How to Identify Good Items in New World

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so I'm just finishing up a difficulty 10 Lazarus friend here and one question that I see Rise pretty often in the chat and in the YouTube comments is how do I know the items that are coming out of these boxes how do I know if they're good or if they're bad should you Salvage them should you sell them to the players should you keep them for yourself so in today's video we're going to go through my inventory and we're gonna also go through some quick tips and tricks that you can use to identify whether you have a good piece of loot or you've crafted a good item in new world but before we do that a quick word from today's sponsor when it comes to streaming one aspect that myself and many other streamers focus on is our alerts with a good alert system you will stand out from the crowd and also kind of help improve your audience interaction there's been many times in the past where people like to donate or subscribe to me even when I'm AFK just to leave a silly message streamlabs alert system is really easy to utilize with the click of a button you can add the alerts widget then go in and customize to your heart's content they have a huge Sound Library so if you're looking for something but you're not quite sure check out the library there's love of free stuff and great stuff in there and from the streamlabs dashboard you can also customize your own tipping page streamlabs will give you your own custom URL which your viewers can go to if they want to leave a tip or donation and they don't take any of the cut from your donations you get 100 of the revenue other than the standard processing fees as with the alerts you can customize your tip page design so if you guys are interested make sure you check out the link in the description down below give streamlabs a go it really is one of the best in the streaming software's out there thank you to streamlabs for sponsoring this video now before we really jump into this video I do want to state that good gear or best in slot gear in new world is subjective like the rule one man's trash is another man's treasure can be applied to quite a few items that you get in the game but we are going to be just sort of laying down some general rules and hopefully improving your guys knowledge of how to identify when you get a good piece of gear whether it's from a drop or crafting now an example of some nuances that I want to give first of all come with actually some items that we got from that run there so I have a pair of boots here that are me medium and they have resilient centering reposed Constitution dexterity now centering repost is a Rapier ability Rapier does scale off of dexterity and intelligence secondary and Constitution is also pretty handy for like everybody as well having a little bit more health is good however there is some Nuance here and that Medium boots would maybe not be ideal for somebody using arapia rapia uses typically not always but typically are going to be in a light equip load and medium boots usually don't have a place in a in a light equip load now again this is incredibly nuanced and there can be situations where you will find people who are going to be in uh using medium boots for their Rapier build but as a general rule of thumb if you're looking for something that is a one size fits all and will be like a very easy to sell on the trading post I'll fit into a lot of different builds this would not be it also one thing to bear in mind as well is repost in my opinion is typically only used in PvP and it's typically used by lifestaff and Rapier users those who are playing more offensive with the rape here would seek for offensive perks Instead This is a bit of a defensive perk so again it is nuanced but you would typically looking for a pair of light boots with these perks here and ideally there wouldn't be any dexterity would just be all Constitution or Constitution and focus that would be the build that it would most likely slot into but there are going to be a million and one different examples where it could work in a different build but as a result it's it's not in the mass most available build and therefore it is not going to sell as well as something with different stats and a different equip load would sell hopefully this is making sense I know it is very mind-boggling to a new player now the other thing that I do want to talk about is specifically equipment pieces so kind of going back to what we have with the boots here there are sort of three different ways in which people generally configure their armor and again there is different examples where people will wear different pieces but let's just go over those real quick so first and foremost is a full set of heavy so full heavy is a heavy equip load and you just have every single piece of armor heavy and you know this is a no-brainer heavy heavy heavy just to try and get as much armor as you can and what that means is heavy helmets heavy chests heavy gloves heavy legs and heavy boots all have some perceived value because they are used in heavy equip loads now when we jump down to the next rung down which is a medium equip load there is a particular formula that most players go for in order to min max the amount of armor that they get from the piece whilst just staying under the heavy threshold so you can see here with 22.9 if we went to 30 so if I put one more piece of heavy gear on I would become a heavy equip load but I'm just staying in that Medium threshold right now in order to do that I have a heavy helmet heavy chest medium gloves light legs and medium boots so what that means is heavy has got like a double marker against it now because heavy chests and heavy helmets are used for both medium and heavy equipped loads so you can see some sort of value Rising there where these are become even more lucrative medium gloves and medium boots but what this does mean is that a medium Helmet or some medium legs would be like less valuable because they're not as accessible in terms of different equip loads that people commonly use now the final most common setup is for a light equip load and that is rocking a light chest and that is rocking a light helmet medium chest light gloves light legs and light boots now you guys might have noticed again light legs are being used in both a light and medium equipped load so some extra value there however again this build does not use a medium helmet so medium helmets generally not worth too much medium legs generally not worth too much however the the light gloves medium gloves and heavy gloves all have a perceived value because they're used in those three different commonly set up equip loads and the same with the boots I know this is but I just wanted to lay that Foundation down because it's going to apply to a lot more items that we look through as we go through this video so with that out of the way let's take a look through our inventory and identify whether we have any good pieces of gear from that Lazarus run that we did so the first thing that we are taking a look at here is these medium legs the resilient centering repost Constitution dexterity we talked about this briefly but because these are not light legs they don't work in a light equip load and that's typically why you want a rapia so you might be able to get a little bit for this but I would just be tempted to salvage it because I'm lazy but if you're really desperate on gold um that one's worth throwing up onto the Trading Post the next piece of gear that we have to take a look at here is a resilient refreshing Divine Embrace intelligence Constitution now refreshing Divine Embrace is for the life staff the stats for the life staff are Focus however there is some crossover where you might see some life staff users use a void Gauntlet but most of the time again I don't think this is going to be a great item has some Niche value so you could sell it for a small amount of gold but I personally would be salvaging this one next up we have an amulet to take a look at now when it comes to amulets one Baseline perk that you always want to see is Health if an amulet doesn't have health it is an insta Salvage if you like it's just it has to be there why would you not want an increased Health pool so if it has Health it's worth taking a look at if it doesn't have health get rid of it now this is bind on pickup as well so you've got to bear in mind that you can only use this for yourself what I would want to see on a two-puck amulet is health and then some form of protection so we're talking Health flame protection Health Frost protection Health slash protection this doesn't meet that criteria so for me it is a salvage next up we have a helmet with critical retribution which is a PVP only perk and then blight resistance which is a PVE only perk these two Clash and they're also really bad perks as well so that's an instant Salvage for me critical retribution just in my opinion not a good perk at all and blight resistance like probably like an example of two terrible perks for both the PVE and PVP category combined onto one item next up and this is another rule that we can lay down here is a sturdy energy invigorated chest now if a piece of armor doesn't have either resilience or some form of Ward it is a no-go so what I mean what I mean by that and we'll try and take a look if I have hopefully some examples in here all of my different gear sets as we go through you guys will notice there's one particular perk so in this set here resilient on that uh chess piece resilient on the helmet resilient on the gloves legs boots and then if we take a look at this Gila tank set here we have ancient Ward ancient Ward ancient Ward ancient Ward ancient Ward and this is going to be the same with all of my gear sets they will either have some form of Ward whether it's ancient corrupted lost human there's so many of them these days or it will have all resilient and that is because it's basically a mandatory perk for either PVP or PVE so no resilience or no Ward equals no bueno so we instant Salvage that however one way that it like goes against this and again can make things a little bit confusing is if it has both resilient and Ward you want one or the other you you definitely want to have at least one but not both of them so resilient award get rid of it and if it doesn't have either of them also get rid of it next up we have a pair of resilient corruption resistance gloves again this is a PVE only for corruption resistance and PVP only so very very Niche that this is ever going to be good I would just Salvage that that going onto the chest no resilient no Ward next up we have instrumentality's earring here it's an intelligence earring with refreshing and focus now in my opinion and if if an earring doesn't have refreshing toast it is a no bueno it's a salvage straight away refreshing toast much like Health on the amulet is a must-have Puck it reduces your cooldowns so you can drink potions more often which is just great for everybody who doesn't want to be able to drink health potions more often so no refreshing toast equals if we get rid of it and that's going to be the same with this one and this one I will go through and just get rid of some of those duplicates as well another earring here but with no refreshing toast so I will be salvaging that one now we have what I would say is a fairly respectable piece of gear here we have resilient and refreshing Constitution intelligence so Constitution intelligence is a nice stat line as everybody would generally be rocking some constitution in PvP I think to go with no constitution on your build at all and PVP is quite silly of course the way I'm saying it's PVP is because we do have resilient making it a PVP only armor piece refreshing using your max cooldowns everybody can benefit from that so this is definitely a piece of gear to hold on to I'm gonna hold down the L button and lock that item this would be one I would sell in the Trading Post how much full we'll cover that just a little bit later on in the video next piece of you we're taking a look at is some heavy gloves here with ancient Ward and Elemental aversion this is actually two really great perks here what I would call S tier perks ancient Ward obviously gonna be great for any ancient related content think Lazarus instrumentality you can think of the any Edge you can think of starstone barrels you know the ancient Ward for all of those Elemental aversion is also a really really good perk for just reducing incoming Elemental damage however one thing that does let this uh piece of gear down is that it is a heavy glove this means it's only going to be usable in a heavy equip load as we previously mentioned if you're in a medium equip load it's usually medium gloves if you're in a light equip load it's going to be light gloves so because this is heavy gloves it's only really going to work for like a mage tank which means it's very nuanced it's also bind on pickup as well so unless you plan to play Mage tank which generally you're not gonna do I'm afraid this one would be a salvage despite the perks being pretty good and the stats it's just we needed these to be light or medium gloves at most now we have a medium helmet with dexterity Constitution and Corruption resistance critical retribution this is a pretty terrible helmet hopefully you guys are starting to realize the patents here medium helmet means it doesn't fit into the standard heavy equip load it doesn't fit into the standard medium equip load and it doesn't fit into the standard light equip load also the perks are pretty awful critical retribution I think is a very low tier PVP perk and Corruption resistance a very low tier PVE so just a salvage on that one same pair of glipsia I will go through and just remove all the duplicate items that we have of those ones which just seems to be one actually then we have instrumentalities ring which is a sacred infected and focus ring now sacred is a very desirable perk for healers so sacred is it benefits your outgoing healing which is pretty much only the life staff and some void Gauntlet so this is targeting towards healers healers are always in a light equip load like 99.9 of healers are playing in a light equip load and one thing that people in a light equipped load desire on their ring is hearty by getting the hearty perk they can increase their stamina and get access to three Dodges instead of two so for sacred to be valuable on a ring it also has to coincide with hearty so hearty sacred is a keeper if you have sacred but you don't have hearty it's something that you're gonna Salvage so again sadly this ring is a salvage along with all the duplicate versions of it next up we have a piece of armor with sturdy Elemental aversion as we previously mentioned this doesn't meet our criteria of having resilience or Ward so it is a salvage then we have some ancient Ward Elemental aversion boots again ancient Ward element television great set of perks strength and it's a medium pair of boots so this could work in a medium equip load where we go heavy helmet heavy chest medium gloves light legs medium boots it is very common that you see DPS players in a light equip load but I do think medium equip low DPS could work so these would be a pair of boots that I would consider keeping myself if I was interested in playing uh some sort of strength DPS in ancient Expeditions so if we lock those and keep them for myself elf I can't sell them because they are bind on pickup chess piece here with ancient Ward Vigor intelligence again Intelligence on a heavy chest that this could work if you're playing a medium or heavy equipped load because heavy chests are used in both of those but I would find that most players playing uh with intelligence are going to be light armor and Mage is the intelligence playstyle most of the time so although it is interesting enough and you could sell this for a little bit of gold maybe like one to 200 gold on the trading post I'm personally going to salvage it because I just don't think it would go for too much we've got another piece of the forgotten protector set here it is a medium pair of legs with elemental vision and ancient Ward medium legs as we previously mentioned don't fit into the standard sort of setup that we usually see in most pieces of gear so I am gonna Salvage these but these could be worth keeping if you wanted to shift things around a little bit in terms of your equip load and which piece is a heavy medium and light chess piece no resilience no Ward it is a salvage a pair of gloves here we do have Ward it is human Ward but the second perk down here is a bit of a stinker look is a perk that most of the time I would say is useless unless you're doing a chest run so you could find somebody to buy these if they wanted to run chests in a specific area that is filled with human enemies an example that comes to mind for me is atlas Foundry it is pretty common that you see people running Atlas Foundry however it is a very Niche piece of gear so could sell it but I'm gonna Salvage it myself same with this one here ancient Warden look if you were running some area that had a lot of chests look it's just not really going to do too much in terms of expeditions it is kind of a dead perk it's it's a greedy perk at the very least anyway because it doesn't benefit your team it's just to hopefully increase your chances of getting better drops so for me this one's a salvage as well another pair of gloves here but there is no resilient no Ward we do have a resilient helmet here but it's heavy and it has Constitution intelligence so a heavy helmet with a great sword perk PVP and then Intelligence on there sadly that's just a bit of a weird mishmash where great sword is typically not being being used in intelligence builds although the two perks look kind of good the attributes are letting it down and also the equipment piece here again just you would rather probably have a light helmet next up we have a pair of heavy legs strength Vigor and human War this is actually a really good combination of perks here even though it's only two perks strength is going to be useful for tank and DPS but the fact that its heavy legs means it's much more likely to be a tank human Ward means it's going to be great to run in the Imperium Forge which is one of the new Dungeons and then Vigor is actually surprisingly good in the Imperium Forge as well because it reduces the duration of Burns and you do take a lot of burning damage in the Imperium Forge there's a lot of fire in the Forge so actually a pretty decent pair of legs here again because we have human Ward it's heavy the strength works for tanks and vigor is actually surprisingly relevant for this particular like damage absorption type as well next I prepare legs with no resilient no Ward so we Salvage those a helmet with no resilient no Ward also if an item has indestructible on that is just a real dead perk like really really dead so most of the time if indestructible's there I'm gonna get rid of it we have a pair of gloves with no resilient no Ward we have a pair of boots here which do have resilience and they do have refreshing so much like we saw with that previous helmet that's a great combination of perks there um Constitution Focus means this is an applicable stat line for healers as well as they usually like to run some focus and some Constitution so this is a keeper for me we are going to try and sell that one in the Trading Post how much for again we'll cover it at the end of the video we have a heavy helmet here with ancient mod Elemental aversion intelligence just like the previous heavy pieces with intelligence it is just a weird mishmash where it would only really be used by Mage tanks which just aren't really a thing so unless you wanted to venture into that for yourself because it is bind on pickup I'm going to be salvaging that one we have a helmet here with no resilient no Ward so that is gonna go next up a pair of legs with corrupted ball choking energy Focus Constitution so this is bind and pickup you would have to be considering do I want to keep this for myself because again only bind on equip can be sold on the trading post for ahila you do want to to be rocking uh light legs again it's medium chest is usually the only piece of medium gear you get away with so it does meet a criteria of being a light legs corrupted water is going to be great and various different Expeditions so as a new player this is definitely a piece of gear that I would equip if I was interested in healing and various mutated Expeditions last piece of Epic gear we got from the expedition was a resilient Elemental aversion chest that's a great set of perks right there to estia perks it is a light chest though which unfortunately does bring it down a bit because again we are usually looking for a medium chest you can do some switcheroos and go for like medium legs and medium boots or medium legs medium gloves medium legs medium helmet but most of the time in order to make things easier you usually want to go for a medium chest and everything else light so unfortunately it doesn't meet the criteria but if I was brand new to healing and PVP this would still be one that I would keep and then I would try and make my other pieces of armor work around it so potential keeper here for new healers interested in PvP it's a good two Perka right there next up we actually have a named piece of gear here the childish foot wraps which have ancient Ward refreshing Ward and invigorated these are actually pretty well designed invigorated is not the best of perks but it's going to be great for tanks because it's heavy it's got strength which is usually a tank stat line ancient Ward and refreshing World also work very well for that particular tanking aspect and invigorated is not too bad so I would certainly look to keep these if I was a beginning or returning to New World and wanted to get into tanking in Expeditions lastly we have a legendary binding equip here so potentially we might be in some big money unfortunately the perks don't look that great critical retribution we talked about this previously is just a bit of a stinker when it comes to perks and then resilience great you know that's that's a mandatory to have it be worth anything invigorated though is also not the best of perks here so critical retribution first of all doesn't really matter to healers at all with the focus stat line This is primarily going to be used by healers but they don't healers don't really care about increasing their crit chance there's no such thing as crit heels so it's effectively a two Parker with a resilience invigorated an invigor rated in my opinion is like maybe a b tier perk it's quite average so effectively this you're just getting this for the resilient but by virtue of it being legendary you might be able to sell it for a couple hundred gold so still one to keep on to even though it's like one and a half perks effectively it does meet our requirement of being a light helmet so we can do light medium light light light so let's take these pieces of gear to the trading post and figure out how much we can sell them for this is going to be something that may work on your server it may not depending on how many people are playing but should generally give you a pretty good like idea of how much something is worth so first of all let's take a look at our resilience refreshing gear and see how much we can get that full so it was resilient refreshing on a pair of light boots and resilient refreshing on a light helmet so going into the Trading Post clicking on the filters up here and then adding in the perks of course we can add in resilience and then we will add in refreshing like so make sure you only those perks otherwise it'll show you any item with resilience or refreshing but you want specifically both those two then we want to search for minimum gear score 500 190 because anything under that can't be upgraded with humble shots apply and then we're going to go to the apparel section and go specifically for light armor and we can get an idea of how much stuff is selling for here and sadly it doesn't look like it's that much so our pair of boots uh which were very similar to these apparently are going for 30 gold so yeah I guess I guess this is Barry and the uh sort of threshold for good gear and bad gear it is kind of feast of famine it's either something's worth nothing or it's worth a ton but I still do believe that this would be a good piece of gear at least to keep for yourself as a beginner healer sadly not gonna really be too much made there but it was good to you know show at least demonstrate the Trading Post uh we have the human Ward Vigor strength leg so you guys are kind of getting the idea of what we're doing here we're basically just going to the Trading Post putting in uh the perks that we have setting the gear score setting the equip load and then we can compare to similar things so this one had human Ward um and vigor we'll see if we can find exactly those perks and if we can't find exactly that stuff then we will search for something that fairly similar so 590 apparel heavy armor and let's see if anything pops up here so yeah these look like they could be a little bit more especially with them being strength so Constitution is comparable to strength because strength and Constitution are both very desirable stats for a tank so you could be looking to get around a thousand gold for them so again that's pretty good much better than the 30 gold that we're getting for our PVP pieces and the same sort of strategy can be applied to our other guarana inventory as well so just going to the Trading Post searching for the perks if you can't find something that is exactly like it then what you can do is just drop one of the perks and then take a look like for things around a similar price so we could even set it to be strength specifically and then take a look that way and and look for something that's two perks so you could look for human Ward and invigorated if you couldn't find human Warden Vigor or you could look for human Ward and refreshing uh kind of sort of around the same power level if you can't find exactly the same specific perks that are on your item now before we wrap up this video because it is going quite long I wanted to leave you guys with a resource that I've been working working on so you'll be able to check out this in the description down below as of like recording the video it's still just up on a Google like Docs Google Sheets but this will be on the resources.baggins TV website so we have General armor perks here we also have ability perks armor attributes amulets rings and earrings now I haven't covered weapons just yet but if you guys do want to see a video on weapons and what perks and stuff and a resource for which perks are good on weapons let me know in the comments down below also leave a like on this video but in here you'll hopefully be able to find a like a good grasp on like what perks you want to be looking for so ideally with uh General armor perks you want to be looking for something that's in the best or average category um although I do believe we have renamed averaged on the website and then also the ability perks so usually looking for something from one of these two categories to combine together on a piece of gear and then looking for something with like one of these two categories as well so taking from column one or column two on any of these is generally going to lead you to a pretty good item now again there's so much Nuance when it comes to gear in new world that it's not always going to be accurate but I haven't really seen anybody else out here try and undertake this project yet so hopefully you guys have found this use this video useful um the same is you know done here for amulets rings and earrings as well sort of categorizing the perks in terms of which ones are good and which ones are bad which ones you should Salvage and which ones you could consider selling so that is where we're going to leave it here today guys it was a pretty uh lengthy video and I hopefully we're able to convey whatever the information that was in my head I know it can be quite confusing but if you guys have any further questions make sure you jump in the Stream I'll put a link in the description down below we're live almost every day playing some new world and I'm always down to talk about various Concepts in the game so yeah if you guys are confused check out the stream make sure you go to the resource and as always like And subscribe the video and I'll catch you guys all in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: BagginsTV
Views: 49,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New World, New World MMO, New World MMORPG, New World Release, New World Changes, New World Update, New World Patch Notes, New World New Zone, New World Best Build, New World Free to Play, New World New Weapon, New World Leveling, New World Healer, New World Healing, New World Heal Guide, New World How to Heal, New World Expeditions, New World Dungeons, New World Raid, New World 2023, New World Season, New World BagginsTV, New World Gear, New World BiS
Id: peKldweAPO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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