"Night Witches" (Animated Music Video) by Sabaton | A History Teacher Reacts

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hey youtube welcome back to another history teacher reacts video mr teres i continue my search for historical knowledge found here on the internet all right it has literally been months you guys introduced me to my favorite band of the last what year and a half my channel has been around and that was sabaton right when i started this channel people were like you like history do you like music you need to listen to sabaton and i did and you can see some of my old reaction videos those are me the first time hearing sabotage songs and since then i mean they they've they've been my favorite band um it was right then when the great war came out and that's honestly one of my favorite albums ever and actually since then i've been playing songs uh sabaton songs in my class and especially great war ones because i love that uh i love that album and using it during world war one and uh it's it's a lot of the kids have have liked it too in my classes which is which is so awesome i got to see them live when they came through my city last year and it was just so fun to see these guys anyway i have been just hounded to do more reaction videos and i don't know why i've waited so long to to to do it but i've been waiting for um just like like music videos you know what i mean so i have some general like real reactions i i very rarely if ever on my channel with these reactions have seen anything before and with sabaton i've pretty much heard most of their catalog now but there are videos they've done that i have not seen and this is one of those so this is for uh an animated music video for night witches i love the night witch's song and and i didn't know about really the story much and i looked into it and it was about these uh russian women fighter pilots that were really successful and it was really cool to learn about those so this is an animated video so i i'm interested to see what they do with this but i'm excited to check this out so i don't know if you don't know sabaton if you like i mean you'll hear the song and you'll immediately figure out if you like them or not but the fact that there's a band that has completely devoted themselves to songs about history and have made an awesome career and are very popular with it is so awesome and it's bringing people into the history community and another thing that's really cool about sabaton is they support people like me like talking about the history topics and covering their stuff and i think that is so cool too so i want to make sure not that they need my promotion but because they're so you know uh popular and awesome but i want to make sure that these guys get their dues so we're going to check out this video the original video link is down below make sure you support sabaton go and click on that link watch this video like them thumbs up do all that stuff and i think they just passed a million subscribers so that is awesome all right i'm talking too much let's rock on one oh man all right i'm pumped let's do this right with the early siren i love it i hope they still have that in the video the the air raid siren sabaton and yarn hub nice yep there it is the siren yes let's turn this baby up i love the animation military history people tell me is is she is she turning off her engine to be more quiet that's what i was that's what i'm assuming when i saw that right so they got which would be dangerous because but it makes sense because then it would it would be more quiet um to do these and that's what they like the song talks about like undetected and uh they were able to do this i guess quietly right and at night which is always really hard to do especially in older times before like what we have now you know what they have now they can you know do stuff at night night vision all that kind of stuff with their technology today that you can you can fire at any time but is that what that was uh referring to oh this dude's about to get blown up you can't shoot him down oh no load of backup okay hold on did they give the uh joking knee pound well then the first video i watched by them i think it was bismarck was the first i think i make a vid a comment in my video or like because he does that knee pound which is so cool and i'm like he's gonna break his leg and i guess that's just his thing and he did it you know he did it in in the concert the first song they play and i think it's one of the best openers anybody could do uh which is tank um or ghost division and you do that like okay that's his thing i think that's a bad a like thing to have in your you're on stage like uh antics but look they make him do it oh they didn't go hard enough though this is cool looking this is way cool looking still perfected all right you can't shoot them down yeah right come on ladies oh you shoot shoot ahead of them oh no they're going down oh but they still drop it oh that was so cool she's going in she's shot down and she's like no we're still dropping bombs we're not just thinking about the safe landing space we're going to drop it uh oh this is a great bridge to the song by the way oh she's looking up oh she got shot no no oh she mad oh what did she just shoot the handgun and then huck the handgun okay someone please tell me are these specific stories real like was there a lady that did this well i'm going back like 10 seconds okay let's go back to when she gets shot and then the other one's pissed oh no oh she pissed oh great pause right there she shoots it awesome oh that was so cool night witch's merch i want knight which is merch make it back success oh man let's talk about it one oh gosh i'm so glad we went back to sabaton i need more of them in my life and i i love how much content they they bring out so sad that they they had another tour planned out for this past fall 2020 um and unfortunately for you know the the pandemic they weren't able to do and i was so excited to see them again i just want to i just want to keep seeing them because their shows are so cool but um when i when i went to their concert the very first time so this was 2019 i made my channel in july and they came in september it was like like i went to their concert like it was only a couple weeks i think even after i had heard of him and you guys had told me about him so there was a lot of songs i didn't know i'd heard mostly great war because that had just come out and i remember that was one of the songs that they played and i'm like this is so good and then that really got me into like the back catalog so for sabaton i really kind of started in the present and went backwards to them and just seeing that and i just having that perspective i feel like they've gotten better and i know there's always people like oh i love the old stuff and all that but like when i look at their musical progression going forward it's like they really are getting better and that was one of those songs where i could see like like they were really getting into that next level just like not just like cool because it's history but just like good songs i mean that that's a banger you guys well anyways check out that story i remember when i first heard that song i went and i just spent a bunch of time on wikipedia and things and just going down that rabbit hole the links you find and learning about the night witches and specifically their story of these women that uh um were these pilots right and um i'm from russia and the big impact that they have and they they had some cool stories like for each of those women they were they were bad a's so awesome all right you guys so uh i'm definitely down to do more sabaton songs and specifically some of the music videos and if you want to recommend any you can put them down in the comments come over to our discord server for sure and you can put in video uh suggestions and if it's like a music video um that's the one specifically i'd love to do more than anything just because like i've heard the songs but i mean i can react to those two but like to the music videos themselves but i know i've i've looked at like the bismarck verdun and um uh seven pillars of wisdom i want to say is that it for like actual music videos hope they keep making them because i want to i want to keep reacting to them just because i love them and i know you guys love them too so anyway um if you are new to the community uh i would love to have you around uh have you around more click the subscribe button and enable notifications i like to do a lot of live uh premieres and live stuff too and love to have you be around of our community again come over to our discord server support sabaton buy their stuff buy their album um link to this video is down below and with that we uh we'll see you next time bye you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 15,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, sabaton, night witches, music video
Id: bZODRWdd_Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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