How to Make a Stunning Boneless Rib Roast with Yorkshire Pudding and Jus

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[Music] cooking a standing rib roast also known as prime rib can strike fear into the heart of any cook because this is a very expensive cut of meat and you don't want to screw it up but luckily Britt is here to show us how easy it really is no anxiety no anxiety no fear and actually the better a piece of meat there's all this flavor built inside we don't have to add all these bells and whistles basically we're gonna leave it alone as much as possible but you don't have to start off with the right cut of meat so you can buy these it's a boneless prime rib we want you to order a first cut prime rib but let's talk about this this is the second cut here you can see there's a small little muscle right in the center that's the rib eye that's the part of me everybody wants the good part it's so tender and juicy we want more of that so we're going to go with a first cut now again this is the rib eye it's almost the entire thing here so this is a five you can go up to five and a half pound rib roast you want to order one you can actually see it right here that has a good amount of fat on it oh yeah but we want to take some of it off of here it's not all going to render away I'm gonna take a very sharp knife you want to leave a quarter-inch on there after you've trimmed it and I like to use a sharp boning knife for this it's nice and flexible you're gonna take away the fat but not take away the meat and it's better to make shallow cuts as you go along and some areas will have a little bit more it's okay if you expose some of that meat this is getting pretty good now the rest of this roast we want to create a crosshatch pattern all that fat on the cat's not only going to cook up into this big beautiful cracklin it's also going to allow our seasonings to penetrate the top of the meat we want to space our cuts about an inch apart and I always like to make my first cut right from one corner to the other and I'm being careful not to go too far into the meat I don't want to create a whole bunch of exit channels for that juice to come out it's just want to go on a diagonal again about an inch apart all right and the same thing we're gonna go corner to corner really sharp knife for this you definitely want to use a sharp chef's knife sometimes I use a slicing knife too that is looking good looks great now we want to season that we're going to use kosher salt and this is two tablespoons now we want to season the whole thing so start on the bottom just work it in their sides now I am gonna work it into the cross-hatching as well that's looking great alright so we haven't forgotten about these trimmings we're gonna use these for the Yorkshire pudding but we want to cut them into about half inch pieces all right so this is looking good I've got a lot more than I need for this recipe I do need about 3/4 cup or three ounces of trimmings that looks just about right the rest of it I'm gonna go throw in the freezer yeah save it now we're gonna go ahead and cover this with plastic wrap and then the beef roast we're gonna leave as is unwrapped but we're gonna put both of these in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours and up to four days in advance now that's really important because you want that salt to have plenty of time to work its way into the meat so into the fridge again okeydoke all right so you can see what the roast looks like I'm movin in the fridge for 24 hours it's dried out a little bit on the top that's actually really really good because we want that surface to get nice and crisp it's time to roast all right so we have a roasting pan imagine that and here is the 3/4 cup of the fat mmm that I cut earlier just little beef trimmings it's gonna scatter them all over the pan now we went ahead and greased the fan - we don't want anything sticking to this because we're going to be using that to make our Yorkshire moo-vie rack goes into the pan first goes on to the veero one last thing to do before it hits the oven yes thank you you are the pepper grinder yes a nice shower of peppers a win that's great this is going to be slow roasted as a 250 degree oven is there's an enzyme in the meat that's activated at lower temperatures so the longer we keep it there more tender than me it's gonna be for medium-rare are we want to cook this until it's about 120 it's gonna spend about 2 and a half to 3 hours in the other a good long time finally mm-hmm Yorkies Yorkshire pudding Yorkshire pudding now it's a pudding in the instance that you make a custard that's why they're called puddings it's not a dessert this is two and a half cups of all-purpose flour and this is a tablespoon more of the kosher salt use some on the roast somes going to go in here we'll whisk this together all right let's move on over to our eggs and milk this is going to be a bit looser of a batter than some Yorkshire pudding batters that we found because we want it to be custardy on the inside really good Yorkshire pudding should have a shell on the outside a little chewy in a little custard on the inside we're gonna use four eggs here and we're gonna whisk in four cups of whole milk let me just break up these yolks a little bit go for it is it all right looks like eggnog mmm we're gonna whisk this and gradually make sure it's all incorporated and we'll start to see a batter come together all right so that looks great now I'm gonna cover this with a little bit of plastic there people are gonna use this within an hour we will just let it rest at room temp but since the roast is in there for a couple of hours we're gonna put it in the fridge all right so again it's got to rest at least one hour all right it's been about two and a half hours I'm gonna take the roast out but while I'm there I need you to do some work all right can you crank the oven up to 425 you got I think you can handle it mm-hmm 425 you said yes please whoo-hoo that looks good it is so good now it's not quite done yet and this top is gonna get beautifully crackled a little later on but we do need to check the temp we're looking again for medium rare fingers crossed 120 ish right into the thickest part sweet it's ready to come out of the pan I'm going to use the tongue and fork method there we go we're gonna have a little bit of spillage so that's okay now we want to let this rest for a good hour don't want to tuck into this meat right away all the juices will come out so I've got a fine mesh strainer would you mind helping me out there solutely all right just scraping any of those crackling down in there those would be amazing on a salad after you crisp them up we are looking for about six tablespoons of fat in this case we're just a little off and that's totally fine you can use a little bit of vegetable oil I'm gonna go right in between a quarter and a half that would be six tablespoons and this goes right back into the pan we need to again wait for that oven to come up to 425 before we put our pan in there you want that fat to get super super hot because it needs to be once that custard hits it it's gonna create steam and that's how you get lift all right so just a couple minutes until that oven comes up to temp all right oh you can see it's just smoking that's a good sign super hot and I am going to put my towel in this to remind me of it yes now quickly we need to go over to the Yorkshire pudding batter and give it a quick whisk just to recombine it sometimes as it sits in the fridge it separates a little bit there we go now into the hot pan right into the center you hear a little bit of that that's a good sign mm-hmm this is going to go back into that 425-degree oven now it's gonna stay in there until it gets golden brown see it popped around the edges be a little bit sunken in the center that's gonna take about 40 to 45 minutes all right all right Julia so the pudding has about 15 more minutes left to cook but in the meantime we're gonna sear the roast and I have a tablespoon of vegetable oil heating in this 12-inch skillet it's over medium heat I want to get it to the point where it just starts to smoke that's how we'll know that the pan and the oil hot enough to give the meat a good sear all right keep an eye on that you got a time if a lot still and it's still gorgeous it's still gorgeous let's rest it for a good hour now I do want to Pat it dry so it doesn't steam in the pan it's gonna get some good color ooh that fats gonna cook up nice so into the pan it goes there we go oh we're gonna let this color on all sides we want to get a nice crust all over the rice that's gonna take about five to seven minutes no nut is a thing of beauty gorgeous right time to get it out of the skillet I'll hold the skill for you thank you let's go ahead and make a quick jus I have over here one onion that we chopped fine I'm gonna add this right to the flavorful fat I'll cook this still over medium-high heat now the liquid that's gonna come out of the onions I'll use that to deglaze the pan and scrape up any Brown bit this is gonna take about three minutes until the onions are softened all right still scraping away smells good let's move over just for a moment we want to thicken this but not too much just give it a little bit of body again it's not a gravy it's a jus I have here a teaspoon of cornstarch and two and a half cups of beef broth add that together and whisk it do you lump it let's pour this into the skillet this is really where we can start to pull up some of the brown bits on the bottom of that pan I'm also going to add a tiny little sprig of thyme it's great when you use the whole sprig it's easy to fish out plus the stem gives tons of flavor we're gonna bring this to a boil once there I'll reduce the heat to medium-low we're gonna simmer this until it reduces and thickens that's gonna take about five to seven minutes it smells so good as you can see it's actually thickened just a little bit I'm gonna strain it right into this fine mesh strainer you're I'll hold it for you thank you catch oh the onion and that little bit of thyme press on the bottom here make sure I extract all that beautiful shoo now I'm gonna keep a lid on it just so it stays nice and warm all right okay meantime its rested just that little bit while we were making the jus now with cuts like this that do have a little bit of marbling and fat we like to keep the slices on the larger side about three-quarter inch is fine yes yes baby that is perfection kind of oh it is pink all the way through there's no gray band whatsoever it's a perfect medium-rare I'm gonna keep on carving this and we can clean up and then we'll be ready for the pudding oh yeah beautiful oh it's gorgeous and that's that magic of that hot hot fat we added the batter in it greeted steam you get that beautiful puffing just taking him knife going right in there oh now you can cut this into smaller pieces for company larger pieces one whole one for your sole bigger the better ready to serve all right I've got some plates here fantastic roast beef for you that it's such a gorgeous piece of beef all right let me give you an inside piece there and there little Jew sure alright and if that wasn't enough we've got a little bit of horseradish as well I love that sauce in fact you can find a recipe for this on the website you don't even need that knife for that meat big cuts like butter I mean it's super silky oh so good mmm check out that Yorkshire pudding see how nice and moist it is on the low side look at that creamy bit yes still a little eggy a little custard a mmm for the ultimate boneless rib roast with Yorkshire pudding start by salting the beef and save the fat trimmings roast the beef in a very low oven with the trimmings in the bottom of the pan while the beef rests whisk the pudding batter and cook it right in the pan with the drippings before serving sear the beef on the stovetop then use that font for a quick view from Cook's Country a top-drawer recipe for boneless rib roast with Yorkshire pudding Anjou this is amazing okay we're gonna have to work on your British accent right governor thanks for watching cooks country from America's Test Kitchen so what'd you think leave a comment and let us know which recipes you're excited to make or just say I now you can find links to today's recipes and reviews in the video description and don't forget to subscribe to our Channel see you later alligator [Laughter]
Channel: America's Test Kitchen
Views: 355,440
Rating: 4.9015298 out of 5
Keywords: yorkshire pudding, rib roast recipe, boneless rib roast, rib roast with yorkshire pudding, yorkshire pudding recipe, recipe, cooking, cook's country, cooks country, america's test kitchen, americas test kitchen, beef recipes, cooking tips, how to make a boneless rib roast, how to make yorkshire pudding
Id: d0So7evdAl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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