ASTRONEER | #1 | Getting A Rover! | Full Livestream | V0.8 ASTRONEER Gameplay!!

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sir and surrett and welcome to the live stream both people currently watching me live hi there and people watching me on youtube it's night time when we start fantastic so we are on a brand new world because there's a brand new size if there's a brand new save of course I meant to say version we are 0.8 yep that this is all stuff we found out before and probably will forget again anything new there's probably something new but it's you know what this wouldn't help last time wouldn't it remember last time when we were all confused yeah would have helped out more or less time we've got to be honest oh well so it's night time so doing all this in the dark then fantastic is you audio a little bit loud guys it's loud for me but I have separate audio than the stream so it could be one thing could be the other potato okay come we start it next to piles of compound this is the world this is the world indeed it says and syrettes know my intro is sir and sir as always has been always will because easy for me to say because my stammer if you want it to be grammatically correct you probably wouldn't use the word syrettes because that makes no sense [Laughter] it's a landing pad do the thing thank you i'll have the medium platform now let's pop you there this is a much better work it's more compound oh my god we spent half of the last bloody world looking for this crap it's just everywhere okay I'm taking a drink for that okay four people are watching on YouTube and then hear me explain at the start I am currently drinking a few beers nothing major I won't get drunk but I want to be happily tipsy whilst we build this there is resin yep and drink lovely fantastic start wonderful start the best stuff oh yeah you have to power don't you we learnt this last time you are too far away well some things I will still forget regardless let's put you here instead of watching me blocking the mentary why well no seriously I won't get wrinkled I only have two and a half beers left there is not enough alcohol here to get me drunk I have an I have an annoyingly high alcohol tolerance I'll be very very high perks and on caffeine it's the end of my workday sort of but you know coz I've just finished recording from the depths and I was thanks to editing it because I didn't weird things of that so yeah um so what sang was is your audio ok guys as we all and the people on YouTube I will try my best to say what people are saying alright so that's it resonant risen I will try and read what people are saying when I'm answering their questions because I notice I didn't do that last time audios good good there's far too loud for me then that case was gonna edit it in my headphones there we go happy days for everyone just surrounded by stuff this stuff that's glorious now we are resin it can go here and resin can go here which means then we can do too that doesn't look quite right does it we are the engineering marvels of the world not already death storm cannot be death storm okay now I'm gonna just go in here thank you that wasn't early day hey if you have a flight factorial years ago yeah I'm actually meaning to do a livestream with it somewhat soon now I've getting more time for live streaming game if there's enough interest I might do a live stream of the new game seriously love that's okay remember last time when we couldn't put it anywhere apparently exchanged yeah I know aesthetic sorry Athar ik gaming sorry dyslexic reading names which I'm not used to is difficult but yeah I've heard that a lot a lot of people said it's changed a lot since I last play factorio ah let's pop you over here I played rim world no it's another one of those games I do mean - but it looks like something which will be drying all of my lifespan two-ply okay what next I've already forgotten I'm meant to be doing haven't I what else do you make lad you also make oh I remember I need the research chamber and the printer right if I do this now yeah I need some points so I need to do is get the research chamber sorted which you would have to put well I ever try Robocraft again yes when the update comes out to completely remove crates and everything I know the half way through it but still did you check out SCP secret laboratory not yet Jasper I have not enough time good mod packs thing is for first time I player I think I will try and play vanilla then I will add mods later on did you hear a tech trees are coming back to rubble craft yes that's why I'm talking about that update removal of crates adding of tech trees all that good stuff certainly helps out a lot also why does belched well I do custom from from the depths campaigns maybe maybe how long is the delay um I've got no delay on so it's whatever your region is it normally varies between 20 seconds and a minutes on those shorts and was longer okay so I need to get some research so I can't actually do a prints here yeah okay first thing I need to research with that weird way of saying what's an inhibitor mod oh my god there are other things can i stir try platform don't care about any of this all I want is a tether where would it say hi oh we're talking locked ok good this time tether starts off unlocks I wanted to see extenders batteries generators that's all well and good but once again smelter mineral hydrazine fuel collector tried platform canister inhibitor princess right there a start wasn't of course it looking well was okay so we need to get some research so we can get the Prince around and sort that out but for now I want tear those tethers are my friend I want compound form or tethers try the extractor I will be in the extractor but I want the printer first printer then extractor did he start over yes as the title may suggest we are now in 0.8 which means our old save wasn't compatible yeah apparently it is compatible but it can get a bit weird also that's Heather this went bye-bye that could be a lot thank you do your job oh that beautiful sever okay so if I were science I would possibly be in those balls I'll call them the science balls full heaving science balls or is that us resin was that all just for one resin you up oh no no no there is it the stuff is it okay okay not too bad gonna just grab some rose again new your base what's near my banksy base oh yeah there's our over there you have that part of a science you are correct tethers are like the best thing out of ten what would you rate this game a very strong seven what I'd write it in its current state it's fantastic until you get to the end game that I feel like there's very little else you really want to do though some people do have a tendency to really go mad with the trying tool so I think it depends on you personally some people like it less cuz it really isn't much direction you would think there would be science do tell us Auto drop no I'm pressing T when I press a team or comes out are you a science no you're a seat excellent we have won the game not really that useful right now gotta be honest until we all know I am stuck in the ground like a glitchy boy a glitch occurs okay we're playing a drinking game now ladies and gentlemen if you are of the legal age for alcohol then I would recommend drinking along so I'm not sickly heavy drinker mostly when on a glitch occurs I believe you should have a drink lovely cam um right yes the seat is my Savior no no let's see this trying meet oh dear god help hello just gonna just just gonna tunnel back up sure that's fine everything's fine I'm back on whatever's then for a second that's good there we go we're back up we're fine nothing happened you're all going insane now back in like the same person would totally do junk oh oh hello hello hello yes yes good the chair went through the wall that's this chair is evil I love it you know I'm going back inside because look there's things to attach things to so clearly camera do what I need you to camera obey me nope there's just the chairs that's all that is attached to it wasn't it yep not going to touch the section I fell into it was more resin over there not that we need much but actually even even resin so there isn't even that that was a bit disappointing honestly I thought I'll be more than just a cheer I mean I like having the chair but you know on science or resources or resource science not chair boy okay chair can we make no chair good boy let's get you back there shall we I'll change my writing to ten out of ten after the glitches so would I is that science excuse me thing attached to the side there are you a science or you a aah loud noises I forgot to turn that down from last time stick oh fish thank you very much of the hunt repeat definition even my favorite youtuber four years now and have brought so much happiness oh thank you I'm glad to be of the minor help I can with happiness and joy and wonder so glad you've enjoyed the contents mr. fish random life story about me random life stories of laughter excite I don't love trouble having pictures taken of me with a flash I always used to blink it was terrible every bloody time and one time I went fishing with my father and we caught this huge pike horrible thing bit my dad's finger almost off when it bit him but still and we tried to take a picture of me looking at this damn fish for 20 plus times and as a joke they said look at the fish and then I ended up glaring at the fish so much they in the picture it looks like I'm just gonna butcher this poor creature and then afterwards because they're teasing me I yelled out in a very very childish voice cause younger time all I wanted to do was look at the fish and they had that on recording and that becomes a topic and was there for Christmas Thanks that is a research knew it knew it knew it knew it knew it knew it so yeah fish brings back weird memories who's I was trying to say their long story boring story laughs Erik story sums up most of my stories honestly to be brutally honest excuse me mr. research I am oh you can't jump from old Miss Kenya are you Australian no I'm in Wales although of course in Wales the reason New South Wales I think you can research the seat you can research the seat it's a seat what research you can get out of it research sample with oh you just needs accident oh now I'm seeing people tell me that in the Kin the comments so that was the delay thank you can i research you you have all lied to me although I am now research thank you what happened to the fish though are we in through back if my grandfather was there probably ain't it you stay there now if I were research that plant looks suspicious but I can't just want to find a cave not that thang cable it's made let us go randomly this way this way seeds I swear you could research the seat maybe a good good but I didn't see a way of doing it then maybe I'm just being a dum-dum what happens when you research Alaric's you don't want to know you can research the fish Thanks I'm like what did I miss fish doink doink maybe that oh my god you were hiding the proper research the whole time there we go you are science Rock let us return away from science where I can return home with green orb rock of science I'm taking a drink because that means I'm a still a star which means I messed up and that is now a drink of me laughs freaks messes up take a drink if you really want to alcohol poisoning out loud noises 50 bit donation from Alexander Alexander Alexander tour probably butchering that I apologize specially since you've just been very generous I want to say that you are in my opinion the best youtuber and stream our while considering I only stream once every maybe couple of months you may have your priorities a bit wrong there sir but thank you anyway for the sentiments get me that science that's gonna take forever folks we have no power so once I have enough science I'll research the basic wind turbines and I'm as will go hunting more science while that happens that's gonna take forever res in science rock is good rock yes it is it's a friend issue oh yeah canister that's haunted to research so I wanted to grab so I can start doing building lively for a second they didn't think I was recording this file which would be a nightmare because last time I had to get the file from twitch and by the way downloading a full thing from twitch is well it's not the most fun thing it takes a very long time their servers are not the best and they don't seem to save it particularly well Oh tether tether setup back good to them is that going if we resent as the whole Oh is that cave how am I already out of tethers you can do a small fabric what the earth is a small fabricator is that new it definitely wasn't there last time I would have seen in some would have pointed out and yelled at me Oh green okay well come do me earth obey me i am the geomancer I guess we should get on the green isn't his laughing Strunk I've drank 1/5 of a beer so no not yet means it's very strong German ale but still let me off my tits more compound unless you have a science underneath you which you do not hello poison plants just gonna do a bit of murder here what was that research I saw a research module did I it did didn't it yes research there we go that's all I wanted this one more of these don't need more compound oh we have what looks like a tumor excellent earth tumor well Rock to you my whatever you want to call it I suppose you don't like beer you like wine Bruton Ella brew TN I am bad with names especially today well whatever use your poison you know you can make an angle than use control and extend it down to that's just what I was doing control is just the smoothing aspect isn't it much no out please yeah this is this is control this is alt once again control controls smooth until she make the angle I didn't need to do that looks I made the angle decently straight all right anyway stick a fish 50m research module thank you thank you for the donation very generous Oh a rock thing science glorious Cameron movie buttcheeks let's go how strong is that beer it is 11.1% I have never seen something so so specific and percentage but you haven't put one and it's a dark Ruby ale ok now let's see good good good we have the printer now I need to have a new platform which means I need some more or as in there what's my favorite beer not a lot of people write this very highly so perhaps it speaks badly of my tastes but I like her which word gold but honestly any golden ale English gold nails tend to be what I like where's the resin I can't see it's too dark oh it's not much written left that's gonna be a bit annoying laughs ryx will you swear for us now any chance of one more resin they'll be really helpful come on I've almost finished a resin have you heard of kingdoms and castles I I have a whole whole series on that on YouTube so yes why are you only drinking at 4:00 p.m. because I've been up since 3:00 a.m. well three four ish you missed a crash site I'm not going to the crash site yet I've got this stuff to do first and then missed anything got that crash site and I got that crash site over there it's probably one over here which I didn't let you go to but where's the rest the reservoir is not plants down these plants looking not resin guys where's the rest eraser it's hard to see what it's so dark on the screen in the stream actually I've slowly up its gamma as well come back from the cave Thank You Jess P that's life the cave right yes there's science rock yes you are probably correct lovely oh yeah I've got my tethers settings turn the brightness 53 here's the thing I like the fact that the dark is a challenge even if I complain about it so I'm leaving it like intentionally that's why up it people who were coming dig up stuff you'll find my oh is to say talking about the original crash site okay just so I miss stuff at the crash site and I missed the actual crash site probably I did give up fairly easily after the glitching chair of death nothing else good no the printer laughs research the mineral extractor yet we did that last time but of course first of all I need the princess so I can actually make the thing printer comes first not the fabricator platform yes no no yes go do the thing thank you hello vit Sammy how you doing a long time long time no see how goes life my dear how goes life my god 1/2 months since I last talked to you I've been on you two but I haven't been on switch I've been busy there's resin right that it's risen right there of course there is why if this termite I wonder what the prince will actually need soil in fact I just researched the prince didn't I right examine well well why Tindall is finishes a maybe throwing things into the construction pit we've made here isn't the best idea in the world maybe ya glad the game lets us do this now though how much yourself tempted to dig a hole all the way around here and then it's make one barrage outwards I think it would look cool even if it would get me killed sometimes you just go do things for the sake of it hey thank you you can go here next to the science module there we go you can attach like so now how do I make a printer the printer is made via aluminum which means I wouldn't if foundry first I'll bugger or another fabricator not the vehicle bay not the medium platform large platform large weirdly tethers off to extend the battery turbine research smelter 500 bytes so we just need to wait for this to very slowly slowly research let's research something else is there actually no both of the both of the generators I'm thinking of both requests melt in metal as well now think about it let us grab some compound all your way today now we are what a bites been forever since applied well now you get research by whereas before you research an item and then that item would give you a piece of research so you would learn how to make potatoes this time instead its pop do you on here this time instead of that you just have the ability wait I have soil when did I get a second canister thrown in one dirty carrot soup well I'll tell you with me this time instead you get bites the bites think we turned into the research you want in my opinion it's a much better system almost there almost there lovely cama now the mineral extractor although that is really handy since it allows you to turn dirt into things no I want is the smell tea boy oh it's cuz I have that open I keep forgetting that messes things up research smelter there we go smelter yes Lee's smelter smelter smelter go oh well that's being built we can hide because otherwise we're going to die I'm not gonna play Arkell Robocraft Oh Robocraft I will be playing once it updates soon they're going to be adding the tech trees back and removing the Krait system which I think must feel very very happy for so tech trees tears and the old robits system all coming back so you'll be interesting to see how that works also is that gonna kind of miss me mm not sure if I need to be in here just checking something whilst I white so I apologize in bit quite that right now how much long will I be streaming for I honestly don't know this is a non kind of did you not build this melty boy you've built a hologram of the small T boy now I can't see anything it's too dark and of course I'm in the construction hole but can someone explain what's just happened anyone I'm thinking we need to move the constructor somewhere else you know why from the hole of death because that's oh it didn't actually make it okay oh thank God I thought you actually made it that's that yeah this map why won't you let me build it now is it because I've just destroyed that okay that was me that was me clearly messing up which I know is totally a surprise there we go now it's the construction walk for the construction the destruction rocks there we go yeah sure that'll do it smelter go that'll be fine and not glitchy in the slightest yeah we really need more power so the next thing I need to research then really is more power because nothing else will work flatten it no I like it being these the construction rocks as I want right now the small wind turbines I'll be the next thing I'll grab which I think requires aluminum or does it require copper either why we're going to need to go spelunking for a bit Tom Burke yes all my old flash photos ring a bell go on okay so isn't copper excellent flatten it oh you mean like this I think it's a modern art masterpiece personally cam on hurry up sorry guys thank you smell for away okay so now we need to go off and grab at some copper and aluminum so let's put the resin down here so we don't need that right now we have one aluminum already at loud noises sticker fish thank you for the 50 bit duration I'm glad you like the wall let's go we don't have enough power any way to speed up the research so there's no point in researching anything right now could take forever this way this way is don't give in to the crowd yes make it worse like it was Oh do these regrow oh my god guys these seem to regrow all hail the science rock I'm gonna make this sense of monuments to the boys off forget we're bloody well there's no wrong way that was a whole you just took about ethics you smart smart gentleman you I wonder if I do this talking oh I was hoping I could just not have to jump that was my life easier cama cama come on come on there we go at least now know where it is next to the not gonna mention what those boys made of rock that's important part there let's go out down here now remember there's a giant green hole of death as we approach so we remember that now don't we ladies and gentlemen yes we do hello hall of death is that way dead end let's go this way then so we need to find one science take back and okay we don't care about this right now it's not gonna make fuel for ages are you a science no are you a death yes you are let's just ow my left eye that's carry on oh you sticky boys you are what I want thank you give me that lovely lovely raw aluminium or aluminum or aluminium inium aluminium million it's gonna grab all of you there we go else there was a lot of excavating we just did and now I make a totally save tiny little bridge and look I'll even smooth it is everyone please now look at how smooth my bridges I build the smoothest bridges people come up to me and tell me laughs Alex you build the smoothest of bridges how again but I still dumb enough to get poisoned by everything I say Oh a science maybe I was so smart I was looking at a dangerous place for science now you all think I am a genius I'm sure stay stay stay good boy I'll call him Thomas the twitch 666 just subscribe a tier 1 sub thank you very much sir welcome and of course enjoy the emotes my face a GG symbol a microwave and a potato because I was thinking about what people normally use to talk on Twitch and they were the emotes I thought of yeah I'm actually very close to getting another one if if I get some more subscribers if I do stream more oh I'm so sorry the twit you just cut silenced by the bots but thank you I did see your comment thank you very much I'm glad you enjoy it lovely there we go does research generate bytes yes that's exactly how it works you take the research nodes to the research station they will slowly generate bytes and they generate faster the more power you have to a point currently we have almost no power so we are so bloody slow poison oh look at me dodging that poison gas oh yeah take that les beans for you guys there we go you want dead they farted in my jet in my general direction that I'm them horribly for it yeah for guys wondering about the face reveal literally one of my emotes um twitch is my face but I have also done face reels in the past it's not like I'm hiding my face just I don't have a face camp and I'll set up to be like that I'm not tickly emotional emotional and logically expressive there we go I never have felt emotion in my life I say while sounding sad but um an uptick ly expressive so I I think face camp from me doesn't add anything some people are very expressive when they talk and honestly it does help with what they're doing but for me it'd be just nothing just extra effort for less quality in my opinion just taking my look as though that's a little plant we killed earlier and then we go up here come on don't cry as a son and then you are blinded by the sunlight on the way out for everyone you sound like you're expressing not really especially with my speech impediment I've got just I've got to erm focus a lot on basic speech so I don't really move all that much in fact the funny thing is apparently lip readers can just not read my lips because I don't speak in their very normal way because of the well just how I speak Wow these grow back would be fast science I kind of want to collect them these are the best things just give it a try I have done I used to stream with face cam do you have a beard at the moment yes I do although I recently trimmed it FFF stalking Atlanta lash dream is like half the size it was so I wanted to make it look a bit neater for the summer I'm gonna grow it back out low now into winter so it's pretty it's about three times the length is currently I don't know collect those science tumors are gonna carry one at a time but I willed it see we're still not even finished with this but hopefully it's gave me enough science it has lovely to do the wind turbine so I can make that in my own thing no bro you miss a bit of resin I miss loads of stuff look I'm full I'm currently full in my backpack wrong one Thank You tethers chemist a small fabricator I just threw something out my backpack then didn't I doing that okay yes so we need aluminum for the small wind turbine thankfully we have exactly one so I can make that now which means yes I could have made it full right now I couldn't have made that before because I hadn't got the research for it lovely where did that just move to was on my gun when that wind turbine go who saw where that wind turbine just went I was looking at chat and it finished and I don't seem to have a wind turbine anymore did it fall off again what the last one if it did forever here somewhere there's the compound I've chucked did anyone see where that went no no not on my gun but I did just finish it there it is ello let's pop you up here on the ridge and you can hook into here oh there we go we have a oh you didn't hear it going faster let's weave one okay so got the smelter oh yeah why don't we start smelting duh let's aluminum sorted now this works differently is how it used to it used to do like a whole batch at once now it just does one at a time so doesn t matter if you mix and match as before I think it batch worked hello dr. Turner on the other side a hat there we go and smells lovely this game was changed a lot since you last saw it yeah it's definitely changed a lot over time there a lot of credits do with the devs on this you can carry an item holder with your mouse so you can carry more items at once oh no you yes you can carry an item holder so yeah you could do that Jakob if you held a yeah that should work zum-zum / thank you very much for the subscription enjoy your new emotes including my fivesome microwave the GG symbol and of course a potato use the wall for the wind turbines that's not bad idea we did plan on having a ridge last time the problem is you need to attach these to something like this in the future otherwise they get knocked around because of the wind we're not told off about that last time and then it happened and well I've learned my lesson just for now we're putting them down most we can easily fix the ones which fall off when the wind attacks us these subscription text cuts a bit on the top Oh does it well I can fix that okay I have moved it so now if I do the test this isn't a real subscription this is a test oh yeah I once at least three wind turbines we definitely need more power then lights are on we can we can get them or permanent ones which we have to attach to stuff it'll be much better you go there thank you just generally abusing your friend there come on there we go weird one more just one more yeah man give me that aluminum are there batteries and solar panels yes and yes oh speaking of which I've got power there we go if you put that in the system look how fast that's going now yes feed feed my lovely flame that's better that was better wasn't it and you attached it there oh yeah we have three wind turbines happily flapping around over here giving us all the power we need for a while yet this is even on yet that's without the energy boost that is so much better so much better okay so what next then well you're next you have smelter boy we have the printer wants the printer that's what we needed we wanted the printer and wide and what's to need to make the printer smelter research large platform printer - aluminium ok which what we're currently smelting over here thank you very much we are being efficient today there's more energy in the cave yeah I should have picked up more I didn't think about it platform research smell tea printer they only need some more resin because we need to make one more of these little things to put it on laughs you can put option and power in your pack I know that's why but that's where I was just using the power from but thank you anyway 150 bit donation from mystery potato I have been waiting for a long time to give this to you glad to see you state stream again I'll thank you and you activated the football giveaway thing which is currently happening on Twitch and I have no idea about cuz I don't really care about football look how he stops randomly between the pronunciation off eliminate yet yep I do definitely stop a lot with aluminium and aluminium anyone feeling a bit nauseous right now also I haven't drank in a while my god the game so good I actually forget to drink my alcohol well that is a good thing for my health I guess question if I was gonna say if this was mounted sideways could you still see the problem is I haven't got I reached a what's it called storage thing which would you come out sideways yet Kevin okay I'm not talking drink some white here oh my baby tarantula just came out of the hide for the first time like a week I'll she's so cute so you can mount this sideways excellent I am by then DAP start did I still crash in the capsule think of it post a picture laughs it's hard to to tiny little test tube setup shoes and currently she's only a little bear bit and the princess shall go here but first we need some make hey larva toxins thank you for subscribing right which Brian enjoy in my face the GG symbol a potato pair the protector and a microwave okay no yes go now the construction rockin it's broken Gloria can you paint this in any way is anyways I'll decide what type of rock you actually make sounded cool wasting soil here lamothe 2k5 thank you very much really subscription as well enjoy my face microwave GG and potato especially the potato enjoy the potato I think like three or four offer new image now which is quite cool don't quickly I can't check currently fastest if you saw any more power at the wind turbines not working currently yeah none of them have wins that's why we're so low on power if I were to grab yo come to me it's gonna be difficult to get to isn't it it's like a bridge well slope and I was a key bridge once it a little bit bigger than a nap for I start flattening it now the problem with this is getting the power cords up here because we're going to have to go all the way along that this to work because the power cords are very limited in size then you have that far yeah do I actually knock these as I run yes I do so putting them all next to each other will be a nightmare to get up here again that's annoying can storm knock stuff over sadly yes l might prove it not always though seems like it's actually not that common for it to happen but even so it's gonna be annoying let me just put this down don't kill me I'm doing engineering work good go go go go go go go go go into the doodle ha I am invisible okay now rocks only spawn if I'm outside thankfully if you're in sunless the rocks don't even spawn and they definitely knock things over the problem is fun close to the base and it happens always it thrown around are there still giant rocks that come by and kill you yes loads are saying there's our for the stream delay i suppose of that oh there we go look may be knocked over still connected sometimes it gets so far they break the connection the main platforms though don't get knocked over so if I wanted a permanent place up there for our power we would need to put down some of the platforms which wouldn't be too difficult the platform's have a longer cable as well though looks of things just get the large turbines then yeah that was the plan as you mentioned earlier just they're a lot further along down tech tree well not tech trees I mean a tree but they cost a lot more research we didn't have the research available we needed there the energy to speed up getting research okay I think it's safe death rocks no good next bit of science please whoa mm bites from this one fantastic going to take a while there so you're all connected then yeah hmm can you get there they very cool if I should balanced you a little bit yes there's a problem getting them up they're actually getting connected is the annoying thing for now is popping them all along here since they're not permanent anyway it's not worth going through all the effort you go there you go there lovely a small fabricate so it could make platforms the size of the one you get from the start Oh that'll me baby one here that makes sense and then the air put those on good point in there sir very good point dude okay now that's what the printer was doing yeah we have a printer so we have a smelter we have a printer and we have the science you doodle click so that's all well and good look the seat yeah I know we can make the seats we don't really need them to make to get what earlier so don't want next then actually doing it next all the basic stuff so what do I do now I guess more power and batteries of nice just to speed of thing oh the extractor yeah so I need next it's awfully not good in the long term but shuttle shuttle and above that small Rover Oh that'll be cool I do want the rover actually but what does the rover need to make it guys can you remember what the rover needs to actually make it I think I will go X tractor next anyway but because it's not made in the printer is it the road was not made in the printer right does the crying make it I can't vehicle bye thank you vehicle by that's the one small Rover is useless but it's fun and I've not used it yet so there we are the vehicle by us why walk no extract it to the extractor first graphics yeah extractor first now sad and the vehicle back lovely thanks guys it's more resin for the next base then we'll donate for the the prints of Mike's very little I thought that prints are made more things didn't really need that dust yet platform printer smelter mineral you know let's make that for now and then we'll move the printer and use that later how do i how do I get the printer off this Oh donates a disconnect first laughing yep I can move that as one let that move the chair this the printer how do i is there any way to disconnect the printer it's got that button there I can't interrupt it in any way knows no way oh gosh darn it oh look at me I'm a useless prints are on the take up your space spaceman okay let's let's go find some more resin so get all the resin from over here only one more anyway last time we're soaking so consumes I get more compound this time it's all about resin ah huge pile of resin then is resin over there as well isn't there tried explosives haven't researched them yet I mean we will eventually need the printer but for now it's just been a pain in the butt cheeks you like the voice acting for the printer that's how the printer sounds clearly that's how a printer sounds smarmy burger well I'm glad you like my accent sir although apparently the buck did want to destroy your comment about its who may be like but doesn't actually agree with you there also I had a piece of aluminum which I didn't realize I had click I wish there would be a simple solutions the whole shebang I think the control one is probably easiest right tiny little bit but then what they is will never know like this one no I've do this then that yeah not really a or I spin no it's not difficult though if you just do the normal mode which I wasn't doing there still fill them up but just with this weird grade instead what they doing oh yeah I am now hello I would like a platform please yeah I was using that the flatten tool flattened from the top and then go over I could have sworn I just did oh I know I did I flattened from the side not from the top of that so I did that's what I was meant to do so yeah it is actually quite easy to do ugly ass in though isn't it that gray what is the extract to do extracts the soul of the world it means you can turned from your canister whoa look at the slide I'm doing but it means you can turn the dirt which I'm currently collecting and using to fill in things into other resources extract some minerals from it and you can choose what mineral you get it's just you don't have you have to have a copy of the mineral first so you can't use it straightaway to fabricate titanium for instance what was your message deleted I don't know actually it wasn't by herb wasn't by the but also I don't think actually was deleted by looks of things you just typed in the message deletes it helpless or any of your other comments so I could see if they were also removed because normally once one things removed they're all removed so I'm assuming you're trolling there and you've got me so well done hi big zach oh and big that confirms camera just give me the bloody thing why are none of you working this clearly wind you can see the wind it's hitting you okay so now it pop you there we've need more spice you a touch there and then where's the oh there we are you rolled a little bit there you go there and then we have the extractor I just realize we have no copper still that's blur I told you to get solar beds it's also nighttime just just putting out there it's also nighttime that's why you surely have both though honestly having this one is the problem plus small solar was the more expensive I didn't have the things at the time for solar you need copper right might go try hunting another cave and try get some copper as well before we do much else batteries are loved yeah I mean to be fair though right now right you make batteries out oh right yeah of course is batteries and then there's look isn't there a version of batteries which give power than a version of batteries just store in this game Myra am i right with that or am I thinking that batteries are just storage stop it power cells and batteries are different that's it our power cells the thing you put in and just get power from then this batteries just hold it right but a storage aren't they yeah yeah so right now there's not much use for batteries because I'm constantly using maximum power I have to may things always on so I wouldn't store anything right now so it's not something I'm going to spend my um my research arm right now I need cool well now I need it's just more power I need more see I need more copper 12 I just need copper . i also want to make some more canisters so let's grab a couple of those because the canisters can be turned into dirt canisters like this one of soil canisters which can then be converted into other things allow me to show you so we put these soil canisters here that gets emptied in so now is a little bit that now can be turned into other resources and later so rezian organic whatever I want it's just I need the actual sample first so if I want to copy right now which I do I still need to go and get some copper don't have many tethers let's go hunting in this direction when he copper more resin I guess and more other stuff what are you / purple plant are you science nope you are just purple plant I am sorry for killing you it was okay oh is that thank you very much Pam to God I'm glad you enjoy them sir we're all you out of tethers okay get compound first with a quick check well I can't see much no it's like a mountain isn't it yeah that's a cloud that's been going towards a cloud this entire time due to tear this place automatically no you have to place them yourself but by pressing T apparently that used to be a or something because that confused a few people earlier but you got a man you place them they just get dropped next to you when you place them you can also place them completely manually what's that that compound good compound and some oxygen oxygen sort so don't die while gathering it and then compound so I can make some more tethers lovely okay the goal today before we finish the stream is to make a functional vehicle Bay and to make a vehicle any vehicle the rover whatever I know the Rovers terrible it hasn't got any actual uses of the moving faster but I think there's some storage either way I want one because I want one okay option is low let us grab some of the oxygen there and let's run back so no suffocate lovely maybe I should do this but I'm actually get there you know larger over is better yep needs more research though a more material so it's gonna take longer where is the tethers where are the tethers oh god I'm going to die oh I'm going to die I have clearly missed with the tethers are I am being so no tethers turbos gone to me Oh God I went slightly the wrong way I knew wasn't here that like flattening but I'll get back into my bag oh there's something else or to soar over there though so I want to see that and is that we had planned weird land what is the next terror attack before the end of next week those rocks produce rocks Oh research plant Bravo you nearly died there yeah but I didn't did I and it's um compound and because of that I found out those compound over here it's really hard to see these tethers also do you miss tethers in the new store could swear I got more than that come on thank you all the compounds thank you very much okay make more than one research station yes but police remember the reason why we're getting so little research right now isn't because we only have one research station or because we have or because we don't have enough research nodes it's because of one big problem we don't have enough power so it's only like ten percent power right now so adding more research stations wouldn't help when you have more power later than obviously that becomes something a three soils okay we have all of the compound in the world right now everything's for sure and you can go on here okay so now if we need more compound there's still two reserves over here so there we go and you're is probably a larger science underneath there but I'm not going to risk actually knocking over the plant because I want that unlimited research from the respawning nodes Rovers are also called Sara put all sorts of option oh no ago you drop some yet I did that completely full bag wise it should stay there unless the wind hits it then I'll move around there's a good chance actually end up in that hole already pre harvest didn't come back here we go okay I'm back slowly okay now we have enough compound we can go underground hunting for some lovely lovely copper it's gonna shovel this stuff here guys remember I have compound over here also let's feed the soil for the machine didn't actually finish there which would have helped you can't Rover trains oh yeah you can connect them all can't you there we are look at that so if I need anything else I can easily make loads of them but right now any copper so I need at least one yeah you sliding oh yeah mad skills bro okay do you need to make the soil canisters once you've made it once you can fill it with the soil and then give the soil to the extractor but then you get the canister back I just have three so it hold three of them some constantly digging oh yeah there's that over there isn't it whatever the hell that is okay let's go to that first going to need okay I'm trying to ration out my tethers a bit better here going as far as the case as soon as I lose oxygen that's when you can place another tether and it's still connect Oh another science Rock thank you so cool anybody's doing some digging here and we are out of tethers already thankfully we have a ridiculous amount of compound both here and at the base [Music] laughter except Lee maybe as a stream but not on the channel now yeah I do need to research the work like I agree with that do that later hello anything here of any interest all this stuff titanium useless to me right now very useful for me later more compound paying for the tellers are lost copper problem is I can't actually get this from the extractor because I need it to be in its unrefined state still awesome but not as awesome as the raw stuff would be why no reassembly somebody done it on the channel so much there's nothing more I can add in a video format just for fun on a stream sure but it would be a bit pointless more compound okay you get to stay here the thing I'm just grabbed a camera do I want you to do okay aluminium you come with me so we still come on camera please thank you we still need to go ahead and find ourselves a mine cave with some copper yes loads of compound there as well okay so obviously combat isn't a huge issue right now if compound there we have compound down at the science plants and there's a little bit compound currently stuck in there there's loads of compound with iron and we currently have three compounds stuck to my gun there goes three storage slots yep they're all in use all three of them kapa goes there sure resin removes all the metal for over here there we go fifty bit donation from sticker fish I'm gonna go play some terraria have fun well thank you very much for the donations very generous easy sir have a nice time playing game okay so we still need to find some raw copper and of a sound of things we've done with a science that's part on the next one so we also need to come back of a science now we're out it's not minecraft as big strike just dig straight down yeah but unlike minecraft is an oxygen problem with that putting down tethers who dig straight down as a nightmare Plus getting up as caliche as anything and there's no guarantee you're gonna hit a if cuz caves are as numerous in this game although you will actually eventually reach the core just cool but not really in the mood for that just yet let's go this way because this Way's already half tethered out so you have loads of time to go before Ian's not for a while still want more updates people have been saying the new combat update and stuff have been good which they are I did check it out they're still most if I want before I do a full series again cuz once I do a series there's gonna be a lot of gameplay on it it's the reason why I ended up quitting the season two which is a huge mistake on my part and I do apologize fashion and we started in I thought there was more new stuff than there was at the time and I very quickly realized oh my god every episode is the exact same as last season not the most science of all science Rockwood still that's one there we are there's some research though from the way back although we did just kill science Rock kind of grab that give me your science core well now we're gonna have to bury it aren't we laughter ixnay clips allowed no I'm afraid now no right now anyway I will change that probably in the future now can I grab the science thank you not really killed you you wait there until start heading back oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no wait I might be able to dodge this never mind we're continuing our we are continuing our hunt for the cave just a little bit faster but before that research is so gonna blow away but it's not worth it what was that cave I think I found a cave or at least a weird outcropping either way it's cool I'm out of tethers digging down will still cause the rocks to spawn for quite a while it's a bit glitchy trying to do that I've died so many times in the last playthrough because of it because the game needs to understand you're underground that doesn't do that very quickly and I wanted to continue this way anyway I deserve I've so I'm now going to continue to drink oh my god haven't drank 1/5 of a beer in an hour ok drinking the full beer here cuz I'm bored of slowly sipping this thing it's not a sipping beer it does not have the taste for it okay better it's continuing on yes there we go so that was in UK units that was bloody ell that was four and a half UK units just so you know the legal limit is two so I'm now literally twice diddly lit the legal limits my card my speech impediments I'm throw a brief but the alcohol hit me probably about five to ten minutes UK units alcohol units it's a certain amount of alcohol so not percentage but for instance I say this is an eleven percent beer Irish threatened a full beer that's about four and a half units per me the problem is different countries use different units in this specific one and some don't use them at all poison well it's a knock them down it's just an easy way to kind of tell how much you've drank and see what's legal what isn't illegal when you're driving and search rather than you've drank this much percentage of this beer instead on the back of every bottle beer we have over here we have a percentage it's not we do have a percentage but we also have units stop trying to kill me you've drunk four peas in two hours and I'm getting we're near truck I'm sorry that wasn't a mocking laugh I promise but four beers in two hours is not much lippel especially if it's a more standard strength beer because depending on the country like can range from three to five percent or maybe even six or seven it depends again on country from average beer I know in the UK if you go to a pub you're normally looking at five six percent which isn't murder maybe something too much oh they gave us at seven percent that's not much that really isn't much it also depends at the beer is a pint right there are one of the smaller cans laughter Ixtapa trans kill me is killing the plans but protecting its well it's protecting itself by trying to kill me if you didn't try and protect itself I wouldn't have to try and kill it its own fault that all good Tevez I forgot my tethers I want to be able to breathe floaty tether help me thank you yeah these are erm pints these are just and before pints I would say for these to get me mildly drunk to happily drink we're we're kind of want to be when I'm talking to people socializing I'd say it's about five of these yeah about five six or yeah except me for Oh God yeah life said before I do actually have a decent alcohol tolerance yeah about five of the the 11 percent pints would be a happy drunk I wouldn't go over about ten with it within a few hours like you were saying because then I start getting to the level of drunk where it's not happy why'd you drink on stream didn't last time I actually blast a few times at him because I get more talkative I find it fun and it's better than when I record cuz end up havin to edit that out I mean technically I am recording there's currently future but you get the idea so if we get some copper we can get some solar panel sorted and we can then use the dirt canisters to make more of those will pop me just catching a chat there if some reason it didn't move even though the chat was still going I was weird that's not copper you ain't copper this way looks like back on itself let's try the other way ultimate phantom game thanks for joining us now and I sleep that isn't anything is it that green it's just the rock right yeah death plant why is there no copper or aluminium in this thing well go further down then possibly to our death but still Oh tether you're too far away stop stop I need to be more efficient with these from now on there we go past the death Buckner is okay I'll go back afterwards it's that happens the white horse videos I stopped with the diet at that point because my health went a bit mental then I've been losing weight slowly since then so it hasn't been interesting enough to make videos I mean honestly I did enjoy making them as much as I thought I would love the support though it was great what's that Oh maybe I am the clone hi how you doing bud what you got there some extend does I have no idea well they'd all be taking though some dynamite thank you very much your lovely little corpse you're a good fellow yeah oh filters lovely um-hmm power yet you're cool and all but I like to have there's more tethers merge Oh way no you gotta do that sewn up and somebody thought was only half full can I stood don't care put on this body now we do of course have the Power Cell which I assume is just the same as the energy but more condensed right I'll take it here so but don't use it as I dig how do you activate the TNT again no reason well let's pay some respect shall we everyone f to pay respects you have until I start covering his body with grey dirt Thank You Chat for your respects you are truly the best chat in in twitch truly you are and now it looks like is in the middle of Earth's but no talk about the grunts zombie back in stay locally still bouncing around I can hear him well is a zombie so it's gonna leave the coop Oh stuff science science waits for no one's death but thank you people thank you Oh [Laughter] [Laughter] oh bugger a half okay who need to get back there against our keep no comeback okay we need that stuff back oh this way is this way yep okay let's go at least we know how he died oh I knew one of those wouldn't kill you when you're so close ooh I thought is one plant thanks everyone for your kind F's I'm glad you'll give an F Oh feets yeah I know my corpse is down there thank you game I'll bury you me I promise why did I go such a weird way oh you can tell him the storm hit suddenly anything looks more drunk I know the bloody beer part I'm pouring another bloody beer for my bloody headache but I should have a head I commend his headache of the annoyance weird did I where did that word I worded that weird we do give an F we give many FS thank you go slide let me slide no did the thing when they slide it looks so much cooler going back to my corpse Oh which way was it bugger I can't remember which way it was other way mr. Saito thanks joining us and have a lovely day I'll answer a number coups is down there but getting there is a bit difficult is it this way yes let's do a slide there we go look at the mad skills see this is why I killed myself totally purposefully cuz I knew this would be fun hey me can you click from the gun oh you better be able to quit from the girl I was it's gonna be really annoying good cam whatever one second doink doink tender grave tether grave martin bates 22 thank you very much for the subscription via twitch prime enjoy at your new emotes oh my god I am so dumb why am I so dumb how am I so dumb my memory is like a goldfish she's been hit around the head with something there we go was further away that side that's why I should have done I thought he's really dead I thought he wasn't dead you've got any room there dude I should be dead next year hmm is that a poison I wonder if that is poisonous let's go play with it let's play with the poise oh look at his poison what a shock liz is if only something would tell me nearby that that was poisonous love of everything unholy I don't want hydrazine I need bugger Azim what's it called the one for copper your fallow minium that's great that's wonderful fantastic well done you aren't you a special potato but where is the copper really nothing down here why is it no copper in this world okay I do want one of these raw because I kind of dirt up before and I used up all the raw stuff to make it into into the furnace version the refined version I can't use that with the extractor don't need that aren't you the one who sucks pike people as they go past now you're poison as well okay boys enough good how do I even use this do everyone f to pay respects for everything down here whoa science how did you not explode I think that's how I want to be lied to tether tether thank you for the efforts everyone you are truly gentlemen why is the tether oh I don't care anymore that physics class try and find some stuff copper where are you my one true love boying Zender the core oh god you just fell on me did anyone else just see that was that knocked into into the air via that and it just crashed that was terrifying oh no the Alpha the love of my clones research sample they just use those thanks to the research corpse fire work I will honor your memory by shoving this really close to you then firing it into the air stop going to your side I want to honor him no now as a firework head just swear is an insult in some places good enough this work that actually scared me I've got to be honest I still no I have no idea what extenders are by the way can someone please tell me what a extenders are what's a beacon that's useful extense oh you mean like um the cables at the base how'd you use them then cuz t is for tethers make sense so how would you use this on them I'll take you with me I'll find out when we get back okay how about that let's take one with me right now already got one set of Power Cells don't any more filters that'll be less poison for me filters go no more toxins right filters of the poison right or are they or do they extend your oxygen I can't remember it's one of the two anyway max try and hunt for what we're after in the first place click on the power but okay so actually needs it okay so it won't work down here examine what the power for it's cool oh you're not I think stop with the hydras sake that thing ammonium for the hydrazine is dead end isn't it oh I hear deadly plants nope we're going back thank you filters poison filter oxygen thank you Tom so you kind of telling me both they're people so I don't know which is true if I looks dead anyway so oh no this has got three now so okay well what do you have some filters I guess we'll find out later on Beacon you'll just be on permantly now I'll put you down here aren't you okay I'll put the beacon next to my first corpse so we remember where I first died how about that that's him why my let's put this in my bag so I can run there we go that's easy does not filter poison okay thank you where's my corpse got whereas my corpse come okay good to know um you blew it up yet but we saw afterwards it was there after the explosion let's say red yeah okay red for the zombie location and green would have been morphing I guess but still still a little bit weird it has to be said but that is what it is I guess maybe despawn have you taken all the stuff maybe filters will give you oxygen if you need it does not filter poison okay thank you Oh more things are falling from the roof that's all just weird I think you will be the science I take home and now we can go back hunting for copper they do see much down here does copper is just not gonna be a thing am I really out of tethers how am I out of tethers Oh looking a huge wall of tethers maybe has something to do with it corpse number three did you have any spare tethers nope like it's gonna have to collect all these tethers manually I probably I'm on sighs anyways like grab these into inventory faster than what I'm about to do oh you can shift click I am a genius I didn't need a no one to tell me I am the smartest er person come on we're going the other way I did not know you could do this this is so much easier too late people telling me ha ha ha ha I don't need you ever accept what I need you but that is not now why is there nothing whoa huge cave so much science but come on yeah it's more aluminium down here I don't care about me I just need one Vladdy copper yeah more science don't really care about that right now mate I'm gonna need to go and grab more tethers honor yeah I'm out again ok what was the pink stuff this is aluminium if you mean that it was - wait there was some a lot of you and I was saying the same thing we're to the left like over here or that isn't it but I think I've mentioned that enough you probably know that why it's green though isn't it yeah it's green the cops stuff is green I'm taking this thing look at it this is the science I pick just got to left for a while well having any compound thankfully though I do have filters so I can check anyway for a while to be careful with the filter see how much I've got left to left okay so should be able to go for a mini or so yeah looking for green malachite in green in a green cave yet I do see the problem with that don't worry I do understand white so difficult for me to notice if it is there Ava's here right okay let's be really quick with a scrambled option we can okay well we have an option way back let's drop this thing just science Oh a thruster use I don't know what you are like I should grab you either which is interesting now I can Donna thruster still can't even find any copper in the spike plants wasn't that the aluminium well will its be on YouTube yes actually this time I'm actually recording it properly so it's definitely going to be there put the seats on it okay thrust you stay there oh my god guys I'm blind that is so easy to miss oh you guys are awesome give yourself a round of applause twitch chat everyone twitch chat finally what the blind laughter is cannot you all learn yourselves that your drink of choice beat alcoholic or not but especially depending on your age well done now I'm going to drink this glass of beer I thought press C to pay respects for chat well done guys deadly plans don't want to get too close we've got malachite and instantly threw it across thank you for the C's guys for yourselves well done throw ice we'd actually need this oxygen so I'll leave it here for the next time down here there we go oh my back some problems how did he kill them if bladders can't feel pain why did I hiss at you and you kill them what does the C stand for chat what's it for to give yourselves a round of applause C for chat everyone it's because he was wrong not an excuse because clear I should have seen that I've seen it before I should have seen that but here's the thing look at that then look at what I've not left any then imagine what that just looked like it's so easy to mix er I mean if you look from a distance we start at that everything looks like malachite I thought it was bigger for some reason I was like a rock not this oh well we have anyway that's the important thing was my soil back up there oh now or it wasn't that's too much hay left more alamin you okay good and go back ah spiky little bugger yeah now you're going to the center of the earth whatever this planet is I'm saying this thruster as well I was gonna leave it for you as a gift but no your spite me in the ankle why does life hate me but soil you have is green yes why does that mean what I use it all the green no it still grape recollecting the soil the thruster goes on the back of vehicles you need hi-fi I need science more don't I I want to take the thruster but I can't take both that I can it's coming nightmare will come back down here later but right now we need the science so I'm taking the science with me I'll take the thrust the next time that's what a zombie was let's gather around the campfire and sing a campfire song laughter expects to the beacon I know where it is it's on the roof after the beacon with the tempers so as long as I know where the beacon is I'll still find it but that's not a bad idea I just can't leave I'll to go back that'd be nice touch of the color of your soil gathered change the color of the soil you use I agree or at least have the ability to change the color at the moment it just makes everything look hideous when we go on a microwave ride oh god it's been a while dunno next time I host someone I guess that took way too long but far too successful let's say what's successful but took far too long there we go right order when does the stream end don't know whenever I want to laugh Rick's microwave right question mark okay for those who've been around for a long time because I have done these in months there's a reason why the microwave is one of my one of my chat things you can get by subscribing to me it's because we went through a bit of a drunken binge of portal 2 in which we found a microwave that became our new mission to once again find them oh my god again with the death dust to find another microwave at the end of the stream because it was so successful I hosted someone and told everyone to go on over and spam microwave it worked and broke their chat but because it couldn't filter all the microwave spam it was funny and ever since then every time I host the channel after I leave I ain't chucked my lovely followers which is you bye why you lovely lovely people to go over and spread some laughs Trixie in love in the way of sparing microwave yeah are you here the death wind but I can't see it so I think we might be able to get back in time might have to just leave the science we will do it again sir even if your message did just get a beauty by the but if I do host someone afterwards if there's someone I see which I know to host then we get to destroy that it's why it being kind and yet frustrating someone at the same time it's ethical trolling you could juggle the research parts I know if I can be bothered okay weird science how much you were only nine okay knowledge is good but there's so much better okay so we need more copper going forth so let's do a bit of science compound lithium titanium coal malachite and observe as the soil it comes malachite well to activate it at first let's give some more soil how do I feel about hedgehogs herb love them my cousin currently has two pet pygmy hedgehogs which are adorable yes turn the dirt of this world into valuable resources yeah Oh Tron as we spoke about earlier it's because getting the cables up there is a nightmare my butt doesn't normally break under spam it just gets more aggressive it's a customized bug and drop them off lovely there you look all that free copper we just got to some soil smell - smell tea please all but one we'll leave you know what this all should do leave one of each metal we get the raw for remember only the raw form works one of each metal we get the all form over here and perhaps even compound just to make sure we always have one let's add some power to the system speed this long do you read a copy to make more yep you need one copy and it only works with the raw version yeah I'm scared you Ethan okay so now what was I doing I was doing stereo science boom remember I'm technically a scientist in real life suddenly trying to do so and I did used to do is show up or so so naturally like in science oh he had the Power Cell yet people saying did where's the power self carousel it's so strong your power sale come on attaboy boom pow suck yep it's being drained slowly excellent can you use the extenders only a good point I'll do that in a little while right now though I just want to see so we need the vehicle platform we unlock that I knew that okay vehicle by how do you make two aluminum there's one there's two and we have some raw aluminum there so we must make more lighter excellent oh and we have a whole soil over here for some reason pop that in there we do not need that we already have three canisters you do not leave four canisters goodbye vehicle bag go the twitch 6666 my e1 my bot filters emotes from everyone the same so my emotes and other people's emotes it really doesn't care too much isn't if you use it too much you'll still filter you but if you use it in moderation or that fellow did it's fine hello leafy now you doing sir long long time miss a big attack there with the timeout Oh big attack you're a good mother cannon why a potato remote why a potato remote if you need to ask that you're not a real fan but seriously i disturb don't particularly care about other things and potatoes potatoes are the world why not a potato also my fiancee let's walk past and stared at me like so you don't care about me then no I don't you're not a potato yeah you better walk away all does the vehicle by need a platform as well some was the thought that was gonna be like a self-contained thing yeah it's not stuff with anything at all oh is it no okay yes I do need air thinking about vehicle buy it really though app needs fine what are you looking at how dare you read my comments needs you resin we need more resin but can be incredibly lazy instead of going and grabbing it we can just use dirt hourlies more soil so it's not that much lazy since I have to dig anyway but must dig anywhere like la da da da how's life treating you life is well today so there life as well does your fiance know if you're joking no this is actually how I'm breaking it to you that we're breaking up yet there she goes who just took the tortoise one of the geckos the rest'll of me more you say she tried to obtain the snakes but they definitely mine as well did that really only give me one canister worth of dirt Wow I'm gonna dig this place okay over here from now on is the field of minerals this is where we devour all of the dirt in the universe here electric starter fee and I've seen it go elsewhere in the universe at least you served your tarantula I have both of them oh and also now this is a weird one it turns out our spare room since we're talking to Angela our spare room had a small infestation of faults widow spiders the most venomous spider in the UK now of course we are in the UK which means not very venomous in the slightest oh god it's like a bee sting out out out unless you're allergic and then all mite gotta get to the hospital but still so it loads of them in there I caught loads them birds most of them sadly because they were dangerous still for us to be around constantly and I've ended up getting three of them as pets so they have their own little tanks now their food one the night yesterday I've called her Bertha so now so now I have false widows look very much like like widows since they're the species type which is really similar to Black Widow since some of them actually look remarkably not like black widows yeah I have to transfer still I have tough our little digging theorem and then I have our newest tarantula who would have a name for yet who is a giant white knee almost full on that third container come on oh my god we are never filling this tub you sure you're not full yeah he definitely not why not there we go Jesus look at that this plant that's gonna be devastated by our own exploits at this right here some soil get some soil and get some soil begin the extraction process I said begin the extraction process do it thank you out of curiosity which in which area of England you live in I live in Wales so way to the west I'm gonna max oh my god I'm gonna have so much resin okay we need to research storage soon kamme um fine over there's fine I guess I could just go ahead and make some more platforms all this resin we are going to always new platform so yeah oh my god look we've done look at the light now this just for that amount of resin for three of these worth of soil how could I be so cruel to mother earth I say as I continue you lost some of them tarantulas yes sadly one of them from old age one of them from a bad malt which took her before her prime there's a giant white knee as well and I Redrum sorry fire leg no Red Room the Red Room stir they want no stop I do want to see a lot damn mr. weed the common names at ranch was confusing especially if you go to shows because Americans tend to have different names for the common name than UK and then every other country has different ones especially Germany that's haribol for it having ones different everywhere else course Oh but laughs except makes no sense they speak a different language yeah but then when they translate it to English it also has a different one a bad Malta to try and get it drunk nut molten mult multi they malted down the oven been doing all day it shared its exoskeleton one failed can you grade your magic pickaxe I don't think so this don't look really cool though I've gotta say do you have any snakes yes I have - I have a Python and a corn snake lister and doodle wrong yet no crystal a correct order oh yeah why you're not feed Oh could it not feed into it until all these been removed ah cool now of course this isn't for now but lights are on I'm going to want something else so I thought I'll just do that was waiting flat to get built laughing scale Lian I would love one just give me the money for its care and the huge area that I would need to keep it yeah let's put a platform over here only takes ten oh you couldn't use extenders or we just put it here on face this way yeah it's flat yeah that's fly enough I'd say let's pull out here an angle or up here do you keep any fish used to not anymore no and it well when I was younger actually he would be good on this hill that's good that seems totally power this doesn't seem dumb at all I used to have two red-bellied piranhas when I was very young okay that's weird what oh that's the extender that's how it works all that is such a helpful thing it's actually work maybe you'll find out where's the your what's your name plastics of course is that the right way that goes it right no why that's only way fresh place isn't it yeah yeah which way is this going to build is my question either way though additionally to research the car so let's get that done first shall we where is the car guy if this will work like want map crime draw headwind small Rover excuse me that is the wrong way around yet gonna need to flip the platform aren't we that's so weird you do there we go let me grab thank you I'll just actually made two of these ah no stop doing that I know I'm doing wrong and I'm sorry I'm sorry stop well that was way too many of those I needed can actually put this back in my bag at least then we could thank you that's one more than I need but still okay what do I need to make the compound you compound to make the car sure I'm okay with that Shh guys I'm here death by death new compound Germany more compound was that the only compound we have that's the only compound we have I need to synthesize it okay I did synthesize it good to know rezian go away compound compound compound compound you are compound let's go no no examine do do good that's gonna miss us by their also that makes the weirdest noise hmm I'll put you up there when I have more permits well something to permit them to put you on there in fact let's go ahead let's make ourselves another platform that can be forced on the energy stuff we get next not the fabricator platform thank you so needs storage and we need the larger energy sources because honestly that's terrible they're nowhere near what much do we need okay look like Oh God look like compound that is beautiful what about storage I just a stream delay you'll hear that a second make it continue to make it one that in the way I look at you well I've given up on cosmetic at the moment year since there's more dates where did I put that chair haha you finally have a you steal little burger that is clearly the wrong way around try again again again there we go I need power for this do i plug you in there plug I'm sure your electric powered should know where you pit powered by fuel that'll be a nightmare hello how do i power this people oh don't say this is powered by hydrazine ah no what oh my god attached to the floating backpack which wasn't even really there I think we've broken reality he's broken well I said before drinking as a glitch and that is definitely glitch ah lovely okay our supplement got to make that probably not excuse me death hole let's get through by are you power Oh God work do I've to actually put power into it kind not attach it to a cable seriously yep being powered there we go I want to click it to attach it to something but I'm worried on um I'll cause it to unlit well I play Jurassic Park evolution not sure yeah really was no power that's really annoying this thing's so small oh well doesn't go anyway wait oh god these controls are really weird still oh it does not handle anything well I can see why people didn't write this very highly get the thruster from the cave there's no way the thrusters being attached to this only has two of the small connection points no no we're not technically falling in yet we're fine we're fine we're fine everything's fine I'm taking a break it's what's happening here nothing out of the ordinary you can put wind turbines oh yeah I guess you could do I was hoping for the solar panel honest life doesn't be the next thing I researched anyway on the basic solar panels so at least that it's more reliable if that makes sense come on come on yes yes yes aha it doesn't seem to use much power though look at that how long it's gone madly power yeah this is rubbish he can't handle anything oh not my head I mean it's better than not appears the thing here's the thing does it give me unlimited oxygen oh that's a really good question laughter extinct Yule athletics you're welcome laughter Excel you're so smart laughs Excel Thank You laughs and if we just die here will I have ever dive action if not it means we don't need to do those tethers anymore all the way from the base we only need to tether from where we park the car that's really good that's like amazingly helpful it does seem to him that's amazing then yeah it's definitely worth it I retract all complaints about it annoying to move around not unlimited oxygen yes so it will need solar panels and stuff so when I sit there it can power up and then I can feed from whatever it's powering up so what I want then is one of the wind turbines and one of the solar panels that way we can go ahead and we can have a limited both us craft auto steel one of you for now will get some crab on you for now no a girl or wind turbine if power runs out no more air okay yes so then it's it's unlimited air with little asterisk next to it okay hey Glee it's getting so very long time they say so I did reply to one your comments a little while back small solar yes lovely now I need a copper for that which will be all the way over here Thank You tethers cannister work lights more fabric oh it's a small generator wind turbine solar asterix you drunk yet not quite have you ever met one of your fans I have been recognized six times total now three times at the sign convention though to be fair I guess make some more tethers to a girl I kind of Kate we need some more science so let's oh that's an excuse to test out the car say zebra or did you want me to say zebra I see why you asked that question can you put the solar panel on your backpack yes you can it's just when you're underground when you normally need the energy that's the problem while it's not the titanium with make other canisters yes extenders you can stay here as well tethers obviously I want you with me metal no thank you to put you next to smelter for now because I used to do streams of facecam and my side channel has my face good that wasn't hell of a second now I thought I used up the last of raw copper I was very annoyed at myself also as the twitch ticktick six are shown that's my face the emote you get for subbing to me is my face and glede Scarpelli true me once now what do I want to research next large solar and large turbines they're the things I want three thousand oh I can make medium solar now say aluminium or do you mean aluminium we've now researched medium solar after that I want storage 500 okay so need a while for that in that case let's go exploring for a bit that's all I'm doing now actually I'm gonna be right back because I do need to say so it's my fiance and then we shall do a little bit of exploring and then call the episode most likely good good I won't take long back in just a second I said be right back well the buck to give me two warnings one of which pretty much understood every spam you were doing and told me to put it on the blacklist if I want it and then the other one was being annoyed don't make the met the but annoyed and then become sentient that's never a good thing now what we're gonna do is we're going is we're going to go towards never come us at the UN Washington monuments we're going to go towards the research Rock and then carry on and just do a little bit of exploring no let me enter thank you I didn't realize I had to mouse over it as well can they spot ban us from chat very easily that's what he's telling me to do minerals minerals minerals lovely okay continue on so I don't actually know what I'm really looking for honestly so just anything of interest I don't really have that much long let that much longer left for the stream so I would like to see what else there is though this will make life so much easier actually probably carry on stop get out one thing I am interested in is the large rover what's that require I thought is in this one my Ron obviously I am and there's a small / medium rover and large I want the large Rover I'm going straight to a large one three okay so we also did get more science so we need to grab more science I'm going to do some exploring that's the two things I would like to do oh there we go there's a bit more research want to set up this one oh there's a good point can I even can I even attach the large the research to this Rover oh I bet Khan's hats whirring that's why we need the large Rover instead we can actually do some proper site that some part of mobile science and stuff for that still so explore now grab science next we'll go down into that cave near us look at the shake used oh I can still grab things from the inside and drag them with me okay well I guess I'll find out soon enough sighs things too connection points doesn't that yeah I think so it used to be one of the larger connection points or serve as a science rocker over there I'm going to ignore that for now but there's change to two what are you calendar over you can do it there you go how does a cave good perfect place stop and that rock has eaten that is interesting what's your favorite video game Oh Jean rrah um don't really know that's people building games are still probably my top oh no death wind white will that whoa death hole death hole and death wind combining get into the cave now will I die in the rover is this not the time to do science hey Ron if I guess what we're going on the ground slow slow down we said stop I was pressing backwards ever since I entered but it wouldn't stop is there a break I can press because clearly reverse doesn't work in that way here's the problem I will not have unlimited energy down here hey Thank You draggling dragging rather for the twitch Prime subscription enjoy my face a microwave a potato and a and a GG symbol care Mon just need enough soil enough energy to put this down here so I can drive the rover back up come to me [Music] you're right next energy yes I am and I'm also holding energy tkx destruction also thank you for the twitch Prime subscription you get all the things I mentioned earlier that is a face a microwave and a potato and the GG the usual combination of things does the steering still look off the mouse position no it doesn't anymore thankfully it's still weird though it doesn't feel right that can't explain why doesn't feel good to drive yeah I think I said it's deep yeah that's known again on okay Oh spikes spike poisoning bad thing and at the halt everything bad in the universe and some energy as people are mentioning thank you ow but still thank you nothing there's such a large area of effects for its size this is gonna take a while I'm kind of focusing here yeah there is a bit of a land ramp there as well but doesn't go all the way down that's a bit I guess maybe that'd be easy anyway just go carve in so if this fails which we will which will okay yep we need to do that otherwise oh wow those jumps out like that's cool wait does this nut count as being able to be flipped the game doesn't think this is on its side yeah okay now it does good let's move you out very well currently there we go the smooth the smooth tool doesn't for the hooking the why some people think it does it does still work with this but watch okay smooth tool as soon as I get some more dirt one second smell of tall there we go it does work better than it used to I keep forgetting spin change you know what you're right I'm wrong it's better than it used to be buy so much when you used to try and do it didn't do what it's doing currently I used to smooth it at the sort of altitude as well there we go actual work still needs to bulk up first yeah I know it is let me in thank you oh come on there we go and now we have that awesome bridge as well to get down how about that then I think that deserves a drink don't you because I do polishing off the second beer anyone who's playing along members of the legal age to drink of course a beer is helpful right now lovely up you go there and look how we slide down it's not so cool haha so worth it now chat left or right I'll let you decide and waiting tell me your answers chat what is the drinking age in the UK at 18 not liner that only people who actually stick to that but still 12 new many people don't know many 1700 anymore since its own 25 I've got on mid-twenties I like that there actually feel old left left left right right right left down triangle triangle it is if it's a triangle yeah why more left's okay probably she will saw the dead the death plants I want me to die but I'll pretend I didn't notice though high def Lance [Music] oh here more death help poison plants this way is just death with nothing else here seriously is that nothing too different to mine nothing to explore is one evil cave of death now you guys need to go away oh research could have found our research that's always that's what we were after in the first place that's good huh we found TNT yeah we found dynamite lovely good where's that rope that you're dragging around us asks gleets go well that is the wonderful tether it attaches me to the car so that oxygen and I share its energy oh speaking of which I didn't park the car outside which means it still isn't getting any solar energy hmm that's more death over there still with that stuff for the fuel come on day off more research must grab unisex inside out kill the rest poison goai there we go now let's go and see if we can still hold on to this whilst we're in the car because if not then there's a problem remember I also want to get back as well because right now we're knocking any solar power and probably not much wind power either being there which means we will eventually run out of power once you at once the cars are power apparently we also ran out of oxygen yeah look for some compound if we need some more tethers at least and get that there this is definitely a cave I will come back - I wish I'd the beacon with me okay let's research the beacon which I have no idea whether it is by the way so give me a second ah what does the beacon require compound okay good I'll go ahead and put down the beacon here so I know to come back here later was that all the compound because that wasn't a full compound okay we'll go hunting some compound outside that will come back to here and then leave the beacon and once his compound tell me there was someone the way here so I couldn't go back was hoping them up some closer by no let's all gonna have to go back okay my bot is oversensitive probably it's a new bus so they'll take a while to get it Ryan right at the carrier flips well what this what is dead then that one we can get next time I suppose do bots adapt well someone can Busan cup tada you spent a huge ramp and launched a small Rover far away well beam sting boeing boeing I'd say in here so it's safe beacon go there you can go green now let's see if it's true I can still hold this wall in the rover nope guys you can't which means the rover is actually terrible because you can't get science who wouldn't serve on here sick and you can't attach it to the back can you move it by ramming it maybe oh it's no that's not gonna work that's not gonna work chat lied to you they keep doing that I mean you can kind of get it moving this way but it would be faster to just yeah in facets go back home now or flip one of the to come up that's what I wanted to say any faster to go home and then follow the detectors that one cave which had like 20 of these things which is near the base so yeah throw it and drive after it I can't be bothered let's go home white his home that way was it this way oh god I don't remember where home is it's that yes that works we went past that science rocky okay also you can't go the rocks in this thing at all you can set it in the seat but now there's home I thought that beacon would be fur well be useful further away I missed loads of science rocks but are there any worth like 120 at most age I want an actual science orb which me worth a few thousand can you please stop testing out the buck guys Oh No well that's happened Alfred a lot of tiny rocks doing this to me I can see how actually hurt I can't see the rocks Oh yeah the necrophile sorry for timing up so long there that was a mistake on my part you are no longer timed out I pressed one button on the button it automatically did it because it was using my account so I do apologize for that wait why are these tellers not active nope stop that's art oh yeah what happened to these tethers there we go now that were active again can you run over Teves is that what happened I've run one over and there knock it off or something okay let's find out no you can't do like let's go thanks thanks join us today sir just get night button more liable normally I have both the thing is with night but you can't redo all that much with this and it's not a buck running on your computer which is not a lot more lot more changeable see it we need more science so that we can research for larger Rovers and do everything that's quite a lot we need to do it's all the more advanced stuff now we've got all the basics done today so I feel like I've done a lot and with that I'm afraid we are going to be calling this episode the explosive minor night but isn't garbage unlike your BOTS which bans us for everything this is the first time using the BART it's got the default settings and will be changed accordingly thanks to feedback night but on the other hand tends to be less well you can alter it less and I normally am a lot more safe for work than most of the people most of the streamers so I want less in the chat which would be considered rude or offensive so I do want a more aggressive Bart it's easier to program my own than to try to alter something like night but that's the problem you say how that makes some sense and considering this is its very first run I think you did quite well for its very first run anyway then we are going to be hosting someone else the one and only show mofo who's currently playing quake champions I thought playing Robocraft would probably not and what I want you to do is to go over to his chat and say the word microwave and keep on saying the word microwave I will be posting a link in the chat so please please please please please go over and say hello bye by simply clicking on the link to his chat and in saying it and say microwave a lot thank you for watching and good bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 31,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8Ibc-S7kcHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 29sec (9389 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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