Nigella's Slow Roasted Garlic & Lemon Chicken | Forever Summer With Nigella

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[Music] this slow roast chicken is another way of using lemon not so much as a flavoring but as a main event and this instance it's chunked up and roasted alongside the chicken and some thyme and garlic so that the lemon in the heat tends to scorch an almost caramelize absolutely fabulous use on wet slim ins if you can because you really can eat the whole of the lemon v skin or just chop them into eighths really so quite big chunks now this is all you do get your roasting tin there's one medium to large chicken here cut into ten I prefer to have lots of smaller portions for this but min get that up way then the lemons on top and look suddenly lifted into summer two whole heads of garlic separate the clothes don't have to peel them the thing about leaving garlic in the skin like this is it it braises in the heat steams and it's normally such quite pungent taste is mellowed into an almost hunted puree now a handful of a wonderful fresh thyme I just tend to pull the leaves off the stalks as by stripping it downwards and I wouldn't worry about me a few stems and it's rather lovely to keep some back for later justice true the cook dish with these beautiful little store key bits about three tablespoonfuls of olive oil just drizzle it over 150 mils of white wine good wine I mean drinkable in fact drink the rest while you're eating this thus mix everything so it's covered you're getting the chicken skin-side up just question now of covering tightly with foil and this is into a low oven 160 gas mark three to two hours and then you just take the foil off and maybe another four to five minutes at number six and that is really what I'm gonna do to this now [Music] though they love to make the slow roast chicken these little German ethicists braising now if you thought that the salad just had texture rather than flavor then just try cooking them I mean this is incredibly easy in a sense you just phone them in a pan and cook them alongside the chicken just for the last 20 minutes it has in the oven cut off and the brown ends and take away any leaves that look a bit Brown or less than perfect lie them smugly in a dish we love these change bundles its stock a half a liter I love the sort of golden flavor of chicken stock mmm I'm already hit by all the smells just wafting up olive oil about four tablespoonfuls o green on green beautiful sometime I just strew the whole little straggly stems on top kind of echo the flavor in the chicken salt and pepper so foil and then stick them in the oven for the last 25 minutes that the chickens cooking and all will be done and serenely meanwhile you could just sit in the garden via drink with your friends [Music] you
Channel: Nigella Lawson
Views: 477,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nigella desserts, Nigella lawson, Nigella recipes, Nigella Bites, Nigella Lawson cooking show, Cooking show, Nigella talking dirty, Nigella Lawson interview, nigella garlic chicken, nigella lemon chicken, slow roast chicken, recipe, garlic and lemon chicken, chicken dinner recipes
Id: Qd66mKI5c1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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