NIGHT WITCHES // Sabaton // Historian Reaction

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welcome back everybody to another sabaton reaction video and i'm going to be watching the animated story video version of night witches because i've been getting a lot of feedback from you guys that you want me to react to night witches so i'm going to do that today i know a little tiny bit about this story just enough to know why it's called night witches and that's about it i know that there was a a unit of female bombers in the soviet air force and they were called the night witches by the germans because of the nature of their attacks uh and they likened it to the sound of broomstick something like that but i know very little else about that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna watch this and i'll do a little bit of reacting to it as we go along and at the end i'm actually going to read over some of the information that i've pulled up but i have not yet read about uh these soviet bomber pilots these female pilots that may be in addition to what we learned during this video and one other thing i want to let you know is that i've gone ahead and created a patreon page for this account i have one for my gaming channel history guy gaming but i wanted to create a separate one for this and so if you're someone who would like to support this channel since i'm not making any money off of these videos sabaton rightly makes the money off of anything that might come from ad revenue on these videos that i do because it's their copyrighted content but if you want to support this channel so that i'm able to continue to devote my time to doing this click on a link in the description it will take you over to my patreon page for vlogging through history and you can see some of the ways that you could possibly support the channel thank you in advance for that because this youtube is my means for making money right now i travel around the country speaking in schools about kindness and compassion for organization called rachel's challenge but that's all shut down right now because of covid so unfortunately i just don't have an income so i've been trying to devote as much time as i can to this but anyway enough about that let's dive into sabaton night witches the germans are resting behind the lines of the eastern front their tents in negros all is in order in the quiet and still of the night it's cold and the winter snow crunches under the jack boot of a guard looking up into the sky the snow starts to drift down it's peaceful here i love how they're telling this story no it's just the way very descriptive suddenly piercing the still of the night there's an otherworldly scream and a wash as a dark form speeds by and was that a woman's laughing distance there are no engine sounds and the suddenly fearful german soldier loses no engine sounds they're gliding the world we're just all at once a bloom of fire and ash and two more dark forms pass without a sound hearing the whooping and celebration of these supernatural creatures the guard shakes himself from his fear and calls out dinar texan night witches the night witches in the sky above three planes of the soon to be famous 588th night bomber regiment their engines now running turned east for home time to rearm and refuel for another mission coming into land they're greeted by their commission they would glidebomb with their engines off the young girls that formed the pilots and navigators are between the ages of 17 and 20 young women that's amazing how desperate to take the fight to the germans good for them traveled from all over russia to join the all-women regiment and shame on all the other countries for not taking advantage of women who could do this but that didn't stop them from carving their name in history in the early days they were largely ridiculed by the soviet men not anymore given men's uniforms that were too big and shoes all of the same size the women did the best they could with the clothes making them fit with belts or fitting the large men's shoes with stuffing the equipment they were given was woefully out of date the polycarp po2 was a two-man trainer underpowered and made of cloth and wood these old string bags were nicknamed crop dusters or even worse sewing machines due to the noise their tiny engines made but the women of the 588 ignored the good for them and despite the odds turned the plane's shortcomings to their advantage the planes at maximum speeds were far below the store speeds of any of the german fighters giving them a tight turning circle they were almost impossible to hit they were susceptible to small arms fire and anti-aircraft guns so their strategy was to attack in freeze with a navigator in each plane at her signal the pilot would cut the engines and swap him slowly silently dropping their bombs dealing death from above unexpected undetected stealth perfected love it if necessary the other two would draw fire from the fighters or from the ground they slept during the day and rose at dusk to take their vengeance on the invaders so i gotta say first of all and i started to allude to this but i didn't want to talk over him too much um you know the soviet union rightfully gets a bad rap for the way it treated its own people uh hurling you know millions of men to the front without much training and and really kind of devaluing their lives and uh and stalin you know is responsible for the deaths of millions of his own people not in combat but just in gulags and just the way they were treated sending him to siberia and even kind of eradicating his own commanders but of all the countries around the world who are the ones who allow women combat roles it's the soviet union so i think this is amazing and i say good for these women and i know that there were women fighting on the ground too like at stalingrad there were women snipers and things like that so i think this is a story probably very much undertold and i wish more people knew about it i wish i knew more about it this unnatural bravery and their stealth tactics earned them their title the night witches the german ace johannes steinhoff said we simply couldn't grasp that the soviet airmen that caused us the greatest trouble where in fact these women feared good for them that's awesome here comes the song yarn hub again great job yarn hub with this animation it's [Music] fantastic [Music] down below [Music] [Music] [Music] aviation i wonder how many of these women were killed in combating [Music] prepared [Music] [Music] yeah that would have been the big problem though is ground fire they were just too slow and easy to hit [Music] um [Music] comes hmm yeah i would imagine they probably had high casualties good for her and she's like screw you man [Music] so i wonder how much of the story they'll tell here at the end because we're going to take a look at a little more of their story when this is over both pilots and navigators never came home the 588th became highly decorated and respected flying more than 23 thousand certainties that's amazing thousand tons of bombs good for them twenty three night witches were awarded the hero of the soviet union although they were disbanded just six months after the war and not allowed to fly in the victory parade given their planes were so slow from 1956 after she retired from active service their commissary of tokyo took it upon herself to find the sight of every single one of her girls that was downed good to mark the place and to pay her respects to each one of the incredibly brave awesome night awesome that is very very cool [Music] so let's take a look a little more of their story from what i was able to find now granted wikipedia is not the best source but they do tend to source all of their information so um here's what i was able to find just kind of looking up some of this on october 8th in 1941 an order was issued to deploy three women's air force units including the 588th regiment the regiment formed by marina raskova and led by the major that they just talked about was primarily female volunteers in their late teens and early 20s so they dropped over 3 000 tons of bombs and 26 000 incendiary shells it was the most highly decorated female unit in the soviet air force with many pilots having flown over 800 missions by the end of the war and 23 were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union 32 of its members died during the war that's amazing i mean these were 1928 planes being flown in the 40s they were so out manned and outgunned but like it said it was its max speed was lower than the stalling speed for the bf-109s which made it very difficult for the german pilots to shoot him down except for ace joseph joseph kociak who grounded the regiment for an entire night by shooting down three or four of their planes in one night so there's a timeline of their operations battle the caucuses they fought all the way up through uh to the last offensive of the war in may of 1945. that's incredible 261 people served in the whim and the regiment of whom 32 died uh they were all commanded it wasn't even like you know it was women flying the the sorties but men commanding them they had women commanders as well which makes us even more incredible they have a female commissar as well they had one that was suppressed and sentenced to death in 1942 but later acquitted it doesn't say why though a couple of them were sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for dismantling a flare and using small silk parachutes to sew undergarments that's interesting that that's what they would be sentenced for and there were other women ones as well and it says here uh that there there was a uk russian co-production starring malcolm mcdowell sophie marceau and anna friel that was due to be made that failed to get backing from an american studio well that's unfortunate looks like they may still get something though i don't know i guess we'll see but that's really cool i would love to learn more it looks like they did something uh in drunk history about the night witches with emily deschanel playing the role of mourinho so we might have to check that out sometime but let me know your thoughts let me know what you may know and you can add to this conversation use the comment section below we'll talk more about the night witches amazing story very very cool another story that i want to learn more about and as i said at the beginning if you please consider checking out my patreon and becoming a supporter of this channel that way i would very much appreciate that please hit that like button we'll see you again very soon with another reaction thanks for watching
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 114,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sabaton reaction, reaction videos to songs, reaction video, heavy metal music, sabaton night witches, sabaton night witches animated reaction, 588th bomber regiment, sabaton reactions, night witches sabaton, night witches, sabaton history, reaction videos to send to friends, sabaton night witches reaction, sabaton history night witches
Id: 6oY7pZbKi8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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