How Shark Tank's Daymond John Grew $40 Into A $6 Billion Dollar Empire | expediTIously Podcast

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financial intelligence extremely important but the schools are never going to teach you that that's right the reason they won't teach you that is that the education system teaches you that in in DUI depending on the system welcome everybody to expeditiously I'm your host tips here Harris now what we do here is we have relevant discussions that can push the culture and the community forward and we have these discussions with people who are relevant to the discussion now next guest has tons of wisdom and experience from the entrepreneurial standpoint he's come a long way from turning the $40 budget into what we now know as FUBU for us by us flip that into a six billion dollar fashion game-changer do I describe he's continued to be an entrepreneur in every sense of the word not only a pioneer in the fashion industry but now shark on the four-time Emmy award-winning Shark Tank well I think I should also be a guest at least once or twice every season a New York Times bestselling author a branding guru a highly sought-after motivational speaker now I know that you all know what I'm talking about at this point so ladies and gentlemen please welcome to expeditiously Daymond John thank you man so what we do here man I try to kind of like set the landscape for the future millionaires and kind of get him some [ __ ] that they could use from where they are today to where they will be when they become me or even the likes of Daymond John so I think the one thing everybody always wants to know is how do you start yeah there's no one formula starting right don't the only key to starting is starting small starting starting with whatever resources you have so whether you was out in the park you know I mean having a having a wrap and and perform and entertain people what I was on the street selling hats I took the shot and did it I didn't I didn't I didn't say man I need a I need a big budget I need I need to just design this I can't you know I just had to do it I just had to get out there and keep doing and that's the most important thing than anybody anybody and that's the successful people that's what they do that's I think I can attest today now you turn to $40 budget from the booboo into a six billion dollar company okay now I've seen some pretty miraculous things you know what I'm saying $40 in the six billion is kind of unheard of do you know when you put the put it in context it sounds crazy like that but I think every one of us has turned pennies into something remember the $40 was really me just going out and selling hats on a corner that I made I will close that business three times from 89 to 90 too because I would run out of $2,000 right I ain't doing this no more all right then people start saying yo man want to have that sure I've been looking for you I needed again and I'd be like I love what I'm doing here all right I'm gonna make some more so then I run out of another 2,000 they're not run out another time but then I started it every single time that I have failed I started to learn what I needed better right and that's how you take that forty or two dollars with zero dollars turn it into you know whatever it is it's just the origin of the stories for $1 and the reason why we share that is I don't want people out there saying yo you need money to make money because you know so so the lessons are truly in the losses yeah you know what I'm saying I think that we all can agree that we learn much more from the lessons than we do from the well the were much more successful like you and I who are sharing a level of success whatever we deem success be right it's always it's always the losses you know most people I see with successful companies of careers mmm they started the first time with the company and they didn't have the right legal structure closed it next time they had the right legal structure but they didn't have financing closed it next time legal structure finances but not distribution closing but I finally get to five or ten right they got everything in place you know I mean but they had to they had to they had to you know when he goes through the motions I had to go through the motions I mean I think that's that's true for a lot of us you know I think Jay dropped his first album do so well and came back and double down it was a cult classic in the hood but as far as commercial success when everybody was going triple and quadruple platinum you know he was like you know internet gold however independent he parlayed that into a better situation for himself and I also took that path you know I can understand you know exactly how one you know it has to take matters into their own but you also kept trying right I saw you you know listen I saw that you went out and you did a TV show right nobody say that was gonna work or not did it you weren't embarrassed to say what what if it doesn't work what if I get canceled you say oh then you go and do a podcast then you go and do all the things and you venture into other capital businesses and stuff like that but it's usually the people who are so afraid they make excuses on why it can't be done that don't get it done and instead of just failing [ __ ] it you failed right I mean I think there's a lot to be said for that like okay so so going from you know seller had sat on the corner and you know if saying closing business is an opener mom living from I guess shipment to shoot me what was the first sign of success that you can recall I think the first sign of success is you know my life is like all of us has been many little successes leading up to others the first sign of success was I got a store to carry my stuff and now they're they're selling out of it a small store didn't matter but now I'm getting proof of concept now I'm starting to understand what's selling right starting as a designer we all want to make a million colors a million styles so what I do I stood outside and and and and I found out the store would sell and even now soon fashion I made ten colors but the store sold 60% of black and 20% of white right now I cut my skills down to white black and blue right I had ten logos only one or two type of logos the FB and the other one so I cut my logos down you only want to double X at the time cuz you know back then there's no is where no shirt says small you know what I mean they went they wanted it so so that was the first success getting to test that right because you see instructing we all say what are your sales the reason why are we asking a sales we want to know who's your customer mmm right because if you don't know who your customer is then how am I gonna invest in you because then I don't know who you cost alright then the next successful I went to Vegas and I did a trade show and I wrote $300,000 in orders then I'd come back and I started making orders I would almost lose my house and go bankrupt because they know how money work took ad in the newspaper and Samsung textile division called and said we want to manufacture and distribute your clothes LL Cool J put in food when the gap add all these all these are these are a bunch of successes to me that that added up certainly now ll just like haphazardly just did that or did you did you like did you guys already kinda like have some form of any group we had some form of agreement but he did that on his own you know listen you know a lot of people want people of your nature and areas other people or me or who are influencers but L was the influencer Anna mentor and he and he he lived the product he really believed in our mission and he would have done it no matter what because he felt that the mission needed to be heard and you know he put that in the gap and now it was crazy I mean he technically got sued for that well you know I mean cuz he's going off-script and you know they could have said yo what are you doing here you know I mean they could they could have just said here's damages I think I probably try to swim for 100 million I'll say yo you just damaged our brand so for us by us where did that come from essentially forest buyers came from when I started here that Tommy Hilfiger doesn't like african-americans or Ralph Lauren doesn't like inner-city kids or whatever doesn't like whatever and I was saying to myself who's ever gonna value the crowd now I know those are rumors now cuz I know those designers but Tim Berlin at the time and made a comment saying we don't sell or make our boost for drug dealers and they put that in the New York Times they and you and I know that cats up in New York that's who cared like so I used to where I use is literally where my Tim's in my Queens okay quick so if you are if you make the technically the best boat in the world will have you only selling the mountain climbers they only need a once every year that's right but if we bind them the way we like Easy's yeah hey I need to buy two new pair of month yeah that's just spiked yes and then and then you just told me I was a drug dealer right when I wasn't you know saying that now you can have you know box me into a formality or stereotypes area time a lot of people do think that who was only for people of African American descent and that's that's incorrect because then I would have been a big hit the same way the Timlin was like then I would address Beastie Boys I would address MC serch day-out address Eminem I don't give a [ __ ] as long as you love hip-hop that's what so FUBU was a brand that was created from an art form that African Americans created and I always wanted people around the world to enjoy the same as people want to enjoy your music to let them understand our world right that's dope and in the transition of FUBU into FUBU platinum we had the Fat Albert stuff yeah at that time iceberg was selling sweaters for four hundred five hundred dollars and they were cheap sweaters as far as I was concerned and they also had characters that we couldn't relate to and I said I'm not gonna settle for five hundred doesn't cost that much to make I'm gonna sell of 80 or whatever the price is that I know that I can make it and get your budge and get them decent margin but I want people to know who Fat Albert and the gang was or Muhammad Ali or Harlem Globetrotters and be able be proud of wearing characters and or aspirational people of color and that's what I did and and I took already work really really well man that's dough dough I see a lot of people don't know these things about you so I'm gonna just pick up from what I know from lifestyle my experience sure I have a brand or two brands one of them being Kaku king of myself we've been in I think it's our 12th year business and another one being a hustle gang hustle gang athletics which is proud about eight years in business and it's a very tough thank you it's a very tough undertaking mm-hmm you know it's a daunting task to continue to design through fads and trends as doors close and then go bankrupt without to keep from paying people for their orders it stuff I came in when people said there will never be another artist like ya line is like spearheaded by an artist and you know we came in in that time right when the recession hit and everybody's loans weren't being you know acknowledged so on and so forth it's a very tough time for the business came in there sustained I can recognize and respect all of the wherewithal and the skill set is you have to you know be activated we in order to survive and you switched it even from platinum FUBU and you went in a quiet Kuji mm-hmm yeah so you're right you know and but to understand brands you know hot fashion brands you know the real length of it is stay hot five to seven years okay we got our unicorns out there we got our Ralph Lorenz in Nikes and Louis Vuitton but even if you look us up like Benetton and cold you know the ones up and down this herbs and flows right so I realized that a kid who had you know four years of FUBU in their closet who was in high school they want to look a little different when they go to college I'm a big boy a big girl now let me let me switch it up let me go let me go mess with you know one of your brand's right but I also knew that if I go on acquire brands where were my assets my assets well I knew how to manufacture molasses I knew a lot of great talent who own have a symbiotic relationship and I could put it on them and their videos and various other things and I also had distributions to the stores so now I gotta use that asset instead of being an egotistical person say well just by fool I'm not gonna do that I want to cry cool G I want to acquire atonic sneakers ayuh license out kappa but i failed at capital and i license Ted Baker I failed at that one and a couple of the ones we had Willie s CO and various other brands and I just kept kept acquiring brands he get him out there man how do you recognize the void in the market for you to feel I knew the Coogee had a legendary reputation and it went bankrupt because the guy in Australia you know didn't derive with it but I knew that I knew that if I purchased a brand that the old G's would be like yellow right that's cool Jess was $7.00 no now if I do that but I make $100 denim because you were never able to acquire they only made one sweater so I had brand equity in the name of it right you know what I mean and now I'm going to you know bring it over here and and and make it this so I think that's a phenomenal feat I think that's a phenomenal feat so I I see myself I know a lot of people look at me as a rapper and look at me as an actor if you really know me then you may you know consider me some sort of real estate developer or something like that but how I see myself really is a brand builder mm-hmm and it's kind of how I see you right over time you know from Grand Hustle to trap music to family hustled some rhythm and flow to a cool to hustle game to I mean just so many different brands that's been that that have been built throughout my career it I don't I don't I look at people like you know they have achieved the level of success that you have not just with one brand but in continuing to evolve recognize okay the exit strategy is this right and it's going to parlay us into this right I see value in that now I almost look I look to it more than I would someone who maintained one particular brand over a period of time I agree with you the ability and that's what the power shift is about this it's about pivoting it's about shifting power to other people is about shifting prior-year so I look at guys like you who have been through so many different industries and the majority of the people in your industry 90% of them you know they they fall by the wayside I look at people like Diddy I mean let's have started off as a dancer then all of a sudden the record label executive then a producer then he moves into my business and gets to the top all being fashioned guy and then he moves into the wine and spirits me right right each one of those businesses answer each one of those businesses are hard enough to make it halfway there how can he do that how can Magic Johnson move on move on move and how can the TI's of the world do that and that's exactly what the book was about and I wrote it because there is a there's a distinct thing that all of us have that can move those directions first of all we build some level of influence throughout our community and we've also negotiated mentally with ourselves what we can accomplish right then we go to the negotiation table we carve the best deals or the most lucrative deals for both parties at the table okay and then we nurture a relationship that will get 10 more deals out of you know through the course of our lifetime we weren't just transactional people but I know I mean okay so unless you have gears out of retail I guess a little bit yeah into Shark Tank the concept the idea like how okay so the other thing you did food were very well and then you parlayed it into platinum do you parlayed it into Cugini tenex okay that we could get you're a mastermind in our fashion world how do you shift gears and go into television and we have four Emmys you know I wish I could say that I was a visionary and I had a vision for all these actions that I've taken but it was I wasn't and what I did is I started writing books and I wanted to educate people on entrepreneurship mmm Mark Burnett calls up and says yo he saw me like when I on a TV show early in the morning on CNBC or something like that and said I got it I got a show this over be number one in London Japan and Canada it's called dragons and I'm bringing it to America I want you on the show I go who wants to see five business people talk like who wants to see that this shows garbage it's not gonna make it no way but I'm like yo you know what I need a trip to LA right you know I had some pieces out in LA at the time I was single you know go out to LA I say you know I'm gonna go on the show shoot you little pilot but here's here's the only thing you gotta guarantee me Mark Burnett you gotta let me go to breakfast with you cuz I got three ideas show ideas that are smoking hot that's the only reason I'm gonna do it right go out shoot the pilot I go to breakfast and mark he knocks down ideas before the damn orange it'll pretty wack yeah they're pretty wack and I think about it and the show gets picked up Doh show gets picked up so now the original for well Cuban came on year to okay but the show got picked up and so you know I know man I can see myself on this show I can see on the show too I could see myself but I'm saying like the show is because you've had to be on that side - yeah like you know to make it to the chair you have you have to be on the wrong side of you I'm still on the run you know you have to master both side 100% and I can respect you so tell me one thing that you guys really fought tooth and nail over that you guys really like jelly won't it you wanna show um we play tooth and nail over a bunch of things so I got I could tell you when we had a big disagreement about was there young brother comes on he has his come across collie and he had had a million point two in scholarships himself right mmm-hmm and he said I want to create an app where parents and kids can go and find out scholarships that are available and find the best way to get them and so young and he was a brother out of Philadelphia Laurie and I like the deal okay it's technology Robert Robert Kevin and Mark alike it's garbage and we're like because they're tech guys um okay so that they're seen things we're not and you know like me being or maybe you I'm not sure how you are but I'm a little jaded when it comes to clothing I've lost some deals because I thought I knew it all that's right right and it's very you know we get into a big garden because they're like well that's charity and I'm like why the charity because he's black but to me to me he he had proof of concept number one he himself had one point two million dollars in scholarships so he knows how to get the money right he's just transferring and putting it on to another platform to allow other people do that so who are you to tell me that I can't I shouldn't put my money into that and Laurie then invested with me on the deal okay and all of those that we got into a big arm and they got up and walked out there they got em walked out cuz they were like this is not the charity tank and this and that well anyway dude goes on to have a very successful company dad so they're wrong you were Laurie I'm Ian Laurie with Hugh Laurie what an upset on the up side of it but that the reality is the best thing that makes the show real is first of all it's our money those pitches are two hours long sometimes hour and a half long people only see eight minutes up we all know the fundamentals of business but the way we execute it is gonna be totally different I mean sent two pitches man most pitches are very bad yeah well you know on the show your show say it period 100% that's what Tim pitches two or three ago yeah and but that's why the show adds the entertainment value because you're seeing dogs and cats and whatever so the is it's different than you and me sitting there and I'm pitching you because you know I probably tone out after three minutes of you already know there's some [ __ ] you ain't want to hear I've been some bad pitches man oh man I've been some bad pitches people start sweating bullets you know slow and but you guys won four Emmys for Emma's yeah when did you win your first what season season season five season the show was gonna cancel the first three years well what what made them continually people wrote in people wrote in and said it's the only show on network that I can watch with my kids they found the dad and the kids from 18 if 8 to 15 we're watching one of the top show watch shows there and I felt good and people wrote in to ABC and said you need to keep hearing this thing it seems like an instant like wind it seems they had just had a show on prior to that call American inventor that didn't that that had a very short run what did it have proven success no they didn't even live long enough to have proven success you know now that proof of success as far as the talent that you know judges nobody you got to think about this here's how Mark Burnett thought he was like I'm not getting an athlete or a super active artist on the show they like put on people that you know you didn't know I mean you may have known cuz you know in the same hood most Americans didn't know who Daymond John was a Barbara Corcoran right or all these people and Google but with Google yeah but they wanted immediate recognition they wanted to say there goes Richard Branson that goes Diddy there goes ti there goes so forth and what happened was Mark said I'm not putting on yet early season I'm not gonna put on people who already have a job right you know Michael uh LeBron James has a job and if I put him on people are not gonna believe that LeBron James rolling up his sleeve coming over to your factory and doing he's a busy guy I get so when they said I'm not we're not gonna do it they said we're gonna cancel the show and then it just kept growing the show care and people kept coming and it's a fish you know profession it wants the pressure now we put on the tea eyes of the world because the the a Roger world some entertainers because we know that when your age and your experience you are you can you're running businesses now yeah but prior we wouldn't put on somebody like a LeBron or someone who's busy right you know people gotta say well it makes sense I mean I feel for season especially you know say yeah you gotta have people who kind of you know can give you first position yeah you digging and usually you know cats like LeBron and I mean even me for that matter man we go we we move with the money at the speed of opportunity but also you know social media when we came out of eight I mean there was only Facebook and Twitter and you couldn't really see like today podcast and also the viewers on the show and you had a company they see you pushing it they can see you stopped by the warehouse and checkout shipping they said they couldn't check that out back then and you know early time people weren't up on social media as much as as much as they are today I mean I think that you know it definitely exposed us more yeah exposed us to what's going on across town across the country across the world which is worktop benefit in that detriment at time absolutely but I think you have always maintained you know your position on the upswing of it all I'll try you've done phenomenally is there any other industry that you see yourself taking taking a position in I mean I'm in most of the industries now because of my portfolio I would there's no industry that I'm looking at besides maybe sustainability or you know that I can that I feel super passionate about you know so a price sustainability are you energy I'm an energy yeah yeah I think that's the new wave yes sustainable energy of course yeah you know clean listen if you're listening to us right now and you and you and you're saying yourself well man these cats are talking about being an energy you can go on the stock market and be an energy absolutely you don't you don't have that you could take $20 million pick yeah it takes you the breath I give you one you know and I love saying this I don't invest in stocks that I play I only invest in stocks that if they went away it would hurt my life yeah right soldier Amazon went away it would affect my life it's with Instagram Facebook go away Instagram it would affect my life so I I like this I'll call Shopify cuz everybody who has a store who wants to sell goods they put it up on lines and Shopify so ok if retail is closing but every single person becoming a brand right I've watched Shopify of $24 of what 3 years agos $450 today there's so many years ago and and so the people listening to us right now that's admit what's in your ass at work and you ain't got time to open another business right playoff or other brilliant people that's very invested in the Shopify Tesla you know man Tesla I got in at 323 know what this is for I think this is for 7480 some like he's gonna eat that keep it I don't break its gonna break a thousand it's gonna break a thousand yeah I got a good buddy man who he just told me I don't know how he knew but he said you should get if he was candle sticking and or doing any kind of day trading you saw the momentum last week building up and you saw the institutional buyers starting to come in I think the breaking of the windows all part of you never know right yeah so does it took that deal uh-huh it shot right up and then look back soon and I mean Amazon I got in Amazon at the 52-week low on Christmas Eve of nineteen so and that Amazon is a north of two thousand and and we know the mark is gonna come to a halt and a month another year or so double down when that happens yeah absolutely keep your money in there because if you take the winds right now you just got in you got to pay fifty percent on it but take it after a year you only got to pay capital gains twenty percent then makes it people don't know how money works these are the things that I feel the generation need to know if you could talk to you at the time when you sell a hats outside knowing what you know now what would be the main point you would try to press upon yourself financial intelligence know how the tool of money works I almost went bankrupt three times I was two times I didn't have any money and one time I did have money I probably went through about ten million fairly quickly hey and tell you somebody spit on foolish things though either I just didn't know how money works and the old gold saying is if you don't know if you know about interest you'll make it if you don't know about it you'll pay it right and if you look at athletes and you know a lot of winners most of the three most of them bankrupt they're bankrupt three years either paddle after leaving the league over sixty five percent of them or three years after winning the lotto they don't know how the tool the money works so financial intelligence is really important but the schools are never going to teach you that that's right the reason they won't teach you that is that the education system teaches you that in in depending on the system then you're not exactly then and then they want you with 17 18 years old mm-hmm to take $300,000 loans so they can pay you so you could pay back the interest forever and ever and ever so and especially today stats are shown that 50% of the kids graduating today they will retire with a job title that doesn't exist today when you're paying three hundred thousand dollars to go for it to go school for a job that you know know if you ever gonna have yeah isn't like the job that you will have hasn't even been created yeah yeah if you were to tell us on my 20 years ago you're gonna be a social media expert or a drone operator or a podcast operator with now once you still go to school you're gonna be a doctor an attorney please don't start cutting people open you ain't go to school absolutely you can go to prison for that but I think that is the key identifying exactly what it is you want to do and not just go to school just as a placeholder that's what power shift is about to do that let me ask you something we know a lot of young brothers and sisters were like I want a million dollars certainly but why what are you gonna do with it nobody knows you know you're gonna buy one Bugatti you gonna buy you know you're gonna buy a bunch of homes who that are income-generating you're gonna you're gonna live on thirty thousand dollars a year for ten years cuz you're gonna move to Bali and just do canoes but into unless you know you're why just like what we're talking about what is your why on why are you gonna go to school what is your why what you're gonna do and you're working so hard for this money right then you lost so you so the new book did you have right yeah it's it's tidal power shift power shift yeah but before we talk about the book how many books have you read in totale this is my pet this is your field book this book yeah man you're so you're like a real acclaimed author yeah I'm the only shark with two uh two best-selling books and I'm Dyslexic so it's a pain in the ass as hard as [ __ ] with dyslexia looming over you how do you bunk hunker down and write a book very hard it takes me three times the amount of time that it will take most people and I write it with a ghostwriter was on my book Daniel Paisner so it takes me a long period of time to do it so I'm asking because I'm thinking about doing I've done two novels and but the thing is I was in prison sorry I had nothing but tears right right so but the next one is gonna be my bag Rafi autobiography and basically I kind of like just sat back and forth with the I guess the ghostwriter that I have and and had interviews about pivotal moments in my life my perspective weapon what my head was and just point at that point and the manuscript looks great it's very difficult to do fiction as you know like Ti during a fictional novel and [ __ ] I I mean I I tried to do that just to be dare to be different right but I think that the biography is probably the more personal introspective look into one's life it opens you up a lot in my first book was Display of power and the reason I wrote it is I wanted to tell my story and and the challenges I went through cuz everybody made entrepreneurship seem so fly and so sexy when it's when it's all but yeah if you see Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade what happened is because of the stress of entrepreneurship a lot um and when you do that book on yourself it opens up a lot of different like you can't just say well I'll give you example my father left when I was 10 hmm but you're right on you you got to explain you got to open yourself up how did you feel a little bit what happened how did that affect you mentally so it you got a really you know when a book becomes a book when you man I think it started coming to you when people ask things about what's the first like the youngest memory mm-hmm and you know like for me people are surprised when I said the youngest memory is you know me peeling tape off my mama mouth from a robbery hmm I was about three years old still living in New York and so I I described this memory to them no you're not pull the tape from my mouth and say why they tape your mouth for mama you talk too much you know the guy he had been taking care of I guess that he separated us when he came in I didn't know what was going on he set me in front of the TV winning it with my mom you know saying like and getting her to tell him where the money was just crazy some some real paid-in-full type [ __ ] without the gunshots and I remember him before he left saying the key to the handcuffs is on top of the picture so she came in and asked me to climb up get the key and I undid you know I'm saying so though that's the youngest memory of myself yeah that's crazy you know I'm saying so that so I think when people ask or the first time you feel how'd you how'd you lose your virginity those types of things depending on your life it's going to paint a different picture you know I'm looking forward to it tell me something give me a piece of advice as an author you know what I'm saying like what is it that I should kind of tune my antennas to you know I think the detail the detail of what you were saying you know it's she a tape on her mouth but you know what was the feel in the room sillies you know like you got to get in real detailed and because you're gonna let that person mind wander and come part of you you know visual interpretation yeah okay you been the illustrious and entrepreneur that you are and I mean like a staple in the culture you did what is the worst investment that you ever made worse investment they tell me one of your favorites worse investments I ever made you know when I tried to do real estate myself mmm I I made a lot of money on real estate but the reason I made a lot of money for real estate is I loved it when I first made money I bought like seven eight houses right catch and when I got in divorce my first divorce it was oh six so the market was at a high yeah so if I paid three for something I got nine for it you know I mean and so I made a lot of money right but when I started to buy houses to flip them right and I didn't know what I was doing I'm the fashion guy over here yes I lost money on all of those houses so now I you know I listen I got friends it became a wife it became a walk but those are the worst investment but what did I learn from that number one that's not my thing I don't have a passion over at number two my assets I know some guys who who buy massive massive buildings and if I'm close enough to them for them to allow me to put a little nickel down on that and and let me live with that and let me do that instead of do this hmm I mean real estate for me man it was very fun you know from 2001 up to 2008 and you know yeah then the [ __ ] bottom fell out of it right and then I had to remind myself man you got a day job you don't have to take this [ __ ] so I got back to acting and wrapping this [ __ ] went to prison carrying on with the prison again came back home and then I said you know what one thing that did not shift in the market even as fickle as it was in real estate was commercial right commercial stays silent so that's when I just started buying buildings I started quiring buildings for I mean really because I saw the gentrification was coming into my side of town I saw what it did to Harlem I saw they did to Brooke yeah I started did DC yeah you know what I'm saying and I you saw what I did on the east side of town in other areas of Fourth Ward other areas that not necessarily my stomping grounds but I'm familiar with them and I saw how you know it affected the community you know foresight in the vision you knew you knew with it you knew where the puck was gonna land and when it came to mass that when they said we're building a two billion dollar mercedes-benz don't a stone's throw from my neighborhood uh-huh oh yeah damn if you leave me out of this place right and I just started acquiring buildings not even knowing what I was gonna do with them one of them that I acquired you know we were fortunate enough to make it a trap music Museum mm-hmm and we've been doing phenomenally well with that man I love to get you battle Anna yeah in Atlanta trap music Museum you know I'm saying celebrating the most significant contributors to the culture of trap music and now basically a place where weekend we are telling that story before anybody else can tell it for us that's great yeah me for us - yeah absolutely hey man you peanut what I'm putting down I picked up what you put down so tell me where did the inspiration for the the book power shift come from you know so this is my fifth book and every time I wrote a book I wrote you know my two other ones that did really really well as power abroke you don't need to make money you don't need a hand way to make money so I tried to get that out there to the world then it was rise & grind what are you doing with your 24 hours that or what is t i doing it makes him better than me in these areas and how using those minutes in those hours right that's what it's all about that's the true crisis that's the true courtesy and then because I don't have the ability to physically mentor people a lot I'm limited time I know I always compile the most commonly asked questions but I didn't answer in those other books get public speaker then what I started realize is everybody started to ask me they were like you've seen over a thousand pitches and negotiations on shark tank right and I've seen over 10,000 outside in the private sector and they were like teach me about negotiation what am I doing wrong and everybody thought negotiating is is a transactional thing where I get to the table and I speak with you right now and it's a transaction right but there's three parts to negotiations you have to play it sees that's the that's the first one yeah influence influence is the first part and then the actual negotiation and then how do you get paper together forever so somebody said to me what are you talking about uh if I see you nella Vater there's ninety seconds how did I build influence with you in 90 seconds you know you don't know anything about me I go cuz when I get out of the elevator I'm gonna look on your Instagram and when I look on your Instagram and let's say you're out there and your husband your husband is always uh you know talking crazy putting up confederate flags on his page I'm gonna you and everybody else well then you're a racist too you're not gonna know why I didn't call you back okay right or very suddenly I'm check you out I'm checking all the things on you and people don't realize that it started there they think it starts when the paperwork's exchanged no no then we go through the negotiator inkling the inkling that's what it is you know talking about real estate listen your reputation is like skyscrapers I'm driving through the city I can see these things from miles away that's right you know what I mean how's it looking to me you know that's real I mean how that makes sense and since you like you have you have lived on both sides of the social life as an entrepreneur yeah you've been married you know you've been single yep and you've been married again yeah okay so for the young entrepreneurs or for the young guys starting off coming up is it really cheaper to keep oh oh is it yummy or did is happiness down the road just yeah I mean like what is like as a young entrepreneur yeah what would you suggest young entrepreneur I don't care if you're entrepreneur or not I told I tell us to my daughters don't do it don't do it to you 35 they'll do it to you 35 what if you fall in love you miss their get married at 35 have the baby at 35 if they don't love it listen they don't love you you know cuz you ain't gonna get married to him then they don't love you right but you listen for the first 15 or 20 years you're somebody's son or daughter that's right at one point after that you're gonna be somebody's husband somebody's mother father grandmother grandfather yeah when you're gonna get to know yourself it makes it you know the Daymond John of 20 was not the Daymond John at 30 I had different I had different goals at twenty thirty but I was fortunate enough to be able to be smart enough to find myself there makes it you know and you can either grow together or grow apart there are no exception listen you're gonna live to 100 you got sixty five more years together I mean I think that I think that those are very useful tools those are very key like key elements of just a fundamental man set to success listen you gotta take you gotta negotiate with yourself first and you gotta take responsibility for what actions and so I put up a post the other day and I said listen this is my 18th City in 30 days thank God I have a beautiful wife that understands the fact that I love going out motivating people and and and and but I'm telling everybody here now you got to be selfish you got to do the best you can't be yourself right so then you could be a better partner to somebody else okay so let's say that you know saying Daymond John someone like aspiring to be Daymond John they're selling hats outside right now wouldn't with a $40 budget and they got a girl that's supporting them and helping them carrying boxes and doing all that net 821 and then they make it and by the time they 24 its FUBU you see yeah okay now at the time woody 26 and even Joe says [ __ ] the young lady not be kinda like a will I kind of helped you out 100 but that doesn't mean that you have to get married right she could be a partner in the business this is absolutely true and so don't don't make that don't keep her captive because right I helped you out or vice versa yeah I mean you want to get married and you want to have kids at our early age or at that age you should do it if that's truly in your heart you only be the exception not the rule exactly yeah cuz you want to do it it's it's fine you know maybe you grew up in a family where you didn't have family you want to make sure that you show love to these kids and you know what your husband or the girl or guy you're with you can see yourself living forever with them they have had your back okay no problem but why don't you not have kids travel the world together and get to enjoy yourselves together now I'm gonna tell you don't matter whether you get married I got married at 30 so I think about 30 35 40 25 hey listen man she ain't never gonna go how you speak never gon go like make sure you have a good ass partner at all they're right with you you got somebody that you can really really really really fought with when it all goes bad I could still say man you know maybe I some time and you know sad just make sure that you you got somebody that you could really really fought with come when they get tough you ain't gonna fight for no sucker you know I'm saying you gotta fight for a mayor and if you get down to the tough times you is not gonna be willing to strap up a fight with no sucker so generation you get get with a mortgage you can really respect that you could really admire in their most purest form and I think you listen your example of that I went to that I I got married at a young younger age right with a woman who helped me in the beginning when with my with my my brand okay um and by far most amazing divorce but by far the most amazing mother ever we've never had to go to court never made me look crazy and I never made her look crazy because the value and when she helped me with myself and being the man that I am today and being still a partner even though we're not married right I will I will oh her for the rest of my life and have her back the rest of my life - so you just you know but things happen people fall apart it is what it is but doesn't mean you have to destroy the the fundamentals of the rest of the relationship yeah I mean I can definitely dig I could definitely deal I think a lot of people may need they may need to uh they may need to hear that they might what's your secret to building relationships and making them profitable well the business relationships are always usually where do you add value to me and I had value to you how many Batman is Robin and vice versa you know surprise exactly the dating process don't jump into a really quick have there be triggers whether in your contracts or relationships with what you know go and show people whose responsibility is what you know and also draw that out whose responsibility is what in this relationship what do you expect what do you expect because listen a lot of people go in as partners and they yo let's do this and yo yo yeah but what do your what's your job what's my expectation you don't have that grey area because all of sudden one is conflict that's what we never talked about it I think that you know I think that like women a lot of times feel like they shouldn't have to communicate like you should already know I shouldn't have to tell you I think that is a big big big gap you know I'm saying because you know for the let's say for the good guys for the good guys you kind of remove their ability to kind of prepare themselves on their journey to make you happy and then for let's say for the not-so-good guys you know they're [ __ ] were already got an agenda you give them as out you give them like you know an excuse to use like well you never told me right you know what I'm saying so I think it would behoove young ladies that's how my daughter's desired time communicate yeah if you like whatever it is you expect say that [ __ ] up for it don't wait until the end of the deal you know to kind of communion I think the biggest challenge that women face what that is that they a lot of them have not been raised to be able to have a voice at the table which is absolutely wrong and they've been told why maybe other people their family no no no no don't don't stress the guy out if I don't address it now what's gonna happen when I do address it yeah and if he if he ain't [ __ ] the sooner they not are the businessman that you most admire and women yeah well I admire I admire all the Sharks all due respect of course our I admire Jeff Bezos probably the most because having a vision of a global brand and also being able to think scrappy I mean he just released something you know probably uh about three months ago we said if you're working over at Amazon and you want to make some extra money on your way home you want to drop off boxes you can drop off boxes so what did that do that gives my employees I know my employees they gonna mess up the boxes because they know they got to come back to work right they're making a couple of extra dollars but I'm reducing my outlay of course for shipping and billing that's thinking like an entrepreneur I value people like like that I also value people who change the world you know okay Steve Jobs till Naik when people come up with an idea and a concept are Tesla dude you learn more when you come up with something that's gonna change the way the planet exists that's right it's too fat is too it's too much for me to think about too big yeah that's I think that's my white whale you know if they're finding that one thing that kind of shifts the culture or shifts the generations existence I think we all have that capability man it's just about how we tap into and how we execute it what you've done time and time again you you and Mark Cuban you talk a lot I mean talk to mark a lot yeah yeah so can you share like some of the key things as it relates to business that you guys have shared like things you've taught him things he's taught you I can't tell you what mmm I've taught him you know because we're gonna admit it you know let me see what I've learned I mean a lot of stuff that we reinforce some power ship what I've learned for him because he's in power shift because power shift is I have a block 12 subjects in power shift from Chris Chris Jenner to pitbull to Mark Cuban to a lot of the people okay um Mark Cuban or told me that no matter what the business is you need to be hands-on with the business um you need to learn you need to learn what's going on you need to check in don't think other people gonna run it just like you and I said okay we all know that but remember he had a challenge over at the mayor's office you know it was there was a challenge about may be wrong management we're treating women not in a correct manner and I remember when I went to Dallas one time although mark let me come out of office let me come check out the office man I want I want to see how a basketball organization runs he was like I'm in an office in three years because when he was home in New York home Dallas he want to be with his son right but what happened when the cat was away the management was was was not doing the right thing and then the people who was suffering they would only see mark on the sidelines at the Mavs game you can't come over to him then go yeah you know you know what happened in office today so so when he found out he'd made a lot of changes that he started going over the office because he said no matter what level you get you when the cat is away the mice will play that's I mean that's an amazing piece of information to take away pitbull shared an interesting concept in your book about tapping into your inter pal and your inner power he said a lot of people feel that powerful is to exude strength I think it's the total opposite to be powerful is to be powerless it's when you give everybody what you get that's pretty profound pretty profound it's walking in the room eight you know it's walking on the moon making everybody feel special and saying I have all this whatever you want to use all this let's discuss it you know I mean stripping yourself of all of your armor and giving it to them you know I walk in rooms now and you know it could be intimidating because you've been somebody who was watching TV for 11 years and I noticed the room gets quiet a lot of times they're gonna think you know this guy's brilliant um I'm probably half as smart as half the rooms I'm walking into and when you walk in the room and say that hey everybody you know and you go like that much more smarter guys than me smaller wealthier than me what's up man I'm glad we're having a good time the only difference between you and me is you're a shark I'm a shark I just have a camera on me all the time I sit next to an [ __ ] named Kevin O'Leary that's the only that's the only difference come on and when I say that you let they let the guards down I know it's when I'm speaking to colleges you know the professors are you know chilling like this I just open up and be very honest I be like you know I'm not here to talk to you about macro micro-financing stuff like actually the professors here can give me a PhD on it and thank you professors for spending the time to invest in our future i disarmed them other than that I don't disarm them they may object they can't object really to me because I'm telling you my story you can't object to my story but the minute you need to you yeah the minute you start talking about some craziness and some people out there to put your panties down you know that's the key that's the key gasps you know I'm saying stop walking in the road with the tough [ __ ] because the way you present yourself will do is the way you will be received man I I really truly appreciate you coming through man I think you've shared a lot of key tools and fundamental advice that people could use on their journey from where they are to where they hope to be in life I think you said also reinforce some of the things I'm saying so it makes me feel again I need to hear it often and often often other professionals because then it helps me feel like I'm on the right track as well because life is about learning you know absolutely and again man you know saying you know I'm just gonna lay that down whenever y'all need a extra-sharp you know I'm gonna mention I'm actually gonna be extra shark in the tank please let me know I'm assuming that a book tour is underway yeah when you come to Atlanta man be sure to hit me up I want to take you to eat you know we're gonna go you know gotta go grab some soul food from busy bees busy bees yeah maybe a little cheetah you know saying you know it's gonna act cheetahs dinner at cheetah yeah five-star restaurant is it listen you don't go to cheat on the cheetah Club yeah you'll go to cheetah for the girls you gonna cheat a full of food yeah a blue flame Follies is pretty good it's extremely dark in there it's extremely dark we'll get a slice of culture the a was always our number one city from the top of the top to the bottom of the bottom hate this you know he's the best man we appreciate you so the tradition we have here expeditiously is the word of the week now the word of the week is aware that I use or should I say that I choose that is indicative of the discussion or the guests that we're having this word that I that I that I chose is parsimonious parsimonious parsimonious Oh par and simonia yes base word parsimony mmm yeah I'm fine orzo close the definition of parsimonious unwilling to spend money or use resources that is the antithesis alimony yes now what we do man we go use it in a sentence just so people who listening can go to school to the work or back to the block and you just were banned like didn't know that all their lives giving me nor you no credit whatsoever right but that's okay that's what we like to do here at expeditiously we're gonna help you guys expedite your way into a great vocabulary using it in a sentence let's see him most rich people remain rich by employing parsimonious habits like that is also true brother just came home wait I hit him with that because he be hitting me with the big world parsimony parsimonious ammonia ghin now thank you for coming here today but thank you for your contribution to the culture thank you for teaching us being the example and I also thank you for entertaining this man you put your support man thank you for uplifting the change in our culture and being the poet of our culture this has been expeditiously Daymond John everybody watch your favorite episodes of expeditiously right now on the expeditiously you to pay [Music]
Channel: expediTIously with Tip T.I. Harris
Views: 376,878
Rating: 4.9070668 out of 5
Keywords: T.I., Tip, Harris, Podcast, Hip-Hop, Atlanta, ATL, Rap, kodak black, tip harris, podcast clips, podcasts, expeditiously podcast, expeditiously, ti podcast, daymond john, daymond john shark tank, daymond john expeditiously, daymond john interview, daymond john story, daymond john powershift, daymond john podcast, daymond john ti, daymond john ti podcast, daymon john, damon john, shark tank, daymond john advice, daymond john business, daymond john fubu, daymond john power shift
Id: IUt5AwT3ANo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 8sec (3428 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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