Next Level AI Mastering with iZotope Ozone 11 Advanced

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hey what's going on out there I'm Sean Divine  hope you all are doing well today we have a   very very special special first look and demo  of the all-new izotope ozone 11 Advanced that's   right I said 11. I can't believe we are on 11.  we started beta testing this right after ozone   10 came out the team at izotope and Native  Instruments have been really hard at work   on this we got some cool new features redesign  Master assistant stem Focus transient sustain   mode all new Clarity module lots and lots of  stuff in here that I want to show you so let's   go ahead and dive in all right so ozone 11 were  greeted with a new nice little splash screen on   the master assistant Master assistant has had  a huge overhaul in terms of Aesthetics also   the AI technology that's measuring everything  in the in the mix let's just switch over to   that view and you're gonna see that this is all  redesigned this dashboard sort of setup where   we can control things like the tone balance  our overall loudness we also have a vocal   balance control ozone 11 now intelligently  will detect where your vocal is and it can   set that vocal balance accordingly we also  have some extras here in terms of Dynamics   matching width matching Clarity amount which  controls the new Clarity module we're going   to take a really close look at that and then  we also have our stabilizer control so let's   go ahead and just hit play and see what ozone  11 comes up with for our assistant based Master can't do it alone I find  you on the other something no I don't have a Grammy to show for all this  but I gained peace of mind to fix my intent   what a waste if I try to sound like someone  else I don't need your approval I can give it   to myself knowing what I came here to do God  gave me the truth so I know I gotta pass it   to the youth even all right so this is just a  quick hip-hop track that I put together you're   gonna notice a couple things here with Master  assistant it did put our Target as Folk which   does that sound like a folk song to you it  doesn't to me either but sometimes you know   ozone 11 will select kind of the wrong target not  to worry we can easily just switch this over to   hip hop and rap or if you had an EDM track  just do that and it's not going to you know   wreck whatever's going on it'll just make some  adjustments there you're also going to notice in   the vocal balance that I have this purple check  mark and that just says that ozone 11 believes   that I have set my vocal balance accordingly  but if that is not set properly it will adjust   that and give you a better vocal to instrumental  balance I know a lot of you out there struggle   with that and so that's a nice new feature to have  that and you can adjust accordingly I'm going to   adjust our tonal balance I know I switched  the genre let's just hear what that sounds   like now with the switch can't do it alone I  find you on the other end gone for a minute so that sounds pretty good it's a little bit  bright to me so I'm going to adjust the EQ I   may make a little bit of adjustment  on the loudness maybe pushing that   maximizer a little bit too hard for  my taste and then we'll adjust some   of these other things over here can't  do it alone I find you on the other end they try to pull my energy from  everything that mattered yeah standing in the rain pushing through the pain in  my Lane so it sounds pretty good to me now that   is uh pretty close to a finished Master sound  all we did was touch some of these controls   here from the new Master assistant dashboard these  quick controls let's jump into the new module in   Ozone 11 which is the clarity module now what the  clarity module is is it is a spectral processing   tool and it's designed to flatten the spectral  information across 250 bands so a lot of detail   in terms of this the spectral balancing but it's  designed to give you more impact gives you more   perceived loudness and it gives you more clarity  in terms of your overall mix kind of takes the   mask off of a dull and muddy mix so I'm going to  show you how this works if we just start at zero   let's just play this back no I don't have  a Grammy to show for all this but I gained   peace of mind to fix my intent what a waste if I  try to sound like someone else I don't need your   approval I can give it to myself knowing what I  came here to do God gave me the truth so I know   I gotta pass it to the youth even these days been  standing in the rain pushing through the pain in   my lane try to stay sane so what this is doing  is as we increase it the clarity module is just   kind of flattening that Spectrum closer to what  would be pink noise right so it's just giving us   that Pleasant balance now if you utilize the Tilt  control we can go you know kind of Darker with the   spectral Target or if we raise it it can be more  of a brighter Target so let's go over here and   hear what that's like just put up distractions  keeping you from taking action but the passion   everlasting reaching within we overcome sin  can't do it alone I find you on the other end so let's monitor with the Delta control here to do so I know what to the youth even these days  being stuck standing in the rain pushing through   the pain in my lane try to stay sane faded in  the brain feelings that I maintain looking back   in the past with the fear so clear it's obvious  that they can't copy this so I get back to my   business no hobbyists I'm not playing with you  if you can't Vibe with this if you don't like   the truth you could try to diss or you could focus  on your own path it's a module that I'm using in   my mastering on a number of different styles  and genres now this might be my new favorite   uh method in terms of just limiting a dull  mix and doing it very quickly and easily and   you don't get harshness with this I mean even  when you push it it's really hard to make this   sound bad so it's just a kind of a foolproof  module to quickly get the excitement and the   impact and just the the professional polish  out of your mix next up big big new feature   in Ozone 11 which is stem Focus mode now what  I've done is just opened up a new instance of   ozone 11 and for the sake of example I just  that printed the instrumental mix without the   vocal so that we can just take a listen to that  you can hear things more closely you can switch   the ozone modules to be processing and focused on  obviously the full mix or you know your mastering   mode typical Mastery mode you can select vocals  you can select drums or you can select bass so   let's say in this case we wanted to focus any  of the processing on our bass line you know I   had a little bit of trouble with this bass line  just kind of getting it to sound right so let's   make some adjustments here let's say that  we wanted to just excite just the bass line   and we're going to excite it you know somewhere  between let's say like a hundred and two hundred so with the AI technology and stem Focus  we're able to just focus that processing   on the Bass line so let's say we wanted to go  back to our full mix and we wanted to make some   adjustments to just the vocal here I'm going  to select vocal and let me play like that mix so vocals sound a little dull maybe I want to  just use the clarity module here and I can just   make sure we're in vocal mode I'm gonna  just bring this up on the clarity module no Role Models trying to find purpose in  a whiskey bottle in the pill bliss so I   don't feel this why we gotta get numb  just to get through a day gotta think   twice about every word that I say out my  mouth you could do the same thing with   say your imager so let's go over here and  let's say we wanted to narrow that vocal   maybe I just thought that the panning  in the hook was a little bit too wide when it comes Crashing Down say nothing that could really matter just so surprising how we can maintain the  width of the rest of our mix but just   focus that on the vocals you can also  select drums so maybe we wanted to   dynamically control that snare drum that  snare drum is poking out a little bit so   let's go over here and see if we could  do that with it in drum stem Focus mode Crashing Down down all this but I gained peace of mind to  fix my intent what a waste if I try to sound   like someone else I don't need your approval  I can give it to myself knowing what I came   here to do God gave me the truth so I know I  gotta pass it to the youth faded in the brain   feelings that I maintain looking back in the past  with the fear is so clear it's obvious that they   can't copy this so I get back so my business no  hobbyist a little bit exaggerated there for the   example but you can see that we can fine tune and  get our hands dirty in terms of these individual   elements and utilize the processing in  Ozone for all these different modules   for our individual stems and you can get  incredibly creative now considering that   we have the new transient sustain mode for all  these modules too so just think about being able   to do this on your drums focusing that in your  mix and have just unprecedented power and access   to different controls and Sonic parameters  for controlling a master without your stems   yeah another new feature here that is transient  sustain mode and this is available in a number of   different modules you'll see up here if we just  click this little drop down normally we would   have stereo and if the module has mid side that  would be there but now we have transient sustain   so what that means for instance in our EQ if  I go down here and I select Transit sustain   it will give us a transient mode as well as a  sustain mode okay so if I hit transient the EQ is   only controlling the transient or the attack the  impact of the signal not the tail or the release   of the signal so it's a very different thing now  if you want to know what's happening we also have   a lot of new Delta controls so if you want to  just monitor the difference between the signal   and what this processing is doing so let's go  ahead and hit that I'll move this over here your approval I can get myself knowing what  I came here to do God gave me the truth so I   know I gotta pass it to the youth even these  days been stuck standing in the rain pushing   through the pain in my lane try to stay  so if I wanted to use a low shelf on that   transient sustain to adjust the the Dynamics  of that we can do that separately so really   powerful stuff here this might be one of the  more useful applications for Transit sustain   for me is here in the imager because we can  control the stereo width of the transients I   like the idea of keeping our transients  pretty monocentric and narrow just so   that we get the most impact but then on the  sustain we can widen that stuff quite a bit standing in the rain I'm not playing with you you can  try to diss or you can focus on   your own path God's way brought me  change so I never need the payback a lot of very creative ways to use transient  sustain again this is just to get your wheels   turning but I have been using it here in the  imager with some nice results it gives you an   extra layer of control over your stereo field in  your mastering last but certainly not least one of   my favorite new features in Ozone 11 Advanced is  the upward compress mode or low level compression   so rather than controlling our Dynamics in a way  a traditional compressor would just reducing Peaks   or the loudest points this is actually bringing up  the quiet points and this is very very effective   in mastering because we can increase perceived  loudness and we can just bring up those elements   that might be getting hidden down there low in  our mix if you see I'll just turn the upward   compress on it'll just bring up that blue line  and once we play it back now we can actually see   what the upward compression is doing just put up  distractions keeping you from taking action but   the passion everlasting then we overcome sin  can't do it alone I find you on the other end so that might sound a little more subtle on  this mix just because there's not as much   of a dynamic range in a track like this but if  you have a really Dynamic track with some very   quiet elements in there it's just going to give  you more consistency across your entire mix and   make sure that things aren't getting lost  again also for perceived loudness this is   a very powerful tool and something that I've  been hoping that they would add to Ozone for   a while now all right y'all so that's our first  look demo at the all-new ozone 11 Advanced we   have the new Clarity module we have stem Focus  mode powerful way to focus in on the different   elements of your mix even if you don't have  the stems for mastering powerful stuff there   completely redesigned Master assistant with  some very handy controls right here from the   front dashboard we've also got transient sustain  mode so you have a lot lot of creative options in   terms of all the different modules that that is  tied into you know a lot of the modules also look   a lot better there's some big time aesthetic  changes they have improved pretty much every   module in here by the time you're seeing this  ozone 11 Advanced will be available I'm sure   there will be a demo as well and I'll put a link  to that if you want to check it out further check   it out on your own masters see what it does  I know a lot of you are maybe a little bit   skeptical about using AI tools considering the  controls that they give you and just the access   that you have to all the modules themselves I mean  you can go as deep as you want with this but it's   really helpful to quickly get this suggestion  and already have a really nice starting point   even if this isn't the way that you go for your  final Master maybe you do maybe you don't but you   can dig in to each of these and make a ton of  different edits we've got a lot of tools here   so whether you are a pro mastering engineer  or you're just someone who doesn't have much   knowledge of mastering at all but you want to be  able to tweak a couple things here and there you   know a lot of different options for everybody  out there so I'm excited to hear what you do   with this let me know what you all think in the  comments if you learn anything in the video please   like subscribe and consider sharing hit that  notification Bell for more we'll talk to you soon
Channel: Sean Divine
Views: 47,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ozone 11, ozone 11 advanced, izotope ozone 11, mastering, ozone mastering, mastering tutorial, demo, review, ai mastering, master assistant, stem focus, izotope clarity, transient sustain, vocal balance, upward compress, perceived loudness, spectral balance, sean divine, audio mastering, ozone 10, tutorial, hip hop mastering, stereo image, maximizer, lufs, native instruments
Id: bQOFi9h2Wwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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