Nigella Kitchen S01E07 Kitchen Comforts

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after a busy week I love a bit of pomp to gathering so I can grab the wherewithal for a really relaxing weekend but cooking and eating right creme fraiche double cream Oh is the weekend those will be nice and quick meet almost like YouTube I love the changing pace and weekend cooking from the quickly thrown together but still special supper on a Friday to the traditional treat of a Sunday blowout my weekend kicks off with scallops and Thai scented pea puree I relax into Saturday with pasta alla Genovese II that's linguini with a perked up pesto my Sunday lunch is the ultimate comfort meal I've got meatless and baked potatoes with special blue cheese dressing and the strawberry and almond crumble thank you very much nice weekend this is the first way to ease myself into that Friday night feeling scallops with Thai scented pea puree peas have been drained obviously cooked and cooked until properly tender and I'm trying to get all of them into the blender and although I say peas in fact they are pretty Poirot that's what it says on my label and they are indeed very small little Peas tender and sweet what makes the peas tie scent it is this Thai green curry paste but I call it scented and not actually Thai because it isn't Thai as is evidenced by this creme fraiche but anyway what's wrong and giving a new twist to old favorites and I really like to give everything in my pantry as broader use as possible okay quick blitz quick Spach down or spoon down the center this is quite divine and we're done I'm going to keep the lid on so the pea puree stays hot and now for the scallops I'm going to cook the scallops in butter not a lot but just a bit and as I always do I'm gonna add a small amount of oil just ground nut oil and this will stop the butter from burning now the butter has melted and is warm but not smoky she'll add these plump little scallops scallops come in quite a few sizes I suppose these are somewhere around the middle and I think about six ahead it's fine so I've got 12 here I love a bouncy sweetness of scholars and actually you might think that the sweetness of peas alongside will be too much there's something fantastic about the type in curry paste with chili and garlic and lime and lemon grass and other astringent spices it really adds sourness and a bit of edge the scallops should need about two minutes aside if that and when they're cooked right at the inside they'll be tender still a teeny bit translucent on the outsides I want them almost caramelized and that is why I'm using a slightly bigger pan than these sweet little scallops would seem to need if I were to shove all these scallops into a smaller pan they would braise and not fry these are cooked and now shall convey or attempt to convey these sweet little fat coins of scallop to the bowls as a weight let them huddle on one side I'm going to turn the golden if not bronze juices in the pan into a little gravy just by cutting a line and squeezing out the juice I'm not worrying about some strands of fruits falling to the pan to for me that's even better just want to make sure I'm Dean glazing thoroughly that's to say picking up all those sticky bits of caramelized scallop juice swill in the pan and over and here we are lovely bit of luscious gravy right now it's peacetime you have a taste first just to see if it needs any extra salt mmm-hmm doesn't need anything except be eaten vicious I think a greedy helping of this is going to be good and just because I've got them here I'm gonna add a few leaves of Thai basil it's kind of more licorice II than European basil but you know what coriander is just fine - these can go to my tray for supper and one last thing some achingly gloriously cold beer the weekend starts here I wouldn't be able to count the number of times I've given my children pasta with pesto out of a jar 40 and I'm not embarrassed about it we all do it but this Ligurian pasta pasta alla Genovese E is something completely other ah fantastic it's it's a little bit different the premise is the same but when I tell you that you start off with potatoes just cubed as you can see about a couple of baking potatoes there does tender yes potatoes and then it has the pasta fazool green beans I love the convenience of a tub of pesto but this is different I suppose it's a bit like the difference between instant coffee in real coffee there's a case to be made of both but they are different and if pesto out of a jar is black and white this is Technicolor and what s'mores are such full-on fragrance so the potatoes have had 20 minutes the linguine will need about 11 minutes so when I'm four minutes away from that I will add the green beans so they'll be cooked but with a bit of crunch and I cut the green beans in their packet so it really makes it much simpler I want I don't know why did the second you'll do it all in one I rather like this it feels wrong and yet good there we are Mazal Park the beans in here while the linguine cook now although it does sound quite odd to have potatoes and it may also sound as if I'm giving in to you know kiddie carbo mania actually it is a lugar Orion tradition and the thing about the potatoes is you can see now that they're beginning to crumble but by the time the linguine have cooked the beans have cooked and my a special pesto has been stirred in in fact what happens to the potatoes is that they turn into a kind of sweet sludge and help the sauce cover every strand in with the beans and while the beans cook I can get on with the fabulous business of building up a little pesto let me bring this in Oh stronger than I thought now despite the bucolic appearance these leaves were not picked in turquoise skyed Portofino but in gray Battersea but no matter is smell fantastic a lot of basil here a good two fat bunches if you were buying from a green grocer or else I would say probably for supermarket packets I find it easy to think of this in in numbers normally I don't which is to say nearly everything's a hundred hundred grams of basil leaves a hundred grams of Parmesan or pecorino especially grated one garlic clove not hundred garlic cloves so hundred mils of extra-virgin olive oil now the extra virgin olive oil gives that fantastic deep almost peppery taste but I don't want to use all the expensive stuff to whizz it up so when I weighs I'm going to add an extra hundred mils of regular olive oil just to help get it emulsified to the right texture so I am ready for the blitzing humming Mills here and in a minute fantastic Oh as lightly tail sneaker bein screen one other thing I like to do and that is add a chilly bit of pasta water now am I gonna hide off another bit of pastor water dust in case the source needs a bit more liquid later have a taste of both bean and pasta hmm mushroom country not doing as well but if I can muster up the strength I am ready to strain this now it looks beautiful just as it is it's gonna look even more beautiful and it was quick stir to help potatoes start to break down and now the pesto I'm not gonna add as much pesto as you might think the Italians just keep the taste of the pasta there - they don't drench everything in sauce and you don't need to of this it's so super fragrant that actually you want it to keep some delicacy in with this look at the color if anything is guaranteed to make my children come to the table promptly and nothing is really guaranteed to do that it's the smell of this wafting up through the house add a teeny bit more liquid because there's a lot of pasta here and I love the starchiness of the beard as well it's like a holiday without leaving the kitchen and without the hell of air travel as well can you see how the potatoes help that sauce does cling to each strand come on you lot okay shot obviously eating plays a very important part of my weekend can't always linger as much as I'd like a Saturday lunch because there's so much else to do but Sunday lunch that's a different matter you know my ideal way of spending Sunday is just giving myself up in the warm embrace of the kitchen meatloaf is such perfect weekend food there's nothing like Sunday lunch when you eat the sort of food that you know you either have to go for a long walk or to slump on the sofa afterwards this recipe starts off with a lot of onions it has a very good vintage this recipe a good heritage and I have been told that I must use duck fat now luckily I can get duck fat at my local supermarket but if you can't I would use butter with a teeny bit of oil in Ingo all these onions and the thing is the onions cook and get sweeter and get very soft and the duck fat we'll just give fantastic flavor and that sort of velvety smoothness that you normally associate with fantastic patty I managed to extract this recipe insisted upon it from a very dear old friend and this is his mother's recipe she must have been born really I suppose just after the turn of the last century so it's good vintage and I always add salt if I don't want the onions to crisp up what the salt does is make the water start seeping slightly out of the onions so that they don't actually fry but they will get a little golden that'd be perfect meatloaf obviously needs meat and beef in particular good beef freshly minced but 900 grams here the thing is meatloaf needs to be juicy and the trouble with pre minced meat is it often its sat there for a while it's perfectly good quality but they'll just be a little drier and actually it's not just the dryness because these onions here we'll see to that a lot but it makes it crumbly us it'll be harder to carve I am thinking of everything here now the onions look gorgeous mmm I'm gonna put them to one side just so they cooler or into the meat goes an egg does helps bind it all together and now some Worcester sauce just to F it up a little no spices because I'm staying old-school here nothing fancy nothing novel I want some bread crumbs about a hundred grams what the bread crumbs do is bulk up the meatloaf and as well absorb all the meaty juices as it cooks and now the tender beautiful onions what all the duck fat in the pan right I'm ready to get mixing I'm going to move pretty smartish because it's overworking mince that makes it end up tough this isn't difficult and actually this is something I always think about cooking is that everyone seems to confuse complicated with time-consuming because yes this is taking a bit of time I mean not a tremendous amount B if I think about it but it's easy and actually this sort of cooking is relaxing it's the cooking that needs precision and a great deal of for nikah to detail that is enough to send me over the edge but then that's not very hot now what about half of this I'm gonna do the base first so it Willy is us like a loaf I want a flat so oval ish I don't want any geometry professor telling me this isn't an oval it's my meatloaf so there's the bottom half and now inside my meatless our jewels and these jewels are eggs hard-boiled eggs and when you cook the meatloaf the eggs stay inside they don't overcook so that when you slice it you will get as a disc of gold just beaming up at you so now the top I'm trying to smooth it all into one as best I can but without being too worried and now this baby just needs swaddling and what I'm swaddling it with is bacon it's going to put slices of streaky rind this bacon carefully over the meatloaf on a slight overlap doesn't really matter if the bits of bacon slightly burst apart when it roasts course the flavor from the bacon melts into the meatloaf and at the same time it crisps up a bit so it's like a rather lovely coating yes there is duck fat and yes there is bacon and the thing about meatloaf is that it comes from a time when food was fuel it's meant to be filling having said that I have put baking potatoes in the oven for everyone and that's partly selfish which is that I want to fill them up a bit on the potatoes because one of the joys of meatloaf is a sandwich made with it later will it's cold here we are this needs a little tucking in now this is a Sunday lunch we're sitting down for you know just meatloaf and baked potatoes are fantastic together but I feel a sense of Sunday lunch splurge coming on so I want to comes your up be blue cheese dressing not that any sleight of hand is needed it is incredibly simple you got blue cheese some which are we eating now you have Wistar sauce a splodge of brown sauce both of these provide tang and a small amount of sweetness nothing sugary more Tang comes courtesy of some cider vinegar and yet more provided by buttermilk I mean it's the same thing really now as money plain yogurt I am going to try and mash these together without getting them all over me mmm Rayne moody looking you know how delicious sour cream is on a potato well blue cheese dressing it's after takes it that one notch higher and it's for that reason I think I like to keep the Tang there because otherwise it would be too cloying to give this the consistency of dressing I need quick trip to the free go little bit of milk will Riley this try and be patient be a serene as this sauce looks yum yum look at this just ready to be docked into a bay potato I say let's cut out the middleman nothing says Sunday lunch more than a crumble and despite the uncie's analogy I'm making strawberry crumble in fact because of it because when strawberries are bitter hard and unyielding and even a bit crunchy and sour no I shouldn't be buying them but I'm always drawn to them they're luscious redness which can deceive and the crumble just turns them from disappointment into something deeply delicious and I'm throwing together a strawberry and almond crumble just hulling the strawberries which means pulling off these green bits and throwing them into a regular pie dish before I get on with a crumble topping I want to print the strawberries a little so I've got 25 grams of ground almonds sometimes when people make pies they put flour or even ground tapioca in to soak up any excess liquid I think ground almonds does the job so much better anyway I want the taste some sugar but 50 grams of sugar I know this is a lot but this is only because these strawberries need it and I know I've talked about using the almonds to stop up excess liquid but I am banging a little more liquid in some vanilla I just love the nostalgic welcoming scent of strawberries and vanilla now though the crumble basically a crumble is really the same as pastry it's flour and fat in this case butter I'm modifying it slightly I am using flour though 110 grams of it and I like baking powder it's not Orthodox but I think it gives it just a little bit of a lift teaspoon and into this goes 75 grams of cold unsalted butter which I am cutting into dice you can make crumble obviously with a machine either with a free-standing mixer or a process of it really isn't difficult to make by hand I think the best way I can explain how to make crumble by hand is by saying that you rub the pads of your thumb very sort of fluttering Li against the pads of your index fingers and middle fingers love this feeling right so look that's it and now into this bowl of pale golden crumbs I'm going to add a hundred grams of toasted flaked almonds I want knees partly to boost the armor dienes but also because they provide texture finally sugar Demerara sugar again for texture and plastic crunch 75 grams here and now I thought that it needs my fingers I thought just to keep everything separate and have to be combined without adding any heat so the crumble topping of it enough goes on top of the fruits and I can't tell you what this is like this with some thick cream poured over a bowl for it really is like the taste of English summer on a winter's day this just needs to go into the oven for half an hour meanwhile my meatloaf can rest frankly so can I because all I need to do is steamed some sugar snaps and then slice the meatloaf and then it's time to share the joy right Edd's mother's meatloaf thank you very much oh that's good okay I don't know meatloaf is not meant to be elegant I don't think it baked potato blue cheese dressing chives for sprinkling sorry sorry now onions cooking cup it's mom we're coming back to this side of the Atlantic so crumble anyone I'm afraid I'm serving misfit two generously luckily I don't think this is a crowd that will mind no I wasn't expecting you to be strong big I mean if I saw the crumbly though I know it's something you haven't lived I like it with cream and it's like winter version of straw Byzantine Wimbledon any sitting down and playing no tennis yeah
Channel: William Baker
Views: 212,140
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Keywords: nigella express episodes, Nigella Express, nigella express full episodes
Id: lg5_9ABdL_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2015
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