What I earn as a pizza truck owner

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yo what is happening lovely people um I am on my way to my popup for the day um looking forward to this one haven't done it for a couple of weeks so let's go had a little bit of issue with the van this morning actually um didn't want to start it was feeling really groggy and a bit rubbish but um I realized it was the carb the carb had got like stuck like the uh or the yeah inside the car it basically had just sort of stuck itself so popped off the uh air filter access to give it a little carb clean and we're right as rain that's why I love this fan it's so analog it's so easy to use so let's go okay just quickly going to show you how to drive this fan it's all very uh old school very basic this is my gear liit this is an automatic it's actually got a two-speed power glide um so at the minute I'm in park so what I do is I drop it down to the bottom so you see that so we're up in park that's reverse that's neutral and then drop it down to the bottom then one up and then we're ready to go we're just basically in drive and then down here this is my handbrake so the handbrake on handbrake off and we're ready to go and that's it basically and then just you know you just roll away and we we go driving so it's got no power steering so it's quite heavy steering but once you get going it's absolutely fine there you go blast along right I'll see you there yo so I'm parked up I'm here uh ovens are lit I'm going to get some prep done uh today I'm running a running a new special here actually these guys a lot of these guys here are vegetarians so they quite often like to have a veggie thing um and we running what we running today hold a minute let me just track me there we go active track enable there you go then I can move around ain't going to worry um so yeah we're running uh it's going to be a tomato base it starts off life as uh like a Margarita uh going to hit that with got some nice thinly sliced red onion got some nice olives I'm going to roast off some oene I'm going to cut some little oene chunks and roast them off in the oven in a minute so roast oine uh olives Red Onion that gets baked I'm going to finish it with a little crumbled fet and a little balsamic just to give it a little punch and that's going to that's going to bang that one I haven't done that one before I've done a similar vibe to that um and yeah we'll see how that one sells here cuz quite often I mean these guy these guys like a premium pizza here um but yeah we we we're going to run with that one today so actually what I thought I might do today in today's video is talk a little bit talk a bit of business actually CU I I touched on that uh previously and a lot of people are asking about sort of like the ins and outs of running uh like a a pizza truck um I mean I I can really only do it from the point of running it in the UK cuz um you know I know the UK legislation and the rules and regulations here and stuff like that so um sorry it might not be that helpful for anyone in the US but or anywhere else in the world for that matter but um yeah I'll see what I can do so stay tuned bear with me I'm going to get prepped uh I need to give it a good clean down as well this always always gets a bit flowery dust no matter how much you clean in here after a service once it drives around things move around a little bit you know a little bit of dust and crap will come out of the oven stuff like that so yeah it always needs a little wipe down so I'm going to give it a good spray a good clean I'm going to get prepped do food prep and I will be back so see you in a bit right you know what I thought whilst I'm actually setting up I might as well just talk to you a little bit so um I'm just going to get my shelf set that I put [Music] outside right so what I thought is whilst I'm actually setting up I might as well talk to you a little bit um and I'm just cleaning down actually um one of the things like I said before that people seem to want to know quite a lot about is the the business side um of setting something like this up and running a pizza business and kind of like costs that are involved and and everything like that so um you know the way I started it was was with a bicycle um I had a minimum I had a very very small startup cost actually just one Rock Box to begin with you know that's a what back in the day when I got it that's I got it on the original like indigogo Campaign which is like the crowdfunding campaign that they did when they launched it and um that oven was about three about 330 quid something like that £300 something like that so it wasn't a massive cost for the oven um my I started with a bicycle trailer so my bike trailer um was actually it was built by somebody else who was going to start to trade um as a bicycle pizza maker um and I I was kind of like I was I was wanting something similar I was going to build it completely build it myself but I actually found that there was these guys that built this one and they never used it they they sort of did it and then didn't bother and um I found them on on Facebook just randomly found this picture and I got in touch with them and they had they still had the trailer and I sort of messaged them and I sort of said like H I wanted to ask them questions about it where they got it from uh stuff like that how how they did it and they were like oh well you know we're not actually using it and I said like you want to sell it and uh they kind of said that they'd entertain an offer on it so um so I drove there it was down in London actually it wasn't that far from me I drove down into London took a water cash with me took my big like estate car and I basically bought it there and then um took it home needed a lot of like adjustments made to it i' sort of set it they' set it up a bit rubbish to be honest and um and then I I I kind of rebuilt it um the way I wanted it to be and um and then yeah I could fit so in that bike trailer I could fit enough I could fit one oven a small gas tank went in in there as well uh I had a little hand wash sink that actually went in like I had a bike that went it went in the basket of the bike the front of it or strapped It To The Top um I I I took like I could fit four do tray so enough for 60 pizzas um which is quite a push for one Rock Box anyway um and yeah and that's how I got started I got a pitch in my local market um which I pay I pay a pitch fee for my local market as well and uh and that and that's kind of how it all began so um we I I I was there just on Wednesdays on my market and um and it and it just kind of like it I kind of built it up from there and I sort of earned a bit of money decided I needed another oven so I bought another oven um and then I bought a gazebo a small little gazebo and some like tables and things like that and uh basically so I could so I could do sort of other gigs without the bike trailer I could put everything in the car go to people's houses go to their garden stuff like that do do do events as well um and I just did a little I did that with two Rock boxes so I was I was doing the weekly Market with a bike any small local event up to like 30 or 40 people I'd do with just one rock box and the bike setup and then um uh yeah then I I basically did Bigger stuff with the Gazebo ran that for about a year and a half made some money um put that back into the business um I probably started everything with the bike trailer with the oven um like no more than all right £2,000 probably it cost me to get set up maybe 2 and 1 half which wasn't a lot I made that back pretty quickly um and yeah and then basically I fast forward a little bit I decided I wanted to have something a little bit different little bit cooler something that could go a bit further and sort of all be built in so I had a piau app a three-wheeler built um and that was custom made that actually cost me £24,000 to build cuz it was like a brand new vehicle it was stripped it was it was built around how I wanted to work and that could fit everything I needed in it it fit like my gazebo it fit uh 3 me no four 4 and 1/2 M worth of table I could fit in that um I could fit uh man what else went in that it's like everything it it I could fit 200 270 dough balls in that which was enough like that literally filled it I 18 D tra which is actually the same as what I can fit in this vehicle right now um so the app could actually deliver the same amount of pizzas this thing did at a big event um and that had two Rock boxes built into it uh which was which was wicked absolutely awesome epic epic little van I ran that for 3 years um and just on a side note if you are looking to set up a business like this in the UK there is a few things it's it's very different to other parts of the world especially in us cuz in the US you have to have like a I believe you have to have like a commercial kitchen um things like that so this is a question it's asked a lot so I'm just going to go back a little bit um basically when you set up you need to register your business with your local Authority generally 28 days before you start trading you need to have at least a level two food hygiene um like I did I did level two and then level three um you need to have uh full paperwork I showed you the paperwork in my day in the life video you need to have like a full like Hazard analysis critical control Point set up a whole like due diligence thing a whole like just everything you need to have insurance you have good um was it public liability insurance generally when you're going to do events they want that uh employers liability if you employ someone I've got product liability um my van needs to be fully legit I need to have gas installation done I need to have all the electrics checked everything like that that needs to be certified every year um obviously this needs to be insured there is there is a lot to do it sounds like a lot but it's actually not that hard so once it's sort of once you're set um and you've done it all it's pretty easy to kind of you know just tick along nicely it's um and there's there's a few places like I I'm registered with encast um which is a national catering Association they're actually really they made it really easy it's all done online you can do all your um kind of like all your paperwork online um they've got like templates which you can change and stuff like that and you with your like membership you get this isn't an advert by the way I'm just saying I've been with them it makes it easier you can there's loads of other things out there there's the government one which is safer safer food Better Business which is free it's just a lot like harder with well you've just got to do a lot more like leg work yourself um and I've been with encast and basically I get a discount with my insurers as well so it's kind of paid for itself over the years because I have like a k protect pack which gives me uh product uh liability public liability and everything I need basically to be legit so um so yeah encast National catering Association check them out they make it pretty easy I'd say as I say to everyone always like chop around look around see what's best for you and your business but um yeah that's how to set up a food business and then you just basically need to keep paperwork you need to log fridge temperatures uh if you use a freezer you got log freezer temperatures you've got to do like there's a there's a lot to do um so it's not just a case of like rocking up and cooking some food you know um everything needs to be checked and legit all the time um you know if you're serving food to the public you got to make sure that you're doing it properly um so yeah there is there is all of that um anyway fast forward yeah the app so I had a custom built p a made that was absolutely epic it um it only did 28 miles hour it was built by a company up in Hull which is up north in England and it was it was cool it was very cool it it just hummed around like it had everything it was like it was like a like a magician's Toy Box the amount of stuff that I could fit in that and I could pull out of it was absolutely epic um and yeah and I ran that for 3 years um I did massive events with that thing baked literally filled it did events where I baked in about six or six 6 and 1 half 7 hours baked 270 piz um quite quite regularly um with just me and then Ben Ben out in standing up in the Zeebo but basically after three three OD years of using that three Winters three Summers um it it was cold it was wet it was miserable being out I mean essentially I was inside but I was still outside so um basically I decided I wanted to a bigger van than this so um I'd made some money I basically the the van the ya had paid for itself well and truly so and I'd say I'd saved up a little bit and so I reinvested in this um found this vehicle at a dealer in Alabama um I used a good a guy from a company guy called Reese who actually I met actually just quickly this a lot of people ask me about this this is like a stainless steel condiment tray from Royal catering very expensive ridiculously priced to be honest it's really handy for keeping all my um all my pizza Cutters in keeps them separate really really handy anyway so yeah guy called ree that I met um he basically run a comp runs company called Morgan's Classics he is an absolute Legend So he we actually met because my when I was going back to my app when I had my app built they put some tires on it which weren't when it when it was built which weren't really fit for purpose they were white wool tires but they weren't like up to the kind of they were a bit too small they were meant for a smaller van and I kind of pulled them up on it and they they sort of said oh that's all they could get and stuff anyway I made them send me some proper tires um and those ones are sold on because they've been used so and he bought them basically he got in touch I put them on like one of these app kind of Facebook groups and he wanted them for a smaller vehicle so i s I did him a good deal sold sold him the wheels the tires and then sort of years down the line I kind of realized I got in touch with him cuz I knew that he did American stuff and he shipped he shipped these appay to the states and uh and I wanted an American Van and I thought well you know this guy probably knows where to get them so um I got in touch with him and I was like mate can you find me a van and he was like yeah I can find you a van and he found me a van so he searched so many places had he's got good contacts over there um and yeah so if you're looking for an app in the state like a three-wheeler check him out AR ree Morgan from Morgan's Classics anyway he found it for me um it was a dealer in Alabama I had it put checked and made sure that it was legit um hold on a minute I I need I need to put some time into prepping so I'll be back in a minute okay I can't remember where we were but basically I had to just do a little bit of prep so um yeah going back where was we we a oh yeah then this man I was talking about Reese um so yeah they found me this van had it shipped to the UK this van before I had it shipped cost me uh to get it to get it in the in the UK in like a very basic state where it needed everything doing to it um it cost me £17,000 so that was before anything was done to it so 17 grand landed in the U in the UK and then Reese picked it up and took it back to Wales um in Swansea and that's where it went through a 6-month refurb so the minute it arrived it arrived into Portsmouth um and it had best part of like 6 months put into it um like $1,000 refurb at a cost so sit down um the final amount to build this van on the road delivered to me like a lot of metal work 6 months of work uh engine work done to it um full buildout built around me uh was it cost me £58,000 now that was fully paid for by myself um you know through through basically selling and earn and making pizza the good thing is I didn't have to pay for it all in one go because it was basically um he has his fabricator who I was sort of paying invoices as I as as it was being built so it was kind of split over 6 months which was very handy um so yeah and then basically since then I've done a couple of extra little bits to it here and there um realized that I just I wanted to upate the springs and the suspension slightly um cuz it although they were fine I just wanted it to be a little bit little bit more a little bit stiffer a little bit less sort of American in the corners and um and yeah so we did that uh so yeah I mean it's it's a 58 Grand van basically um and it's and and it's fully paid for so I've had this now what 3 years two two over two years three years I think um so I'm just prepping some overan uh for today special just to let you know this is just chunked up oine put a little oil on it little herbage little dried herbs just some mixed herbs just to give it a little bit of flavor um and then it's just going to get a nice little Browning in the dome for a couple of minutes so we're just going to slide it in there and that's going to cook off Dome is actually that one's at 540° I've dropped the temperature on that one cuz that one got up to up to 10 got one spare oine I'll keep that for another day um yeah so £58,000 for this van which is a lot of money but it has allowed me to go a lot further it's allowed me to charge a premium for my services it is it won the British street food Awards best looking food truck in the UK in 2022 um it it's like a complete one-off on the streets of England and it quite frankly it's amazing so um yeah looks epic does what I need it to do um absolutely stunning van very rarely is let me down apart I mean very easy to fix you know this this morning like I said at the start of the video had a bit of an issue U with the carb but I'm not mechanical whatsoever but I've learned quite a lot and I can fix quite a lot on this so um you know just popped popped the uh air filter off had a look up in the car and realized it had sort of just seized itself up a little bit so little bit of uh little bit of penetration fluid little bit of carb cleaner and we're back in business it it started straight away and it was it was running like a dream on the way here you know the other week a fan belt snapped in the morning you this is is 52 53 years old um fan belt went that was an absolute easy fix luckily I had one um 20 minutes on my drive at home and I had it done one second yeah 20 minutes and I was back in business basically so um I'm just going to show you what I'm doing here actually let's have a look see if you can see this let's go down a little bit come on I'm cutting onions everyone seems to like it when I cut onions but it's not going to do it cuz it's following my face so I'm cutting onions um let's move you over then you might be able to see what I'm doing and all the prep cuz people people seem to like watching the prep happen um I realized I say her aot cuz I'm just doing this on the Fly it's not scripted it's just me uh so where was [Music] I I interrupted Myself by cooking um right so yeah had the van done absolutely epic can charge a premium but my pizza is still really good value so all in all you know I have invested quite a lot into my business now I could have done it a lot cheaper I could have just bought like a trailer a cheaper trailer stuff like that and done it a lot a lot more simple but that's not me I the reason I have this vehicle is cu I love this van um I was a delivery driver before this for 14 years I've always driven Vans I love having a van so this van in particular was actually the same same van as uh big worm in the film Friday with Ice Cube love that movie one of my favorite movies from childhood chich and Chong Up in Smoke they had a they had a GMC which is basically the same van P10 which was the the van in that the green one you know that that was pretty damn cool uh it was in a few movies from my childhood so I always I I love this van always wanted one of these shapes and um and that's why I'm in it and that's that's why I had to pay a premium because they're rare I knew it would be rare but I feel as though if you're going to do the street food game or like event game you need to stand out you need to be different you need to have your own little spin on things um and that's what I try and do so just flip these so yeah that's that so going back to the fin is you know I've sold enough Pizza to to buy this fan I bought it I paid for it myself through just working myself and doing that so I earn decent money this is my only job I don't have another job um my wife has a good job there is two of us in our household she has a decent career um which which does help and it does afford me being able to kind of mess around a little bit take some time off but I earn very well with this you know I've got my partnership with gosy as well uh um which I do shoots with them which are paid for I get paid to do those um I uh was a brand ambassador and then became a partner which means I'm part of a partnership with them um I'm an affiliate I have affiliate marketing which I earn money from as well where like uh if people click a CO one of the links in my sort of Instagram bio or like a link then I can earn off of that it puts like a cookie on their computer or on their phone if they then buy that item I then get a kickback um so you know I have other avenues but all of my money comes from Pizza basically and I mean I could I could show you on here I'm happy to do this a lot of people don't seem to not like to talk about the finances so what I'm going to do is actually whilst that just chills out I'm going to spin you around and I'll show you so this is let me let me see if I can get this down this is the iPad um this is my point of sale thing as well a lot of people ask me about this so so this is my point of sale on this side I got my Spotify on this side I have my till okay so this is just it's called a it's a called zettle and there's a card reader that just sits outside there and this is my menu okay so today I haven't got the zuka so what I'm going to do I'm going to put that one I'm going to just put that one in in a in a folder to get rid of it um going to get rid of the U the extra U you on that one get rid of that and then we're just going to add a new product so and we're just going to call this one uh veggie special today and this one is going to be a 10er so £10 and I just hit save and then that pops up there I move the folder move it around and then that's there and then so what I wanted what I do is when if someone comes up they orders a margarit they order a margarita veggie special a hit charge here a hit card cash or if they want to pay by PayPal but generally I don't really take cash unless it's spot on hit card connects to my card reader they tap and then that's it and then I don't have to do anything so just delete that out of that folder so let's clear that off but so we can go back to earnings so let's have a look at my report so this is I'm going to show you this this is what I earn month by month on average so if I take you back to 2022 okay so this is January in 2022 there was uh 5,1 00 and then February £ 5,900 March £7,000 April almost 6,800 may I did £5,000 in June £14,000 July I took a bit of time off and some of that 14,000 was invoices that were paid for like weddings and things that I was doing in July so July July and August I generally take a bit time off school holidays so that dropped down to 2,000 so it kind of like levels out 5,000 in August 6,000 in September 4,000 October November 6,000 December 4,000 so that was a pretty good year right onto 20023 you know start off January with 4,000 and 3 4 April 3 2 May 53 June back up to n Grand so June and July I took what £20,000 in just two months and remember I do this alone I have one helper that helps me on the events uh September 5 uh you know getting into the winter months it D drops down a little bit but I I generally take some time off in December or so that's a decent amount of money you know that that goes through the till okay so there is other there is you know more that actually goes into it as well um you know there's more earnings there's there's all of the stuff outside of my point of sale and my event invoicing so it it can be it can be pretty good um not to say that everyone can do that and you need to understand that actually I only do this one to two days a week so sometimes most of the time it's one day um in the summer I might do it three days because I'll have an event on the weekend but I generally do one to two days a week so if you've got the drive and the ambition and you want to earn some decent money then if you were to do this if you have a decent decent area where you're selling a decent amount of pizza and and you're not relying not hav haven't got big staff costs haven't got everything you can do pretty well you know um but it all depends on what you want to do you know I know I could work more I can go to popups I can go to places pubs and stuff and I could probably earn a lot more but I am very happy with what I do I have a good life I have a good amount of time I have Mondays generally every every other Tuesday I have Thursdays and normally Fridays off to myself um you know and then I might be working on the weekend I might be doing event stuff like that so I'm I have a pretty good lifestyle um you know uh as you might have seen from one of my other videos went down did the gosy shoot camped out in my camper um you know spend a bit of time every most mornings I head to the gym I like to cook I like to do I like to chill you know so for me I've had my I'm for I'm 43 years old I've had enough uh of my life working for someone else you know being a delivery driver I was working 55 60 hour weeks and I can earn more in one day than like doing this than I did in a week so but for me I love the pizza I love the product and that's what it's all about it's about um enjoying what I do serving what I want to serve um and I earn good money I could charge more as well but like I've said before Pizza is a value meal it shouldn't cost a lot of money um even though you know I put I put a lot I put a lot into it a lot of passion I reckon um a lot of love goes into the uh goes into the product so yeah if you're thinking of getting started there is quite a lot to consider but the rewards can be pretty cool and you're doing it for yourself and you know every time I serve pizza I I know that the money that I'm earning is going into my pocket basically so um but as far as the products go the cost as well as everybody knows Pizza is got a decent markup um you know I I never made a business plan I never did that I don't actually run the numbers that often um I just know that I always have money in my bank in my pocket and that's enough for me I sort of I have more coming in then I have going out which is good um I can pay the bills um and I can I can have fun so um I can buy myself stuff whenever I want it which is um which is cool you know I've got Wicked van Wicked camper van um and generally a pretty pretty cool life so uh as far as I'm concerned anyway so uh yeah uh as far as the costs are concerned um it's dough sauce and cheese my cheese is what 4 kilos cost me about 30 quid 28 quid so you know it's like what £9 a kilo something like that I get about so the cheese is the most expensive thing to put on a pizza basically so it all comes down to how much how much your products cost is how much you should really be charging um I probably make on a £850 margarita I probably make let me just check this on so it's getting it's getting on uh £850 Margarita that probably costs me about it'll cost me under two quid so I mean the box is expensive you know I I I pay for custom boxes I put a liner in them each box cost me about 35 uh probably costs me 70 80 P of cheese per Pizza um then there's the the toppings depending on what on a margareta the sauce is cheap to be honest one tin of tomatoes will get you almost 30 pizzas and a dough 25 kilos of flour cost me like24 or not even that I think it's 22 quid anyway um and that's just flour water yeast and salt which is again cheap so it's it's cheap to make a doughball um I wouldn't overly worry about the numbers like just make sure that you're making good money on it if you're going to sell it or making enough that you're happy um I understand my overheads are a lot less than everyone else um you know I don't have premises and touching on the premises thing in the UK did I say this at the start yeah you uh I I just do this from my home um so the registering when I got at the start when I said about registering the business 28 days before you start um basically that that fires up your local to get a environmental health officer in touch with you and they will come to your home or wherever you're prepping and they will check it out so I my home address is fully checked out by the environmental health officer they come to your house um they go through all your paperwork go through all your your process make sure it's all clean and up to up to scratch and that's what forms your like Food hygiene rating um and I've got five stars I've kept five stars ever since I've started I've never did below that and um they check the vehicle as well to make sure that this is all legit and all good so that's the other thing that you have to consider uh make sure that where you're prepping is up to standard I know in America you do need a like a commercial kitchen to do that um so that's an extra cost involved and that's why like you might pay $16 for a margarita in America and here you'll only pay 10 quid so um there's a bit there's a big difference Well mine's £850 but so I don't have the rent the rates the overheads the staff cost everything like that involved in what a lot of people will be having in a pizzeria so that's why I can charge what I charge I don't ever I prep everything fresh so like today like I'm working today and tomorrow so I've only cut enough cheese for today cuz I want it cut I want to cut it fresh I want it to be right um the dough I actually so this so yesterday I made this dough yesterday um for today so this is about 24 hours old now um I 8:00 last night I was balling this or 8:30 last night I was balling this up I was making my sauce stuff like that ready for today this morning I was up at 6:00 a.m. in the shower sought out the kids uh got both kids dressed ready for school went downstairs made my dough for tomorrow so tomorrow's dough is going to going to have a slightly longer fermentation in the bulk stage anyway uh made that um got my kids took my kids to school came home loaded up the van made sure I was prepped then I had to fix the van cuz it didn't want to start and then drive it here and set up and later on when I finish here I'll probably be finished here done with service by 2:00 um generally I'm normally sold out by about half 1 here so it's a it's a clean down back home um I've probably got to stop off on the way home get some more gas so I got to do that uh go home empty the van clean everything run it all through the dishwasher clean up uh repr prep cheese repr prep sauce later on tonight I got to Bow up the dough for tomorrow which is more work cuz it's more dough cuz it's a longer day um got to make my sauce as well and then tomorrow morning take the kids I am up even earlier I got to take the kids to school cuz they do early morning Club because I go to the market so then I got to get to the market and I've got to do it all over again then go home and then unload and clean and stuff like that so that's one reason I do not do this every day because I couldn't imagine having to do all of that day in day out it's just it it would become something I didn't enjoy um and for me making pizza is is enjoyable I think if if you're having fun and if you're enjoying it it will show in the product as well and and that that goes for anything that you cook um in general if you're if you're enjoying it if you enjoy the process and anything in life to be honest if you enjoy your job then it's not going to feel like work right um and essentially I've turned what was a hobby into my work so when I'm here even though technically I'm working I'm earning my money I'm earning you know my daily bread it it doesn't ever feel like it if um you like you've probably seen me talk to the customers in my other videos and stuff like that I I massively enjoy what I do um and I hope other people do too so let's make a pizza so got some flour out here just going to get a doughball out it's first one of the day see how it comes out okay what I'm actually going to do I'm going to bring you down here so you get a better view of this uh better view of the assemble here so I'll just point you up like this cool right so got my dough going to push my air to the crust flip it round give it a slap right ready to be to this one I was arming and iring whether or not to make it a tomato base but I think it's going to be a nicer as a tomato Base pizza so we're going to go on with our tomato not going to go crazy with the Tomato though on this one uh got our peino it's a sheep's milk cheese I use a vegetarian one so this pizzer is going to be completely vegetarian got a decent nice smattering of Basel on there going to get our fiap mozzarella and that is essentially already that's a margarita pizza done I mean that's that's the beginning of this one and then we're going to get our oine that we roasted off little bit of oine on here not loads don't need loads going to get our olives oh dropping a couple on the floor and nice bit of red onion not too much I'm going to put the Red Onion on at the top so it gets a little bit more gets rid of that rawness out of it little smattering of oil and that's ready for the oven got my new weapon of choice this my Pro pill um if you check out my last video where I was in the camper van going a go shoot I was basically shooting with this so it's first time I've used this one in the van um going to just go to the limits I've been looking forward to having this one it's just they they sent me the larger one and not this one so um yeah this one arrived actually the same day I was down doing the shoot so there you go we got our pizza going to crank our oven up to a higher flame it's running at 450° going to get straight in towards the back straight down and we're in right let's see if we can let's see if we can bring you in a bit closer let's put you over here on a blue roll there you go hopefully you can see this going to use my gosne balance F peel as well you can see it Bak in just going to get underneath it check the underside just still waiting for it to to puff up going to break the whole seal and going to give it one complete turn and put it back in the same spot look at that checking the underside making sure I get a nice color on it it's looking lovely let's put the tracking on so it can track the movements of the pizza sorry hopefully you can't hear that someone's going past the really loud ass trolley so the base of that pizza is cooked I'm just going to cook out the toppings and the cheese make sure I get a nice color noose nice color on the cross okay that's done there you go okay so there we go we're done going to put this one in a box oh okay so we got the pizza in the Box going to get a nice little bit of fet of cheese just going to crumble a bit of fet of cheese on this at the end not too much not too little just going to make it taste banging and then we're going to get our balsamic drizzle it's just a store B balsamic this one but it's really nice and we're just going to give that a little drizzle to finish it off and there you go that is today's special veggie special you got roast oine olives Red Onion little uh little um what's it called feta cheese and balsamic it's a banger okay let's give it a cut give it a taste go for this one big old slice look at that cheers that is pretty damn good h I'm loving that salty addition to the F yeah that's a banger really nice balsamic just lifts it as well yo so that pizza is banging uh I hope you enjoyed this video uh let me know what you want me to cover next time I hope that was really helpful uh sorry if I missed anything uh there's a lot to actually talk about out and this week actually I'm going to be shooting my full D making video full process um what I do why I do it and how I make my pizza for my business so if you want to see that subscribe uh like this video share it with your mates stuff like that so my dough recipe is coming and have a lovely day thank you very much
Channel: Peddling Pizza
Views: 119,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gozney, Pizza, Foodtruck, Pizza truck, Pizza van, How to make pizza, Business, Neapolitan pizza
Id: PHiWicNEY-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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