Nigella Lawson’s Cold Sunday Roast with a Yorkshire Pudding Dessert | Nigella Bites

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I adore proper Sunday lunch I don't think that roast beef and Yorkshire pudding can be beaten but you can do things differently and I often do this is one of my favorite variants the beef scold there are a couple of salads to go with and the ultra pudding really is pudding now this handsome piece of beef has already been cooked what I did was I rubbed it with olive oil and chopped rosemary and then gave it 25 minutes a kilo in a really hot oven but that's because I do like my beef quite underdone if you like it more cooked cook it for longer do what you should remember in any case is that the beef will carry on cooking as it cools I'm gonna move it behind me let it cool over here while I get on with Yorkshire pudding everyone has their own way of doing Yorkshire pudding my way is to do it backwards that's to say the eggs in first with the milk and then whisking in the flour later it seems to work that way and now no it's unorthodox but I read about it in Jay Gregson tried it I've never changed my method since and that's four eggs by the way 300 milliliters of milk and on I love this back-to-front method it works so well that needs to sit for 15 minutes I'm gonna leave that and get on with the first salad for which I need a hot griddle lucky this is hot I know it sounds odd to have a hot griddle for salad but just that I'm gonna griddle these lovely aubergines now and then let them get cool eat them at room temperature with griddling the rule is always to oil the food and not the griddle this is garlic infused olive oil should be wonderful with the aubergine and just turn the aubergines in the oil they will soak up a lot of oil but that's just because over jeans do you just got to accept that is what makes them taste so lovely I never ever salt them I think people have this mad fetish about at all I think it's true however the aubergine is now our bread or whatever you do to plants to make them less bitter but on the other hand my mother never assaulted aubergines and has never tasted soggy and they never tasted bitter I think it's a nonsense really all they need now is a little more garlic oil squeeze of lemon salt this lovely coarse salt like hail some chives and some just cracked pepper kind of the knob enos seems to add to the smokiness of the aubergine that's it I'm gonna put these down here to cool down to room temperature and back to my Yorkshire pudding mix the eggs of milk have been standing for long enough I'm adding flour 250 grams spoon by spoon incepted because I want this really light the cz I put to be incorporated if you go slowly [Applause] it's gonna give a final straight down to make sure all the flowers absorbed this is the stage at which months we believe they're Yorkshire pudding batters to rest and if you want you can but you don't need to that's ready to go in the oven the real key to fabulous Yorkshire pudding is to have the oven and the fat incredibly hot as hot as your oven more girl I use vegetable fat because the smoking point is much higher than with other fats and so that since it's so hot you need to be careful you don't want to smoke out your whole kitchen right and that's a 250-degree surged grade that's gas mark 10 and I'm going to leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes by which time it should be just blossoming and burnished and like a huge crown right beeps done her visions done puddings in the oven the last thing my pea mint and avocado salad I love this well primarily because just tastes lovely but also because it was one of my great art Mara's 1970s specials it's just very good these peas of frozen peas cooked till tender not very soft and then macerated in olive oil white wine vinegar freshly chopped mint and a pinch of sugar I'm gonna need my huge plate for this and when I say huge I do mean huge the lettuces I use mainly here a little gems because they're really easy and also they provide lovely crunch which is contrast to the peas and chicory to is really a good contrast not just because of the texture but also because the chicory is very bitter against the sweetness of the piece that's fabulous and also there's a contrast interesting Oh perfect everything the oil and vinegar that are on the peas already will you provide the dressing so just tumble these over toss so beautiful and taste so wonderful - very very useful thing to have in your repertoire now one last crucial ingredient for another bit of contrast avocados which I keep on the windowsill try and get every last bit of light and Sun and warmth - just at the right texture which these are the thing about avocados always by only use late by which I mean if you get them early enough you can make sure that just the texture you need got time to ripen and use them as last-minute as you can just cause of this color this is lovely don't worry about what shapes you make I mean I like to use a knife and do these lovely little longboat shapes but you can use a spoon and just clump it out if you want I don't think there is a more beautiful salad all it needs salt avocados drink up salt I suppose because they're so divinely rich and bland and some freshly chopped mint not a lot just enough to make the millets and the peas already seem to come alive so alchemy of cookie I commend it to the house so how divine is that the perfect stress-free Sunday lunch with although machine pimenton avocado salad and the most wonderful rare roast beef thinly slice if my carving is up to it I'm not the world's best carver but I'll try and do justice to this magnificent beast vegetarians turn away now perfect for me anyway look at this magnificent I just love it so much searing hot with cold thick cream and golden syrup sauce so wonderful I know I'm going to be keeping this but I have to have some now I'm not least to show you just how gorgeous it is you have to see everything all together mmm it smells like a mixture between pancake and donut it just kind of defines pudding heaven for me hmm just can't wait mmm look at this that you wish and then he's tall [Music] you
Channel: Nigella Lawson
Views: 351,613
Rating: 4.8606639 out of 5
Id: TQtqodNuMdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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