New York Style Pizza | Roccbox Recipes | Gozney

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there's over the east of your hand in the warm water it's lovely don't do this if you're asleep because make sure we yourself certain pizza styles have some clear and defined guidelines as to what we should and shouldn't do for example Detroit boots that we should try and use a traditional blue steel Detroit pan with the slanted edges and top it with brick cheese Neapolitan pizzas oh we only use four things in our dough we can't add oil we can't add sugar these things give us kind of a framework to work within we're making those sorts of pizza with New York Pizza no such rules exist and is very subjective in this video we're going to try and show you our version of a New York style pizza cooked in rock box so let's get started so what exactly are we looking for from our subjective New York slice well we want it to be brown all the way around the outside and we want it to be crisp and we want the crust to kind of crack and Bend but never break these things are normally served by the slice people eat them out on the streets you can't have toppings falling off and you need to be able to fold it that help bread going everywhere and going all over your nice clothes when you're out on the streets of New York doing cool stuff we're gonna start with our water 665 mill there is a belief that the water in New York makes New York Pizza tastes the way it does now we don't quite have the budget here so we're using English tap water heated to about 30 degrees and we're gonna add to that one gram of fresh yeast so once the yeast is kind of semi dissolved pop the bowl onto a mixer with a dough hook attachment New York Pete's are quite often uses a blend of flours rather than just double oak and with our recipe we're gonna use three different flours to give us a perfect New York Pizza in Michael don't happen so our strong bread flour is going to give us a really nice kind of elasticity to the dough that you don't get with double-o flowers of wholemeal flours 625 grams and we're just going to start adding that to the mixer we're now going to add 325 grams of double-o flour so this is Melina dalla Giovanna but you could use Caputo or any kind of double-o flour don't feel tied to a certain brand just play about with it the final flour we're adding it to our dough is a hundred grams of wholemeal flour the wholemeal flour is gonna give us a couple of things it's gonna add off color so we get a really nice kind of brown deep ground tan and it's also gonna give us a really big depth of flavor because it's gonna give that almost kind of bready feel to the crust and when we've got kind of nearly all the flour in we can add our salt so we've got 28 grams of fine sea salt here or kosher salt whatever you want to use so once all the flowers and the salt is in we can just give it a little scrape down the side with our trusty dough scraper and we can go up a speed now is we're gonna go up to the second speed on the mixer so after around about three or four minutes that dough would have come together nicely it shouldn't be too tacky to touch and we can now add 25 grams of olive oil once our oil has gone into there we're going to leave that dough to rest for 10 minutes the board is bringing it together with one final mix normally we cut here but we thought we'd just get you away with us [Music] okay ten minutes is up so this is rested for ten minutes this gives our glute and a chance to relax Booton is like a muscle so you know if you exercise you kind of exercise exercise rest rest rest exercise exercise that's how you build the muscle the same of gluten so we're now just going to bring this together for another two minutes or so just to really incorporate that oil and make sure we got a nice smooth shiny dough you can go and go straight in on second speed now just for a couple of minutes transfer this to our bench now I'm just gonna bring it together into a ball so just kind of work in on the surface not trying to knead it or anything at this point just shaping it together smooth the shinies not tacky at all we're now ready to leave this to bench rest for one hour before boarding so our dough has been bent arresting for one hour I hope you've utilized that hour to do something fun and you can see it's just kind of he's got a bit larger bit flatter we've got a few bubbles forming over here we're just gonna oil our workbench okay it's nice and evenly spread you don't need to do this on a metal surface or you know you do it on any surface wooden surface is fine marble granite but floor so we're gonna separate our dough into two hundred and forty gram pieces and I'm just gonna pick him up and put in the other way down on the oil so get the table in front of you so your oil side is now still face down on the bench and just shape it shape it into a dough ball by pulling it over your fingers you're then gonna use the side of your hands just to put it together and just give them a little roll in the oil again and you'll be left with something should look a bit shiny and a bit like that at the bottom we just want to squeeze him sure almost like a dumpling dim-sum dumpling we're just kind of squeezing them together if he's not sealed at the bottom what we're gonna find is look at little air pockets that's where you get thin bits thin bits of dough so New York pizzas are traditionally very large normally about eighteen inches that's why you buy the New York slice you buy them by the slice this comes from apparently a pizzeria where the workers would come in and they'd want a bit of pizza and the chef would then be like how much money have you got I'll cut you a size depending on how much money we get so we're doing these smaller pieces smaller dough balls that fit into Rock box so we can have a whole New York Pizza eat that way you get more crust and this dog is so tasty you're gonna want a lotta crust crust is a must our dough balls are portioned ready to go we're going to cover them a cling film or a damp towel and leave them in the fridge for between 18 and 24 hours at which point we can turn them into wonderful New York [Music] our dough balls have been in the fridge for 24 hours and now they've come out and sat at room temperature for about an hour and a half two hours this just allows the gluten to relax and will make it much easier to open into a pizza with toppings New York Pizza doesn't have the strict rules that Neapolitan does so with the tomato sauce you can kind of do whatever you want a lot of places will do a cook down tomato sauce so it's a bit richer some places will add basil to it or a garlic to it chilli flakes we've been researching this recipe for a few months now trying to get it to where we want it to be and we found that a Neapolitan style sauce is probably the best way to go in rockbox so this is simply San Marzano tomatoes a little salt and a little hand blend that's all we've got in there we don't wanna use filled a lot a like we would for a Neapolitan piece it's just a bit too wet so what we've got here is a low moisture mozzarella and we've grated half and we've sliced the other half certain pizzerias in New York will use what's known as the East Coast 50/50 blend which is 50% whole milk mozzarella and 50% semi-skimmed mozzarella that's why you see that kind of change in color the kind of different yellows and whites that you see across them by using a low moisture mozzarella grating half and ripping over half as that mixes with a tomato sauce during the longer cook time we'll still see those lovely kind of different shades of white and yellow all across the pizza for me the most traditional New York Pizza appearance-wise is probably pepperoni in America they have a thing called cupping Roni and it's a pepperoni that naturally is is designed to cup up and give you those little pools of fat in the middle that you just want to swim in and bathe in and maybe even live in it's quite a hard thing to find in the UK we found that a really good quality Teresa a baracoa Teresa when sliced that will give you a similar kind of curl up and pull of oil as all the fat comes out of that so you're not actually eating pepperoni you're eating chorizo but it's gonna taste and look great as with opening any pizza Neapolitan pizza and working with dough in general you want a nice clean work surface to open your peeps are on our dough ball has been tossed in a mix of double-o flour and semolina the semolina flour is going to help aid our Chris penis of our cross remember we want that crispy crust that doesn't quite break the semolina will give us tiny tiny little spots of it they will just make it super super crispy on the outside we're not looking for this big puffy crust you are much smaller crust leave probably about half of what you would for a Neapolitan pizza in terms of the crust that you're leaving at the side so you don't need to be too shy with the flour so once you really shape the basic pizza shape you can pull it onto your knuckles and just kind of let it fall and this dough because of the inclusion of oil and the blend of flours we've got in there you'll find that it's much easier to handle it's not quite as delicate as a Neapolitan dough or unenriched dough give us up another little dusting underneath just to aid that Chris penis and just get your final shape cool so now we just pop out any air bubbles that kind of in the base so just give it a little slap and a quick lift check he's not sticking we're gonna stop the tomato sauce this is a one ounce ladle we've got here so for this size of pizza I tend to go for one full ladle and about half into the center of pizza then use the bottom of the ladle what we want to make sure we do here is get all the way to the edge leaving just that kind of one finger wit crust all the way around the outside so once we're happy with outsmart a source distribution we're going to go in with a small amount of our grated low-moisture mozzarella a few spots of the sliced mozzarella this is the same cheese but because one is greater than one each slice is gonna melt and cook slightly differently now before distributing the pepperoni or whatever top and you're gonna kind of put on at this stage it's a good idea to get it onto the peel with New York Pizza then we can lay over our pepperoni I know it's chewy though I know I'm gonna keep calling it pepperoni we're gonna head over to the oven so Rock box is on its lowest possible plane and running around about 350 and we're looking for a deck temperature about 420 okay and we go straight into the oven [Music] so in between bakes if you're making a few of these New York style pizzas you'll find you're gonna want to crank the heat up a little bit just to get a bit more heat into the stone and turn it back down just before your pizza goes in a complete cook time for these guys it's gonna be about four minutes twenty seconds so after about thirty forty seconds we can get our first turn in nice and gently and give it a full 180 degree turn so our New York style pizza is gonna get a few spots a few blisters a few charred areas around the crust similar to its Neapolitan cousin this is a natural consequence of kind of the fermentation time and the temperature of the oven that we're cooking it I'm using the turning build one-handed turning pill this is going to allow me to keep the pizza in the oven and give me a more even bait if you've only got the landing pill that's fine you can still make this recipe but we have got the turnin pill this is a good opportunity to use it it's a big sur period stir so we can see that this chorizo that we sliced ourselves has cut up really similar to kind of the American cupping roni that you'll find and it's nice and crispy as the cheese and the tomato has melded together the mix of the grated and the kind of ripped mozzarella has given us all these different types of yellows all around the outside don't let's slice it up we don't mind a little bit of a droop on the end we don't mind some spotting those kind of things would associate with Neapolitan or we don't want its toppings and cheese falling off all over the place so let's see how we go on I could sit a newborn baby under this knowing full well that no cheese or fat is gonna fall on his head so this is our version for the New York slice made in rock box when you eat it you want to bend the crust you're feel it Bend you'll feel a crunch but it won't break it won't crack it's just perfect [Music] it's great I instantly feel like I'm from New York that's how I feel now I don't gonna start a rap group [Music] you you watching YouTube alone in your room like subscribe and then go and get some friends make a New York Pizza hashtag Ghazni kitchen let us see it so what exactly are we anyway stuck my voice [Music]
Channel: Gozney
Views: 174,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new, york, pizza, mozarella, cheese, cheesy, roccbox, gozney, oven, bake, pepperoni, chorizo, chef, tasty, delicious, recipe, howto, best, amazing
Id: Ot3ZqxhoAzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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