Next Door Lover: Fling With Neighbor Makes Woman A Mother (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Nash v. Brewer.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Nash, you say a brief fling resulted in you becoming a mother, and you are sick and tired of raising your daughter alone. So you've opened your case today to prove to the defendant that he fathered your 7-month-old daughter, Zionn Nash, so that he will finally step up. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr, Brewer, you testify that you saw another man going in and out of the Plaintiff's home at the time of conception. You claim there's no way you fathered her daughter and refuse to support another man's child. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. So, Ms. Nash, has the defendant helped at all with your daughter? No, Your Honor. Not at all. He hasn't bought a Pamper. He hasn't bought a bottle... Not a bottle of water. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Nothing. And Zionn is seven months old? Yes, ma'am. So, what is that like having to care for a newborn alone with no help? (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) It's absolutely horrible. Absolutely horrible. The fact that he stays two doors down, I think that's what really just tears me up. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) I never can go over there and just ask him for help or anything. If I ever reach out to him for anything, I can never get anything. The most I get from him is a text message. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) And that's heart breaking. Heart breaking. Look at Mr. Brewer and tell him what those tears mean. These tears are mostly disappointment, Josh. I really just kinda expected for you to just help, you know. A little bit more. I mean, honestly, it's not any at all. So I really just expected just a little bit more. But if you not sure she's mine, why should I? NASH: We had sex, Josh. Yeah, we did. It's a possibility. The possibility is what should've had you there. AUDIENCE: Right. BREWER: Okay. And if you're 85% sure, then why still do feel like I should step up? 89.9. So that 11%, I think that's real... That's minor. JUDGE LAKE: You said... Hold on, hold on, Ms. Nash. You said, it was 89.9%. That 11% is very minor. She added four points to it. Yeah, absolutely. When? Today? The point is that you basically are saying you're not 100% sure. Absolutely. Yes. Because I was dating someone a month or so prior to me, you know, having sex with Josh. But I was also a lesbian for almost 13 years. So, it's not like I was just out here. So you do honor the fact that it is the potential... NASH: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. ...very much reality that your child could be this other person's? NASH: Absolutely. But you believe <i> Mr. Brewer is the father.</i> NASH:<i> I believe... Believe that he is the father.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> So, Mr. Brewer,</i> you obviously feel like that's too much of a window for you. Yes, Your Honor. So take me back. How did this sexual relationship begin? So for the most part, like I said, we are neighbors. Um, we live in the same apartment building. It was just simply neighbor things. "Hey, how you doing?" Wave to him in the hallway. And then it turned into personal, um, when I ended up needing help in my apartment... She turned me into Mr. Fix It. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Oh, she turned you into it? BREWER: Into it. Well I really... I really... I didn't want to do it. Oh, you didn't want to do it. Well, I mean it's... That's fine, either way. You might had not wanted to have sex either, but you did. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) BREWER: You right. NASH: Anyhoo, I asked him if I could cook down there after we couldn't get the stove to work. Oh, so you asked him to come over to your apartment and fix your stove... NASH: Yes, ma'am. ...and then things really heated up. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Yeah. (LAUGHING) Did you seduce him, Miss Nash? NASH: No, ma'am. I didn't have to really work that hard. JUDGE LAKE: Oh. This is getting interesting, right Jerome? (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) So, after the dinner, you started to have a little dessert. Did you use protection? Clearly not. This is that why we're here. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So, clearly since you admitted there was another guy, this was not an exclusive committed thing? Oh, absolutely not. We never were in a relationship. We never... No. So take me to the day you found out you were pregnant. How did you find out? NASH: Well, when I found out that I was pregnant, maybe the next day I think I called him and we sat down and talked about it. JUDGE LAKE: So you did? Yes, ma'am. How did that conversation go? She texts me and asked me was I busy at the time. I'm like, "No." I'm in the house making me some breakfast and whatever. And she come down... I ain't got no shirt on or nothing... Mr. Sexy. So, I'm just sitting there. She talking to me. And she like, "I'm pregnant." She said on the couch, "I'm pregnant." I immediately told her like we need a DNA test. She had no problem with it. No, absolutely not, Your Honor. Actually, what he said was, "Do you wanna keep the baby?" That's what he said. I don't remember saying that. Oh, okay. That's fine. That's fine. I don't remember that. Okay, so you answered yes? NASH: Yes, I told him this is a blessing. I would never get rid of my child. He let it be known instantly that he did want a DNA test. So, he kind of set the tone for what I should expect. I hear the pain behind your words. To be honest, Your Honor. I really think that, him being so close to me is what tears me up. When my baby is crying, when I have issues with her, period, I can't call him or get help from him. AUDIENCE: No. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. So, this is what I want to know. Take me to the birth, when Zionn was born. <i>Obviously Mr. Brewer didn't attend any doctor's appointment with you?</i> Absolutely not. And so you had this baby by yourself. Or was someone else with you? Absolutely, Your Honor. My mother was with me. Um, but I did text him <i> to let him know that I was going into labor. Um...</i> BREWER:<i> I don't remember that. I just got a picture.</i> I told him. I told him the room number. He said I'll try and make it. You sure that was me? He never made it. He never made it. You sure that was me? No, it wasn't you. It was a text message. Okay. I didn't... I don't remember what hospital she was at or nothing. I know, you don't. I know. 'Cause you didn't care that much. 'Cause you didn't tell me. You didn't tell me. Josh, you've to walk past my apartment to get to yours. So for you to ever say I didn't hear her... So, I don't check on you. I don't text you? Through text message, absolutely. "Y'all good?" You want your distance. "Y'all good?" We good. I give you your distance. It's what you want. But I told you, all you got to do is call. And I never received anything from you. That ain't true. NASH: Okay. So you're saying you did make an effort? I did. And the first time you ever saw a picture of the baby after Zionn was born? BREWER:<i> After she was born. Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> And then what did you do once you saw the picture?</i> Did you say,<i> "I wanna meet the child.</i> <i> "I wanna figure out. Let's get a DNA test."</i> <i> What was your response?</i> BREWER:<i> The first thing was the DNA test.</i> We still waiting on that. That's why we're here. We go and find out. I bet you we gonna find out. We is. Mmm-hmm. So, Mr. Brewer, you are convinced Ms. Nash was sleeping with other man during this time. I've seen her walk in her apartment with another man. NASH: Okay. All right. I've seen you walk into your apartment with men and women. I'm not assuming... I'm not assuming that you're having sex with either one of them. I'm not obligated to you. So, you submitted an exhibit. NASH: I don't have to tell... Please cross over to the monitor and explain the exhibit you brought. Okay. Now, this is a map of our hallway. She's coming in with another man. He got her like this. NASH: You should've said, "Hey". Well, I spoke to both of y'all. You should've said, "Hey". I spoke to both for them. Oh, okay. I don't remember speaking back. You said, "What's up?" Mmm-hmm. I'm looking at them, they fixing to get dirty. I'm already knowin'. How do you know they 'bout to get dirty? I'm knowin'. How do you know that they're about to... I know her. Was this during the time of conception? I think we probably had just had sex like a couple days before then, and then probably had sex about a week after that. (LAUGHING) So you see her with another man going into an apartment, and then she tells you she's 89.9% sure you're the father. I remember 85. She say 88. So immediately, when you think about that other 15%, your mind goes to... It ain't mine. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) That's how I'm thinking. Okay, so you used to go stand over by the podium 'cause you about to start clownin' and you know I don't tolerate that in the court room. I ain't a clown. JUDGE LAKE: So... Have you developed a relationship with Zionn at all? Have you seen her? Have you held her? I done played with her. He's seen her. She always smiles when... He's seen her approximately five times. I can count on my hand literally five. Five times in seven months. NASH: Including yesterday. So that make five. AUDIENCE MEMBER: Wow. You don't have a relationship with my daughter. So, you've seen her five times in seven months and you live two doors down. Mmm-hmm. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) So you all have had sex more than you've seen the child? NASH: Oh. See that's when we find the priorities. NASH: Okay. Okay. Okay. All right, Your Honor. 'Cause that's where I was there with it. I knew what I was getting involved in but it was too late, like... I'm not getting rid of my daughter. She is... I've never told you to get rid of her. I would have regretted... I would have regretted totally... Look at my baby... To get rid of her. You a fool for not even wanting to participate. And you a fool for saying you 85%. I know. I know. But I'm honest though. And that's why. I didn't have to tell you anything. You didn't. (SCOFFS) Okay. So you might wanna just check yourself because I... I did you a favor. I did you a favor. All right. Well, hold on. (STAMMERS) Let's not get into all of this negativity. That doesn't even help us. This other guy, Ms. Nash, where is he? Have you ever told him? Absolutely. And we both sat down and we talked about the same thing. But the fact that Mr. Joshua has the more... The most percentage, that's where I'm at. We gonna start at the top and we'll work our way down. Well, you know this percentage you developed the calculation to this? You do know that? NASH: Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. But at the end of the day... JUDGE LAKE: You've got to go? Mmm-hmm. You checking your watch? Mmm-hmm. Okay. You got somewhere to be? No. No. I don't think so. That's rude. I apologize. 'Cause you real... You real macho. You've got all the man moves. You ain't got time. You on your time schedule. It would have taken less time for you to go to the store and get a condom than it did for you to fly here and appear in<i> Paternity Court.</i> (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) But these are the life lessons we learn. BREWER: Yes, it is. But we don't disrespect children. What I wanted to understand now is how did you do this calculation? How did you arrive at that percentage? I arrived there simply because they have the same features. Just, honestly, she doesn't really have any of my features like that. JUDGE LAKE:<i> You submitted evidence to the court, a diagram,</i> which you say outlines those similar features. Absolutely, Your Honor. <i> You say Zionn</i> <i> has the same receding hairline as Mr. Brewer.</i> Look at what he did to my baby. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I don't have a receding hairline. JUDGE LAKE: Feature number two. You say, that Zionn has the same round head as Mr. Brewer. NASH: Yes, Your Honor. Lastly, you say Zionn sleeps with her mouth open... NASH: Wide open. ...just like Mr. Brewer. So, all of these overwhelming... Similarities leads you to believe Yes, ma'am. ...that this is Mr. Brewer's biological child. Yes, ma'am. Your Honor. So after this evidence, Jerome, I don't even think we need the results. Yep. (LAUGHTER) She got a round head, a receding hairline and sleeps with a mouth open. That'll do it. That'll do it. (CHUCKLES) Whoo. Well, look. You know, I don't even think this would amount to 89.9 in any calculation. However, I do understand, when you don't have the co-operation of the potential father, and I can only imagine. Looking at a beautiful new baby, innocent, and you're literally studying features to determine <i> which man is her biological father</i> And so this other man, has he ever seen Zionn? Absolutely. He's done more for her than... Than he's done. But you don't believe he's her biological father? No, and he knows that as well. But does he believe, he's her biological father? No, ma'am. He... We both know the truth. We are here at the same lane with it. So have y'all took a DNA test? No, because as I stated in the beginning we're gonna start at the top and we'll work our way down. Yeah, okay. And then we were waiting for you to do the DNA test, you know. He was waiting too? No, baby. Me and my baby we were waiting. Okay? Okay? I will say this about you both. You all have stated your case. You have stated clearly why you believe what you believe, feel the way you feel and how you both understand you arrived in this courtroom. And I think the only thing left to do is to get the results. Jerome. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Nash v. Brewer,</i> when it comes to 7-month-old, Zionn Nash, it has been determined by this Court, Mr. Brewer, you... Are the father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: You are the father. You have a beautiful little girl. I apologize. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) Thank you, Your Honor. I really, really am overjoyed right now. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Brewer... Your baby girl lives two doors down from you and you've barely laid eyes on her. JUDGE LAKE: I'm sure you understand... Mmm-hmm. ...what daddys mean to little girls. Yes, I do. So you know you got some time to make up for. And this serious. Oh, I know. I know. I'm not crying for nothing, Josh. (SOBBING) I don't want you to have a hard time. I can see the earnest look in your eyes. I see this matters to you. Now that I know, um, she gonna need assistance or anything... I'm here to help. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) JUDGE LAKE: And I told Ms. Nash you can receive that. So please, take advantage of the counseling. Take advantage of the fact that we have Dr. Jeff here and he's gonna be able to kind of just get you all to the place where you can have constructive conversations. I wish you all the very, very best. She is just beautiful. BREWER: Thank you, Your Honor. Take care of her. Court is adjourned. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 439,109
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: RKiiEFmR6Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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