Amazing gold and we found EELS !

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hey everybody welcome back to the flower gold wizard Channel I'm Jason my mining Partners Rigby and Rex are here there's big Rigby and Rex Cerrone they find the gold I dig it and as you can see winter is over finally well not so much I do however think that it's over just enough that we should be bble to work the really good deposits I had to drop off from last fall if you can see most of this stuff that looks like ice I'm hoping that it's just like this here and it's just kind of slushy the water is a little bit deep there's some runoff going on from uh some warmer weather we've had how you doing but uh I'm going to still try and work in these areas they were a little deep when we left them off uh just because that's kind of an outside Bend up there and it's getting chewed out but it shallowed up just a little bit right up in this here area so I'm going to break some of this ice up and see if I can't work my way down that way and uh I'll pick it back up if I can work it and in case anybody out there is wondering why I'm so hot after this spot well I found better gold in this small stretch right here and just around the corner than anywhere I've tested in this area before I'm sure there's better and I know there's worse but that spot there is produced over and over and over so we're going to go ahead and head back there and I'll tell you kind of why I think that's doing so well see this this cck starts way up there well I mean as far as you can see it comes down and this is a great big huge inside Bend right here and the laws of gold state that gold should follow the inside Bend and for for all practical purposes it's it's been doing that and there are a few discrepancies in that theory so if it if the Gold's hugging this Shore right here just like that well it's coming down around and this turns into an outside Bend kind of right in there well that that gold is dropping out of the bank where the outside Bend is getting chewed out and the gold is falling straight down but there's not enough current in it in this cck though it's so wide right here the amount of water just kind of fills it up rather than than beating up the bank all that much so a lot of that gold to stay put in this inside Bend right here and then it comes down and around and it kind of gets pushed right around the hump here and we've been doing really really well but when uh the water is running off a little bit more than it is now it's tough to get in there cuz it's so darn deep uh I think we'll be able to uh to work this area all we got to do is get our stuff set up up we're going to do some classifying and some sling and some plain old having fun oh I love summer now just because we know there's good gold here doesn't mean we don't have to test the most important rule in prospecting is test test test we're going to do a test pan right now and if you're new to the channel a test pan is just basically a small sample from any given area to see what kind of rocks or what kind of black sand might be in the area and ultimately gold so I've got a nice big heaper right there let's go ahead and pan that out and see if there's any gold in it he's having fun he's looking for the gold oh that's deep all right grab that baby make sure you get that stuff slathered around good get all the gold to fall through all the other material in there if possible there doesn't look to be a whole lot of clay in there at all and I do like to look for clay but I found good gold here where there's no clay uh sometimes gold can be a mystery I'll go ahead and scoop out some of those larger [Applause] cobbles [Applause] yeah [Applause] all right now we've got it down to a fairly manageable amount here I'll try to pan this on camera front of this here cameras stand and that's a long ways away from my head I don't have my glasses on oh I see a couple pieces already not a whole lot for black sand there let me get that tapped up all right let me do this behind the camera because it keeps hitting it all right we've got four or five of the tiniest little specks you ever did see right there there's a couple of one right there and there's some really super small ones you can't even hardly see so we're going to keep digging maybe left and right because I know other people have have been digging here and that's cool uh I just got to find out where they where they stopped or didn't go deep enough uh or where they just didn't go at all and it's tough to see with this water it's a little bit murky from the runoff but uh simply stabbing your shovel into the into the material next to the bank here you'll be able to tell if it's full of uh really mushy material that just kind of got filled in with the Overflow or you're hitting good gravels so we're going to go ahead and start stabbing all right now this stuff is a little bit bit different this stuff's got all kinds of yicky Cay in there look at how sticky and Mooky that is mixed in with lots and lots of gravels I got a good feeling about this stuff too so we're going to go ahead and get this one washed up pan it out come on rexon it's only 18° jeez well we found a little bit more it's slightly better look at there let me get it little underwater a little bit look at that there's probably eight or nine pieces in that one there and I haven't been getting too big a heap and pans full here I left my classifier down there and like I said it's 18° these puppies get a little cold doing all that panning in this here water so I think uh we we ended up sliding down a little bit further than we were up there we're back down here a little bit further into the straight stretch right here and we're going to just keep working the straight stretch because it's has been good in the past and uh the test pan proves it we got more gold down here and they're slightly bigger so I'm going to grab my classifier classify up a few pales and today I brought my vdr 6in slle I just cut the back off of there and uh it'll act just like a slle uh hopefully the water isn't too darn deep where I can still get enough uh elevation on the top end to have some Pitch down to the bottom uh either way we're going to have fun a good time today the sun looks like the sun's going to come out maybe and really warm it up maybe all the way up to 20 well we're just about done here filling up our second pil and I dug me up and American eel look at that son of a gun that's what that is an eel yeah I'll get him back in water oh yeah we're just about done though and we're going to set up our slle well we do have two buckets all classified up and it's a good thing we got done with that relatively early I got a hole in my waiters right about just above the ankle it's kind of like the boiling frog you throw a w frog in cold water and you heat it up real slow it'll just sit there and boil so I'm exactly like well well I'm nothing like a boiling frog well I'm going to set up my slle and uh run this material over hopefully I can get enough elevation right here the water is coming up as we speak so let's see what we can do yeah all these crates [Applause] h yeah there's a nice flat one that'll sit on there real nice those boys are on patrol let me tell you well we've got our slle set up kind of it's tough to get enough elevation here just because the water's so darn High see what I mean I would have to block this whole thing off up quite a ways and I might work at that as we go but we are running I I mean Fair it is exchanging uh light materials here you can see those uh drop riffles are dancing around fairly well you just won't be able to feed very much on there now I have two scoops on there already there's a pretty decent piece of gold right there let's see if I can pan in on that sure I can see that now running slow like this I will guarantee will catch more of the gold just because well you run it slow and you almost have to anyway this stuff has an awful lot of clay in it see it is washing down relatively fast but not quite as fast as I'd like it but it is exchanging so as I throw these on there I might gather up some large rocks and just stick them over in there somewhere that'll bulge the water up top a little bit and force a little bit more of it over here I think that's all we're going to need is a little bit more water and we'll be in business and I already see some more gold on there let's see where's that first one right there's a the first one then there's another one right over there heck yeah we're in business this should be pretty good all right let me do a little bit of work here and we'll pick it back up then it's almost snack time I do believe we have our slle running pretty darn decently still a little bit slow for my taste but effective now if you'll notice let me see if I can get that down into three the little spinettes here in the dropper riffles up on top are starting to turn black I've been watching them this one turn black and then this one turn black and these are just starting here and then down here there might be a little bit of black sand but most of it's conglomerating and Gathering up in this here area up in there so it's going from Heavies down to lights and that's what we want eventually these will all turn black all the way down until while they're all gold [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well the boys here have been grinding all day long and they put us on the gold so they say it's snack time so I got a couple of teeny weeny little bits of jerky here because he's on a diet and I don't want DS to make fun of them so they each get a teeny weeny little piece but they need that they're hardworking miners cobbles everybody well we've got one Pale run through there but this slle is absolutely choked with black sand from top to bottom so I'm going to do a clean out and see what we got for gold in there then we'll run that other half I could see some gold in this uh small little indicator mat up on the top here you know if you let it clean out but this is taking forever I just don't have the water I think I need to do what I'm looking to do or the elevation rather I mean it is definitely capturing Heavies but it's so slow let's get this cleaned out see what it looks like all right d a little bit of this out put that in there maybe a little less there we go nice and clean and we've got a whole big pile of black sand and stuff all right let me take a little peek at it I'm not going to process all this out here that's just too much this is too slow of a process so let me try to get it tapped up we'll spot some gold we'll continue our sosing hey hey hey well we've got it a real quick clean out out here that is a lot of black sand a lot but there's some pretty good gold in there that water's a little bit murky I tried to pull it back just a here and it was floating all over the place and I did notice lots of big Garnet pieces look at that big old chunk of garnet right there there's my finger and it's nice translucent that is a beautiful piece right there but that's a lot of pieces of gold for a half five gallon pale I should have brought my big slle but we're still having fun I got another fire half five gallon pale right there to run so we're going to do that let's run this one over to slle grab all these concentrates up and get back to the shop of Wonder next to my fridge Wonder grab a cobble we'll process this St uh properly like so off we go oo I'm just giving the dog a bone all right we got it the slle is put up I got all those concentrates from that run this here bucket right here go ahead and give that a dump take a little peek and not too much same as last time but too much to process out here that's a lot of black sand and other stuff so I'll put it in my little concentrate container here we're going to get the heck out of here so I'm ready for a ice cold one I don't know about you guys back in a bit we are back 177,000 hours later and we're back cobbles time there's a fridge of Wonder there's a few new stickers on there we pan over them babies oh yeah we're going to do a little bit of panning here here's all our cons right here got a little bit in my Snuffer and that's quite a little pile of black sand right there so I'm going to turn that into bigs and Littles we're going to pan it out all right to do that I'm going to use a 30 a 40 and a 50 mesh classifiers I'll just stick that right in my pan right there take all this material and grab this little guy here and we'll dump it in there just like that feel was too much more material than this I probably wouldn't do this but we'll be able to clean that out plenty easily just like this here it was maybe a level cup or so of material not nothing too farfetched that we can't can't handle there we go now remember when you're doing this you always have to classify 100% wet or 100% dry or you will not enjoy your day at all there looks like it went through that pretty good this stuff here this uh larger than what do we have here 30 this will be plenty easy enough to pan we'll put that in a pan we'll put the this next size in a pan I think we're about done right here oh yeah looks like most of it was that larger than 30 size right there so I think we got it let's get some pans and get to work all right here's the smallest material everything that went through that that 50 right there get that a little rinsing this should be easy enough to pan out if it's all the exact same size we'll be in plenty good shape plenty good so I'll go ahead and move this bucket then we can do some panning uh I I don't think it's dirt I was just about to say it but looks a little dirty but it's just really light colored sand super light colored sand Almost White and then right to [Laughter] black but like I said it's all exactly the same size well this one might not be cuz this was the one that went through the 50 and we didn't classify any smaller than that so I'm sure there's some smaller than uh well smaller than 50 all right let me pull this back this going to take me a little bit that's a good amount of black sand but I don't want to lose any gold so we're going to do it right and we got it that wasn't too difficult at all and it's pretty darn good actually this is the really small material I got it spread and fanned out a little bit there are a number a good number of pieces in there now I Snuffer it up what we saw from uh uh the first run we made so this is the second run and whatever we didn't get out of the the uh material when we paned out in a Creek from the first run so I'll go ahead and I'll Snuffer that up right along with that looks like there was a little bit of black sand in there I'm going to have to monkey with but that's no big deal so I'll Snuffer that up then we'll pan out those other sizes right there and next size up everything that would not go through the 40 mesh right here we go ahead and give that a rinsing just like that give her a little couple of TAPS in case there's any nuggets caught in that screen and looks like we got her there nice and clean all right this one should be plenty easy to pan out I probably do this one right on camera start to finish so let's give that a whirl and get her all down into one big rib there oh yeah that's real easy uh there we go there's a lot of garnet sand in there that's what I'm noticing I haven't seen any gold in that size yet that sure would be [Laughter] nice and I don't think there's any gold in this size here nope not one piece look at that that's a bummer bummer that's all right well let's grab the next size up or down if you will we still have all those large ones to go through yet here and I'm going to take my time with that stuff a little bit after we go through it uh I want to try and pull some of those nice looking garnets out of there you get them in the large sizes around there or that area and they're really translucent really nice to look at and I like them I'm saving them up I got a I got a nice little jar over there with some with a few in it there we go I'm going to guess that there's going to be some gold in here uh there's not a whole lot of material again looks like mostly blonde sand really I mean I typically I'm already down to black sand but it is what it is right that's probably far enough we'll go ahead and pull that back mhm let me get out of the light somehow or another this shop is just driving me crazy lately I got all these new lights in here and I don't know where to point them which ones to turn on which ones to turn off holy smokes there's no gold in that one either wow that's that's terrifying well we sure got a lot of gold in that really small stuff well let's do the big stuff now we'll take a little bit of a look at just some of this stuff here just like that cuz like I said I want to take my time and get all those garnets out of there but I'll give you the gist of what uh what this material looks like before we start and here it is it's a pretty good size material in there for sure I mean it uh it's everything that wouldn't go through the the 40 or the 30 so there's going to be some just above 30 plus and some a lot bigger than 30 plus oh I think I see I might see a couple pieces of gold in there that gold right there let me get some of this pulled back a little bit more I don't think that was gold nope I don't see any gold in that batch right there so I'm going to do the rest off camera try to ink out those garnets we'll have something to look at all right I've got all that gold cleaned up and I've got some garnets I picked out of there along with the gold in this little pan here under my microscope let's take a little look that is some pretty handsome looking gold right there garnets too I really like those garnets from that area let me see this is actually harder to do than you would think there's a garnet um they looked a little more transluc ucent before I put the torch to all this stuff I might have scorched them a little bit but that gold still sure looks nice and well gold heck yeah we got a nice little pile there today for sure it's kind of spread out so let me put this off into real world let me see if I can Tre that not too darn bad there it is they actually look kind of chunky those are some mighty nice size garnets there too I'm happy with what we did today for two half five gallon pales heck yeah I'll take that anytime but it is going to start warming up where we can go out there and move 200 half five gallon pales get a pound of gold well maybe not a pound two pounds so thanks for coming along until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build our Channel check out our patreon page in the description box below flower gold wizard own
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 15,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wisconsin, Gold, Prospecting, Flood, Eels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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