Detroit Style Pizza | Roccbox Recipes | Gozney

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bubble bit yeah blip Detroit is home to many wonderful things Motown White Stripes mmm but most importantly of all it is home to Detroit pizza and in this video we're gonna show you how to make one in Rock box so let's get started first thing we're gonna do is make our dough our detroit dough so we're gonna start with flour we've got 310 grams of bread flour we're using bread flour rather than double-o flour because we want a tighter crumb and we've got 10 grams of salt so next up water we've got 220 grams of kind of warm water and we're gonna add to that 10 grams of yeast so we using fresh yeast here if you wanna use instant dry you can it's generally about a third of the amount next up our dough hook so just gonna add our dough hook to the machine now we can start him working so we've started mixing away at that liquid to our dry ingredients and mix it on a medium speed for about three minutes because it's quite a high hydration dough Detroit Pete so you'll find it'll cling to the sides quite a lot so just in between mixing every now and again turn it off give it a little scrape down if you haven't got one of these get one if you can't get one use an ice cream lid and just cut out this sort of shape so we've mixed that for about 3 minutes on medium speed and it's come together to form a nice dough we're just gonna leave that to rest for 10 minutes and then come back to it so the mixers been off for 10 minutes giving that a nice rest everything can relax and now we're just going to combine it again for a further two minutes still on a medium speed so we'll be left with a quite sloppy looking very tacky but smooth dough Detroit Pizza is a very high hydration don't meaning that it's very tacky quite challenging to work with but at this point we don't really need to touch it anyway so using your dough scraper again just scrape everything off the dough hook on a waste any and now we're gonna oil our bowl so just a little squirt of olive oil in there this is gonna do a couple of things as well as the dough kind of being enriched with this oil and stopping it sticking your oily hand is gonna make it much easier to work with the dough so again using the dough scraper still not using my hand to know your oily fingers can you underneath the dough and just kind of stretch it over itself and all of a sudden it's easy to work with so now we can shape it so once we've got a nice shape just popping back in the oiled Bowl and that's it I'm gonna cover in the cling film and leave it for two hours so this sauce really lends itself to this style of pizza that's Detroit deep-dish pizza we're going to enrich it with butter we've got Oregon oh we've got chili flakes it is absolutely packed full of flavor you could use any sauce you want if you've got a tomato sauce left over from making Neopolitan pizzas you can just use that we're gonna add the tablespoon of unsalted butter and a tablespoon of olive oil so we're using butter and oil in here and that's gonna give us a really rich depth of flavor to the market sauce so well that is melting away we're gonna get two cloves of garlic and we're gonna finely slice them you can grate them if you want okay so as soon as the garlic goes in you can add a bit seasoning took a bit of salt a bit of pepper so next up we've got one teaspoon of oregano and a good pinch of chili flakes quite a generous pinch and we've got one red onion that we caught it and we've got two good-sized sprigs of basil they can go in as well so the basil and the onion will be coming out when we finish the sauce that's why we don't need to chop it finely or anything like that and you want to do this for kind of another minute or so on a nice low heat again keeping an eye not to burn the garlic I've got two tins of san marzano peeled plum tomatoes I'm just giving them a little pulse with a hand blender just they're not completely whole just give it another little stir bring it all together we're gonna let that flip away for about an hour our dough has been at room temperature for two hours and it now looks like this so this recipe makes enough for two detroit pizzas in an 8 by 10 inch pan and you can use any kind of flat tray that'll be absolutely fine if you can get a detroit pan do these trays were originally made from blue steel originated in Detroit where they were used to collect motor parts legend has it that Gus Carrara found his mother-in-law's Sicilian pizza dough couldn't find a trait to cook it in and chucked it in one of these motor part trays these slanted edges that are at the side they allow the cheesy fat to drip down the edges and fry the crust of the pizza so we're gonna line up and with about 2 tablespoons of olive oil then again just as when we were proving the dough the same thing applies are oily hand is going to make the dough much easier to handle the pan is nice the oil we're just gonna set that's one side and get the dough out so hope we're not too fussed about why here but just want to kind of split it in half and if you're not gonna do two pizzas in the same night this will keep for 24 hours in the fridge just clean film it up keep it in the fridge until require just lift him up get him in there and now we're gonna start shaping him so just kind of use your fingers you can see I've not gone all the way to the corners that's okay so we're going to prove this for a further half hour and at the end of that we can just gently kind of push right to the edges so we need to now cover it again leave it for 30 more minutes and then it's Pizza time [Music] our Detroit dough has been sat on our tray now 30 minutes and you can leave it for kind of up to an hour if you want to you just get a bit more of a chrome structure a bit more of a dense pizza the toppings actually go the wrong way around on Detroit pizza so the first thing we do is put on some pepperoni so yeah if you're lucky enough to live near a good deli or a butcher little charcuterie and things like that speak to them and have a look at our community I've got the community people are always on there offering up advice from those ingredients that sort of thing so traditionally we would use brick cheese which is a really high fat content cheese unfortunately brick cheese is quite hard to get where I am we are using a mix so we've got 120 grams of mozzarella 80 grams of Monterey Jack 200 grams in total if you couldn't do the math yourself and it's very important that the cheese goes right to the edges you could stop there if you want if you get this in the oven but personally I like to add an extra layer of hair for only an extra topping and finally we're gonna add our tomato sauce so we can add this before the pizza goes in the oven or we can add it when the pizza comes out post baked I like to add it before because then you get the marriage of the tomato and the cheese all coming together that we just associate with good pizza so we've turned the rock book style down to its lowest setting and we're gonna cook this in the front third of the oven you don't want too much extreme heat so we've put our Detroit pan into the oven width ways rather than the length ways and this is very important if we go in length ways I'm gonna up with raw dough at the front can burnt dough at the back so that's half four and a half minutes and now we're gonna give it a quick 180 rotate so you may have noticed the Rock box we're using today is in fact bright red and this is an investor edition rock box is part of our crowdfunding campaign you can find more details about in the description below five minutes is that a 180 rotate and this at five minutes more all on a low flame all in the front third of the oven now is the good bit now we get to eat it so next up we can grab ourselves a palette knife we're just gonna start loosening around the edges just as he cools I like to grate over a little bit of parmesan as well because it looks sexy and it tastes delicious serrated knife rather than pizza slice tends to work better because this edge is so crispy so always save yourself a corner piece because in the corner you get double the crust now I'm gonna eat some look at the deck as well look at the base race yeah that's crispy shiny delicious this is decadent this is really unhealthy this is the best style of pizza I've ever tried I love the crispness of the edge listen don't forget when you make this Detroit pizza share it with us share with us on Instagram on Facebook hashtag Ghazni kitchen we want to see the hashtag that's what we're following and we want to see what you're making don't forget to Like and subscribe lots of exciting stuff coming up which ways low that's low okay I've been a chef for 14 years you wouldn't know would you so yeah don't burn the garlic otherwise you have to start again and that's really annoying and you know people that do that idiots we just burn the garlic the toppings actually go the wrong way around on Detroit Pizza so bottoming --zz if you will well toppings but then they're at the bottom so they're bottoming we also put some in the middle and I was then gonna say they were middlings but now I'm just gonna leave it so Detroit Pizza is probably my favorite style of pizza in the world if you disagree tell us in the comments what your favorite style is is it New York is it Neapolitan what is it because the answer is Detroit that is a correct route
Channel: Gozney
Views: 100,978
Rating: 4.8749261 out of 5
Keywords: detroit, pizza, deep, dish, pan, roccbox, stone, bake, oven, gozney, joe, chef, cooking, cheese, crust, pepperoni, dough, hydration, high, tasty, indulgent, pie, party, food, recipe, fire, hot, red, sauce, tomato, butter, oil
Id: hvN7zPHKhsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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