Next Level AI Mastering with Ozone 10 Advanced

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hey what's going on out there I'm Sean Divine  hope you all are doing well in this tutorial I'm   excited to share with you all the all new Ozone 10  Advanced from Izotope we're going to take a look   at the new modules which include the stabilizer  which will dynamically match a frequency curve of   a reference or they have measured the top songs  across genres we also have a new impact module   which can control expansion and compression  in terms of multi-band so you can really dial   in transients and Dynamics across your spectrum  there and your master we also have improvements   to existing modules like imager there's an all new  recover size mode for those of you who need some   help with your mono compatibility and there's  also a great new soft Clipper in the maximizer   section not to mention Master Assistant has been  completely overhauled and improved you can match   not only tonal balance of a ref reference but  also loudness Imaging Dynamics it can really   target those and get you very very close this  is not just a suggestion anymore we're going   to master a track from scratch here today with  the new ozone 10 Advance let's take a listen   to my mix this is K-HA Uptown Saturday Night is  produced by Bach Beats and then we'll get started all right so that gives you an idea of the track  and I feel like this is a good example because   this song has a lot of different genres kind of  mashed in so we can see you know how intelligent   ozone 10 actually is in terms of the curves that  it selects because this thing has country rock   hip-hop you know pop all kind of mashed into one  we're gonna click the master assistant view up   here which is this tab here and we click that  it's going to say waiting for audio and what   we need to do is just go ahead and select the  loudest part of our track it's going to measure   about eight seconds to build this suggestion  so let's just go here where the the hook starts so in about 10 seconds there we already have a  pretty professional sounding master from my mix   so first we can see what target it's selected  and in this case it went ahead and said okay   well this most closely matches rock so we're  going to use that for the EQ the stabilizer   the width and the Dynamics right if we wanted  to we could select a different curve so let's   say you know ozone didn't really optimize that  quite the way we wanted to we could go ahead and   just select hip hop and rap right so let's like  that one you'll see we get a very different curve she had a yeah so obviously with the hip-hop  curve you know we get more bass more low end   and not quite as bright a top end as the rock  is going to have more of that accentuated low   mid and the highs are going to be a little  bit brighter so again you can go through   and select which is going to be best but in  my experience you know it does select the   best curve more times than not in the previous  versions with Master Assistant it would kind of   give you that suggestion and if you wanted  to go in and get your hands dirty make some   adjustments you would have to go in here and  you know start tweaking the modules yourself   you've got some convenient controls here in  Ozone 10 to immediately make adjustments here   from the assistant view so for example if we  are matching that EQ curve that of the target   that it gives us we can then scale that so if  we wanted to you know kind of bring that back yeah we can adjust the strength of that EQ  correction accordingly same thing with the   stabilizer we're going to talk more about this  in depth but just know that this is dynamically   matching our frequency response to the target  curve does some really interesting things in   terms of Dynamics it's also saved my butt  already in mastering because I've had some   mixes come to me that have had certain parts  of the song that were just not very consistent   so for instance the hook might be a little bit  too loud in terms of the vocals but then the   verses felt a little better the stabilizer  will just give you a little bit of glue and   in that way I found that to be really useful  but if you have a pretty balanced mix in my   opinion less is more with this stabilizer so  we can turn that back a little bit now you're   going to notice that we now have width match as  well so it's going to match that stereo field   to some of these songs that they measured  and again you can scale that accordingly same with the impact module there and then we  also have the maximizer adjustment so if we want   to increase the loudness or decrease you know  how much it's pushing that maximizer we can do   so there just to note with the targets you see  all our genres there but some of you are going   to say well I don't see my preferred genre or  the genre that you work with typically you can   always use your own target so in this case I have  another song that I mastered for this artist let's   say we were working on an album and I wanted to  kind of match that now this song different style   but if I select that it will then build the chain  and build that target based on the reference file   so you can utilize whatever you want there and it  will have that target there for you in this graph   we're going to go ahead and stick with this rock  target that they have set for us and I'm going to   switch to the detailed View and let's go ahead  and talk about the new stable module which is   arguably the biggest addition in terms of new  modules we have two modes so the default is the   shape mode and what this is going to do is it's  going to have an Adaptive EQ boost and cut across   our Master to match the tonal balance target  right so depending on where we set that amount   you're going to be able to visually see those  boosts and cuts happening so let's just go here so in terms of the actual effect of this I found  it's just really helpful in giving you some glue   and again giving you some stabilization of  the Dynamics making sure that everything is   consistent throughout the mix and depending upon  the balance of your mix you know some mixes are   balanced better than others at least the ones  that I get for mastering and so a little bit   of this stabilizer can go a long way in terms  of giving you that consistency now the other   mode is a cut mode and all this will do is just  cut to tame some harshness and resonance so if   we turn that on you're going to see all it's  doing is reducing those resonance bumps here if you're curious about what's going on  you can select this Delta button so this   is going to monitor what is actually being  attenuated in the case of cut and if you   select shape we can actually monitor  what is being cut as well as boosted   to match that curve so let's go ahead  and take a listen to what that's doing so it's taming some of the low end some extreme  lows there as well as some of those resonances   but that Delta button just makes it easier  to know what you're doing one thing I have   noticed with the stabilizer is that if you  have the amount up and you get a little bit   heavy with it it can kind of have a bit of a  pumping effect throughout the song depending   on if you have like a quieter section  something like that but if you want to   you know smooth that out beyond just adjusting  the amount we can go down to speed and you can   either speed that response up or slow it down  in terms of How It's stabilizing we also have   a smoothing control so if we adjust that it's  going to give us a smoother stabilizing effect for a track like this with a big low end I  could hear that it's obviously cutting some   of that extreme low and the sub but maybe  I don't want that to happen especially if   you know hip-hop bass heavy mix I don't  really want it to stabilize as much so we   have controls here for lows mids and highs and  let's just say I didn't want that to happen I   could just turn the low stabilization all  the way down and then just keep the mids   up as well as the highs so it'll just control  those finally there is a tame transient so if   we've got some spikes in terms of our Dynamics  that'll just kind of tighten things up here not my preference for this particular song  but again can be useful to tame some of those   spikes so moving over to the impact modules  we didn't really have a multi-band transient I   adjustment tool and this is exactly what that  is so if we go down here we're going to see   crossover points for you know lows low mids  High mids and highs and then we can solo those so if we go up above zero that is going  to function as an expander and it's going   to really give us more punch and some sharpness  to the transients in that part of our frequency   spectrum now if we go below zero that's going  to provide compression or glue we also have a   master amount slider here that will scale the  effect of the impact module for all the bands so when I hit that Delta button once again  as with the stabilizer we're hearing the   difference or what is actually being added by the  impact module all right so let's talk about a new   update to the imager module and that is this  recover sides feature so a lot of you out there   have questions on the channel about maximizing  mono compatibility you know if you adjust your   Imaging and reduce width you want to make sure  that you still retain the same power the same   presence and impact in mono so it can be a  little bit tricky when you're on your stereo   width controls and let's say maybe you have some  correlation problems you're trying to fix that   in the master but when you reduce some of these  bands in your master you're actually losing some   of that information so what recover sides will  do is it will actually add that information back   to the mono signal so that we keep that  depth and power this will only become a   active if we reduce any of these bands in  width so let's just say we took out a little   bit of low width below about 125 and then we  reduced some of the top end and we solo it so again depending on how much you reduce  the width of any of these bands you'll hear   that side information that's then  being recovered and then put back   into the signal so let's unsolo  that and I'll turn it off and on that might sound a little bit subtle there but  going to be very useful in terms of maintaining   as much depth and Power in our master as  possible when we are reducing width and   especially if you're dealing with a mix that has  some more inherent phase correlation issues for   those of you who follow the channel you know  that the ozone maximizer is one of my favorite   maximizers out there a lot of flexibility  some great IRC modes here which matter of   fact I'm going to switch this to transient  because that is my personal favorite here in   ozone just gives you a little bit more punch  and some better Dynamics there if you have   heavy drums but now we have a cool new soft  clip mode now I know some of you know what   soft clipping is but the effect of this is  that it's going to give you a bit more of a   lift some saturation in your master and just  some thickness if you will so let me just go   ahead and play this back and I will slowly bring  up the soft clip so you can hear what happens   we can select light medium or we can go hard if we  want to really do some heavy soft clipping there   I've been utilizing this in my own masters and  it's just a welcome addition that really takes   things over the top in terms of the maximizer  module all right so now that we've looked at   the new modules and some of the new additions  here tried out the master assistant I'm gonna go   back and just make some subtle adjustments here  just using in my ears as a mastering engineer   just to kind of get this dialed in the way I  want it and then we're going to listen back match now and we're gonna bypass it and then I'll   engage it and we can hear what  ozone 10 did for our master we have checked out the all-new Master  assistant here in Ozone 10 Advanced as   well as the new modules stabilizer impact  crazy improvements to the imager and the   maximizer and we're just touching the surface  there are some other new things under the hood   here with Ozone 10 Advanced comparing this to  some of the previous versions you know I felt   like the master assistant was a great kind of  starting point at least as a suggestion but   now I feel like with these customization and  scale features and the stabilizer as well as   matching width and Dynamics the updated curves  as well as the ability to target a reference   this gets you up a lot closer than say ozone 9  Master assistant and then gives you a lot more   control whether you are a beginner trying to  get your mixes to sound more professional have   a professional Master to go out so that your  music can be heard in the best light possible   or you're a seasoned professional mastering  engineer ozone 10 Advanced is going to be a   welcome update for you but let me me know what  you think about it are you going to be picking   this up let us know in the comments below if  you have any questions about what we did here   in Ozone 10 Advanced feel free to leave that as  well if you learn anything in the video please   like subscribe and consider sharing hit that  notification Bell for more we'll talk to you soon
Channel: Sean Divine
Views: 93,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ozone 10, mastering, ozone 10 advanced, izotope ozone, mastering tutorial, ozone mastering, demo, review, izotope, master assistant, stabilizer, soft clip, impact, target loudness, lufs, loudness, recover sides, stereo image, mono compatibility, maximizer, ozone 9, tutorial, sean divine, reduce harshness, multiband transient, audio mastering, match loudness
Id: zmev4FgSf3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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