Snake Juice | Parks and Recreation

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hello strange person who I have never met before who are you I'm Janet snakehold I'm a very rich Widow with a terrible secret who are you Burt Macklin FBI it was the best damage they had until I was framed for a crime I didn't commit stealing the president's rubies now I work alone lovely to meet you I got to admit uh I thought your costume would maybe be a little bit there you go nice gentlemen swan song how you living yes why aren't showing the snake juice I'm more of a whiskey man come on Ron come here come here for a bit you're good right there listen you gotta jump on the Tommy time Express this guy is some of the best investment ideas I've ever heard in my life make a baby tuxedo clothing line a department store with a guest list white fur earmuffs for men contact lenses that display text messages and then a phone that smells good own a nightclub called Eclipse that's only open for one hour two times a year cover charge five thousand dollars I can keep going how about this Ron try snake juice if you like it you gotta talk it up all night if you don't I'll shave John ralphio's head yeah I'd like to see that hit me a lot riding on this [Music] damn if that isn't delicious [Music] and then I say swanses got Swagger the size of Big Ben Club dude you gotta end it on the run I know what I have I've had it I know I got it you think I have been around the world I've Been Everywhere darling I'm a very wealthy woman my husband's kept me in the finest clothes from Bergdorf Goodman you see freeze FBI no leave me alone get us in the air I didn't kill anybody and I didn't burn down the middle either my sister did but now she's been eaten by wolves let's see here hello my name is Ron Swanson in general I try never to speak with people but I have been drinking this snake juice thing and it's damn good you should buy it yeah okay thanks man son you should know that my recommendation is essentially a guarantee drink this now no offense but I remember you having a Nursing degree and feelings of offense that's rude I'm gonna go dance douche her up hey are you okay I heard yelling yeah I'm very angry and I'm really drunk do you want to dance with me go get me another snork juice oh that's that's maybe not the best idea for you forget it jump rope yes I'm here dance up on me yes yes yes every time I cleanse I can literally feel the toxins leaving my body I know I feel so much healthier I've still got a full week to go before the broth stage pre-broth is an amazing stage it's when you're most alert good someone needs to be alert tonight this snake juice is basically rat poison everybody's wasted you don't even know what they're gonna even say what they can do she asked me the whole thing and I didn't even do it once I'm like an elephant okay if I walk into a room it's like okay he's in there turn this music down [Music] is this everybody and took a cab time's in the trunk Jerry's on the roof all right where to First your mother's butt [Laughter] I'm so alone if even one of you thinks about dry heaving in my car you're all walking home Leslie I'm here we have to go hire a new PR director for the health department oh my God I'm so hungover I've never been this hungover I feel great I ran 5K this morning really no I threw up in the shower [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 2,612,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parks And Rec, Chris Pratt, Amy Poehler, Leslie Knope, Ron Swanson, Parks And Rec Bloopers, Parks and Recreation, Andy Dwyer, April Ludgate, Leslie and Ben, Tom Haverford, Aziz Ansari, Snake Juice, Season 3 Parks and Recreation, The Fight, Nick Offerman, Aubrey Plaza, Marvel, Guardians of the galaxy, Jurassic World
Id: uZ2VDsXhwWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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