No Bullets Fly by Sabaton | A History Teacher Reacts

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hey youtube welcome back to another history teacher reacts video mr terry's i continue my search for historical knowledge found here on the internet all right so recently i did a reaction video to the animated music video for night witches and that was really cool i love the video it's great song and as a history fan as well as you know somebody into into rock music of course you know sabaton is a great fit anyways um i got a ton of feedback after i did that reaction video saying i should have actually watched this video that they had done where they combined the video with the story and rather just go back to that you know i went watched and you learned more about the the night witches which was super cool but then people were saying that they did a similar thing for no bullets fly so they have a story as well as going along with the video and that's great because i don't remember which song this is and i don't know the story so i'm really anxious to to check this out and to learn about it because all their songs i know about about specific historical events and it's been a great way to learn about a lot of things i didn't know about and that's the cool thing i like about sabaton is they're getting people into history combined with you know awesome music so i'm definitely excited to check this out okay the original video link is down below make sure you support sabaton because again like i said they're doing a great job for history education and exposing people to things and they also support channels like mine that are trying to go that even further with that so click the link down below give it the view like subscribe to them if you like this song of course and you haven't heard them i'm sure you're gonna like everything because it's just good stuff all right with that let's go ahead and get started all right we are going to war so i better get prepared oh all right looks like this is about to get real very quickly it's december the 20th 1943 and in the freezing air high above germany second lieutenant charles charlie brown is at the controls of his b-17f the old pub at 11 30 approaching the target of the fokker wolf plant near bremen the pub is rocked as four explosions go off right in front of the b-17 a cry comes across the intercom in the plexiglas notes a huge hole had been made an icy cold wind was being blown inside making freezing conditions for the crew engine two had been hit and co-pilot spencer pinky luke let out an expletive as he noticed a huge hole in the right wing releasing their bombs over the factory the crew turned to the north planning to head over the coast and turn west for home with one engine out and engine four now faulty the pub started to fall back from the formation okay so it's bombing raid here it's apparently especially cold um up in this these temperatures by the way how amazing it is is that these planes can take this kind of fire um and then still be able to to continue plus these just amazing crewmen that keep going of an engine out and they're ripping apart the front and then their wing has been hit like and they're still going through the mission that's incredible dedication right there with another damaged plane sam blacky blackford in the ball turret watched as it disappeared into a cloud bank there was an orange flash in the cloud bandits ekki shouted as five bf-109s streaked from the cloud back then another cry bandits as eight fw 190s were spotted in formation ahead of the pub sergeant bertrand frenchy coulomb in the turret shot the 190 out of the sky the navigator al dok sadiq took out the second pinky reported the engine three had been hit that left just one engine at full power the bf-109s attacked the pub from behind swarming all over but due to the cold wind running through the pub most of the guns were frozen in a turn now the pub was repeatedly hit taking extreme damage and killing the tail gun a shell penetrated and exploded near the waste gunners okay how is this even how is this still a thing how are they still able to do this gunner's out the ship is in pieces i mean he's trying to get home now but holy crap during the crew and creating a huge hole the oxygen supply was taken out and the pub spun towards the ground with the crew unconscious due to lack of oxygen the b-17 fouled for four miles wall charlie started to come around and grab the controls pulling back as the plane continued to fall five thousand feet four thousand feet three thousand wow just moments from hitting the year old the plane pulled up almost scraping the trees as it did this is like a movie [Music] all right that is insane story um of what's happening there and i just knowing with how devastating aerial wars were in the world wars um these stories would be very common usually you don't hear the end of them though because they don't end well and fortunately life spans and and for these pilots was so low um and this guy seems very lucky to be honest all right looks like we're getting the song now [Applause] [Music] yes sabaton what a great let's uh let's see do they have subtitles usually they do okay awesome i love that when they do that in here [Music] whoa okay so wait so the the plane's going down they see it going on and the enemy pilots are pulling off is that is that what they're referring to the code of the air here so they could have shot they could have finished this guy off wow [Music] times [Music] so so not only are they letting him go by but they're helping him out they're helping him get out of the way or out of the out of the the war zone so he could maybe make a safe landing that's pretty touching [Music] by the way the song's great so saying say goodbye to the cross you deserved is these people involved gonna be reprimanded for this um for for doing this like they like the command is saying hey you should you should have taken this guy down but there's just this like they're saying honor um amongst these helpless people you know no matter what side you are pilot vs pilot um happening there is that what they're saying i mean i guess we'll find out maybe maybe we'll find out but yeah that line there say goodbye to the or say goodbye to the cross he deserved i don't know i was just speculating [Music] i love the yarn hub animations are great [Music] it's got to be hard you would i mean you can't tell me it's not hard when you're in a war they're saying this is 1943 war has been going on for years now and you know you know often times by this this time in war you and and i'm speaking this just from a lot of stuff i read about like world war one and stuff and and uh where the lines are started to be you know blurred in a war sometimes when the enemy loses they loses their the enemy you're losing your humanity for them because you know after a war has been going on you've seen so much death so much destruction people that you love have been affected by it people you know if you were in the military you uh other people in your squads and things have been killed sometimes in front of you and you you grow this anger and resentment and lose that humanity of the person on the other side of the trench or whatever and then you become a killing machine right and you lose that but even even if it's if it's different here in world war ii you'd think that naturally that would still be a thing where these guys are bombing i mean they're bombing you right they're bombing you and you're showing compassion to them that's pretty incredible so was it just the one guy so yeah just the one just speaking about one guy here like where did they lead us okay miracle huh [Music] thank you whoever you were the story was kept secret until 1986 when trout started the search for the german pilot who had shown mercy on that december day in 1990 brown received a letter from a man named stigler who was living in canada stigler explained that he had been the pilot of the german fighter who had escorted the old pub wow this video is of their first meeting okay this is cool so they're meeting up the first time this this this pilot has been trying to find the soldier who spared his life and led him to safety and he finally it looks like found him okay this this could be great france what were your feelings when you met again for the first time i was so happy as you mentioned the attractiveness of them what's that easy [Music] the the fact that he risked his life really in many ways and i wrote him in a letter i said if you uh if you made a habit of feeling sorry for cruise flag up alongside them i am sure that you were shot down by the time but it was a not only the audacity that he came up to us and then recognizing the threat if someone had seen him and reported him yeah it could have been a death sentence that's what i was saying earlier that yeah there's i was wondering if you know so it sounds like this hadn't been known like it was kind of kept secret because you wouldn't yeah it'd be it you'd be it'd be scary if you were that german pilot to go and then like go tell people because no you don't you don't do that it's war right franz gifted charlie a book and inside the inscription read in 1940 i lost my only brother as a night fight on the 20th of december four days before christmas i had the chance to save a b-17 from her destruction a plane so badly damaged it was a wonder that she was still flying the pilot charlie brown is for me as precious as my brother was thanks so charlie your brother friends so he saw his brother in this pilot that he didn't know he's an enemy again was bombing his you know his military his sights his home but saw that vision or whatever the recollection of his brother who had you know died so you know without his brother's death he probably doesn't have those feelings um of compassion for this pilot in 2008 within a few months of each other the two firm friends went on their final journey france stigler never got the knights cross but as he always said he got something better 2014 a sabaton fan was listening to the newly released album heroes hey what's the connection surely afterwards his mother sent us this studio my name is jovita tan stiga i would like to thank sabaton and your song no bullets fly because of this the story of my father will live on see you on your next concert safe journey gentlemen and again thank you that's the daughter oh and they gotta go oh hopefully the band met up with him they're with him that's so cool you guys let's talk about this full screen all right this is again why sabaton need to be praised for what they do i mean it's already amazing that they were they've been able to build a career on historical um stories right when you know not everybody in history you know in the mainstream music listeners are they love history right and but at the same time the music of course is great in the fact you don't have to love history you can like it for you know just for the music itself and i for me it's both but that these stories are being told through this this great medium of music and that's another great reason why this is happening they tell these stories of these heroic deeds and one thing that's great about sabaton is they they they'll they'll do any side like of a conflict you know what i mean they they you know with world war one and world war two which which they've done extensively there's these noble stories on both sides and they they kind of stay out of the politics of it but just talk about the stories themselves and that's a great way to do that um and it's a great way to teach history too from those those perspectives but anyways this is a great story that's that's amazing um i did not know what was behind this song and um now i do and that's such a cool thing um i guess like again the biggest things that are taken away is they didn't it doesn't really say necessarily a song if this kind of code that they refer to in the song is something that you would really find generally speaking because again like when i was saying so much of the context of these wars is oftentimes a lack of humanity towards the end and but then there's always those stories of these there are these humane stories that are inside of it and i think those stories are um are so interesting to tell because as you can imagine it would be so easy to be the way it'd be so easy to be the one to go ahead and you saw this plane drop all these bombs and you're angry because they're fighting you and you you end it you like you you shoot them down that'd be the easiest thing that's like the the the easy way to go when the harder one is to do something that like spare somebody um especially in uncertainty i mean you never know maybe that guy charlie brown there he gets saved and then goes on some other campaign and kills a whole bunch of people and then you have to live with the fact that you spared somebody you know what i mean that in the end could have could have caused more damage down the road but in that moment showing that humanity is very impressive so that's a great thing this is a great story i'm glad that they did this extended version by the way thanks to all those people that were saying no you need to you need to make sure you watch the the stories behind the sabbath on songs because there's more than just the lyrics right and if i just sing the lyrics of like oh it wouldn't have made all that much sense to be honest you know going through it because lyrics can only tell you so much there's only so many words right and but knowing the deeper story i think is important i gotta make sure i do that with every sabbaton song i can find and they're doing such an amazing job i've seen on their their playlists and stuff of trying to get background on like every song that they can and they have a 20-year catalog so i mean it's a lot to go off of um but i got a lot of work cut out for me to still do that hopefully you guys enjoyed this video and thanks if you've been around this long to the end i'm assuming you're liking what i do but make sure you hit that sub button um love to see you around enable notifications so we can do this more let me know you know other sabaton songs with with uh the the backstories especially ones that have really cool back stories that you really need to know beyond just the song itself and the lyrics let me know especially those let me down in the comments no over there or come over our discord server we've got 8 000 people over there i have a place where um well a few places you can talk about this but video suggestions and you can find me over there sometimes uh to to read what you guys got and get discussions going but anyway that would be great just want to plug one other thing if you're into history merch world war ii still got this one down below blue shell to berlin our teespring store it's got our mario kart world war ii stuff so um by the way look out for a new shirt coming soon keep an eye on that all right guys and with that we'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 49,828
Rating: 4.9844136 out of 5
Keywords: react, history, sabaton, no bullets fly, world war 2
Id: h-F4ClEzgcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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