Nick Vujicic at Horizon Church!

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yeah hi good morning you may be seated thank you horizon awesome good morning will you're a bit more awake than the 9 o'clock crowd alone can ask us three questions who was here last night or at the 9 a.m. I know that sounds like a silly question to some people some people already came back awesome put your hand up if you've never come to this church before let's welcome them and please raise your hand if you've never heard me speak face-to-face awesome hi such a blessing to be here with you all 14 years ago I was here I didn't I think in this building I think it's yeah in horizon I was speaking in front of the youth and I think I'm a little taller 14 years later but there was an awesome awesome couple that I only met the wife of at the time Paul and Diane Sabre who at that time was moved to encourage our ministry and support our ministry lo and behold 14 years later her husband Paul saber serves on our board of life without limbs and man man what a brother to have in your corner thank you Paul thank you Pastor Bob and Bonnie god bless you it is such a privilege and an honor to share with you the Word of God this morning I am originally from Australia I'm a citizen of heaven passing through but originally Australian now a citizen of America and so I am excited I shall vote vote I shall I am so blessed to be living in America especially California for such a time as this it's quite an interesting unique opportunity as I've traveled around the world I've actually been a country's even 10 years apart from those visits so I've seen the rise and fall of Ghana I've seen the rise and fall of some countries in Southeast Asia I've traveled 2,500 Plains 3 million miles if you actually put all my planes planes together I've been up at 30,000 s about 37,000 feet for six and a half months of my life I always pray for extra legroom and we come up with some crazy ideas you know the baggage carrousel right the bags just come through the wall have you ever wondered like what does it look like behind I know what it looks like behind cuz I got my friends to put me on it and I nearly gave someone a heart attack sometimes we got my friends to put me in the overhead compartment and then on you to him I don't know if you've seen it but we actually dressed me up as the pilot and greeted the passengers as they came on the plane it was only a couple years ago I wrote my friend's pilot's uniform six o'clock in the morning from Dallas Fort Worth to LAX so everyone's like half asleep you know they no one's talking to nobody and they're drinking their coffees and looking down and then they see me and I'm at the front door of the plane and I say good morning my name is captain ik v Chooch welcome aboard we're so excited that you're with us here today we have some new technology and they're like are you serious the adults are like well did you know about this did you get any email they're freaking out the kids'll I'm gonna put this on Instagram so everyone's on the plane and my friend comes and says well come on boy so I woke on the plane just like this and you look down the aisle and everyone's heads like this and I got the microphone and I said good morning listen I don't think you so much reporting so fast and they're like oh my gosh some people came to Jesus right there and then I've been on 3,500 stages in front of about eight and a half million people face to face I want to show you a photo this is Ukraine September last year 800,000 people were there 400,000 gave their life to Jesus Christ 50 2.7 million people were watching in 26 countries translated in 20 languages which has really given us a vision to do three separate events over the next seven years one in Mexico one in Poland one in Kenya and Poland will be 40,000 stadium Mexico will be 2 million people Kenya will be 4 million people but when you plus and minus the time zones using TV you know you can still buy secular mainstream TV in India and preach the gospel today that's why you know that I've been at China 34 times I'd be able to preach the gospel and Russian TV for four hours straight if you put my interviews together I can't even say the j-word on american TV it's a swear word and so except for when I went on Oprah that was cool but I'll tell you this that when you plus and minus four hours in a timezone you get a lot of countries and so we are literally going for eight billion people we literally have preached the gospel to seven hundred thirty million people with nine staff and our team based out here in Southern California and we're going for a billion for the next seven years so keep us in prayer but we are looking at America we are praying for America and just before I came into this building they showed me the thirty acres that you have out there and I told pastor Bob I said something's very significant was gonna happen this morning and I believe I know what it is and it was the confirmation that the life without limbs eight thousand person tent sixty-four thousand square feet that we have is going to be put up there in 2019 and I'll be preaching at least ten nights in a row and we'll see God willing thousands of souls here so we're excited God blew my socks off already Pastor Bob said God already blew off my limbs out of the excitement I love how he says that turn to the person next to you say are you ready awesome if you're a believer and you sometimes come to church and you sometimes take notes this is definitely the sermon for you to take notes in I'm gonna be sharing about seven or eight different verses that really you can always go back to can you turn me up just a fraction of a fraction thanks perfect that you can always go back to when you go through difficulties in your life and really quickly I want to share with you some family photos can I show you my family this is my family we're gonna be you know everyone say the word never yeah now say it in Australian actually never very good I had no idea that God would give me a wife that when I was a kid I concluded that I'd never get married even I forgot married I can't even hold my wife's hand even if I had kids can't even hold my kids when they're crying well this is my wife Connie we'd be married now for six and a half years totally married up I'm three three she's five five and she's incredible note that all jokes aside seriously it's amazing how God has brought us together we have a book on it and I don't hold her hand I just hold her heart amen and her name is Connie she's half Japanese half Mexican we call that job second Kyoshi on the left is five years old down on the right his three years old two girls be careful of the people who pray for a double portion one out of two hundred and seventy five pregnancies end up with the embryo splits and you get to this is next photo Olivia and Ali they are now nine months old if I had fingers I'd pinch myself Wow we're gonna be on the beach this afternoon not down there waiting for me up in Ventura County and we will we got a week over there and just be some family time I can't even begin to tell you how rich I am so wealthy and it's got nothing to do with my bank account it's all about knowing the truth the three things the truth of your value the truth of your purpose and the truth really of God's plan for your life where you're going where you're not here and how that all intertwines in understanding that as we battle with things we think we need and we finally get what we want and it's actually not what we need and we always disable our faults and mentality and limits what God can actually do and we kind of set up ourselves and if we're seventeen years old well I just got to get into college and then everything's gonna be okay you get to college and nothing's okay you need a job you get your job and your boss stresses you out you're single and you want to get married and you think that everything's gonna be better when you get married then then you realize well I should have talked to some married people before and they'll tell you today if you ain't happy single you ain't gonna be happy married can I hear an amen those are the married people saying Amen and there are some of my younger sisters who believe that you need a boyfriend to feel loved and there are some brothers and sisters who a boyfriend/girlfriend who come to this church who are sexually active who don't understand that if your boyfriend loves God then he obeys God and he honors the relationship that he's given to you yeah and if your boyfriend cannot honor God before you get married how do you think he's going to honor God in your relationship yeah after marriage sex ain't love you can sleep with anyone you want as many times you want sex out of marriage is never better than in marriage let me let me bring a homerun for that point just for a second okay anybody who actually has sex before marriage there's a chemistry that happens in your brain because a part of you knows it's kind of wrong because it's just it's just that's the way it's design and and this this element of chemistry that happens in your brain because it's kind of like secretive it's a different chemical reaction that happens in you and a higher different type of adrenaline rush that actually could be the basis of someone later on cheating on their spouse because it's kind of secretive and when they first fell in love they don't feel like they're that I've never felt that again and for me I want you to know that there are people who believe that God is the god of rules I've coming to tell you the god of rules that you believe is the god rules is a god of freedom and blessing he wants to give you the best and for me when I was you know going to school and kids would come to me and say well what happened I just tell him cigarettes and we know that in Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 it says for another plans that I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you not to harm you plans to give you hope in a future God wants to give us his best he is not the god of rules or condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and he is the God of blessing he's not the God that's bringing war he's not the God that's bringing famine all that stuff came from the fall of men Adam and Eve they had perfect lives forever in the Garden of Eden as they were holy until they then fell and the big question for me was if God knew that the world would be a disaster if he let the serpent in the gun of Eden well how unfair is that fair question oh do you know the answer so we know that Adam and Eve had free choice Adam and Eve God three people in the gun of Eden if Adam and Eve only heard God's voice then where is the room for free choice to hear something else other than God so he is a God who didn't want robots we live in our we live in love we love you Lord stick and we'll stick to your rules we love you know he wanted children who'd believe by faith everyone say by faith what is faith faith is actually being certain of things hoped for sure of the unseen Hebrews 11 I think verse 1 I want you to know that in your life do you see this journey here this table when I was eight years old I looked at my life I kind of had to force myself to think through life a little bit more cuz I actually could not do everything my friends could do so I was sometimes stuck we're talking to my teacher I quickly figured out at age eight my teacher isn't here for fun my teacher gets paid my mom and dad have a job they get paid I can't even take myself to the restroom what job am I ever gonna get and all the people who come up and say well what do you want to be when you grow up I don't know my goodness can you imagine if I was your surgeon in your local hospital I don't think so and especially as men we feel like there is more honor of what I can bring when I have another zero on the end of a check that I got from work no I would rather know the truth and be a rich man I would like to be a rich man and know the truth but in the end money drugs sex alcohol pornography fame and fortune if you put your happiness in temporary things your happiness will be temporary I was disabled in my mind and my spirit and my heart forget about the body it's just flesh in my spirit in my heart in my mind the disability was I need arms and legs to be happy I don't have a purpose without arms and legs I can't see anything good that could ever come from having no arms and legs and when I went up to my mom and dad I said I don't want to go to school they like where you have to go to school while everyone's teasing me well you know what we love you God loves you God's gonna plan for you and you're special oh I don't want to be special or I do I'll take it in you know and so it is and it is good to have arms legs unless you have arthritis but but but what we going to understand is there is some times where we got to do the shift from really from physical to really what really matters and for me when we buried my father of 62 years of age in May 14th 2017 of cancer we had peace did we weep did we cry yes I was even speechless I stuffed up my own speech like I never prepare for his speech Wow should have I prepared or what I couldn't and I'll miss my dad no one's ever gonna replace my dad I wish all my kids knew my dad I wish my kids knew my grandparents but I'll tell you that in our life when we look at our life when all is said and done we don't talk about the success we talk about who you are and were and that's where this whole message is the difference of believing that we can get ourselves to heaven or believing that all paths lead to heaven or believing that heaven is not real or God is not real and for me in my life when I was at school that journey of not knowing how God would use me the lies took me away oh you're ugly no psalm 139 says I am fearfully and wonderfully made God has more precious thoughts of me than all the grains of sand in the world oh this is too hard for you know Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me oh well you've just got bad luck no Romans 8:28 says all things come together for the good for those who love Him who been called according to his purpose and then there's another reference in the Bible where it says what the enemy tried to use for bad God can turn into good and to the extent of this when I was 24 years old I thanked God that he did not give me arms and legs miraculously because when I was 24 years old I was speaking in Anaheim some were there and there was a little oh boy with no arms and no legs being held up above the crowd no arms no legs and a little foot just like me and I'm like dude I wanna wrestle you and I got the father to bring him up on stage he has no arms no legs put my little foot on his foot and he smiled and when he's smiled everyone broke down crying can you imagine the guy from Australia God sends all the way to California and three days later was the first time that my parents were actually coming to meet me out here in California actually is for the one of the Greg Laurie harvest things happening in Anaheim they were coming this is 2009 I think they came out the hour I met Daniel was the hour my parents were on a plane from Australia three days later I saw my mom hug his mom my dad hug his dad crying can you imagine can you imagine the joy and the glory of God that my parents were able to witness where before my dad went home he knew that his limbless boy would speak in front of 18 presidents ten governments of which three would actually change laws about special needs integrating into society and education systems like Ukraine the previous president of Ecuador was with him for two minutes they were trying to push abortion for people with special needs you know what he said we need more people like Nick in our country for a little boy with no arms and no legs to now be in front of Kings I mean it's ridiculous it's insane it's Ephesians 3:14 exceedingly abundantly more than we can ever ask in imagine or attain now do I have a pair of shoes in my closet in case God says yes can I hear an amen yes everyone say the word ask right I our home church there was a guest speaker awesome acronym ASX yeah a for ask s for seek K for knock now is there anything wrong with me asking God for arms and legs but am I waiting for them no arms and legs or not rich or poor cancer no cancer I am NOT just a kid without arms and legs some of you guys think that you need big biceps at school to be call and say the f-word no you don't my biceps were so big they fell off you understand me I'm not just the kid without arms legs I'm an ambassador of the king of kings and Lord of lords a general in his army surrounded by his angels and I have found something not just a little but something to die for I can't stand in front of the gates of hell and redirect traffic God can use a man without arms and legs to be his hands and feet God can and I just met another chap this morning he's here in our midst he's blind he's a surfer and I love surfing I've surfed with Bethany Hamilton and stuff like she's the coolest you know she told me to put my hands out like this and and I prayed for my brother's sight he said I love that people pray for my sight and if it's God's will it's gonna happen in his time but until then guess what he's gonna go around they're going to Portugal to talk to people about Jesus toss up I want to ask you who are you and what do you want because that is the crux of everything today I know who I am I'm a child of God I have no arms or legs doesn't matter but where is Jesus well I gave my life to Jesus at age 15 John chapter 9 a man was born blind can you imagine if you know this story Jesus was asked why was he born that way they actually asked is it because this man sinned or his parents but then brought this blindness upon him you know what that kind of could be reincarnation right some people back then could have believed in reincarnation or that God's just the God of rules and now you you're gonna get punished I'm gonna make your son blind no he said it was done so that the works of God would be revealed through him Jesus spits in the dirt puts mud on his face now imagine if I am the blind man and I hear a phone and he made mud and then someone puts mud on my face I would at least take a step back I would say hold on timeout and Jesus didn't say hey mister blind man my name is JC I'm the healer and I'm gonna give you a facial today and when we're done you're gonna see he didn't do it there was no warning there was no plan when my house is on fire I know I cannot put it out and when there is a fire truck with a crew ready to put the fire out in my house I'm not gonna interview them and ask them what's the plan there are some of us that say well God I know I don't have peace in my depth of my soul but I just don't know what's gonna happen if I say yes to you are you quite done yet waiting for a season to change waiting for a relationship that you haven't found yet waiting for more money waiting for you to be better you can put faith in intellect faith oceans of faith in your 401k and your plane's a man we ain't here for long and we know we fail us and each other and I know that if someone hurts me bad and they don't say sorry I don't want to forgive him they say sorry I don't want to forgive him you you hurt my child you stole 360,000 dollars from me last year without a sorry whatever it is for you how do you forgive but unforgiveness disables you and you walk away heavy hearted how do we forgive how do we have that element it's not because of our strength the only way I could ever even think of thinking of grasping the thought of a thought to forgive someone who rapes my daughter is how much Jesus forgave me that is the only way it is humanly impossible yet my soul is free because I know that Jesus has died on the cross for all of my sins if he forgave me of my sin against him and my addictions and my anger towards him and my failures and all this stuff Who am I not to forgive you of your sin against me compared to him don't you realize that every biggest problem in the world comes from someone believing they're more important than someone else it's pride we're not more important than each other we're not much more holy than one another compared to God and that 15 years old I realized when people were teasing me it wasn't just about people it was about the spiritual realm warring for my soul it is a war don't tell me you're a Christian teenager because you come to church on Sunday you gossip you tease on Monday you don't know God period you're playing games period because every gossip and bullying effort at your school is 40% according to our anonymous surveys in 290 schools in America 40% for teenagers committing suicide in this country is because of gossip and bullying don't tell me you're a Christian if you're a part of that we're gonna understand it's time to stop playing games and there is a war and there is a war and he wants to use you now in your school and when you realize it's just a lie you talk to the Lions heads you know what enemy you can talk to my foot because the ears ain't listening amen amen you turn your back say nah man I'm forgiving I'm a forgiving child to go well why do you know the F word slips out of my mouth after I give my life to Jesus Christ am I gonna go to hell hell no sorry pass the ball when you give your life to Jesus some addictions like pornography smoking cigarettes and swearing profanity which by the way profanity is a very bad sin if you think it's not that every sin is about sin it's a sin it's a sin it's a sin if you lie it's a sin if you steal it's a sin you never committed adultery but you lusted over a woman according to God sin you are a jealous of someone sinned you hate someone it's so bad from God's eyes that you've actually killed him in your heart compared to God senator god help me today not to sing lord help me to go to church and and surround myself with people who will like mine that help me God to read your would help me Lord how to pray you know it only takes me by the grace of God I don't say by the grace of God yeah it only takes me five minutes to actually read a chapter I've timed it on average after reading the entire book of Matthew and John in the last thirty days and I'm not here to boast I'm just saying I sit on the toilet for 20 minutes and if you really believe God is God and you really believe you need him hallelujah thank you Jesus spiritual realm the Word of God is which part of the armor of God the sword it's time to ask it's time to be free it's time to understand that God loves you and he's ready for you exactly where you're at pastor Willie can I have you play some keys up here I play kids were not warmed up yet at age 15 I want you to hear this what if your son became a janitor at a high school what if [Music] but he knows Jesus he really lives for him [Music] not saying you can't be rich and serve God not saying that at all quite the contrary but what I want you to understand when I was 17 years old two years after following Christ I never went to the Bible Club at our high school I didn't want to be associated with them and one day my janitor at my high school looked at me he said you Nick said yes Arnold said you're gonna be a speaker [Music] excuse me what am I gonna speak about you got to share your story I said I have a story he says yes you do I said no I don't and for three months he said go to the club go share you you know God you're a Christian go she ate your story I said nah me he twisted my arm I said yes my palms were sweaty my knees were shaking and one go cried her life changed forever someone else's daughter because someone's son was the janitor come on the first of 3500 speeches incredible don't give up on God God will not give up on you he will follow you as you walk out [Music] sometimes we walk out cuz we dial him and he doesn't answer any dial him in a text him in whatsapp him doesn't come back trust in the Lord last verse to write down proverbs three verse five and six trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not upon your own understanding acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your paths I was blessed that since 2000 just six weeks ago I was with that janitor for the first time after 18 years hahaha it was so cool it was so cool he said where you been said I just came from Iran and India he's Indian he started weeping he said I've been watching you and I knew that this day would come [Music] it's not about how the world sees it it's how he ordains it he doesn't make sense and he's not an owl watch most of the time but we can go back to the wood every day as I fail pick me up strengthen me as a hunger and thirst for righteousness his grace covers me Jesus died once and for all am i perfect no but I will strive to be the warrior for Jesus until my last breath why cause I am convinced I am NOT an atheist not because I've seen angels but because I've seen demons I am NOT someone who says science explains everything because I've seen exorcisms witchcraft voodoo and black magic [Music] also science can't explain how three holes in my back according to California doctors closed up it's an incurable degenerative spinal disease that they've never seen reversed ever I do I thank you [Music] [Applause] the funniest thing is when I first saw my first MOOC when I was 19 years old and a crooked back came up straight and she fell to the floor weeping for about 20-25 minutes that's when you know it's really real and I'm like ha God is in the house I'm ready any time now give me arms and legs I just saw her miracle [Music] well my plan oh gods flame I was at the White House 10 weeks ago I'll be there again come on arms and legs if he gives it to me if here if not up there but if here well it ain't time yet then so stop wasting time let's go you got a neighbor you've never invited to church what is the worst thing that could happen they say no what is the worst thing that can happen if you never invite them to church you're 50 you're 60 years old and some of you haven't even told your closest unbelieving friends how you became a believer why my kids benefit from my dad's book that he wrote and finished three days before he found out he had cancer my boys know how my father came to Jesus forever cuz it's written in the book man write your story down tell what Jesus has done for you it's time can God really forgive me of my sin and forget all of my sin yes you had an alcoholic father I'm sorry that you had an alcoholic father will pray for your alcoholic father but now you know what alcohol can do to families you didn't get a miracle when you prayed for a miracle but does that mean now God can't use you for your family it's generational the choice comes today right this at this moment I'm planning on going to Ventura County to walk with my wife on the beach Nick may die in the next three hours on the road can anyone guarantee me that and the people who told me Nick if you come back to my country and another sixty thousand people give their life to Jesus Christ I'm gonna kill you we went back there he came to kill me he gave his life to Jesus Christ instead [Music] the moment is now tomorrow is tomorrow you can't control tomorrow you control now watch this when I say the word now ready now that word now is two seconds old whatever happened happen what's about to happen is about to happen but then now as I am that is that now today is the day that you get saved today is the day that you'll quit doing things your way today is the day that you hold Jesus by his hand and say I'm done for the sake of me for the sake of my family or future family I want freedom from me from my sin from the PALS and principalities of darkness and I won't ever know everything about you but I know one thing I will never be perfect but you still will love me today now stand to make your choice and in the 3,500 speeches across 60 plus countries that I was able to do this this morning about 40 gave their life to Jesus last night about 80 gave their life to Jesus so I'm expecting at least 80 for this service well why do you call people down the front well first of all I don't lay hands on anyone but if you can't stand up for your faith in a moment like this in a setting like this if you can't stand up for your faith here how on earth can you actually stand up for your faith out there that's why I'll call you forward and this is not just for the sanctuary you're in the overflow theater you're only walking distance from this sanctuary as I call out the opportunity to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ that starts with the prayer that I want to lead you in you will get out of your seat and you will come here at the front in this room in this entry in fact volunteers open up the doors and keep them open between here and there and make that train of volunteers for them to be led here now if you don't mind please but from the youngest to the oldest Christian this is not the time for you to think about getting out of the parking lot because the traffic this is the time my brother my sister you're praying silently for the people around you because there are many who need to come forward today and when one says yes God forgive me of my sin come into my life all of heaven stops for a party they've been partying all night long baby imagine 120 birthday parties it's exactly what happened they're still partying yeah it's a welcome home a soul saved your mind and I'm yours and I'll never leave you today when you hear his voice don't harden your heart I don't know what you needed to hear but he did so answer he's knocking he's calling answer the phone from the front to the back to the overflow room this is not a rededication you do not have an active relationship with Jesus Christ if that's you stained now grab your things and put one foot in front of the other don't wait for the first person be the first person and remain in your seats if you're not coming up so you don't block the aisle that you're in or the road that you're in please but right now if you know that you know you need to make your life right with Jesus Christ stains and come now if you see someone getting up you clap them on down and we will wait until we know all have come forward who needs to come forward this moment now come on down don't wait for the first person be the first person come and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior from the front to the back overflow room there's one clap it on down you know you need to make your life right with Jesus that's too I'm believing for at least 40 trust me that's two three [Music] [Applause] fall five six seven come on down from the overflow room make a move that's seven [Applause] eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen Oh trust me there'll be at least 40 sixteen seventeen [Applause] 18:19 every soul counts 20 21 22 23 24 25 come on overflow room come on down thank you Jesus [Applause] your hearts pounding your feet of heavy good move move come on down this another 1 2 3 4 5 people come on [Music] 6 7 move teenager you're either living for God God's Way or you live in for you you're way you're either living there is no offense you're not sitting on a fence that's a lie you're either living right now for you your way or you living right now from this moment on for God in his way this is the second of three calls because we don't have another service after this so I don't care how long we take neither does Bob we already talked about that second call before the 3rd same thing but I'm waiting for another I'm waiting for 20 young people I'll say it I believe 20 young people move come on down there we go 1 come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on Bob young people come to Jesus there we go - you don't want to go alone come with someone else there we go 3 4 waiting for 16 more waiting for 16 more here we go volunteer here we go 15 I'm waiting for 15 more young people come on I'm waiting for 15 more people 14 hallelujah here we go 13 12 12 hallelujah move young people God will meet you exactly where you're at 12 good 10 left waiting for 10 10 you don't here we go good I'll take awesome 9 was that you just came forward no yeah eight eight more eight more youth we ain't moving to the third till we see eight more you seven Oh hallelujah come on move move move move there we go for for them four three two one reverse count one two young people [Applause] hallelujah the last call is this some of you were still thinking of thinking of coming you don't want to come up alone cool great awesome fantastic here's the trick you turn to the person next to you and say hey I really want to go up there but can you come with me guess why they'll say yes this is the last and final call and with friends I really believe there's at least another 40 people with friends that we will can't see forward this is the very final call if you know that you need to come come now 1 2 3 4 5 overflow room come on down right now 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 come on down come on down ask him ask him ask him ask him ask him ask him 17 18 19 anybody else 21 22 23 they're coming 24 [Applause] 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 from the overflow room [Applause] 31 32 33 34 [Applause] from overflow room 35 36 [Applause] let's give God a shout of praise come on church now you can stand to your feet [Applause] waiting for for more people we waitin on you ish for ish anybody last call last call final final final final final cold we good [Applause] we all said we all died you don't have to be worried about what your parents will think you don't have to be worried about having to hold the Bible in your hand and try understand what's going on you come from maybe a foreign country there'd be no way that your parents would bless this Philly is one more [Music] don't be afraid just come forward [Music] so anybody else you don't have to know all the answers yeah good awesome let's bow our heads and pray dear Lord Jesus we come before you we thank you so much for what you've done this morning we thank you Lord that even though there are some that maybe have not come forward Lord you know our heart and we thank your Lord that you hear every prayer you even know our prayer before we pray Lord God we thank you for your presence here in this place we thank you Lord for horizon Church the beacon of light of your love of your hope in Christ Jesus we thank you Lord you had bless this community I pray Lord God you'd bless the school's I pray Lord God that you bless us all those who know you to move where you want us to move to speak where you want us to speak but to really spend more time with you on a day-to-day basis Lord Jesus we pray for marriages we pray for those who have no parents Lord Jesus you know what's going on you know the silent depressions you know the addictions you know the afflictions and even the hatred we have against ourselves father we cannot rewind time bring liberty in this place from the past freedom forward thinking to look forward to what you have your thoughts your plans give us faith to know that you were with us right now though we pray for cancer to be healed blind eyes to see deaf ears to hear the mute to speak anything that the doctors say that's wrong with our bodies we pray for that miracle in the name of Jesus right now in this moment fire of God come upon us although we thank you that the greatest miracle of all is knowing you thank you for these precious people up the front bless them comfort them hold them hold them no weapon formed against us shall prosper we speak against every power and principality of darkness be gone in the name of Jesus we pray for every home to be saved Lord we thank you for these beautiful people as they prayed this prayer if you up the front please repeat this prayer to me say dear God I come to you today and I thank you thank you for loving me thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for all of my sins I'm so sorry for the things I've done wrong forgive me God from this day on I do not want to sin I know I'll never be perfect but from this day on I choose to believe in you and the planes that you have you fill me with your Holy Spirit and work in me one day at a time teach me to pray show me the Bible and every day give me faith to know you're with me thank you God for heaven and for real hope in Jesus name I pray amen amen hahaha if you're standing at a seat sit down so then you can see how many people we got up here we have literally about 115 people up the front can we give God a share to praise hundred 15 I want you to look at me I want to let you know that we're a family I am your half-brother you you're my you're my sister you're my brother we love you just the way that you are we want you to know that if you don't go to church come back please every Sunday we're here if you're young kind of like younger like teenage they've got Youth nights going on please come back Tuesday night Bethany Hamilton good friend of mine she taught me how to surf in Waikiki she was at my house about four weeks ago three weeks ago maybe and and she will really also bless you and your family as well I love you very very much and this is just the beginning tomorrow morning you might wake up and say okay what do I do now there's a fair question and we're not gonna give you now a Bible and say here's the Bible a good luck and there's a trick to the Bible skip the first three quarters just forget it just go straight to John yeah look up John it's easier to read it's easier to understand the life of Jesus from the Gospel of John we want you to know that we love you if you need help but I'm being serious if you need help maybe you have a very dangerous situation to go home to you don't have to leave here without telling someone we really love you you need groceries we'll get your groceries right church will never judge you will never put you down we're not better than you no one's better than you but no one's less important than you we love you we want to call you hey how can we pray for you how can we pray for your family so anything we can do for you that's the kind of call we'd like to give you a call on no joke you will get a call this week if you give us your number because I've seen a million people come forward plus million and I don't know what happens to them later it sucks because not every community it is rare to have a church like this in your backyard speaking from an evangelist who see many of the world this church is special and God is hearing your prayers to San Diego my brothers and sisters to keep yearning support where you can support be a light where you can be a lot but this church is here to be your refuge and we love you come back to this church if you don't have a home church come back we love you this is Pastor Bob awesome team like one of my favorite churches in the world now we're coming back with a big big big 64,000 square foot 10 yes you are we're coming back we love you so to know authentically this church cares for you we want to follow up with you volunteers hold up what's in your hands volunteers hold up what's in your hands these are packs is the Bible's it's a letter from me to you as well to congratulate you we want to give each and every you one of them you volunteers may have to come forward because and bring get a lot more we might need some backup volunteers no joke from the back to actually help us please listen to this everyone say repeat this after me this will only take three minutes okay I want you to know that if you go back to your seats I will drag you back up okay so right now volunteers guys can you please fill out the card we won't ever call you for money we want to help you want to call ask how we can pray we love you volunteers give out those cards fill out those cards right now with the pens and go for it mate Go Go Go Go Go volunteers hello hello hello Go Go Go Go Go give them out give them out give them out and fill out those cards and give them back to the volunteer yeah pass the ball Church can we think nick for being here this morning praise the Lord Wow come on can we really thank him for being here thank you Jesus thank God thank you Jesus for Nick amen in his arms in his feet the arms our feet of the Lord Jesus Christ and here's how you can be involved here's how you can partner as these folks who have come forward or filling out their cards in the courtyard is an opportunity for you to partner with us and with Nick as he goes around the world and fills up stadiums and arenas and churches and high school auditoriums we're partnering with them and we want to invite you to partner as well and Nickleby out there to meet with anyone who decides to come alongside and partner with his ministry and then together by faith we are claiming next year yeah to set that tent up on the back field and see God do an amazing work in North County amen amen so watch this video here watch this video as to how you can be involved and then we'll see you in the courtyard [Music] this experience was very powerful the way he spoke to us it was amazing yeah it was quite a amazing experience with Nick but when you see this man come in then you see this smile on his face and you see the love of God just shined and radiates through him it's such a humbling experience they decided to support the organization because then it's so far-reaching you know there's only so much we can do here locally wait feels like he's just the whole world that he can touch the whole world [Music] like a good place to support I think it's got a great book I'd love to recommend you'd be the hands and feet living out God's love it's in the courtyard some other merchandise out there if you want to partner and be with us and supporting Nick we'd love to see a sign up and be a part of that let's all stand Church
Channel: Horizon Church
Views: 3,672
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, church, horizon, Bob Botsford, sermon
Id: WQQr0qQWcc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 15sec (3975 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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