Nick Cannon On Why He's Never Getting Married Again | expediTIously Podcast

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yes I believe relationships in mainly marriage okay is designed to please women hmm let me it is yes sir what is something along your journey that you've had to unlearn unlearn oh [ __ ] to be a be honest [ __ ] my my behavior when it comes to two women mmm yeah like I had to unlike I said it's a whole new paradigm shift because I come from the the culture of wanting it to be pimping and wanting to be you know just I'm glorifying the aspect of disrespecting women well okay that's what I had I'm still unlearning it because be honest be honest cuz you know and I'm using my music still using [ __ ] still using host you know but at the same time we get coming into this world of life we embracing our Queens we get him back to that idea of uplifting the woman in that the black woman is God but it's a it's a hard thing to unlearn when it's been perpetuated in from our music to our movie so just sexism in general treating women like second-class citizens that [ __ ] is that's it it's difficult man like because I want I love women like I got the love women away POC love women away prints love women the way lenny kravitz love women I look like bill mom so there's a aspect where I'm ya see no that's not what I was about to say is if what you with what you're doing is done out of love and it's it's it's endearing I don't know how now have you obsessive say you had an obsession no I do because I think I get what you said because I I think I'll never be able to be with just one woman again like that like that's gonna be tough for me like I I did it in a marriage I was very faithful in my marriage but I [ __ ] so you were saiful in you man absolutely the whole time I was married but I knew like you know not and the reason why we split up with infidelity or nothing like that but I knew I would never get married again once I stepped away for now I was like that construct is not designed for me yeah and so it's my I gave it my all and then cuz even before I was like I don't believe in marriage but [ __ ] right carry [Laughter] to the moon I married somebody i'ma marry her don't look like you've looked back so but I just know like even in that thing like I know I'll never be in a relationship again and like I know I'll never get married again I'm like I'm trying to figure it out so what about like the like the the poly lifestyle even like I respect a polyamorous situation well me personally that's too much of a construct with too many rules in it I don't want to answer to nobody I don't I don't want five or six that I don't wanna know I wanna be by my goddamn self like you wanna be by yourself yes forever you sure I mean I got lonesome tattooed on my neck I'm good yeah sure I don't see say right now I don't have what you have you got a beautiful situation you got a queen that y'all go through it and rotten children like I got kids I got kids but you know different women so do I but it's like I feel and I want more kids but Oh believe me you keep it up you're gonna have you going you have no man you be caught up in no time like I mean what is it you try to figure out exactly cuz I don't want I don't want to be responsible for nobody else's happiness like I'm still trying to figure out my sheet I'm still trying to get my [ __ ] together okay and I ain't gonna get too deep into this [ __ ] but the fact that you know I have a condition that stress I puts me in a hospital you know Lucas type [ __ ] and to meet all all relationships equal stress ain't never been in a relationship that wasn't stressful whether I'm swingin stress on myself or whether she putting the stress on me some like ever I see some of that ever since I've been out of relationships I haven't been back in hospital I'm just saying this is a [ __ ] expect you to [ __ ] go dad to the hospital of love I'm just working on me I'll try to be the best be possible I love women I love various women and they understand what they understand how I move I think that's the that that's the key to it all you know I'm saying to just understand it yeah and honesty upfront yeah solid like look this is how I move so I decide all of the women Oh or made me not and maybe now maybe now but all of them that have an honest understanding of where they stand in Nick Cannon's life out of all of them yeah it's never one of you like you know what maybe maybe you should stay another week I'm still a hopeless romantic just go home believe in relationships don't mean I don't believe in love but I care deeply for a lot of them like I have a lot of love sure they kid but and now that I have situation I have certain people that I'm like yo I want this person to be in my life forever okay but I don't want to sign no paperwork with him oh I did we got to bring the government as it is I don't [ __ ] with them already I mean I think this makes a lot of sense but women women women women are going to yeah they gonna be but at least I'm honest this is true and the thing is like I understand because I'm gonna put it out there right I believe relationships and I wish we had some women in here because there's just a bunch of testosterone right but I believe we speak it from my perspective remark just gonna have to soak it up for my got plenty of show now they do a song [ __ ] about us that's oh come on listen what would you say I believe relationships and mainly marriage okay is designed to please women hmm just because they get the dress they get the ring all that stuff all their life they're talking about own hitting the husband's the house is their fence yeah like I'm never just she was just there yeah we just show even at my wedding I was I was apart yeah I just told you tell me what and where to go I'll be there I repeat with this thing saying and paying for the way yeah I've never seen something that was so much of a racket like it's almost like once they got you in you set the date all the vendors whether it's the venue whether it's the they've created [ __ ] on the streets weather yeah man the dressmaker is and it gets to a point where it's like that's how much it is yeah you gonna pay for yeah and cuz you wanna you wanna stalk about a woman you love I mean to tell me you gonna you gonna do that to her yeah if you don't pay me five times the [ __ ] retail price this is so cold I'm gonna tell you what I'll start with the ring right next time know if you ever do do it again if you ever do do instead of paying for a win man just buy a new house and have it in the backyard but see well now because once I wish I more I carry is a entrepreneur and a brilliant businesswoman who our wedding was on her island in the Bahamas at the house took a music video budget to pay for the wedding very brilliant one money to call her see if she would be no but I'm gonna tell you what like this even [ __ ] me up cuz I was in my 20s when it happened and again because I was a hopeless romantic I was always getting engaged and I wanted to be married so I got I got engaged to this one chick right okay spent went to Jacob spent it all huh everything I had Wow but for the ring I bought this chick ringing yet when I everything I had but it was like it was up there there's a couple hundred thousand dollars on a ring that's too much yeah and you know cuz I'm trying to I'm trying to stun I I propose in Times Square oh my god I rented jets and Rolls Royces where the rolls is mine but either way it was still like I was trying to stunt I had the cameras there why exactly well it turns out she wasn't the one so but I'm saying that you know there's man a fine haberdashery and jewelry yes yes Jacob the jeweler at the time was the hottest jeweler and he had a certain design mm when he designed things right so he designed her ring which was you know like I said a couple hundred thousand and it had you know it was like a diamond in the middle a couple of you know invisible cut diamonds on the side and it was a nice ring okay so it doesn't go well she gives me the ring back right oh yeah that's generous yeah yeah yeah yeah she she gave what was that a part of the deal no not she gave it back she you know she won and it was a process it was weird of stuff like I you know I'll send it back give it to Jacob or whatever like that like and then time passes you know a couple of different chicks in between did you save the ring no I gave me gave it got your money so then it's time to propose to Mariah uh-huh I got to spend more money even my right literally tells me no you don't know tell me I seen the little ring that you gave it was not back bamboo is like People magazine and it was a moment [ __ ] so I get I was like I go back to my god shaker I was like you got it I gotta go bigger than what I did before Jake mmm like that one that one this one it got to be up there mmm again push all my chips in it's all I got cuz I this is really all I'm 28 at the time Double Down every while and out check every drum line check gigolo check I like that Jake like and this time it's it's it's I think this one was at least I think there's 16 carats total right but the ring because Jacob designed it look very similar to the you know to the layman's eye as the ring from the other why'd you do that Jacob did it this one this one had pink diamonds on it cuz it's more okay but if any didn't nobody everyone I own it just went and recycled that ring and that was the story that was like the first story after the way like that mccannon recycled didn't have enough money so he recycles one engagement ring that's how that's how my marriage started talk about weddings and stuff like I'm trying to do my heart and luckily you know it all panned out pretty well and I started making a whole lot of money you did what but to start it off like I was just trying to be this Mariah Carey Shirley mansion is though because you you mentioned that she said to you you know you're gonna have to do much better for me on my ring so and I know she might have been joking but she said that she okay but so you guys were already talking about you know yeah all of that so it was like first like you know first time yeah wake up because like okay so I got my toothbrush in here yo when I tell you I went all into it like it was one of those things but I mean yeah and she was didn't you she was talking the same talk I was talking like cuz I was like yo I don't really believe in marriage but there's something that we got here that I could I would live with this the crazy thing we spoke so many things into existence from like the first time we kicked it we kicked it for a weekend and we was talking about everything like you know how crazy would it be if we had a boy and girl and this and then even if it didn't work out we could still be friends like we talked like we almost took the tea talked it out what and it played out that way and it's so crazy that like I truly believe it speaking of things into existence absolutely and in the universe you know bring a certain spirits together so it's one of those things where she always gonna be solid with me she always gonna be somebody that I love and you know you got some beautiful kids out there thing man I mean I think I think it was it it was a beautiful time you know I remember me and my old lady we came to us yeah there's a few times couple times and y'all always you know I'm saying maintain a certain level of kind of happiness sanctity about you yeah yeah this [ __ ] didn't work out we still that way you know talk [Music]
Channel: expediTIously with Tip T.I. Harris
Views: 799,052
Rating: 4.8752275 out of 5
Keywords: T.I., Tip, Harris, Podcast, Hip-Hop, Atlanta, ATL, Rap, kodak black, tip harris, podcast clips, podcasts, expeditiously podcast, expeditiously, ti podcast, nick cannon, nick cannon expeditiously, nick cannon podcast, nick cannon ti, nick cannon ti podcast, nick cannon mariah carey, nick cannon divorce, nick cannon ti relationships, nick cannon mariah carey divorce, nick cannon love, nick cannon wife, ti marriage, nick cannon interview, nick cannon ti interview, marriage, divorce
Id: hMCi8weTXXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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