Ozone 11 Vs Landr Mastering Plugin: Which Is Best For You???

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welcome to the ultimate Faceoff between two heavyweights and audio mastering today we have isotope ozone 11 advaned going head to-head against Lander mastering plugin let's dive straight into the battle of the audio Titans yeah I mean that's pretty much it today we're going to be looking at to the ever so popular isotope ozone 11 Advance the full version of the plugin and we're going to compare that to the brand new Lander mastering plugin which also uses AI to assist you in your mastering so let's go and see which plugin is right for you and your mastering needs for this video headphones might be a good idea and for today's test we've got a track that we made in a previous video for the FL cloud and one key thing I'll say about getting a good Master is by already having a good mix so let's go and see how I did L now baby I'm [Music] baby I want to feel you closer closer but I'm so tired okay awesome so to get started over here we've got to go to the loudest part of our track and we are sitting at around 60 B of headro something around there that's a good moderate amount all right so I think we go and start off with Lander mastering so as you can see it's immediately waiting for our audio playback we just hit play the loudest part of our song now that the AI has mastered our track over here we can go through some of these settings as you can see over here Lander mastering has a lot of different ways to customize and really dial in your sound for your master all with a very easy to understand and user interface over here all right now we can go through these settings over here so here's [Music] balanced pretty clear difference there with wear [Music] headphones you are my okay so there U I think that personally the warm always sounds the the Bas sounds a bit grumbly for me a little bit more muddy and open sounds a little bit too thin so I like to stick unbalanced over here and then tweak The Equalizer instead which right here we can change the low mid and high frequencies let's go to do that now think the mid sound [Music] fine all right that should be good right there we don't need to do too much the AI did a lot of the work for us so we just really dialing in what we want now over here the presence knob is quite possibly one of my favorite knobs in this entire plugin which here it says it's for your critical vocal range of your master but it's it brings up everything I like it a lot we can definitely go to overboard [Music] though okay now for the dser over here again these are very processed vocals so I don't think I need to do too much over here all right now let's jump on over here to the stereo field now this is not going to be 100% mono and 100% separated it's a bit more intuitive than that making it more wide will enhance the overall sense of space where if you go to the other side Focus will be more towards your drums like kicks and [Music] snares you so I want to feel okay so here I actually want to make it more wide and decrease the presence over here it is more of like a darker tone sort of track so I want to get rid of some of the presents while increasing how wide it is it's very important over here that if you change one thing don't be afraid to go back and tweak some other things as well now moving on over to the Dynamics this going to be the overall compression of the track and increasing it will help reduce the overall dynamic range of the track so if you got a lot of sounds in your hook and not a whole lot in your verse the dynamic range there can be a little bit too much a time so you can use this one to help fix that sh but it's going to s a little bit less yeah I still want to keep some of the trans actually be you can actually increase it over here and if you're missing out on that punch over here the character can really help out turning it to the left or decreasing it will increase the overall punch where going to the right will make it more smooth so in this case I actually want to be a little bit more Punchy so we can decrease the Dynamics a little bit and then we got your saturation over here don't do too much there okay so we've made some very small changes over here and that's not going to be any different with the loudness this knob can be very easy to overdo but it's very powerful and it's going to be the main thing for me personally when it comes to mastering there's a whole lot of things going on in this loudness knob one of them being a limiter and compression and everything like that's the overall amount of the loudness so there's a lot going on here in this one controlled knob which makes it very simple to use but maybe not as dialed in as you would want in fact we actually lowered some DV so as we saw going to the extreme all the way to the right made it go down from 9 DB down to 12 but now watch what happens when I go all the way down to the left going from 9 DB going all the way up to evenus three so definitely don't want to go that crazy I know one thing that I always recommend doing keeping the game match on that's very important is going to be cycling on and off the bypass and seeing how much the master has really changed other than just loudness but then not only that go through different parts of your track and see how everything else sounds as well don't just get stuck in one you know four eight bar Loop one reason why AI mastering as a plugin inside of your do is so important it's such a big game Cher is that now you've got your fully Master track which you can reference and change things in real time and one thing I noticed over here is that the drums are a little bit uh too quiet here I want to feel your cler you are my favor person we can s [Music] [Music] the big difference big difference being able to reference your mix while the track is fully mastered is such a huge such a huge game changer that people like 20 30 years ago really did not have the opportunity to do so it's going to be Lander mastering over here I'm going to be muting that one and now getting ozone 11 isoto plugins have been coming with AI assistant over here for many different versions and ozone 11 is no different so we can go over here and hit this button right here okay so one thing that's clearly different over here from ozone 11 to Lander mastering ozone does not just Master the track for you but shows you all the settings that it changes like over here you can clearly see what they did with the equalizer and Clarity stabilizer Dynamic EQ maximizer over here which is the same sound as loudness from the other plugin a bunch of different stuff over here and as you can tell a lot more settings to really really tweak everything but for right now going back on over to the AI assistant over here so this is going to be everything that's over here just in a much more simple term but before we get too excited let's see what the AI mastering [Music] did you so many I want to [Music] feel this just one glaring thing that I've mentioned in a different video as well about the Neo verb a different aope plugin that came with this bundle and this whole generation of isotope plugins the AI assistant is just something that's is missing the mark for me like they've always had in their in their plugins but for some reason with this with this whole new batch the entire tractor sounds more squished and a lot of the time it won't even get the genre correct this time I think that pop is a pretty good um guess which guess you can go over here and tweak all the settings but at least for the AI it's just really missing the mark for me so let's try and fix that on [Music] up I want to feel your [Music] you are my flavor [Music] flavor the extras over here is where everything sounds really [Music] strange this okay so I was mentioning that I really like the clarity knob over in Lander mastering this Clarity knob is a really great way to just get rid of all dynamic range overall it's not sounding too bad over here and actually I'm a little bit surprised usually it does not do this well with the AI assistant so everything that we did over here also changes in these settings over here I'll be honest there's so much to go over here that I can't fit it all into one video so going over a few key points over here one thing that's really cool is that you can actually solo different stems and hear what each one does so it's on full mix right now but now going on over to [Music] vocals it's not Flawless at all you can clearly hear the drums and the guitar oh my I want to feel you closer closer the fact you can still hear the instruments and the vocals and the bass and the drums is actually not that big of a deal we don't need full 100% control here we're not trying to stem out the entire track this is just to help out focus in between each one so you can make changes to each one of these stems individually which will help out with the overall full mix so one thing I know that ozone is very proud of is that for the equalizer over here you can dra from stereo to mids side left to right and transient sustain they really want emphasize the transient sustain I'm going to leave it on stereo for right now though going to the amount we can change the curve just by changing one knob imager helps out changing the mono and stereo elements uh which you can break apart into different frequency ranges so if you want to make your base more model you can do that and then open up some more of the mid highs the clarity over here I mentioned I was not a huge fan of but you also have that Transit sustain option over here and then the maximizer over here is where you can deal with the limiter uh change up the gain upward compression is pretty cool I believe it's got its own set threshold but once it reaches that threshold it'll actually raise up those quieter elements by 2.6 DB which you can then push further or go down even lower we'll leave it at 2.6 for right now so going from a quieter element like over here compared to the verse or the hook even and there it sounds very smooth you can absolutely go overboard by going up [Music] higher there sounded like we lowered volume when we got to this part right here so I'm not that one use it very Tastefully I would not go overboard now in most cases I would recommend turning on transient [Music] emphasis now we can go through our test over here and cycle on and off the bypass [Music] mode B here I'm down you Dr me down I feel your fear L me now list now baby clicking this reference button right here you can actually upload a track if you like the mix and master of a certain song you can go and give that a try so I know that kind of glossed over a lot of the settings here and there's a lot more I could really go through but I would need an entire video dedicated to going through the settings it would be very it would be very boring so at least for this plugin battle this is as deep as we're going to go into this plugin so here's what we're going to do because I'm lazy we're going to highlight these 16 bars right here we'll be creating an automation clip for the mastering and for the ozone 11 and then every four bars we're going to be cycling on and off the different mastering plugins okay now time for the actual head-to-head comparison here let's see how it sounds I love the way you hold me down baby I'm down baby I'm you see sh in my arm you are my Flor all right so that's going to be the head-to-head comparison here let me know down below which one you thought was better worse but now it's time to go through our final thoughts on both of these plugins once again do want to mention that the points of these videos are not to bash any one Plugin or even pick a winner it's just going to be showing you guys the facts and what you guys think would be best for you and I do want to mention you guys here that I am an affiliate with Lander but I'm not obligated to say that it's better than anything else in the market and the differences here I think are pretty clear between the two plugins Lander mastering plugin I think does a very good job of keeping things simple and not over complicating things but they very easy to understand user interface and not so many settings you can get a really dialed in experience without doing tooo much work but then on the other hand we've got Isotopes ozone 11 Advanced where you can dial in pretty much any little thing you can think of especially now that whole stem separation between the vocals instruments and bass is pretty cool there there's so much you can do inside of that plugin that it can be kind of overwhelming to a new user but if you dedicate the time to get to know everything you've got a very very powerful tool and if we're going off of Just AI I think that the Lander mastering wins 10 out of 10 times the ozone 11 here yes surprised me with this individual track but the AI feels like it's not I something about it feels very squished to me I don't know why so yeah maybe use that as like a jumping point but you definitely need to tweak the settings there quite a bit to have a really good experience there so the question that I'll ask you here is that do you want something that's very easy to use and simple that still gets you very high quality results or do you want something you can really dial in every single setting so no matter which choice you make here I'm very confident you're going to have a very good mastering experience
Channel: Simulation Beats
Views: 7,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: izotope ozone 11, izotope ozone 11 advanced, ozone 11 advanced, landr mastering, landr mastering plug-in, ozone 11 vs landr mastering, landr mastering plugin, landr, landr studio, landr studio review, izotope, landr ai mastering, landr mastering review, landr review, ai mastering, ai mastering review, online mastering, ozone 11, ozone 10, new ozone 11, ozone 11 tutorial, ozone 11 upgrade, ozone 11 mastering, izotope ozone 11 review, ozone 11 review, plugin battle, mastering
Id: 3uleLczy2h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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