New World MAX CRAFTING Guide! | How to Craft 700 Gear Score Items

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what's going on Friends welcome back today we're going to be talking about max level crafting in New World now since the release of the game Amazon have steadily kind of improve crafting and giving you more options uh since the rise of the angry Earth expansion we actually have the ability to make guaranteed max level gear score items so that is 700 gear score items and you can choose uh two or even three perks so you can have the exact perfect item that you want so if I want to make a helmet here uh with health Enchanted board and refreshing we can get exactly just that um so I'm going to be talking about the stages that you need to go cuz this isn't something you can Drew straight away it's not even something you can do once you get to 250 in the crafting level you have to get to 250 and then there's quite a few steps after that as well so we're going to break down those steps talk about how you can do them and uh that's generally what today's video is going to be about as always you'll be able to scrub along with the uh you know the the time stamps down below will mean you can scrub along for the sections in the video that you're interested in as always friends if you guys enjoy these sort of videos make sure you hit that like button leave a comment down below if you've got any of the tips for your fellow Crafters out there and subscribe if you want to see more of this sort of educational uh New World content and with that being said let's kick off with this crafting guide so it probably goes without saying one of the first things you're going to need to do to craft max level items and by that I mean we're talking about this top row here we're going to we're going to focus on armoring for this video but I will you know if there's something different I'll talk about it with the other crafts as well you will need to get to 250 in your craft of choice so if you want to make max level high gear score armor or Max gear score armor if you want to do it uh with blunder Busters for example or spears if you want to make jewelry then you're going to need to get to 250 now um in order to get to 250 you will need to buy the rise of the angry with expansion if you don't have the expansion but just the base version of the game you're going to be stuck at 200 you might not even be at 200 you might be uh stutting at level one or level 12 or something like that and asking baggin well how exactly do I do that what are the best methods when it comes to leveling up crafting well I have three pieces of advice that I would say you should follow three steps that you can go through when it comes to leveling up crafting the first one is to take a look for scraps now you might be getting these as you level up and as you go through your adventures in New World uh they look like this so they're called infused armor scraps there's also infused jewelry scraps infused weapon scraps uh and then there's a Lowa version as well which is valuable armor scraps and this extends across all the different crafting categories what you can do with these in your inventory or your storage shed is go to the relevant crafting station where you want to level up that particular type of craft in this case it's armoring and I'm going to type in the word research this will give me a couple of different options with my uh with my scraps here so I have my valuable arm scraps I can make three of these for a decent chunk of armoring XP down here um and then with the infused scraps we can actually get a pretty large amount of armoring XP here as well this was a process that took me from 200 to 250 on the day of the expansion cuz I had a lot of these scraps saved up because I've been playing the game for a very long time uh I I understand that not everybody is going to have tons and tons of scraps sitting around their inventory but if you do have a few it's definitely worth knowing that that is probably one of the best uses for them even after you've maxed out your crafting CU you can get aptitude you can also take some other crafting patterns that you might have sort of lying around and turn these into some armoring XP it's not as much uh but that is also something you can do as well so basically just typing in the word Research into the crafting station and seeing what you can make there with uh any scrap and spam materials you might have in your inventory that's going to help you getting to that 250 the next thing you want to do when it comes to leveling up your crafting is taking advantage of the first time crafting bonus so you can also kind of this is denoted by the item kind of being in bold so if it's glowing white than you you haven't crafted it before now as I mentioned uh with my armoring I pretty much did all of this just through the scrap system so I didn't really have to go through and make a lot of things but there is something to be said about The firsttime Crafting bonus um I think it gets you triple the amount of XP so let's go down and find something that I can actually make here I don't think I have any materials on me so I think it's a whole lot I can make right now here we go so I finally found some things that uh I have materials for so we have a linen shirt here and this is going to give me 1,520 XP but the base XP is only 490 so you can see that so the first time that I make this 1520 we go ahead and do that and then we're just going to hit Salvage on it cuz we don't actually need it and we take a look at it again this time I'm only getting 540 so yeah it's like a three times XP modifier now I wouldn't want to keep making these over and over again uh because I could just drop down a couple tiers and here's something else that I can get Triple the XP for so just generally going through um items within what you have available to craft and making one of each I think is probably one of the best ways to get that XP rolling and to get yourself towards that 250 Milestone now if you run out of things to use for your first time crafting bonus and you have to make something repeatedly uh one thing that I always recommend is taking a look at the replicas so um this is under the Lazarus instrumentality replicas also the garden of Genesis replicas I think making a lot of these just using the cheapest materials that you can for each one um because these do give a tremendous amount of uh crafting XP and these replicas exist for most categories you can have them with weapon smithing you can have them with armoring I think they're there for engineering as well Jewel crafting isn't going to be there uh but we'll talk about that in a second but yes you will need spectral dust or you will need sticky Vines you can go through and take a look generally you can buy these off the trading post if they seem expensive don't go for it but if you you would be surprised that sometimes you can get quite a lot of these um Expedition materials for quite cheap and they are very very useful uh for the amount of XP that they give you especially with that firsttime crafting bonus in mind now the third step that I would recommend following when it comes to maxing out your crafting is to check out this website this is gaming. tools neworld but I'll put a link to it in the description down below you can choose which section you're interested in so I want to level up my crafting uh armoring rather uh we're going to choose my current level of 100 but before we do that actually we're going to import our server prices from Barry uh that's the server that I'm on I'm level let's see I'm level 150 uh I want to get to level 250 uh we ask it to update and then what it's going to do is going to calculate based on the price of materials on your server uh what you can make so it's recommending that I make 944 pairs of infused silk leggings or 944 uh pairs of infused silk pants so yeah that's the options there um if we go to weapon smithing or something else or if we go to a different server it might offer some different Alternatives but generally it gives you a pretty good idea of how many materials you going to need to stock up and sometimes it can offer like a multitude of different paths as well especially if we choose you know high level over here or give us a more choices and stuff uh I think it's a pretty good website I wouldn't follow it exactly to the te but it is something that is good to be aware of when it comes to leveling up your crafting one final thing that I want to say when it comes to leveling your crafting is it is probably going to be expensive there is no real way to get around it you're either going to spend a lot of time Gathering the materials or you're going to spend a lot of gold Gathering the materials but um it kind of is what it is and in most cases especially if you're making like 900 pairs of infused silk gloves you're just going to be salvaging them afterwards you can't actually sell them nobody there isn't really a market for infused silk gloves these days however that's not always the case you can take a look at something like um gemstone dust for example this can be a handy one to level up your Jewel crafting with if you buy a bunch of of pristine gems off the Trading Post especially if there some of the cheaper ones like Sapphire for example usually won't go too for too much you can smash this up and then sell the gemstone and sort of recoup most of the gold that you invested into it this same thing can potentially be done with um aonor as well you can make Infuse regeneration potions get yourself quite a lot of aronra XP and then sell the potions to recoup the gold on the materials that you've invested your time or gold into so there are some cases especially with Arana and Jewel crafting and maybe even weapon smithing with honing Stone where you can buy materials make an item and then actually sell it but just want you guys to be aware that most of the time it is a means to an end you are going to be investing time and gold into the craft just to get it to 250 and you know it is going to feel a little bit uh miserable along the way cuz you're going to be spending a lot of time and gold and not really being able to make it back so that covers getting the craft to the max level of 250 now unfortunately once you do max out the craft it isn't just a case of being able to go into uh your relevant crafting station and make a Max Level item if we take a look at a mithil grade X here um using this uh lower tier recipe here which only uses two Prismatic leather two three Prismatic planks and 15 Prismatic ingots it's 635 and if we go down to the very expensive option here which is where we get to choose all three perks and we get to choose the attribute and stuff even then we're only at 660 now the reason behind this is because there are a multitude of Buffs that you have to acquire which increase the crafting gear score so specific to weapon smithing and that the first thing that that we can start with is a trade skill food so we have this Savory vegetable medley here and it says it increases your gear score when crafting weapon smithing items by 15 so if I go ahead and pop one of those get it on the hot bar and then we go back into the forge and type in myth roll grade ax again uh we can see that first one when we lock in the highest TM materials it comes out at 650 when we go down to that very expensive version of the great ax we are now at 675 obviously we're still not all the way there to 700 and that is because there is a like I say several other steps that we have to jump through as well so the first one we already covered that is the trade skill food you can buy this off the Trading Post you're looking for Savory vegetable medley if you want weapon smithing for Jewel crafting it is glazed melon bread for armoring it is spicy cabbage soup for Arana you're looking at the sweet wild berry infusion and for engineering it is the herb crusted vegetables now again this is all going to be covered in the written guide and as always pause the video wind it back if you need toh of write this down it does take a little bit of time getting used to all these sort of different steps that you need to jump through the next stage of improving your gear score for crafted items comes in the form of equipping things to your character so right now I have the armor set on so we have the armor hat armor shirt armor gloves armor pants and Armor shoes and this exists um for every other type of craft in the game as well so if I type in the word expertise which is going to show us everything that gives us a crafting expertise buff you can see that we have the engineer hat shirt gloves legs boots we have the same for the weapon Smith uh for Arcanist it's called concocts and then for Jewel crafting it's called mixes now to make things a little bit more confusing as if it wasn't already confusing enough there are in some cases two different sets of each type as well so um we have new world database open here already there is the armor shirt and then there is also the armor shirt as well now they both give exactly the same buff um in the past it was like one was cheaper or easier to get than the other from what I can these days the armor sh just seems to be something that you can craft if you can get the recipe for it which would come from armoring aptitude uh the other one that's going to be more attainable actually drops from an enemy so this armor shirt here drops from the siren's Fist and then if we click on the siren's fist we can see where abouts it is on the map and then go take it down and hopefully get the drop that we're looking for now you can buy these on the trading post as well uh but yeah in general you are looking for once again the engineer hat all the way through to the engineer shoes you're looking for the weapons Smith hat all the way through to the weapon Smith shoes for Arana I think there's two different names of items but I have the concoct hat again all the way through to the shoes and then for jeel crafting we have the mixer set and armoring as we already covered is the armor set each one of these is going to increase your gear score crafting potential by two for a total of 10 extra gear score points and the food is 15 so already just between these two we're getting 35 extra to our gear score another quick and easy five extra points of gear SC you get comes from your earrings so there are earrings that you can get with these Mastery uh perks on them so we have armor Mastery engineer Mastery weaponsmith Mastery you guys get the idea you can buy these off the trading post you can craft them at the jewel crafter it doesn't really matter what the gear scar of the item is it just has to have the perk on it um so yeah don't be looking and thinking you need to get a 700 gear scar version of this just whatever you can find the cheapest thing you can make again you can make them at the outfitting station under the jeel crafting section or you can probably buy a cheap one off of The Trading Post but you will need these five extra points of gear scar as well now the next step towards crafting 700 gear scar items and and getting all the Buffs ready involves buying a house now this is sadly one of the most expensive steps it can be done somewhat cheaply as it doesn't have to be an expensive house right now in New World you have a tier one tier 2 tier three and tier 4 house um this one that we're looking at right now is 10,000 gold this is a tier 2 house 15,000 gold is tier 3 20,000 gold is tier 4 and the lowest tier Tier 1 is only 5,000 gold now the first house that you buy in New World will have a 5,000 Gold Discount which means you can get one tier one house for free but you're still going to need to find a way to get another 10,000 gold to buy your other two tier one houses in other settlements now when it comes to making gold for those houses I suggest checking out the gold guide links to that in the description down below as well uh when it comes to houses we will talk about this a little bit later on um so make sure you check out the the next bit after this particular section in the guide as I do believe there are good areas that you should buy a house in as well but let's cover let's not get ahead of ourselves let's talk about um why we need these houses the first step is to put down trophies so you will need three houses in total because you need uh three sets of major trophies so we have the major armoring trophy on the wall right now we have the major weapon smithing trophy we have the major Arana Trophy and then if I go in with my remaining trophies over here we should also have the major engineering now Jewel crafting at least in this case is rolled into armoring for whatever reason so you don't need to worry about getting a jewel crafting trophy your armoring trophy covers both Jewel crafting and armoring and each one of these gives you plus five to the respective craft so this is plus five to items that we make through Arana armoring is plus five through armoring if you open up your character's bio over here you can see what trophies you currently have down so I can see that in winds Ward I have a major armoring Trophy and everall I have another one and then Brimstone I have another one you might be saying well baggin why don't I just put three down inside my uh Brimstone house you can't sadly you can only have one trophy type down per house so you can only have one armoring trophy in your Brimstone house if you tried to put down another one it'll say that you can't do that so uh yeah this is like I say it's an expensive step these trophies you can make at the workshop or you can buy from the Trading Post uh if you do want to make them at the workshop they go it's like a Russian doll sort of thing where if you want to make the major trophy you need the basic Trophy and if you want to make the basic trophy you need the minor trophy so yeah starting off with minor trophies if we type that out m i n o r um and then we make the minor Arcana Trophy and then we go to basic let's see if we have the option to make any here we don't because I don't have any minor trophies in my inventory and there's also an extra material that you want you need as well so uh this can sort of be made easier this whole process just by using the tools in the game so if we go to the Trading Post here and we type in uh major armoring crafting trophy um it tells you what you need down here uh below so these are all the components that kind of go into it so you can see we need precision armoring tools which is a a rare drop you'll have to have these in your inventory and then if we go back again and take a look at that we will also need a basic armoring Trophy and the basic armoring trophy requires the minor one and you also need this special material here as well Armor's Journal like I said it is pretty complicated are a lot of steps that go into this but the major trophies unfortunately aren't really negotiable uh you will need to get these uh and if you really want to go the whole hog you can make them into ultimate trophies but I think that's going to be a separate video so again I would I would recommend taking a look uh breaking it down take a look at the materials on the trading post um check out the written guide as well we have all of the materials in there uh but you are going to need three different houses and then you go into your house you can open up the crafting menu and put the trophies on the wall um in this case for the demonstration we're talking about armoring trophies you need to have a major armoring trophy down in each one of your three houses now the final step when it comes to increasing your max gear score thankfully is a town buff now this one is um a little bit annoying in my opinion CU you don't really have any control over it whatsoever so I have houses in Brimstone Sands everall and winds Ward now the reason behind that we'll talk about in just a second as we promised but this uh my house in Brimstone is this company that owns Brimstone Sands is Legacy 2.0 now the consoles and the governor of Legacy 2.0 can go to this special uh sort of interactable station here and there's one of these in every town um it's called the territory planning board and from here they can set up lifestyle improvements now down here this is what we're talking about this is why it's important for crafting so weaponsmith temperament is currently active for everybody who owns a house in this territory now this isn't just for brimstone Sands this is just like a buff that I get so even if I'm not in Brimstone Sands I still have the weapon Smith temperament buff you don't get to see it on your hot bar it isn't shown anywhere else um other than if we press uh we go k and we go bio we can see Town project bonuses I have weaponsmith temperament from my Brimstone house in winds Ward we are currently receiving armor Armor's inspiration and Engineers patience and then finally in UL we have Armor's inspiration and weapons to his temperament now these Buffs don't stack but each one does give you plus five gear score so it's basically like having another major trophy on the wall so if I wanted to make armor I would need the Armor's inspiration if I wanted to make a weapon I would need the weapon Smith temperament if I wanted to do Arana sadly I don't think I can do it right now cuz we don't have the Arcana buff from anywhere so we would just have to hope maybe ask in global chat or just cross our fingers that one of the companies who owns either Windwood everall or Brimstone cuz that's where I have my houses goes ahead and sets the Aron wisdom buff active it doesn't cost too much in in terms of how much uh these companies make uh but without this buff you are going to be shy five gear scull points with the exception of something we're going to talk about right at the end of the video so once again just in case that was a little bit too confusing you have to buy a house in an area and then once you have that house you receive Buffs uh lifestyle improvements from having the house in that said area so my house in Brimstone Sands is providing me with the weapons Miss temperament buff uh and then the house that I own if I went to the same territory planning board we could see it there but I could also just open it up from here my house in winds Ward once again is providing me with armors inspiration so we got plus five to armoring and then Engineers patient so plus five to engineering and I don't have to be in winds swad to take advantage of these These are Global Buffs but they are another piece of the puzzle when it comes to getting that 700 g score crafting potential right friends so assuming that you've managed to complete all of the steps so far you've got the armor you've got the earring you've got the food buff unless just go ahead and pop mine over here we're going to armoring as we've talked about so we pop the spicy cabbage soup for 15 gear scull we've got the earring on for another five gear score we've got all of our pieces of armor for 2 4 6 8 10 extra gear score we also have the Armor's inspiration buff as we've talked about and we have our three major armoring trophies down in our three different houses I go to the crafting station and I want to make myself some mithil plate armor and I go I type in mithil and then we go down to the plate armor section and you might have the same problem here where you lock in the highest te materials and you're like oh begans I'm only 675 what's going on I missing 25 gear scull points what what what is the problem here well it turns out there is a hidden recipe in here which you won't see unless you have a certain item in your inventory and that certain item is called the Golden Scarab so if I just go ahead and grab some of these from my Brimstone sand stor shed where I've got mine and you can buy these off the trading post you can get them in chest runs now that I have them here in my inventory or they could also be in your storage seted as well when you go to the crafting station you're going to see that you have a bunch more options so if we type in mythal again you'll see that you get these options here for Timeless shards so Timeless shards strength Timeless shs dexterity Timeless shs intelligence Timeless shots Focus Timeless shots Constitution uh this is basically whatever attribute you want to lock in so if you want to make a strength item then you will choose strength so if I want to make myself a strength grade ax uh that's good but as we talked we want to make um some some heavy Arma so I want to make a mithil plate helmet so if I go to Timeless shots Constitution and then we drop down these menus we've got plate Arma here golden Scarab so if I choose mithil helmet and then we choose the highest TI materials we should hopefully see 700 g scull as an option there so you will also need to have the golden Scarab and then you're also going to need to have these Timeless plate Helmet or whatever the other item is that you're trying to make as well but um in order to actually see the recipe pop up you will need to have golden scarabs in your inventory just one will do although pretty much all the crafts require three but that is one final piece of the puzzle you also need to know about as well uh one other thing that I want to briefly talk on is golden scarabs versus Prismatic scarabs I would say in most cases you should just craft with a golden Scarab this is going to allow you to lock in two perks so we can choose two perks of our choice here uh we will need to choose the highest T materials here we go and uh this is going to make a tck 700 g skull item with the stat that you choose with the Prismatic Scarab you can choose three perks as we talked about at the beginning of the video we can choose three perks here but the amount of materials it requires is just absolutely insane 120 Prismatic ingots 120 leather and 80 Prismatic cloth compared to 8 6 and four it is significantly cheaper so unless you're 100% sure that you need all three of those perks and that is the perfect item and there's no other way that you can get it in the game or it seems like it's a very very low Drop chance I would say just stick to the golden scar Arab some quick final things that I want to talk about for this video uh obviously if you're looking for any particular materials check out new database uh they're not a sponsor but it is just a truly great website so you can type in pretty much everything you want in here Timeless plate shards um to get those Timeless shards just running meated Expeditions is a great way to do it all you can buy them off the Trading Post they're very cheap as well when you are going to craft a 700 gear scull item make sure you lock in the maximum as off you can so in this case it's 495 uh this is such a painful mistake that I've seen people and myself makeing the past where you you forget to do the azoth um and then you get an item without a gem slot it just uh it's it's sad times so don't do that uh that would be such a shame to stumble at the last block make sure you lock in the max as off always just worth double checking this always check that you're crafting with the right stat as well so check the attributes up here make sure you're not accidentally making a focus heavy Helmet or something like that and then the final thing that I also want to talk about is one more point of gear score because somebody's definitely going to mention it in the comments if I don't and that is Fort morningdale so Fort morningdale also gives you a global crafting bonus of plus five now this can be used to effectively circumvent one piece of the puzzle so if you're shot by one trophy if you don't have the earring if you're missing a piece of gear or two in this case you can get five extra gear score by having fourth morning deal now what I mean by having it is that you will have to flag up for PVP so if you press U on your keyboard and then you go and stack stand on the fort so you'd have to travel to uh gravil capital and move down here stand inside the fort you're going to be there for about 10 minutes if you're on your own it will flip into the color of your faction and then your faction will have it for 1 hour it will be locked to your faction and everybody uh whether you're Syndicate all syndicates on the server all Covenant or all Marauders will get plus five to the crafting bonus you're effectively giving everybody a free trophy now this has a cool uh interaction with the game where if you're going to to make something with a prismatic Scarab if you're going to make something ludicrously expensive so if we go back to that mithil helmet that we were talking about earlier you need a 120 Prismatic ingots 120 Prismatic leather and uh 80 Prismatic cloth but because the for is giving you five extra gear scull you're effectively crafting at 705 gear scull except you can't do that that's you're not allowed to craft items above 75 but interestingly if you drop one of these materials down other than the ingots the top material I think always has to stay locked to the highest tier material but if we drop the Prismatic leather down to runic leather we lose five points of gear score but because the it's an invisible 705 it doesn't actually go it shifts from 700 to 700 cuz youve reduced it by five gear score but you were technically at 705 and the difference in price between 120 Prismatic leather and 120 runic leather is substantial so always worth bearing in mind if you're missing a trophy or if you want to save yourself a little bit to gold and drop one of the materials down to a lower tier uh make sure that you go and grab Fort morningdale or keep morningdale all right friends this concludes my quick guide to 700 gar crafting in the world unfortunately it is quite complicated there are a lot of steps you need to go through I really think Amazon could just consolidate them all into the armor or the trophies I don't I don't see why we need the armor and the trophies and the earring and the town buff and the uh the food it's just it's too many steps but anyway uh once you get it you kind of get it uh I I do want to reiterate there is going to be a written guide of this video available on Discord as well along with several other guides with continuing to add more and more so we have builds in here if you're interested in a fire staff build for example we've only got one currently up if you're interested in LIF staff build here's all our LIF staff builds and then we've also been adding uh guides to other aspects of the game as well so how to make gold in the world we've talked about this and this talks about the golden scarabs so if you're interested in uh that section where we talked to you covered it in this video check out the builds guide uh the builds and guide section on Discord right I'm just rambling at this point so I'm going to wrap the video up once again friends if you enjoyed this one as always please consider leaving the old like it would help out a new world Creator in these dark dark days of no content uh if you want more educational New World content just generally updates on the game subscribe uh and I'll catch you guys all in the next video a
Channel: BagginsTV
Views: 11,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New World, New World MMO, New World MMORPG, Amazon New World, New World Release, New World Update, New World Patch Notes, New World New Zone, New World Best Build, New World Free to Play, New World New Weapon, New World Leveling, New World Healer, New World Healing, New World Heal Guide, New World How to Heal, New World Expeditions, New World Dungeons, New World Raid, New World Season, New World BagginsTV, New World 2024, New World Crafting, New World Craft Guide
Id: Sy8POK7SJxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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