Most Wanted Video Game Sequels - Scott The Woz

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For some reason i first suspected a video about NFS: Most Wanted sequels. At first i was like "What is he talking about?" and then i realized what he actually meant.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/Gumbario 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Some closure for Deus Ex would be nice.

I highly doubt we'll ever see it though. Regardless of what the Eidos Montreal boss says, once their Marvel game 'flops' (it will, SE will have expectations of 20 billion units probably*) the studio is probably done.

Edit: 20 Billion is hyperbole, but seriously - Deus Ex is an owned IP, SE/Eidos own it - how much do you think Disney is going to charge for a Marvel license? The amount of units required for SE to not call it 'weak sales' could quite possibly even be 1Billion, Eidos Montreal is in an impossible situation which I don't think they'll survive.

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/drtekrox 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

There are a ton of games i want sequels to but two I think deserves it the most are Dragon's Dogma and Soul Sacrifice. Soul Sacrifice is such a good game that just came out on the wrong platform so it failed like the system. Dragon's Dogma great but really needed the polish that comes with a sequel to make it a masterpiece.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/Draiders 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2019 🗫︎ replies




Just give me a sequel to Foklore. I will buy it, I will buy three copies. Give it to me !

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Ploufy 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

I would mainly want Vanquish 2. The original was made in 2010 but could easily pass off as something made today and the gameplay is really fun

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Peeaakaayy 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

I want Portal 3 damn it.

I wish we got sequel to Bullet Storm. It was a very fun game.

Also Nox. It was such an unique game in terms of how story played out. Your class essentially changed where you started in the world , they way you have experienced the world and how story progressed.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Fatdude3 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

No god hand?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/weredagabagool 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

My most wanted sequel is Metroid 5. I really want to see the story after Metroid Fusion. But unfortunately it's been......17 years. So I don't see a Metroid 5 ever happening.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ArokLazarus 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Hey all, Scott here. Check it out, it's the sequel confirmer. Tells you if the game you're scanning's a sequel or not. Yup! The number two rocks, this thing is so versatile. It could go here, here, or here and still produce mediocrity. Sequels are basically a necessity with video games. I mean, why let all those character models, sprites, or that game engine go to waste when you can just reuse 'em for another game? Making a video game sequel most of the time is being relatively resourceful, and that's why they get pumped out year after year. But what about the titles that haven't gotten sequels yet, or series that haven't gotten new games in general recently? I thought it'd be fun to just throw some sequels I want out there, just some games I want to see made. Now I mainly tried to stick to sequels to games that aren't obviously going to happen, or haven't been announced yet. "Man I sure do with they made another Final Fantasy." Like, are you kidding me? They made it 15+ games in, and you're acting like they're gonna stop there? I tried to mostly think of sequels that aren't necessarily a completely shoe-in. With some sequels likely, some unlikely, and some that make me look like an effin' moron. And like I said, these are just sequels I'd personally want to see. Feel free to discuss ones you'd want, but this is all about me, me, me. These were a bit harder than you may think to dream up, mainly because a lot of the biggest video game sequels that are taking forever to happen are already happening, or have already happened. Kingdom Hearts 3, Shenmue 3, Psychonaughts 2, Mirror's Edge 2, Marvel vs. Capcom 3. These games seemingly were never going to happen, but look at things now. Hey guys, it's Scott checking in. I just wanted to say, before we get into all these sequels I want to see, that this isn't a definitive list of all sequels I want to see. I'm sure anybody could say, "Why didn't you bring up a sequel to Wario World?" And I'll be like, "(censored)! I forgot Wario World!" This list has to end at some point, so let me just mention some games I still want to see, just don't have time to discuss all too much. StarTropics 3, a new Custom Robo, a new Skate game, Grand Theft Auto Advanced 2, Mega Man Legends 4, Super Smash Brothers Brawl 2. Anyway, here's some games I'd like to see two'd. Here me out on this. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, outside of being just one of the worst lineup of words I've ever seen in my life, was Sony's answer to Smash Brothers. And it was the wrong answer. Here's the thing, though. I want a sequel to this game based purely on the fact that this isn't a bad idea. Far from it. Sony's had a terrible history of making their version of a Nintendo thing and just not putting enough effort into it. The PlayStation Classic, the PlayStation Move, LittleBIGPlanet Karting, all just feel like half-assed attempts to do something Nintendo did successfully. And with all of these, especially All-Stars Battle Royale, they all flopped. They all felt soulless. And the thing was, they didn't need to be. A PlayStation crossover fighting game could be amazing. They just need to treat it with the same amount of love and respect a Smash Brothers gets. Smash Brothers always felt like a momentous occasion, with a character being in it solidifying them as true gaming icons. Evil Cole's in PlayStation All-Stars. For a PlayStation All-Stars sequel, they need to get a better character line up. The ones they had were fine, but the lack of PlayStation icons like Crash and Spyro would be like Smash Brothers not including Link and Kirby. It needs better gameplay and ideas. It just felt like they copied Smash Brothers, but tweaked a bunch of random things to make it different. But in the end, just made things worse. They should just try to do their own thing. Maybe making a 3D fighting game would be interesting. And change the title, this thing is the most generic garbage sequence of letters my mouth could ever barf out. Now, before anybody says anything, yes there was technically a PlayStation All-Stars sequel, called PlayStation All-Stars Island. A mini-game collection for mobile devices, brought to you by Coke Zero. Well that's one thing Smash Brothers doesn't have. What it means to be a Sonic game isn't the most clear-cut thing in the world, since the mainline Sonic the Hedgehog titles vary so much in terms of style. Classic, the adventure titles, the boost formula, Knuckles' Chaotix, it's all over the place. Right now, we have 2D classic Sonic with Sonic Mania, the boost formula with Sonic Forces, and then whatever the hell Sonic Lost World is. I'd really like to see some of the other styles of Sonic games throughout history get brought back. A good chunk of them had merit and would be fun to see again. With proprietary handheld systems fading away, there's been one type of Sonic title that hasn't made an appearance for almost a decade. And that's the Sonic Advanced/Sonic Rush style of games. These titles only appeared on mainly Nintendo handhelds, and felt like a modern spin on the 2D Sonic titles from the Genesis days. I'd love to see a successor to these games. Not saying something like Sonic Mania isn't phenomenal, but these games were different enough from the classics to warrant being brought back. I think seeing a new Sonic Rush thrown onto the Switch E-Shop would be really fun. Maybe with a 2D hand drawn art style, crazy fluid animation. I'd love that. Of course, you can't talk Sonic sequels without bringing up Sonic Adventure 3. While I'm not a huge Sonic Adventure guy, I feel like if the right developers were behind it, and Adventure 3 would be pretty cool. Most of the problems I had with the Adventure titles are just due to them not aging the best, so a modern take could work. I'm just not holding my breath. Also, technically this could be considered Sonic Adventure 3, so there's that. As anybody born in the year 1997 would do, I played Pac Man World 2 as a kid. This wasn't a ground breaking game by any means, but it did a really great job at transitioning whatever the hell this is into a 3D platformer. It didn't feel like a generic 3D platformer with Pac Man squirted into it, it felt like if Pac Man was a 3D platformer. And I really admired that. Now, with the Pac Man World series in general, I went straight down the middle. Didn't play 1, didn't play 3. From what I hear, Pac Man World 1 was pretty good, and 3 was a pretty divisive follow up. It took a different direction with the tone and formula, and didn't really turn out the best. Now there have been some fairly resent Pac Man 3D platformers: the Ghostly Adventures games based on some TV show. But unlike Pac Man World 2, these do feel like generic 3D platformers with Pac Man squirted into them. These aren't my Pac Man World. I'd like to see another traditional 3D platformer with this Pac Man, no pupils and all. No TV show tie in, nothing weird like the third game, just a fun 3D platformer in the same vain as World 2. A true Pac Man World 4. Oh my God, out of all the potential sequels on this list, Conker's Bad Fur Day just begs for one. Bad Fur Day was the Nintendo 64 swan song, and got a remake on the original Xbox. And that's it, it's 2019 now. Wow. Bad Fur Day was a spit in the face'd while cutesy E-rated platformer that went eight letters down the alphabet and went full on M-rated, with loads of fun blood and piss. The developers at Rare were obviously making the game for themselves and not for the general Nintendo 64 owner. It obviously didn't sell well, but was always destined to be a cult classic. The ending of Bad Fur Day feels definitive enough, but does hint at a future game. And a sequel called Conker's Other Bad Day was planned, but was given the boot after Microsoft acquired Rare. After that, another game called Conker: Gettin' Medieval was planned, but scrapped as well. And the only thing released that progressed Bad Fur Days' plot was some episodic DLC for Project Spark. That was canceled after Episode 1. Project Spark was a game creation tool, and the Conker DLC was created within it. And I think it's fair to say this really wasn't how anybody wanted to see Conker evolve. Oh (censored)! Oh (censored)! I spoke too soon. Yeah, Conker has just been subjected to tech demos and reliving Bad Fur Day again. And a true sequel that continues the story of Bad Fur Day is really what everybody wants to see. There's not much more I can say, just a new Conker game that continues where Bad Fur Day left off. That's it. Every single E3, Ubisoft's press conference comes around and I am ready for a new Rayman to be announced. Yeah, it never happens. All right, I quite liked Rayman Origins and Legends. I wasn't like, out of this world in love with them, like other people, but I will happily say I quite enjoyed my time with both titles. I even really dug the mobile Rayman games. Rayman Jungle Run was one of the best platformers on mobile. I'd just love to see more of these games. They're so beautiful and creative. Seeing a Rayman Legends 2 or whatever you want to call it would be stellar. But it would be even cooler to see a return to the 3D Rayman games. We haven't seen one of these in ages. Now Rayman Origins came out around the height of the return of the 2D platformer. But we've been seeing a resurgence in 3D platformers lately, so maybe a new 3D Rayman isn't totally out of the question. Either way, I'd like a new game in general. Bully has never been one of Rockstar's bigger games, but it's a beloved one nonetheless. It's always been odd to me that this game didn't become a series like other Rockstar titles did. Think about it, if Manhunt can become a series, you can accomplish anything. It's not like Rockstar wants to try and forget this game exists, they'll gladly put it out on mobile devices and PS4. And a sequel to it has been one of the longest running rumors surrounding the company. And with Bully being a T-rated game, a sequel would be a nice change of pace from all of the this Rockstar has been putting out for the past ten years. All right, bear with me on this one, because I only just started playing it, but Okami is really something special. I've been with it for a few hours so far, but from what I've played, now this is what you call a wolf game. That's right, I said it. (censored) out, WolfQuest. Every single second I've played has filled me with so much joy. It's really similar to The Windwaker, but it's all about the beauty of Japanese culture, history, art, everything. Now, a sequel was released for the Nintendo DS: Okami Den. And like I said, I'm still making my way through the first one, but with how much people adore Okami, I would love to see a new title in the series. Capcom has been spreading Okami HD around to all current-gen platforms. So that at least shows they want people to continue playing this game. Well, hopefully that means a third game is still a possibility. Mario RPG's have incredibly dedicated fan bases, especially considering how all of the Mario RPG series' out there are either dead, dead, or "Please die." All right, Paper Mario Color Splash was okay, but really it was only saved by its writing and presentation. Mario and Luigi games used to be special, but now they just seem to be filler titles for when Nintendo needs to put out a game with Mario on the cover. But then, there's the grandfather of them all: Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars. Developed by Square for the Super Nintendo. I feel that the Paper Mario series has definitely overshadowed the original Mario RPG in terms of pure love from fans, but it's still a beloved title and many's favorite Mario RPG title. The original Paper Mario on N64 was actually initially planned as a sequel to Super Mario RPG, until it became its own thing entirely. So while you can make the argument that Paper Mario is Mario RPG's sequel, it's still kind of its own entity. I think a true sequel to Mario RPG would be mind-blowing. And with Nintendo and SquareEnix playing nice with each other, seeing a full blown sequel to the original game isn't completely impossible. Imagine Mario RPG 2 being done by the same team behind Octopath Traveler. Now that would be something to see. I'm not even an RPG guy and I would love to see this. But we can't forget about Paper Mario, though. I think what most people would love to see is obviously a follow up to Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door. The original Paper Mario and its sequel are treasured as the deity of paper-based Mario RPG's. And while some people still love the third game, Super Paper Mario, it's definitely more of a mixed bag. Plus this is a platformer with RPG elements. And then this happened. And like I said, Color Splash was okay. Sticker Star and Color Splash, while still RPGs, are huge deviations from the first two games' formulas. I think what everybody would like to see would be a third game in the style of the first two Paper Mario's. Basically, The Thousand-Year Door 2. Kid Icarus Uprising is one of the most, "I wanted to play it. I bought it on Amazon "and the seller sent me the European copy" game I've ever not played. Believe me, I'm dying to. The Kid Icarus series only saw two titles, and then laid dormant for over twenty years until Uprising's release. It was directed by Smash Brothers' creator, Masahiro Sakurai. And the same hefty attention to detail and wealth of content you'd find in those games was present in Uprising. The gameplay was pretty different from the first two games, being a third-person shooter. More Sin & Punishment than traditional Kid Icarus. Regardless, it is a beloved game that was plagued by this little sliver of pain. Yeah, the number one complaint about Uprising was the controls. This type of game just doesn't work that well on the 3DS. Now, I'd gladly take a remake of Uprising on the Nintendo Switch, but I'd be even more excited to see that a sequel was being made, instead. Kid Icarus Uprising didn't sell like crazy, but it didn't flop. So while I don't think Nintendo is hovering over the "make Uprising sequel" button, I'm sure they wouldn't be crazy opposed if Sakurai wanted to make another one. Man, I love when people don't make games. Especially you, Valve! This company has evolved from making hit after hit, to just hanging out runnin' Steam, selling other people's games. They're great. Almost all of the titles Valve has previously released warrant sequels, and of course this is the obvious one. Now I'm not gonna act like I'm everybody's resident Half-Life expert. I've played a little bit of two, but not much. With the last we've seen of the Half-Life series being a cliffhanger, we just need a finale to it all. Just finish it up. Now, will it ever happen? I don't know. I'm fairly optimistic about it eventually happening, but I'm not saying it's super likely any time soon. I just want to see Half-Life 3 announced, because it would truly be one of the biggest days in gaming history. Just reading the history of Half-Life 3 not being announced is entertaining, imagine it actually happening. Now a game I'm more personally invested in is Portal. This is a series that has an infinite amount of possibilities with it. They can make 34 Portal games and the 35th one would still impress me with new ideas, I'm sure of it. Portal 3, make it happen. And I know for a fact people want Left 4 Dead 3. Just, Jesus Christ Valve, do something. The NES Remix games on Wii-U were great, just quick challenges on old school NES games with some of them mixing things up in terms of art style, characters, physics, all that. I really liked these games, because they took some NES games that aged poorly and made them legitimately fun by chopping them up into tons of challenges. Or they took NES games that actually aged well and made them fun in a whole new way. They made two of 'em, and these just feel like perfect gap fillers. Like if Nintendo isn't releasing anything one month, just throw out a Remix title. They're fun pick-up-and-play games, and they don't take too awful long to develop. And really, I just want them to do more console variations of them. SNES Remix, Game Boy Remix, N64 Remix. I just want to see more of these Remix style games. And then sequels to them, too. Not asking for much, just six new games here. Duke Nukem is one of the biggest and most iconic names in all of gaming. (stifles laughter) All right, okay, Duke Nukem 3D could be considered a landmark title, but other than that, things get a little mediocre-ry with the franchise. What made Duke Nukem popular in 1996 was the edge low-brow humor, and being a pretty impressive first person shooter with loads of things to interact with in the environment. After a bunch of side games and spinoffs, Duke Nukem Forever released in 2011 as the true sequel to 3D. And after being in development hell for over a decade, yeah, it wasn't that good. Forever didn't evolve Duke Nukem. Some fans saw that as a positive, but most people saw that as the game feeling outdated in terms of its comedy and how it looked and played. Some may say he's better left in the 90's, but I think, with enough passion and wit behind the project, a true new Duke Nukem game could be pretty decent. Look at how Doom 2016 came out? That, similarly, is based on a legacy PC first person shooter franchise from the 90's. Now, Doom has had a much better track record than Duke Nukem, but I'm just saying. I think if the Duke Nukem team puts forth a similar effort to the Doom reboot, a new game can work really well. Mario Kart Double Dash is the most unique Mario Kart. Get out of here, Mario Kart Super Circuit supporters, what the hell kind of an argument was that? You can pick two characters per car, and that opens loads of gameplay possibilities, including co-op. There is really not much wrong with this style of Mario Kart, but they dropped it in favor of the way God intended Mario Kart to be, one driver and all. I mean, don't get me wrong, this is fine. But this... was also fine. Now do I need a full on Double Dash 2? I mean, that would be cool, but at the very least, I think a Double Dash mode in a future Mario Kart would be stellar. But hey, Double Dash's concept has so much potential that I'd love to see a full on sequel. They can just do so much more with this. Kirby, for God sake's, grow up. A good Kirby game is like a nice bowl of Mac'n'Cheese. I mean, it's probably not good for you, but it's pretty fun. That doesn't really shake off the fact that, throughout the series' entire life, Kirby has remained a 2D game. This isn't a series that straight up won't work in 3D, there have been little mini-game offshoots and experimentations that easily show, "Hey, this game will work just fine in 3D." I just want a 3D Kirby game. A true step forward for the franchise. And Kirby Air Ride 2, that would be pretty cool. This isn't gonna happen. Even then, I think Earthbound/Mother is too important to people to just let the game sit there. I think this series has potential to tell so many more stories, and capture so many more hearts. These games aren't perfect, far from it. A new game could easily refine the gameplay with little quality of life improvements here and there. Now, like I said, Mother 4 is crazy unlikely to ever happen. The series' creator, Shigesato Itoi, has made it clear that he doesn't plan on making any new games. Of course, Mother 3 hasn't even released outside of Japan yet, that needs to happen. I'd still love a remastered collection of all three titles, but I think a fourth game would be jaw-dropping to see happen. Will it? Probably not. But I don't think it's impossible. This is Itoi's baby, and he doesn't really want to do anything with it. But who knows? Maybe some day he'll have a change of heart. It's something more people want than you may think. Myself and countless others have had many sleepless nights where the only thing we could hear echoed in the darkness. Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort are great. They may seem like nothing more than motion control mini game collections... That's exactly what they were. But they're so much fun. These are such simple games, but they're chemically engineered to be infinitely replayable. They remind me of a good high score based arcade game. No matter how many times I played Galaga, I still want to keep playing. And the same goes to you, Bowling. I think doing a new game under the name "Nintendo Sports" or "Mii Sports" would be awesome. I think keeping with the Resort theme would be a great idea. Or maybe they switch things up and go for a winter based sports one. I don't know, I just want Nintendo to make something like this again. I don't want these casual type games to be the only thing Nintendo makes, but if they plop out a new Wii Sports I'd be pretty content. The Uncharted games. I played through all of them, outside of Golden Abyss on the Vita, and Fight for Fortune, some card game. So actually no, I guess I can't call myself a fan. Well, the series' developer Naughty Dog, seems to be done with the franchise, and Nathan Drake's story is finished. I think maybe handing the series over to Sony's Bend Studio or something, and having them make games in the Uncharted universe would be a fun time. No, I don't need these right now, not at all. I think I've had my Uncharted fix for a while. I'm mainly talking about in like a few years. When there hasn't been a new Uncharted game for a while, bringing back the franchise in a new way would be fun. There's so many great characters in Uncharted that you could easily make a countless number of games focusing on. I mean, they already dipped their toes in this whole, "No Nathan Drake Uncharted" with Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, so it's definitely possible. Because it's already been done. Sony generally doesn't continually support franchises for decades, their developers usually focus on a certain series for a good number of years, then move on. And I really wish they'd start supporting franchises in the long term more often. In about four to five years, I think a new Uncharted focusing on a character other than Nathan Drake would be pretty cool. Listen, if you want a foolproof way to make me squee, here you go. Punch Out is one of my favorite Nintendo series, no doubt. And the Wii game is so good. The problem with it, though, was that it didn't have a lot of it's own ideas. It mainly used boxers from previous games, and the gameplay was basically the same Punch Out we all knew. Years ago, I always thought this style of Punch Out would work beautifully on the 3DS. I think you could do some fun things with the 3D, and Punch Out would be perfect for handheld play. Well, that never happened, and it never will. So I'd just like a new Punch Out game with new unique boxers. Maybe a few classic ones, and maybe some new gameplay mechanics. All right, that does it for everything I had a lot to say about. Let's bumble through some more games I really want, but didn't have much to discuss. Chibi-Robo 2, yes please. A series that never had a fair chance. All games Nintendo actually tried to push were garbage spin-offs. The only game that could be considered a true sequel to the original was a Japan-exclusive DS title. Either localize and remaster that one and put it in a resolution that doesn't sting, or make a true Chibi-Robo sequel on a console. Oh man, I would kill for a new racing game that doesn't take itself seriously and isn't a crazy simulation. I've read Forza Horizon is a great deal of fun, but I'm mainly talking about is the return of Ridge Racer and Burnout. I'd squeak. I have two fears: They're dead mice, and playing Donkey Kong 64. Donkey Kong 64 is just like any human being, it's aged. However that doesn't mean the concept of a 3D Donkey Kong should be thrown out the window entirely. I'd love to see a modern 3D DK game. Like I said, I'd like to see a few new Sonic games, but man, (censored) Sonic. I do enjoy a good Sonic from time to time, but my God, look at all these other games Sega could make sequels to: Jet Set Radio, Samba de Amigo, Gunstar Heroes, NiGHTS Space Channel 5, Comix Zone, a good Super Monkey Ball game. Sega has just an absolute forest full of franchises that they haven't been doing anything with. Just please bring back some of these. Gravity Rush 3, yes please. I'm really concerned this series is dead. Sony originally was going to pull Gravity Rush 2 servers offline only a year after the game released. They delayed it be half a year after fans got antsy. And that shows that Sony may not be interested in supporting Gravity Rush anymore. But that also shows they know the series has a passionate fan base. So I don't know what the future holds, but I know I want more Gravity Rush in it. A new Katamari game. Excluding the remake of the first game, we haven't had an original game on a console in so long. The last mainline title was released on the PS Vita in 2012. Nobody played it! Wario Land, yeah I'd love to see a new one. Especially with the art style of Wario Land Shake It. And on top of that, a new original WarioWare game. WarioWare Gold was pretty good, but was a "best of WarioWare" compilation. I want a fully original new one. A new Crimson Skies. This is fan favorite Xbox title. Come on, why not just bring out a new one with modern visuals? That would be gorgeous. A new James Bond game, we haven't had one in forever. I think the last one was 007 Legends in 2012. These were tons of fun! They were some of the few first person shooters to not take themselves so seriously. A new Mario vs. Donkey Kong, but not with these god-forsaken mini Marios. This style of game was fun for a while, but they just kept making the same game. I want to see a game in the style of Donkey Kong '94 on the original Game Boy. This was an amazing puzzle platformer. The original Mario vs. Donkey Kong was basically a spiritual successor to it. I just want another one of the games, they're so good. A new Castlevania game. Either one that plays similarly to Super Castlevania 4, or any of the metroidvania type games. A new F-Zero. Yup, that's it. Tomodachi Life 2. I loved Tomodachi Life, it was such a fun game to keep coming back to for a week. But that's the thing, it was only fun for a week. A sequel needs more content, and a way to spread that content out, so you don't experience everything the game has to offer so quickly. Sin & Punishment 3, because why not? They made the first one for the N64 in Japan only, and then made a sequel world wide on the Wii 10 years later. Anything's possible with this series. I loved A Link Between Worlds, and would dig seeing a new game in this style. A completely original one. Yes, Link's Awakening exists for the Switch, but that's a remake, and A Link Between Worlds still uses the same map from A Link to the Past. I want a top-down Zelda title that plays like this, but is completely designed from the ground up. Also a new Four Swords game would be pretty solid. None of that TriForce Heroes whatever. Super Mario Sunshine 2. Sunshine is one of the only 3D Marios that never got any kind of follow up. And I still think there's a ton you can do with the FLUDD pack. Plus, I kind of want a Sunshine sequel more so than a Mario Galaxy 3. I'd be pretty stoked for a Galaxy 3, but I'm pretty okay with stopping it, too. Sunshine has so many things that I think could be tweaked and expanded upon, so I'd personally want to see that, more. I love begging companies to not do new things, and to just do the same thing over and over again. But hey, I let all my desired sequels out of the bag. I'm pretty sure I didn't forget any. I have sinned. (cheerful chiptune music)
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 3,445,090
Rating: 4.9397802 out of 5
Keywords: PlayStation All Stars, Super Mario RPG 2, Conker's Bad Fur Day 2, Mother 4, EarthBound 2, EarthBound, Bully 2, Rockstar Games, Kid Icarus Uprising 2, Nintendo Sequels, PlayStation Sequels, Xbox Sequels, New Sonic, New Game, Pac Man World 4, Half Life 3, Portal 3, Wii Sports Resort, Punch Out!!, Upcoming Games, Reboots
Id: OXeC0EzNA-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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