Nick Offerman Is Real Life Ron Swanson

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any-any marriage is like a garden you have to pull the weeds and fertilize the soil if you want to enjoy the delicious tomatoes interesting alright look at that look at those eyes you've got the best peepers in the business look at that face look at that guy come on hey nick offerman where does this moustache rate on the Ron Swanson scale 3 cent I think I speak for all of Chicago when I say I can hardly contain my giddy excitement at merely being in your electrifying presence I am experiencing an adrenaline rush that Olympic skiers and bullfighters can only dream of both of you guys here I want to talk about this book Nick I love the look thank you this is very wrong I'm hoping someone will cast me as a wizard make no mistake Conan waves of pure joy are washing over me like a child experiencing his first Christmas morning and I'm consumed with a rhapsodic delight the likes of which I've never known wow I know what I'm about son not sure you do know what you're about that is a pretty attractive rendering of my several Chin's but I'm not sure Ron what ever wear that shirt and what what planet is behind him fascinating thank you no is this right you I can't believe this because you're such a sweet gentle guy you used to be a bouncer in Chicago I did work for a time you know we've all done sort of every job my my freshman roommate was my best friend my next-door neighbor from my hometown yeah so we sort of discovered sexual adventures together we had a Nick what do you say I mean alongside one another like a homemade card well yeah cards are not that hard I might like my friends and co-workers often say to me you know thanks a lot Nick you're making us look so bad in front of our wives Oh cuz you made a card yeah and I say let me tell you something Rob Lowe she lives on another planet she's gorgeous and so funny and it like it didn't even occur to me that she was out of my league she was like in another species they tell me she's human I'm a 23 year old black male and all I want in life is to be Ron Swanson don't tell me it's not possible don't please it's not possible but it's great and you actually you went back to your alma mater I did the University of Illinois at champaign-urbana I my woodshop and I built a Japanese gazebo that we then sounds like a joke but it's not no it's not eventually my doctor said your your artery walls are very thick and that's not great that's not supposed to be great now we want to thin them so so I cut it you know I cut down to like 87% red meat diet Nick Offerman I made a bat on the lathe what do you think small too small you look yeah you look fantastic you've got a little bit of a Trebek thing going why thank you with the suit and the stache is that your final no what does he say what is a a compliment thank you and so to get handed that juicy guest our role was such an incredible privilege it was really hard not to just giggle with delight I mean I had I was starstruck I've known them forever but I was like oh my god I have a scene with Will and Grace she's got a mouthful of bread so you uh well you ended up with I think one of the the greatest ladies in the history yeah the world Megan Mullally I love her I I'm so grateful I mean no kidding when you wake up and she's laying next to you you you immediately say okay what can I do today to keep this gig that I've got
Channel: CelebritiesFirst
Views: 764,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick offerman, ron swanson, ron swanson (fictional character), nick offerman woodworking, nick offerman interview, nick offerman (tv actor), parks and recreation, nick offerman funny, nick offerman answers, nick offerman wood, nick offerman atually me, nick offerman laugh, tour nick offerman's california workshop, nick offerman (author), nick offerman giggle, nick offerman tech support, nick offerman woodwork, ask ron swanson, nick offerman last of us, comedy
Id: a-cjKawF-zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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