My BIGGEST pan of gold of the YEAR !!! Awesome GOLD ⭐️

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oh hey everybody hey if you're new to the channel you're a fresh old plump beef stick welcome if you're an old crusty dried up chunk of jerky welcome back as you can see by my reindeer apparently it's raining a little bit we took a little look outside the window this morning and it was raining and blowing wind it's not too bad in the woods yet but we just couldn't help ourselves to get out and do a little mining today or prospecting so I think I might split my day in half today and do a little sluice in as you can see I brought my big sluice along today and I've got a couple of XP pans with see if we can't find us a nugget or two so let's get down to the water and see what we can find and we made it down to the water and uh it's not raining quite as hard as it was on the walk-in that was about probably three hour walk in I don't know 400 miles or so and I already got my sleuth set up check it out that didn't take long at all the water's up a little bit higher than it was last time and this uh this Dam here looks like somebody else fluffed up a little bit uh it's working out perfectly I got a really good amount of water going over that thing because that's loose mat I brought takes a lot of water to run it properly great Rigby that's right he's on the hunt but I know a certain spot on this particular stretch of Crick right here has good gold so I'm going to start classifying uh material right away to run over that sluice and uh we'll do that for a few hours and then I think I'm going nugget hunting last time I was here I got a really nice piece and a couple of feelers and I'm pretty sure I could pick a couple of those babies up so we're gonna get started right now as you can see I brought my homemade glass fire along I'll just put that right in my pail fill it up about halfway with water three quarters of the way whatever and get the shoveling there's some branches stuck down in here yeah those look like I'm gonna be able to move them so I'm gonna have to dig around them but this is the spot I want to work today right under that stuff there oh yeah that's like such grab another one give her a couple of spins thank you and off she goes let me get a couple of pails filled up we'll start feeding that puppy I'm pumped oh both the jam pull up the jam let's take a look at the material we're running right now I wanted to stop right now because I just pulled up a really nice piece of what holds the best gold in my opinion in this area right here this stuff right here look at that clay it's surrounded by nice looking gravels and it breaks up and it's real good and sticky see that how's that taste mmm not bad so this stuff here is coming up in great big huge clumps and there's gold in this stuff like you would not believe look at this rock here all that stuff is stuck to it God darn it that's twice I dropped something in there and that drip come up and get me right in the dang eyeball so we've got about half a bucket processed already and it's not taking too long at all that stuff's coming up fairly easily and big clumps like that and it's a nice fall day out here to do it still raining a little bit hopefully it lessens up a little so I can get this darn yellow jacket off all right we're up and running I got a couple of pails of this really good material good full of clay and slop that's where the Gold's at I'll dump some of that on there and I have been I got about six seven scoops on there ready and everything looks like it's rolling around and they're pretty darn good water is nice and clear today you can see everything going on in our sluice that's what you want to see everything roiling around like that I already see a piece of gold right there heck yeah so if you can see how deep that water is going through there watch that that's probably two Knuckles deep right there a couple inches for sure that's just fine a lot of you guys might think that that's too much water but I have less pitch in this system right here just because of the dam being a little bit lower I mean I could raise that up that end up if I wanted to uh now that the water level is coming up I plug this all off it leaves well but if you'll notice my indicator Matt here my black rubber mat up top all that material is just kind of creeping off there real slow and I've been seeing a piece of gold stick to that here and there so I'm not worried one bit about having too much water with this uh pitch I have going on right now it's probably only at about four or five so I think we're gonna be in the hunt quite nicely and you'll see it's holding on to some lighter materials in there that brown uh granitic whatever that stuff is in there and that'll start turning black has the black sand and the Heavies start exchanging out for those lights this whole thing is going to turn jet black can be really hard to pan but that's just another one of the things we love about prospecting just can't be easy [Laughter] I tell you all right now that we're down to the bottom of a bucket scooping it on my sluice over there you always wind up with just a little bit that's kind of tough to scrape off the bottom so I just add a little bit of water and many times that's going to have your best gold because as you're slashing that classify around in there all the materials getting swished around and it's kind of working like a pan wood all the Heavies are sinking to the bottom so a lot of in a lot of occasions I find the best gold and that bottom sludge stuck to the bottom of the pan so we're going to throw that in a pan because I think that's a lot of fun see how I just had that swirling around and that stuff's so full of clay it just it's tough to get out of there I tell you what so I'll give that some splashes just like that yeah it's still stuck in there all right that's pretty good and we'll pan that out I think it's going to be good because I've seen a lot of gold that get stuck to that indicator mat on that sluice over there [Applause] all right this is the last little bit of what we just panned out and there's I pulled it back real quickly just to see and there was quite a bit of colors in there so I'm gonna do this live in action there's just so many Tarn little teeny weeny ones down at that down at that corner right there they're starting to float around a little bit but I'll get this as close as I can while being careful but I already see there's probably I don't know 30 to 40 pieces in there let me get that up a little a little closer hopefully you can see that let me get it pulled back a little bit and I'll put this baby into three and there's even a couple of a little bit better looking ones in there oh yeah look at that Crepes I got this nice little smile out of one pan all right I'm gonna put this pan down and I'm gonna grab the camera and put that on this gold right here hang on don't tip please don't tip all right let's grab this puppy it'll take a little walk over there and we'll get her down into three look at that that's just off one pan right there off the bottom of that pail all that sludge that is really nice looking stuff I don't see anything too large in there I mean that piece right there has got some character can I feel that one there nope I can't quite feel it but I'm pretty happy Crepes there's I don't want to call them there's got to be 50 in there I bet maybe you guys could count them for me well either way me and Rick Bowen are going to get back to work with gold like that wouldn't you oh Rigby sees it you guys see it I see it it's right here you know what that is it's the Chris Lily Rock of the week that's right who's Chris Lilly well he's this guy up in Canada that likes to collect rocks and he notices that I find a lot of really cool rocks while I'm out prospecting and he mentions them in the comments section sometimes I mail them to him sometimes I don't what are we gonna do with this one I gotta tell you that is one handsome Rock right there just as hard as all get out I'm guessing it's some kind of mineralized deposit of something broke off of a bigger chunk pretty darn handsome though in my book but we're not mailing that all the way across the country over over to Kanata we're getting rid of it yeah all right we're done solution I think for the day rain's starting to come down a little bit heavier and I've got a rain jacket on his his little jacket there is waterproof with his dude with eggs lit are you still okay um we're gonna have a snack I think I'm gonna pack up some of this gear and then we're gonna do a little bit of nugget hunting that's right Rigby says it's snack time and this snack time is brought to you by Bobo links 100 grass-fed beef sticks they are delicious Rigby tested Rigby approved he needs that he's a hard worker Miner that was tasty now we're on the Nugget hunt I mean I'm nugget hunting all I want bring with me is a pan a shovel and a Snuffer hopefully the Nuggets I find or big flakes won't fit in a Snuffer and I can pick them up and throw them in my Snuffer I'll show you guys exactly what I'm looking for I'm looking for areas just like that one right there you see all that's an outside Bend right there and the current comes down and smashes into that bank well there's a gravel deposit under all that stuff there and the current washes all that light material away and as you can see I'll walk over there there's not a whole lot left but a light layer of gravels and larger cobbles now the flower gold Etc and the really really tiny stuff is going to be washed right on down to where we were getting it out of all that gravel deposits that real thick gravel and clay and what's left here is a real thin layer of gravel stuck right on top of clay and there's cobbles sitting right up on top of it and I want to get down in there and skim that stuff right there and uh that's in my opinion where the larger gold uh that I've found is going to be so we're going to take our shovel and we're just going to work this whole bank right here and just skim the top skim the top skim the top I mean you can't just stick your head in the water and look around for the gold [Applause] and here's our first pan one decent piece in there now I can't feel it or anything but it's still a it's a decent flake for my first paint compared to those really tiny ones right there and I'm actually kind of surprised to see those little tiny ones right up against this High current area right here but the search continues isn't that right buddy all right now I'm going to show you guys a little known technique I like to call mash up the clay well it goes a little something like this there's the clay put some water in your pan and you mash it up pretty technical I tell you and it's chock full of nuggets well or not well we're gonna do this for another hour or so he's getting antsy he's hearing things over there I haven't seen anything yet oh there he goes we're gonna stay here and keep grinding away and we'll pick it back up if we find anything good otherwise we'll pick it back up when we're getting packed up bang it a bit we just got the pan of the year maybe we didn't see this look here let me get that wet you can see it a little bit better look at all the gold in that there pan there's a nice big piece there's a great big huge flat flake right there oh that water is dirty there's another nice piece and there must be 40 or better tiny little Eeny weeny fly poops in there there's another piece right there that might be the best pan I ever did in my life at this location that is insane let me see if I can focus in on that even a little more look at that holy crap oh my gosh and uh we were just thinking about packing her up well now we're not yeah it's still raining a little bit it's getting a little bit late in the day but that's not going to stand in between us and gold we're gonna dig some more out of that exact same spot there's another Dandy I tell you what I wish I would have found this spot years ago continuing on well that's going to be it for us out in the field we did 14 209 pounds isn't that right Rick bone but we got a lot of gold uh we found some really good spots with some really really good gold content in it and we got lots and lots of nice looking flakes you just couldn't find anything that I could pick up uh there may be something in my concentrates from the sluice runs we did today I just dumped a few of them at a pail without even looking at them and uh I got big big hopes for some of that stuff as well so I'm gonna pack up all this gear in here that's a lot and make the 19 000 mile Trek out of here just take about 20 minutes I tell you yeah I tell you [Music] finally time for a beer how do you guys beat me home every time well as long as I got you guys on the Horn uh I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna pan out my snufferings we were really stacking it up just panning today um I thought I saw up to 50 pieces in a pan in a couple of pans uh we were really doing well and I'm just curious to see how well we did just panning and after we do that I got this whole bucket of concentrates well it's not a whole bucket but there's a good pile on the bottom of this from from our solution today so let's do some panning and then we'll do some panning of our Solutions something like that all right let's give her a dump in there I think it's gonna be good a little bit more water here we go okay I'll get this stuff into a corner and we'll just take a quick little pixie we can see at it oh yeah there's some nice looking pieces in there for sure this is just our our pan and snufferings right here um [Music] it looks tasty all right give me a minute and we'll get this stuff down to pure gold and we'll take a little peek at it and here's my pan and snufferings all cleaned up nice there's some nice pieces in there for sure really nice can I pick that one up absolutely not it's flatter and flat but I can feel a couple of these little round looking ones right there let me do that there you go you can see they got a little bit of texture and there's some decent flakes in there let me see that one there maybe I can't feel that one but have you seen these things yikes well that was exciting we did well just panning today all right I'm gonna put that stuff off to the side grab different pan we're gonna pan out our Solutions all right let's get some of this stuff out of the way here do that put our gold over here we'll do a little classifying okay all right last fight out right into there this is about half or a third or so just like that come on Pickers or nuggets or whatever there we go let's do it again all right here's some of our Littles all right he already got the muddy water dumped off in it get that stuff panned out now I'm going to take my time because that was a really good gold we were on there today It's Kind of a Funny spot you can go 10 feet away from a really really good deposit and it looks like the same material and not do nearly as good the last trip and then days like today you just well you're just on it all right that's a pretty good amount of black sand it's going to take me a while but we'll get there and we'll do our bigs last we usually don't find a whole lot in The Bigs but I got some pretty high hopes for that stuff today I'm using this big old mine lab pen I'm running out of big blue pants it's a monster so give me just a little bit I'll get through this stuff here that stuff is incredibly heavy where's my darn magnet let me get my magnet why is that stuff so heavy well that's why it's full iron stones all right it's gonna take me a bit and here's the gold from our big stuff well there isn't Danny but here's our side by side comparison now you can clearly see that we did way better with our sluice today than we did with our pan but we got a bigger piece panning today than we did with our sluice let's get both of these in one pan see what it looks like this week's tap to the top is brought to you by Vendetta prospecting I just ordered three ounces of crystalline silver that he that he makes over there I use them my pay dirt bags and whatnot everybody just loves this stuff including me so let's get it tapped to the top for you Mike uh give her a tap look at that big smile well that might be enough to weigh right there that's a nice looking smile all day long hey thanks for coming along today hope you guys didn't get wet me and Rigby took the brunt of that it rained all darn day it's pouring out right now on all 14 hours later but we absolutely got some great gold today I just love seeing those big flakes pop out of a pan when you're just panning raw material fantastic uh we did a little bit better with the sluice but obviously we ran a lot more material and we will be going back to that location-ish I didn't put in the exact spot on camera for obvious reasons but we'll be back there with the Vengeance so until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build our Channel definitely check out our patreon page in the description box below Flora gold wizards oh [Music]
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 58,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Hurd, Gold prospecting, Ask Jeff Williams
Id: eICSdzXAxIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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