How To Make Yorkshire Puddings | Jamie Oliver

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Hi guys. Me and the Food Tube family together with our friends at LV here to help you guys out. You told us what your biggest cooking headaches are, so together we will show you our secret tips and tricks which will change the way you cook forever. Okay lovely people. How to make the perfect Yorkshire puddings. Lets just, lets just talk about the perfect Yorkshire pudding. That beautiful little thing that you can put gravy in. It's great with roast dinners. You know crispy on the outside, bit chewy down here. Let's do it. First up, big bowl. Whisk And I need four eggs. I'm using beautiful fresh free range eggs, and we're gonna whisk those up. #I'm using a big bowl so we can get some nice air in there. Then I'm gonna go in with 200 millilitres of whole milk. 200 grams of plain flour. Now you can sift it. You know when you sift it just makes it nice and light and no lumps we don't want lumps in there. So just whisk up your batter. As you can see now it's nicely whipped up I'm just gonna add a little pinch of salt and nothing else. That's basically it. Now we want it to just coat the back of a spoon. Should just stick nice to it. That's the batter made. What I do want to do is get it from a bowl which is perfect for making it, into a jug because that's perfect for pouring it quickly. Because that is another important part I'll talk about in a minute. We are using a sunflower oil. You can use the ground oil or a Sunseed oil. Absolutely these are oils that can handle high heat. We want one centimeter in each mould. So I'm going to fill out these three and what I like to do is then just gently, but evenly pour the oil all the way along and by the time you hit the bottom you have absolutely perfect exact measurement across every single one. And I know what you're thinking, I invented it, or at least I think I did. Now we are gonna pre-heat our oven to 190 degrees Celsius I've got one in there already, okay. It's been there for about 15 minutes. So my pre-heated oil comes out, this is very hot I'm gonna go in with my batter here I'm gonna use a spoon. What you don't want is loads of batter touching the side. if you have batter in between, what's gonna happen is that will drag your Yorkshire pudding down, and it will stop it rising as efficiently. And what's happening now you can see the hot oil is starting to cook the batter on the outside, and as we put this in the oven the heat of the oil is gonna push the batter up the side to create that lift. Okay. We're gonna go straight back into the oven. I'm gonna close the door and we're gonna leave it. You want to dedicate the whole oven just to Yorkshire puddings. They're gonna cook for about 20-25 minutes until golden and crispy, and gorgeous. You're gonna love it! Come on baby! So for me guys this really is the perfect Yorkshire pudding. You can go bigger, you can put more batter in. Then I think it goes too crispy, too dry. I like this kinda size I like the kind of balance crispiness around here, and the chewiness from inside. They're absolutely gorgeous. I wanna show you guys something even more incredible to go with Yorkshire puddings that's not the usual thing. So I've got some nice smoked salmon. I'm gonna put it down onto a beautiful border platter. To compliment that I want a nice simple sauce. Now you could use sour cream yogurt, or creme fresh. Just beat it up and I'm gonna add just the juice of one lemon. Here's a fresh horseradish. So we're gonna peel the horseradish. A little grating over the salmon, just like snow. What I like about this is it's contrast. fire and lightness. It's beautiful. Mix it up. just gonna take some of this dill, and from a height just pick it and then freshly cooked hot Yorkshire puddings, loading it with that hot sour cream and horseradish sauce. A nice bit of smoked salmon. And then just find a nice little quiet moment, for you and that beautiful combination, and just tuck in. If you haven't subscribed to Food tube or Drinks Tube subscribe! Its free and we love you and we love it, so keep coming guys. if you like this video please like it, share it on your social media. Take care. Bye-bye!
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 5,052,145
Rating: 4.90343 out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, Cook (Profession), Jamie Oliver (Chef), yorkshire, Pudding (Food), Yorkshire Pudding (Dish), Chef (Profession), LV= (Business Operation), soggy, food tube, perfect, car, home, insurance, tips, tricks, How-to (Website Category)
Id: nUvIJqhq0KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 05 2014
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