Nintendo DSiWare - Scott The Woz

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i need a cake that says castration on it for decoration.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/Traditional_Ad_7482 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

one of his better videos tbh

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/TheSpicyIcyWizard 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I liked that he included some drawings and small animations that he did in the video. I wonder if he's going to try and incorporate more of that in the videos going forward since it seems like he's always enjoyed drawing.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/BriannaMckinley2442 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/carldude 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

Mostly unrelated to his video but I need to mention Publisher Dream it was on DSiWare and is like Game Dev Tycoon but BETTER I loved it and that + Flipnote justifies the service for me.

Great video but Publisher Dream is super obscure and I just want to mention it any chance I get.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ob_knoxious 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Brandyn_Chase 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

The only DSi Ware game I desire, is Four Swords Anniversary, the only version of the game that can be played solo (or if it supports Download Play, one copy of the game) and the only time they ever brought it back… it was North America only.

Nintendo, give me the fucking game.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/scottishdrunkard 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

Scott shouting Blue while playing Brain Training.

I can't believe that he made a RanguGamer reference.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Perikolo13 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

Was kind of holding out hope for a shout-out for alphabounce - an arkanoid RPG set on a massive grid map of space where each square is a randomly generated level, with items scattered around to unlock and equip and paddles with unique attributes you could unlock by clear the levels surrounding a planet. Done by the dead cells devs!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tesla_dyne 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey y'all scott here i've been working on my impression of nintendo dsiware watch why the [ __ ] was i born buying the nintendo dsi was my first instance of being an idiot oh made it that far let's be fair if nintendo offered you a new design of something you already have with superfluous additions and crippling feature removals for nearly two hundred dollars you have to take advantage of that opportunity this is the last time they'll do it this week i'm not made a stone released on november 1st 2008 in japan and april 5th 2009 over here in north america the dsi was the third version of the nintendo diaz a handheld that was already everybody's favorite bundle of atoms the ds and ds lite took the world by storm all while being severely impaired you can tell me to reset the system after changing the clock and expect me to think everything's okay hell you couldn't even remove a game card from the ds on the menu screen without it freezing what's the point of having a menu screen then i think nintendo developed this system by candlelight it was completely fair to expect an upgrade i mean you look at what the psp was doing with its user interface and compare that to how the ds didn't even like you going into system settings like i didn't even change anything so in october of 2008 nintendo announced that upgrade the nintendo dsi hell-bent on being an actual system the future was here and it was 169.99 yes all right let's get this over with scott was nearly 12 when he got his dsi at launch that's why we shouldn't trust him this was the first system i went out of my way to purchase by myself i scratched up the money and trade it in my nintendo ds like to help pay for it i have no idea where he got that cash at that age i guess the mutual fund worked out but man the thought i bought this and not something else like a psp an xbox 360 ps3 anything but a revision of a handheld i already owned but the dsi not only had one camera it had two son of a [ __ ] there is a lot more going on with this system one of my favorite things about the original ds was the inclusion of piktochat on board it was like a little extra bonus game you can mess around with on the road trip if the game you brought lost its luster i didn't even use it as it was intended most of the time you know sending messages to friends nearby i liked making little flip books with the thing and it felt like nintendo realized how popular that application was as the dsi has all kinds of stuff to mess around with nintendo dsi camera lets us take pictures and mutilate them i spent hours with this just messing around with the special effects and whatnot nintendo dsi sound likewise i adored you can record small sound clips or import your own mp3s with the newly included sd card slot i mainly just record my own sounds and absolutely demolish them i loved it for tampering with evidence but overall it added to the amount of simple fun you could have with the nintendo dsi without even plugging in a game mainly because the software library was cut in half what do you call this it was the only cake i had the game boy advance slot was removed to maintain portability sure i want to lose weight i cut off my arm i guess the new features help outweigh the lack of game boy advance compatibility at least they did at the time these built-in apps were loads of fun and the nintendo dsi had a much heavier emphasis on internet connectivity including a web browser built-in facebook connectivity to upload your camera's pictures plus the main replacement for the gba slot the nintendo dsi shop yes what better way to make up for stripping the compatibility of 1500 game boy advance games than to give me the ability to play warioware snapped i can think of a couple being able to download games to your nintendo ds was a massive upgrade i mean remember those original models pros if you looked at them funny and with the rise of downloadable software on the 360 ps3 wii psp and especially cell phones it just made sense to go in this direction they should have named the games that released on this thing as a good idea instead they named them dsiware i don't know i get it it's nintendo dsi software combining the two dsiware but they were obviously playing off with the name for wii digital software wiiware then add alliteration going for it this is just a collection of letters dsiware games and applications were pretty much the only thing available in the nintendo dsi shop which makes me question why even give them a name like this if they were offering classic games under the virtual console brand like they did with the wii i'd get that you know separate church and state but they didn't offer virtual console titles here which i think would have made perfect sense the wii shop channel only offered virtual console games from home systems the dsi shop could have had retro titles from portables maybe even game boy advance games to make up for the missing slot but nope it was dsi where games are bust original downloadable games for the nintendo dsi it didn't matter because i was still excited as a kid even without wireless internet i was frothing at the mouth to download some dsiware stuff i would wander around the front yard trying to mooch off of the neighbor's internet signal convincing my parents to get wi-fi was like convincing them i needed a lung transplant i should know because wifi won out but even beforehand we were on vacation and the hotel we were staying at had free wi-fi so i scrambled to test it out on my dsi and oh my god the email i could browse the web play online multiplayer but most importantly download software from the nintendo dsi shop and thankfully nintendo included ten dollars worth of nintendo points to download games yes this was still back when video game companies wanted to be cute about buying digital games with 2 000 nintendo points equating to 20 bones nintendo originally called these points weed points for use only with the wii shop channel but with the introduction of the nintendo dsi you could use the points on either a dsi or a wii eventually being renamed nintendo points using a point system might have been a way to avoid you having to give nintendo a w-2 for paying them so much but hey it worked dsiware titles range from free to costing 12 bucks or so and you'd find what you want on the shop by tapping through pages two games at a time my wife is going into labor but where's warioware the shop's aesthetic was modeled after the wii shop channel and rightfully so both of these storefronts felt less like cold corporate marketing schemes and more so pleasant relaxing elevators and shopping malls whenever i visit them gosh i should buy something they even have a fun screen when you're downloading software much like the wii except this one is based off a super mario advance on the game boy advance that was one big final [ __ ] you to the gba slot unfortunately the nintendo dsi shop closed on march 31st 2017. oh however most of the dsiware games released are available in the nintendo 3ds eshop huh just looking up dsiware they all are let's take a look at a good chunk of the releases starting with a launch title for the dsi shop warioware snapped he just [ __ ] lost it this was back when warioware was the big showcase for a new nintendo system set of features so here's the dsiware title focused on the cameras for five dollars why you are micro games that focus on using the dsi's camera is an awesome time i'm also [ __ ] dumb so snapped as you line up your body with these outlines via the inner camera and then you play the micro games by moving yourself around in concept not bad but while you wear games generally have hundreds of micro games i'll play it at about five seconds a piece getting faster and faster as you progress it's what makes the series fun snapped has 20 micro games that give you about 20 seconds to complete them with each of the four characters only giving you five a piece so we pick wario and play his micro games and the only challenge comes from getting the damn thing to work so it's like playing with the photo booth application on the mac right this isn't like a camera that can sense fear no it's just a basic camera and even saying that's being generous does the fact that got a game like this to work at all with such horrible cameras there's something to be said about that i don't know if it's something good back in 2009 this kind of thing was pretty cute these silly cameras were all the rage with photo booth like i said the itoy for playstation 2 eventually the kinect for xbox 360. it's not like there's no value at all here as a free tech that when pre-installed on the dsi it's just okay as a dollar downloadable game it's pretty bad as a warrior game it's [ __ ] atrocious you can experience the whole thing in 10 minutes i've gotten more out of single micro games than actual warrior titles and this entire thing didn't stop me from enjoying it as a kid i would play it in restaurants jesus christ like playing brain age wasn't bad enough how about dr mario express this was the other game i bought with my dsi shop credit coming in at another five dollars and this was a much better deal than warioware express is just flat out doctor mario which you can't go wrong with on the go i don't know man you ever just crack under the pressure of talking about dr mario express there's nothing to it it's just dr mario not even a multiplayer mode either local or online is included for five dollars it's sort of hard to complain but i'm gonna try it's a bit too obvious how little content is in many dsiware games i get they're incredibly cheap and supposed to be small and tiny to fit on your system digitally but still like come on you couldn't have included more and more anywhere snapped at least dark to mario express has a good reason to exist pop your dsi out play around with dr mario throw it back in your pocket but this entire game is just a downgraded dr mario online rx on we wear that game was ten dollars why does this one have to be so stripped down the wiiware game didn't do anything ds gonna do however we gotta look at that their subtitle express was a term used by nintendo a lot on tsiware many other games used it to denote this is a smaller version of a game that already exists elsewhere so dr mario express was a stripped down version of dr mario online rx brain age express arts and letters math and sudoku were repackaged piecemeal variants of both brain age and brain age 2. see in pal territories these types of games were called a little bit of and that's a bit more blunt as what these are in fact nintendo has a pop-up warning when you buy them on the eshop asking you sure about this brainage express makes total sense as a dsi war game though this is the kind of thing you want on your system at a moment's notice and it's not like this is just a repackaged version of brain age one and two it has some new puzzles and is mostly just a repackaged version of brain age one and two i can't stress how much i love to get ripped off these versions were eight bucks a pop and age honestly gave you more than enough content for that price when they're just ripping content from previously released games that's when you got decent titles on dsiware clubhouse games express a series of certain games from the original ds title master of illusion express was the same thing puzzle leak express was just plain of puzzle league with less features and modes that same goes for true swing golf express being a stripped-down version of true swing golf which i didn't even know was a nintendo published ds game oh well they don't teach you in school then nintendo took the ds game electroplankton and divided it up into 10 separate dsiware games for two bucks a pop i'm starting to get annoyed at the strategy like did nintendo actually make anything for this well that's where mario vs donkey kong minis march again walks in get out let's just download it and oh my god this is the image mostly before death this is a successor to mario vs donkey kong 2 march of the minis and the predecessor to mario vs donkey kong mini land mayhem which was followed up by mario and donkey kong minis on the move give up on the subtitles you're just mixing words around it's impossible to remember which one is which the next one they're probably going to call mario versus donkey kong move minnie's move this game is quite derivative of mario vs donkey kong 2. it is a mario versus donkey kong game after all is there any fan of this series that goes no i like that one they're all the same but i guess minnie's march again is an improvement over march of the minis i mean for starters it's 8 bucks and gives you a comparable amount of content to the physical ds game completely original new level designs with some new small tweaks to the flow of the gameplay once you tap the mini marios they move indefinitely which makes things more interesting you have to get them all to the goal while collecting everything while in its predecessor you could stop them and move directions this is just more compelling plus you have the level editor which is basically ripped right out of the last game but it did give this game an endless amount of content to play through user created stages for eight dollars this was a pretty good deal it was better than mario vs donkey kong 2 well i think it flat out replaced it i think everybody can agree this was the definitive mario dsiware game depending on your stance with mario clock for two dollars nintendo was offering a clock application in case this clock wasn't enough yes this was considered an application not a game as some dsiward titles were just that this is a tool you can set an alarm or your clock has to be open for it to go off to your christ but you can set an alarm it's okay why would you close it anyways couldn't they have included a world class showing times from different areas of the world like a calendar even please god i've never wanted to see a calendar more in my life it's frustrating because the sister application mario calculator which released the same day for the same price has so much more to it you can convert units calculate fun things why is this so much more worthy of the two dollars well why aren't they just a part of the same application the 8-bit super mario bros aesthetic is fun but doesn't amount to anything more than just funny sounds and being able to control some movement at least you have a bit of interactivity because lo and behold animal crossing clock who the hell do you think you are it's just a static picture and this was two dollars as well it's the exact same as mario clock but with an animal crossing skin and the same can be said about animal crossing calculator but these both aren't nearly as compelling as the mario variants and then saying something they're [ __ ] clocks the mario ones have more interactivity animal crossing is the bare minimum just clocks and calculators with animal crossing pictures in the background now you can make your own town tune for the alarm sound and animal crossing clock great not only did i spend two dollars i have to supply the alarm sign for them nintendo also offered photo clock because what were you expecting me to the nintendo countdown calendar nintendo dsi metronome instrument tuner with the amount of applications nintendo released on the dsi shop it makes me wonder why they didn't do more like they could have done a ruler maybe an email club nintendo did a few more applications none was more tantalizing than flip note studio a free application that allowed you to make flip book style animations i was heard this was an outstanding piece of software it wasn't too in-depth i mean you weren't gonna make a masterpiece on here i stand corrected but you didn't have loads of tools and colors but you didn't need that it's a dsi application give it some slack this is a toy and it's so easy and simple to make animations it's incredible i used this for hours recording my own lines sharing them online via the flip note hattana service this was the killer app for the nintendo dsi next to photo dojo ah hell yeah take pictures to pull whoever you want in a light fighting game i used to love stuff like this that put my own creations on a screen where they normally wouldn't be photo dojo was available for free for a short period of time before becoming two dollars i don't know man i really need a clock it's barely ankle deep but for a cheap toy to put whoever you want in a fighting game it's the most amazing thing i've seen all sentence this was another i played a ton back in the day nintendo knew how to create very simple experiences that kids just eat up it's like they're reading my mind it's like they know what i want nintendo what things do i want next i was not expecting them to get that right more games derive from pre-existing games bird and beans and paper airplane chase both were playable within warioware mega micro games and were released on their own for two bucks a pop being high score based games they were pretty well here i think you'd get more playtime out of these than the actual warioware game on offer here 9 gaming watch games were put out which i wish they had modern recreations of them like they did in the game and watch gallery series on the game boy line they charged two dollars for each but i would have paid five if they had a modern version alongside it then there was the art style series various games are released on either we wear or dsiware i got art sale pikto bits back in the day i still don't know these games were very simple puzzle games all with different aesthetics and vibes and gameplay again the only one i ever played was piktobits because i will take 8-bit spray fodder over understanding the game any day and that wasn't known nintendo also released the kappas trail crash course domo hard hat domo pro put domo rock and roll domo white water domo face pilot flame tail lincoln launch looksy's lineup metal torrent number battle picture book games pinball pulse snap dots spotto starship patrol touch solitaire trajectile xscape who the [ __ ] are these guys let's not be hasty with criticism though like any of us spent a day in spodo shoes on top of everything we already discussed nintendo released quite a lot of completely original dsiware games it's just nobody ever talks about them i think nintendo went a bit too light with many other releases here but most games were one trick ponies they were about one thing doing one thing and then doing it again for a high score i understand why they were like this the mentality of downloadable games for the dsi have to be quick bite-sized games you can play whenever arcade-like experiences or just stupid dumb tech demos except looksie's lineup that's a sexy tech demo i mean there are standouts like xscape which is a successor to the japan-only gameboy game x the predecessor to star fox the face pilot which was pretty much a polywings game on diaz that you control with your face i made an accessory pinball pulse is a good pinball game touch solitaire is a bad pinball game nintendo's output was pretty large on dsiware but inconsequential too many of these games felt like afterthoughts with how little there was to them i understand creating smaller games for dsi aware was nintendo's philosophy here but seeing what some third parties were doing just completely put them to shame the best developer for the platform bar none was way forward the flagship dsiware game was their own shantae risky's revenge unlike other games on here this was an actual game a sequel to shantae on game boy color risky's revenge was a huge title here it was so well designed beautiful to look at a great return to a cult favorite series it was everything and it showed that downloadable games on this system could be so much more than a cheap thrill games that you play for five minutes and need a cigarette afterwards it's only roughly five hours long so maybe shorter than most box ds games do you ever play pokemon dash wave forward also released mighty flip champs keep thinking that says chimps followed up by mighty milky way two really solid puzzle games which eventually led to mighty switch force it's unfortunate these games don't get as much recognition as switch force one and two but it just shows how forgotten many dsi releases were like you know steamworld dig and heist and dig two and quest a pretty popular indie series the first game was steamworld tower defense on dsiware steamworld tower defense i was the first person to say that this week cave story was on there that was the indie darling of the 7th generation of game systems just cool to get games like that on the go dsiware wasn't a huge breeding ground for indies like future nintendo platforms were but at the very least it laid the foundation it gave various developers another avenue to publish their smaller titles but there were some big names on here like need for speed nitro x uh it's stripped down version of a retail game god damn it i was gonna say this is of an impressive quality for dsiware and now it's obvious why it wasn't for dsiware tetris party live the same thing combat of giants dragons bronze edition oh great subtitle fantasy star zero mini plants vs zombies bookworms zuma's revenge bejeweled twist these were all games that just cut content from retail releases to sell them for cheaper on dsiware and i don't know how to feel about this which i need to figure out what if somebody comes up and asks me on the street on one hand hey it gave more players an opportunity to play certain games maybe you just wanted to play the main mode in plants vs zombies rather than all the extra junk but these games flooded the shop the fact they had to put disclaimers before you buy to tell you hey this ain't anything new i mean the whole thing made dsiware feel like it was full of game demos you had to pay for if they wanted to put a little effort into games why not release classics through a virtual console it makes no sense well some publishers went ahead and put out their classic games anyways the original rayman earthworm jim dragon's lair dragon's lair 2 and space says a version of the oregon trail based on the current iphone app at the time we're all here and accounted for i like these ports because they give me a glimpse as to what could have almost been game boy games downloadable on the dsi hell throw game gear neo geo pocket atari lynx games in there don't tell me the dsi couldn't run them we're talking game boy games not i don't know prehistoric man or anything oh you son of a [ __ ] i would love to see more classic content on the shop rather than cut down versions of pre-existing ds software it's just what would you rather want fantasy star zero mini a strip version of an rpg i don't even know how you do that or dirty larry gosh that's tough let's be fair there were original games made by big name studios we got dragon quest wars which was a dragon quest tactic spin-off developed by intelligent systems the fire emblem devs when a downloadable dsi game is in 3d my jaw drops dark void zero is one of the more infamous games released by capcom in tandem with dark void on xbox 360 and playstation 3 this was mockingly set up as a lost nes prequel to that game and i think it ended up overshadowing it in many ways bomberman blitz i will describe like i do most bomberman games it's a bomberman game frogger returns all right i've come across this game numerous times on the wii shop channel on the playstation 3 and then they made a dsi version why is it frogger returns when did he leave this version is very comparable to the consoles it doesn't have the piss ugly title screen though so i don't know if it's worse or not outside of those dsiware didn't get too awful much it just got awful much shovelware baby look at this the house game 40 in one explosive mega mix 1950s lawnmower kids my asian farm i spot japan box busher ah spot the difference dsiware was full of garbage it doesn't mean the stuff from actual publishers is much better the more i dive into dsi where the more its existence perplexes me like nobody did anything with it nintendo decided to finally care about the service in 2011 by releasing the legend of zelda four swords anniversary edition after the 3ds came out and it was only available for a limited time for free technically worry word touch was released as a dsiward title only in the 3ds eshop only through the my nintendo loyalty program i only mentioned that so i met my warioware touched quota for the day and the final dsi were released was in 2016 crazy train there is some gems on there but most of the time it was either shovelware or just repackaging games that were already on the ds like why i'll tell you why because they're only human if i ever squirt out need for speed and nitro you bet i'm going in for seconds [Music] you
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 1,518,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tyfRV4pGNMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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