. It was originally a Microsoft published game for 360 but I guess the developer parted ways with them and we got Missplosion Man for Switch now. FN carnival games guys, it's back for Wii sensation made its way to Switch and Jesus Christ, you see, I think he could get away with looks like these on the Wii but here even I'm embarrassed with how this looks. The final Smash Brothers Ultimate Direct, debuted on November 1st and it wasn't that great. You know, it's been for pretty subpar overall and just felt like they already revealed all the cool stuff and had like a bunch of really small whatever things to talk about and they just spread it across 40 minutes. The game's still a great though it just was a bit of an underwhelming way to end off the announcements. There was a rumor floating around that Aiji Anuma, apparently hinted that a Skyward Sword HD remaster at a Zelda concert in Japan. And even though Nintendo made a statement saying, yeah it's not happening. I mean, it's probably happening, why else would Anuma say that. Now I picked up a ton of games over Black Friday. I got a box copy of Bayoneta 2 on the Switch for like 30 bucks but I also went berserk on the E Shop. I finally got Doom, Child Of Light, Undertale, Sonic Forces for some (beep) reason, all those board gaming game show games from Ubisoft were on sale, so why not? Yeah, Smash Brothers came out this month, let's talk about that. Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, single handedly turned a pretty lame year for first party Nintendo releases and do a pretty lame year for first party Nintendo releases that at least ended with a really good Smash Brothers. And that's all I really say, whenever somebody asks what I think about Smash Brothers Ultimate, it's a really good Smash Brothers. The gameplay is better than it's ever been, oh my God, these visuals are so good, the soundtrack goes on for centuries. The character roster and stage list are mind boggling, there were still stages in this game that'll pop up and I'll go oh man, this stage is in the game, I forgot. It is a great game to put it lightly, however, it's single player offerings aren't the greatest in the world. And the fact that some Smash Brothers staples, were cut entirely is a bit puzzling. Ultimate single player likes a lot of variety, while the classic mode is really cool this time featuring character specific routes for each fighter and that's the fact that single-player wise, it's basically non-stop spirit battles. Ultimate features these collectibles called spirits over a thousand pieces of character art from other games. They're the basis of spirit battles, which take a character in a specific costume or color on a specific stage with specific conditions that are supposed to invoke the spirit of the character is representing. These are the basis for the mortal World Of Light, which is fundamentally just roaming around on a JPEG, fighting spirits. These are all new things that are the replace various Smash Brothers staples from the past. Trophies, events and the adventure mode. However, they all just feel a bit underwhelming, spirits are just images and compared to trophies which were full 3D models and had descriptions and told you two different games that character was from and they're pretty lackluster in comparison. Spear pedals are crazy charming at first but they lose they're luster after a while, considering there's over 1,000 of them, plus 1/2 the charm of a spear battle, comes from understanding what they're referencing and if you don't know the character, it's hard to appreciate the spirit battle, which is a problem considering none of the spirits have descriptions of any character information like trophies did. And then the adventure mode World Of Light, it's fine, it does the job, but goes on far too long. But now I have to ask, where all the things from previous Smash games, like home run contest? It's a little weird they're not here, considering so many of the things missing from ultimate were present in Smash for Wii U. And Ultimate was built off Smash Wii U so it doesn't seem like these things, would be hard at all to bring over into Ultimate. Now, most of these complaints are honestly nitpicks, I'm still playing spirit battles in Smash Ultimate, I 100% in a World Of Light, not because I was over the moon in love with these things. I just really like Smash Ultimate and these things, well not the most fun things in the world, were fun enough to play in short bursts. I found myself playing 30 minutes of World Of Light, before bed to feel I accomplished something that day. Well the most negative things I can say about a game are just, yeah, this part about the game, is a little mediocre but not bad or anything. And everything else is pretty spot on that's when you know, it's a good game. However, I do have to say with this match happening so quickly after the last one, I didn't have the same excitement I had for Brawl or Smash for 3DS and Wii U when they came out. I feel like myself and countless others, were asking for Smash for Switch, not because we were tying for a new Smash game but because we literally just wanted to play Smash Brothers on the Switch. A year or so ago I would have been perfectly happy with an enhanced match for we you port. And to see we got Ultimate, I'm more than happy with this. Even if I do have some nitpicks here and there. On the same day as Smash Brothers Katamari Damacy Reroll and SEGA Genesis Classics came out that was a mistake. Katamari Reroll is fantastic, just the same old Katamari Damacy from the PlayStation two but now in beautiful HD, I love it. How it was hard to find a physical copy of this game, I believe it was a Game Stop exclusive and I didn't know that until after copies were selling for crazy amounts of cash but thankfully they restocked it and it's hanging out on my game shelf now. SEGA Genesis Classics is a great deal for only 30 bucks, I'm not a fan of the overall menu aesthetic, it looks really cheap to me, but other than that, it has a great selection of titles for a great price. And no Sonic three and Knuckles or Eco the dolphin though, so nowhere near the Ultimate Collection but still a no brainer for 30 bucks. You gotta be honest, not a ton of other notable titles came out in December but hey, we got four gallons of announcements at the game awards this year. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 was announced as the Nintendo Switch exclusive, published by Nintendo and developed by team ninja. None of these games have a fan base but this was an odd game series for Nintendo to revive. Joker from Persona 5 was announced as a DLC character for Smash Brothers Ultimate. Yeah, that means Persona 5 is coming to Switch it hasn't been announced yet, but yeah that means Persona 5 is coming to Switch. Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled and Mortal Kombat 11 were announced as multi-platform Switch titles, CTR I totally get but mortal Kombat 11, nobody expected that, they showed the trailer at the game awards and I don't think anybody was saying, yeah it's coming to Switch but no, it is, there's a lot going everything. There were lots of rumors about the Metroid Prem Trilogy, coming to Switch and being unveiled at the game awards but that never happened. Oh, I mean, who knows maybe a little unveil it alongside new information on Metroid Prime 4, that was uncalled for, after being announced at E3 2017 and nothing else. Nintendo announced they were not pleased with the development status of Prime 4 and decided to restart the project, now being developed by retro studios, the original studio behind the Prime Trilogy. Now a lot of people were upset about this and I totally understand, but honestly, I was pretty okay with this overall, first off we knew nothing about Metroid Prime 4, other than some junk logo. Hearing that the game we knew nothing about, was still coming, it was just being restarted, didn't really bother me because, you know, we knew nothing about it. The rumors were that various segments of Bandai Namco, were working on the game, I felt Bandai Namco could probably be trusted with Metroid Prime but I have way more faith in retro. Sure, the original team that made Metroid Prime is long gone but retro is still makes really good games. I don't have any worries concerning Prime 4. Many were expecting an intended Direct for January but that never happened. We got random spurts of information, like Yoshi's Crafted World's release date and an indie showcase on Nintendo UK YouTube channel, well, that was about it, really though, who cares? Because New Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe released, oh (beep). I played enough of New Super Mario Brothers U, I didn't want to contract anything again so I haven't picked this one up. If anything, this version is worse than the Wii U release, later releases of the game already included all the DLC, plus it had boost mode, which relied on the Wii U game pad and challenges associated with it. They took all that out and they had to Toadette as a playable character but with that, they made it so then if you're playing four player multiplayer, one player will have an advantage because Toadette and Nabbit have special abilities. You can't play as just Mario, Luigi, Blue and Yellow Toad altogether anymore. You're either blue or yellow Toad and then the fourth player is Toadette or Nabbit, that's dumb. Also just reading this title gives me a hernia. Nintendo also published fitness boxing, another sign that we are getting a new Wii fit style game from them. They just published some developers fitness game but apparently this is a huge hit in Japan and I gave the demo world and it does offer a decent workout. We think games are more fun but if you're looking for a fitness game, this one is fun enough and we'll get your I'm squealing. Travis Strikes Again, No More Heroes finally released and it really wasn't, what a lot of No More Heroes fans wanted. It was basically a top-down hack and slash and a lot of the No More Heroes charm is lost by getting rid of the third person perspective. Yeah, it wasn't the craziest month, the lack of a direct was really depressing, just because, what else were Nintendo fans expected to talk about, New Super Mario Brothers Deluxe. Holy (beep) all right we're here the last month and it was a pretty packed one for news. A direct Finally happened on February 13th and that thing started and ended great. Super Mario Maker 2 open the show up but I don't think anybody could come up with anything negative to say about this. It did everything I wanted for a Mario Maker sequel, beautiful but Legend Of Zelda Link's awakening, ended the show, a full remake of the Game Boy game. I'm a little worried this may be like, let's go and be a little too simple, considering the world map is from a Game Boy game. So, you know, everything's based on a grid but I'm not too worried it looks fantastic so far and everything has on the Direct kind of wreaked. For middle was just filled with games that didn't hot interests me all too much. A lot of RPGs I wasn't into and just plain bad looking ports. Rude Factory 4 Special was stated to be fully remastered, what? Dead By Daylight and Assassins Creed 3 remastered, looked rough, like why did they look this bad? For some reason, Hellblade is coming to the Switch, I mean, cool. Astro Chain was a new platinum games, exclusive title which looked fine but man I think that name is kind of dumb. Captain Toad is getting DLC, why just make a sequel. A new box boy and they literally played, a four minute long trailer for Dragon Quest 11. I get it, Nintendo wants to push Dragon Quest, this is the definitive edition, it looks great on the system but good God four minutes for a game that released last year. But all was saved by the announcement that a free game was coming after the Direct, Tetris 99, you against 98 other people playing Tetris, there's not much to this game, it's just Tetris with 99 players. But it as such a fun pickup and play game plus it was free. Finally, a reason to get Nintendo Switch online. There were loads of rumors going around that Microsoft was planning various X-Box games, X-Box live and Xbox game pass for the Switch and if that's true, which it probably is, oh God, that will be amazing. Just so many more games on the Switch, including games I would have never pictured playing on a Nintendo console, this is so cool. Later in February, Pokemon Sword and Shield were unveiled, the true Pokemon games to be released in the late 2019, I mean, they're Pokemon games, that's for sure. I saw a fair amount of people express disappointment with the fact that Game Freak seemingly isn't doing much to push Pokemon in a new direction. Well, I mean, Sword and Shield, look like perfectly fine new Pokemon games overall, just nothing crazy. They do look like HD 3DS games, I think they look pretty good visually overall but there's obviously areas that could use a lot of improvement and graphically it doesn't look mind blowing or anything. Well, that took about four years off my life but we finally got through the Switch, a second year on the market and overall, I hate Nintendo. Really though the best way to describe this year was disappointing. 2018 was just not the greatest followup year to 2017, this felt like such a filler year in terms of Nintendo's offerings. I mean really think about it, how many in-house Nintendo made games came out, like other than Labo and older games, nothing really they just published, second and third party titles. They obviously just rolled this year out and banked on Pokemon and Smash Brothers to save it and they were completely right because they did. Well I love Smash Brothers Ultimate and throughout the year the upcoming release of the game, made things interesting, the year itself was pretty lackluster overall. I feel like Nintendo used 2018 to quietly work on a lot of future games because it's obvious 2019 is gonna be filled with a lot more heavy hitting first party titles Mario Maker 2, Animal Crossing, Link's awakening, there's so much coming. 2019 feels exactly how 2013 felt for the 3DS games wise and that was one of the handhelds best years. Luigi's Mansion, Pokemon, 2D Zelda, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, even little E Shop titles, all games the Switch has coming in 2019 that the 3DS has had in 2013, I'm pretty stoked. But still in terms of last year, Nintendo support for 2018 was in one word, underwhelming. To me each of them big new games were either unfinished at launch, just plain lacking in content or underwhelming. Sure, we got a lot of the, we use greatest hits but those are old games I already played them. Now of course I don't speak for the people, who never played games like Tropical Freezer, Captain Toad and were able to play them for the first time, they're great games, they deserve to be played by everybody but they're also old ones for a lot of people, including me. I still like ports on the Switch but I want them to supplement new games coming out, not fully replaced them. And ports are fundamentally 90% of the Switches library, don't get me wrong, I want every game ever made on the Switch too. It's incredibly convenient to have so many games from different kinds of concerts and time periods on an all-in-one portable home console. There's always something to play on this system but the fact that the vast, vast majority of this library is old, makes the system less exciting sometimes. It gives the system less character since it's primarily characterized by titles that it can't call its own, which is weird to say about a Nintendo system. Like I said, I like having these ports and older games on the Switch but that's almost all that comes to the system. I want to see more new you original titles released for it, both from Nintendo and third parties. But with Nintendo they're almost out of Wii U games to port over and thinking about some of the games, they have left, I think Mario 3D world will make the jump. This game would feel way more at home on the Switch than it did on the Wii U, especially with the two joy con, instinct co-op multiplayer. I'd be more than okay with the paper Mario color splash port just because ditching the Wii U game pad, will make this game way better. Wonderful One-on-one would definitely benefit from one, Yoshi's Willie World, it would be nice if they pulled a Hyrule Warriors definitive edition and combine the content from the 3DS and Wii U versions. Pikmin 3 is probably gonna happen, I'd prefer a Pikmin HD Collection though or better yet. Pikmin 4 for God's sake. But I'd prefer much older games remastered, compared to Wii U ports. I just played a lot of these games a few years ago and not remaster some much older titles, obviously because that would be a lot more work but still I would rather see some remasters. Of course you may say with all this old game talk but Scott there are loads of original games on the Switch, not everything is a port or an old game. Well, yeah, there has to be some great original games but I can't find them in this minefield of shovelware. The Nintendo Switch E Shop is horrendous, every time I log on, it lags and stutters more and more because too many games are releasing on it. Now that must be a good the thing, right? No, of course not most of these games, nobody has ever heard of and nobody wants to play, I think this is just porn. The E Shop desperately needs an overhaul, Nintendo added this featured tab but it doesn't really do a good job highlighting games, you might not have heard of. It mainly just showcases games we all know we're on the system. Speaking of the E Shop, I already said this last year but I really wish Nintendo would put out more smaller games on there like they used to do on the 3DS. Just throw a random things on there, like Push Mower or another Snipperclips or better yet completely original games. And that would have definitely helped things out, when there wasn't a ton coming out, I was itching to play. I feel like Sushi Striker would have been the perfect, kind of E Shop game but unlike Push Mower or Snipperclips, which were downloadable titles at a low price Sushi Striker came at a retail for 50 bucks and that's a major problem in general with Switch content. There has rarely been a great deal, when it comes to Switch accessories or games. This has been a thing since launch but it's been especially noticeable this year, when something like Kirby Star Allies comes out for $60, when Kirby Planet Robot for the 3DS came out a few years ago for $40 and had more content. Capcom recently revealed that Resident Evil 1, 0 and 4, would cost $30 each, when they cost $20 on the PS4 and Xbox one, why. I guess publishers are pricing Switch related items, crazy high just because they know they can and it's just ridiculous. I've recently started playing Resident Evil 4 and I adore it. I was gonna buy the Switch version on release but I guess I'll just wait for a sale now. I do quite enjoy the Switch and while I finally remember in somehow miss, the days of 2017, when we only got 20 games a month, all be a good games, I'm happy that has been this monumental of a success. I want to see it succeed and become better, which is why I'm very critical of it right now. This isn't the charming little console that could from 2017 anymore, this is a legitimate platform with thousands of games, ranging from retro to indie to triple A releases. Which makes the problems that are still here, after they could have been fixed since launch that much more irritating. We're still waiting for a better you E Shop experience, a much better online service, more new original games from third parties, a better lineup of legacy content from Nintendo, a more robust operating system for God sakes. This whole, we're focusing on games at launch was cute but it's been two years Nintendo, this is ridiculous. No internet browser, no way to browse social media, you can post to it but not browse it. No menu themes, no folders, still no Netflix, oh my God. I want the Switch to be the best console it can possibly be. So when Nintendo does something that I find underwhelming or just playing bad, I'm gonna talk about it in a tone that'll make any grandmother faint. I didn't personally find 2018 that crazy exciting on the games front but that doesn't mean the system is bad far from it. The last year was sort of lackluster for me but 2019 is looking to definitely be an improvement and I am legitimately excited for the future of this console. The Nintendo Switch has potential to be one of the greatest systems of all time. It just needs to fix a few things, the E Shop needs a better design, the overall quality of the online service, needs to be improved, the releases of newer and older titles, should be much more evened out, needs to refrigerate food better, kill 99.9% of germs, eat my vegetables, tell me ghost stories, drive my cousin to school and if it does all that, then I think we have a winner on our hands. (upbeat music)
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 2,876,546
Rating: 4.8654695 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby Star Allies, Scribblenauts, Nintendo Labo, Nintendo Direct, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Hyrule Warriors, Switch Review, Super Mario Odyssey, Sushi Striker, Dark Souls, World Ends With You, Super Mario Maker 2, Links Awakening, Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal Crossing Switch, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Super Smash Bros., Katamari, Joker Smash Bros.
Id: Lc5OGf6tlms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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