Amazing Racer | Horse Drama starring Scott Eastwood, Lou Gossett Jr., Eric Roberts,|Daryl Hannah

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[Music] wild wind carry me to a place i'd rather be pure and strong singing [Music] songs [Music] how i dream to ride with you and see the size [Music] all the way [Music] calling [Music] morning shannon i'm dr baker you can call me rita technically shannon you had an accident however there's concern there was intent behind it so we're hoping you'll let us find out you lost your dad sweetheart that's got to hurt probably more than you know and they're going to want to make sure you've begun the process of healing before they let you leave before they let me leave they don't know anything since i'm one of the day i'd have to disagree with you but i do agree that i don't know you so the sooner you'll let me work with you the sooner you can get out of here [Music] so i can't believe she didn't come funerals aren't really emily's thing okay you know she let's just leave it at that you're gonna have to give her a little bit more time and remember that she never had her own children she never wanted kids exactly you don't have to pretend to eat it or even like it but you will most certainly not play with it this is my house my rules got it honey lamb my house [Music] dave emily right welcome you can call me rita so i'm curious to know if shannon said anything to you about her mother that she died in childbirth and her father raised her on his own well that ain't really what happened what did happen jeff met christine senior year and they fell in love unfortunately she got pregnant uh christine's parents they didn't like the idea that she was gonna have a kid and uh jeff and his mother i guess they decided would take little shannon and uh disappear with her tell the other family that the baby was dead mother and family think that the baby's dead and shannon thinks her mother's dead and it's got to be made right jeff never did it but he asked me to do it he said if anything ever happened to him that i should go and uh and i should tell shannon the truth and tell her what happened and tell her that her mom was still alive you're sure you want to do this now yeah i'm going to tell her and would the two of you continue raising shannon well i could no no no we couldn't no we couldn't i see i'm so sorry shannon dave has something to tell you do i get to leave the hospital listen your father loved you very very much i hope you know that yeah of course and everything he ever did he felt he was doing for the right reason even though it might not seem like it what's going on yeah mom your mother's still alive uh-huh and while they're still alive what is this dave's gonna answer all your questions okay i'm here to help with the rest did my daddy know yeah [Music] he's been waiting for you hello let's take a look you're not ready to go home just yet how much longer dr pearson he's not eating the way i want but with that will of his let's say another 48 to 72 hours but that's just a guess of course i have dr pearson returning dr baker's call dr baker what can i do for you i'm the staff psychiatrist at south florida medical center did you know a man named jeff green why he died piloting a small plane i'm sorry um i appreciate that uh i haven't seen him in over 16 years so i'm i'm i'm not sure exactly why you're calling me he left behind a daughter yours that's not funny no it's not your daughter needs you she's in a bad way [Music] dr pearson oh i'm sorry but i'm i'm gonna have to call you back you okay dr pearson yeah you know they make tv movies about this kind of stuff right you know things happen babe and we move on both of you were lied to not just you now you get to heal together i'm not sure i know how to do that none of us do till we do it okay no no don't cry sweetie [Music] hi shannon i'm i'm i'm christine i'm gonna miss you a little bit kiddo everything's gonna be fine it's gonna be okay don't you worry you don't know yeah trust me i promise it's gonna be all right you're right nobody here knows what's going to happen i mean we only just heard about each other a few days ago oh god look just because i'm your mother it doesn't mean that you're gonna have to make this permanent you have a life here and my life is there so what i suggest is let's give it the summer you hate it you come back keep in touch don't keep in touch up to you but let's give it the summer yeah deal [Applause] [Music] chill [Music] how's the barn doing well we picked up another philly but um what's wrong she's got a knee problem and uh looks like it's a little worse than i thought [Music] eric trains racehorses he has the most beautiful farm i was thinking maybe after dinner we could go take a ride if you like i'm not hungry and i hate horses what was that i'm not hungry no after that i hate horses oh i thought you said that you and your father did everything together [Music] okay what do you honestly expect me to believe that your father never passed on his passion for horses to you leave me alone i'm kind of wrapped around your finger don't you we're here you do call a truce yet you know um it's a lot for both you i know okay you don't have to do this all alone i know just leave him there we'll take him in sheldon nice to meet you i'll see you tomorrow could you please help get that other bag please okay look i didn't know about you either until a few days ago okay so this is hard on both of us hard on you tell me did you just lose your father and discover your mother who you thought was dead is really alive and well and living in pittsburgh with some cowboy no no i found out that the daughter i was told was dead and who i mourned for the last 16 years is alive and the man who lied about it to me was man i always thought was perfect bedrooms are upstairs i'm on the right you're on the left if you need anything just ask so [Music] shannon shannon yeah i'm going to the stables do you want to come with me no that's okay thank you though you're not going to have to ride any horses or anything i promise no thanks um could i just come in for a second okay um look i know that you really don't want to uh hang out around hay or horses um but it's eric's farm and i was thinking well if nothing else you could get a better feel for where we live and uh see what a real cowboy area is uh it's not you it's it's me i just i don't want to be around horses fair enough um look here's the thing um i have to give my horse some exercise and then eric's taking us out to lunch i'm not gonna have time to do that and come back and get you so if uh if you came you could just hang out in the office and um i promise i won't be long i'm not dressed or anything i haven't even taken a shower i'll wait [Music] hmm hey brandon hey christine how is it how's it good hey rio shannon this is brandon rio they're eric's nephew and niece how you doing i'm gonna go say hi to eric before we ride is he in there yeah he's uh he's working on new philly install 14. she's young but thinks he's got a lot of potential okay and who are you she's my daughter see your beloved stall intent yep go no way yes way no way she's such a good girl too is this the one you were telling me about yeah this is her just trying to figure out if this is the end of the road for this girl just a setback she's a beauty yeah i know don't you think shannon what's her name uh well she doesn't have a name yet you got any ideas are we going to lunch or what yeah sure i'm just gonna finish up here chris are you gonna take that ride still uh yeah yeah brandon's probably waiting uh do you wanna come and watch we're just gonna do some racing on the track no that's okay you know shannon if you like my office is open just go down there help yourself doc will be here in about an hour hey i just want to see how you're doing you're fine i know everything's gonna be all right all right you're gonna find a way you always do that's who you are yeah well we'll see see you in half an hour half an hour back to the office hey there girl hey who's gonna feel that like okay yeah wow that looks like they did a good job on that bandage you're in good hands no worries little girl no worries so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so you should try it you ride horses right what makes you think that just to guess and how much is that come on in sorry i'll just be a minute mm-hmm uh you want something to drink iced tea soda or something uh do you have any green tea real stuff just like your mother bottom shell mm-hmm don't wait for me to get it for you you're family now it's okay yeah listen listen i i don't want you bringing over a truck full of hay if i don't like the grass i'll check it out first works for me mm-hmm great jeez what you want a job here a couple days a week work with the horses help me out in the office i used to have an assistant here but she went off to europe and ride with some dude well i don't know how to do office stuff for answering telephones or any of that you use a phone yeah and you've used a pencil or a pen of some sort i presume yeah well then you know and you could ride the horses whenever you want so long as you take care of them i don't want to ride the horses i don't want to be here i miss dave it was like my daddy's older brother he's the only family i know but shannon you are here so let it work for you know find peace what you know how do you know i know this whatever you say but i need help here you could get lost in your work it's a win-win for both of us what do you say so here's your schedule from monday to friday but actually it's sunday to sunday because we don't get any weekends around here hey perhaps well uh shannon here's thinking about helping us out around here for the summer it's okay with mom sure great monday hey delivery get that in the morning um anytime something gets delivered here they need a signature hi this is dr pearson i'll be right there it's andrew i have to go are you gonna be okay yeah sure we'll catch up with you later it's gonna be all right yeah oh man it's going to suck yeah i don't get it what's up well your mother she works with a lot of preemies at the hospital and this one boy andrew he uh he was born three months early to a user mother he's a tough little kid he's a real fighter but sometimes he gets kicked back a little bit so anyway uh who's hungry do you think if he'd survived his mother would have kept him she can hardly take care of herself doesn't mean that she didn't want to try does it [Music] no my family's been in horse racing for about three generations now grandpa says longer it gets longer every time you ask him what is harness racing exactly it's like high adrenaline off-road goat-car racing you know but you're strapped to a horse eric parker what a nice surprise mitchell uh jessica hi eric how are you uh you remember my nephew brandon and this is christine's daughter shannon christine's daughter really i thought i saw your mother's beauty behind those eyes shannon it's good to see you again eric how's max you tell me shannon i hope i pass across again soon who is that and who's max that right there is pretty much the biggest mitchell prescott he's he's just another horace racing owner anyway shannon you ever consider racing yourself getting behind a horse want to give it a try how about you tell me who max is first okay uh max was a great trainer best i've ever known was well yeah he doesn't do it anymore but what he knows about horses could fill a library and this guy he'd always look at the horse that no one else would pay any mind to and sure enough he just knew [Music] so i'll be by later this afternoon bye [Music] so [Music] uh-huh i should have known what happened where is she come on what did the doc say about her left front left front huh she's got a swollen tendon hey brandon how she looked pretty good you're not one of those rich girls can't get her hands dirty types are you try me i think i will brandon let's set shannon up hey baby she loves you me she barely gives the time of day maybe she's just shy around boys maybe she just likes you better so you ready uh no i uh no you take her she's already made her decision [Music] [Music] you know uh most of the work we do here is outside so once the college just come on here excel or you know when our assistant susan was here hers i'm okay uh yeah obviously because i only got two calls and both times it was my christine well they're um i think there's uh what are you looking for um uh cell phone hey guys i'm not interrupting anything am i uh no no no i was um it was the cell phone i was thought maybe she could use it you know she could have it on her side while we're out by the track working kind of like what susan used to do remember remember what eric please tell me you remember yeah i remember shannon um that horse we were talking about we're trying to push up our hours a little bit so i think it's time that we get you in a cart so you can start driving her no yeah eric she said she doesn't want to she doesn't want to ride brandon aren't you supposed to finish making your rounds well yeah that's right that's right i think you have to get the feet out huh yeah that's right good idea got it man [Applause] so what do you say i said no i heard you but how come what is it hmm wait a minute were you riding when you found out too [Music] so was she what yeah christine was right when they told her about you she didn't run again for eight years and then the day she passed her mcats her mother took her in the car brought her out here and said you better get up from that horse and not that it means much to you but we've been together ever since so what do you think [Music] can i have some time to think about it yeah okay you got till tomorrow morning [Music] so today at work this little girl comes in she's four years old and she looks fine sounds fine big smile on her face so i asked the mother what's wrong with her she turns to little girl how to explain and she very proudly tells me that she just ate a whole mud pie that she made herself then she proceeds with a big smile to throw the whole thing up all over me she felt a lot better after that i hate him i hate my dad i know don't you oh sweetheart it's not important how i feel what's important is how you feel he didn't mean to hurt you shannon he just did as his parents told him to do he loved you so much he dedicated his entire life to you even though you may not like ultimately how he did it try to forgive him sweetheart he did his best he used to talk about you i think maybe the big reason he kept pretending you were dead was because it made his life bearable [Music] does he never stop loving you i should have known you should have known christine how how could you have possibly known what they did to you hate him i hate him i know i love you i don't want to be here [Music] remember that she never had her own children both of you were lied to him your mom still alive i hate him daddy [Music] um hey hey what you guys up to checking the lines on some of our competition oh yeah that's cool hey go back to big dukes all right shannon what's the word the word on what i'll do it do what it's time to put shannon's philly to the test and shannon's gonna do it wait did you just see my philly uh she was yours the day you walked in no one else gets her oh yeah she's well i guess we better name her huh yeah i guess so what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about it rainbow rainbow why rainbow she's like the bride after the storm you know rainbow just seems to see how she makes me feel well rainbow what is that i'll grab out so you can focus joy thanks kiddo i thought you didn't ride just relax get warmed up i'm ready all right remember what eric said stay in my behind come on buddy come on come on now [Music] come on give me a little more come take the on there she goes you can do it come on [Music] we may have something here wow shoot jeez can you believe that oh shannon that was awesome that's so cool shannon lucky mom mom did you see me did you see me i sure did all good times yeah yes you did good one mr p that's 10 for 10. hey remember that new philly of eric parker's the chestnut you want a bad leg yeah pull joey says she's been running real hot she beat bone chillin by two links at practice yesterday really really richie uh yes mr p give me the sky trucks would you oh sure thing um can i get you anything miss mcneil she's fine well good for eric did you hear what i said mitch yeah i heard poo she beat bone chillin by two links so you said in a race she's never run before driven by christine's 16 year old daughter who's never driven before you hear me now camille goes to the lead only one second catch me gets away third mighty had a fourth rainbow pacing fifth track master six rainbow comes to the outside no but she could what'd you get on rainbow's time it's 1 59 and three you better hope that little girl doesn't race against you or big bad mitchell prescott could get beaten by a neophyte neophyte i'll buy that horse you can spell it n-e-o-p-h-y-t-e it's latin for neophytus which means novice that's good babe that's real good shedding oh hey i wanted rainbow to have some time in the whirlpool before i turned her out mm-hmm so you noticed that too yeah she should have won that race eric i mean not that i think that what she did out there was amazing i don't know dave's not you though she doesn't like the whip if he just keeps that in mind it's not the whip it's not the course or the conditions or anything else it's you because you love her she loves you i better get going i'll see you oh by the way i think rainbow's ready to enter the maiden claims race next week a claims race be good practice for her and now i know she means the world to you but in the world of racing she's just a three thousand dollar philly going up against these horses fifteen thousand up for a year from now guarantee someone would pick her but right now they'd be a fool to grab her but what about her practice friends i mean she finished third in her first maidens race nah that won't matter right now we just need to get her some time in some pros and we'll turn her into one i'll [Music] third see on the outside [Applause] [Music] a little more oh [Applause] rainbow has been claimed by the prescott stable prescott stable planet number three sorry again that's uh quite an impressive horse you had young lady [Music] do you know what claims race is it's all right what are you doing eric how could you enter her horse and claims rights when you know how much it meant to her what were you thinking [Music] i'm sorry this happened to you baby maybe you should consider aligning yourself with the horseman a bit more savvy than your mother's you know boyfriend all right look i'll give you 25 000 for her okay you want 30 000. all right i'll give you 45 000 forwards three times what you paid is 15 times what she's worth that's a whole lot of cash what do you want uh uh payback you're pathetic come see me about a job baby you've got away with horses you really do see you around there get the horse yes sir okay time for me to take it come on come on give it to me now come on we can't do this i'm sorry okay come on let me have it you gotta give it to me she is not in it she is a she and she has a name say her name say it say her name [Music] i'm so sorry now it happens it happens just happen like my father dying just happens finding out you're alive just happens and having my heart being ripped out again just happens i wish i could tell you it didn't you are i love you so much chris i'm gonna make it up to her hey i don't want to hear it listen this guy is out of his mind do you hear what he said to me he said this is payback he's crazy you know that rainbow will only disappoint him if he tries to run her but he would rather have her dance and see her back in your hands oh she's got a mind of her own mr p she misses the girl mr pritchard yes sir make her forget the girl i don't think that's right you don't i do the thinking [Music] horse is weak [Music] look at her out of control [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] hi oh she's out back hey i know it's not your fault he would have found another way to get to you he just he's telling me to lock into this one i'm really sorry that's all right uh she's done give her back what'd you say give her back mitch did you say give that horse back to eric parker i'd rather see the animal dead get rid of the horse what do you want me to do with it i never want to see the animal again [Music] [Music] so my cousin there in new york he thinks we set up a website we'll be able to get some more business what do you think of that website lloyd come on get with it the web huh what the hell maybe he wants you to pull over right maybe it's the cops cops oh no cops aren't gonna be driving a big deal suv like that come on all right already yeah want something mister yeah that horse you're hauling come again i buy it from you right now cash hold on here son oh we're supposed to put her down buddy dale says we gotta have her done by sunrise but whether she's dog meat or in someone else's barn doesn't really matter much does it and this way you make a few extra bucks throw back a few call it a day well uh not gonna come cheap i mean we're in business we got reputation to protect listen you're gonna have to dig real deep with this here philly how deep 800. well i guess i'll have to catch up to you guys some other time then huh well where where where are you cowboy in a minute we're negotiating we're talking aren't we right i mean uh he's mixed up you're mixed up old man jeez he's saying 800 he means 600 400 400 500 500 400 d 450 350. 400. i'm firm drive a tough bargain sir [Music] max it's eric and christine open up max it's an emergency matt are you there come on go in oh miss dean honey i need your help max i can't imagine why it's a horse it's bad my condolences max i do not give one damn about your sob story right now max i am here for my kid a horse is dying and you're gonna save her now do you understand me old man it's good to see you max baby what did they do to you oh the template is getting hotter and hotter brandon see if you can go grab some butter phenomena all right what about a nice boot yeah good idea make it fast huh hurry up she's been beat bad she's got a lot of cuts and bruises uh this horse she's been she's been beat all over we gotta keep her on the feet we can't literally die i got some coming how you doing kid who are you max this is shannon shannon max shannon is christine's daughter oh right i remember you're the famous horse trainers right legends die hard kid okay what can i do all right look real close to her and you encourage her get right by your nose perk her up keep her attention okay let me hear you come on come on rainbow you can do this all right honey great stay with me please yeah everywhere i touch she's just flinching i was thinking about maybe having to come out for an internal exam see if she might need an x-ray yeah it's been a real rough night hang in there [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] you made it girl she should be dead right max that's right but you aren't are you baby [Music] love you rainbow max i won't let her run oh i would never tell her not to run she can run she'll be fine better than fine but uh i couldn't ask for anything more than that you know right max pretty cool huh decided what i think of this max donovan eric and christine brought him to come help out can you believe it no actually i can't max and rainbow mr prescott yes richard you uh might want to take this yes huh one day at a time old man max what are you doing out here who told prescott that i was working on your horse oh god i can't be anyone from now i can't you know what somebody from the camp did which means that who is working with your little girl is playing both ends against the middle everyone who works for eric knows the history with mitchell they know how he is loyal to eric oh well look max you can't stay out here and you can't go home so why don't you just came here to tell you to watch your back take care of mine what are you gonna do run look i'm too old for this kind of stuff baby i just gotta grab as much life as i can as long as i can listen it's how you choose to live that life that counts max ah do what you want you always do i feel it i know she could pull it off what makes you say that she loves it every time we work her she gets better and better well that's good to know because i'm putting you behind her what that's right in the pennsylvania cup me no no wait not me okay then i don't let her go you wouldn't do that to her shannon you give us the best chance to win i'm not gonna put another driver behind rainbow so if you're not ready she's out eric i can't what's the worst thing that could happen you lose so what you don't win there'll be other races come on think about it how cool would that be to drive rainbow in the pennsylvania cup win or lose [Music] [Music] ah i was gonna get out of here before anybody else can here let me help you oh how easy oh what are you going to help me get my horse back all the way or what help me get her ready for the cup she wants it she wants it real bad more than any other horse i ever seen key stop was the greatest of the greats that was eric swords eric loved that horse just like you love rainbow he was a champion from his first steps he ran damn there until he killed him rainbow's just like that she went for fire for you prescott you do anything you can to keep a horse wearing a parker colors from ever winning the pennsylvania cup ever bone chilling that was a favorite but prescott he's got one it's better it's got fun now thunder he's gonna follow the rainbow now we're gonna have to move fast and hard but not here enough with this crew well if not here then where there's some rest down the way kind of a rehab deputy unsympathetic to the prescott's we could go there all right let's do this okay you sure yeah [Music] come on rainbow let's see what you got now [Music] okay girl that's it you got it two good girl good [Music] all right ease up on it now don't let it get away [Music] i'm gonna help you get ready for the [Music] she pennsylvania it she wants a real bear with any other ones i ever seen she'll run through fire for you stay back on his tail until you come around to the last turn and then you let it go she's got the stuff inside of the only [Music] problem to that last the size [Music] let it go fine and then there's nothing anybody can do now thunder is gonna follow the rainbow [Music] hey what's up looks like you got something from the pennsylvania cup uh i'm waiting for this hey uh where's in rainbow i haven't seen him around a couple weeks uh they're just up the road a bit she's training rainbow getting ready for the pennsylvania cup she's looking good too just want to keep it low-key so mitchell doesn't find out of course not max's got a great feeling to work with yeah he does she's looking really good she's been flying lately okay joey it's called the taylor farm mitch knows who they are you want their address sorry erica so tell me what he knows he knows rainbow's not dead he knows max helps save her doesn't know how she's doing or where she is he definitely doesn't know you're planning on entering the pennsylvania cup oh you better let him know finish what you started go on go ahead call him really joey come on do it hello mr prescott yes sir i've looked everywhere neither sheen or the horse or anywhere no one's talking probably won't believe you anyway captain martin eric parker parker [Music] stables [Music] so what farms are near parkers [Music] there's a lot okay what farms are near parkers who would still be stupid enough to do business with max taylor of course you take care of my horse huh okay [Music] so you're working with a great trainer trust him listen to him [Music] you've got a good horse work with her she needs you and have fun have fun sweetheart your dad loved you so much so much [Music] try to forgive him sweetheart not for me or for him but do it for yourself i love you you really look like him really yeah do i have grandparents oh wow my mom died of breast cancer two years ago and my dad died in a boating accident last october oh i'm so sorry yeah me too oh here rainbow come here rainbow girl come on that's a girl [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the medals and the 34th annual [Music] shower activity so we are in great shape for your parades your picnics your parties and we are just minutes away from the big race the radar screen is clear shannon [Music] summer's gone fast working with eric doing a little racing that could be a pretty cool way to wind down after school don't you think always worked for me [Music] i think it's gonna be a good year mom [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's richard how the hell should i [Music] know whoa no matter what happens you stay in your lane you got it okay i wish dad we're here [Music] he is ladies and gentlemen the horses are coming to the track for the 35th pennsylvania cow [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] rainbow what's wrong mitchell you look worried about what you tell me afternoon mitchell allen can i get you your boy something a drink dinner no thank you we're on duty really sounds like that girl of parker's is giving thunder a hell of a workout [Music] better hope he loses fair and square mitch really got to arrest you arrest me huh that's inconvenient attempted murder conspiracy well just a whole bunch of stuff let me walk out here on my own allen [Music] do that for me would you you don't deserve it mitchell i know [Music] outside thunder on the inside [Music] you hold her back until that last turn she'll do the rest she'd run through fire for you [Music] let her go and then there's nothing anybody can do [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] rainbow [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 842,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep C Digital, Movie, Full Movie, Movie Trailer, Film, Amazing Racer movie, Amazing Racer full movie, Amazing Racer feature film, Amazing Racer, Julianne Michelle, Daryl Hannah, Michael Madsen, Linda Morris, John Mowod, Frank E. Johnson, Stephen Colletti, Eric Roberts, drama movie, family movie, sport movie, competition, rainbow the horse, harness racing, horse racing, horses
Id: gp66HCKZeII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 23sec (5483 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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