Hammer is SUPER UNDERRATED! UPDATED Hammer Guide | Monster Hunter World 2024

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the hammer is actually a very underrated weapon in Monster Hunter not only is an OG weapon in the series gating all the way back to the first game but it's seeing a lot of improvements throughout its lifespan and I really can't recommend this weapon enough for new players or even for expert players as well this is a weapon that's capable of dishing out really high damage but also has an inherent ability to knock out monsters leading up to an allout attack for all of your teammates and while The Knockout effects in the Monster Hunter series are utilized by many different weapons the hammer I think is the easiest way to get the Knockouts some arguments could be made that other weapons do it better but I think this is the simplest and easy way to do it without really having to commit much as every single attack does blunt damage so whether you're interested in the hammer because you think it looks cool because you like the style of the weapon or because you want to be The Knockout machine on the monsters leading to allout attacks for your team this guide will serve as the driving force to make you and Hammer expert so without further Ado let's take the hammer into the training area and show the combos that this weapon can pull off but also also how to utilize the mobility to its greatest effect and how to pull out the potential of the unique abilities Behind these attacks and one see before we do hop into the training area I normally do include builds in these weapon guide videos that I have but uh I wanted to see if people actually did care about that enough so I am going to be omitting them this time around but I am going to be talking about the most important skills for the hammer and why you should use them or why some skills may have priority over others but without further Ado again let's get over to the training area so to start off we have our main combo this consists of pressing triangle or Y three times in a row this is called the overhead smash combo into what everybody online calls the golf swing the golf swing has actually been around a very long time in monst houn basically since the Inception of the first game another way to go into the golf swing combo is by utilizing the side smash the side smash is utilized by using the left stick and the y or triangle button to get this very quick side blow this also leads straight into the golf swing combo but it skips the first step of it the bright side of this is that you can get into the entire combo a little bit quicker this takes a while but it does more damage overall the normal attack combo but if you want a quicker way to access damage or your window is shorter this also suffices next we have an out of sheath combo this is also done by pressing the triangle y button over and over you get to swing into a back swing which is actually very quick and has some good horizontal range but you can also combine this into your typical golf swing combo the third combo and uh probably the most important combo is called the Big Bang combo we press B or Circle over and over again and get this really long winded attack into the Big Bang finisher this is one of the strongest attack combos for Monster H world with the hammer but um it takes a little while to wind up into another thing to not with the big bang combo is that if you miss any of the first four attacks you'll actually be locked out of the rest of the combo now let's get on to the most important thing with the hammer being able to charge your weapon just by holding the right trigger if you're on a controller um you can charge the hammer into a multitude of attacks but you can also run around while you're charging it it is I believe one of the only weapons you can charge while moving around you can take note that in the top left it does drain our stamina continuously though so you have to be a little bit wary of how much stamina you have but it's generally not much of an issue when you play Hammer as you can cancel out of this anytime just by Rolling there are three main phases of the charging with the hammer there is a level one two and three starting with the level one charge of the hammer we have the charge side blow you can press triangle or Y after this to get the charge followup you can also press the circle or B button afterward to get the side smash woo let's sharpen our blunt weapon because we keep screwing up our recording ooh nice and shiny the level two charge is probably the most important in my opinion with the hammer um it is the upswing attack as you can see we Traverse a pretty great distance with it you don't have to be running around though while you're doing this if you just let go while you're neutral you also get this but you actually will realize that you don't go as far you can use it to get in at a moment's notice or uh if you need to reposition um you can also follow it up with combos of course you can go straight into the side smash by pressing yre triangle into the golf swing combo but you can also go into the Big Bang combo from here this could be useful if you're taking uh advantage of a well time knockdown or something like that if you're away from the monster you could easily picture sliding right in like this and just going straight into the big bang big bang obviously is uh very hard to pull off if the monster's moving all the time the level three is the final charge of the hammer depending on when you release this if you're moving or you're in neutral um you'll actually get a different follow up if we're in the neutral State we actually get the charged Big Bang Attack if we're in a running stance we'll actually go into the spinning bludgeon this is an attack that you can just kind of let rip and your Hunter will eventually lose control of their Hammer actually as you can see that's if you let every single hit of the spinning budgeon attack work or land uh uh uh but you can actually cancel the timing of it any time uh with the Press of a button you can't roll out of this attack so it does leave you a little bit vulnerable but you can get multiple different follow-ups if we let go before we've hardly gotten any spins then we'll actually go into this spinning side smash it actually looks pretty cool in my opinion and of course you can follow that up into other attack combos as well you can also do the big bang out of this it's a very quick way to get into the upswing as well as you can see next we have the two swings of it spinning followup is very nice your Hunter spins the hammer in the opposite direction you can also do combos out of this next we have the straight into golf swing attack you can do this after the the third or fourth spin so the charging is obviously the most important aspect of the hammer but what if I told you there's also another key detail that is just as important while you're charging the hammer if you press the b or Circle button at any time in the top right you'll see it says power charge if we press that your Hunter will do a quick little stance and that gets us extra attack power on our Hammer even if we roll out of it our Hammer is actually glowing as you can see and it's not because of the rainbow effects I have obviously um this is an indefinite buff that actually has no time limit the only way you can get knocked out of this buff is if you well literally get knocked out of it or you put your hammer away and see it kind of disappeared like that this is a very important buff as it actually Buffs your attack damage in general and your knockout power as well as you can see we're sitting at 1196 uh raw damage on the right as you can see above our sharpness um if we do the power charge though that number will shoot up and now our Hammer's glowing so the attack damage will have increased almost by 100 points actually it's pretty good so the quickest way to access this power charge attack is actually just to hold R2 and then press Circle right away and you can actually do a Dodge roll cancel out of it just like that very simple very very very useful and very very very easy this also changes the level three attack of the neutral uh charge attack with the hammer it goes into the charge brutal Big Bang it's basically a way to go into the Big Bang combos finisher attack without having to do any of the wind up let's polish this baby back up because we're going to go into the best attack damage combo that the hammer can pull off now unless I'm mistaken and something's changed in a long time I'm not a big hammer man but I used to use Hammer quite often so somebody correct me if I'm wrong in the comments but the strongest attack damage that you can get out of this this is by going into a charge and pressing triangle or Y right away and going straight into the Big Bang combo it takes a while to wind up but it's nice cuz you can access this through a charge and since you can charge while running with the hammer it's a nice way to um run up to a monster in the right spot like I said if it's knocked down before like I said though this combo takes a very long time to pull off and that's why you might want to cancel it it takes like over 10 seconds to complete total it's actually kind of crazy the power charge is also nice cuz it gives you an innate ability to French free uh you get you can't be knocked back by tiny little heads and stuff like that while you have the power charge active so that's also another benefit of it as well but the power of charge is very very very important you always want to activate this right away as it gives you a literal attack boost increase as well as your knockout power in general so it's always important to activate it right away especially like from beginning of the quest to the end of the quest You'll have done a lot more damage and a lot more knockout power so please heed my uh warning or my advice um the power charge is very very very important and there's literally no reason you shouldn't be doing it next we're going to go into uh wall running attacks with the hammer you could just run into the wall like natural and do a jump in the air and press triangle to get it out and do a jumping smash attack this can be followed up into an overhead smash attack into your typical combo if I wouldn't miss well I guess the upswing hit so that's fine you can also do a charge out of the jump as well which can lead into a jumping charge attack if you don't let go before you hit the ground you'll keep your charge status which is pretty nice it depends on the situation that you're looking at if you want quick damage I suggest just letting go of the charge before you hit the ground there's actually not too many walls running techniques that you can do with the hammer but the last and most important one and also the coolest looking one is something that you can get out of the slide as well but we haven't hit the slopes yet in the hammer guide so we're going to show you uh if you are charging and you do run into the wall you actually going into a midair spinning budgeon every single hit in there will actually hit a monster so it is really really important and really cool it doesn't matter what charge you are you will get the midair spinning bludgeon cuz as you can see we actually gain charges while we're running up as well so if we do it right here we're not going to get our level three charge we get like level two maybe but if we charge and keep it over here the level three actually activated as we were in the midst of starting the run next we have jumping attacks with the hammer if we roll off the ledge and do a y or triangle attack we'll get uh as you saw before kind of like with the uh wall climbing attack it's just an overhead Smash in the air which can be followed up into other combos of course and most importantly you can do a charge out of the air as well just as you saw with the wall climbing techniques cuz after those you would are just Airborne so this is basically the same thing you can do uh triangle or Y for Airborne attacks of course but you can also start a charge which can be uh continued on the ground if you want and of course you could just let go of it what is nice is for ledge teasing strats with the hammer you can kind of do like a a poor man's version of the great sword charge swing attack if you roll off the ledge and do your charge in the opposite direction we can get something similar or reminiscent of it going into a jumping charged attack but our character actually moves a lot further literally actually get a midair jump see Monster World is awesome man I love this game why do you like why do you like get an actual midair hop just because you start charging it's it's like we have gone beyond mortal me means actually our like our characters are literal like super humans there might be a lot here to unpack actually I'm not sure all of the uses that you can get out of this if anybody knows the optimal thing to do with this please let me know in the comments down below and let everybody else know for that matter of fact as well if we do run down a slope and get into a slide we if we do press triangle or Y we will get a jumping charged attack is what it's called I'm not sure why it's called jumping charge attack I guess it gives you one level of charge maybe um it is not out of a right trigger charge attack or anything like that but you can go straight into the charge followup also just like jumping off of a ledge and doing a Charged attack out of it where Hunter swings a hammer uh from the back side of it of course you could just do a jump out of your slide and you can do all the midair attacks as we shown before that's the quickest way to get into the overhead smash I believe out of a slide but if we are air out of a jump out of a slide then we can go into a charge as well now that's it for the normal slides of the hammer but if we actually charge our hammer and run into a slope we'll get a charging slide motion it charges up just like uh normal if you're running down a slope and you'll keep your charge even if you don't let go of it now since we can charge our hammer and go straight into attack if we don't actually get all the way into the slide motion um we will just stay on the ground and if we let go of our charge attack it will lead into the side smash as you saw right there because we weren't fully in the slide yet next we have the midair spinning bludgeon out of a slide if we are charging the hammer and we do go into a slide we will get that attack we just let go as long as you're fully in the slide motion you can actually let go whenever to get this out even out of a level two it doesn't have to be a level three rech charge or anything like that you can actually even do it before you hit a level two charge you can also cancel your charge slide into a jump and you will maintain your charge power for uh pressing y or triangle to do the jumping charge attack level three as you saw right there so something unique to the level three charge attack of the hammer while you're in the air will grant you uh access to the golf swing attack just from that attack alone so as long as we have the level three and we let go you can press triangle or Y to go straight into that super strong golf swing so it doesn't matter where you are whether you're sliding or you're jumping off if you can charge your Hammer beforehand and go into it who I didn't know i' get a slide right there we'll get straight into that attack also God dang it looks really cool man and like I said it can come from literally anywhere even if you're in the air for just a second by pressing jump if you have the level three we can go straight into it okay I got to change it objects back actually in the training area because um there is one more thing with the hammer which was introduced with iceborn so this part applies only if you do have the iceborn expansion for monster on World um the clutch claw attack with the hammer this can only be accessed out of a few different attacks but if you plus the left trigger after you're done with um a few selection of attacks you can go straight into a clutch claw attack and as you can see results May Vary depending on where you land um you can actually see the uh claw attack animation yourself so you can get a feel for the range um pressing left trigger after attack of course uh you'll see the grappling hook with the claw kind of pop out so it doesn't matter where the monster is in that um if you can hit it like even if you right here and you miss your attack I hope this reaches anyways you can actually get the claw attack anyways wow I can't believe that actually did hit you'll end up in some very surprising places with this though cuz it prioritized is well I actually I'm not really sure you kind of end up in the weird spot sometimes but right here we're going to try it again I'm going to try to miss on purpose and try to get the claw attack anyways even if you're not in the right direction actually you can actually change the direction of the claw attack itself after the fact you almost do a whole 90° turn as you can see you can also do the claw attack out of a level two charge with the hammer but you won't get any of the spinning in between kind of odd actually you cannot do it out of a level one however though it just doesn't even pop up as an option so that is about it with the charg attacks with the hammer at least um the most important things to note I believe are um the level one and two charges do not mistake them for not being as good as the level three level one leads into your strongest damage Norm normal combo you can go straight into the overhead smash if you want to finish it early but you can also go into the big bang with it as well the level two is good for positioning doesn't matter where you are this attack is super good you move a very very far distance and the level three charge um do not be tempted by the uh spinning bludgeon attack this attack is very good but it leaves you very vulnerable is you can't uh cancel roll out of it or anything if you do make a mistake you can cancel it basically right away and then roll right out of it um but if you do let it go past that part and the spinning budgeon attack you're kind of stuck to doing some slower stuff actually the spinning followup into the roll there was pretty good anything after that is uh it kind of uh puts you at a risk of getting hit and of course the most important thing I cannot stress it enough and I'm going to say it one more time power charge immediately always right away for the purpose of training I have not had the power charge on a lot just because I'm trying to show the moves off so it didn't really matter that much but I'm talking to you directly right now as the player do the power charge no matter where you are with the hammer no matter what situation it is if you do not have the power charge active um it's just there's literally just no benefit to not using the power charge it really doesn't take anything you're Stam is being drained while you're in the charging State regardless this doesn't actually do anything if anything it actually lets you regain a little bit of stamina while you're doing it cuz it does let go of your charge as you can see it cancels like what level you're at cuz it doesn't count as part of it but that's why you can literally just start your charge go into Power charge and roll cancel out of it some other things to note with the hammer is that um the charged upswing will launch players as well as the golf swing attack combo this part right here will also launch players so that's something that you need to be wary of and be uh taken into account I guess so now I want to talk about some skills with the hammer um I would talk about typical skills like attack boost and uh critical eye weakness exploit and critical boost but those skills are all pure damage skills so instead what I'm going to focus on is some other handy skills that you might not have uh considered at first or uh some that are very very good with a hammer that have really good Synergy or some that are like some off Niche picks it depends on how you want to play as you can see I'm already highlighted on the Slugger skill uh this is a skill that goes all the way up to level five with Slugger secret otherwise it caps at level three now since the hammer has an innate ability to stun monsters it might be a no-brainer that you want to Stack this as high as possible but actually you don't need uh Slugger at all sometimes it really depends on how you feel about the hammer whether you want to be doing big damage or you want to be focusing on your Knockouts while the hammer is really good for hitting the monster's face uh most of the time uh you can be hitting other body parts and just going for maximum damage um but it doesn't take a lot to invest into Slugger a little bit all you would need is three points to get the maximum of level three without the secret and whole 40% stun power is really really good even if you just invest a point into it just to get level one that immediately gives you plus 20% stun power whereas level two and three and so on only give you an extra 10% every time so just for investing one point mathematically that is the most stun that you get uh like the most bang for your buck for investing points into it when it comes to your skills next we have stamina Thief uh increases certain attacks ability to exhaust Monsters uh this is a skill that is best utilized in long drawn out fights it obviously helps exhaust a monster that you're hunting a lot easier um however you want to replace this when you're fighting elder dragons as this skill literally does not work against them so stamina Thief very good don't use it against elder dragons now getting into some of the more play style oriented skills we have quick sheath um this might not be everybody's first pick on the hammer but if you want to play more of a supportive Hammer build where you're trying to get Knockouts but you also maybe have wide range skill to heal your teammates uh this is really good especially considering that the power charge uh like every tle time that you sheath your weapon of course power charge goes away but you saw just how easy it is to un sheath your weapon straight into a charge and go into Power charge and if you are charging and you're maybe going in for attack but you notice you do need to put your weapon away you just roll put it away and quick sheath speeds that up greatly and then you can heal your teammates so this is a bit uh more support uh focused I guess but quick sheath is just really good in any support build in my opinion next we have handycraft extends a weapon sharpness gauge this gos pretty good cuz it's just very easy for the hammer to lose sharpness different weapons have different uh sharpness consumptions it really depends on the attack attacks that you're using with weapons but handycraft is a very nice skill to slot in this skill isn't completely necessary though this is more of a quality of life skill for your build next we have earplugs which is a very very handy skill for weapons that like to take a long time with their wind ups behind their attacks um but earplugs is really nice if you can Max it out so that you don't get interrupted out of the Big Bang combo or you can get your charge attack with the hammer on the monster's head or something like that especially because you are trying to Target the head a lot of the time to get your Knockouts earplugs just makes it nice that you don't have to dodge or anything like that because when you do Dodge with the hammer if you were charging while moving around then you just lost all your charge so I think earplugs is best utilized on the hammer this is one of the best skills for the hammer I think and I think it's very underrated I don't know why I don't see more players use earplugs although it's not like some broken skill or anything like that so again a nice quality of life skill to include in your build if you want to have an easier time Landing hits on the head especially in a team setting next up another quality of life skill but this is just a really good skill in general uh depends on the weapon that you're using uh evade window is extremely good on Hammer as well uh we did talk about having to dodge losing all your charge but as the Hammer's only defensive option is to evade this just makes evade window uh all the more useful I don't suggest getting this all the way up to level five even just having two points uh invested into it which slightly increases the invulnerability window you'll realize that you dodge through a lot more things that you would realize and even if you don't have earplug slotted in you can have this slotted in to dodge through monsters Roars and get your charge time back up by you know like roll through monsters Roar start charging right away um and you should be able to get at least a level two um upswing uh charge attack with the hammer on the monster's head or something like that next we have some of the stamina skills I am only going to go over marathon runner because it states that it slows down stamina depletion for actions which continuously drain stamina and as you just gone through this guide you'll notice that that uh when you're charging the hammer and running around you do have a continuous stamina depletion um this skill is also another quality of life skill um realistically you're never going to be charging your Hammer that long or um you won't be running around until your stamina is completely drained so this is a skill I think that's handy for players who are still learning how to play the game or maybe um or maybe you're trying to assess the monster's attack patterns if you're unfamiliar with them and stuff like that you get to hold your charge and run around a lot longer um so this is a bit more of a beginner skill I think that any half decent player or veteran player or expert player or anything like that the skill is not necessary whatsoever but it is nice to consider for the hammer in my opinion next we have offensive guard temporarily increases attack power after executing a perfectly time guard now many players don't know about this but this skill is actually completely useless on the hammer I'm just kidding don't use the skill moving on and last but not least we have Focus one of my favorite skills in mon monster hunter in general and I'm particularly a big fan of it in this game as it's not a super broken skill and it really does come down to whether you like the skill or not the focus increases the fill rate for weapons with gauges and the charge rate for weapons with charge attacks so this is a really good skill for the great sword with the charge attacks but as you might have guessed when you're charging up your hammer it gets your charge levels a lot quicker as you can see level one 2 and three only give you an extra 5% boost to your charge time or at least it decreases your charge Time by 5% I really do suggest going for Focus level three it's not a super broken skill by any means but it is nice to just be able to get your charges out a lot faster it does change up your game plan a little bit too as the flow of your attack patterns and um your general gameplay is a just sped up a tiny bit just enough to where maybe you can charge uh an upswing the level two charge on the hammer a little bit quicker and you could be a bit more mobile and stuff like that um because if you're just using this uh 15% reduced charge Char time to charge up to level two do the upswing roll do it again you could play for like a bit more of a mobile Hammer gameplay style uh or you can focus on your charge attacks a lot with the hammer whereas like you don't do the other parts of the combos now while I don't think focus is an underrated skill I don't think it's overrated either this SK is just a nice balanced skill to give you an extra little bit of uptime on all your attacks and everything like that so Focus I highly recommend myself and I suggest you give it a try now I know that most people think this weapon is very OAB boonga caveman and actually a large majority of the hammer player bases I've seen also thinks that this weapon is kind of brain dead but in my opinion or maybe just in reality I think you need to have a big brain to be able to use this weapon properly we always talked about needing to know the monster move sets with the great sword but I think the same really does apply to the Hammer you have to keep track of where the head is going to get your guaranteed Knockouts and if you really know what you're doing with the mobility of this weapon and knowing uh when to go into your more optimal attack combos especially when it comes to hitting the head directly I think that this weapon actually requires a lot more thought than a lot of people give it credit for especially the own Community behind this weapon anyway the hammer and Monster Hunter world uh super sick super strong and super great knockouts uh it's a really good weapon in a multiplayer setting but it's also just a monster in Solo play as well now the only thing I'm curious about is you why did you want to play the hammer in the first place if you're already a user of the hammer what's the best tip that you can give new players to this weapon and to everybody listening do you think the hammer is a brain dead weapon or is it truly for the Galaxy brains out there let me know what you thought in the comments down below I try to get the most of them and I always take them into consideration for my future content lastly just a few things to wrap up though um the next video coming out will be an insect glaive guide video we also have some build videos that are going to be coming out here in the next couple weeks so please stay tuned for that I'm also going to be resuming the live streams for the safy Jaa and the K teroth and such like that and other monsters if other players want that so consider hitting the notification Bell to be notified uh for those events I'm also going to be making YouTube posts about them and if you're in the Discord already then you will know automatically if you haven't joined the Discord I highly suggest it it's on my main Channel page the link is and I'll have a link in the description down below but that's it for today guys and gals I'm signing off this has been terisa and I'll catch youall on the next one peace [Music] n
Channel: TeraRyza
Views: 39,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster hunter world, capcom, monster hunter iceborne, monster hunter rise, monster hunter rise sunbreak, monster hunter 6, monster hunter, monster hunter world gameplay, monster hunter world iceborne, alatreon, alatreon theme, alatreon monster hunter world, mhw, monster hunter wilds, safi'jiiva, kulve taroth, return to world
Id: Agbf8ZkDPiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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