Recipes to Cook in Advance That Will Impress Your Guests | Nigella Bites | Tonic

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the point about weekends for me is not that we've got more time for cooking we've got more time for eating and i like to make the soda food that just gets on with itself slowly in the kitchen so i can potter about and invite friends for lunch without being chained to the stove [Music] now this is one of my favorite standbys it's shoulder of lamb which is to turn into a shredded warm lamb salad with mint and pomegranate and let me just turn the oven on let me get thin out turn on the heat right so the lamb gets bunged into the pan to brown don't need to add any fat it's got its own lovely i mean that's the wonderful thing about shoulder it's cheaper than leg and not as lean and i know everyone likes leanness now but the point is the flavor is in the fat so all the fat will seep through into the meat leaving the flavor there and then the fat just remains in the water i'm going to braise it in while that's happening i could do like chopping so i've got four shallots here but you could use a couple of onions just don't bother to peel them chop them in half all i want here is for the flavor of these vegetables to go into the water the lamb is going to be cooked in likewise these garlic cloves no need to peel them just press with the side of a knife so all their lovely juicy flavor runs out and then the carrot just gives wonderful sweetness so that's now let me just see i think this is lovely and brown and ready to come out and then just tumble the vegetables in the pan in the fact that the lambs rendered down and just wobble them about a bit and now this will both sizzle and smoke so be alarmed add salt meat that's under salted is vile so don't be timid and then land back on this time with the skin side up foil on and then the wonderful thing about this is it's been just a few minutes preparation and now it just gets watched in the oven cooking for five hours at a low heat 12 to 15 hours at an incredibly low heat whatever it's in the oven and you just get on with the weekend [Music] [Music] [Applause] this turkish light syllab goes so well with the lamb which i think has got about two hours left to go you can make it much further in advance than this if you want or you can do it at the last minute i mean what i love about this is that it goes with this whole weekend style of cooking that the pace suits you that's sugar cuantro a bit of a weakness for this i mean i know that quantum doesn't sound exactly turkish delight like but i just happen to have some in the house and i hate going out and buying new ingredients every time i want to cook something else and actually that kind of aromatic oranginess is perfect but if you've got another liqueur which you um brought in a bit of bad taste use that right lemon i tend to use two lemons in here but these are so vast i get enough juice out of one and i'm using a sieve which i wouldn't ordinarily do simply because the whole point about cylib is that it's smooth and creamy i don't want any pulp or pips i mean this isn't really textured like but what it is it's trying to kind of evoke the sort of aromatic essence without any of that temple aching sweetness and glutinousness it's like perfumed cream now i want the sugar to dissolve a bit into the cuanto and lemon juice before i start adding the cream so we finished the pouring part and now we are now moving into the whisking double cream now although the cream thickens immediately when you pour it into the liqueur it will thin as you start whisking and i should tell you that it does take ages i'd say a good seven minutes possibly more to to thicken that's why i use an electric mixer i mean you can use a handheld electric one unless you want to have a nervous breakdown i would advise not doing it by hand [Music] it's a long wait you see [Music] now when the cream looks like it's thickening a bit sort of soon we're going to add the orange flower water and rose water and this is what gives a sort of turkish delight aroma and then let's leave it to thicken more it always seems to occupy syllables some notional territory between liquid and solid that looks about right when i lift the beaters up it only just holds a point kind of flops over perfect for quick taste [Music] and now it's just a question of spooning it into the glasses i like the cream to below like sort of alpine heap over the top of the glass [Music] now this is so beautiful you see these pistachios i got from a middle eastern shop so they've all been slivered and peeled incredibly green otherwise just buy ordinary pistachios and chop them up just sprinkle them on top i mean frankly you've got pouring you've got whisking you've got sprinkling i mean it's not hard to make and i have to say not hard at all to eat [Music] the wonderful thing about this pepper and feta salad is that it doesn't need any cooking and it goes very well either as a starter before the lamb or even with it i used to always you know do that char grilling and skinning myself of peppers but these ones from spain actually taste exactly as if you've done them yourself so you know the lamb's about to come out of the oven i can spare the odd two minutes doing this [Music] this is a bit i really love a few whole blanched almonds get spanish ones if you can as well because they are better final hit of parsley and that is it [Music] and the lamb has been out of the oven without the foil about 40 minutes so should be bearable to the touch i mean i have got asbestos hands but even wimps could manage this and now that's the question of slicing and shredding it this is a very good illustration of the fact that so many of the best things coming out of the kitchen are a result of accidents i first made this because i was doing some slow cooked lamb with beans hariko beans and i burnt them and i wanted to salvage the lamb and so i just came up with this and now i do this a lot and i don't do the one with beans so often much better you could if you were deft you know set about the lamb with the kind of two fork chinese waiter crispy duct trick i however might have noticed i'm not deaf so i just do mauling with a bit of knife work but the point about this slow cooking is that it makes the lamb so incredibly tender that any way you do it it's easy falls to pieces and now i'm going to show you something that could change your life it's how to get seeds out of a pomegranate without you know that really boring winkling out with pins pomegranate like so wooden spoon like so and then you just thwack look at that rain down these lovely beads around the edge for decorative purposes now a bit of a squeeze now the final touch and real clincher fresh mint just chop this mint and pomegranate is a wonderful combination egyptian i mean how beautiful is that oh and some salt that's it you know the lamb's done the peppers are done syllables are done not one bit of sleeping [Music] the italians do a really delicious salad at christmas with turkey chicken and pomegranate seeds the italians like pomegranates mm-hmm wow [Music] [Music] [Music] if i tell you there is such a thing as a lazy sunday lunch for 12 you are gonna have to believe me this is it slow cooked aromatic pork with the best crackling you've ever had the fact that it takes 24 hours to cook shouldn't bother you because to be frank for 23 hours and 55 minutes you're doing nothing the aromatic part is a rub of six cloves of garlic some grated ginger that's the ginger now some chilies i'm using just some crushed you know chili flakes here but if you want to use fresh chili which i often do as well then just do sherry vinegar or whatever vinegar you want vinegar is very good for helping crackling get really crisp and some oil nothing fancy ah this is and now a bit of late night aromatherapy followed by massage let's just rub over the pork over the scored skin i mean it's a lot of skin to cover but i like to have you know a lot of people around at the weekend and though it sounds awful i seem to satisfy my jewish mother leanings by cooking this court of a pig which i get from a farm in dorset and you know so much pork now is bred to have no flavor this is fabulous okay a final smear wipe this gunk off my hands and now i'm going to stagger over to the oven okay this weighs more than my children i [Music] think right so that's in the hottest the oven will go for half an hour and then all i have to do is turn the oven down turn the pig over good night [Music] i'm not gonna lie to you you do need to peel two kilos of potatoes to make this greta but then unless you're having baked potatoes then you're gonna be peeling potatoes for sunday lunch anyway now i do my great hands slightly differently potato gratas are normally just sliced potatoes in cream or milk in the oven i find then you just get the potato grater that when you bite into it it bites back so i cook the potatoes in a pan on the hob and then just as soon as the pork comes out blitz it in the oven just to brown on the top which one means you can do all this if you've got one oven but also means everything is that lovely margin blurring softness very creamy and delicious okay just gonna put the potatoes sliced like this to my pan and then about 500 mils of double cream just need to go to the fridge to get some milk and butter about the same amount of full fat milk now garlic because although potato grating should be creamy and should be sort of comforting it's quite bland i like a bit of flavor if i'm doing this with roast chicken i sometimes put a stalk of rosemary in right onion two for flavor which means that although i'm peeling it i'm not going to bother to chop it up take it out when i pour the potatoes into the baking dish salt and pepper needs quite you know strong seasoning i think lid on and heat on this will take half an hour 40 minutes so i'm just going to get the port now to turn it over for its final glorious splitsing now i find the easiest thing is to use gloves wow that is dust perfect very nice i've got another pair so i'm just going to put this in now to get the crackling really crisp and i'll put the potatoes in the oven to brown just as i take the pork out to rest this is the ultimate cozy sunday lunch pudding easy sticky toffee pudding start off by melting butter 175 grams of self-raising flour and what makes this so easy as well is you can just stir everything together just before you sit down to lunch and although it takes 45 minutes to cook you wouldn't want to eat pudding in under 45 minutes from sitting down to lunch 100 grams of dark muscovado sugar and it's this which gives the kind of intense dark treatliness to both sauce and sponge because what this is is a pudding that is kind of a layer of tooth some golden sponge and a kind of volcanic eruption of dark luscious syrup okay so that's the dry ingredients done liquid ingredients start off with full fat milk one egg some vanilla good vanilla not essence proper extract so mix this in add the melted butter just leave some in for greasing that dish and then i mean all you do is this can't get much simpler but if you've got children you could probably get them to do it just pour the liquid ingredients into the dry i'm gonna put the kettle on now for the sauce we need about 200 grams of chopped dates there's 250 in here so it's kind of most of a packet okay just grease the bowl and spoon the batter in it looks very shallow when you have got it in there and as if it's never going to stretch to sort of feed people but it really really will i mean i get about six to eight out of this if i have any more than eight people um i definitely would do two and i know it sounds like it's a lot but i'd rather have too much and too little and never knowingly undercated is my kind of mantra in the kitchen another sauce i mean even easier 200 grams this time of the dark muscovado sugar i mean it gives you almost a kind of licorice like darkness and depth and then a few knobs of butter and this is what makes the sauce syrupy and sticky as well as sweet and of course the good thing about it being dark muscular sugar is that although it's sweet it's not sickly and then can't claim to know the scientific principles behind this but it works and i'm an empiricist 500 ml of boiling water which you just pour over and what happens is this kind of messy stuff on top liquid slosh forms a thick syrupy sauce underneath and that cake batter now underneath has is a wonderfully sort of crusty chewy sponge [Music] put it on a baking tray just put it in a 190 degree oven for about 45 minutes [Music] olivia [Music] i just want the crackling off yeah eat as much as you want as you do it i'm gonna get a scratch on [Music] well the oven's so hot i think about 5-10 minutes that's all and then dive in [Music] look crackling [Music] can i give you some yeah i need another [Music] bite [Music] hey i'll give you some pokemons [Music] you could
Channel: Tonic
Views: 213,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tonic, nigella lawson full episodes, nigella lawson 2020, nigella lawson tonic, nigella lawson breakfast, nigella lawson desserts, nigella lawson pasta, nigella bites season 2, nigella bites comfort food, nigella bites fast food, easy effortless recipes, easy dinner recipes, nigella dinner, nigella dinner recipes, nigella comfort food, slow cook weekend, nigella slow, nigella slow cooked lamb, nigella slow cooker recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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